110.969 lượt xem • 21 thg 8, 2021

Once you became born again, God’s righteousness, His life and divine nature, came to dwell on the inside of you, immediately restoring your perfect fellowship with the Father.In this powerful message, Possessing Your Inheritance: Entering Into Canaan, Dr. Winston teaches that when you, as a child of God, understand righteousness and walk in it, you become a master over every evil force and adversity standing in the way of God’s highest and best for your life. In this four-part teaching series, you will discover: • How God sees you and just how much He truly loves you.• How, as God’s child, you no longer have a sin nature but the nature of God. • God’s nature is that of a king and ruler. He is bold and fearless, and so are you!• Your rich inheritance comes in direct proportion to your new identity ─ as a Son and not as a servant!• When you walk in righteousness, faith, creativity and power flow like a flood! Release Year: 2019

the believer’s walk of faith is paid for

by bill winston ministries partners and


canaan represents

the best of god

moving into canaan you’re switching to a

higher system now

canaan is the ultimate system for

producing everything that you desire

and can produce it in a day

there’s no situation that god cannot get

you out of in

24 hours we’re going in

and we’re going to get what belongs to


your only ticket is faith

the holy spirit

well put it up there please

ii corinthians 13 and 14.

the grace of the lord jesus christ and

the love of god and the what communion

of the holy spirit be with you all amen

now what did i tell you that meant

communion men the word communion in the

greek is conor neal spelled with a k

conania and it means

one that is close to you it’s almost

like an intimate closest like my wife

and i but that’s a holy spirit and he’s

been given to you and he’ll be with you

forever how do i know that all i have to

do is go in here and look at john

chapter 14

and let’s try verse 15. he said this

and he said if you love me keep my

commandments watch this

and i will pray the father and he’ll

give you what another comforter what

will he do

he’ll abide with you forever put it up

there in the amplified translation and

let’s look at that word comforter again

now we went through all of this he said

and i’ll ask the father and he will give

you another comforter counselor helper

intercessor advocate strengthener stand

by and he may remain with you come on

forever see i’m going to send you into a

war zone

but you’re not going to get hurt

if you go and look at e.w kenyon has a

little book called the blood covenant

and it shows that anybody that’s under

that covenant of god that covenant of

abraham anybody that’s under that never

gets touched

every baby comes out perfect

there are no miscarriages there were

none all you have to do is look at the

history of the jews there was not they

went up to fight a battle of jericho

remember and because aiken stole the

tide the next battle of ai they lost 36


why did joshua fall in his face because

they’re not nobody’s supposed to get


can you imagine a war and nobody get


i’m just saying that’s how you can live


but this promise comes by what faith

but if you’ve never heard it you’ll

never develop the faith for it

so i’m teaching you right now that one

you’ll never get sick again

now that doesn’t mean you go out here

drink a whole fifth of jack daniels come

on now come on smoke 20 rolls of reefer

come on now come on see it don’t mean


mean that you’ve got some sense

i’m not leaving any rock unturned i i

got to say all of this

now let’s talk about this because what

makes faith flow and what i said to you

was righteousness

righteousness now what was righteous

said it is by faith

i think it’s romans chapter 5 verse 1

put it up in the amplified please

therefore since we are what justified

acquitted come on declared what else

rave righteousness all right now

so you’re made righteous by faith so he

says you’re righteous say i’m righteous

and i am the righteousness of god


in christ jesus

so he’s made you that way now what we

said is for righteousness to flow

i need to know who i am

and i said something in the first

service your rich inheritance

comes in proportion

to your new identity

your rich inheritance

comes only in proportion to your new

identity now what was the inheritance

the promised land

where were they still in the wilderness

what did the two spies say let us go up

at once in possession well able to

overcome it what did the others say we

can’t do it we’re in our own sight as

notice their

image of who they saw themselves to be

kept them out of the promised land of


and i’m saying your image well i’m i’m

disadvantaged you are not disadvantaged

you are advantaged you you’re more

advantaged than anybody who’s advantage

now let me tell you where that really

pays off see people go to work but you

got to define work according to god

see work is not just just i’m going out

to you know uh tote that bar and lift

that bail that is not work

work includes


what god has placed in you

see that’s why

the a woman before she delivers goes

into what labor why because she’s about

to bring

forth something and the same thing about

work every day you go there you ought to

be excited because you’re about to see

what god put in you

say amen to that

and and the thing about righteousness is

righteousness it brings back a sense of

boldness look what it says up here and

and put uh uh proverbs chapter 30 and

verse 30. look what he says here he said

a lion which is as strong as among

beasts he turns not away from any so

notice a lion has a nature of a lion and

what is his nature

he won’t turn away from any why he

thinks he’s the man

he’s a man i don’t need to turn away

from you because i can whoop you

i’m putting that in 42nd and 7th street

okay but i whip you but watch that watch

this and he knows he can

is he the biggest

does he think he is

it doesn’t make any difference you may

not look the biggest but you think

you’re the biggest and all you got to do

is think that and god can work through

you and do that

all you got to do is think that

i mean i know a guy that’s got what not

the best looking guy i’ve ever seen in

my life now i’m not talking about people

up and down so i’m that i’ll just use

the example but he always has you know

can i go back a few minutes he always

had a fine sister on his hand you know

what i mean and he said how will he do

that well he thinks he’s cute

he see willie thought really he he that

this is when i was a kid in high school

well he thought he was the finest thing

that ever hit the face of the earth

really and used to come over and borrow

my shirts

and didn’t take a bath so when i got it

back man i couldn’t i just gave it back

to a man just don’t take it

but anyway willie come here you couldn’t

tell well he wasn’t killed

but i said man he look at him again man

he got hey they said man he thinks he

the finest thing that ever hit the face

of the earth well the lion thinks he’s

the strongest thing to ever hit there

and you ought to think you’re the ruler

over this earth

say amen to that

now look at uh uh proverbs 28 and verse

one i don’t know why i’m over here but

i’m over here for a reason

verse one look what it said the wicked

flee when no man pursue it but the

righteous come on as bold as the lie see

when that boldness is not there

something’s wrong

something’s wrong

something’s wrong and you can be easily

talked out of your health something’s

wrong come on when you can be easily

discouraged because you ain’t got some

money something wrong

but the righteous are bold

they know they belong to the living god

they know that they’re a child of god

and an heir of god

man you can say in your worst financial

situation i’ll never be broke another

day in my life by this time tomorrow i’m

gonna have some money

and god will manifest money

now here’s what we’re coming up on well

coming up on this conference

so righteousness you got to understand

there are two spirits

you all have mercy

that spirit of want and poverty

and these spirits are designed

to want them to walk with you and want

them to keep you

keep you broke and keep you making wrong


so i’m coming up with a conferency

so unrighteousness allows those spirits

to take over and experiencing you don’t

need to go to that conference when that

conference is going to have the very the


needed thing

because folks you can get a revelation

of your healing in a business conference

because god’s not limited about who’s


how about creative ideas

righteousness will receive it

see the when a person is unrighteous or

there’s have sinned consciousness they

have no spiritual initiative that’s why

they stay in the same broke place

because the initiative isn’t their god


who is god he is elohim elohim means


now he’s creating 24


and guaranteed he’s speaking to his

people to create

say amen to that

and if you’re working with god he’s busy

telling you something new to do

but unrighteousness can’t receive it

you remember the story of the in the

prodigal son luke chapter 15. you

remember that right so what did he do

prodigal son said i want mine now goes

out spends it all

ends up

feeding hogs then he said hey i’m going


he said yeah to be a servant and daddy’s

house is better than this i’m headed

home he started going home now

his father runs sees him runs hugs him

kiss him he’s still smelling like a hulk

and then he says son who’s dead he’s

live again he was lost he’s found come

on in let’s have a party let’s have a

celebration get the best roll put it on

him put shoes on his feet ring on his



let’s kill the fatty calf in other words

let’s shed some blood to eliminate



that he had done in his past let’s wipe

it out from the records but not only

that let’s wipe out the consciousness of

what he did

let’s take the blood and apply it to his


let’s let’s create new brain cells

come on now this this is all what you

can do with the anointing

and the anointing is on that blood

let’s create because i remember when i

hurt my knee went over there and said

hey pastor we’re putting this machine on

there i said what does that do it says

it destroys the memory that’s in the

cells concerning uh your your knee being

hurt i said is that right i said

themselves can you remember that so yeah


i said well if that machine can do it

the anointing can do it

say amen and it will wipe out folks i’ve

had people say hey hey i went to my

hometown hey you remember when we used

to steal them hubcaps

and i was trying to remember i just i

had to agree with i said yeah yeah yeah

man i remember but i didn’t remember

i remember i didn’t remember he can make

you forget

the terrible parts of your path

and they believe it that’s what uh it

cripples a lot of people if that the

enemy brings it up and cycles it through

your mind over here say amen to them


if you don’t play ball with the devil

the next step

or the next stop

is the furnace

if you don’t play ball with the devil

now he’s sending you god sending you

into places

that they may not like you i just read

that am i right about it

but that didn’t make any difference

you’re not coming now to be liked

you’re coming there to transform

the environment now you can’t transform

it unless you’re transformed

say amen to that

all right so if you don’t play ball with

the devil

his next stop for you is the furnace now

what do i mean by furnace

he begins to heat it up

now how hot

did he heat up the furnace

for the three hebrews

all right shadrach meshach and abednego

better okay okay

right answer that said unto the king

nebuchadnezzar we’re not careful to

answer you in this matter watch this if

it be so the god whom we serve

he is able to deliver us from the

burning fiery furnace and he what

he what

now do you have to say it

say yes

you have to say it

i don’t care what the doctor said okay

anybody say if they’re still working on

you you still got to see it

say amen just don’t let it come out of

your mouth

now i don’t care who don’t like this i’m

teaching you how this thing works

you will never rise any higher than

you’re willing to confess

so you gotta say i’ll never be sick

another day in my life you’ve got come

on you’ve got to say something

say amen to that

and what happened in the church many

times been talked out of this because

they’re trying to keep members but they

feel if they say stuff like that

somebody who’s in that professor

whatever will leave

well leave praise god what i’m trying to

do is educate the body of christ and i

realize that i got to go through the

furnace sometimes to get to you but i’m

willing to go through it

because you’re going to be in promised

land you you’re not going you’re going

to be there you’re going to say amen


it’s time for especially black

christians it’s time for the christian

business and black friday to stop being

the smallest business in every city no

no no no no you are the

you are the children of the living god

not only is the blessing for you it’s

for your children your children’s


now we’re going to break this mess up

because i’m going to preach it

now now okay

all right let me just finish this so

the next stop is a furnace

why because you didn’t bow

you didn’t bow see you you somehow you

compromised or not you but somebody

compromised trying to get the favor of

the king but the king is running in the

ungodliness the king has been saturated

by the enemy and trying to so now what i

got to do is i got to go up against the

forces of darkness

but god promised you

that you are will overcome

i said he promised you


first john chapter 5 and verse 4 said

that we

are overcomers look what he says here he

said in first john chapter 4 for

whatsoever is born of god are you born

of god

then what are you going to do

overcome the world anything that they

throw at you you’re gonna overcome it i

don’t care what they call you i don’t

care how they try to snatch your

paycheck i don’t care how they try to

fire you because you’re gonna end up

owning the place just like joseph and

hiring them to work for you

can i keep going

so the next step is the furnace now what

does he control he the enemy tried to

control the curse so he’ll try to send

the curse out on you look what it says

in psalm chapter 73 and i’ll start at

verse three i think it is praise god but

just look at this watch this

for i was envious at the foolish when i

saw the what prosperity of the wicked

keep going

for there are no bands in their death

but their strength is firm keep going

they are not in trouble

as other men

neither are they play like other men

that enemy can direct a plague

he can direct some sickness he’ll try to

put sickness on somebody who’s moving

out and so forth but that’s just the


what you got to do is understand that

sets the furnace

that you aren’t overcome up that you’re

not going to let this furnace turn you


and what he did in the furnace he heated

it up seven times hotter than normal

well what is seven times watch this how

hot does the fire have to be to burn you

come on can a match burn you

now it’s hotter than a match it matches

about a thousand degrees but a furnace


the forged forged steel is about nine

thousand why because they got a bin seal

they got to fit that steel on your door

of your car they got to fit that

horseshoe thing so they heat it up in a

furnace and that furnace is hotter than

anything else

but the furnace is designed that if you

don’t know god you can’t go through that


because only god can get in that furnace

with you

say amen

and i’m telling you it says in first

corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13.

this is for anybody who’s going through

there is no temptation taken you but

such is common to me

but god

is faithful

who will not suffer you to be tempted

tested or tried above that you’re able

but will with the temptation also come

on make a way to escape that you may be

able to what

see job was going through it but in job

chapter 13 put it on the board please in

job chapter 13 when he got to his last

he didn’t know what else to do he said

though he slay me


well i trust him and let me tell you he

brought job out look what he says over

here when god was reading the riot act

to job further over in the book of job

verse 4 chapter 40 verse 7. he said gird

up thy loins like a man let me tell you

what he said in bill winston


man up

man up you ain’t going through nothing

man up

and i’m telling you you think you’re the

only one that went through that satan

has no new tricks he’s taking people

through the same thing but i’m telling

you right now

man up

your days

your best days are ahead of you

god is in that fire with you

you will not burn

you will not falter you will not lose

out you will not be ashamed just man up

god is about to bring you through

well i trust that you were blessed by

that powerful message now this word is

not designed to just

you know just give you a word it’s

designed to empower you so that you can

do some things you’ve never done before

now here is a part of this particular

message you want to

strictly make note of

your inheritance comes only in

proportion to your new

identity you see once

we were born again

we’re children of god we’re no longer

what we were as a matter of fact

as you go on in the teachings you’re

going to see

that god says in the scriptures that

we’ve been born from above

that we have his same nature on the

inside so you don’t have the same nature

as people who don’t know god

you’re different and you’ve got to walk

in that new identity now it the bible

kind of likens us to a lan to a lion if

you will so a lion one of the things

about him is is he’s bold

i mean a lion can growl and you feel the

ground shake

i’ll tell you so this lion now he may

not be the biggest thing in the jungle

but he thinks he is

so around you may be all kinds of giants

all kind of giant opportunities giant

obstacles and so forth now in your own

natural self before you got born again

you couldn’t overcome that but now

you’re a giant slayer that’s what you’re

looking for your stuff

is wherever it looks impossible

guaranteed yourself is right there

praise god but you as a lion the bible

says in proverbs 30 30 turn not away

from any you are strong and very

courageous isn’t that powerful now

today’s message is entitled entering

into canaan now i’m offering a four part

teaching on entering into canaan plus

i’m putting together with that a book

called training for reigning now that’s

a bundle that you’re gonna get i mean

this is a life transforming bundle here

that i want you to order i mean if

you’re looking to wake something up

inside of you so that you that fear will

go away you’ll feel strong and very

courageous this is the teaching for you

get this teaching guaranteed it’ll

change your life well this is bill

winston until next time we love you and

keep walking by faith

today’s series entering into canaan is

available in its entirety on cd or mp3

on dvd or mp4 to order call 1-800-711

or contact us online at billwinston.org

want additional resources to help you

grow order reining in kanan’s special

bundle which includes entering into

kanan four-part series and dr winston’s

mini-book training for reigning order

this dynamic bundle today

i came to announce

that this is the last day

and you’re gonna go through what you’ve

been doing

this is a new day

i said this

you moving is a time that you speak the

word only

and god said he will bring it to pass




well hello this is bill winston i’m

introducing my book it’s called the

kingdom of god in you now this book was

put out years ago and this is the

revised edition i’ve added some things

to it now i believe that this is one of

the most important readings

in the body of christ in other words

when you see jesus and opening up with

his ministry all he preached was a

kingdom he preached it taught it and

demonstrated it because that’s what it’s

all about that’s why he said pray thy

kingdom come thy will be done where in

earth as it is in heaven now when you’re

talking about the kingdom of god notice

the word king

and dumb and dumb is domain and what is

the domain it is a territory

under the government

of a sovereign or sovereign ruler

now that’s what is needed today because

the bible says that the kingdom of god

is in you

if you’re born again the kingdom whole

kingdom has come inside of you

now wherever you go you express that

sovereign government once you read this

book and get a revelation of the kingdom

of god in you you will speak with

authority that you never know you have

and watch the demonstration of god

because his whole government angel’s

anointing is backing what you say

isn’t it powerful

the kingdom of god in you this will

change your life forever it’ll take you

from the bottom

to the top guaranteed it’s the kingdom

of god in you

doctors bill and veronica winston are

dedicated to seeing lives changed

through the power of prayer our loving

and highly trained prayer ministers are

ready to pray and agree with you we know

that prayer can turn around any

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about joining us in partnership and be a

part of the wonderful work that god is

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the mission of bill winston ministries

is to preach the gospel of the kingdom

throughout the world we invite you to

become a partner and join dr bill

winston as he trains believers how to

live independent of this world system

and have dominion over it thank you bill

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this is bill winston i love you and keep

walking by faith