Only Grace Can Win – 4D Workshop
In Isaiah 55:11 God was speaking, “So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth: it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” In this 4D Workshop series by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn that the words you speak in faith will accomplish what you’ve spoken as well. God is faithful to perform the words we speak out of our mouth! Those words will not fall to the ground as long as we continue to speak what God speaks. Ordering Information: BW 2134B Only Grace Can Win – 4D Worship series Series 503…
ANNOUNCER: The Believers Walk
of Faith is paid for by Bill
Winston Ministries
partners and viewers.
BILL: We are going to have 4D
workshop. This workshop is
taking us up to another level.
Faith is a thing that crosses
over from one realm to the
other. God has given you faith
to reach back up into the world
that you fell from. So you could
operate in two dimensions
because God makes all things new
and He’s put ’em all there and
inexhaustible supply that can
meet the need of every person on
this earth anytime, any place.
BILL: See, we’re taking back all
that the garden had lost. Say
amen. This is where the church
Brother Hagin said before we
leave here, men going to walk
like God. He said it and I
believe it. Now, what am I
saying here is that this whole
linear thing versus the eternal,
if you look at a ring, for
example, wedding ring, the
wedding wing is round, and
eternity has no end and no
beginning. You got what I’m
saying? And that’s a
symbolizing, an ever, never
ending circle of love that
goes for the one that you’re
patrolled to, or the one that
you married to. Are, you follow
what I’m saying? Now, this whole
eternity piece is talked about
in the scriptures. Isaiah,
please and look at Isaiah. Are
y’all getting something
here? Isaiah chapter 46.
And look at verse 9
and 10. Ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
BILL: Everything that I said is
going to come to pass. You got
what I’m saying? And if you look
at Isaiah chapter 57 and verse
15, I remember that scripture
because there’s a Chevy. 57, 57
Chevy. Alright, Isaiah 57
verse 15. Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
BILL: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. He
inhabits what? Eternity. Where
is God? He’s in eternity. He’s
in eternity. He inhabits that.
Are you his child? See, you
can operate like you’re there.
Listen now this is not for lazy
saints, this is for mature
people because well, I don’t
need to learn nothing and I just
stay at home and get breakfast
in bed. No, no. That’s not what
He’s talking about. He’s
talking about he will add to
what you got. Look what
it says in Daniel chapter
1, verse 17, please.
Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
BILL: Stop gave them knowledge
and skill in all what? Learning.
See, they had to learn something
that’s linear, but He gave them
knowledge, on top of that. And
that’s the part that we’re
talking about, that spiritual.
Let’s look at one verse which
Jesus operated under.
Look at Matthew
please, chapter 13 and
verse 54, ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: No two things come
together. The same thing out
there in the wilderness, and
Exodus chapter 31. The same
thing with Jesus, not only
wisdom but what?Mighty works.
See, He gave him the spirit of
might and the spirit of wisdom.
And God can put those things on
you and you’ll have a knowledge
of something that you’ve never
seen before. George Washington
Carver, a agricultural
scientist, a black man born in
slavery, went into his workshop,
his laboratory, he called it
God’s little workshop, asked
God about a peanut. He said God
pulled back a curtain and showed
him how to take the peanut apart
and put the peanut back
together. He did not learn that
at Iowa State. He learned that
from God. God will take what
you’ve got and put some supper
on your neck. Say amen. Now, if
you know this and you are a
lawyer, you can use something
that a natural lawyer can’t use.
If you know this and you are in
business, you can use something
that a natural business person
can’t do. God needs economic
solutionist. Glory to God. Amen.
Isn’t that powerful? So I’m just
saying this is our time. We need
to get moving. They need to get
moving. Alright? Alright, so
let’s look at these. I’ve got
’em on the board. I’m going to
put ’em up on the board. And
these have to do with grace,
knowledge versus sense
knowledge. And these are
comparison and so forth. But I
want you to see what I put up on
a board and let’s kind of go
through that. All right? Now put
the first one up please.
Thank you. Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
BILL: All right, Peter. Peter,
notice what he said. Put it up
there. Luke chapter 5,
verse 4. Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Now that word there is
different from word in the first
verse, the first verse said they
pressed upon Him to hear The
Word of God, that’s the logos.
But now he’s having the rama.
And now he’s going from
information to revelation. And
that’s where God wants you to
go, because when you see it, God
can deliver it. Say amen.
Alright, so what you do many
times, meditate, so forth and so
on. Alright, let’s look at the
next one. Glory to God.
Alright, ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Now watch this. When God
is operating with you with the
grace knowledge, buy that
shopping mall. I could not
consult my flesh, my senses,
the bank of my experiences that
enlarged in my mind. I could not
have consulted, never heard of
buying a shopping mall, didn’t
have a shopping mall. I didn’t
think I had a shopping mall
anointing. You know what I mean?
But when I heard it, I couldn’t
verify it with my flesh.
Galatians, please chapter 1
verse 12, Galatians 1 and 12,
this is the right bunch. I know
it is now. I’m giving you stuff
now because I said you’re going
to have at least how much in the
bank, a hundred thousand dollars
in the bank. What about your
debts? No debts. And I need that
to come in the first quarter. I
said at least a hundred
thousand, you could have 2
million, at least a hundred
thousand. And I’m giving you
when I said that, now he’s
giving me the lessons that you
need to get to that goal. Isn’t
this good? Alright, Galatians
chapter 1, verse 12,
watch this. Ready read.
CONGREGATION: Reading Scripture.
BILL: Isn’t that something? So
he didn’t get this from Peter,
Paul and Mary. He got this,
he got this from God.
How you follow what I’m
saying? Okay, now look
at verse 15 if you will.
Verse 15, ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: No, wait a minute, wait a
minute. He didn’t ask his own
mind or his own body what they
thought about this. Matter of
fact, he didn’t even go up
to Peter in the rest of the
apostles. He got it from God and
started preaching to them. And
they said something like this.
I’m throwing this in there, boy.
He’s preaching scripture. You
know what I mean? But I’m just
saying, when I came talking
about a bank, when I talked
about a mall, you should amazing
all the pictures that laughed.
What Bill Winston trying to
do? See, they didn’t get the
revelation, but I got a
revelation that the money is
coming back home, and I need a
place to put it. Say amen to
that. And I’m not talking about
a savings account, I’m talking
about banks. Glory to God. Okay,
lemme see. Alright, let’s go to
the next one,
please. Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Now, alright. So don’t try
to figure it out with your mind.
What did I tell you to do with
your bills? What did I tell you
to do with ’em? Put ’em on the
table. Back off a little bit.
Didn’t I tell you? Did I tell
you to point at ’em and I tell
you, command those bills will
be paid off, dematerialize,
disappear in Jesus name. Am I
right about that? Now, don’t try
to judge that with your natural
mind because your natural mind
will pull your spirit down
into 3D place. Don’t judge it.
Abraham considered not. He
didn’t ask his body what he
thought about being young again.
He just spoke it and God did it.
Say amen. Let’s put the next one
up there, please. Glory to God.
How we doing so far?
All right, ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Glory to God. Now I
just showed you that in
Luke chapter 5. Put
the next one up there
please. Glory to
God. Ready? Read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Oh my goodness. Only what?
Grace. Alright, look at one
Samuel, please. 1 Samuel,
and let’s look at
verse 17 and let’s still
go over here in verse 36.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: So he now has defeated a
lion and a bear. Now he’s going
after this big guy. Now look
at verse 40, ready read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Stop. How many? What is
the number of grace? Five. John
chapter 5. The man sat around
the pool of Bethesda. The Bible
said it had five porches, and
Jesus saw the man notice he’d
been long time crippled like
that. He’d look at the and say,
would you like to be made whole?
He said, I don’t have anybody to
put me in the pool when I’m
coming. Others jumped down in
front of me. Jesus said, Hey
rise. Glory to God, by grace and
get up on your feet and walk.
See, I didn’t have all the
knowledge that I need to have to
run this, but God gave it to me
when I accepted the challenge.
Say amen. Amen. So we got to
stop thinking small folk.
Smallness won’t get the money.
It’ll keep you… But we got
to think big now. And I’m not
criticizing you. I’m saying
you can think like you want to
think, but I’m encouraging you
think big. Because the big fella
lives in you. T.L. Osborn had
that in Papua New Guinea. That’s
what the Papua New Guinea people
translated when he was teaching
them on Jesus. He came to the
island and they said, the big
fella lives in me. I said,
wow, that’s powerful.
Alright, let’s go to the
next one. Ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: So I can’t verify miracles
with my flesh. I got to let go
of my flesh, and just act on The
Word of God. Say amen to that.
Let’s go to the next place.
Changing your world. Satan wants
to wipe out miracles. He wants
to wipe miracles out of the
church. Then get to church to
think like the world. All right?
When the lady came over to our
first church there at Lincoln
Pulaski and she said, the drug
dealers have taken over her
block that was in our
jurisdiction, I prayed to God,
what do I do? He said, bless the
oil. Unrighteousness, can’t hear
Him. Righteousness can hear Him
and you just trust what you
heard. Well, suppose I’m wrong.
That won’t be the first time
you’ve been wrong in last time.
Okay? So I said, God said, take
this oil for me to bless it,
give it to you and you pour down
the middle of the street. She
said, well give it here. And she
went out and did this side. Now
notice, one Satan knows that
he’s got to wipe out miracles.
He’s got it right now… He’s
not that concerned about how
many people preach. What he’s
concerned about is the evidence
of what they preach. One miracle
T.L. Osborn says, is worth a
thousand sermons. See, we got
social media now people all the
way that thing it’s words. I
understand that, but where’s the
witness? Jesus said something,
if I do not the works of my
father, come on, help me. Don’t
even believe a word I said. And
I’m saying to you right now, it
doesn’t have to be that you lay
hands on somebody. It could be,
but it could be something that
happened at your job, or you
follow who saying? If you follow
him, he’s going to lead you to a
miracle at some point in time.
If you, He is going to lead you.
Are you following what I’m
saying? See, He knows what we
are made for. We are made for
signs and wonder. He knows what
we’re made for. We are built
like that inside. Signs and
wonders is home. So Satan’s
trying to take over and wipe out
miracles because he wants the
church to think like him. He
knows as a man thinketh in his
heart, so is it. Now, what I’m
here to do, I know this is part
of my calling, is to bring
people back to The Word of God
and a demonstration. When I
first started in ministry, I
had a little card by a little
business card. I thought I was
well, whatever. And it says over
from 1 Corinthians chapter 2, my
speech and my preaching are not
in enticing words of man’s
wisdom, but in the demonstration
of the spirit and of power that
your faith will not rest in the
wisdom of men but in the power
of God. Here’s what Jesus told
Moses the first time when He
sent Moses down to Pharaoh to
get the children out of bondage.
He said, now Pharaoh, when he
ask you not if, when he ask you
to show him a miracle, you do
this, show him one over in 1
King, chapter 17 and this verse
18, when Elijah the prophet had
a standoff between he and the
prophets of Baal. Say amen to
that. And notice somebody had to
demonstrate something that you
preach this Word right? God said
three things, son, I want to
give you that if you ever do it,
if you do these, your ministry
will continue to grow. I said,
are they? He said, first, preach
the word. Preach. He said, I
don’t care what they think about
it. You preach what I give you.
I said, yes, sir. He said, next,
have a decent facility. Make
sure your bathroom is clean.
Got it. Now, you didn’t mention
bathroom, but I am saying a lot
of people going, bathroom, they
don’t come back. And then next,
make sure you have testimonies.
Make sure what you preaching is
working. Say amen to that. Next
is practice makes perfect. We
can operate with certainty. We
can operate with certainty.
Alright, here is David. David
said something to Goliath. He
was by himself. He turned down
Saul’s armor, and he said in
verse Samuels chapter 17:45, he
said to Goliath this
day, ready read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Keep going.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: No, no, no. Wait a
minute. Now just might be,
should be enough. But
let’s keep reading and
take thy head from
thee. Keep going.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Now he was going to take
them off the map. He says to
whole army, he was going to have
buzzards come in and pick that,
so nobody can identify who that
even was. I’m talking this.
David was gangster. I mean,
maybe I shouldn’t say it like
that, but David, he didn’t play.
He didn’t play. You used to see
over there when some of the
stuff David said, David didn’t
play. You crossed David, you got
a problem. He told this man, he
said, listen, you didn’t take
care of my people and I watch
all your flock and kept them
safe. He said, no, you tell this
man that if there’s one male
left in camp by son up, may the
Lord take my life. Woo, man. Now
I’m not telling you to be like
that because Jesus has come. You
need to save life. Amen. Isn’t
that powerful? So I’m saying
practice makes perfect.
How about Jesus?
Watch what He said.
John, chapter 11,
verse 23, ready read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Now Jesus saying, wait a
minute, he’s not only dead, he’s
been dead four days. Now I
know he’ll rise again in the
resurrection. You don’t
understand. You looking at the
resurrection. Isn’t it
powerful? Certainty.
Now let’s go up to verse
43. Ready, ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: Come fourth. Paul.
Paul, when he said that those
disciples that were with him, he
did this.. woo wee. They were
wondering what was going to
happen to his ministry at this
point. But Jesus had absolute
certainty. And I’m telling you,
you can work miracles with
certainty. You can have prayer
with certainty. You know when
Hezekiah made that prayer, he
had certainty. Look what it says
in 2 King chapter 19 in verse
35. Look what it says
here. This is Hezekiah,
after he had prayed,
watch this, ready, read.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: When?
BILL: When? keep going.
CONGREGATION: Reading scripture.
BILL: When they what? They were
asleep. They preyed on it and
went to sleep, and God took care
of business. I’m saying from now
on, you’re going to have
certainty in your prayers, in
your decrees, in your
confession, there’ll be a
certainty that’s coming into
your life and are suddenly in
the name of Jesus. I’m just
saying the enemies tried to
civilize us out of every power
that God has provided for us to
do well and to stay well. But
from now on, we are coming back.
We are back to the
book. Say Amen.
What God says we’re
going to believe.
BILL: Well praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that
teaching. Now, this is offering
day on the broadcast. When we
give those who are really being
benefited by the broadcast, a
time for increase, a time that
you could sow into the ministry.
It’s interesting, when we got
here, we really had no one that
we knew that could help us in
the ministry. We came to Chicago
with $200 and a lady took us in
her home and kept us until we
got started. But look at us now,
and you look at us now because
there has been great, great
increase in our ministry.
There’s a scripture over in
Genesis chapter 8, verse 22, and
He says this, this is God
speaking now to Noah. As long as
the earth remains, there’s going
to be seed time and harvest.
Cold and heat, summer and
winter, day and night, they
shall not cease. So as long as
we’re here, we can be able to
sow and expect a harvest. And so
that’s what we did. We started
with $200 and look at us now.
The Bible says in the book of
Job chapter 8 and verse 7,
though thy beginning be small,
your latter end shall greatly
increase. And now we’re all over
the world. Now look what God is
doing, now as you sow into this
ministry, expect something. You
can expect us to win more souls.
That’s wonderful. But maybe you
have a need as well, that you
could sow for that need. In the
kingdom, God wants us to be able
to not rely on the world’s
system, but to rely on the
kingdom of God. And as you sow,
this is God’s way. He expects
you to reap so you can get every
need met. So I want you to just
put in mind or have something
available of what you’re going
to sow, and let me pray for you
over that seed right now that we
can ensure it comes back quickly
and comes back a hundred fold.
Let’s pray. Father, we come
before you in Jesus’ name. I
thank you for all of those who
are sowing into this ministry.
Father, I pray according to
the principles of the laws of
prosperity, that they as they
sow into this ministry, that you
will measure it back to them a
hundred fold. Father, I pray
that all of their needs be met
and as they move forward, Lord,
that they’ll go in abundance and
never have another lack. Now, I
thank you for it. I bless them
in Jesus’ name. Amen. Well, I
want to thank you so much for
supporting our ministry. I don’t
take it for granted. I thank God
for even speaking to your hearts
and showing into the ministry
we’ve able to be able to do.
We’ve been able to do so much
because of people like you.
Thank you so much again. I give
God all the praise and thank you
for being a part of what God is
doing. We love you. This is Bill
Winston saying, keep
walking by faith.
ANNOUNCER: We hope today’s
message 4D workshop was a
blessing to you, but you’ve
only received a portion of this
life-changing teaching designed
to build your faith and help
manifest the best of God in
your life. To receive this full
three-part series in its
entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or
MP4, contact us at
1-800-711-9327 or online at God has already
provided everything you’ll ever
need and it has been stored up
for us in the fourth dimension,
learn how to access those
provisions anytime through faith
and God’s word. It’s time to
speak The Word over your life,
job, family, and finances to
produce the desired results. Get
your copy of this powerful
teaching 4D workshop.
BILL: This is Bill Winston. Let
me ask you a question. Have you
ever received Jesus Christ, your
Lord and Savior? Now, somebody
say, well, I don’t know about
that. Let me tell you, when I
was a kid, I went to church with
mom and dad, but I found out
when I got older, I really
didn’t know Him. And what
happened? One lady came and
took me to a meeting. I confess
Jesus’s Lord of my life and a
miracle took place. Everything
changed. I’m just saying in your
life, if you’re ready for a
change, it’s time to confess
Him. You ask Jesus to come into
your heart and watch the miracle
take place. If you’ve confessed
that, I want to give you my
book. It’s called Born Again and
Spirt Filled. I want to be the
first to say, welcome to the
family of Almighty
God. God bless you.