Do you want to fulfill God’s call on your life? Once you make that decision, God will equip you with everything you need to face your giants — fear and failure, insurmountable problems or issues, or a situation of adversity that gets out of control, thus making it difficult to resolve—and overcome them! In this series, Facing the Giants, Dr. Winston provides documented proof that using faith over fear is a natural part of the supernatural lifestyle of the believer.

the believers walk of faith is paid for

by bill Winston ministries partners and

viewers in the same position we can go

somewhere here is designed to paralyze

its victims though we just don’t look at

paralyzing when we talk about physically

but paralyzing spiritually and/or

paralyzing mentally and this whole idea

about fear to be attacked with fear now

it’s interesting about this whole idea

of fear you and I know that God said in

2nd Timothy and chapter 1 and verse 7

that God has not given us a spirit of

fear but of power and of love and of a

sound mind

now if you look at Psalm Psalm chapter

34 and over in Psalm chapter 34 and

verse 4 he says something he said I

sought the Lord and he heard me and

delivered me from all my fears now this

is very very interesting because he’s

saying that fear can be in a number of

areas somebody can fear this but not

that and so David said we supposed to be

delivered from all our fears he said yea

though I walk through the valley of the

shadow of death

I will fear what no evil now again the

enemy uses fear if you look at First

Samuel chapter 17 and verse 11 if you

will this is when they were facing a

giant called Goliath and when Saul at

all of Israel heard those words of the

Philistine they were dismayed and what

greatly afraid but what happened when

job job was greatly afraid over in job

chapter 3 and verse 25 he says for the

thing which I greatly feared what has

come upon me now this is interesting

because this whole idea about Satan

being able to do things against us and

Satan needs fear like God needs faith

Satan needs fear like God needs faith

and what I’m saying to you is that the

way that the enemy had been getting into

our lives basically is because of fears

this fear where did it come in it came

in when Adam sinned in the garden that

when God gave Adam charge over the

entire earth that Adam was given a

prohibition not to eat of a certain tree

of which he and Eve he ended up eating

of the tree and as a result of that God

came in the garden and Adam said to God

that he was afraid though that’s the

first time you see fear and so what

we’re trying to do is try to develop a

sense of no fear in the body of Christ

no fear in the body of Christ because

Satan needs fear to do things to us and

so if we don’t give him any fear

he won’t have any fear now it’s just

it’s amazing to me because we we’ve got

to be brutally honest with ourselves

it’s amazing to me though how much fear

is in a church and we gonna have to get

this fear out if we gonna face those

that those giant see because a giant may

represent me represented any kind of way

you know all of a sudden the doctor give

somebody an evil report well the first

thing to do is not to fear that’s a

whole thing it is a hope a way we

supposed to respond we’re not supposed

to respond to fear because they gave the

three Hebrews a bad report they told

them if they didn’t bow down they’re

gonna be thrown in this fire Daniel

chapter three and when we look at that

side drag Meshach and Abednego and to

the king and said that oh never kanessa

we understand that you demand I’m read

that’s myself my own translation but not

careful to answer you in this matter if

it be so if you throw it’s in there to

God that do we serve he’s able to

deliver us from this burning fiery

furnace and he will deliver us out of

thy hand O king

but without fear Satan cannot do

anything to you lord have mercy

he needs fear like God needs faith are

you following what I’m saying

so I’m saying no matter what he tries to

do you can overturn it

if you don’t fear see you can’t fear it

it doesn’t make any difference what

Satan has done you can always undo it

and when we say fear fear it’s only to

fear and faith on the fear comes

unbelief doubt all of that all that’s

under fear and then but it’s only two

sides it’s fear and faith and you gotta

be in faith so it’s amazing how many

people can hang around the church but

yet the fear still be there so we got to

get to fear we got a we got a face our

fears we come on now we’ve we’ve got to

instead of running from that giant we

gonna have to run to him and we’re gonna

Ted say Amen to this I remember one time

my wife and I had this one we were still

in Minneapolis and and I we started the

church but we weren’t I was still

working for the company IBM and so I got

a call said yes the lady is over in the

hospital of daughters now and severe and

organs have shut down and and so forth

and tawny quotes that she needs to come

right away and I said okay I’ll be there

shortly and then I got there and I know

she ran to me in the hallway oh she’s

been oh oh I’m glad you’re here and so

forth not waiting there and the tubes

all down a daughter and so forth and the

daughters just turned completely blue

and so I said okay I said you get on

that side I’ll get on this side and I

said I’ll put my hand on this side of

her head you put your head on that one

oh I said that ain’t gonna help us I

mean I’d like to do that too but but but

I know that now go help that’s just a

fear reaction trying to your own sake

try said so you have to cut that out

I said now put your hand on the side of

her head like I told you to do it and

put it in I said in the name of Jesus

Satan get your hands off this chop the

seed of the righteous shall be delivered

in the name of Jesus now I don’t know

what ojos three days I said the child be

up in three days when Oh home child was

up in three days you didn’t even know

the child ever had what you had

everything was working back right

now I’m saying that because sometimes

Satan will try you to see if you’ll

receive what he’s trying on you follow

what I’m saying now I’m saying all of

this because we’re going and face these

giants and these Giants on our property

and we gonna have to take this property

now another form of fear is intimidation

another form of fear is intimidation

that sometimes people with money will

try to intimidate people who don’t have

any come on people with the position

will try to intimidate people who are in

a lesser position but I don’t care what

kind of money you have or what position

you hold you will never be intimidated

ever again by anybody say amen to that

and you gotta really stand up to that

devil but like I said if you don’t fear

you can’t do anything with you look what

it says and I think I showed you Joe the

thing that I feared most has come upon

me and that’s what I was afraid of has

come to me so fear will actually draw

more of what you don’t want say amen to

that when you walk in righteousness say

righteousness then you walk in

partnership with God you walk in

partnership with God and what I find is

that a lot of people are trying to build

their faith without their righteousness

in place and I think we went through

this before but God knows you in a human

form cannot do what you want to do or

what he’s assigning us to do as a

purpose so what you gonna have to do is

you’re gonna have to get God to work

through you I’ll try it again you will

have to get God to work through you I

call it the force of righteousness the

force of righteousness and when that

force is in place fear rises on pardon


faith rises unconsciously when that

force is in place so

I gotta work on that force I got to work

on God inside minded I got to work on

the living from the inside out I got to

stop working on living from the outside

in what they can do to me I need to live

on what I can do against them what what

can come out of me to make me invincible

see and what you need to do is no wait a

minute God is in me now

so what I use is I use the example of

the flashlight and you take a glass of

water and you show shine a flashlight

through it light and then you put some

mud in it and try to shine it through

and it doesn’t come through

well the mud represents sin

consciousness guilt shame low

self-esteem all of that is same

consciousness now the righteousness

can’t come through and when the

righteousness can’t come through one

answered prayer doesn’t come through

second you always see something in the

physical to totally tell you that God is

working so forth and talk but when

righteousness is in place you know you

have rights to answered prayer sin

consciousness never acts with boldness

it requires some physical evidence that

God is moving righteousness

consciousness requires nothing but the

Word of God

more than me let me say that again

requires nothing but the Word of God see

if I have a clear Word of God if I can

clearly hear God then I can’t be

deceived now this is interesting because

the enemy tries to pervert what you hear

there are people that have asked me

questions or they have written letters

or whatever I said how did they hear

that out of what I said

but that’s a Canaanite he’ll sit the

word before it gets to your hearing how

you fold with that’s a spirit so now

they all these spirits are working

together now let me tell you about this

other spirit cause we’re going into the

land of giants now I tell people I said

now these are giants

now Giants got to have a pretty big

house and we come over here a Giants got

to have a pretty big house because

there’s a Giants me you look at him

these deeds these methods got a bed 18

feet long but it’s this he’s got to have

some ceiling height and so forth and

so I’m going to need to get this see and

what I told people that I was just

making fun I said a giant don’t have no

little bathroom he’s trying to sneak

anything it’s it’s these are giants

these boys got some bread duties he’s a

giant now I’m not saying you taking

something to go with somebody else

you’re only receiving the promises that

God has given you and I’m saying that

Giants have stopped that they don’t want

you to think big so there is a spirit


a parasite spirit and this parasite

spirit we described one time we said

it’s a spirit that produces lameness

it’s a spirit that produces this lack of

authority in other words I’ve got to get

people to pray for me I got to get good

men to help me a got so far the thought

and God never intended that he he

planned for him to be your source and

supply now he’ll use any channel he want

but I’m just trying to see here that

this this parasite tries to put people

in a place where they permanently depend

on somebody else now I’m not saying

people can’t come to things and and they

need some prayer here and so forth I’m

not saying that I’m saying permanently

because it it robs people of their

ability to dream so so so now people are

staying under what I call oppression all

right now now listen you listen I’m your

preacher right now

Romans chapter 10 verse 14 it talks

about how can they hear without a

preacher so here it is right here and he

says how then shall they call on him

whom they have not believed and how can

they believe on him who’s had not heard

and how can they hear without a preacher

and how can he breathe except to be said

now God sent them out to the promised

land they came back with some reports

and ten of them came back with an evil

report they said hey the grapes are real

big what why because his big bread is

big promises his precious blessings from

God he said but the Giants in the land

am right so forth and so on and then

Joshua and Caleb said well let’s go up

and take it in 1/4 we are well able now

they knew they won’t be a con be able to

do that

Adie bill went would you Winson by that

shopping mall

hey whoa what I sent the people over

here the sky the land they came back and

told me we can buy that little part on

the east end right down there I’d say

God didn’t say that bottle littlebark

dark side by the ball see so that was

too big but it’s too big for you

it’s not too big for you and God and

what people are trying to do is trying

to leave God out and I’m telling you God

is fed up with that it’s like wait a

minute I’m not gonna give you something

you can do that’s not mine listen God

did that’s not the pattern in the book

the pattern is to get Gideon and he got

20 2013 2 thousand men God saying you

got too many for me you know I have too

many for you you got too many for me cuz

I’ll give you this building without you

even knowing what a bank looks like I

will give you this

he says you got too many for me and I’m

telling you what you bout to get now you

bout to see it’s alright if you stay in

your place see it’s amazing how again

they say pass it well you know they

don’t want to sell that kind of property

into a black man I said well wait a

minute you have looked under the hood


you don’t know what kind of man I am

and when you and you don’t know that God

is in you and who you are you back up oh

you go down and try to get a lawyer and

my lawyer is Jesus he’s already tried

the case



see now I’m saying that to say that

there are things that God wants us to do

what because he’s promised us something

Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 & 2 in the CEB

translation he says today say today I’m

giving you the laws of the teachings of

the Lord your God always obey them and

the Lord will make Israel what the most

famous come on the most important nation

on earth he is going to take you from

the bottom come on to the top we need to

stop putting in that I can’t do this

because of a man no man will be able to

stand before you all the days of your


God is just taking away the crutch that

we’ve been using for years they could

have we could put a good man in a son

position we can go somewhere I got a man

Christ Jesus

already get from me what no man whatever

do in his life

and the thing about it you think that if

you keep putting these people in there

you’d be somewhere by now let me give

you some statistics do you have a minute


I’m tired of this match


you look at the statistics of business

we have business schools so I know some

of this

so in business you’ve got a population

in in Chicago of african-americans may

be close to 40% and so but in regards of

businesses there are a lot of businesses

but in the city of Chicago it’s roughly

370 billion dollars of revenue from

businesses that’s how much they’re

making that’s how much revenue is being

counted with all these population of

african-americans now I’m not I’m just

centering on one group right now and all

these businesses that they have you

would want to know how much of that 306

it’s rounded 70 billion is their

contribution less than 1% don’t know

nothing if they own it

it’s run by me and my cousin

it’s called necessity based business

it’s just for me to stop working every

day at the plant we’re putting up a

place now thing now we go scale these

business you go downtown that that

here’s George John Johnson yes when he

got that now I’m getting this from a

documentary that was really showed and

said when he got that building downtown

the Johnson Publishing he went down

there but he couldn’t dress up and go as

a african-american whatever he had to

dress up as a

or something and go with a guy and he

did you know kind of disguising himself

like he was the janitor and so forth cuz

they wouldn’t sell it to him now it’s

not people it’s a system and the system

is set up so that certain people can’t


today do you got to got to get you got

to get this today


now I’m not trying to preach division

like anything because we know the system

was set up by the devil and what we’re

doing is pulling down his system

everything that he’s done even made

ungodly laws without the cheezles law

this is not trying to the body anybody

this is trying to raise this church up

so we’re not in here to hide we’re in

here to be equipped tree and sit God’s

about to send you up and you will make a

mark that cannot be erased

you gonna be a game changer say Amen to



Satan has set this thing up thinking

good somewhere with this

but God is raising up a people in this

laughing see if anybody got today

preaching what I’m preaching right now

because it’s time for the church to be

the church we have sat down and let the

world do all this stuff and us not rise

up but we go rise up first in the spirit


but we’re gonna be decreasing something

and things won’t be happening say amen

to that

now I’m saying that because the first

thing I had to do to get this building

is point at it I had to say something

I had to command this building come into

my hands now see people think if why is

he saying that how who is he think he is

no I gotta say it for God to be who is


saying I gotta say that’s a God that we

serve if you throw me in the fire saying

stop thinking you don’t have to say it

you don’t have to say it

we have run from Giants all enough you

will never be intimidated another day in

your life in the name of Jesus own

hotels businesses downtown Chicago


I am spoken this thing

now you got people that don’t want this

and I don’t care it doesn’t make any

difference you can just come in you you

know you can stay at our hotel but my

point is folks this is our movement and

it says I’m not talking to one race now

this is a churches moment we’re all one

people but no more laughing at the

church no more cracking jokes about

Jesus God’s about to show himself mighty


folks its turn when people are going to

be coming in church with whatever

diabolical disease they have and yes by

getting into the atmosphere then I’ll

walk out totally here

well I tried to do a blessed by today’s

message and now let me share a point you

want to remember fear is designed to

paralyze you that was designed for

remember when David came to the front

line they faced a giant notice all of

his old words in fear they were dug out

in foxholes hiding so forth and so on

because it paralyzes people it won’t let

them go any further but once you shake

that fear get out of that fear you are

ready to face any giant any giant could

be coming against your health coming

against your money coming against your

promotion whatever that you can face

that giant get fear out God has not

given us the spirit of fear but of power

love and a sound mind praise God

well today’s message it’s a special

offering it’s a bundle I put together

this teaching on facing the Giants and

also I bundled it with this book I will

call faith in the blessing now that’s a

powerful book so this bundle here is a

must needs for your faith library I’m

telling you it’ll take you to a whole

nother level order it today

this is bill Winston thing we love you

until next time keep walking by faith

today’s dynamic series facing the Giants

is available in its entirety on CD or

mp3 on DVD or mp4 to order in the US

call 1-800 seven one one nine three two


or contact us online at

in canada call us at eight four four two

nine eight 2904 contact us online at that you’ll need to face

and conquer those giants in your life

the Giants of fear the Giants of failure

and adversity standing in the way of

your success as an additional resource

today we offer a special bundle which

includes Facing the Giants four-part

series and dr. Winston’s book faith in

the blessing in this book dr. Winston

will impart to you a true understanding

of what the blessing is and how it will

work to bring the best of God into your

life order this life-changing bundle

today doctors bill and Veronica Winston

are dedicated to seeing lives changed

through the power of prayer our loving

and highly trained prayer ministers are

ready to pray and agree with you we know

that prayer can turn around any

situation in your life we want to thank

our partners who had made this prayer

call center possible if you are not a

partner we encourage you to pray about

joining us and partnership and be a part

of the wonderful work that God is doing

through this ministry
