Powerful stories of changed lives through the freedom and forgiveness of Christ. Watch the full Billy Graham TV special, with a word from Franklin Graham.

witnessing the power of repentance you

desire God to seek and save those who

are lost do we take advantage of the

opportunity to share the gospel with

people or we can just sit on our hands

and do nothing

jesus said I’ve not come to call the

righteous but sinners to repentance

you’ve got to be willing to repent and

tell God that you’re sorry opportunities

to share your faith are everywhere what

you can do right now to spread the

gospel our country has gone so far away

from God but I believe it’s the love of

God that brings men to repentance

thousands of Christians are taking the

stand to

and engage we need the Christian voice

in politics we could just pray that God

would lead us in the right direction

it’s all coming up next

you know repentance is not a popular

topic today and many people don’t want

to think that they are bad that they

need to turn go another direction they

want to think that everything is fine

and everything is okay when Jesus

started his ministry he warned people to

repent and to repent is to turn from our

sins to go another direction and if

we’re willing to turn and go a different

direction God will forgive our sins and

he’ll heal our hearts and we can have

that assurance knowing that our sins are

forgiven and that we are ready for

heaven if we don’t turn from our sins if

we don’t repent there is no hope we will

perish I’ve listened to my father many

times preached and he’s always included

repentance in every message you see

that’s part of the gospel how do you

have your mind transformed by repenting

of sin and receiving Christ into your

heart Jesus Christ came and he took our

sins and he died for our sins and if

we’re willing to confess our sins and

repent and believe on the name of the

Lord Jesus Christ that promise we will

be saved and it’s my hope and prayer

everyone who’s watching this will

confess their sins and repent and

believe on the name of the Lord Jesus


the Japanese society may be one of the

most difficult societies anywhere in the

world to penetrate but you see Jesus

gave to all of us the command to make

disciples of all nations all nations

that’s Japan we’re here in Japan to

preach the gospel and I believe that

there’s power in the gospel and who

knows there may be a young man or woman

who will come to faith in price this

week whom God may raise to reach Japan

in a mighty way

in the time ago I was just a kid but

already I had the thought of jumping off

a tall building and killing myself

my parents divorced when I was 10 which

broke up my family and we went our

separate ways it was one of the most

painful experiences of my childhood I

still remember the pain I felt

kubodera in high school I was a rebel

just partying and playing the thug

my thinking at the time was that as long

as I don’t get arrested it’s cool

um you know looking back now when I

think about what was tormenting me the

most crucial part the answer is simple

it was the guilt over the sins I knew I

was committing and I knew I had turned

my back on God I was just a sinner

without hope Jesus loves us just as we

are no matter how hopeless we think we

are Jesus died on the cross for sinners

like me I’m the one who should have died

for what I’ve done

not him once I accepted the reality of

his sacrifice I just cried and cried

Jamuna is a correct I decided to

dedicate the rest of my life to Jesus I

want to tell people who don’t know God’s

love that he truly loves them very much

first of all I want you to know tonight

that God loves you

but our sins to separate us from God the

Bible tells us that God so loved the

world that He gave His only begotten Son

sustained story will say oh this is a

must that whosoever believeth in should

not perish but should have everlasting

life if you come to Christ you’ve got to

be willing to turn your back on your

sins you’ve got to be willing to repent

and tell God that you’re sorry you see

God is patient with you is not wanting

anyone to perish but everyone to come in

repentance are you sure your sins are

forgiven if you’re not confident I want

you to get up out of your seat right now

I love Jesus very much and I love

telling people who don’t know him yet

about the wonderful love of God this has

been a great opportunity for me

geographica what that got to me was that

Jesus hung on a cross for the message of

God’s love will stay in my heart he left

a powerful depression

I came forward to ask God to forgive my

sins of all what resonated with me the

most is that God truly loves Japan honey

I came forward in front of God and in

front of everyone to confess my sins and

to surrender my all to God that

celebration has me fired up I feel

blessed to see so many people being

saved and I’m just filled with hope

I remember standing on stage and giving

the invitation to see Japanese people

confessing their sins repenting of their

sins and by faith believing on the name

of Jesus Christ that never gets old and

you realize this is the work of the Holy

Spirit of God it’s not Franklin Graham

it’s just God uses his word in this

power and his word there’s power in the

gospel you know we’re going to keep

taking the gospel we’re going to keep

preaching the gospel and we’re going to

go to many countries as many cities as

we possibly can and I just thank you for

each and every one that stands with us

prays for supporters because we couldn’t

do without you thank you and god bless


thousands of lives are changed every

year across America and around the world

through the good news of Jesus Christ

join with us as we take this important

message to the ends of the earth

visit Billy Graham TV or call eight

seven seven five six seven eighty nine

eighty nine as a thank you for any gift

you’ll receive the book undefeated god

strategy for successful living by Don

Wilton longtime pastor to Billy Graham

call or logon to get involved coming up

my friend Justin I did cinema temptation

I don’t know if he’s for sure going to

come yet the path to repentance is

challenging God loves us and he doesn’t

want us to be separated from him watch

what happens when believers take a

chance and go out of their comfort zone

to share Jesus your friends and family

out there are lost soul disinvites

what’s going to change them and later

one man’s conviction to take a stand for

Christ for the 2016 decision America

tour I believe that this is gonna be an

issue point for our country coming up

the only hope for our nation is Almighty

God and the most important thing that we

can do is to pray vote for candidates

that stand for biblical truth and

biblical principles and that are willing

to live go back to your community

advocate for God’s truth and let’s elect

men and women who will lead this nation

back to really being one nation under


what might appear as small or what could

be deemed as insignificant can be merged

and combined and unified into something

more something much greater

just one prayer on offering one

volunteer through faith will multiply

and transform more hearts and lives for

Christ at Franklin Graham festivals and

will Graham celebrations people hear of

God’s call and our challenge to respond

in faith through the my hope program

millions are being deeply impacted for

the gospel through TV DVDs and the

Internet visitors to the Billy Graham

Library experience an ongoing crusade

through Billy’s life and ministry and

peace with God net connects more people

than ever before to Christ sharing the

gospel online with millions the gospel

of Jesus Christ being spread life by

life soul by soul and grain by grain is

what the Billy Graham Evangelistic

Association has always been about

we’re proclaiming Christ so the entire

world can know Jesus

always good news you know a person has

to understand that we’re sinners our

sins separate us from God and the Bible

says all of us have sinned and we’ve all

come short of God’s glory and at the

wages the penalty of sin is death and

there’s only one who can take our sins

and that’s Jesus Christ and he took our

sins that he died on a cross and He shed

his blood for our sins and he was buried

for our sins but God raised him to life

Jesus Christ said dead he’s alive and he

can come into each and every heart and

to do that we’ve got to be willing to

turn from our sins and and trust him by

faith believing him and bringing him

into our heart to live God doesn’t want

us to perish he wants us to be saved

but he’s a just God he’s a holy God our

sins condemn us

you know at the Billy Graham

Evangelistic Association this is what we

do is preach the gospel we want people

to repent we want people to know the

truth and one of the tools that we use

is my hope every year we’ve done

analysis my father’s 95th birthday and

we’re going to continue to do it because

it’s a tremendous tool that the church

can use to convey and relate to the

gospel of Jesus Christ to not only to

the church but to the church and their

friends and their families and their

loved ones I think one of my greatest

desires is for people to come to know

Jesus the way that I know Jesus the my

hope film it captures people it draws

people’s attention and I believe it’s so

simple to present the gospel in this way

the individuals that come to the doors

of Teen Challenge have been bound and

entangled by alcoholism and drug

addiction and we see people living those

types of lifestyles find real life

transformation and change and true

freedom that only comes to the gospel of

Jesus Christ

students have been challenged to invite

those whom they are connected to who

don’t know the Lord so they can see a

value of a soul


I invite a lot of people but the person

I’m looking forward to coming the most

is my friend Justin we actually started

working in up were together the time

Menem and the day before I came in a

team challenge I just remembered that

conversation of us just sitting in the

car talking I thought about him about a

month ago I was like ah she’s still out


juice I have an invitation I did send

him an invitation I don’t know if he’s

for sure going to come yet what’s his

name Justin Justin let’s pray for that

guy absolutely god I just pray that you

administer to Justin’s deepest needs

right now you know as believers we are

under obligation to respond to the

prompting into the voice of the Holy

Spirit and we have responsibility

because we’ve been entrusted with such a

precious Ministry of reconciliation or

any program yeah yet but I just got the

fall of Justin and are you serious that

he’s gone tomorrow

oh that’s so great man for sure thank

you so much man I know he’s going to

come this is the opportunity for sure

we’ve been waiting and great

anticipation for this day we’re just

excited about what Christ wants to do in

our midst

the students have invited pray we’ve

interceded Scott’s part now show up and

to do his powerful work

is that just introducing good afternoon

we just want to thank you for coming

today to the my hope family picnic day

and we’re excited for what God wants to

do in our time of fellowship and to view

the value of a soul we begin to make a

lot of money I thought this is it this

is the light I was not right with God as


what should a profit a man if he should

gain the whole world and lose his own

soul is your soul secure in the hands of

God you’ve got to be willing to turn

from your sins and invite Jesus Christ

to come into your heart into your life

today is the day of salvation is mdns

I’ve asked young God is offering you an

opportunity the Bible says that all who

call on the name of Jesus and a number

increased on will be saved if you want

to receive Christ just raise your hand

we want to lead you to him that doesn’t


being here the belt inviting it was like

something was calling me and today I

felt loved I felt just like I cared like

someone cared I definitely feel like I I

need Christ in my life I need his love

and I need to love him back and just

give him my all your friends and family

out there are lost souls and that

disinvite is what’s going to change them

today was was a really good day

the see people encounter God he cleanses

them he washes them he renews them and

gives them a brand new life and gives

them hope that’s what moves me

your prayers and support will help the

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

continue to spread the gospel to those

who need Christ in their lives

visit Billy Graham TV and click give or

call eight seven seven five six seven

eighty nine eighty nine right now

partner with us and get involved call or

logon today

coming up thousands of Christians across

the u.s. are rallying together in prayer

for our nation that was the day that I

stood up listen I’m gonna be a better

leader in my community

next I’m traveling to all 50 states

we’re asking Christians to pray to vote

for candidates that stand for biblical

values and engage in your community

and I’m going to be sharing the gospel

join me for the decision America tour

one purpose drives this man to a village

he can only reach by boat

a purpose that brings this woman to the

struggling victims of a hurricane a

purpose that causes this teenager to

talk to her friends about something most

would avoid a purpose that motivates

this preacher to travel to the far

reaches of the globe gave his wife and

shed his blood for you and for me the

purpose the simple message of salvation

through Jesus Christ each of these

people is doing what they can to take

the gospel to that one person at one

life we are the Billy Graham

Evangelistic Association and our mission

is to do everything we can to reach each

life with the good news of Jesus Christ

through my home the Billy Graham library

internet evangelism and crusade

ministries we are reaching countless

lives with the gospel join with us help

us take the good news to a vast and dark

world one life at a time

call right now eight seven seven five

six seven 89 89 or go to Billy Graham TV

no nation has ever improved morally

without a spiritual revival history

proves that point you know everybody’s

talking about elections that are coming


you know I’m absolutely convinced that

no matter who’s elected America is not

going to be saved unless we have a moral

and spiritual revive our country is in

trouble we have turned our back on

Almighty God and we need his help

without God there’s no hope

when nation under God

the only hope that I have for this

country is if the church stands up and

gets involved and I realize if we don’t

get involved now it may be too late

we have a boy

make a choice stand for what is right so

please get involved in the decision

America tour because if the Church of

Jesus Christ would take a stand then I

believe we have hope for America

Nehemiah got worried that the walls of

Jerusalem were destroyed and the gates

had been burned he was so distraught

over this

he prayed confessed his sins confessed

the sins of his father and he confessed

the sins of his nation his people and

God hurt him and God gave favor to him

and God sent him back and he rebuilt the

walls of Jerusalem and you see the world

in which we live today our nation is in

trouble our our moral walls of collapsed

and our gates of burned and we need to

build them back and I want to say right

now to you to the church we need to

stand firm we need to stand together we

need to rebuild the walls of this nation

they are crumbling they’re coming down

and it’s because of sin sin in the

church sin in our Community Center own

lives and we need to confess our sins

and repent and turn from those sins and

we need to ask God how he might use us

to rebuild the walls of this nation so

that we’re once again a nation under God

second Chronicles 7:14 if my people who

are called by my name will humble

themselves and pray and seek my face and

turn from their wicked ways then I will

hear from heaven and will forgive their

sin and heal their land

America needs healing our nation is in

trouble and I want you to just look here

for a moment

at what the decision America tour of

what we’re saying and what we’re doing

as we go from capital to capital to hold

a prayer rally for this nation

sometimes we kind of get stuck in our

comfort zones you know we get stuck

around church that we’re in and that’s a

problem we’re supposed to be out

touching other people and touching the

world that’s why I’m here he’s called us

to stand on what’s right if you’re not

willing to step out of your comfort zone

how can we change things it’s fine we

can be the hands and feet of God and

that’s why I want to be a part of

decision America tour I want to welcome

each and every one of you and I’m

courage that you personally care so much

about your state and about our country

we’re here today because we see that our

nation is in trouble our country has

gone so far away from God my kids are so

desensitized to violence to sex to

everything you know and you do your best

to raise them in this household that’s

Christian but then when they walk out of

these doors you know are they gonna

continue to uphold those values that

they learned in the house that’s

important to me

people say Franklin why are you doing

this I have 10 grandchildren I look at

my grandchildren they’re not going to

have the same country that I grew up in

they’re not going to have those same

opportunities there’s a sense of

helplessness because we don’t feel like

we could change anything in Nehemiah

chapter 1 the children of Israel are in

captivity in Babylon because of their

sins and because of their moral

pollution God heard Nehemiah’s

prayer and his prayer was to confess the

sins of his people of himself and his

father’s that we could just pray we were

pit and start searching out God in the

heart of God again that God will lead us

in the right direction for our families

for our country our politicians our

politicians would pray God would lead

them in the right directions and

we’ve gotten many six let’s just pray

out loud just pray all out and just ask

God to forgive the sins of our nation

our Heavenly Father we thank you that

you you’re our first father we ask that

you forgive our nation of our many sins

father we have turned our back on you

we’ve turned our face

against you we’re sorry Father forgive

us and we pray this in Jesus name Amen

we need the Christian voice in politics

we need men and women who are not afraid

to take a stand it’s easy to say that

you want to see change but actually

doing it is what I want my kids to see

and that’s why I’m running for school

board can you imagine if that the

majority of the municipalities in

America were controlled by god-fearing

men and women City Council’s how

important to have Christian City

Councilmember County Commissioners

school board’s think about the school


not only am i running for school board

I’m a Christian that’s running for

school board and getting involved in

decision America tour just adds a whole

nother piece to that puzzle I’m

expecting us to go back to prayer I’m

expecting us to repent and follow after

Christ with all our hearts and all our

minds I believe that this is going to be

an initial point for our country that

you’re going to see a change not only in

our churches but in our families in our

communities in our schools when we look

back a year from now we’re going to say

that was it that was the day that I

accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior

that was the day that I stood up and

said I’m gonna be a better leader in my

community we need to go out there and

get involved and get in the process and

let our voices be heard and that we’re

not going to go away and we’re not going

to be silenced and you’re not just going

to push us off to the side somewhere

we’re going to stand up and we’re going

to let our voices be heard as Christian

who lead this nation back to really one

nation under God that can truthfully say

In God We Trust

god bless you see at the polls okay

thank you

first John 1:9 says if we confess our

sins he is faithful and just to forgive

us of our sins and to cleanse us from

all unrighteousness

you see Almighty God sent His Son Jesus

Christ from heaven to this earth to take

our sins he came on a rescue mission he

took our sins and he died on a cross and

He shed his blood he was buried for our

sins but on the third day God raised him

to life

Jesus Christ isn’t dead he’s alive and

he can come into each and every heart

that is willing to invited men to trust

him but we’ve got to be willing to turn

from those sins and believe on the name

of his son this is the message of the

gospel and this is what the Billy Graham

Evangelistic Association is all about

and this is what we’re going to keep

doing we will take this message to the

ends of the earth god bless you the

journey continues as Franklin Graham

makes its way across all 50 states to

rally our nation in prayer you can be a

part of this important opportunity to

financially support the decision America

tour visit Billy Graham TV or call eight

seven seven five six seven eighty nine

eighty nine as a thank you for any gift

you’ll receive the book undefeated god

strategy for successful living by Don

Wilton longtime pastor to Billy Graham

call or logon today and get involved
