“The Connection Between Graceand Resisting the Devil”
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this program is brought to you in part
by the partners and Friends of Klo
Ministries coming up next on changing
your world you know there are lots of
people who they don’t believe in Jesus
they don’t believe in the Holy Spirit
they don’t believe in the devil and they
don’t believe in
demons and people going to do what they
want to do I believe in a word and the
same word that convinced me about Jesus
God Heaven is the same one that
convinced me about Satan demons in
hell I ain’t playing
around are you ready to step into your
power are you a radical woman who knows
her worth and is ready to revolutionize
the world with your authentic
Unstoppable self join us for Taffy
dollars 2025 radical Women’s Conference
March 20th through the 21st this is your
moment to rise to claim your place to be
seen heard and valued for the incredible
woman you are register today and let’s
change the
world this is your world so let’s vow to
make it a better
place let every heart that need to
know you love here to St oh it’s time we
live a new life oh let us love shine
right in
you we’re Sav by his grace so we Embrace
Your Love
today we are
Chang James chapter
4 verse 6 through 7 I’m going to start
that off in NLT we’ve been talking about
how to defeat the Devil in your
mind and today we’re going to focus on
we’ll continue that but we’re going to
focus on the connection between
grace and resisting the
devil now we might as well get this
straight there’s a devil
loose and he wants to kill steal and
destroy one of his most powerful weapons
is the weapon of
suggestion he wants to discourage he
wants to
deceive it is an
invisible uh
enemy that’s trying to wipe you out and
take you
down and as Christians we’ve got to come
to the place where we
understand the Demonic influence that is
in the world today and has seeped into
the church
today and we’ve got to understand that
there’s a battle going on in your mind
and so as we look at this today we’re
going to see how Grace now comes into
the picture and we’re going to see what
the Bible has to say about resisting the
devil that our part is resisting the
devil now we’re not trying to fight the
devil to see who going to win that
battle has already been
determined Satan is a defeated
foe all right nor are we fighting the
battle to try to get victory Jesus got
the victory we don’t go from you know
defeat to Victory we have the victory
that Jesus got for us and we go from
Victory to Victory and so it is not us
trying to obtain anything Jesus has
already obtained everything our job is
maintain the victories that Jesus died
to obtain so our job our position is a
position of of of a stance that we take
uh a stance that we we take and say well
I maintain the victory that Jesus has
already obtained and so when sickness
hits your body you Jesus obtained
healing so we go at it like this
sickness hits our body and we say well I
maintain the healing that Jesus has
already obtained Satan hates that you we
get that as Christians then we’re no
longer fighting to try to get something
we recognize we already have it devil
and we are maintaining it devil and
you’re trying to take what we already
got devil so don’t try to deceive Us in
the thinking that we trying to get
something from you no it’s already been
taken from you he took the keys of
authority Hallelujah and whatsoever we
bind on this Earth is already Bound in
heaven it’s already a done deal say it’s
already done it’s already done so if if
the works of Grace and if the finished
works of Jesus are finished it it’s done
so we have to take the position in
Victory that we have these things rather
than the position of you know let me see
if I can beg God for something con God
for something well if I’m good enough
then maybe he might give it to me you’ve
got to believe you receive that it’s
already done amen amen let’s look at
this uh James chapter 4 and uh verse
6 through 7 in NLT he says and he gives
generously he gives Grace generously as
the scripture says now watch this
carefully God opposes the
proud but he gives grace to the
humble he opposes the
proud but he gives grace to the
humble now I certainly don’t want to be
on the side where God is opposing
me and a proud man what does that does
that look like he’s self-
dependent a proud man is self- dependent
his self-effort it is what he is doing
to try to get God to do something that’s
a proud man but what he says is is I
will give Grace To Who The Humble we’ve
played around with this for quite some
time let’s keep it on a simple plane
here he’s talking about I’ll give grace
to the guy who’s in complete dependence
to me I’ll give grace to the one who’s
in complete dependence on me complete
dependence produces
humility complete dependence upon God
produces humility they’re one in the
same so what God is saying is that Grace
is made available
to the one who’s entered into complete
dependence for God in other words you’re
no longer dependent on yourself or
assigning a greater value to any person
or anyone else your dependence you have
declared dependence upon God and he says
that’s the one I’m going to give grace
to you remember the definition of Grace
unmerited uh abounding provision in the
in the unrestrained OR unrestricted
operation of God’s infinite love that
comes through Jesus Christ for mankind
for those who depend on him this grace
is and will has been made
available especially for those who
depend on him who are those that depend
on him the humble I am humble because I
have entered into complete dependence
upon God and and especially for those
who depend on God grace is made
available I’m going to show you how to
kick that Devil’s Tail with the gra gra
of God
Amen I I apologize I’m showing you how
to add on to that but whooping he don’t
had do you understand something when you
show up looking like Jesus it strikes
fear in the hearts of Hearts of demons
because they figure they going to get
the same butt whooping they got before
because they see you coming praise God
you ought not be running from the devil
all Devils ought to be running from you
amen so he said so since Grace is given
to the humble those who are in complete
dependence to God so humble yourself
before God what is he saying get in
complete dependence upon God humble
yourself upon because when you do that
he makes all Grace available to you I
watch this now he says even when you
humble yourself before God and Grace is
made available to you he tells you to do
this resist the devil
and then he will flee from you that word
flee means to run with fear resist him
this word resist means to
withstand to fight against and to
withstand withstanding again it it gives
you the picture of your position in
Victory that if you will stand in the
victory that’s already been given you
and if you’ll withstand the attacks
which will be in your mind all right all
attacks of the devil are in the mind
your mind is the Battleground for the
attack everything the devil will do in
your life has to be launched right here
in your mind so if you can resist the
devil right here this is where you going
to be resisting it this is where you
going to you’re going to be resisting
him in your mind if you can resist him
in your mind all those crazy thoughts
that are come and especially your
emotions your emotions uh your emotions
he he will really try to move you
physically by moving you in your
emotions because that’s what emotions
are emotions are feelings on the inside
designed to REM to move you in a
direction if those emotions are negative
they will move you in a negative
direction if they are positive or holy
emotions they’ll move you in a right
direction such as our worship and our
praise towards God and so humble
yourself before God resist the devil
that means there’s going to have to be
some standing there there’s going to
have to be be some withstanding that
goes on that means in the height of
enormous pressure on your body to to
respond negatively you’re going to have
to stand anyway and the best way to do
that I found is when you’re facing stuff
just shut
up the Bible says if you can control
your mouth you can control your whole
body but sometimes you ever seen your
mom and daddy fighting if the if
somebody would just shut up it’ll be all
right but they come out no you don’t
come here talking to me like they come
coming up me telling me something like
this now now you now you’re ready to
fight and then by the time they get in
the house I wish you would I do it I
wish sometimes the best thing you can do
come on say it shut
up that can be so
spiritual but the resisting the Devil is
withstanding it’s a standing against the
these attacks are weapons of our war
Warfare are not carnal But Mighty
through God so these attacks are most
likely they don’t start off in your
physical body now they’re going to try
to end up there it starts off in your
mind your emotions with the stress with
the worry with all this and the fear and
the things but what if they think this
and what if they say that all of it
starts right here and if you can
withstand that initial attack then it
won’t f find itself manifesting
physically in your life because you
withstood it right at the Battleground
at the place of the battle amen resist
the devil and what will he do he will
flee in other words that attack in your
mind is going to cease he will flee he
will watch this watch this he will run
with fear because he has encountered
someone that he cannot
devour he has encounted someone that he
devour now let’s go to 1 Peter 5: 5-8
let’s look at in the King James and then
NLT the King James and the NLT and I
asked the Lord I said am I going to get
stuck on these two scriptures today some
good stuff to talk about here today 1
Peter chapter
5 verse
8 5-8 verses 5-8 let’s read the whole
thing 5 5-8 he says likewise you younger
submit yourselves unto the Elder y all
of you be subject one to another and be
clothed clothed with this sense of
dependent upon God
humility for God resisteth the
proud man that’s interesting that word
resist here is used to say God
withstands and stands against the proud
or his plan or his way of doing things
or his self s
dependence for God resisteth the
proud and giveth grace to the humble
there it is again humble yourselves
therefore under the mighty hand of God
why that he may exalt you in due time he
says when you enter into complete and
dependence upon God there’s a due time
for you to be elevated promoted exalted
it why why why won’t he exalt you until
then because if he exalts you in your
pride then he gets no glory for it but
if you’re exalted in your complete
dependence upon God you ain’t got nobody
to talk about and brag on but
Jesus in due
time in due time go back go verse six in
due time he will exalt you humble
yourself therefore under the mighty hand
of God that he may notice that he may
exalt you in due time now the next verse
gives an illustration of what this looks
like verse 7 now he said what he just
said and then he says okay let’s see if
you get It cast all your cares upon Him
for he careth for you what is he saying
to keep your worries your anxieties and
cares is evidence that you’re in
Pride because you’re depending on you to
take care of the situation yes
but to cast your cares your
anxieties and your worries on him to
cast your care a care comes a worry
comes you’re anxious about something
come even fear and you say now God I
depend on you I cast this off me right
now you got it he says oh I’m going to
give you more Grace I’m going to give
you more grace because you cast The Care
on me now for some reason or another
think they should get a a a a medal for
worry and God is saying worry is
evidence of your
pride this is hard to hear because we
all worry yeah yeah there are there are
there are Temptations of worry there’ll
be times that it will come but as the
Christian the person of Grace you know I
am now laboring to enter into the rest
called humility I I want to rest in
humility and that may look like all
right I’m carrying the worry so now I’m
going to go immediately to the word I’m
worried about something so I’m going to
put my favorite song on I’m worried
about something so I’m going to call
another Christian up and let them
minister to me I’m not talking to you
about magic I’m talking to you about all
right what does that look like I know
that worry is a sin and I know that
worry is evidence of Pride but I you
know I can’t help it Pastor dollar I’m
just worried I that’s what I do I just
worry no you need to get rid of that
what you’re doing is you’re holding on
to self- dependence instead of getting
involved in complete dependence upon God
and that may require labor to enter into
rest that may yeah I’m worried about
this I’m trying to get this off my mind
I’m worried about it so you it require
you you know what to do you’re you’re
entering into his presence you’re
singing that song you’re you’re praying
in the Holy Spirit you’re you’re talking
to somebody you’re meditating on
scripture all worry is is an attempt of
the devil to get your focus off Jesus
and get it somewhere
else as long as your focus is on Jesus
you’re in a dimension for miraculous
Supernatural things to happen but if he
can get your focus remember this is a a
game this is it’s a game in the mind but
if he can get your focus off of Jesus
then he can get your focus on other
things and now through worry an Avenue
for him to come in and initiate and
continue the battle in the mind to
ultimately get it to be an output in
your life if you’re going to understand
how the devil fights this is how he
fights he’s not fighting you like the
horror movies ain’t nobody in the room
spitting on you and throwing uh
furniture around the room and stuff like
that he ain’t doing none of that we can
throw Furniture we can do all that we no
he is saying I’m going to get you right
up here cuz I got to make it seem like
you did it
that’s the
battle and there is a
devil and I know you don’t want to well
we went to church in the man were
talking about the devil you know there
are lots of people who they don’t
believe in Jesus they don’t believe in
the Holy Spirit they don’t believe in
the devil and they don’t believe in
demons and people going to do what they
want to do I believe in the word and the
same word that convinced me about Jesus
God Heaven is the same one that
convinced me about Satan demons in
hell I ain’t playing around it’s right
here it’s right here has the devil been
playing with your
head and how successful has he been to
get you away from this by using the
contradictions that men couldn’t work
out to convince you that this book is
not worth paying atten attention
to and what are the Alternatives that he
has given to you to choose a b or
c what’s going on up here and that’s
where we’re being defeated the mind is
the arena of Faith you will lose it or
win it the outputs of your life are
going to be based on what happens up
here in your head do does everybody
understand that all right then we go go
to uh verse 8 he says be sober now
notice sober means you’re not
intoxicated what the opposite of
intoxication is being sober if a man is
intoxicated with alcohol he’s not
thinking right his thinking is not where
it needs to be he says be sober but he’s
referring to your thinking have sober
thinking be vigilant why should I be
sober why should I be vigilant because
you got a devil he says your adversary
the devil as a roaring lion is walking
around seeking somebody intoxicated so
he can devour
them he’s looking for somebody that
ain’t thinking in line with the word
he’s looking to somebody who not
thinking right According To Jesus he’s
looking for somebody that’s intoxicated
he’s looking for the person who’s made
their mind up I don’t believe in Jesus I
don’t believe in God I don’t believe in
they’re intoxicated they’re good ground
for him to win a battle he said the
reason why I want you to be vigilant and
the reason why I want you to be sober is
because you have an adversary let’s stop
right there you have an
adversary if you are a Christian person
you have an
adversary you have an adversary you
can’t see him he don’t want to be seen
he he’s in some people he showed up
somewhere in your life but you don’t
know it’s
him he have showed up in you a time or
two but you you didn’t recognize him cuz
he was hiding and using your physical
man as a
cloak he looking for somebody now here’s
another deal here he is seeking whom he
may devour well if that means he can’t
devour everybody that means if he could
devour everybody and anybody he wouldn’t
have to
seek but since he can’t devour everybody
since everybody’s not intoxicated since
some people are sober and thinking in
line with the word of God you are the
ones that he runs with fear when he
bumps into your attitude all it be devil
I wish you would come by my house I know
you’re in the neighborhood I wish I saw
this report yesterday morning crazy you
talking about demonic influence this guy
was so demonically influenced he got in
his car went to a
neighborhood and start pulling in the
driveways wrecking people’s parked cars
backing out go to the next thing
wrecking people’s carp cars going and
and just just wrecked a bunch of cars
that were parked in front of their house
in the driveway and in one house he
wrecked their car and pushed it into the
garage and tore that up and then when
they got to him they said well they
decided he had a mental problem he had a
devil see we we we want to call we want
to call all the Devils mental
problems some of them are devil problems
and think about what what he could
accomplish there cuz I’m sure everybody
didn’t come out their house and say well
praise the Lord we’re going to pray for
him I’m sure there were several Spirits
looking for an opportunity to take
advantage of this situation right here
cuz what nobody calling on Jesus they
put they they they went and and and full
up and they got the book a cuss in the
backyard they couldn’t find a whole book
but they found two or three pages and
they wore them things out ladies and
gentlemen you have an
adversary I think the day you recognize
you have an adversary then you’ll
prepare to battle
him these two
scriptures let me see I didn’t let’s
read this uh 1 Peter 5 and 5-8 through
in inlt before I move
on this thing it does something when you
recognize okay I do have an avat AV he’s
invisible I know his tools I know where
the initial battle is going to come
from a lot of things can change in your
life just by knowing this and
withstanding these attacks but as long
as you go around I don’t believe that a
devil you believe that a devil for real
man ain’t no devil for real and that is
it that’s the
devil trying to get you not to believe
that he exists
don’t allow the enemy to access your
life through deception distraction and
suggestions learn how to identify
deception and defeat it in this powerful
four message series safeguards from
deception C dollar unveils how to defeat
deception there’s not one attack from
the devil can be anywhere else but in
your head when you keep your eyes on
Jesus even though you’re in the physical
world you move into another dimension of
operation and the devil knows that’s why
he wants your eyes everywhere else
except on Jesus but start focusing on
Jesus start seeing Jesus as everything
and Jesus is your everything receive
this message Series today for a love
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today we want to be sure we are living
according to what God has taught us
about giving and we understand that
giving and receiving is a spiritual law
it’s a reflex of God’s love and I’m so
glad that tap and I begin to understand
how to walk in this principle but we
give not out of necessity we give out of
a cheerful heart we give because we’re
grateful and we’re thankful to what God
has done you know I I want you to pray
about uh becoming a giver into kpp
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consider sewing a seed of any amount and
we will greatly appreciate it thank you
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Change countless lives if you’d like to
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I don’t ever want to take for granted
that you’ve received Jesus Christ as
your personal Lord and Savior and
there’s no better way to Embark upon a
new stage in your life than to enter
into a personal relationship with Jesus
so if you want to become born again and
began an exciting intimate relationship
with Jesus I want you to pray this
prayer with me and I I’ll say it so you
can repeat after me repeat after me
father I believe that Jesus is the son
of God
and that he died and was raised from the
dead and has forgiven all of my
sins and I receive him into my life
right now as my Lord and personal savior
so by faith I
declare that I am saved praise God now
that simple prayer change your entire
destination and we want to welcome you
to the family of
God because of you crlo Dollar
Ministries is providing a new
understanding of Grace and empowering
change in the lives of millions of
people every day thank you partners and
Friends your love and financial support
makes it possible to bring this message
into millions of homes all across the
globe the proceeding program was brought
to you in part by the part partners and
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