Holiness vs the Flesh – Sunday Service
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so many people are in jail because of
decision and it requires
empathy to be able to go in the MST of
the people not strong judgment but
empathy there’s some powerful people
behind those bars some amazing
Ministries behind those bars
I remember speaking to death row in
Texas and the room was filled with
everybody dressed up in white and and I
was teaching on you know the power of
changing the way you think and one of
the guys walked up to me and he said had
I known
that then I wouldn’t be in here
now and yet one of the
greatest greatest Mission Fields right
now is in the jails Across
America so thank you for your giving and
sewing and thank all of those who
participate as Volunteers in that
Ministry you’re making a Mark that
cannot be erased amen praise the
lord well it’s offering
time if you need an offering envelope uh
raise your hands and the ushers will be
more more than happy to get it to you
we’re learning
um how we do this is so much important
the attitude in which you give in is
even more important than what you give
and it’s important that we continue to
transform our attitude where giving is
concerned and to get away from all of
the weird kind of things we’ve heard in
the past that God wants giving to take
place from your heart not not from the
percentage but from your heart he wants
you to give out of a heart uh of love
and a and a heart of generosity Genesis
chapter 8 and22 very interesting uh
promise here in the King James he says
this while the Earth remains how many
you know the Earth Still Remains right
now right while the Earth remains so
that this is what we’re getting ready to
read is going to be true as long as the
Earth remains he says here’s what you
can expect
seed time and harvest cold and heat
summer and winter day and night it shall
not cease while the Earth remains while
the Earth remains you’re going to have
day and you’re going to have night while
the Earth remains you’re going to have
summer and you’re going to have winter
while the Earth remains there’s still
going to be cold and heat but while the
Earth remains there’s also going to be
seed time and harvest time I’m telling
you you’re never going to sew a seed
and not experience a season of harvest
so it’s no longer if you have Harvest
but what when the Harvest comes and
that’s what you can expect when you take
the time to give generously and to sew
into I believe what you believe I give
uh because I trust that God can take
care of me and I know you do the same
thing amen father we prepare to sew our
seeds and we are prepared to give
generously and we keep this promise in
mind that there’s never going to be a
time where there is not Harvest Time and
I thank you Lord for Harvest time but I
give you praise for seed time and as we
plant and give and seow not grudgingly
but Lord we do it generously from our
heart unto you because all things come
of thee Oh Lord what we have to give is
yours in the first place and we thank
you for this opportunity that we get to
give in Jesus name amen amen let’s just
go ahead and receive this offering this
morning thank
amen you guys came to church this
morning like the sun was
amen so I thought you know we’ve been
radical for a couple of weeks and maybe
I need to just chill out a little bit
and yeah I didn’t even know if I was
going to be preaching I asked Pastor Ken
just to be ready just in case cuz I’m
just not going to be forcing nothing and
I thought it was pretty cool I had my
waffles it this morning with the apples
and everything on them and I’m ready to
go praise God and then I get a
revelation on something that I hadn’t
understood in 10
years and and I thought to
myself this got to be talked about here
so we’re going to continue our series on
Holiness and uh we’re we’re right in the
middle of the series on of um living in
The rhythms of Grace and one of the
things we learned about living in The
rhythms of Grace is that you know God uh
in in Romans 12 uh said to present your
body as a Living Sacrifice holy and
acceptable unto God which is your
reasonable service and I started asking
well if we’re going to present our
bodies holy we need to understand what
holy is all about so this morning let’s
look at 1 Corinthians chapter 1
and3 um in the King James and then in
the mirror translation and if you don’t
mind I just like to hop right on into
this amen and we’re going to focus in on
what does it mean to live by the flesh
what is the flesh FH what does that mean
when somebody says you’re in the
flesh does it mean that it was is
referring to your physical body no it’s
much more than your physical body and we
need to understand what it means to walk
in the flesh versus walking in in the
spirit and so uh 1 Corinthians chapter 1
and father I thank you that you will
speak through my vocal cords and think
through my mind none of me and all of
you in Jesus J name amen Now 1
Corinthians chapter 1 and3 now here’s
what he says he says but of him are you
in Christ
Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom
so he says of him are you in Christ
Jesus now those of you who have been
born again you are in Christ Jesus say
out loud I am in Christ Jesus in so
you’re born again and you’re in Christ
Jesus who of God Jesus who of God Jesus
has been made for us
wisdom so Jesus is our wisdom and we’re
in Jesus so we have access to that he
has been made our righteousness Jesus is
righteousness and we’re in him we have
access to that we’re in him we live by
the faith of Jesus of the Son of God he
has been made righteous we’re righteous
he has been made wisdom we have been
made wisdom he says and he he has been
made unto us sanctification or Holiness
sanctification and Holiness come from
the same Greek word sanctification and
Holiness he’s been made Holiness he’s
been made sanctification so we are in
him so we’ve been made sanctification
we’ve been made Holiness he says and
he’s been made Redemption which means we
are redeemed now based on this scripture
Holiness uh is not
possible if you don’t understand what we
just read here if you don’t understand
that we are as he is I am righteous
because he is righteous I’m not
righteous because I do right I’m
righteous because Jesus is my
righteousness I don’t have wisdom
because I got degrees I have wisdom
because Jesus has been made wisdom I am
not holy because of my conduct I am Holy
because of what because Jesus is Holy so
once you get in him you’re going to have
to now step up and mature and now
realize I am Holy cause he is Holy
versus I am Holy because I’ve got Good
Conduct and if you don’t have Good
Conduct then you’re not holy oh there’s
something about the flesh that I I have
yet to see but it is this it is this uh
Christianity that is the biggest devil
that we’ve ever seen in our life in fact
Satan is now disguised in your
self-performance and so you have to
really look at what’s Happening Here I
Am Sanctified because he is now realize
that so you can receive that so you can
rest in that I am Holy because he is I
realize I am Holy say that I realize
that I’m
holy now maybe several years ago you
would have never said you was holy
because now you’re weighing it against
conduct and if your conduct is good
enough to make you holy then we don’t
Jesus all we got to do is depend on the
conduct of
people but we’re not holy because of our
conduct we are Are Holy because of our
Jesus and we realize I’m holy because of
Jesus wait a minute I stand out or I’m
Sanctified because of Jesus wait a
minute I am righteous because of Jesus
for so long the church has deceived us
into thinking you are righteous only
because you do right and that’s not
right that’s not right you are right
Jesus is the center of all of this of
every bit of this he’s the center of of
it and so if you don’t understand what
verse 30 is talking about
practical uh uh Holiness is just not
going to be possible so you are in
Christ You Are Holy because you’re in
Christ uh and because you’re in Christ
you’re all these things that he mentions
once you
have and understand that the person of
Jesus Christ is what makes you who you
are then you you quit questioning
whether or not you you can be all these
things look at the mirror translation
real quick of this before we go forward
cuz I got a lot I want to cover I got
this one area I can’t wait to get to
so he says in firsts in verse 30 here of
God’s doing are we in Christ it’s God’s
doing that you’re in Christ it’s not
your doing that you’re in Christ he is
both the Genesis and the genius of our
wisdom my god did you see that he said a
wisdom that reveals how righteous and
Sanctified and redeemed we already are
in him already are righteous in him
already are redeemed already Are Holy in
him and he is the Genesis and the genius
of making you righteous without you
doing right
now let’s move on to this and once you
have the person you have all these
things once you have Jesus you have all
these things you have righteous you have
everything but look what he said in
Romans chap
8:32 Romans 8 and: 32 with King James 1
and then mirror look at what he says
here he says he that spareth not his own
son but delivered him up for us all how
shall he not with him also freely give
us all things he gave us Jesus look what
he said I gave you Jesus and when I gave
you Jesus I Gave You All
Things cuz all things exist in Jesus and
instead of me you know taking all the
little things out and making a list of
them I just gave you Jesus and in Jesus
everything now look at this in the
mirror translation verse 32 he says the
gift of his son is the irrefutable
evidence of God’s heart towards us he
held nothing in reserve but freely gave
everything we could ever wish to have
this is what our joint sunship is all
about we are joint sons and sons of God
we we’re we’re joint hirs together which
means all that Jesus is we are amen all
that Jesus has we have amen you now have
got to go through what the scripture
says a radical mind shift and bring your
mind into a place where you can
realize that I don’t have to go get what
already been
gotten I don’t have to go make what’s
already been
made I’ve got to realize receive rest
and if trouble should come open my mouth
and remind myself and the devil that it
is already
done are you listening to
me so
holiness uh digging a little deeper
Holiness is a
person Holiness is not a conduct
Holiness is a person let’s think on that
for a moment now cuz for a long time
we’ve been pretty satisfied with his a
conduct and and you try to conduct
yourself I remember back in the day
where a woman had to wear uh a long
dress and and you ain’t holy if you wear
pants and so she out there playing
softball with a long dress
on y’all some of y’all how many of y’all
know know what I’m saying is true right
you that was a time and especially where
women were concerned if you wore makeup
oh that wasn’t good behavior you are
Jezebel and then we found out that the
spirit of Jezebel can also inhabit the
body of a man
it’s not
conduct you please understand if it was
conduct if it was left up to conduct
then you don’t need
Jesus you don’t need
Jesus and Holiness clearly in in in in
in verse 30 is a
person Jesus is our Holiness and and and
I look at some of you right now it it’s
and I know what you’re going through
it’s like wait a minute it it is the
conduct you know you you got got to be
holy you got to be baptized and you got
to this if you want to see Jesus you got
to be holy you know without Holiness no
man can see the lord well that makes
sense without Jesus no man can see the
Lord Brother dollar they said without
Holiness you can’t see the Lord and what
we heard was without having the correct
conduct well your conduct going to be
off your conduct your conduct may I
please may I speak col Paul your your
conduct is always GNA be kind of off
until you see
Jesus you seriously you’re seriously
trusting your
effort religion is built on trusting
effort and he is saying I need you to
me trust me not your effort look at you
look look at where trust in your efforts
has gotten you
and then you got so tired of your effort
that one day you said I’m just going to
trust Jesus and man the bottom fell out
everything started working and you like
what what happened what happened and you
don’t even see it was Jesus you now
going to give credit to your
wow so holiness comes from the word
complete think about that Jesus is
complete it comes from the word whole
see Jesus made us whole complete whole
the opposite of Holiness we used to
think it was sin but the opposite of
Holiness is not sin the opposite of
Holiness is being common with the world
that’s what the opposite of Holiness is
so when God says be holy he is saying
Stand Out be separate you’re my
people stand out be separate you’re my
people so when the people of the world
are worried you’re going to be full of
Peace when the people out the of the
world are broke you’re going to have all
your knees met when the people out of
the world are sick you’re going to be
meditating and thanking God that you’re
healed Stand Out stand out whatever’s
going on with them you are not a part of
that you are holy you are a part of me
and what I am that’s what you are so
Out stand separate from that Holy
literally means separate from the
world’s system or the world’s way of
doing things so when people and you’re
separate because of who you have have
and whose you are that’s what separates
you you’ve put so much so much stock in
your conduct that you put very little
stock in who you are in Christ and and
and who you have Jesus Christ not
understanding that once you realize that
you’re his the conduct’s going to
change once you realize whose you are
and your identity the conduct is going
to change you focus it on your conduct
and ignore Jesus and you come in and
with rules and laws trying to get a
better conduct and don’t know Jesus and
that’s what’s happening a lot of people
are trying to live under the conduct of
Holiness and they don’t even know who
is are you listening to me and I know
listen I remember being where you are if
you’re if you’re here for the first time
and you weren’t here last week to get
over the shock of everything you’re
going through the shock of stuff I wish
I were up here so you can see certain
people they’re like oh heck
last week there was a dude when I was
preaching he was just so shocked he he
he cussed I read his lips he said oh
God cuz they never heard it before I
congratulated him cuz he stood he stayed
there to the
end he may be here this morning but I’m
not going to identify you cuz I don’t
want nobody to know you curing in church
cuz your conduct wouldn’t be acceptable
if you did that I mean you just can’t be
holy if you slipped up and let one out
doing church I
mean when people don’t see the beauty of
Holiness they they won’t pursue
it the beauty David said Worship the
Lord in the beauty of his Holiness 1
Chronicle 16 when they don’t see the
beauty of Holiness or the benefit of
Holiness or understand what Holiness is
they won’t it so number one Holiness is
a person his name is Jesus Holiness is a
person and you are in this Jesus you are
in him you live in him so holiness does
not depend on human
input Holiness does not depend on human
input Holiness does not depend on human
conduct or human
input if Holiness depends on
us if Holiness depends on our
feelings if Holiness depends on our
experiences if Holiness depends on our
our Consciousness then we will always be
depressed if it depends on some human
input so whenever you look at you now
this is important whenever you look at
you all you
see is corruption and darkness and all
that other stuff when you look at you
try that try looking at you when you’re
in trouble try looking at you when
you’re broke see cuz we’re used to
looking at
us I’m going to make it happen I’m going
to figure this thing out and I’m not
saying stop living but I’m saying you
are depending more on you you’re looking
at you more than you’re looking at him
who has everything and he’ll let you
look at you for some years he’ll let you
look at you until you get tired of
looking at you or depending on you and
then you make a decision I’m going to
look at him because looking at me ain’t
nothing are you listening to
me let’s go to Romans 7:
18-24 and I’m going to read that out of
the mirror translation is Paul’s
with the
flesh pause conflict with the
flesh looking at you or looking to you
for the answers or looking at you or
looking to you for the way out it it’s a
position of self-preservation I don’t
trust that God can preserve me so what
I’m going to do is trust me to preserve
and you know all of you big talkers you
know online teach this you know you you
you you’re you’re the guy you look to to
do that that that that’s wrong you got
to look at their
lives and one day you’ll wake up and say
Well they’re giving you advice that’s
not working because they need you to pay
them that’s right that’s right that’s
right no
yeah right now watch this I’m going to
read Verse 18 through 24 and and
everybody in here will be able to relate
with Paul’s
dilemma Verse
18 now I’m going to read directly from
the Greek
translation into the English I I
discovered this yesterday I just didn’t
think about it you have to be careful
when you read a Greek Bible because you
got to ask yourself was this Greek bible
translated from an English version into
Greek or was it translated from the
Greek language into English because if
it was translated from the English
version into Greek then it’s just going
to go right back to the English
version okay I stumbled across it last
night when I was looking for a Greek
Bible because I couldn’t find mine and
I’m like oh they just translated that
directly from the King James Bible so
all I’m going to get is the King James
because I knew that that word was not
the Greek word here to do that and so
I’m going to read a Bible that’s going
to translate it from the Greek language
to the the English language Greek
language pays a lot attention to verbs
and the English language pays a lot of
attention to objects which means in
translating you’re going to it’s not
going to be certain words that you have
in English that that’s available to you
in the Greek and vice versa so this is
going to be it’s it’s an updated
language but it is
amazing of the accuracy of of the the
Greek uh that we can look at it and I
think the bless you so look at Paul’s
dilemma here some of you think well I a
care about none of that stuff you just
said let’s just read you
know well well I do it just it I get
happy over that kind of thing all right
Verse 18 the total extent and ugliness
sin that inhabits
me reduced my life to Good
Intentions that could not be followed
through how many of you have some good
but you were not able to follow them
through and then somebody made you feel
bad and say well hell is paved with good
okay good intentions in other words I I
I had an I wanted to do
that that that’s how I want to live
that’s how I want to respond that’s how
I want to
act I fully intended on doing that
however I couldn’t follow
through now no matter what you think as
a Christian
that’s everybody in here that has
something in our lives that we intended
to do but we didn’t follow
through okay and it was used to condemn
us and I’m going to show you today the
little trick that’s been played on
Mankind and you going to want to find
the devil and slap him after the sermon
over with all right verse 19 he says
willpower has failed me huh how many of
you have tried to use
willpower to accomplish Good Conduct and
you tried and you tried tried all night
long you tried and you
tried until I found the Lord who didn’t
need to be found because he wasn’t lost
he’s the one that found us cuz we was
lost right
willower willpower I thought well I’m a
Christian now but I didn’t dismiss
willpower I’m going to use willpower and
I’m going to fast and I’m going to use
willpower and it was it was looking
pretty good that maybe that first two
weeks and maybe that month it was
willpower maybe two months it was
willpower I I’m going use willpower not
to cuss I’m going to use willpower to
stop cussing I’m willpower to start
cussing somebody did something in the I
ain’t know what happened to the
willpower and the cuss just flowed out
like I never
stop Paul said with willpower has failed
me he said this is how embarrassing it
is the most diligent decision that I
make to do good and you do that you come
to church you get inspired and you you
make a diligent decision to live right
you told yourself while you was at
church I’m leaving Rosco we ain’t
married and this is over with I’m going
to leave him I’m not doing it no no no
pwn intendent Rosco because you a bet
been together for you a bet been
together forever you know bet s bet
ain’t left for you you know you know and
listen I had good intentions I wanted to
do it go back to that verse for you he
willowes failed me this is how
embarrassing it is the most diligent
decision that I make to do good
disappoints the very evil I tried to
avoid that’s what I
do if I do the thing Paul says I do not
want to do a lot of stuff I mean you
didn’t want to do
it you didn’t want to do it you told her
to get out your face she didn’t get out
your face and you popped and said look
at what you made me do you didn’t want
to do
that but I’m from K Park I told you not
to get in my face like that it just it
dwells in
me you spit I
slay and we tried to tell you about the
other cheek but you you never could get
the neck to roll around and get that
cheek somebody said Jesus said turn the
other cheek and you said that was
Jesus if I do the things I do not want
to do then it is clear that I am not now
this is so interesting if I do the
things I do not want to do then it’s
clear that I’m not evil
it’s clear that I’m not
evil but that I
host I play host to sin in my
body I host sin in my
body and I host it against my will
it ain’t like I gave it an
invitation I hosted against my will now
watch this
21 it has become predictable it has
become a predictable principle I desire
to do
well but my mere desire cannot escape
the evil that’s present that dictates my
action there is something that dictates
my action the body just does what it’s
told to do do something’s dictating my
actions the body just does what it’s
told to do the body doesn’t make a
decision of his own the body does what
it’s told to do that’s why demons want
to inhabit your body he wants inhabit
somebody’s body cuz the body just does
what it’s told to do and if you tell it
to do it long enough it’ll be
conditioned to do
it evil is present with
me I do know that this evil
dictates talks to
me oh boy we going to find this thing
boy I desire to do well but my mere
desire cannot escape the evil present
that dictates my
actions what is that thing that says
cuss them out
steal slap her get
upset something’s dictating to
you ooo that devil going to be mad today
boy next
verse the real person that I am on the
inside Delights in the law of God wait a
minute so so we got to we got to we got
to deal with this we’re talking about
the real person we talking about
something dictating something to you who
is this man what is this man all right
let’s let’s let’s let’s go through the
anatomy of of of a man and and see what
he is is the whole man man is a spirit
being okay now we have used the word
spirit and soul interchangeably as if
they’re the same it’s not the same you
are a spirit you have a
soul man is a spirit being you are a
spirit being glory to God you have a
soul and your spirit being and your soul
resides in a body or a earth suit to
give you Authority in this physical
world world so when you die your spirit
doesn’t die death literally means
separation it is a separation of your
spirit being and your soul from your
body and when the spirit and the Soul no
longer occupies the body the body has no
life in it just like if I were to take
this jacket off the jacket only has life
because I’m in it but when I take it off
and hang it up it’ll have no more life
until I get back in it until you get
back in it till you get back in it oh
and there’s going to be a getting back
in it moment amen until you get back in
it you know you’re going to get back in
it and so you are a spirit being now
what happened one day you made a
decision I want to get born again I want
Jesus to be my Lord and personal savior
when you did that the spirit of God came
took that old man and recreated
it the the spirit you used to have was
the center of sin it was the old sinful
man but Romans 6:6 says it’s been
crucified put to death and now the
creation you have in you is referred to
as the new creation created just like
perfect perfect a third of you is a is
Godly a third a third of you one third
the one it it’s perfect it’s Flawless
it’s like God you are one third ready
heaven the part of you going to heaven
is that part oh my God that’s that’s
right you got born again and your spirit
is born again you’re you’re you’re
you’re Heaven re
this is this is this is tough CU
everybody’s think about some people
think about well what about my conduct
what about this what everything that
needed to happen for you to be with
Jesus has happened the day you got born
again and your spirit by God was
recreated and made perfect
yes so when you die to be absent from
this body is to be present with the Lord
in the
spirit now so you’ll know what’s going
on and know folks when you see them in
heaven your soul got to go with
you now your soul is your thinker your
filler and your Chooser it is your mind
your will and your emotions in that Soul
compartment but when you got born again
again your soul did not get born
again your
soul maintained the
residue of the sinful nature you had
before it was recreated that’s right so
even though your spirit is perfect your
soul still
occupies all of the stuff that came from
that old man that your body was
conditioned to doing
so that’s why you can be perfect and
still cuss two days after you get saved
because you still got the same software
that you had before you got saved and if
you don’t do nothing with this software
it’s going to continue to dictate to
your body what to
do and you save but still having
fornication because this hadn’t been
dealt with your spirit now is causing a
fight the difference is you’re doing
stuff that your old soul is dictating
your body to do but now there’s a new
man resisting it and so that’s why you
feel guilty now that you did it you
didn’t feel guilty before you got saved
because everything was lining up but now
that the new creation is on the inside
of you to do something that doesn’t line
up with the new creation is going to
cause a conflict between the born again
you and that and that old soul that
dictates to your body what to do
conflict on the
inside are y’all are y’all listening to
what I’m saying some of yall look at me
like what’s what’s calm down what’s
wrong so your soul your soul your Soul’s
got to be touched the software has got
to be
soul emotions
will your
thinker your
Chooser your
fer this soul is known as the
flesh this
Soul must be dealt with and he gave you
word and he says here is the new print
out to be
programmed in that
software now you can read your Bible
that’ll help the programing listen to
some tapes that’ll help the programming
join a church so you can get some
programming and what I want you to know
is the programming has no end while
you’re in the physical body
yes but when I see you I will do to your
soul what I did to your
spirit so in harmony it can live
together as you can recognize and know
another and I’m going to go ahead and
give you a new body because this old
body won’t be able to flow with the
instructions from this Soul that’s been
impacted by my love in my presence and
so you will be raised up with a
glorified body so there will now be a
restoration of complete Harmony before
Adam and Eve sin you will have a born
again Spirit a totally reprogrammed New
Soul and a brand new body and you didn’t
bring nothing to the table
now somebody says what do you do with
that you lift your hands up and say How
Great Thou Art that’s what you do with
that but it’s the soul telling you you
got this under
control it’s that unrenewed software
telling you no you’re the god the flesh
involves self-effort amen
take just take a just think on that for
minute that’s that was a lot so just sit
there for a
minute I know it it seems weird in
church because most of the time you say
shout about it scream about now just sit
there be quiet think about this for a
minute I just laid something so so heavy
on you and and and and somebody said the
devil’s busy yeah he waiting outside
next to your car when you soon as you
get the
ain’t no telling what y’all if you came
with your husband or wife y y’all be
careful not to fight on the way home now
cuz the cuz the enemy is trying to come
up with a plan the Bible says he seeketh
whom he may destroy who he can destroy
he strategizes please understand
something Satan has a a conference to
come up with a strategy to how to take
you down through the the arena of your
mind because the only access he has to
you is that residue in your soul that he
had complete control over until Jesus
came and recreated your
spirit so just think about it think
about it just for a
minute well perhaps ain’t you in the
rush to Falcons play today they can wait
think about
it they winning are you
think about
it the real person verse 22 that I am on
the inside now you understand
that Delights in the law Paul was
saying verse
23 there is a there’s another law though
foreign to my design it’s the law of
sin activating and enrolling the members
of my body as a weapon of war against
the law of my mind I am held captive
like a prisoner of war in my own
body it doesn’t matter how I weigh
myself by my own
efforts I just do not measure up to the
expectations all right
now let’s look at this
7:18 and verse 24 in the King James I
just want to bring out two points here
before I
move Romans 7:18 in the King James says
for I know that in me he says he says
he’s talking about what’s in him you
know that soul that unrenewed software I
know that what’s in me he calls it he
said I know that in me that is in my
flesh dwelleth no
thing I need you to get that in your
flesh dwelleth no good thing we keep
thinking that something good is going to
come out of the
flesh no good thing is going to come out
of the Flesh and then verse
24 Romans 7:24 oh Wretched Man that I am
who shall deliver me from the body of
this death
notice it was who shall deliver me not
what shall deliver me who shall deliver
me not what shall deliver me we know the
who is Jesus
amen and so we go around we say oh I
must be holy I must be holy I must be
faithful I must be faithful and we say
all those things and that will not come
by looking to
yourself that’s my point this is not
it’s not going to come by looking to to
yourself oh I got to be be holy I got to
be holy that’s not going to come by
looking to yourself oh oh I I I got to
be this that’s not going to come by
looking to
yourself because your body is the
vehicle that accommodates this
sin and Holiness is not in us or in our
flesh Holiness is in
Christ Romans 7:18 again no good thing
in the flesh no good thing in the flesh
no good thing in the
flesh no good thing in the
flesh so
now what is the
flesh what is the
flesh ready let’s write let’s let’s do
what we got to do let’s type let’s get
it in
there the flesh here’s what we do know
the flesh is a way of
thinking the flesh is a way of
walking we know the flesh works against
spirit and we know that the flesh
self-effort but I also found out that
the flesh is seeking identity and
purpose and I also learned that we
should put no confidence in the
flesh so now how do we Define this to
walk according to the flesh means to
live without regard for the things of
God so first of all Walking In the Flesh
means I disregard the things of
God the flesh disregards God the living
and Walking In the Flesh disregards God
it’s a way of thinking that doesn’t line
up with God that doesn’t agree with
God the flesh it is trusting in
yourself living by the flesh means I am
trusting in myself I am trusting in my
abilities I am trusting in what I
understand and what happens now I am now
living solely from the basis of my
Earthly experience I am what does that
mean I’m living I’m living solely based
on what I see I’m living based on what I
hear I’m living based on what I touch
I’m living based on what I’ve been
educated in I’m living based on what I
W and so living through the flesh is
carnal or by the
senses which is right up here in that
Soul area I live by the senses what’s
true to a person who lives by the flesh
what’s true to them is what I hear what
I see what I can touch and what I know
yeah I’m not living by the word
I’m living by the flesh I’m living by
the senses I’m living by my own
experiences and if I can’t see it ain’t
real if I can’t hear it it don’t exist
if I can’t touch it it doesn’t exist if
my experiences don’t line up with it it
happen and so right now we’re living in
a world that’s been seduced by the Flesh
and they don’t even know what’s going on
and so you know religion was used to run
you out of the church so you’ll stay
away from the the spirit and there’s no
walking in the spirit because you’re so
busy living and walking by the sensory
mechanisms of the flesh that totally
depends on your
woo let me show you something
Philippians chapter 3:
4 through6 in the NLT and then in the
mirror Philippians 3 4 and 6 4-6
oh wow you can see all of this is coming
down to that that unrenewed
software all right watch this Paul knew
exactly what this was he said though I
could have confidence in my
effort or I think another version says
in my
flesh though though I could have
confidence in my own effort look what he
says if anyone could he said indeed if
if others have reasons for confidence in
their flesh or their own
effort he says I I I have even more
confidence in my flesh or my own efforts
and and look at the list verse
five I was circumcised when I was eight
days old Paul says I’m a pure blooded
citizen of Israel I have no Gentile
blood in me
I’m a pure citizen of Israel and I’m a
member of The Tribe of
Benjamin I’m a real Hebrew if there were
one I was a member of the Pharisees who
demanded the strictest obedience to the
law if I’m going to get ahead I could do
it with with my own efforts with my
flesh what I got look see here Touch
look at who I am I was so zealous that I
harshly persecuted the
church and as for righteousness I obeyed
Law Without
wow verse seven just for
fun I once thought these things were
valuable but now I consider them
worthless because of what Christ has
done yeah
now go back to what was that verse four
in the mirror translation buckle your
belt I have more reason than anyone else
to rely on my years of diligent and most
sincere Devotion to Jewish sentiment and
rituals more than anybody else I have I
can I can rely on myself effort I can
rely on my effort my own effort I don’t
even know Jesus I can rely on my effort
next verse if gaining God’s approval had
anything to do with striving and
effort and that’s what the church thinks
the church thinks that through their
striving and their working and their
self-effort that they can gain God’s
approval and religion all it preaches is
here’s what you got to do to gain God’s
approval and he says Paul says if
gaining God’s approval had anything to
do with striving and personal effort he
said I would beat the best in the
business my pedigree is obvious wow I
received the famous cut when I was eight
the famous cut you know what that
circumcision I received the famous cut
when I was 8 days old exactly as the law
prescribed I am Israeli by
birth the head of my I tried is Benjamin
I am a Hebrew of the
Hebrews in my observance of the law I
belong to the strictest party I was
proud to be a
Pharisee but he was sad you
see the extremities of my fervor were
demonstrated in the way I fiercely
opposed and persecuted anyone who
identified themselves in
Christ the
socalled uh
eklesia if keeping the law these
credentials could possibly have given me
blameless standing before God I had it
made next verse I had it
made uh-oh I don’t know if I gave y’all
that verse miror Bible scripture not
you got it on your phone I
don’t somebody run get my phone I got
the whole verse was seven and I forgot
to give it to him my
fault somebody say here you go oh you
got one you got verse seven all right
thank God for the
congregation when the preacher ain’t
prepared the sum total of my religious
pedigree and sisan devotion amount to
zero what we have been gifted with in
Christ has reduced one once seemed so
important to meaningless information to
esteem the law is to your loss faith is
your profit all right watch this watch
this verse eight in fact I have come to
the conclusion that every Association I
have had with that which defined me
before as a devout Jew is by far e clips
about what I have gained in knowing the
Messiah Jesus Christ and his masterful
Redemption Define me now religion is
like dog
poo and it
stinks avoid stepping in it
wow you see why I had I had just had to
that amen religion is like another
version calls it
dong it’s still translated
poop He said a he said it
stinks avoid stepping in
it and you know the issue is we’ve been
stepping in it for all this time walking
around with the stench of
self-effort the stench of the
flesh dead flesh
stinks and we hadn’t recognized it
because we’re still trusting in our own
preservation our own
efforts we’re still looking at it based
on how we would tackle
it so when you do that you have no need
Christ you have no need for
Jesus you got it all figured out can’t
nobody tell you
nothing cuz you have seen and heard and
felt you been to the mountain top and
you looked it
over and realize you lying
and we don’t need him and a lot of
things God didn’t do or couldn’t do
until we allowed death to come to our
don’t expect good from your
flesh the Flesh and sin in the flesh has
been crucified with Christ so don’t let
the flesh condemn you and that’s the
thing that it’ll do the flesh will
condemn you the flesh all it does is
condemn you the flesh tells you to do
something and then condemns you from
it a that something the flesh gives you
advice hey handle this and then you get
condemned when you do it that
way but look at Romans chapter 8 and
verse one King James and then mirror
Romans 8 ver1 King James and mirror
this Romans 8 gives us the assurance
that there is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ
Jesus how many of you got born again and
you’re in Christ Jesus I have
announcement you have the gift of no
condemnation but you got to realize
there’s no condemnation but you know
what the flesh does all it does is
condemn the flesh tries to make you
think that something good comes comes
out of it and I’m telling you there’s
nothing good that comes out of it and
and and and then then you walk around in
condemnation there is therefore now no
condemnation to them which are in Christ
Jesus period period let me show you the
little sneaky stuff of the translators
this phrase who walk not after the flesh
but after the spirit that appears in a
lot of your Bibles in italicized does
anybody have Bibles where you sit in
theala size that represents the fact
that it does not appear in the original
language that line is not even in the
original language it is there is
therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus period if who
walk after the Flesh and not of the
spirit if that was there that would now
mean you have to do something in order
to not have condemnation in Christ
Jesus but when you are in Christ Jesus
there’s no
condemnation there is no condemnation it
it is not there’s no condemnation if you
don’t walk in the flesh there is no
condemnation if you walk in the flesh
there’s no condemnation if you walk in
the spirit there is no condemnation why
because you’re in Christ it is Christ
that is the freedom from that
condemnation it is not how you walk what
you do in your conduct not to say you
just go off walking and doing all kinds
of crazy stuff that’s not even possible
you can’t even bring that into the
equation because now that you’re in
Christ Jesus he is the one now that’s
governing your conduct he is the one now
that’s going to give you the desire to
do what’s right he going to give you the
desire to please God we think well the
brother dollar said you can just do
anything you ain’t going to want to do
nothing that’s what I’m trying to show
you once you’re in Christ Jesus the
desires start to change you don’t need
to do nothing for God who has already
done everything that needed to be done
H hey what you going to do
now he he knows how to change
us much better than we know how to
ourselves he just wants a shot at
it and you won’t get out the way
he said here’s what I’m going to do I’m
going to give you everything you need
even before you need it just know I did
it and quit trying to do it yourself and
watch what I can
do we can’t see that well you know I I
you know you got to do something yeah
believe that he is everything you
need realize I’m righteous I’m
Sanctified I got got Good Conduct
realize all that and stop trying to see
well I’m righteous all right now I got
to do these 10 things to really make it
righteous you don’t even believe
it you got to believe you righteous when
the craziest stupidest thing just happen
to you and you still got enough
mitigated G to look up towards heaven
and say to the devil I’m still
righteous and you know what happens then
the Holy Ghost ghost starts working on
the inside of you because contrary to
popular opinion the day you got born
again the Holy Ghost came on the inside
of you it it wasn’t when you started
speaking in tongues that he came in you
he came in the he came in the day you
got born again Hallelujah in fact you he
said no man comes to the father unless
he’s drawn by the spirit of God
hallelujah and that same Holy Ghost is
working on the inside of you he’s
working on the desire that makes you
want to smoke weed he’s working on the
desire that makes you want to sleep
around he’s working on all of those
desires and you are going to be his
Masterpiece he already declared you are
my workmanship you are who I am working
on I’m working on you praise God yeah it
don’t look right now it don’t sound
right now and it don’t look like you’re
nothing but a thug but I’m going to take
that Thug and I’m going to rearrange
this and I’m going to put this here and
I’m going to put that there and when I
finish with shoe I’m going to take that
Thug and I’m going use him to deliver
people out of their bondage and I’m
going to take that form of Thug and I’m
going to use him to lay hands on the
sick and I’m going to take that form of
Thug but you won’t get out the
way cuz religion tells you that God
helps those who helps themselves
that’s a lie God helps those who need
help and how many y’all know that be me
that mean that me you too that mean all
of us need some
help but you see religion’s got you so
blind you can’t
see how do I say this
lord well I don’t know how to you can’t
see you don’t matter in this new
testament yes amen
what you mean he don’t love me no I
didn’t say that I’m saying all of the
things that you try to bring to the
table don’t
matter whatever you bring to the
table that doesn’t find its source in
him you’ll eventually end up boasting
it it’s got to come to the place where
there are things going on in your life
and somebody asked you about it you like
Jesus I notic you’ve been doing how you
that uh
Jesus Y what that business you start you
know that’s a multi-million dollar
business how you do that what degree you
got man I ain’t even finished high
school so I know I can’t brag about it I
but I can brag about the one who did it
Jesus don’t you see that’s when you give
him the glory he wants the glory praise
God you keep trying to take what belongs
to him honey if you didn’t have his
breath you wouldn’t be breathing if you
didn’t have his his his his
craftsmanship you wouldn’t have a body
to live in if you didn’t have his wisdom
you’d be dumb as a rock praise God it’s
everything it is in him we move it is in
him we breathe it is in him we have our
being don’t you get it we can’t do this
Jesus that’s why
that’s why it’s ridiculous for you to go
around for you to go around trying to
brag on
yourself I Need You
Jesus well you know Jesus is a white man
I don’t give a flying
flip are you kidding me I am born again
my soul has been saved from hell I am a
new creation in Christ Jesus you think
I’m going sit around and argue about
what color he is I don’t give a flying
flip what color he is I don’t care if he
purple blue polka doted it don’t make me
no difference all I know is his blood
got the job done and because his blood
got the job done I’m going to give him
the glory I’m going to give him the
praise I’m going to give him the
Adoration he is worthy of my praise he’s
worthy of my hand claps he’s worthy of
my shout he’s worthy of it all because
without him I am
nothing I’m
nothing what are we talking
about you see how we major on the
cheaper instead of the
deeper come on come on some of you some
of you can’t even hear what I’m saying
cuz I just said I don’t give he’s a
white man well I tell you what real
history I don’t care
about in fact when you die and go to
heaven I hope he show up
white what you going to do put me out
then cuz you ain’t you ain’t what I
thought you was put me out and you’ll
look at the other alternative and say
hello we’re the only one that Majors on
the cheaper
well we ain’t going to finish this today
again boy I’m so glad I decided to show
up this
morning tell I’m glad I showed up Bo oh
God I looked at Bishop will I said you
got your sermon ready he said
no do do do you you guys you understand
what I’m saying that that
majers on
self-effort look at this in the uh in
the King James and now I’ll be done
Romans chapter 7 and verse
5 it then shows you the correlation
between flesh and the
law he says for when we were were in the
flesh in
self-effort theem motions of sin which
were by the law the law is a Performance
agreement founded in
self-effort and when you reject the
gospel of grace for the
law you are attaching your life to the
the law is flesh
based yeah it’s Performance Based why to
bring you to an end of yourself so that
you can see your need for a
savior the law
says you got to be good in order for God
to be good to
you and God’s not good to to us because
we’re good God’s power is not based on
Behavior seriously you think your
conduct is what determines God’s
power for when we were in the flesh the
Motions of sins which were by the law it
did work in our members to bring forth
the fruit unto death
will for as long as I have breath in my
body preach this
gospel until you get
it oh I tell you what that c Lo ta lost
their mind yeah we have we praise God we
finally got rid of
it this is God guys if you just back up
to the house
how religion’s gotten you to feel you’re
full of Shame full of
condemnation you’re scared all the
time you come to church they put more
fear on you so they can get you to do
something you’re thinking you’re always
got to earn God’s favor when he calls
that dead Works dead works is when
you’re trying to do something to get God
to do something good to
you religion makes it seem impossible
that this God can be this
good that his
goodness will cause you to change your
mind in Mark chapter 1 and 15 says
repent for the kingdom of God is at hand
what was he saying change your mind
about what you used to
believe repent and believe the gospel is
what he said why man Kingdom of God’s in
and we just keep going to church and
hearing what we already
know and then when anybody wants to
correct you they go to James chap 2:1 17
it says yeah but brother dollar the
Bible says faith without works is dead
that ain’t what he said that’s what you
read but that ain’t what that
mean because we don’t pay no attention
context the context here was uh the
illustration was a man showed up naked
and showed up
hungry and he said what do you just say
to them be clothed and be filled and
James challenged him and said if you
really have this saving faith it ought
to produce some type of fruit or proof
that it is that genuine saving Faith but
the word god translated
works and what he says is if you really
have this saving Faith out of your faith
should produce some work or proof or
fruit to give validation to that true
faith on the inside of you James wasn’t
saying you got to add Works to Faith in
order for your faith to
work well I have faith I got 2020 Vision
oh I’m have to drive without no glasses
on that ain’t what he said that’s why
folks had wrecks already cuz you out
there misinterpreting the scripture
riding around without no glasses on
wonder why nobody don’t want to ride
with you I don’t know why nobody won’t
let me give them a lift you blind you
see and he turned around and said even
Moses or or Abraham had Works to justify
his faith and then we went on crazy and
what he was saying was he had the real
deal he proved it by what he did with
son faith without proof evidence fruit
of that faith is dead
it’s not faith without you having to do
something and that’s where we got it
from now we all around here everybody
always trying to do something because
well James said faith without works is
dead no James said faith without any
proof that that faith is real is
dead some some people looking at me
Pastor Kim looking like what rock he
fell off of I’m going to tell you
yes religion will make you sick it’ll
make you poor it’ll cause you to get
divorces it’ll bring you to suicidal
ideations why cuz you you’ve been doing
this all your life it ain’t never work
but you just kept holding
on hold on brother everything going hold
on just a little while long I’ve been
holding on for 70 years how many more
years I got to hold on
what I thinking just something might be
missing well that’s just what religion
does it’s like a A drugs Pusher just
give you a little taste of it just to
keep you coming
back give you a little taste and keep
you coming back and then you start
feeding off of it and next thing you
know you done been bought and now you
going around here doing every all kinds
of work you just sweating like a sinner
just sweating trying to get God to just
do a little something good and God is
good he can’t do nothing but good and
you can’t seem to get connected to it
because you’re frustrating the grace of
God well uh I got a bunch of zeros up
there that means it’s time to shut my
mouth you get anything out of that this
morning every head bowed every eye
closed please if you can hold your walk
and please do that father we thank you
for in all you’re getting get
understanding we thank you for your
word we thank you that in the name of
Jesus that this word
will will minister to our
lives and make a Mark that cannot be
erased bless these your
people in such a mighty
way let a tsunami of your favor come
over their
lives Shepherd us into a radical mind
shift that we may
see the goodness of your glory and all
that we
do minister to the hearts of these your
precious people right
now help them to make all the right
today and we praise you for it in Jesus
name so if you’re here right now and
you’ve never been born
again I’m not going to put pressure on
you to do anything but if you had a
moment with the Holy Spirit in your
chair and you say uh Pastor doll I want
to give my heart to Jesus I see my need
for a
savior if you want to I’m going open
this altar up you come on down here and
we’ll show you we’ll show you how to
understand salvation and what’s
happening to you right now if you want
to join this church today and you
believe that God’s calling you to join
World changes Church International come
on down and we will receive you today so
I need you
to I need you to make your mind up right
now I am going to initiate a
relationship with Jesus
today I’m going to initiate a
relationship with Jesus
today and
uh I’m going ask y’all to do something I
don’t do we used to do this a long time
ago and I quit doing it
but I’m going to ask you to turn to your
neighbor and just check with him say you
good you need to go down if you want to
I’ll walk down there with you yeah and
if they say yeah come on and walk with
me I need to get on down there then you
go ahead and bring them on down
man amen amen amen amen amen sing a
little little bit of this and praise the
Lord Most
Holy my high my
place my Sav
Refuge my
treasure Lord you
are my friend and King and King
anointed Most
Holy Most
Holy he’s my
highing my
my treasure
Lord Lord oh you
anointed and I will I
will all you
I will I
will I will I I
you you are
God congregation if you appreciate those
who come down would you give the Lord a
big hand clap for
him praise the
Lord father I pray my Mighty blessings
upon these precious people who have come
to this Altar and I pray that your
transforming power will be upon them
giving him the desire to do what’s right
and to do what pleases you Lord we thank
you for that now blessings upon them in
Jesus name we pray and everybody said
amen praise the Lord if you’ll turn this
way and follow this gentleman to the
prayer room they’re going to take you
and minister to you give you biblical
understanding of how to obtain and
maintain what you can to receive
and we thank God that you’re never going
to be the same
again well if you’ll stand for the final
blessing thank you so much for taking
time to come to church on a misty day
and thank God for all of the support and
the prayers that you’re doing enabling
us to be a blessing to our communities
and to people that really need it and uh
you’re going to like I said uh Harvest
Time never cease as long as the Earth
Still Remains amen amen and now may the
spirit of the Lord be upon you all I
declare protection over you and your
family protection from any accidents
protection from any
assassinations protection from any
wrecks in the name of Jesus you are
protected and father I declare that the
doors of your favor will swing wide open
this week I pray that you will grant
wisdom even while our head on the pillow
and I thank you Lord Lord that the holy
spirit will be more evident and more
real than ever before in the lives of
these precious people Lord I declare a
tsunami of blessings upon your people
and now unto him who is able to keep us
from falling and to present you
faultless before the almighty God be
glory Majesty Dominion power both now
and forever and everybody said am amen
don’t forget to register for the Women’s
Conference in the lobby on your way out
God bless you have a great
day amen amen amen all right
twin well
hello hello World Changers man uh such
an amazing Service uh we thank you all
for of course joining us and for staying
tuned in for lighting it up in the chat
uh man this was a great great service
well I’m I’m glad Dr dollar came today
yeah yeah yeah great service so uh we we
have a couple nuggets that we wanted to
share with you guys and we know that you
all uh we we hear about what happens in
the chat so but we want to uh share a
couple that we had uh that we we were
just hitting each other on yes sir
Holiness is a person and his name is
Jesus you better preach Holiness is a
person and his name is Jesus like we’ve
talked about that before but just for
you know pastors to of course confirm it
and then also just giving us that
constant reminder that Holiness is a
person and his name is Jesus it’s not
anything that you can do or you’re
trying to push you know try to do or
anything like that Holiness is a person
his name is Jesus and he is on the
inside of you that’s right that’s right
and so it’s even on my end which really
just connects with yours as far as that
that your conduct does not determine
God’s power exactly and so many times we
get so caught up in how great we’re
doing something I was just having a
conversation with a guy yesterday and he
was talking about even his conduct of
different things and how it feels like
well I need to do this better and it’s
like man Jesus is the one exactly
Holiness is a person Holiness is a
person listen that’s it all right World
Changers so we want to also make sure to
extend this opportunity if you did not
get a chance to um to participate in
giving today we want to make sure that
you do have that chance and that
opportunity right now we have a few
different ways that you can participate
and that those are simply you can text
the word World Changers leave a space
and then your amount and you text that
to 74483 you can call on your gifts to
you can mail it in at 2500 BD at Road
cge Georgia 30349 or of course online
right where you are at worldchanges.org
kod doll ministries.org
today yes amen amen so we have a few
announcements we don’t want to hold you
guys too long today but man we are
excited for what’s coming up it’s a
holiday season I was just about to say
that it’s a holiday season we have so
many great things going on here in World
at World Changers in College Park and we
want you guys to be a part come out uh
be a part of the communities that we are
creating continuing all of that so yeah
definely first off first up what we got
first up first up we got
shift shift our college and Young Adult
Ministry we are having our friends
giving on Tuesday November 19th at 700
p.m. so bring your friends out bring
your your cousin your your brother your
sister this is for you college and young
adults 18 and up that’s right on Tuesday
November 19th whether you’re new to
shift or it’s been a while we want to
see your face we want to just spend some
time with you guys we’re going to have
food fun Fellowship all of the things
all things so make sure and text shift
sh F2 51555 to register and let us know
that you’ll be there that’s right and if
you have any other questions about even
with when it comes to friends giving
you’re like well uh what is Friends
giving about you can simply email shift
at worldchangers.org and we hope to see
you guys there yes so next up on our
holiday situation we have our feeding
families Outreach coming up so World
Changers we want you all to answer the
call this Thanksgiving so you’re invited
to make a difference at our annual
feeding families Outreach on Saturday
November 23rd now we’ll provide turkeys
and food boxes filled with all the
fixings mhm I said all the fixings theix
for a fabulous Thanksgiving meal to
those in need in our local community and
you can help so here’s your here’s a way
that you can participate you can simply
text I can help to 51555 so that you can
sign up today now in addition to our
food boxes you may have seen it earlier
we’re also having a coat drive so if you
have any new or gently used coats that
you’re like hey I I have something I
would definitely love to be able to give
it to donate it U we’re collecting those
coats down in the dome Lobby so know
we’re watching online but we’re
collecting until November 17 some people
bide Baptist today we’ll see you next
week in we going see
you so if you have any questions about
the U the cult drive you can simply
email Outreach worldchanges.org or just
also go online to worldchangers.org
itself and you can click on the banner
that says code Drive yes all right all
right next up we have our Thanksgiving
service guys Thanksgiving at World
Changers will be like unlike any other
that’s right take time out of the hustle
and bustle of Thanksgiving morning to
relax and Worship the Lord bring your
family along and join us at the world
Dome at 10 a.m. on Thursday uh Thursday
November 28th for a morning of worship
fellowship and the word of and the word
and gratitude if you’re not in town
don’t worry service will be streamed
live so you can still take a break and
lift up the Lord with us we hope to see
you there that’s right man come come in
the building all right come in the
building so um but last but certainly
certainly not least uh we have our
Christmas fun event coming up so parents
uh grandparents uncles aunts whatever
get your nieces get the neighborhood
kids get them all registered because our
Christmas fun event is really unlike any
other there we have everything from um
uh gingerbread hous making uh you can
decorate Christmas cookies it’s a lot of
fun different gra some candies get some
candy some cookies get some cookies
all of the things all the sweet treats
and all of the above hot chocolate oh
yeah yeah now you know we love the hot
chocolate so we want to make sure that
you are in the building now it’s going
to be on Saturday December 21st from
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. now again it’s
going to be fun but space of course is
limited so make sure that you register
today yes today so what we need you to
do is text Christmas fun all one word to
51555 or simply visit World Changers or
and we can’t wait to see you that yes
right if you guys missed anything I know
that was a lot of information you can
also check out worldchangers.org to stay
up to dat with all of the things that
World Changers has going on all of the
things all of the things all of the
things well make this holiday an amazing
one listen you heard now you heard this
Dynamic word today don’t let it just sit
there and you’re like oh that was good
no no no this is our life all right man
this our life is has been crucified with
Christ back roll it run it back it back
P the replay every day every day so we
want you all to have an amazing Sunday
go get something good to eat share this
message with someone that you love and
you all be great because you are Grace
to be that all right you have an amazing
Sunday World Changers love
y’all are you a woman who knows her
worth a woman ready to break barriers
this is your moment we are the
innovators the leaders the Trailblazers
the entrepreneurs the change makers
join us for Taffy dollars Women’s
Conference March 20th through the 21st
2025 where radical women just like you
come together to embrace their authentic
selves and ignite real change in the
world this isn’t just another conference
it’s a gathering of powerful women who
are unapologetically themselves ready to
revolutionize lives will’ll share
stories strategies because when we know
our worth we are unstoppable don’t miss
this opportunity to connect grow and
step into your power together Taffy
dollars Women’s Conference March 20th
through the 21st 2025 be real be radical
be ready to make history register today
and Join the
World change the
world I’m a world changer
changeing the world everywhere I I’m a
change Anointed with the power of the
Holy Ghost I’m a world
changer the world of God I’m a world
changer a that Beed
God has equi us to go higher to make a
Mark that cannot be raised