Billy Graham turned 99 on Nov. 7, 2017—which means he’s entering in his 100th year. Watch and share these notable reflections, as well as Billy Graham’s own words on what it means to live the Christian life.

November 7th is my father’s and 99th

birthday he’s entered his 100th year

what an amazing journey Billy Graham has

always been a man of milestones and he’s

freely reached a new when this 99th


most people say he’s America’s pastor

but that so understates it if you

interview people and who do you most

admire in the world of of everybody who

ever you know Billy’s always at the top

how he persevered over a long period of

time I think that’s impacted me the most

he was intentional about his life he was

intentional about his calling he never

veered off from being evangelist a model

of spiritual Proclamation and the

spiritual integrity he was used to being

with presidents but he would be just as

kind to somebody that was serving him

lunch it was a kindness about him and a

gentleness about him and a welcoming

spirit about him which is reflective of

the gospel he answered the questions but

it always came back to Christ as your

Savior Christ loves you Christ is with

me humility integrity and generosity

Billy Graham showed all three I think

dr. Graham’s birthday should be a time

for us to reflect


for many years I’ve had the privilege of

being mr. Graham’s close friend and

personal pastor and so one can imagine

the wonderful conversations that we’ve

had together over these years

it’s been such a joy to be blessed by

him and to learn from him and to hear

the things that God has placed in his

heart I’ve been praying that we might

have a spiritual awakening but I think

that becomes possible only as

individuals surrender their lives afresh

and anew to Christ and live the

Christian life for every law first we do

everything we can to follow in the steps

of Jesus little live a life in which we

love one another we help one another we

live our calling – for Jesus lived the

Holy Spirit is the one that helps us

live that deep lifestyle which is one of

love gentleness and patience and all of

these things are of the fruit of the


we must remember that we communicate the

gospel by lives as well as our lips we

live before a watching world a world

that is waiting to see if what we say is

lived out in our lives we must be living

in the power of the Spirit we must be

men and women who are pure vessels for

God’s message


secondly you read this word every day

the Bible I know it’s very difficult but

you need to start somewhere and I’d

suggest you start with the Gospel of

Luke in the New Testament and in the Old

Testament start with in our first person

in the beginning God and study those

passages make the Bible your source and

your authority quoted frequently let its

message be your message

study it meditate upon it memorize it

trust its promises the Word of God

itself has power then the third thing go

to your knees and pray until you and God

had become intimate friends I cannot

describe to you the joy and the peace

that he gives to you as a result of that

daily routine that you had in prayer

is there a lack of power in your life

perhaps you have neglected the

preparation of your life with neglected

prayer with neglected God’s Word in the

beating of our own souls whatever it is

confess it forsaken repent of it and

then walk in the power of the Holy

Spirit and gain victory over it and may

God today lift our vision and may the

power of the gospel break upon our world

with fresh force as we obedient to

Christ call to repent and believe the


repent and believe the gospel


