Visibility Zero | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Are you willing to accept the free gift of forgiveness God offers you? “God has offered His mercy from the cross, and He says, ‘I will forgive you and cleanse you from every sin that you’ve committed,’” Billy Graham said in this 1988 sermon from Hamilton, Ontario. Watch more #MondayNightClassics every Monday at 8 p.m. ET. CONNECT with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: on Facebook: / billygrahamevangelisticassociation on Instagram:
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from our archives the Billy Graham
classics tonight I want to speak about a
blind man in the Bible that came in
contact with Jesus it’s found in the
10th chapter of Mark’s gospel the 10th
chapter of Mark’s
gospel beginning with verse
46 and they came to Jericho and as he
went out of Jericho with his disciples
and a great number of people blind
bardus the son of tus Sat by the
highways side begging and when he heard
that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began
to cry out and he said Jesus thou son of
David have mercy on me and many charged
him that he should hold his peace but he
cried the more a great deal thou son of
David have mercy on me and Jesus Stood
Still and commanded him to be called and
they called the blind man saying unto
him be of good Comfort rise he calleth
thee and he casting away his garments
Rose and came to Jesus and Jesus
answered and said unto him What wilt
thou that I should do unto thee the
blind man said unto him Lord that I may
receive my sight but there are many
people today that are just like that I
read the other day that there are 42
million people in the world who are
blind Health authorities estimate that
from all causes half a million children
become irreversibly blind around the
world each year and this is a great
tragedy and many people in countries and
health agencies are working to turn it
around a tragedy of equal or greater
proportion though is the spiritual
blindness that people have because the
Bible says you have two sets of eyes you
have physical eyes in which you can see
and you have spiritual eyes and you can
see physically but you may not be able
to see
spiritually and spiritual blindness
affects everyone in this audience there
are thousands of people here tonight
that you can see me up here but you are
spiritually blind and it’s a blindness
that keeps you from really knowing god
now bmus was a blind man and he came out
of the little place where he had spent
the night and he never had any hope that
he’d ever be able to see and he would go
outside the Gate of Jericho and he would
beg from the people that passed by
people on the way to Market or people
coming to their business that day and he
would say help the blind help the blind
help the blind help the blind he had his
Cane he had an old Shaggy coat he’
begged some bread from a woman as he’d
gone on his way and he got some milk and
there he sat with other blind people and
other Beggars and they were begging
hoping that the people would throw them
a little bit of money or give them
something and so I look at bmus and I
see myself or I see you the Bible says
he is blind
spiritually and our world leaders are
groping I listen to some of these things
on television from some of our world
leaders and I’m amazed at the spiritual
blindness and I have talked to some of
them privately and
and I I just I I want to reach over and
grab them and shake them and tell them
that they need Christ because Christ
could go open their eyes and I think
only the the True
Believers really know what’s wrong with
the world because what’s wrong with the
world is a spiritual
problem now this barus could not see his
Rags he couldn’t see his filth he
couldn’t see even Beauty and from time
to time we read of someone living in a
house or apartment that’s filled with
empty containers and refu and
garbage and the person living there may
appear to lead a perfectly normal
life and they’re well-dressed I know a
home like that right now where the lady
is well-dressed
uh the husband is is a doctor and they
are respectable they’re fine people and
when you see them out you you think
they’re the most wonderful couple in the
world but but if you ever get into their
house it is a mess it looks like a hog
pin and that’s the way it is with so
many of us we appear all right on the
outside but down in our hearts and in
our souls we know that something is
wrong and for some reason the person
doesn’t seem to even care the scripture
says but the natural man that’s the
ordinary man the man before he comes to
Christ receiveth not the things of the
spirit of God for their foolishness unto
him neither can he know them because
they are spiritually
discerned and it seems foolish for me to
stand here and tell you that because
Jesus Christ died on a cross 2,000 years
ago and rose from the dead that that can
have an impact on your life today and
now and give you assurance and peace and
joy that you never knew before and help
settle many of the problems and
relationships that you face and give you
a burden for your fellow man but it’s
true and some people would call that
foolish the Bible says that the pro
proclamation of the Gospel is
foolishness to them that perish you see
you are blinded by the God of this world
now who is the God of this world Jesus
called him the devil The Prince and
power of the air the prince of this
world there’s another force in the world
and that other Force has Supernatural
power too and that other force is the
devil and there is a conflict going on
the conflict of the ages between the
forces of God and the forces of the
devil you say why does God allow that
that is a great mystery it’s a mystery
as to where the devil came from now the
Bible tells us in the 28th chapter of
Ezekiel it also tells us in the 14th
chapter of of Isaiah we get a little
picture of it and we get other pictures
and glimpses throughout scripture but
there is a devil now he he doesn’t rule
in hell he’s never been to Hell he’s
alive he settled on this planet now you
can call evil anything you want to but
we all know that there’s evil in the
world and we all know that something is
wrong but we don’t know what now the
Bible tells us that back of it all is
the devil you say but why doesn’t God
kill the devil and get it all over with
well someday God is going to do just
that he’s not going to kill him he’s
going to throw him into the Lake of
Fire but that day hasn’t come yet but
the devil has already suffered a great
defeat and there’s been a great Victory
by God at the cross the cross looked
like a defeat for God but it was
actually a defeat for the devil and you
and I can enter into the victory that
Christ won at the cross when we come to
know him but till then the God of this
world has blinded our eyes so our eyes
are supernaturally blinded and that’s
why only the Holy Spirit can lift those
blindfolds that are on your eyes just
now he was not only blind this man but
he was poor and we read about the
poverty in the world today and it breaks
our hearts many of us are suffering
tonight from spiritual poverty and then
this man was not only blind and poor but
he was helpless barus expected to die in
his blindness no one could heal that
kind of
blindness but there was a aray of Hope
bardus bardus had heard many rumors of
this stranger From Galilee that was
going up and down the country healing
people and helping people and preaching
to people and he heard the approach of a
great crowd of people his ears were very
keen and he could hear them he heard the
children he heard the people talking
themselves and he said what’s going on
what’s going on nobody would tell him
and the crowd was getting Clos and
closer and he grabbed the skirt of a
fellow that was passing by and he said
tell me who who is this passing through
town and this stranger that no one knows
his name turned and said Jesus of
Nazareth passeth by and baramas thought
to himself Jesus of Nazareth I’ve heard
about him I’ve heard that he can heal
people that he can help people maybe he
could help
me you know there only comes a few times
in our lives when Jesus of Nazareth
passes by and we have an opportunity
like we have tonight to receive him you
see people have been praying and the
Holy Spirit has been working and many
people have already received Christ and
what an hour and what a moment for you
to come this
stranger gave him the message Jesus of
Nazareth is passing by I remember the
story of the Surgeon General of Portugal
a former Surgeon General and he was
walking down the street one day and a
piece of paper stuck to his foot he went
home he pulled it off of his shoe and
looked looked at it and it was a gospel
track and he decided to read it and he
read it and to make a long story short
he was converted to Christ and became a
great Christian leader and a great Bible
teacher just a simple little witness
like that God can use all of those
things and that’s why we ought to always
be faithful in our witness because you
never know when that waitress in the
restaurant or that person that you meet
at your work they’ll watch your life of
course to see if you’re backing it up by
the way you live
Jesus has been passing by in Hamilton
Jesus has been passing by in the Golden
Horseshoe he may be passing by in your
home he may be passing by in the room
that you occupy at a hotel he’s passing
by here in Southern
Ontario and in desperation Bemus cried
at the top of his voice Jesus thou son
of David have mercy on me have mercy on
me and the other Beggars said close your
mouth close your mouth the magistrates
will hear about this and they’ll come
and put put us in
prison but he kept on crying out this
was his one moment this was his one
chance Jesus was there and he was going
to take advantage of it and the others
said keep still Bemus who wants to hear
anything from a poor old beggar like you
but the more they rebuked him the more
he cried out and I want you to notice
several things about it first he cried
for the right thing he cried for
Mercy he needed other
things but the thing that he needed most
most of all was Christ he needed God
have mercy upon me you son of
David have mercy upon me that’s what we
all need tonight is God’s
Mercy when I stand at the Judgment seat
of Christ I’m not going to say Lord I
Justice if I get Justice I’m going to
end up in
hell I want
mercy and God has offered his Mercy from
the cross and he says I will forgive you
and cleanse you from every sin that
you’ve ever committed you’ll never have
to face the Judgment you will never be
in danger of hell if you surrender your
life to Jesus Christ and so you have to
say first of all I am a sinner you have
to say that to yourself and maybe to
others just like an alcoholic before you
can help an alcoholic you they have to
be willing to say I’m an alcoholic
before you can help in drug addiction
you have to say I am a drug addict I
help and when you come to Christ you
must say I am a sinner I need help and
oh Lord God please help
me and then the second thing not only
did he cry for the right thing but he
cried to the right person he cried to
the Lord Jesus Christ the son of the
Living God the only one in all the world
that could help him stood right there
and all of his hopes was centered in him
the Bible says None other name is given
among men whereby we must be saved
except through the name of Jesus to whom
shall we go thou Hast the words of
eternal life Jesus had said I am the way
the truth and the life no man cometh to
the father but by me and this man
baramas was coming in the right way he
was coming to the right person he was
coming to Jesus the son of God and he
cried at the right time Jesus was
passing by suppose he had waited and
said I’m going to see what the scribes
and the Pharisees and the religious
leaders have to say about him I’ll wait
till he comes to Jericho again Jesus
never came to Jericho again he may never
come in this way again like this when
will we ever see a sight like this in
again it’s been a long time since this
many people came and heard the gospel
and so many people worked and prayed and
believed as they’ve done here and the
Churches United and cooperated as
they’ve done
and God has been speaking and many
people have been finding Christ and
tonight you can find
Christ no he called at that moment the
Bible says he that hardened his heart
being often reproved shall suddenly be
cut off and that without remedy in other
words when you hear the gospel and do
nothing about it it hardens your heart a
little bit more God the holy spirit will
continue to speak to you but you can’t
hear him because you get deaf
the Bible says Heim is joined to his
idols let him alone there comes a
point I don’t know where it is or when
it is but there’s a point Beyond which
you can go that your heart is so hard
that even though God will still speak
you cannot hear so come now while you
have an
opportunity the great Governor Felix was
trembled when Paul was speaking to him
about the gospel and he said go your way
when I have a more convenient season
I’ll call for you but he never had a
more convenient season that was his
moment that was his hour before God and
he didn’t take advantage of it the Bible
says now is the accepted time now is the
day of salvation not tomorrow they may
never be a tomorrow for you this may be
the moment for
you he that Harden his heck neck being
often reproved shall suddenly be cut
off notice how Jesus met his need here
was a great crowd of people and we have
a a way today that we think in terms of
great crowds there’s a great crowd here
tonight 18,000 people I’m told and we
think in terms of crowds we think in
terms of filling our churches and
filling an auditorium or having a big
crowd at a ball game we think in terms
of crowds but it’s interesting not only
did Jesus preach to the crowds but the
greatest sermons I think he ever
preached with to
individuals he stopped and Stood Still
when this blind man called him a great
crowd of leaders were around him he
could have said I don’t have time I’m on
my way to Jerusalem to die for the sins
of the world but he stopped on his way
to the Cross to hear this Beggar’s cry
he stopped dying on the cross in order
to hear that Thief say remember me when
thou comest to thy kingdom he stopped
when a woman touched His
Garment and Jesus will stop for you
tonight because you see he sees you
tonight as though you’re the only person
in all the world he doesn’t see you as a
part of this great crowd he sees you as
you are he knows all of your thoughts
and all of your intents and all the
struggles that’s going on inside of you
and the Bible says he loves you and he
died for you and if you had been the
only one in the whole world he would
have died for you and Jesus not only
stopped but he said call
him the scripture says in Luke 19:10 he
came to seek and to save that which was
lost lost you’re lost psychologically
spiritually you’re lost you need
somebody to find you and put their arms
around you that’s what he’ll do for you
tonight and there was a surprise on the
face of the people in the crowd to call
that poor old blind beggar filthy and
dirty the first time anyone I suppose
had ever called him someone threw his
cloak about him someone gave him his
Cane he threw him both away and came
running and fell down before Jesus and
Jesus asked him a strange question he’d
been blind all these years and Jesus
asked him what do you want me to do for
you can you imagine that what do you
want me to do for
you and he said Lord and that word Lord
means that at that moment he had
received Christ into his heart my very
Lord that I might receive my sight and I
think he was talking not only about his
physical eyes but his spiritual eyes as
well scientists believe that 33 million
of the 42 million blind people in the
world either can be cured or their
blindness could have been prevented
spiritual blindness cannot be prevented
it’s caused by sin and we all have it
but it can be cured by the Lord Jesus
Christ he’ll open your eyes and he can
open your eyes
tonight what is your need what do you
want Christ to do for you
tonight what do you want me to do he
said some of you say I want him to
forgive my sin I want him to give me
assurance and so that I can know that if
I died at this moment I’d go to
heaven I want peace I’d like to
rededicate my life I’ve been baptized or
I’ve been confirmed but somehow I don’t
have that personal relationship with
Christ and I don’t have that walk with
him that I ought to have and I’d like to
have that and so I’d like to reconfirm
my confirmation vows whatever it
is and Jesus said to him go your way
your faith has made you whole not money
not good works but your faith has made
you whole last December an 18-year-old
student pilot named Kim was making a
solo flight cross country when she
became lost in a storm she couldn’t see
anything out the windshield of her small
plane she didn’t know where she was or
how to get out of the storm and back to
the safety something had gone wrong with
one of her instruments so she reached
for her radio and made contact with a
local air traffic controller and she
said I don’t know where I am I need some
help please please help me the
controller located her on his radar
screen and began talking her down toward
a nearby airport where the weather was
good she couldn’t see a thing but he
could see her on the radar he knew where
she was which direction she was headed
where she needed to go and the best way
to get there she trusted her life to a
man she had never seen whose name she
did not know and he got her out of the
storm and safely to ground
tonight you can trust in the Lord Jesus
Christ you’ve never seen him with your
naked eye you may not know
but he’s there waiting for you with open
arms to help you so I’m asking you to
quit Flying Blind trust yourself to
Jesus Christ follow the guidance of his
instruments which is the word of God the
Bible and then the scripture says and
immediately immediately he received his
sight for some people it’s that quick
for other people it’s a period of time
in which you’re convicted of the spirit
of God and you grow gradually into the
knowledge but there comes a moment when
you make that step from Death to life
from Darkness to light I’m asking you to
take that step tonight and if you have
any doubts about it in your heart make
your commitment tonight did you know
that each night we’ve been here we’ve
seen more than 700 people both nights
each night come to Christ and come and
make a commitment and what I’m going to
ask you to do is what we’ve done all all
over Latin America all over Europe all
over the
Orient All Over America all across
Canada we’ve asked people to get up out
of their seat and come and stand in
front of the platform and say by coming
symbolically I need Christ I want his
Mercy I want his love and his grace I
want to know him for
myself why do I ask you to come forward
and make that a public declaration
because Jesus hung on the cross publicly
for you he didn’t do it in private he
did it publicly and people were against
him sneering at him he was naked and
bleeding and he did it publicly and he
said that if we’re not willing to
confess him publicly before men he will
not confess us before his father which
is in heaven it’s a public commitment
and I’m going to ask you to make that
commitment tonight and after you’ve all
come and stand here I’m going to say a
word to you and have a prayer with you
and give you some a book that you can
take home with you to help you in your
Christian growth and if you’re with
friends or relatives they’ll wait if
you’re in a bus they’ll wait and you
people in the other Auditorium or the
other room that could not get in here
you can get up and come and the ushers
will let you in this building so that
you can join those that are going to
come and from the balcony it’s taking a
little bit longer than I thought the
first night it’s going to take at least
3 minutes for you to come so get up and
start now but don’t let a little bit of
time keep you back and don’t let the big
crowd keep you back you just get up and
come because it’s you before God tonight
the most important commitment that you
have ever
made and if you want to bring a friend
with you bring your friend but get up
and come and don’t let anything keep you
back we’re going to wait and people are
going to be praying all over this great
Coliseum as you come
you’ll never have another moment quite
like this you come we’re going to wait
now and after you’ve come I’ll speak to
you as you can see many hundreds are
responding to Mr Graham’s invitation to
to make Jesus Christ their Savior and
trust him as Lord you too can make that
decision there’s a phone number on your
screen right now that you can call for
Spiritual help and counseling make that
call now special friends are standing by
waiting to talk and to pray with you
you that have been watching by
television you can see that here in
Ontario God has been speaking mightily
to hundreds of people and hundreds have
already come and still are coming and
you can make that commitment where you
are and say yes to Jes Jesus Christ
he’ll come into your heart he’ll forgive
your sins he can make you a new person
you can have a
transformation right now in your life
Surrender Your Life to him and if you
will pick up the phone and call that
number that you see on that screen there
are people that are standing by and if
you get a busy signal call back a few
minutes later you’ll get you’ll get
through because there are hundreds of
lines and be sure and go to church next
you can still call the number on your
screen and make your decision for Jesus
Christ right now if the line is busy
simply write the number down and call
later we’ll be there as long as the
calls keep coming in we do want to help
you so call the number now we hope that
you’ll make your plans to join us again
tomorrow night for the next in this
series of programs from Hamilton
Ontario our special guests will be
Sheila Walch David lambir Myrtle Hall
and George Beverly Shay Mr Graham sermon
is entitled time to come home so plan to
join us tomorrow night and invite a
friend to share The Telecast with you
now for Billy Graham and all the team
this is Cliff Barrow saying good night
and may the Lord richly bless you if you
just prayed that prayer with my father
or if you have any questions about a
relationship with Jesus Christ I’ll just
call that number that is on the screen
there’ll be someone there to talk with
you pray with you and answer those
questions and
remember God loves
you if you would like to commit your
life to Jesus Christ please call us
right now tollfree at
4559 that’s
877772 45
559 or you can write to us at Billy
Graham 1 Billy Graham Parkway Department
C Charlotte North Carolina
28201 or you can contact us on the web
247 at peacei we’ll get the same
helps to you that we give to everyone
who responds at the invitation on behalf
of Franklin Graham and the Billy gram
Evangelistic Association thank you for
watching and thank you for your prayers
we still have a window of opportunity to
reach a lost and Dying World with the
truth of God’s
love it’s not too late we’ve got an
opportunity to tell others about Jesus
Christ what are you going to do with it