How to Deal with Unbelief – Episode 2
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this program is brought to you in part
by the partners and Friends of prow
Ministries coming up next on changing
world you have so much more unbelief
than you do
Faith so go on a fast and pray until you
drive that unbelief out of your thinking
go on a fast and pray until you drive
that unbelief out of your spirit go and
fast and pray until you don’t see
nothing but what God God promised and it
shall be done and it shall be done and
it shall be
done hopefully you’re going to choose to
let Heaven determine your thinking
because whatever choice you make then
that’s going to be your mentality for
today can you say that he’s a way maker
yes can you say that he’s a God that
sits high and looks slow yeah get the
message of Grace any way you want stream
service live 10:00 a.m. eastern time on
Sunday with reair at 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
and 10 p.m. eastern
time this is your world so let’s vow to
make it a better
place let every heart that me to
know you love is here to say oh it’s
time we live a new life oh oh let us
love shine right in
you we Sav by his grace so we Embrace
Your Love today we are
Chang let’s go to Matthew 17 verse 14-
21 we going
somewhere Matthew 17:1
14-21 excuse me for I’m so excited
Matthew 17: 14- 21 all right now watch
this and when they were come to the
multitude there came to him a certain
man kneeling down to him
saying Lord have mercy on my son he’s a
lunatic and sore vexed often times he
falleth Into the Fire often time into
the water and he’s demon
controlled and I brought him to thy
disciples and they could not cure
him all right now I got a problem with
this what do you mean why could they not
him they had the ability to do it hold
your place there look at Mar Matthew 10
and then Mark 6:13 Matthew 10 And1 and
Mark 613 they couldn’t cure and this the
second time we see they couldn’t what do
you mean they couldn’t look at verse one
and when he had called unto him his 12
disciples he gave them power against un
clean spirits to cast them
out and to heal all manner of sickness
and all manner of disease so it’s not
like they didn’t have the power to do it
but yet they
couldn’t all right go to Mark go to mark
because have they ever done it before is
it was this like new the first time Mark
and13 and they cast out many
devils and Anointed with all many that
were sick and and they healed them
what’s up I don’t know I don’t get it
I’m I’m lost they got power to do it
Jesus gave it to them they’ve done it
many other
times why were they not able to do it
time and you can look at your life what
is it about your life when you prayed
and you got the answer and you did this
and it worked then you so what what
happened it’s not like you hadn’t done
it before it’s not like you don’t have
power yall ready for this go back to
17 he said I brought them brought him
out to your disciples and they could not
cure him cure him when they hav had the
power to do
it then Jesus answered and said oh
faithless and pres perverse generation
how long shall I be with you how long
shall I suffer you bring the boy
here and Jesus rebuke the
devil and they had the same power to do
it and you do
too and he departed out of him and the
child was cured from that very
hour I’m telling you what we getting
ready to go I ain’t going to be at the
house I ain’t going to be at the
hospital but you guys will and man if
you hear this today you going you ain’t
going to sit there and tolerate what
somebody tell you Hallelujah you going
to lay hands on the sick you going to
cast out Devils you’re going to do it
cuz he gave you the
power y’all better get ready to World
changes we getting ready to change some
world we getting ready to make a Mark
that a’t never be erased and it ain’t
cuz you got to call me at 3:00 in the
morning Pastor can you come pray you got
the same power the same Holy Ghost the
same promise
then came the disciples to Jesus after
Jesus had did it then they they they
waited till they they they kind of
Shield out got away from
Jesus we want we need to holl for a
minute come
on and they said why could not we cast
him out
I really thought Jesus was was going to
respond and say I don’t no you had the
power and you’ve done it before tell
me but now he’s teaching them something
we need to get
yes and Jesus said unto them listen he
you remember the question right how come
we didn’t cast him out what was the
answer unbel because of your unbel
because of your unbel I not question
what is the subject now get your English
now you got a you got a you got a colon
there so that we’re still going to be
maintaining unbelief as the
issue because of your unbelief he said
for verily I say unto you if you have
faith as a grain of mustard seed you
shall you shall say unto this mountain
remove hence To Yonder place and it
shall remove and nothing shall be
impossible to you what he said was I
don’t know why he said he says I don’t
know why y’all had ISS because all you
need is a Mustard Seed
Faith but it looked like y’all had too
unbelief now watch this watch
this then he said how be it then how be
it this
kind goeth not out but by prayer and
question what was he referring to when
he said this kind
un he was referring to unbelief cuz that
was a subject what has the church
declared that he was referring to the
demon so we spent time in
fantasy saying we got to go fast and
pray so we can deal with the devil and
you don’t need to fast and pray to deal
with the devil because he gave you power
to deal with the
devil he said what you need to fast and
pray about is the unbelief praise God
it’s the unbelief that’s counteracting
your faith it’s the unbelief that’s
stopping you from doing what I said you
could do it’s the
unbelief it’s the
unbelief you can have faith and unbelief
at the same time back up look what this
guy said the guy said Lord his father
said Lord I
believe but help my
unbelief and notice Jesus didn’t rebuke
him for saying
that because sometimes you have faith
and unbelief at the same time the
problem is you have so much more
unbelief than you do faith
so go on a fast and pray until you drive
that unbelief out of your thinking go on
a fast and pray until you try that
unbelief out of your spirit go and fast
and pray until you don’t see nothing but
what God promised and it shall be done
and it shall be done and it shall be
he didn’t say something was wrong with
faith he said you had too much
unbelief and look at where we are
tonight we get a daily dose of unbelief
from the news from the pap from people
from doctors from everybody we just feed
oursel unbelief that we got so much
unbelief in us and then we we see the
word well you know I ain’t talking about
that right now I’m talking about
something real I need some money right
now I always talking about you need some
money right now but you don’t believe
that you can trust God with your seed
and so you refuse to
sew because you don’t trust God
so he sent us a
helper how you know we going to need
some help thank God for fasting and
praying but where does the Holy Ghost
in go to St John 16
and8 hey boy that devil he ain’t got a
shot if you just if you
do now if y’all walk out here today I
almost feel sorry for the devil this
cuz now that you know that you know and
something happen you say oh no no no no
no no no no not today not now devil you
done mess with the wrong person I’m
College PA you done mess with the wrong
person today I know what you’re trying
to do but I’m not moved by what I see
I’m not moved by what I hear I’m not
moved by the reports of the doctor I’m
not moved by how much money I got in my
bank I trust God Almighty don’t make me
go on a fasting and a praying time don’t
make me Miss breakfast lunch and dinner
don’t make me go in my
closet you don’t want to mess with me
today all right now watch
this when he the spirit of Truth has
come he
will reprove the world of sin
righteousness and of
judgment verse
n he’s going to reprove the world of
why because they believe not on
me the holy spirit says I’m going to
convince and reprove
those who don’t believe on me so the
holy spirit this is this is heavy hear
what I’m saying the Holy Spirit doesn’t
convict people the things they do that
wrong we’ve been taught the Holy Ghost
convict you for doing
wrong the Holy Spirit does not convict
people of things they do that are wrong
but of the fact that they are not
believing on Jesus
all of your wrongdoing comes as a result
of your foundation of
unbelief so he’s convicting that you
don’t believe in Jesus let me give an
illustration the holy spirit will not
convict us about a lack of giving but
he’ll convict us about a lack of
trusting in Jesus with our
money because your lack of giving is a
result of your lack of trust and
unbelief with your money that’s where
that comes from he goes to the root of
the issue
Adam and Eve sin it wasn’t the eating of
fruit but refusing to believe in the
goodness of God Genesis 3 and5 we keep
saying that sin came cuz they ate the
the fruit then we call it a apple what
you going to call it watermelon Apple
well how we keep just adding more
fantasy to it but that’s not what
happened the sin wasn’t the eating of
the fruit the sin was
refusing all of the other trees that God
said was yours and you refused to
believe the goodness of God and zeroed
in on a one fruit tree when you had
every tree in the
garden and the same thing is true
today you zero in on one little
traditional legalistic thing when God
says all my goodness is yours all my my
glory is yours I give you my name I give
you my son I give you my spirit I give
you every promise and you focus in on
that sin that you did 20 years
ago why is it that God do want you to
steal because that action reveals a lack
of trust in God to be your source
you’re thinking the sin is stealing the
sin is I don’t believe that God can take
care of
me and because I don’t believe God can
take care of me I’m going to steal it is
reflex of your
unbelief sin is a reflex of unbelief
what I don’t believe about Jesus I will
now through my self-effort try to do
something to make up for it so you
steal when he says don’t commit
adultery it’s because you don’t really
believe what he told you about
marriage you don’t believe that
everything you need is right there with
that one
woman mhm
you think cuz she got long
her that
somehow she can provide
better but marriage is an ordination
that came from God and within it is
everything you need your maturity your
growth your companionship your
love get your freak on all that’s in
marriage all that’s in marriage you
ain’t got to go somewhere to get your
freak on you you you like you like 10
steps from the bedroom all that is in
marriage but because you don’t believe
somehow you’ve accepted that I can’t
that so I got to go and do this
right oh I have a fantasy of being with
three women you can’t handle the one you
the one you got wearing you at bro she
tar your tail up you understand what I’m
saying and you talking about some three
women you better wake
up y’all y’all pray my strength in the
Lord I I got a few more minutes
go to Hebrews
4:15 this is very very very interesting
here I am I am telling you you can get
rid of that big list of all the things
you’re supposed to be fighting and if
you just fight these this area of
unbelief all right watch
this Hebrews
4:15 for we have not a high priest which
cannot be touched with the feelings of
our infirmity
but Jesus was in all points
tempted like as we are yet without
sin so I thought
well Bible says and we love to do that
we love to say what the Bible
says my Bibles tell me you you just you
just got out the pool just just still
dripping water just been baptized and
you going to talk about what the Bible
tells you you got to learn how to
read so I thought when it said Jesus was
was uh in all points tempted as we
are I’m like so was Jesus tempted to
weed was Jesus tempted to cuss some of
his disciples out
was Jesus tempted with sex that’s that’s
what we
thought and
you sonone says what and I’m telling you
no so what was he tempted with which is
like what we are tempted with see
legalism bought us to that way of
thinking and it’s very clearly stated
Matthew 3:17
and Matthew 4:3 Matthew 3:17 and Matthew
4:3 and lo a voice from
Heaven saying this is my beloved Son
what did he say in whom I am well
pleased this is my beloved Son in whom I
am well pleased Matthew chapter 4 and
3 and when the tempter came to
him he said if thou be the son Son of
God command these stones to be made
stop now God said this is my son and
whom I’m well
pleased Satan said if you
are turn the stone into
bread here’s the
Temptation I’m tempted to turn the stone
into bread to show you that I am who he
said I
am but if I do
that I will be demonstrating that I
didn’t believe him when he
said that I am the
Son of
God therefore this temptation why I want
you to know how powerful I am I can’t
turn these Stone into bread because he
said that I am the beloved Son of God in
whom he is well pleased therefore I
ain’t got to prove nothing to
you because I believe God I ain’t got to
prove nothing to you because I believe
it’s promised and you and I ain’t got to
prove nothing to the devil when he shows
up I am the righteousness of God when he
shows up I am redeemed when he shows up
I am exactly who he said I
am do you see
this when we ask the question is Jesus
enough for our Salvation every issue was
an issue of belief or unbelief blasphemy
was the issue of belief or unbelief
now it makes
Lord what do you want me to
don’t let
unbelief be the culprit to show
up and stop things from working
and now you go back to the
law trying to accomplish through your
effort because you wouldn’t believe what
said this the spirit of God said to
me is the number
one issue that Satan is going to try to
amplify as we get closer to the return
of the
Lord all the things he has to
do if some preacher that you love falls
into sin and now that’s an issue for you
to operate an unbelief well that’s your
fault you should know he just a man just
like you or a woman just like you and
your first deal ought to be well I’m
going pray for him and I’m going keep
going because listen listen you receive
Grace from the pull pit but but but
wasn’t no Grace coming from the
congregation ain’t that amazing how
Grace comes from the pull pit but it
don’t ever seem to make it from the
congregation to the pull
pit it’s it’s getting ready to get
heavy so if you’re recognizing unbelief
in your
life get with the Holy Ghost in prayer
and fasting you ain’t got to go on no 45
day fast
I want my Bel I want my unbelief to be
gone by
lunch who or what do you trust in the
three message series trusting God in the
end times cruff dollar breaks down how
to declare dependence on God when so
many people choose Idols for themselves
God has got to be your Source everything
that you’ll ever need in this life has
already been made available but you can
only access it by your faith Grace is
this unmerited favor it is provision
that keeps increasing over and over and
over and over again provision that will
show up for those who depend on him it’s
Grace that’s God’s part it’s dependent
on him that’s man’s part for a love gift
of only $20 or more for CDs or $30 or
more for DVDs secure a copy today call
the number on your screen scan the QR
code or visit Cod dooll
and click EO learn how to genuinely
trust in
God you are crazy you are
crazy and so when people say you are
crazy to say I’m not crazy I’m just
first real women Lord however you want
to use me today I’m ready real stories
some of you have such powerful
testimonies of things God has brought
you out of that you refuse to share
because you’re afraid of what people
will think of you real transformation
the real Women’s Conference is calling
you yes you it’s time to shake off the
labels the stereotypes and the
expectations society places on us first
to not be in bondage to what you think
about me cuz what you think about me
ain’t going to stop nothing this is your
moment to embrace your authentic self in
a world of false standards join us at
the real Women’s Conference where your
journey to self-discovery begins get
ready to live in your Truth
unapologetically by the grace of God we
feed and clothe people provide houses
visit hospitals and prisons and do so so
much more every time you make a
financial donation to support us you do
these things as well the tangible relief
we provide to God’s precious people is
only possible because of your faithful
support thank you for supporting us as
we strive to reach a lost and Dying
World for the Lord Jesus Christ if God
has placed it on your heart to support
the vision of this ministry to reach the
world with the gospel of grace you may
call in to make your financial donations
or log on to Cod dollar
God bless
you salvation is the beginning of a new
life for believer it is from this point
that we can move into the fullness of
who God has called us to be and see the
manifestation of the finished works of
Jesus it is one of my greatest Pleasures
to help people uh to understand who
Christ is and to lead people to Christ
if you would like salvation today pray
this prayer with me very simple prayer
heavenly father I believe in Jesus I
believe that he died that he rose again
and that he lives today come into my
life save me I receive you as my savior
in Jesus name amen listen if you pray
their prayer with me that’s how simple
it is welcome to the family of
God because of you crlo Dollar
Ministries is providing a new
understanding of Grace and empowering
change in the lives of millions of
people every day thank you partners and
Friends your love and financial support
makes it possible to bring this message
into millions of homes all across the
globe the proceeding program was brought
to you in part by the partners and
Friends of crlo Dollar Ministries