On February 21, 2018, God called Billy Graham home at age 99. Mr. Graham once said, “When we reach the end of our earthly journey, we will have just begun.” Now, he is in the presence of the Lord. Watch and share this tribute to his life and legacy. You can also follow updates at BillyGrahamMemorial.org. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.



it’s not often one man is able to move

the hearts of Nations to usher change

across race and age but when someone

gives their life to a divine calling

amazing things happen that is the legacy

of Billy Graham


Billy was born in 1918 during the end of

World War one growing up on his family’s

dairy farm in North Carolina no one

could have imagined what God had in

store for this hard-working young man

when he was 13 years old he was in a

play at school his voice carried so well

I says I just think there’s something in

that boy that we haven’t discovered yet

at age 15 he was invited to hear a man

named Mordecai ham preach at a citywide

revival meeting I was taken by a friend

and I became fascinated and then the

Spirit of God began to speak to me as I

went back night after night and one

night when the invitation was given I

just said Lord I’m going from this

moment life would never be the same for

Billy a new passion burned in his heart

to see lives changed he went on to

college and began preaching the good

news of Jesus to anyone who would listen

it was during those years of academics

and Sunday sermons that Billy met Ruth

the young missionary girl raised in

China would become his best friend the

true love of his life and he would be

the first to say that without Ruth his

growth as a preacher and evangelist

would not have been possible

when I came out and saw her standing

that he said that is Ruth Bell at that

moment I was in love and not only in

love something told me inside she’ll be

your wife now I took her nearly a year

to come to that same conclusion

word of his powerful message spread

quickly he preached on the stages of

concert halls and auditoriums and over

the airwaves of radio and television and

soon people began lining the streets by

the tens of thousands just to hear him

speak you say but if I believe God isn’t

that enough I want to tell you before

you leave Madison Square Garden this

night of May 15th you can find

everything that you’ve been searching

for in Christ he was a mighty man the

Bible tells us that in spite of our sins

and rebellion that God loves countless

people responded to the move of God’s

Spirit the demands on Billy seemed

constant but it was Ruth and their

children that brought him strength and

joy their home was a special place where

he could simply spend time as a father

and loving husband these moments were

precious to Billy yes there is a great

sense of loneliness and if there is a

price to pay in this work it is that

that I’m not with my children


God’s calling on Billy’s life took him

from the largest stadiums to the most

remote villages of Africa he spoke not

only of God’s forgiveness but also

against the evils of racism communism

and social injustice in our world and

don’t let anybody ever tell you that

it’s quite a plaque Christ belongs to

old people he belongs to the whole world

he was one of the most sought-after men

of this age turning down the political

stage in Hollywood spotlight in order to

continue his ministry to the Lost weary

and forgotten his message was

unfaltering remaining true to the gospel

and his steadfast faith in Christ I’m

asking you tonight to follow him to

serve him to let him come into your

heart and forgive you be forgiven know

that you’re going to heaven what can be

said about one man’s life for Billy

Graham let it be said that he lived his

life to bring the lost and hurting to

Christ are you willing to receive Christ

tonight because you may never have a

moment quite like this again you’ve come

and receive him into your heart say yes

to him hundreds of you right now

just get up out of your seat and say

tonight I want my sin forgiven I want to

know I’m going to heaven

I want to eternal life I’m ready to

surrender my life to Christ as Lord and

Savior I want to follow him from this

night off

