The Cross: Where Liberty Begins – P1 – Liberated by Faith – Pt 13 – Dr. Charles Stanley

Are you trusting in Jesus or your good works? Dr. Stanley continues his examination of Paul’s letter to the Galatians in “The Cross: Where Liberty Begins—Part 1,” as he guides us through Galatians 6:11-18. The heretical teachers in Paul’s time claimed the way to salvation was by submitting to the sacrament of circumcision plus good works. But Paul refutes them by asserting that “neither circumcision means anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation” (Galatians 6:15). Dr. Stanley reminds us that the only way to salvation is to become newly created, or born again, by our faith in the cross. That’s where the shackles of the law are broken and liberty begins. This message is part of the series “Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians” Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians: CD Series:… Part 1: A Declaration of Freedom –    • A Declaration of Freedom – Liberated …   Part 2: Relapse from Liberty –    • Relapse from Liberty – Liberated by F…   Part 3: In Defense Of Our Liberty –    • In Defense Of Our Liberty – Liberated…   Part 4: The Foundation of Our Liberty – Pt 1 –    • The Foundation of Our Liberty: Part 1…   Part 5: The Foundation of Our Liberty – Pt 2 –    • The Foundation of Our Liberty: Part 2…   Part 6: The Key to Liberty – Part 7: Liberated By Faith – Part 8: Liberated Unto Sonship – Part 9: A Personal Plea for Liberty – Part 10: Standing Firm In Your Liberty – Part 11: Liberty, Not License – Part 12: The Obligation of Liberty – Part 13: The Cross: Where Liberty Begins – Pt 1 – Part 14: The Cross: Where Liberty Begins – Pt 2 – Part 15: Liberty’s Brands – For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to


with a message from God’s word here’s


Stanley if you’ll turn to Galatians

chapter 6 and let’s begin reading in


11 and the title of this message the

cross where Liberty begins Paul begins

to end it by saying in verse 11 you see

how large a letter I have written unto

you with my own hand as many as desire

to make a fair show in the flesh they

constrain you to be circumcised only

lest they should suffer persecution for

the Cross of Christ for neither they

themselves who are circumcised keep the

law but desire to have you circumcised

that they may glory in your flesh but

Paul says but God forbid that I should

glory in anything except the cross of

our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world

is crucified unto me and I unto the

world for in Christ Jesus NE the circum

cision ath anything nor uncircumcision

but the fact that we are new creatures

in him and as many as walk according to

this rule peace be on them and mercy and

upon the Israel of God from henceforth

let no man trouble me for I bear in my

body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ

Brethren the grace of our Lord Jesus

Christ be with your

spirit now let me remind you of where we

started that Paul

was writing to the churches of

galatia and because the judaizers had

come up from Jerusalem and saying that

in order to be saved you must not only

trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your

savior but you must likewise take upon

yourself the bondage of keeping the law

and of course we’ve been through these

chapters as Paul has described that and

he comes to this last part and verse 11

he says you see how large a letter I

have written unto you with my own hand

now Paul uh though he is the one through

whom God spoke all these letters turn to

Romans chapter 16 if you will just a

moment let me show you something here

Paul was not usually the one who wrote

them in his own hand so when he says you

see how larg that I’ve written that

doesn’t mean how long it was but rather

he’s speaking of probably this the size

letters he used and more than likely had

some kind of an eye problem and so uh in

the formation in which he wrote this he

wrote it in large letters and they just

sort of all ran together if you look in

Romans chapter 16 and of course this is

Paul’s letter and for somebody who may

be a doubt if you just let me just

remind you of something look in chapter

one of verse one of

Romans and Paul is saying Paul a servant

of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle

separated into the gospel of God which

he promised the four By His prophets and

the holy scriptures and so forth then he

moves on down and um verse six says

among whom are you also the call of

Jesus Christ all that be in Rome beloved

of God Called to be Saints grace to you

and peace from God our Father and the

Lord Jesus Christ first I thank my God

through Jesus Christ and so forth but in

chapter 16 verse 22 it

says I terus who wrote this epistle

salute you in the Lord gay M host and so

forth so what Paul had usually was an

amanus who one who wrote the letters for

him that is they pinned what Paul

dictated to them and of course the

spirit of God speaking through Paul Paul

spoke to the man who wrote and so this

is why he says in Galatians here he says

you see how large a letter I have

written unto you with my own hand so

Paul wrote this letter to the Galatians

and more than likely one of the reasons

he did is that he was so fired up and so

concerned about what was happening to

the churches of galatia he wrote it

himself so that’s what he means here

when he says he wrote it with his own

hand then in order to sort of set the

stage for the key thing he’s going to

say in these verses he says as many and

many as desire to make a fair show in

the flesh they constrain you to be

circumcised only lest they should suffer

persecution for the Cross of Christ so

what he’s referring to now if you’ll

recall that the judaizers from Jerusalem

came up to the churches there in galatia

and we’re trying to put these Believers

back in bondage live up to the law

here’s what God expects and and so they

were in a state of great discouragement

and so Paul is referring to them here

now and he

says as many as desired to make a fair

show and this is the only time that word

there in the Greek is used in the New

Testament and what he saying is as many

as desire to make a show before others

and that is to stand well with men he

says as many as desire to make to show

off really in the flesh they constrain

you to be circumcised he says these

judaizers are coming up here and he says

they’re not concerned about you they’re

just trying to make a big show that they

were able to convince you and persuade

you that you should be circumcised and

that is in order to keep the law and add

that to your faith in Jesus Christ and

what that would do as these judaizers

would go back to Jerusalem they just pet

themselves in the shoulders and say well

we straighten out all those Christians

up there who will listen to uh Paul and

we’ve got them under the law and now

everything is going to be all right

he says lest they should suffer

persecution for the Cross of Christ what

he’s saying is in order of that these

judaizers coming up from Jerusalem

because they didn’t want to face their

crowd back in Jerusalem and they didn’t

want to be persecuted because of of what

they were teaching what they were doing

they were putting the law on others

getting other people under the bondage

and causing them to compromise to save

their own hides that’s exactly what he

was saying so he says in verse 13 for

neither they that themselves who are

circumcised keep the law but desire to

have you circumcised that they may glory

in your flesh he says and not only are

they a big showof not only they want to

Pat themselves in the back he says but

not only that he says they want to

escape persecution themselves and he

said besides that they don’t even keep

the law and of course Paul knew that

because he knew that no man can keep the

law the law wasn’t given to keep but to

expose the wickedness of man’s heart too

expose man’s inadequacy that will drive

him to to death insiration to the cross

of Jesus Christ to have his sins

forgiven and to trust in the grace of

God and not in the works of man he says

so they come to you they don’t practice

what they’re preaching they’re a bunch

of cowards they’re scared they’re going

to be persecuted besides that they want

to Heap on you something that they can

glory in themselves and he says what

they really want to do is to glory in

the flesh now God isn’t going to allow

any of us the glory in the flesh and

I’ll tell you one way he cut that out to

begin with he said for by grace are you

saved and that not of yourselves not of

Works lest any man should boast Jesus

Christ by the grace of God plus nothing

gets a man to Glory so he says here they

are gloring in the flesh he said that

won’t get you anywhere and you see he

already said that all through the first

five chapters here he says a man is

Justified not by works he’s not declared

righteous and eyes of God by works but

by the grace of God through faith in

Jesus Christ he says so they’re going

back to glory in the flesh flesh in

their accomplishment so they think and

then Paul makes a statement and I want

us to stop right here just for a

moment because we’re going to have to

face something tonight that a lot of

people don’t want to

face in

fact we’ll do just about most anything

to keep from facing it because you see

the vast majority of Christians like

this kind of living they don’t want to

be too hot and they don’t want to be too

cold they don’t want to be accused of

being Fanatics and they certainly don’t

want to be accused of being Wicked so

what they want to do is they want to

walk right down the middle of the road

they don’t want to be evil they don’t

want to be Fanatics they don’t want

anybody to accuse them of being goody

goodies so what they try to do is take

the righteousness of Jesus Christ and

the wickedness of the world and stir it

up and get just enough color in there so

that’s it’s not black of white but it’s


gray and the reason they are weak is is

because there is no power in

compromising with

righteousness and the reason they looked

upon his Hypocrites because they ought

to get on one side of the other so what

they do they just go down the middle of

Life waving to the church crowd waving

to the worldly crowd and what they want

is they want the approval of the Lord

and the approval of the

world and we’re going to have to face

something tonight it’s going to be tough

on us and I want to tell that before we

ever read

it because there’s a statement here that

not only is is the confession of Paul

but I believe God Almighty wants every

single one of his children to be able to


this verse 14 but God

forbid that I should

glory in anything but the cross of our

Lord Jesus Christ by whom the

world perfect passive indicative in the

Greek has been

crucified unto me once in the past and

the effect of that crucifixion in the

past is still operative and effective

and bearing fruit in my life at the

present time that’s what that tense of

the verb means something that happened

once in the past and the effect of that

is still presently going on in my life

right now Paul says by whom the world

back Yonder once was crucified unto me

and I unto the world now I want to

explain what that verse means

what did he mean when he says God forbid

that I should glory in anything but the

cross of Jesus Christ God forbid that I


boast in anything but the

cross and you see sometimes we

Christians are prone to boast about

things Paul said and remember where he

came from here he was a Jew of

Jews here he was a man whom at the time

believed that he absolutely and

completely kept the law until he was

saved by the grace of God and was able

to look back and realize nobody could

keep it but he was giving himself

totally to the law the law was the

Paramount thing in his life it was the

Zenith and the Pinnacle of all of his

interest he gave himself to the law he

obeyed the law he was willing to

persecute and to slay Christians in

order that no one would interfere with

the law the law was almost his God

here he was a Statesman among his people

standing Head and Shoulders intellectual

among all the people around him he said

he was second unto none didn’t mind

bragging about his credentials as he was

a Jew and a keeper of the

law but having lived through all of that

and then having gone back in one of the

other books of the Bible to talk about

all the things he had to boast of he

said he said but I only will boast in

one thing and that is in the cross of

the Lord Jesus Christ every everything

else in life pales into Oblivion he says

when I look at the

cross so the cross wasn’t just an

incident in Paul’s life the cross became

the heart of his life the cross became

to him what once the law was it

represented everything now the cross

became the turning point in his life the

cross became the pivotal experience in

his life it was the crucial turning in

his life Paul looked at the cross as the

one experience in his life that made the

difference in the future of his

existence in fact his eternal

existence now what does he mean by that

simply this that when he saw Jesus

Christ for who he was and Christ’s death

on the cross as man’s Only Hope of

Salvation and not only that but the

cross of Jesus Christ which was the gift

of God it was was God who arranged the

death of his son it was God who arranged

the crucifixion of Jesus it was God who

arranged the whole Affair at Calvary and

when Paul saw that he understood that

his whole life was wrapped up in the

cross of Jesus Christ because that’s

where he found life and that’s where he

found Liberty because you see before

then his whole life was burdened down

with keeping the LA

trying to do good being acceptable going

through all the ritual trying to be

acceptable before God not making any

mistakes walking so far on the Sabbath

not doing this not doing that living up

to this and living up to that he was in

bondage to the law but he says at the

cross the shackles of the law were

broken and he says for the first time in

his life he became a freed and liberated

man now I want you to listen to me

carefully because Paul not only

understood that his

salvation was found in the cross but his

life of Liberty thereafter was found in


cross so that everything in his life was

wrapped up in the cross of Jesus Christ

that’s where he discovered life for the

first time it is the only place any man

has ever discovered life since that

time it is the only place to find

everlasting life it is the only place to

have your name written in the Lamb’s

Book of Life it is the only place where

man can exchange death for life it is

the only place where man’s hope of

Eternity can become a living vital

reality within this life it is the only

place where men can be liberated to be

everything that God intended them to

be and because it was all of that to

Paul here’s what he

said he says

speaking of Jesus Christ by whom the

world perfect passive indicative has

been crucified to me and I into the

world and here’s what he means he says

because of what the cross

means there came a time in my life Paul

says when I

died to the world’s

Pleasures the world

allurements the world’s pull its

magnetic powerful tug at my

heartstrings he said I died to that I

died to its

Pleasures I died to its promises I died

to its pull its tug its offers I died to

its praise and its honors and all that

it has to offer he

said I was crucified to that

that is he said there came a

time when I died to what the world had

to offer that is the world lost its

touch with me it lost its appeal to

me it

lost its

magnetic strong tugging pulling churning

of my heart he says I died to it and he

said not not only

that but when I died to the world he

says the effect of that was the world

died to

me now my friend let me tell you

something with all of my heart I want

you to listen to

me God the Father who saved you through


Christ it is his heart’s

desire that every one of us could say

that I have been crucified with Christ

which all of us who are saved

have but can we

say as he says

here I have been crucified to the

world that is an

execution took place in my emotional

affections in my

mental thinking

in my will whereby the shades came down

and I died to the world’s Pleasures to

its tug its pull its appeal its praise

and its honor I died to

that don’t you and I know that the

biggest battles we have even after we’re

saved is still the tug and the pull and

the allurements and the magnetic pull of

the world

you turn on the radio and they just

bombard you with all the junk they have

turn on the television it’s the same

story walk down the streets whether it’s

the Billboards the magazines you name it

the world is constantly doing this the

world is telling us over and over and

over again how we need it we can’t do

without it we must experience this we

must have

that let me ask you

this would you agree that we’ve probably

compromised the whole lot more than we

want to

admit that the world has a much stronger

appeal to us than we want to

admit Paul said I died to

it doesn’t have any more appeal to me at

all what does the world have to offer

tonight that has its strongest appeal to

you then let me ask you this are you

willing to die to that for the cause of


Christ you know month or so ago the Lord

was just dealing in my own heart about

something and I kept reading this verse


um I kept coming back to

it and the Lord required me to yield

something that I’m sure I might consider


nons sinful however you want to put it

and the Lord kept coming back to me to

say but I want you to die to

that and I sort of beat around the bush

a little bit and told him gave him my

opinion on the matter that didn’t count

much and every time I’d get out to pray

it’s just like he’d

say you’ve got to die to

that you’ve got to get on the cross to

that and die to that once and for all

that means you’ve got to walk away from

that and not walk away and come back but

walk away from it for

good and I want to tell you I had a very

difficult time with

that and it’s like God brought me to a

place where he had brought me once

before to

say you die of

that are one of these days you’re going

to wonder what I would have done with

you had you been willing to die


that and what it is is not important to

you it may not even seem important to

you but to God it was so very important

to him in my life that he just held my

feet to the fire every time I got down

to pray in this same

verse the world is crucified unto

me willing to have a relationship to

Jesus Christ whereby willing for God to

pull the sh sh down on the world that

doesn’t mean you not have a good time

and enjoy life you enjoy life a whole

lot better at the tug of the

world but here’s what I want to ask you

what we have to ask is this and this is

what God just confronted me with do you

want my best for your

life do you want my maximum potential in


life or do you just sort of want to plot

along and get by and God knows I can’t

stand the thoughts of just getting by

Paul said that had to come a time in his

life when he died to the

world that is he lost all of his

thirst all of his hunger and all of his

desire for what the world had to

offer but I just want to ask you the

question is there anything in your life

tonight that would keep you from

saying I am crucified to the world and

the world unto me the only thing I boast

in in this life is Jesus Christ and his

wonderful blessed Eternal

cross you see because the

cross must not only be the pivot of our

life but it must be the life that we

live now let me just put it this way

here’s what Paul said in

essence when he

said the world has been crucified to me

remember what Paul did first of all the

cross means the cross is a provision for

my salvation

but that’s only part of it Paul said if

you recall back in Galatians chap 2:20

he said I am crucified with Christ

nevertheless I live yet not I but now

Christ lives in me and the life which I

now live I live by faith in the Son of

God who loved me and gave himself on me

Paul said I was

crucified that is he

exchanged the old Saul of

Tarsus for the new

Paul and what he was saying is he says

I’ve exchanged my whole life for a new

life and when I did Paul

said the world lost all of its appeal

and Jesus Christ became everything in my

life and when the world lost its

appealed to me and Jesus Christ became

everything all of my worldly friends

choed me off for not only have I been

crucified to the world but the world cut


out and I want to ask you

again what is the strongest appeal that

the world has to you

tonight is it the appeal of

money doesn’t mean you have to do


it but is there something about the

world system that lures you

on could it be just the pleasures that

the world has to offer that often times

would require you in an environment that

is so ungodly and un

Christlike is it to fulfill some sensual

desire that you

have is it what you look

at where you go or with whom you

go is it what you listen to is it the

type of music you listen to you see

people say oh there’s nothing wrong with

the type of music I listen to bet your

bottom dollar there

is because it has a message that is born

out of hell and has nothing to do with

Jesus Christ

whatsoever it is the appeal of the world

it appeals to the flesh it satisfies

something other than what is Godly


us and Paul said there had to come a

time in his life when all of the appeal

and all the pleasures and all the Honors

that was his he said he had to die to it

and I believe there needs to come a

time in our lives somewhere and not just

once but many times when God brings up

something and the Lord says I don’t want

that in your

life rather than said Lord I’m going to

give that to you I think Paul’s way of

saying it’s better and that is we need

to die to now

listen if you were a dead person tonight

and you were in a casket right down here

and everybody knew you and they all

spoke to you one of them said glad


gone the other one came by weeping with

tears somebody else says great gal great

fellow and everybody in he expressed

their opinion let me ask you what kind

of effect would that have on you not a

bit in the world because you see when a

man or a woman is

dead the pray praise doesn’t affect them

nor does the persecution affect them

they’re dead to that that’s why Paul

could go from City to

City harassed by the Jews everywhere he

went you know while they couldn’t kill

the real

Paul because the day he fell on the

Damascus Road and accepted Jesus Christ

as his savior he belonged to Jesus from

that day

on wouldn’t it be great the day you and

I had gotten saved if somebody had

explained the whole Christian Life to us

and you and I could have claimed that

crucifixion right there 30 minutes after

we received him as our

savior but most of us didn’t because

nobody ever told us but I want you to

think about this

tonight the power of the holy spirit

will only work where there is purity of


he just won’t work any other

place he won’t do

it and I wonder if one of the reasons

the Church of Jesus Christ is so weak

and so flimsy and feeble and so

powerless is

because we’re cting the world on this

side and God on that side and we don’t

ever really want to make the final death

break and that’s why we who are parents

need to teach our children very very

very very very early in life to obey

God because after the world gets its

tentacles around them its claws in them

and it’s hook deep down inside then Mom

and Dad you tried to pull them out of

the world

and friend the deeper into the world our


go the more difficult it is for them to

die to it but the same thing is true of

you and

me he’s only going to use somebody

you anybody

you to the maximum of your potential if

you’re willing to call

it all off with the

world maybe somebody here tonight you’re

dating somebody and you know in your

heart that’s not good for your Christian

life I want to tell you if somebody is

pulling you away from God you better

break that off right

fast if you say oh I’m going to get them

converted I’ll tell you what you let God

convert them and if they love you

they’ll come back and if they don’t you

don’t want them

anyway are you dating somebody tonight

that’s pulling you away from God are you

working around

somebody and their influence is so

powerful in your life they’ve already

begun to lead you into activities or

thoughts thought patterns that you know

that’s not healthy not of

God are you in business with

somebody that you know if you listen to

them you’re going to violate the word of

God are you running with a group in your


life that acts like they have it all

together and you’re a vital part of the

group in fact they love your being

there but you know to run with them

you’ve got to compromise your

convictions in some maybe small little

ways and God’s saying to you I want you


die and I want to ask res you somebody

because I’m here to tell you there’s

somebody here tonight that God has his

finger right in your heart and he’s

telling you you need to die now before

you get yourself in so much trouble it’s

going to be too

late you say well how do you

die here’s what you do by faith you tell

God that you accept your position on the

cross which is where he placed you

when he took you as one of his

children and that you’re willing for him

to work his work of surgery in your

life and by faith you claim death to

everything in your life that displeases

and dishonors God or will lead you into

a place and a

position to hurt your testimony

disappoint true believers who love you

and who

will grieve the heart of

God you see to yield my I must yield my

life to the cross and listen to this

Definition of

yielding it is the voluntary

transfer of total


total control and total use of my life


God that’s

death that’s death to the world and all

of its

allurements and all of its

offers and what we do is we exchange

what the world has to offer but what God

has to

offer you see there comes times in our

lives and not just once but there’ll be

many times in our life When God

says it’s time for you to face this and

I want you to die to

it and then you and I have to

decide it w God’s

best want God to use us to the

maximum and I want to tell you something

that kind of dying is the most

freeing liberating joyful experience I

know because it is amazing how

instantaneously what tugged at your

heart five minutes ago

is as if it no longer

existed and I simply want to leave you

with this

question what is the

strongest tug in your life toward the

world and are you willing to die to that


Jesus to become what he wants you to

become and to put yourself in a position

whereby he can use you to the maximum of

your potential and you see here’s what

we do we sort of rationalize our

compromises now watch this if we can

compromise a little bit and it doesn’t

sting our conscience too bad we go back

again and again and again and again

until finally we don’t even feel it

anymore but I want to tell you when you

lose your feeling that’s the worst thing

that can happen you may not feel bad

about what you’re

doing but you’re getting in so deep that

the worst thing they could ever happen

is to be able to sin and not feel it

anymore and I simply want to ask you are

you willing to say with Paul the

Apostle I want to be

crucified to every allurement of the

world that would endanger my use before


hinder my testimony before my brothers

and sisters and hinder God using me to

the maximum of my

potential let me ask you one last

question I close what in your

life could be so important to

you that you would be willing to hold

to and

lose the

experience of knowing and having and

enjoying God’s Eternal

best let’s

pray father I pray in jesus’ name for

somebody here this evening for I know

you’ve got your eye on

somebody somebody who must be heading

close to

disaster somebody who may be on the

verge of making a decision of giving

themselves over to something

father I want to pray for

somebody that you have already provided


exciting Wonderful Life of usefulness

and service to

you and you know that unless they make

the break

now they’ll waste 10 20 30 years of

their life playing with the world trying

to Cote its pleasure and it praise and

its prominence and its

position only to end up one day in the

greatest sense of disappointment and

disaster in

Grace send down your


pricking prodding conviction of the holy

spirit that there might be confession

and repentance but that’s not nearly

enough death is your requirement to the

cross with everything that would draw us

away from

you father I ask that you so surround

somebody that in your loving way of

pressuring because you know the future

would you move into that somebody’s

heart until they’re willing to say Lord

with Paul the Apostle I say from the

depths of my spirit I am crucified

from this moment on to the world as best


know and I want the cross to be the

standard bearer of my life living the

wonderful exciting life of

death which is life at its best is my

prayer in Jesus name