“But he forsook the counsel of the elders” (1 Kings 12:8). That is not the beginning of a story that ends well. Ignoring the advice of godly people never leads anywhere good. In this message, Dr. Stanley tells us how to avoid bad counsel, listing its hallmarks and encouraging us to seek the Lord first in all things. No one is called to go it alone in their walk with the Lord, but be careful who you listen to.

I don’t know who you’ve been listening

to don’t know what you’re going through

but I know that wisest counselor is the

Lord Himself and through the Holy Spirit

his primary responsibility is to reveal

the true nature of God to us and

secondly to give us guidance and

leadership and help and strength and

power and energy for what he wants us to

do in life


four decades ago we started in touch

ministries to lead people worldwide into

a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

throughout the years we’ve seen God’s

greatness his love and his blessings in

such awesome ways that we just want

everyone to know him so let’s open God’s

Word and seek Him together next on

InTouch seeking godly counsel well life

is really just one continuous series of

decisions we all maintenance visions in

that life many times during the day and

one good thing is that God knew about

that so he made his a promise he said

trust in the Lord with all your heart

lean not to your own understanding in

all your ways acknowledge him and he

would direct their path and he says I

will instruct you and teach you in the

way which you should go I will guide you

with my eye upon you so whatever

decisions we need to make in life we

have the promise of Almighty God to give

us guidance and direction if we listen

to him but you have to be cautious to

realize that we need godly advice we

need godly direction because advice is

very cheap and sometimes it’s good

sometimes it’s not so good so I would

simply ask you this when you are looking

for advice where do you go where do you

go when you really want some help and

you’re looking for advice well I want us

to look if you will in first Kings

chapter 12 and I want to give you the

background of what are we going to talk

about first Kings chapter 12 and we’ll

just read a few verses and I’ll explain

what’s happening here and King David has

died his son Solomon’s died now his son

reborn is king he is putting hard labor

on the Israel

and that there having ever a difficult

time of it and so they called for a

convocation and they want to talk to him

about intense labor and higher taxes and

so forth and so they have a confab about

all that in his his response he said

King rib om consulted with the elders

who had served his father Solomon while

he was still alive saying how do you

counsel me to answer these people then

they spoke to him say if you will be a

servant of his people today and will

serve them and grant them their petition

and speak good words to them they will

be your servant forever that is if you

cut out some of this hard labor high

taxes will serve you forever but he 4:6

the Council of the elders which they had

given him and consulted with a young man

watch this young man with whom he grew

up and served him and so he went for

three days and he asked them what they

thought the young men who grew up with

him spoke to him saying increase the

labor increase the taxes and so forth

and the King answered the people harshly

for he forsook the advice of the elders

and had turned to the advice of those

younger ones who had grown up with it

listened to the wrong people now listen

carefully to this sermon because all of

us listen to other people at some time

in the other and oftentimes people get

in serious trouble because they listen

to the wrong voices listening to the

right voice is very important so when

you are seeking counsel you ask your

question am i seeking godly counsel or

on yelling what

what kind what kind of counsel that I

want do I want somebody to speak to me

and tell me what I want or do I want to

know the truth and many people want a

confirmation of what they’re thinking

and what they want to do rather than

what God wants to do and so if you

desire to do what’s wrong I guarantee

you can find somebody who will agree

with you do you want to do what’s right

you want to do that god

the thing if you really search you’ll

find people who’ll tell you what God

says in his word so we have the promise

of God’s direction in their life if we

will just listen to it so what I want to

answer is this how do you detect unwise

counsel from wise counsel what I want us

to do right now is whisper a very short

prayer Heavenly Father I pray the Holy

Spirit will speak to every single person

here and every person who listens to

this message to be honest with ourselves

honest with you and we pray that you’ll

give us a godly counsel and that we’ll

each be willing to commit ourselves to

seek Him first of all what does the Lord

say about this matter

in Jesus name Amen well how do you

detect bad counsel first of all there’s

a little a no mention of God of the

Bible they never mentioned that they

tell you what they think you ought to do

but no mention the God of the Bible of

Jesus secondly there’s usually an

absence of prayer lots of talk no prayer

thirdly oftentimes there’s a subtle

defense of the person you’re talking to

about not using any scripture well you

don’t need that anybody with common

sense knows this is what you ought to do

then sometimes they will suggest actions

that you know that are not scriptural

didn’t come from God and came from their

own ideas instead of listening to God

that is they suggest something would be

a violation of God it may sound right it

may look right it may feel right but the

question is is it right from God’s

perspective then of course sometimes the

response is the people you listening to

they’ll be very critical of Christian

leaders are very critical of godly

people well that’s just what they think

but this is this is the truth you should

listen to me

when somebody starts telling you that

you have a reason to doubt the council

that they give and this is why we’re

talking about unwise council all of us

at times no matter who we are we wanted

to sound something off to somebody and

to say what do you think it’s not that

you have to do what they say but it’s

always good to sound it off but you have

to choose Who am I gonna sound that off

to who do I really trust and do I get

Yardley counsel do I get counsel that

matches the Word of God or is this

something that would profit them is it

something that they want me to do for

their sake I think I’d say then of

course suggesting reading that ignores

God’s Word and there are counselors by

the thousands and thousands and probably

by the millions who people go to them

every day maybe they don’t go every day

but people go every day and they’re

willing to point them to something to

read that has nothing to do with a will

of God nothing to do with the Word of

God nothing to do with what’s best for

you but just something that they suggest

you have to be very careful and what

they suggest to you and then oftentimes

the person you’re talking to watch this


they will counsel you to do what they

think you want to hear and a wise

counselor never considers that it’s not

what you want to hear is what is the

truth and so when you’re asking someone

or what would you do in this situation

what about this you have to ask yourself

the question are they suggesting things

to me that think I want to hear if I if

I want God’s will I don’t want to hear

what I want to hear I want to hear what

God wants me to hear and then of course

sometimes people want to answer you

because they want to control you now

watch that well here’s what I think you

ought to do and so they want to control

you in some fashion by saying this is

what I think is it wise this thing to do

or they would say to you this is what I

would do and they wouldn’t do that at

all and there are people who want to

suggest to you some means

the situation that you’re facing because

they want to control what you do where

you go who you do it with and why you do

it and then of course there are councils

who want to create a dependency upon

them and instead of saying let’s pray

let’s find out what God says what does

God think what would Jesus do here’s

what I think you ought to do and so you

find yourself under their control and

they create a sense of dependency and

this is why godly people should be in

the Word of God listen to what God says

believing what he says and acting


trust in the Lord with all your heart

lean not to your own understanding in

all your ways acknowledge him seek his

advice listen to what he say and he will

make your paths straight

now I either believe that I don’t if I

ask you this morning are you saved and

you say yes and I say to you that you

really believe that you’re saved yes and

if I ask you why you’ll say because the

trust of Jesus is my saving that’s what

the Word of God says that if I trust

them as my Savior I’m gonna be saved

therefore I’m safe okay let’s go from

being saved

finding godly advice I will instruct you

and teach you in the way she which you

should go I will guide you with my eye

upon you now the question is if I’m

willing to believe him from a salvation

am I willing to believe him for godly

counsel amen so if you really internally

believe him then you will go to his word

first of all and I think there are many

people who would find very wise counsel

in God’s Word if they’ll just get in the

Word of God that they know where to find

it and if you don’t know find somebody

who is godly and asked them where do you

read in the Word of God when you’re

looking for an answer to a decision and

they’ll probably give you those two

passages that I mentioned a few minutes

ago many other passages of course but

you want to know what got listed first

of all God knows you perfectly he knows

your situation perfectly and nobody

knows a circumstance like God so nobody

has the ability to give you the answer

you need that’s better than God’s answer

it may take longer but you see when God

gives you an answer usually not always

usually it takes time it depends upon

the nature of the issue some things you

can ask God about you get it right now

because that there are some principles

and in your life that you already know


nobody has to ask you is it okay to

steal it’s okay to lie okay to cheat

okay to come in adult you don’t even

have to ask God about that you know the

answer that should I steal should I

should not manipulate no and so God has

the answer to our questions this is not

to say that in some situations a person

doesn’t need some help it depends on

Hamlet who you are in your life it

depends upon how long you’ve lived the

Christian life what you’ve seen God do

and so therefore when it comes to

seeking advice God will show you when

you need advice about for example things

sort of financial whatever it might be

or maybe in the situation of marriage or

what that might be there may be times

when you need godly counsel but just not

any counsel but godly counsel find out

who the person is how do they live how

they living out their life where they go

to church who their pastor is what do

they believe about the Bible then of

course the thing you’ve got to look at

is the ungodly lifestyle of the

counselor if somebody’s counseling you

and living in a way that’s not in

keeping with what they’re saying to you

you need to leave that you don’t walk

away from it I’m not just talking about

official counsel sometime but your

friends are who everything maybe you’d

asking somebody to give you godly advice

and they’re not living a godly life if

they’re not living a godly life

I doubt it they’re gonna give you godly

counsel they’re going to say well here’s

what I think you ought to do here’s what

other people do here’s what I’ve

counseled other people who are doing his

hats our work that you want to know what

is God’s answer to your situation or

circumstances especially if you’ve only

been a Christian a short period of time

and you don’t know the Word of God and

maybe you’re making decisions about your

job about your finances failure

relationships and you don’t have a lot

of experience in any of that and so

you’re asking God to give you direction

the ideal thing would be to be able to

go to somebody in your life that you

know you’ve watched you listen to you

know where they go to church what they

hear you know how they live their life

you know what’s going on in their life

you know they’re praying people people

who love the Word of God who believe the

Word of God if somebody tells you well I

can give you wise counsel but but that

Bible stuff I can’t

I got didn’t have all the answers yes he

does he created us he knows the mess we

make the message we’re in and he knows

exactly how to get us out of it so when

somebody suggests you go somewhere else

you stop and think then of course

they’re people who want to give you an

out listen God does not always have an

Allen for my problems he may want me to

walk through them he may desire that I

suffer he made this hard that I’ll be

misunderstood he may be in the process

of teaching me something that I don’t

want to learn necessarily he may be in

the process of forgiving me understand

that I’m not gonna have any other way

but hurt have pain and suffering and

disappointment all of us are gonna face

some of that if you’re trying to

eliminate that in your life you probably

won’t be able to and so think about your

own life you have lived long enough to

listen to your neighbors and your

friends and the people you’re

associating with make wrong decisions

forget God excuse God but don’t believe

God don’t read the Word of God you have

watched them make enough mistakes that

you and I should not make of them and

that is we ought to be so sinner than

the Word of God and listening to him and

praying that whatever God wants that’s

what we want whatever God wills that’s

what we will does that mean it’s the

easiest way no Christian life is not

easy they’re difficult times hard times

disappointing times and people betray us

and we hurt as a result of that does

that mean that all of that God did

intend for us to have any event

No and so there will be times when

there’s no quick answer there’ll be

times when the only answer we’re going

to get is all Farnese God or do you want

me to do can listening to anybody else

because of watch this no one else is


no one knows all the facets of your life

and it may be that God has allowed you

to go through some suffering that only

he knows why he knows the hurt and the

pain in his suffering is doing something

also menu I don’t know how you’ve been

listening to don’t know what you’re

going through but I know the wisest

counsel is the Lord Himself and through

the Holy Spirit his primary

responsibility is to reveal the true

nature of God does and secondly to give

us guidance and leadership and helping

strengthen power and energy for what he

wants us to do in life we have God

inside of us God who’s willing to show

us God who’s one of the teachers God

who’s willing to lead us and protect us

so don’t go running off to somebody else

till first you run about 18 inches

that’s how far it is probably from your

knee to the floor and ask God what you

honor there

so you’ll remember that 18 inches is the

closer you got that ma’am you got it 18

inches to the wisest counsel you’ll ever

go to then they’re people who want to

accounts with you who really want your

approval and this is the problem with

friends they want to counsel you and

deep down they don’t even realize it

sometimes what they’re looking for is

your approval so them naturally gonna

say the things they think you ought to

hear and that you want to hear yeah

that’s right

and that if I were you listen if

somebody starts telling you if I were

you here’s what I’d if I were you

you’re not me so don’t tell me what you

would do because you don’t know what you

would do if your circumstances were the

same as mine so you have to be careful

with people who really and truly want

your approval then sometimes you will be

talking to somebody and in the midst of

that you’ll have a check in your spirit

now how many of you know what a check in

your spirit is well that’s bad now wait

a minute a check in your spirit means

that you are heading in a direction

talking to someone considering something

that you are facing in life and all of a

sudden there’s this little glitch that

sort of goes on in your heart in your

mind in your spirit

listen watch this Kevin when you walk in

the spirit the Spirit of God is always

willing to give you a check in your

spirit when you head in the wrong

direction think the wrong thing or make

a decision that’s not right I’ll give

you a perfect example I was going to

preach something entirely different this

week that’s that it all week long at

most all week long and and I was just

down praying and all of a sudden I

thought god that’s not your message and

I had all these notes that that’s not

your message what’s your message so I

got back down on my knees and I said

Lord I’m gonna stay here til I get it

from you I want to say what you want me

to say and so what you’re hearing is

what God told me after all my

preparation to do something else

entirely so so you know we all make

mistakes but God knows their heart now

watch this I could have said well I’m

just gonna ignore that and listen I’ve

prepared all this other than I’m gonna

do this no no no no no no because you’re

listening to every word Amen because all

of us go through times when we need

godly advice not just in the advice but

on the advice then there are times when

people like going to counsel you’ll give

you knowledge meant some sort in a way

that profits them and this is why if you

go to a counselor who charges I’m here

to tell you they charge and I know they

give that time I’m not questioning that

but the issue is they are they

counseling you for money they counts

from you because they love you because

they care for you the money is a side

issue but they really want what’s right

in your life this is why you as a parent

or grandparent

should be very very careful to send your

parent your husband your wife or anybody

else to any counselor that you don’t

know about the kind of life that they

live what they believe whether you’re

the church and all the rest so I ask you

something question if I had a question

in my mind

who would I go to who can I go to that I

fully trust that it will really pray for

me and give me wise gum the scriptural

counsel well there are times when people

have gone to councillors and they still

do and the counselor gets involved with

the person they’re counseling that

happens all the time and it happens in

the church

it happens with pastors it happens with

people who are not passes it happens

with all kind of councillors a counselor

should be a counselor should be a

servant of God so that there is a

barrier between that person you know and

the person who is doing the counseling

now sometimes you’re talking to someone

and what happens is they will give you

advice and they’re projecting on you

their own hurts their own

disappointments things in life that

they’re sorry for and the next thing you

know they’re unloading on you and

they’re telling you all about themselves

and maybe they don’t even realize

they’re doing it and the next thing you

know we don’t know whether it’s them or

us they’re talking about and and so

because they haven’t settled issues and

they’re like that doesn’t mean you only

go to perfect people there goes no

perfect person but if you’re gonna see

counseling and wisdom from someone be

sure they don’t get involved in your

life and the next thing you know you’re

counseling them when you went to them

for advice and asking for godly counsel

that’s because they’re very weak and

then the last thing I would say have you

got all these down amen then then you be

careful that you don’t go to an

unbeliever for godly counsel and the

world’s full of people counseling of

unbelievers I’m not against counselors

I’m against you go into a council whose

non-believer doesn’t leave the word of

God doesn’t go to the church that

preaches the Word of God whose

lifestyles not in keeping with our world

I’ve got a lot of other things that I’ve

already covered so the bottom line is be

careful who you talk to be careful he

talked to be carefully listened to think

about this many people have died lost

because of ungodly counsel many

marriages have been broken and shattered

on Yardley counsel many young people

have gone astray listening to ungodly

counsel or some professor many homes

have been destroyed totally as a result

of somebody listening to ungodly

counselor some people’s businesses have

been lost

listening Don Yardley counselor and many

people today are living in bondage

because they listen to somebody who did

not listen to God listen to what the

scripture says trusting the Lord with

all your heart lean not to your own

understanding in all your ways

acknowledge him listen to him pray to

him wait upon him trust him he will make

your paths straight here’s the


ungodly counselors like this godly

counsel was like that and I remember

this that godly counsel comes 18 inches

from your knee amen amen

father we love you in prision thank you

this morning that you sent the Holy

Spirit to give us direction and guidance

in our life you said he came to comfort

us strengthen us goddess you said he

came to indwell us and so we thank you

for his presence and I pray that every

person who hears this message will

recognize have vitally important it is

to have a listening ear to you

that listens clearly continuously

courageously boldly and is willing to be

obedient to whatever you say I pray for

somebody here today who is lost they’ve

listened to bad counsel they’re lost

that they died today they beat Ernest

separated from you

bad counsel that people here today Lord

who know that they’ve made wrong

decisions already and just listening to

this message that’s brought into their

mind and they’re acknowledging right now

quietly as they sit here made the wrong

decision remind them that you are

willing to correct wrong decisions you

willing to forgive for wrong decisions

and you willing to guard them to make

the right decision and I pray that

decision-making they become very very

paramount in our life daily because

we’re living out the life that you’ve

given us and living it out we’re going

to make decisions all day long we love

you and we praise you and we thank you

dear God for loving us enough to hear us

in Jesus name Amen

if you’ve been blessed by today’s

program please visit us at intouch.org e


in touch leading people worldwide into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ

and strengthening the local church this

program is sponsored by in touch

ministries and is made possible by the

grace of God and your faithful prayers

and gifts