Experiencing God’s Glory in the Midst of Discomfort – Episode 2
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this program is brought to you in part
by the partners and Friends of PR Dollar
Ministries coming up next on changing
world God has promised us that Grace
three things his presence will be there
his power will be there and his
provision will be there when when you go
through any kind of suffering those
those things are guaranteed his presence
is going to be there now see we’ve been
playing church for so long we think his
presence is the really goooo Gaga
feeling I don’t want no goooo Gaga
feeling I want help in the time of
trouble and that’s where the provision
comes in that see I might still be in
the fire but the provision says your
clothes not going to be burnt neither
will I allow them to have the smell of
smoke that only can come from God’s
provision download and stay connected
with the changing your world podcast
with crlo dollar keep the word of God at
the Forefront of your mind with these
powerful and uplifting messages with
each message that you download and
stream you gain revelation of the
fullness of God’s grace the changing
your world podcast brings you
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platform this is your world so let’s vow
to make it a better place
let every heart that me to
know your love is here to
St it’s time we live a new
life let us love shine ring
you we Sav by his grace so we Embrace
Your Love
today we are
Chang f Faith worketh by love Faith
can’t work when you think that
discomfort is a is is proof that God
hates you if you think your discomfort
is proof that God hates you Faith can’t
work what you’ve been going through are
you convinced that God God hates
you I mean look at
me look at me I’m I’m struggling
I’m divorced I got these
children and and the devil wants to use
all that you’re in
discomfort and I’m teaching this series
because you got to respond differently
discomfort cuz what you’re saying is I’m
in discomfort and I’m trying to find
comfort and God wants to mature you in
the midst of that
discomfort but if you struggle to try to
find Comfort by any means necessary you
might find yourself in another addic Ive
bondage because you just want Comfort oh
I’m in discomfort so I go get drunk try
to get comfort then you become an
alcoholic oh I’m I’m I’m I feel like I’m
in discomfort you know I’ve been fooling
around sexually all my life and I feel
like I’m in discomfort and then you go
and you you now you go spend a little
money for it now and and and now he he
wakes up he wakes up that that that that
habit and I believe what we have to do
as Christians is we’ve got to change the
question from why
me to what is it you want me to get out
this how should I mature out of this
because God is serious about your
maturity I don’t know what it is that he
is so serious about us maturing but you
got to
mature and if you’re still holding
unforgiveness that’s a sign of
immaturity if you’re still you know
um in Strife if you’re still holding on
to unforgiveness and then it comes out
with bitterness all that’s baby
stuff so discomfort will be permitted to
help you grow and
mature I know when I went through the
crazy physical attack on my body I am
empathetic towards people who are in
pain I am more empathetic towards people
people who go to the doctor and they say
you have cancer I am more empathetic to
people who have the
trauma of wondering am I going to be
here this time next
year it’s so easy for us to be
judgmental of people until they come to
yeah yeah something happens
differently until it shows up in your
house right all of a sudden the your
your your former political views begin
to melt a little bit because you didn’t
really know what this was about until it
showed up yes sir in your house in your
family in your marriage
faith is my positive response to what to
what Grace has made
available that’s what it is Faith is me
positively to what Grace has already
available Grace has made righteousness
available so my faith responds I’m
righteous Grace has made healing
available and even when your body’s
under attack I respond I’m
Healed Grace whatever it has done and it
has done everything that contains the
life and
godliness my faith is my
response to what Grace is made
available how are you responding to
Jesus are you responding to Jesus in
dependence or are you responding to
Jesus with yeah I know you did that but
now I can help by doing these two
things faith is your
response to what Grace has made
available let me give you an
illustration um look at 2 Corinthians
4:13 2 Corinthians chapter
4:13 this is how I respond in the in in
in midst of discomfort and pain now look
at this he says we having the same
Spirit of Faith according as it is
written he said I believe everybody say
I believe I believe and therefore have I
spoken we also believe and therefore we
speak see I’m not speaking the word to
try to be magical I’m speaking the word
because I’m responding to what I
believe I believe in what Grace is made
available so I’m going to say out loud
Healed I believe what Grace is made
available so I’m going to say out loud
I’m the righteousness of God I’m not
saying that trying to be magical I’m
saying it cuz I believe it praise God I
believe that I’m blessed I believe that
I’m protected I believe in the promises
that he made and I believe that he loved
me so I’m going to respond in faith and
my response is going to believe going to
be if I believe it I’m going to say it
so when you hear me saying stuff that
may be scriptural when you hear me
saying stuff I’m not saying it to try to
be deep I’m saying it because I believe
it that’s my response
y’all see what I’m doing cuz I you know
there have been times in my past I’ve
said stuff I ain’t believe it and and I
and I found that that’s not too bad cuz
it’s something about if you keep saying
a thing you’ll talk yourself into
it you’ll talk yourself into
it cuz man when shingles was knocking me
down cuz that nerve pain went from my my
spine to my brain I said I’m Healed I’m
like Lord help me
believe you remember that guy who said
Lord I believe but help my unbelief I
was believing until it knocked me down
help my unbelief I was believing I
didn’t knock me down help my unbelief
but after a while I was like saying I
ain’t ain’t got time for no more
unbelief I just I
believe are you listening to me
now now I want to show you something
now he Romans 4 18- 21 in the uh in the
King James and then I want to I want to
talk to you about
U um how Grace will manifest itself I
got one more thing to say about faith
but I want to show you how Grace will
manifest itself through suffering
through tribulations through trial you
can expect it in fact some people say
well the glory of God didn’t show up
until the the the the the atmosphere was
charged for the glory honey I’m telling
you graceful show up and go to work for
you in the
craziest situations in your life there
will be some Grace there notice the
notice the Fourth Man didn’t show up
while they were chilling on the
beach he showed up when it got put in
the fiery
furnace God has promised us that Grace
he three things his presence will be
there his power will be there and his
provision will be there
when when you go through any kind of
suffering those those things are
guaranteed his presence is going to be
there now see we’ve been playing church
for so long we think his presence is the
really goooo Gaga feeling I don’t want
no gooo Gaga feeling I want help in the
time of
trouble and that’s where the provision
comes in at see I might still be in the
fire but the provision says your clothes
not going to be burnt neither will I
allow them to have the smell of smoke
that only can come from God’s provision
he didn’t take away way to fire but he
was providing for you while you was
walking through the fire Hallelujah
glory to God and some of y’all are
walking through the fire right now and
you’re wondering God why don’t you take
this from me he says no I’m going to
work something in the midst of this we
going to keep the fire but you going to
learn that there’s a Fourth Man that’ll
show up every time you get in your
fire and when you come out you going to
be looking for that Fourth Man
I know this goes against all of the
little cutie Cutie little religion stuff
you done heard in your in the church all
the little cutie Cutie little little
Fable things you’ve heard that ain’t
even true cuz people don’t even read the
Bible no
more they up there declaring stuff
Nationwide that ain’t even in the Bible
right they misinterpreted the scripture
ain’t even in the Bible
I remember I told this guy one time he
was in the midst of preaching as a bunch
of ministers I was like that ain’t in
Bible I said you know he said who can
something about who can who can who you
know being able to to walk without
without any challenging sin I said
nobody and he called himself yeah that’s
right nobody nobody
where the
Lord will not
dwell in filthy
vessels ain’t no other
kind I know that offend you cuz
somewhere in your head you think you are
a clean vessel but if you was clean the
Holy Ghost wouldn’t have to be dwelling
in you cuz you already clean and I keep
trying to tell you to quit buying that
story you tell yourself I’m the clean
vessel now you ain’t you as dirty as
everybody else in here and that’s why we
need a permanent AAC to live in us and
to walk in us and to abide in us and to
constantly cleanse
us but you done bought that religious
Fable you you think you’re good you
you I just like have had it with people
who can’t
bre okay where am
I okay so I’m I’m going to say this real
quick oh my
ah all
right I’m trying to stay up here but I
just you know I’m on the edge right here
like good God
hey that’s right I want I need y’all to
say this to me say sweet lips sweet lips
increase learning increase learning what
kind of lips sweet
lips now say this pastor dollar you
that yes I did right yes I did sweet
lips increase
learning so and and I’m I’m trying not
to have a breakdown moment on this
because this is how awesome he
is so in the old Covenant of the law the
old agreement of the
law we had to do the
work in order to reap the benefit
if you do
good you get
good right if you are
obedient if you are obedient to the law
then you get
blessed you know that’s even different
in the in the New Covenant there’s an
obedience to the law then there’s an
obedience to the
faith in the new Co old Covenant
obedience to the law is what you carry
out in your commitment to do what the
law tells you to do but in the New
Covenant obedience to Faith is your
believing in what Jesus has
now so God’s allowing us to do the work
we had to do the we didn’t have to do it
but Exodus 198 when Moses presented the
law to the children of
Israel Exodus 19-8 here’s how they
responded we can do all you you all you
said the creator of everything including
man had never seen
such prideful
arrogance everything God ever
created depends on him
completely for everything they do
the birds the
vegetation everything the Earth
everything he created depends on
him including man until Adam declared
independence from
God we don’t need him you can be just
him that’s where it started it started
in the in the Garden of Eden when they
said I am like God so I don’t need God
and they declared
independence from
God so you see the situation is the
situation of man now having more
confidence in himself than he does in
God so I can keep this no problem and so
here is why he gave the law the law is
perfect the law is Flawless the law
represents God’s perfect character and
he gives the law
to a fallen
man and they said we got
it and if you read Exodus 19 on to
chapter 20 and 21 all hell broke loose
don’t touch the mountain don’t even
touch the bottom of it or you will
die you think you can keep these laws as
perfect as they are you know the number
of people that died just because they
murmured you know how many do you know
the millions that died under the law see
not they’re not teaching that to you and
look at the Bible all the stuff that
Happ all them people died you know you
know some people died because they
wouldn’t give glory to God and wouldn’t
give Thanksgiving to
him and they said they could do it that
man was trying to operate independent of
God and you know that’s what’s happening
in some of the church circles
today we got this M I have faith in my
faith we got
this and we still trying to do it based
on how we can work
it and you felt miserably in the Old
Testament to such a point Hebrews 8 says
that he says I found fault with that
Covenant that’s why I’m going give you a
better Covenant
because that first Covenant too many
people died cuz they could not do it
independent of
me but in this
Covenant I’m going to do the
work it’s going to be my work and he
says and all of mankind will be my
workmanship so God said in this Covenant
I’m going to go to work on
you I’m going to write the law on your
heart I’m going to make you I’m going to
forgive you I’m going to do the work I’m
going to save you stuff we get under
this New Covenant we didn’t have under
the old Covenant so here’s the thing
that blew my mind I don’t know where my
head maybe in my religious traditional
head I never quite saw God like
accepting full
responsibility for the work of on
me I thought I get saved and now come to
church and get all the
rules I get saved and I come to church
and I employ the law to keep what Grace
me you didn’t hear what I just said you
were saved by grace but you you employed
the law to try to keep what you got by
grace in other words you you you you you
employed the law to
sustain life that you got by
Grace but the law has no sustaining
power the law can’t sustain life the law
can’t even give life if the law could
give life there would be no need for a
savior yeah y y hear what I’m saying I I
believe I was teaching this past week uh
in in in uh I think it was John chapter
six where Jesus said I am the bread of
yes he said my father gave you mana and
you did eat now Mana is bread that
life but then he made this comment Moses
did not give you
Mana right what is he saying Moses gave
you the law Moses was a lawgiver Moses
didn’t give you Mana if Moses could have
given you Mana something to sustain life
then maybe there’s life under the law
but Moses did not give you life Moses
gave you the law only the only God
through Grace can give you life so why
are you trying to live by something that
can’t give you life that can’t sustain
life it was Grace that gave you
salvation it’ll be Grace that’ll sustain
your salvation
Grace sustains your
salvation not the
laww and what do we do we get saved and
come to church and say preacher give me
rules give me some rules can we
drink come on what God say about that
what about a little weed just to calm
down not much
but a little
weed how many women can we have at a
time David has some Mistresses can we
still have some
Mistresses and a woman a woman by the
way that woman ought to be just
satisfied that she got a good old
man everything else you need to shut
your mouth
about and be dominated by your God
God-fearing man because if he’s
God-fearing domination won’t hurt I
heard a preacher say that I actually
heard somebody say
that what are you trying to do you’re
trying to
sustain life that only comes from Jesus
Grace by employing the
law as the administrator of something
you didn’t get from the law
did you know that Jesus endured
suffering for us so that he could be
with us in our struggles grasping this
truth is essential to not only receiving
God’s blessings but holding on to them
in maintaining your victory in the midst
of discomfort Klo dollar reveals the
defining traits of successful Christians
he suffered to obtain the victories that
we didn’t have he suffered so we can now
have healing he suffered so we can now
be made righteous he suffered because
now we can be made whole when stuff
happens in your life that’s an
opportunity for you to grow that’s an
opportunity for you to get stronger and
stronger and stronger God wants to
mature you with a love gift of 12 us or
more download this powerful teaching
today just call the number on your
screen scan the QR code or visit
and click e store Embrace God’s love
love for
you you are crazy you are
crazy and so when people say you are
crazy to say I’m not crazy I’m just
first real women Lord however you want
to use me today I’m ready real stories
some of you have such powerful
testimonies of things God has brought
you out of that you refuse to share
because you’re afraid of what people
will think of you real transformation
the real women’s conference is calling
you yes you it’s time to shake off the
labels the stereotypes and the
expectations society places on us first
to not be in bondage to what you think
about me cuz what you think about me
ain’t going to stop nothing this is your
moment to embrace your authentic self in
a world of false standards join us at
the real Women’s Conference where your
journey to self-discovery begins get
ready to live in your truth
everything in God’s kingdom works by
faith now I remember when Taffy and I
started giving it was a painful thing to
give because we didn’t have much at all
financially however we made a decision
to be givers and one of the most quoted
scriptures in the Bible is John 3:16 God
so loved the world that he gave
therefore as Christians we give our
giving is an expression of our love
and when you support Klo Dollar
Ministries financially you are giving to
our efforts to spread the gospel all
over the world and in addition to
helping Millions who are hurting and
have vital physical needs pray about
what God would have you to show at this
time we want to thank you in advance for
support to support the vision of this
ministry to reach the world with the
gospel of grace you may call in to make
your financial donations or log on to
croll ministries.org God bless
you no matter where you are on your
personal Journey the word of God can
reach you tune in to World Changers
every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or restream
at 2: p.m. 6:00 p.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time have you ever had God save
somebody in your family and you they
were no good for nothing dirty but he
saved them anyway Sanctified filled them
with the Holy
Ghost text watch now to
51555 or visit worldchangers.org for
more information about services and
times I open my heart I open my mind I
open myself up to God possibilities to
God happenings God encounters whatever
he wants to do however he wants to do it
but I refuse to live in the past we’re
in this together no matter where we are
we are World Changers see you online
as we wrap up today’s broadcast I’d like
to take a moment to pray for you I don’t
ever want to take for granted that you
have received Jesus Christ as your
personal Lord and Savior there’s no
better way to Embark upon a new stage in
your life than to enter into a personal
relationship with Christ so if you want
to become born again and begin an
exciting intimate relationship with
Jesus pray this prayer with me now
Heavenly Father come into my heart save
me I receive You Now by
faith and I declare in Jesus name that I
am saved thank you Lord for saving me
amen well if you prayed that prayer with
me I want to welcome you to the kingdom
of God
Because of You crlo Dollar Ministries is
providing a new understanding of Grace
and empowering change in the lives of
millions of people every day thank you
partners and Friends your love and
financial support makes it possible to
bring this message into millions of
homes all across the globe the
proceeding program was brought to you in
part by the partners and Friends of cflo
Dollar Ministries