Relapse from Liberty – Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians – Part 2 – Dr. Charles Stanley

Are you trusting in Jesus or your good works? Dr. Stanley continues his examination of Paul’s letter to the Galatians in “Relapse From Liberty,” as he guides us through Galatians 1:6-10. Despite already enjoying the liberty that is theirs through Jesus Christ, Paul admonishes the Galatians for returning to a works-based hope of salvation. Dr. Stanley tells us that many of today’s Christians have chosen the same path: leaving a life of grace for a life of laws. But these laws were added by man, not God. Our Father has called us to a life of grace, not because of anything we’ve done but out of His absolute love for us. This message is part of the series “Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians” Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians: CD Series:… Part 1: A Declaration of Freedom –    • A Declaration of Freedom – Liberated …   Part 2: Relapse from Liberty Part 3: In Defense Of Our Liberty – Part 4: The Foundation of Our Liberty – Pt 1 – Part 5: The Foundation of Our Liberty – Pt 2 – Part 6: The Key to Liberty – Part 7: Liberated By Faith – Part 8: Liberated Unto Sonship – Part 9: A Personal Plea for Liberty – Part 10: Standing Firm In Your Liberty – Part 11: Liberty, Not License – Part 12: The Obligation of Liberty – Part 13: The Cross: Where Liberty Begins – Pt 1 – Part 14: The Cross: Where Liberty Begins – Pt 2 – Part 15: Liberty’s Brands – For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

with a message from God’s word here’s


Stanley turn to Galatians chapter 1 and

this is the second message in our series

and tonight a relapse from Liberty and

Paul is discussing the believer’s

freedom all through this book many of

God’s people are hung up in bondage

about what people think about them about

the expectations they believe that God

has over them and they’re living in

constant defeat not recognizing that

they’re their own personal problem so in

this book he gives them some solutions

to the problem of human bondage that is

living in spiritual and mental bondage

to things that God never intended for us

and you recall the first five verses we

talked about last week a declaration of

freedom and tonight a relapse from

Liberty that is having already begun to

enjoy the Liberty that is THS in Christ

Christ Jesus and if you look over in uh

chapter 5 and remember what he says in

verse one he admonishes them to Stand

Fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith

Christ has arist tense once and for all

made us free and be not entangled again

with the Yoke of bondage and you see

when a person is saved and is liberated

by God’s grace and then goes back to try

to live by the rules and try to live by

the expectations of

others and self impos rules and laws

that they think they ought to live up to

they get themselves in bondage and the

vast majority of God’s people are living

there so that is not where the Lord

wants us to live and the second uh

paragraph of Galatians 1: 2 or beginning

in verse 6 is an incident where the

Galatians relapsed from the Liberty that

the Lord had provided for him and so I

want us to read verses beginning in


6-10 so Paul says having introduced the

whole book he says I’m Mark

that you are so soon removed from him

that called you into the grace of

Christ unto another gospel which is not

another but there be some that trouble

you and would pervert the gospel of

Christ but though we are an angel from

heaven preach any other gospel unto you

than that which we have preached unto

you let him be a cursed

anathema as we said before so say I now

again if any man preach

any other gospel unto you than that you

have received let him be

accursed for do I now persuade men or

God or do I seek to please men for if I

yet please men I should not be the

servant of Christ So In this passage

he’s talking about the relapse from

Liberty so the first thing I want us to

notice here is this and that is the

realization of this relapse here’s what

Paul realized when he got word from the

churches there in galatia he realized

something was going on that these people

whom he had won the Christ who had

indoctrinated them in the faith they

were beginning to talk about going back

and keeping the law they were beginning

to talk about the necessity of

circumcision and he realized that

something was going on and that

something was they were about to be

entangled again once again in the very

bondage from which Jesus Christ had

delivered them and so he’s writing this

uh to speak to them and so let’s look at

two or three things here first of all

the affection he says I Marvel that you

are so soon

removed now when he says removed what

he’s talking about here is this watch

this he says I Marvel he said I’m

surprised in fact he says I’m really

surprised that you are so quickly having

been saved by grace having known the

truth and having not been saved very

long that you are so soon doing what he

says removing yourself from Grace back

into law which is to say you are turning

your back on what a life of Grace means

a life of unmar undeserved favor and

acceptance from God you’ve been adopted

into his kingdom you’ve been redeemed by

his love you have the inheritance of

Jesus Christ you have all that God has

provided for you and you didn’t do

anything to get any of that so he says

what you’re doing is you have received

the gift of God you have received the

life of Grace which is a life of freedom

and liberty all of God’s work we are

simply responding by receiving his gift

he says you’ve turned your back upon

that and now you’re contemplating and

some of you have already is begun he

says you’re going back into a life of

bondage he says what you’re doing is he

say you leing the life of freedom and

liberty and going back in the same old

entanglements from which God saved you

through the cross he’s saying to them do

you realize what you’re doing that the

one thing that you wished for and

dreamed of and never believed could

possibly be true you found in Jesus

Christ and now you have allowed somebody

to misinform you and now you’re creeping

back to your old way and he says what

you’re doing is you’re leaving the life

of Grace and going back to the life of

law now there are a lot of Christians

who do the same thing you hear the

Gospel of Jesus Christ and somebody says

to you how are you saved they say for by

grace are you saved God’s unmar love and

favor towards you the power to receive

God’s goodness and love and mercy you

just receive by faith all that God has

given to you on the grounds by which we

to receive that

salvation then what do we do having

received it by faith we do the natural

normal thing then we try to figure out

what we can do to deserve it now we

don’t realize that we don’t use that

terminology but we start doing things

whereby we can deserve to be saved young

lady called me this week she came by to

see me and she says uh I want to be

saved and she says I think I already

have been saved she says here’s what I

did she says I was saved in a certain

church and as soon as I was saved I knew

that I had to start serving the lord

going to church giving my tithe and

doing everything I could to keep saved I

said now give me that again she said and

she went right through the same thing

again I said you mean and she says and

by and also she said I had to be

baptized and she said I knew I had to be

baptized if I were going to continue to

be saved and she says the problem is

I’ve done all those things and she said

I’m just as miserable as I was before

that happened she said I I think I’ve

been saved she says but man she says I’m

not free she says in fact I’m so

entangled she says I’m so under this

thing this load she says I believe I

probably need to get baptized again she

says is the place in Sunday school I can

teach she just went right through all of

these things because this young girl 26

years of age somebody told her if you’re

going to be saved you’ve got to be saved

you got to be baptized You’ got to serve

the Lord you’ve got to do all of these

things what they did they put a yoke of

bondage on her and so they said to her

you saved by Grace plus many works and

faithfulness to your denomination and I

want to tell you my friend if you never

hear of another denomination has nothing

to do with being saved not one thing in

fact anything anybody tells you you must

do after you’re saved is added by man

not by God otherwise what are we doing

it is God plus something we do so he

said to them he said I’m amazed at you

he said I instructed you I taught you

and you you receive the message that I

gave gave you and now you’re going back

circumcision keeping the law and all the

rest and he says all of that is in

absolute vain now notice the word he

uses here in verse 6 he says I Marvel

that is I’m surprised that you so

quickly so quickly removed that is you

have be the word removed here means to

become of another mind your mind has

been changed he says from him that

called you into the grace of Christ unto

another gospel now listen when he says

he called look if you will in Romans

chapter 8 for just a moment in verse

30 he says he called you into the grace

of Christ in Romans 8:30 listen to what

he says he says moreover whom he did

predestinate them he also called and

whom he called them he also Justified

and whom he justified them he also

glorified look in second Timothy look at

this verse before we talk about it

second Timothy CH 1 and verse

n because the word calling here isn’t

just hey come on it isn’t that kind of a

word he says in 2 Timothy 1:9 speaking

of the Lord who ha saved us and called

us with a what kind of calling a holy

calling not according to our what works

but according to his own purpose and

what Grace which was given us in Christ

Jesus when before the world began now

listen if that’s what God’s provided

what in the world can I do for something

he’s already provided before I ever got

born how in the world can I add anything

to something that was already given to

me before I was born look at that verse

again he says he has saved us AR Tense

one time saved us called us with a holy

calling not ACC calling to our works

listen you know what that means he did

not call you into Grace because of

anything you would ever do you see some

people say well I’ll tell you why God

saved me he looked down through eternity

he saw the good works I would do he just

applied them to my account before I was

ever born that’s why he saved me I want

to tell you my friend that is pure

heresy is what that is and yet there’s

some folks who will tell you that’s the

truth notice he says who has saved us

and called us with what kind of a

calling a holy calling not according to

our works but watch this according to

his own purpose and and Grace which was

given us in Christ Jesus before the

world began the word calling here means

to be called for a definite purpose it

isn’t just say hello it is to be called

with a definite purpose so when he says

that God has called us God through Jesus

Christ through the power of the Holy

Spirit has called us into a life of

Grace and when I comprehend the meaning

of the life of Grace I will not work for

God for his acceptance I will not work

for God for his favor I will not work

for God to please him I will not work

for God of the motivation of fear I will

wanted and desire to work for God why

out of the motivation of Love driven by

love because I love him because of what

he’s done for me not because if I don’t

God is going to do something real

drastic in my life God doesn’t want us

living in fear and under bondage he

wants us to live in perfect Freedom

listen you and I have been accepted on

the basis of what according to 2 Timothy

1:9 upon what basis have we been

accepted the grace of God the pleasing

purpose of the Lord so we don’t have to

go around in bondage now listen that

doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tithe and you

shouldn’t attend church we ought to do

all of those things and a lot more

things but motivated by love not because

we’re afraid of what God’s going to do

and if this is going to happen and

that’s going to happen our motivation

ought to be loved so Paul is saying you

Galatians he says I’m absolutely

surprised that you have moved moov so

quickly from the unmar favor and freedom

and liberty of Christ into another

gospel now listen Paul says here’s why

I’m disappointed here’s why I’m

surprised I’m surprised first of all

because it’s happened so quickly and

secondly he says I’m surprised because

you have moved from the truth of the

Gospel into a heretical Doctrine now

what is that well let’s look at this

passage for a moment look in verse six

now and see uh two words here he says

the last phrase of that verse says unto

another gospel in the Greek heteros all

right verse 7 which is not another in

the Greek Alo now what here’s what it

means I Marvel that you are so soon

removed from him that called you into

the grace of Christ unto another gospel

listen that is another of another kind

and heteros here is from the we get our

word heterodoxy which means false

Doctrine he says I’m amazed that you

move from the gospel of Liberty the

Gospel of Freedom no longer entangled

and no longer under bondage he says I’m

surprised that you are so soon removed

from that gospel unto another gospel he

says another of Another Kind listen he

says which is not aros’s gospel that is

one just like you’ve been experiencing

in Liberty he says but there be some

that trouble you and would pervert the

gospel of Christ now listen but though

we are another angel from heaven preach

any other gospel unto you than that

which we have preached unto you let him

be a cursed now here’s what he’s say you

have removed yourself you have

deliberately walked away from Freedom

absolute freedom in Jesus Christ Liberty

in him you’ve walked away from that back

into the entanglements and bondage and

he says what you’ve done he says you’ve

gone into a false Doctrine because what

you’ve heard is not really another

gospel at all it is error it is

heresy he says but there be some that

trouble you and would pervert the Gospel

of Jesus Christ now I want you to notice

the word here when he says when he

speaks of the Gospel verse 7 which is

not another gospel but there be some

that would trouble you and would pervert

the gospel of Christ that word is yelon

which means the good news now watch this

let me show you why you can’t have but


gospel he says verse 6 I Marvel that you

have so soon removed from him that

called you into the grace of Christ un

to another good news let me ask you

something how many of you know any other

good news besides Jesus

Christ so they can’t be but one gospel

verse 7 which is not another good news

but there be some that would trouble you

and would pervert the good news of

Christ he says what they’re doing is

distorting twisting it turning it just a

little bit in order that you may be

subverted when I read the survey of the

men who are in Seminary who are being

trained to preach the gospel who don’t

believe in God who don’t believe in the

Virgin birth who do not believe in

Genesis who do not believe in Adam and

Eve as persons who do not believe the

Bible is divinely inspired and who

believe that it’s full of Errors I want

to say to you you talking about people

who are going to suffer people out here

in these churches who are going to have

placed upon them the laws that men are

going to have to give because if you

don’t know Jesus Christ and Liberty and

Freedom by Grace what in the world can

you preach the only thing you’ve got to

preach is

Law and that’s why we’ve got churches

that are just born down nobody’s excited

about Jesus Christ I want to tell you

something if I had to wake up on Monday

morning thinking that I had to keep all

Ten Commandments on Monday and God is

going to strike me dead if I had to keep

everything Jesus said in The Sermon on

the Mount if I had to go through the Ten

Commandments and keep every one of them

in order to be pleasing to God

acceptable to God and to keep my

salvation I’m here to tell you I tell

God take me home tonight because I know

I can’t do it and neither can

you what is a man going to preach if he

doesn’t know the grace of God what is a

man going to preach if he doesn’t know

freedom and liberty in Jesus Christ the

only thing he can do is put people under

bondage and I can tell you I can

remember the time when I thought man if

you didn’t come to church you just flat

backsliding or if you didn’t do this and

you didn’t do that and you didn’t do the

other you just backsliding on God you

said now what that sounds like you’re

preaching an easy gospel I haven’t got

of that part yet not preaching an easy

gospel I’m just simply saying this

listen and here’s what I’ve discovered I

read this statement by Martin Lord Jones

who probably is one of the greatest

English preachers of our time he was the

Queen’s pastor and Eng a great great man

of God somebody asked him in his Bible

studies on Friday night he says what

they said why don’t you preach to the

Book of Romans he kept putting him off

so finally he said well when I

understand Romans 66 I’ll preach through

the uh Epistle of Romans and he must

have been in his 60s or somewhere there

about before he ever started he’s a wise

old man of God here’s what he said in

reading through chapter 6 and he has a

whole volume on chapter six here’s what

he said he said if you listen now

because I read this and I thought now

wait a minut I really got to think about

that one here’s what he said he says if

you and I preach the Bible if we are

true to the word of God if we preach the

book just like God wrote it

it will naturally sound like we are

preaching an easy gospel when we say

Jesus Christ died for our sins Jesus

redeemed us Jesus adopted us all of

these things that he has done and that

our relationship to him is to be one to

receive him and to glorify him he says

when we understand the truth of what God

has done for us it will sound to ears

that are ill equipped like you say

that’s an easy gospel it’s all of God

none of you

it is all of God none of us but when you

and I understand who he is when we

understand who we are in him when we

understand the Liberty that is ours in

Jesus Christ what happens is the

shackles and the bondage of the law are

torn us under and we become freed to

live and to serve him motivated by love

doing more than we’ve ever done before

no strain not the Frets not the cares

not concerned about what people think

therein is the freedom but when it is

first proclaimed it sounds like an easy

gospel so Paul is saying to these people

he says what’s happened here

is that instead of having one gospel now

you’re talking about two there is only

one gospel everything else is heterodoxy

that is it is false Doctrine and he says

you to stay away from it lest you get

entangled once again all right now the

reason for their relapse why were these

people going back into bondage let me

ask you this how many of you could

anybody ever convince you that you were

unsaved here were some people who

received the truth but the scripture

says that something had happened now

there are two reasons they were willing

listen two reasons they’re willing to

give up freedom and go back to the law

trying to keep the law and trying to do

all these things number one was the

appeal of the troublemakers from

Jerusalem and you’ll recall we mentioned

that the judaizers who believe that Paul

what they were saying of Paul they said

Paul you’re preaching an easy gospel

You’re simply saying all they have to do

is to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and

his death on the cross and they can be

saved we believe that is the atoning

death of Jesus Christ plus circumcision

plus keeping the law and that’s the only

way a person can be

saved so the first thing that happens

here is they begin to appeal to these

young believers now let me show you a

perfect example of this that is hideous

in my eyes when people of different

so-called denominations come into a

church body

not because they care about anybody’s

salvation not because they want to see

anybody saved not because they want to

see anybody serve the Lord not because

they want to see the sanctification

process going on not because they want

to see God glorified but in order to

steal converts and subvert minds and

pervert the truth and distort the truth

and say to them that listen have you

ever heard so and so does your pastor

preach on this maybe you’d let me share

this with you and begin to say to them

now listen if you want to be what God

wants you to be trusting in the Lord’s

fine but there’s some other things and

if you haven’t had this and this and

this and this and this you don’t have it

and you know what they do emotionally

and spiritually they put people in

bondage listen Paul if you’ll think

about it he didn’t have any the tangents

in his

preaching did he he said God called him

to preach the whole Council of God the

whole counsil of God is based on Grace

that God has provided in Christ Jesus

everything that we are everything we

hope to be in him so he says the problem

here is the appeal of the judaizers who

have come to pervert now listen the word

pervert there means to reverse it that

and that’s exactly what they did watch

this the word here means to reverse it

Paul’s preaching had been by Grace he is

saved not by man’s Works he says they

have perverted reversed the truth now

the word word would here means they

desired to do it they willingly did it

that is they came in purposely look if

you will in Galatians Chapter 2 and


4 he says and that because of faults


unawares brought in that is they slipped

into the church and nobody knew who came

in privately for the purpose of spying

out our Liberty which we have in Christ

Jesus that they might bring us into

bondage Paul says I’ll tell you why they

came they came for the sole purpose of

putting you back into bondage now friend

listen you need to be extremely careful

what you listen to and what you pay heed

to because one little turn of some great

biblical doctrines can put you in a

great sense of bondage and I don’t have

to go into all that and there are all

kind of those things going on right now

people distorting the truth and putting

people under bondage or giving them

licensed to do what they please you see

some doctrines God’s going to do it man

has nothing to do with it he’s going to

save some he’s sending some to hell man

has absolutely nothing to do with it and

you know what that does that just simply

says well gives me license to sit and do

absolutely nothing because whatever

God’s going to do he’s going to do it

whatever he’s not going to do he’s not

going to do and you see that is another

Distortion of the truth totally out of

bounds as if God will not use man so I

want to say to you and you need to say

to your children you need to be very

very careful what you hear and if it

isn’t balanced with a word then you need

to throw it out let me tell you a second

problem they had

here listen the appeal of the judaizers

first of all people slipping into the

church and distorting the truth the

second appeal here is the appeal of the

flesh now watch this if we took a survey

right now you’d be surprised you may be

even surprised about yourself if you had

to ask this question how would you

answer it I feel absolutely and totally

accepted by God this very moment totally

freed and accepted by almighty God right

now if you

don’t then what are you doing you’re

looking for a

way to find

acceptance how does a man find

acceptance before God he looks for

something to do that would be pleasing

to God that may appease God that may be

some something good that he does in

order to have God’s favor now here’s

what I’m I want you to see it’s so

deceptive and I want to tell you my

friend there’s so many God’s people hung

up on this listen to

me you can be save for 40

years and live in bondage all 40 years

if you live under the bondage of

believing that your acceptance before

God is on a momentary minute by minute

or decision by decision basis accepted

now but I blew it then if my acceptance

were based on conduct do you know what

that means that means that my acceptance

may change every time I have a thought

or every action I

commit where would you be if your

acceptance was positive negative

positive negative positive positive

positive positive negative negative

negative negative what kind of life

would that

be you know what our problem is you know

what has Us in bondage what has God’s

people in bondage is our inability or

unwillingness to accept what God

proclaimed is absolute truth what is the

Gospel of Jesus Christ that is before

you were ever born in Christ Jesus you

were accepted in spite of everything he

knew about

you if I was accepted by Jesus Christ

God the father and God the spirit before

the foundation of the world does it

really make any difference whether

anybody else accepts us or

not absolutely not listen what matters

most whether the world accepts you

or God accepts

you think about it he says he’s accepted

Us in the Beloved you and I have been

accepted in the Beloved listen he didn’t

accept you on the basis of what you do

he accepted you on the basis of a

relationship with Jesus Christ The

Living Lord so you see you can’t ever


that and so Paul says these folks are

perverting the truth and so you and I

may feel more comfortable wanting to do

something but we can’t look if you were

in Romans chap 11 the two verses here I

want you to check on Romans

11 if there’s anything that you and I

need to teach our children it’s just

what I’ve got through telling you right

there Romans chap 11 listen to

this he says now and if by

Grace then is it no more of Works

otherwise Grace is no more Grace but if

it be of works then it is no more grace

otherwise work is no more work you see

he says you can’t have both if you’re

saved by grace can’t be work if you’re

saved by works can’t be Grace those two

things are like oil and water they’re

absolutely and totally

incompatible all right if you will look

in the Galatians Chapter 2 in the last

verse of this chapter look if you will

he says in verse 21 when you and I try

to mix grace and works I do not

frustrate the grace of God for if

righteousness comes by the law then

Christ is dead in vain that means Doran

in the Greek which means to no purpose

at all that is if we’re saved by works

then Christ’s death has no purpose

behind it so he says first of all the

reason for their relapse was the appeal

of the judaizers and secondly the appeal

of the flesh the third thing I want you

to notice here is his response to their

relapse how did Paul respond all right

he says first of all look if you will

verse 8 but though we are an angel from

heaven Yi that is evangelize speak the

good news any other gospel unto you than

that which we have preached unto you let

him be a

cursed Paul says if a man’s preaching

false Doctrine and perverting God’s

people let let the Judgment of God be

upon him listen the word a curse means

here the word Greek word is anatha means

uh refers to something that is delivered

up to Divine wrath that is something

that is presented for condemnation

somebody that’s presented for God to

judge them and notice he says it twice

and as we said before perfect tense and

let the effect remain so say I now again

if any man preach any other gospel unto

you than that you have

received let him be a cursed God’s

judgment upon him for perverting the

truth distorting the gospel and causing

God’s people to go astray now I want you

to notice something he says there’s no

exception he says if we are some Angel

come along he says doesn’t make any

difference he says let them be accursed

now listen to how Paul defends what he’s

saying here watch this for do I now

persuade men of God or do I seek to

please men for if I yet please men I

should not be the servant of Christ now

he says look he says if you think what

I’m saying is pleasing men that I can’t

be the servant of Christ and you can’t

please men at the same time please

God so he’s saying to them I’m not

making it an easy gospel he said I’m

presenting the truth and the truth is

that they’re accepted in the Beloved in

Christ Jesus by Grace has nothing to do

with their Works circumcision or all the

rest and listen to what he says if I yet

please men I should not be the servant

of Christ look if you will in Galatians

chapter 6 verse 17 let me show you

something in the 17th verse next to the

very last verse of the book Paul

says from henceforth let no man trouble

me he says you know enough of this stuff

for I bear in my body the marks of the

Lord Jesus the Greek word is Stigmata

which means the brands he says my life

is proof within itself that I’m not an

easy gospel preacher and that I’m not

letting anybody off the hook and I’m not

making it easy for him because he says

if I were trying to make it easy and

please men I wouldn’t be a bond slave to

Jesus Christ now let me tell you what a

bond slave was a bondslave was the

lowest abject type of slavery it is one

who was born in into

slavery it is one who is bound unto

death to his master a person who had

listen who had the branding marks of a

RedHot Branding Iron the marks of his

master’s name and his sign in his body

somewhere so when he says if I were

trying to persuade men I couldn’t be the

servant of Jesus Christ he says because

I voluntarily have been born Into

Slavery to Jesus Christ he says I’m

bound to that slavery to death in my

body I bear the Stigmata the marks of my

relationship to him he says my will has

been swallowed up in the will of my

master and he says I remove my desires

nor that I may please the desires of my

master that’s what a bondslave does and

Paul says I am giving you the gospel

truth and he is defending his ministry

here by saying I bear in my body the

marks of my obedience and my persecution

and my devotion to Jesus Christ and if I

were try to give you the easy way out I

would not have been suffering for our

Lord go back if you will to chapter 5 CU

here’s the whole theme verse one once

you’ve discovered the truth don’t

relapse don’t go back he says Stand Fast

that is to entrench yourself dig in

right where you are in the Liberty where

with Christ has made us free and be not

entangled again with the Yoke of bondage

friend you have been accepted in the

Beloved before you were ever born you

and I are living in Grace we sang on

Christ the solid rock I stand all of the

ground is sinking sand all of our hope

is built in Jesus Christ nobody can

attach anything to that nobody can put

us in bondage any kind of entanglements

any yoke because God has liberated us

and listen Jesus Christ was absolutely

free and he says you and I have been

placed into him who is free and he who

is free has been placed in us we have

been liberated from yolks of bondage

listen a yoke of bondage false guilt a

yoke of bondage trying to please men a

yoke of bondage that I’m having to

accept make myself feel accepted before

God a yoke of bondage that I’ve got to

carry out the rules in order to get

God’s favor those things he says we’re

to throw them off throw them off in

order that we might receive and enjoy

the Liberty we have in Christ Jesus he

says don’t go back from Liberty and

freedom back to bondage and my friend

some of you walk out of here tonight and

you’ll go home and lie in the bed and

think in your own heart God am I in

bondage and just like the spirit of God

will say you

are you dress to please others you act a

certain way to please

others you have an inferiority

feeling your life is based on what other

people think and that is one of the

worst types of bondage and I want to

tell you before we get through Galatians

God is going to show you how to just

shuck all of that and learn to be free

for the first time in your life if you

want to be free the only Freedom that

you’ll find at last is freedom in a warm

intimate relationship with Jesus Christ

but with the knowledge listen with the

knowledge of all that relationship has

provided for

you our father we thank you for the

freedom that’s ours in Christ Jesus our

living Lord

not by license but by love we serve you

and praise you everything in our heart

wants to bubble out everything in our

heart like a big volcano wants to

explode the grace and the love and the

goodness of Jesus Christ Our Lord and

father I pray that people here tonight

have seen for the first time in their

life some of them that they’re accepted

don’t have to prove it don’t have to

live up to it don’t have to work at it

but out of genuine love provided the

cross through Jesus Christ’s death we’ve

been set free and all that you’re doing

is waiting for us to

receive and act upon the freedom that is

ours but somebody tonight father who’s

unsaved they’re in bondage oh God help

them to see its Eternal bondage unless

you break them out of it that’s somebody

dear God who is in in bondage to drugs

in bondage to alcohol in bondage to all

types of sin in bondage to people’s

attitudes maybe in bondage to FAL

Doctrine would you help them see Lord

God the blood of Jesus Christ will

liberate them and free them in your life

within them will keep them free and may

they discover that tonight in Christ

somebody everybody Lord God my heart’s

yearning Earnest deepest desire is that

everybody in this place would be freed

and liberated and if they only got one

thing tonight Lord that you’ve already


them all already accepted them they’re

free liberated accepted forever and ever

and ever accepted in

Christ we’re

free would you teach us how to apply

that freedom in our everyday life is my

prayer in Jesus name amen