Who is this Man called Jesus? People have been asking that question ever since He walked out of the carpenter shop about two thousand years ago. Jesus came to reveal to us who God is: a God who loved us enough to have His own Son crucified in order to pay our sin-debt in full. All the things that are true of Jesus are true of God–there is no one like Him! For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to www.intouch.org/watch

well I want to answer one question who

is this man called Jesus people been

asking that question ever since he

walked out of the carpenter’s shop about

two thousand years ago asking that

question people hate him are they loving

they ignore him or they’ll follow him to

their death as something about this man

who is this man called Jesus and I think

about people who follow him

have they been growing for 2,000 years

millions of people all over the world

but there he was born in that simple

little town of Bethlehem who is this man

Jesus who was a carpenter who could

absolutely shocked the world and 2,000

years later be the most important person

who’s ever walked on the face of this

earth well Jesus said to his disciples

who do men say that I am so I want you

to turn to the sixteenth chapter of

Matthew and just look at the 13th 14th

15th and 16th verses of Matthew chapter

16 the scripture says now when Jesus

came into the district of Caesarea

Philippi he was asking his disciples who

do people say that the son of man is and

they said some say John the Baptist and

others Elijah but still of us Jeremiah

or one of the prophets and he said to

them but who do you say that I am wonder

what you would have said in those days

who do you say that I am and then Simon

Peter and said you are the Christ the

Messiah the one we’ve looked for the

Messiah the son of the Living God so

with that in mind let’s think about it

for a moment

we celebrate his birth and call it

Christmas we worship and bow down and

called him Lord and we pray in his name

and call him Jesus

so this carpenter is no longer just the

carpenter he’s become the most awesome

person the world has ever known ever

we’ll know and so to answer the question

who is he well the Bible says he’s the

Christ that is he is the Messiah we know

him as the Son of God and the savior of

the world we know him as the reigning

Lord we know him as the ruling judge and

the returning king so we know I’m in

minute many different ways so if he’s

all that we say he is how should we

respond to him we should believe him we

should obey Him we should follow him we

should serve Him we should proclaim him

to other people we should know him

through the Word of God follow him and

love him that’s a big order if Jesus is

who he says he is what should we do

believe him obey Him serve Him proclaim

him know him and follow him and love him

there’s not anything in that list that

says ho-hum it says rather knowing who

he is

it should absolutely impact every single

aspect of our life knowing and obeying

follow him love him

so somebody says well why because of him

he was who was he he was a prophet he

was a teacher he was a healer and he was

the Messiah how could he be a carpenter

for some 30 years and then all of a

sudden be all of this because he’s

always been all of that

so in thinking about that you have to

think about well whether is attributes

what is it about him that we say well

this is who Jesus really was and I think

about people who deny I mean people who

don’t believe in don’t follow him had a

little they know about it they don’t

even know what we’ve said already they

just see him as a teacher and religious

man and they say was the carpenter and

the prophet and so forth

but what was he really like so let’s

think about his attributes for a moment

and the first one most people won’t

understand but the Apostle Paul made it

very clear and I can give you verses for

all of these but especially what I turn

to this one and that is when you think

about who he really is

the scripture says in Colossians that he

was the creator or listen to this he is

the image of the invisible God the

firstborn of all creation for by him all

things were created both in the heavens

and on earth visible and invisible

whether Thrones or dominions or rulers

or authorities all things have been

created through him and for him

the Creator how could he be all this

other and be the Creator well the Bible

says also he is omnipresent he’s


that means if he’s omnipresent he goes

home with you today

he came with you this morning because

he’s living within your heart when you

receive him as your personal Savior he’s

with you forever and ever and ever

so the question where is it he’s

omnipresent he’s omnipotent he has all

power there’s not anything he cannot do

he doesn’t do foolish things he does

those things that fit who he is that

that our needs and they’re in keeping

with the will and purpose and plan of

the Father he’s omnipotent he’s

omniscient he knows everything which

means that you now don’t have any

secrets when you’re not Neal Dupree and

you think maybe you ought to confess

something you think oh I don’t

say that he’s already heard it so he

knows everything and then of course

thank God he’s merciful how many times

that we call upon God to be merciful to

us he suggests God that is at no time do

we ever have to worry about it what the

he’ll mistreat us or not we certainly

don’t want him to give us what we

deserve I don’t I want him to give give

us mercy and love and grace but he’s a

just God which means he always does the

right thing the divine thing in every

single circumstance of life I don’t

always understand some things he does

but he’s just doesn’t make any mistakes

he’s more merciful to us than we really

and truly deserve but he’s the god of

awesome mercy and he is eternal how

could he be eternal and be born to a


how could he beat eternal live thirty


how could he beat eternal down across

and be resurrected how could he be

eternal well go back to Genesis chapter

one verse 26 when the Bible says God

said let us make man in our image who in

the world is our angels weren’t creators

there wasn’t another person God the

Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit

Jesus was one of the three persons of

the Godhead who created this world and

then of course he’s sinless no anybody

like that anybody volunteer to join that

band I don’t think so he’s absolutely

the sinless son of God who is creator

and just and merciful and all the rest

and at the same time he’s human that’s

the part I love Lord Jesus being human

you understand me

being human you see my frailties and my

faults and my mistakes be being being

human you see my humanity within me

thank God he isn’t just just and

merciful he understands us because there

was not human in him

that he grew up as a little boy like the

little boy in your home only he was

absolutely perfect and absolutely

sinless think about this Mary or Joseph

never had to get a switch never they

never had to get a switch why because he

was absolutely the perfect son of God

before he was born when he was a child

and when he was a man and then of course

he was dear to he was God all these

attributes somebody says who is this man

named Jesus if you just say he was the

baby born in Bethlehem you’ve missed it

he’s everything we’ve said he is

and we haven’t quit and I don’t even

have time to do all the things I’d like

to do but I’m gonna give you enough that

you won’t forget it who is this Jesus

these are his attributes and then of

course one of the issues that is a

theological issue today and that is he

was virgin born now listen to me

carefully one of the signs of people who

are drifting away from the Word of God

are those who disparage the idea that

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin oh

they will say that’s not important there

wasn’t important

he would have been born of a virgin born

of a virgin was absolutely necessary for

him to be the representative for all of

us to take all of our sin upon him and

he died on the cross dying in our place

if he were a sinner he did that in his

own place he had to be born of a virgin

if he had not been born of a virgin he

could not have represented you and me on

the cross and died in our place he had

to be the sinless Lamb of God the

sinless son of God watch this if he had

sinned he too had to die for his own sin

he was sinless therefore he could die

for your sins and mine and then somebody

says well where is he and I love that

question where is he well what would you

say that corner of the script

he’s seated at the Father’s right hand

to make intercession for you and me

that is when we pray he takes our

prayers before the Father and he answers

the prayers because we have accepted the

Lamb of God the Lord Jesus Christ and

His sacrificial substitutionary death at

the cross which makes it possible for us

to relate to God to speak to him him

answer our prayers there’s no one like

him so where is he see that the father’s

right hand and where else is he abiding

in your heart and mind think about who

that is

you have the Lord Jesus Christ living

within you and Jesus made a big deal out

of it that he was within us and that’s

why he use terms like abiding in us and

we are abiding in him and as that branch

abides in the vine so he abides within

us every single believer is stamped

within our heart the very presence of

Jesus Christ Himself where is he where

he’s been since the moment you said I’m

trusting Jesus Christ as my personal

Savior nobody could ever do that but him

and we are eternally the children of God

not because of our conduct but because

Christ lives within us that makes us

very special and remember this the Bible

says once we’ve trusted Jesus as our


we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit

unto the day of redemption when he calls

his own that is we are absolutely and

forever his children so where is he well

he seated at the Father’s right hand and

he says he’s making intercession for us

and he’s also living within our heart so

think about this

you can’t ever be without him once

you’re with him once Jesus Christ it

saves you you can never be without him

that’s why we can trust him believe him

cry out to him know that he’s with us he

said I’ll never leave you nor forsake


so what’s his mission on earth then if

that’s who he is well first of all his

mission is to reveal the father and

remember what Jesus said he said if

you’ve seen me you’ve seen whom you’ve

seen the father that he says I and the

father are one

watch this God came Jesus came God and

the person of Jesus came for the primary

reasons is to say this is this is who

the father is this is the way God thinks

and if you think about those Jews in

those days and especially as a religious

crowd of Pharisees and Sadducees who

supposedly knew all about God knew very

little about him Jesus came to reveal to

us who God is merciful kind forgiving

just than all the things that are true

of Jesus are true of God and so the

person who will never leave you nor

forsake you the person who is the

prophet and the teacher and the healer

is one who lives within us through the

power of the Holy Spirit he came to

reveal the father then to redeem mankind

through his shed blood at the cross

every single one of us has been saved in

the same way you may have been saved

earlier in life you knew a little bit

you may have been saved later in life

and you know a lot but we all got saved

the same way we confess their sins

repent of our sins confess the Lord

Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and as

Paul said if you confess him the amount

that Jesus Christ is Lord he will

forgive you of your sins write your name

in the Lamb’s Book of Life and you will

eternally and forever be a child of God

Jesus came to reveal the kind of God who

would save us the kind of God who would

save us as the kind who loved us enough

to have his own son crucified in order

to pay our sin debt in full no one like

him likewise he came to assure us of

life after death and when Jesus Christ

rose from the grave it’s settled once

and for all

there is life beyond this one and you

think about all the thousands of people

who live before believed in something

after death leave most of them do and

probably most people believe it today

but they don’t have anything that they

don’t have any certainty about it

Jesus settled that question that once he

died on the cross and paid our sin debt

in full if he listened if they had bird

Jesus seal them in the tomb and that you

could go to that same tomb today and

they would tell you it’s been sealed for

a couple of thousand years and he’s

still in there that’d be like other

great leaders of the world supposing the

great who died and you can go to that

tomb and this and the other and so forth

no Jesus rose from the grave settle once

and for all that everything he had said

in total was true suppose he hadn’t

risen then what would you think about

some of the things he said but listen we

don’t have any escape he said his the

way I want you to live here’s the life

I’m giving you here’s the power to do it

in and I’ll be with you until the end of

the age he’s the living son of God and I

think about about this that not only

does he give us the promise of life

after death but he also promised there’s

a resurrection so let me ask you a

question do you believe that Jesus

Christ when you die is going to take you

to heaven well about 10 have you do

do you really and truly believe that

you’re going to heaven when you die and

on what basis are you going is it your

conduct is it how much you’ve given how

good you’ve been what is it it’s the

cross the blood of Jesus Christ the

promise of salvation wrote your name in

the Lamb’s Book of Life and no one can

ever erase it no matter what they tell

you know what they do that’s the living

Christ the carpenter the carpenter born

in Bethlehem is the Savior who lives

within your heart and mind he’s the

reigning Lord who sits at the Father’s

right hand to intercede for us and the

best friend we’ll ever have no one like

him and if you think about it the Bible

talks about this abundant life Jesus are

giving a bundle of what’s the abundant

life you ever thought about that

what’s up abundance talks about a lot so

think about all that you have as a

result of being a follower of Jesus you

can’t you can’t in the words that

exhaust your brain to try to think about

all the heat has given you all that he

does for you all the deep promises you

and all that he does moment by moment in

your life that is who Jesus is this

carpenter laid down his tools picked up

one picked up his calling from the

father and has transformed the world and

he will keep on transforming the world

til he comes back one of these days

anything that discredits him in any

fashion in any way is absolutely ungodly

then of course who did Jesus say was

I’ll bet you can name them all well

let’s start with he’s the Good Shepherd

right he’s the bread of life he’s the


he talks about that in the 15th chapter

of of John he says I am the way the

truth and the life no man comes to the

Father but by me he said I’m the light

of the world and I’m the door there’s no

one like that and that’s who he is so

when we think about his name we we call

them Jesus Messiah and for what so forth

it’s the name above all names and the

Bible says listen the Bible says before

him every single knee shall bow and I

think about these tyrants in the world

who want to control everything believe

nothing of the Bible the Bible says one

of these days every one of them shall

bow before the Lord God and all of them

will have to acknowledge that he is

indeed the Jesus the Savior the Lord and

the God of the Bible the name every

tongue shall confess the Bible says

every tongue will confess that Jesus

Christ is Lord to the glory of God and

the scripture says the only name by

which we shall be saved

now name given by an angel indicated by

his mission on earth the deliverer and

all of history think about this all this

so-called great people but in an

interesting that all of time is divided

by him BC before whom Christ aid thee

after our Lord all time there is there

is nothing and no one to compare to him

and the scripture says he’s the only

begotten Son of God only begotten

there’s none like him he’s one with the

Father and think about this I think

about these people who boast about how

many books they’ve written and they’ve

done this list of this Jesus never wrote

a book he’s the subject of the greatest

book never wrote a song subject of

thousand thousands of songs never owned

a home but going to prepare one – you

never travel but about a hundred miles

from where his home was you think he’s

well traveled

the whole world was in his presence

practice medicine without a license he

is the great physician no pills in those


he never marshaled an army but he’s

brought down every kind of Kingdom

imagine listeners Herod could not kill

him Satan could not seduce him death

couldn’t destroy him and the tomb could

not keep him there’s no one left

so think about all the names that he’s

called in Scripture he’s the king of

kings he’s the son of God

he’s the Lamb of God the Rose of Sharon

the Lord of lords the great High Priest

the Morningstar the Prince of Peace the

wonderful counselor Emmanuel the Word of

God the prophet and Alpha and Omega has

that for a name that’s who Jesus is and

all of these names described as

something either about his character his

attributes or his mission now

maybe you seated here and you’re not a

Christian do you think that one of these

days you’re gonna dun go to heaven

because you’ve been good know our

Heavenly Father sent his son to the

cross to die shed his blood in the most

horrible fashion of crucifixion shed his

blood which was God’s Way of paying for

your sin through the death of his son

and there is only one way to heaven

jesus said I’m the way the truth and the

life no one comes to the Father but by

me and if you intend to go to heaven if

you intend to see the Lord one of these

days you must ask him to forgive you of

your sins trust him as your personal

Savior and start living a godly life

indwelt by the Holy Spirit empowered by

the Holy Spirit who will help you enable

you give you understanding of what they

got little life’s all about but one

thing you cannot do is you cannot say

you have never heard the truth that you

didn’t know who Jesus was the Bible says

that every knee shall bow and every

tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ

is Lord to the glory

God and I pray this Christmas don’t let

all this stuff paper bows cards utensils

all the things that get around your feet

and cause you to stumble don’t let that

take the place of the Son of God who

went to the cross and made everything

within you that’s good possible and we

call his name what

let’s said like a minute what is he

Jesus amen amen amen amen


and father we thank you for your love

for us may we express that every day of

our life by doing what you came and made

possible for us to do to believe you to

obey you to love you and the servi with

all of our heart and we pray this in his

wonderful name amen
