True Holiness -Sunday Service
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and and because of your support it’s a
whole lot better than the first fall
festival we
had and man people have a good time we
have an opportunity to really bless
families and it’s just a blessing to be
a blessing in fact let me read this to
you it’s our uh offering time or
opportunity for Prosperity or whatever
you want to call
um if you need an offering envelope if
you just stick your hands up the just to
go ahead and get it to you right
now uh I want you to look at this
scripture and I’m trying to teach giving
based on the word and take out all of
the religion that’s involved in it okay
um 2 Corinthians chapter
9 verse 6-8 I want to read it in the
King James first and then I want to show
it to you in the mirror it is truly a
plan of God for us to be a blessing to
other people and not to be so motivated
about what is God going to do for me you
know God’s going to take care of you he
already has through his grace
amen he says this in verse 6 um he says
but this I say he which Seth sparingly
shall reap also sparingly and he which
Seth bountifully shall reap also
bountifully in verse 8 he says verse 7
excuse me he says every man according as
he purpose in his heart so let him give
not grudgingly when you do something
grudgingly you do it but you don’t want
to do it he says or of necessity for God
loveth a cheerful giver and in verse 8
and God is able to make all grace abound
towards you that you always having all
sufficiency and all things may abound
under good works so the grace of God
will make sure that you have sufficiency
in all things so you can abound in good
works that you do towards others now
listen to this in the mirror
um verse 6 in the mirror translation 2
Corinthians 9 six in the mirror
translation work on that mic y’all it’s
weird mirror translation 2 Corinthians
9 verse 6 okay we are all familiar with
the natural law that says stingy sewing
will always always reflect in the
Harvest so he says if you’re stingy in
your giving you’ll be able to see you
stingy in your Harvest
and he says this he says um stingy
sewing will always reflect in the
Harvest so does liberal sewing so it
says your Harvest will tell the truth
about your
giving your Harvest will let you know
whether it’s stingy or if it was liberal
and then in the next verse he says every
individual must thoroughly think this
through in their own heart not be
pressured to give give not give Under
Pressure not give because somebody said
you don’t if you don’t give this certain
percentage you’re you know you’re going
to be cursed well through the grace of
God the curse has been been taken off of
us don’t be motivated by all those
little tricks he
says uh go go back to the beginning of
of verse 7 every individual must
thoroughly think this through in their
own heart continue not with thoughts of
possible regret or out of legalistic
sense of Duty the agape love of God
inspires extravagance of hilarious
proportions and then in the next verse
he says this he says it is impossible to
exaggerate the dimensions and detail of
the grace of God so one thing you want
to remember in your giving is that Jesus
has giving you this amazing gift of
Grace don’t ever allow yourself to be
condemned or beat up by somebody because
they’re trying to motivate you to give a
certain way he says do it from your
heart what God wants from us he wants it
from our our hearts not to be badgered
into doing it or pressured into doing it
he wants you to finally get to a place
where you’re doing for him out of your
heart cuz you want to and not you got to
all right and so let your generous
giving be something that flows out of
your heart that you’re doing for God
quit looking for a way out of
everything father it is my honor to
give because of how you have given to me
Father we thank you for this opportunity
to sew and to plant to give and I thank
you in this offering today that we will
give generously being thank thank F that
you have been so generous to us through
your grace and your mercy thank you for
how you watched over us and thank you
for how you have cared for us and we
praise you for this now in jesus’ name
amen praise the Lord let’s just go ahead
and receive um these offerings this
morning generous offering somebody says
well how did you give in church you give
generously amen you give generously as
God has blessed you to give amen yeah
God woo now how many of you were here
Sunday and I really thought that’s
probably as radical as this can
get not
so put on your seat
belts we’re going to talk about Holiness
this morning and it’s not what you
think it’s not what you
think father thank you for this another
opportunity to minister to these your
sheep thank you Lord that Revelation
knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted
and unhindered by any satanic or demonic
force and father I pray that you will
speak through my vocal cords and think
through my mind none of me and all of
you it’s in Jesus name we pray and
said amen if you have your Bibles go
with me to the Book of Revelations 12: 1
and 2
the series we’re dealing with uh this
month is a
series that we call living in The
rhythms of
Grace Living in The rhythms of
Grace uh but today there’s going to be a
special focus on Holiness it it’s just I
just got to finally talk about it I’m
hearing some of the most outrageous
things of Holiness and all it’s not you
know the Bible talks about worship Him
David was saying worship him in the
beauty of his Holiness and boy the
pressure that I I see people putting on
other Christians about walking in
Holiness it’s not beautiful at all
what’s not beautiful about Holiness will
be the reason why people don’t pursue it
and there’s a reason why people don’t
pursue pursue Holiness because of our
lack of understanding of what it is okay
so as we deal with this I think it’ll
really bless you today and get you so
stirred up and exciting you may weep a
little bit because you see just another
another aspect of his his amazing love
and grace and mercy that he puts towards
us uh Romans chapter uh 12 verse 1 and
2 y’all in Revelations wake up back
there I
did well you might out stay right there
for a moment now go to Romans 12: 1 and
2 Romans 121 and 2 so did everybody turn
to Revelations
I’m thinking I may might need to read
that to see why we in our
Revelations no let’s go to Romans 12
verse 1 and 2 I
apologize I’m sing say why we in
Revelations all right verse one and now
listen to this Romans 12
verse1 all
right all right so let’s take a deep
breath back in the back get it together
let’s flow I’m not going to tell you
another place to go
wrong all right let’s go I beseech
you therefore Brethren by the mercies of
God so what God’s going to begin to ask
us to do he says it’s going to be by his
Mercy uh what he’s getting ready to talk
to you about it’s going to be by his
Mercy it’s not going to be by your
self-performance it’s going to be by his
Mercy he says by the mercy of God that
you present your bodies a Living
Sacrifice present my body a Living
Sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God
all right first of all my first problem
is he says present a blemished
body as a Living Sacrifice and present
what you know is not perfect
holy well the first thing I’m thinking
about is I can’t do that
how how do I present something that’s
holy in the Old Testament the
sacrifices had to be perfect and had to
be holy in order for them to be
acceptable and if they were not perfect
they were not accepted and then your sin
wouldn’t be
covered here he says I want you to
present your bodies as a Living
Sacrifice your bodies guys holy and
accept acceptable unto God which is your
reasonable and then he says it’s
reasonable what makes it reasonable for
to do this thing that is going to be
very difficult for me to do on a
day-to-day basis verse
two and be not conformed to this world
but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind
so my mind’s got something to do with
this that you may prove what is that
good and acceptable and perfect will of
God now let’s look at verse one and two
in the mirror translation and we’ll get
here he says live
consistent with who you really
are so hopefully today we find out who
we really are and I’m going to tell you
right now who we really are our identity
is in Christ
my identity is in Christ that’s who I
really am your identity is in Christ
live consistent with who you really are
inspired by The Loving kindness of
God my brothers the most practical
expression of worship is to make your
bodies available to him as a Living
Sacrifice so here God is saying I want
you to present your bodies to me so that
I can express myself through your
life God wants expression through your
life all right now watch this he said
this pleases him more than any religious
routine to be able to express himself
through your life pleases him more than
any religious routine so you got to ask
yourself am I Allowing God to express
hisself through my
life he says he desires to find visible
individual expression in your person so
God’s interested in you making yourself
available for him every day that’s what
real worship is you’re making yourself
available to him every day so he can
express himself through you in in in in
in hopes of touching somebody’s life so
this is about living this is not about
coming to church he wants to do this in
your everyday living he wants to do you
do this in your waking up where your
family is concerned expressing himself
through you to your family uh he wants
to do this in your everyday situation
when you’re driving to work and somebody
cuts you off and can he Express himself
through you and instead of you shooting
the middle finger you’re saying it’s
okay praise God you know some of yall
mhm he wants to express your through you
when you’re at work he wants to express
yourself through you he wants to be able
to know that there’s somebody in the
earth that he can send a situation to
and they encounter God through your life
right amen more than any religious
routine yes sir more than any religious
routine he desires to find Visible
individual expression in your
person do not allow current religious
tradition to mold you into its pattern
reasoning religion is working on you
trying to mold you into that place of
you got to do good in order for God to
do good to you trying to mold you in
that place of well you got to you got to
add Works to your faith in order for
your faith to work that’s all religion
trying to mold you in that and for the
most part a lot of us were molded into
that I was I was molded into certain
things that everybody else was saying it
everybody else was teaching it that’s
all I ever heard in my life so I became
molded in that situation and now God is
trying to change some stuff do not allow
current religious Traditions to mold you
into its pattern of
reasoning like an inspired artist listen
to this like an inspired artist give
attention to the detail of God’s desire
to find expression in you that’s what
God wants his desire is can I find
expression in you now listen I know
we’ve made big of a whole lot of
different things and this has been a
little thing but here’s the big thing
can God find expression through your
life and will you give him your bodies
as a Living Sacrifice so that he can do
what he desires to do to find expression
in you man I’ve been thinking about that
all week father I want you to be able to
find expression love Through Me
Lord Comfort Through Me Lord speak
through Me Lord
meet meet certain Provisions Through Me
Lord and when you’re talking about your
whole life it’s like everything I have
I’m like God use it to express yourself
through my life what if that was the
number one thing instead of us fussing
about who’s Democrat and Republican what
is that what if that’s the number one
thing Lord I want I want you to express
yourself through
me wow he said become acquainted with
become acquainted with perfection to
accommodate yourself to the delight and
the good pleasure of him will transform
aresh from
now this is something
today I ask God sometimes I want to say
why me you know but this is something
that we have to look at we have to talk
about you know God is talking about a
complete surrender to him and this will
involve the mind as well as the body now
now listen to this and get
this The
Plea that he is making please understand
this grace is not that which is allowing
me to do something
bad Grace is not that that which is
allowing me to do something
bad but
Grace is
that which is shaping
me to do something
good grace is shaping me not allowing
me Grace is shaping me to do something
right not allowing me to do something
and you have to say that because people
will take Grace and make it a license
for for doing something stupid all right
now you’re not going to be perfect but
what God is saying is if you will submit
to this grace to this love then it is
going to shape your desire shape your
life and in shaping you to do what’s
right all right some people want to make
it sound like you got you went up in the
prayer room got saved and you came out
Flawless you know that’s not true and
yet you act like it’s true true you get
saved go up in the prayer room and and
and and you’re shocked that that that
nobody else is perfect like you because
you don’t realize you
ain’t you cuss three times on the way
home the day after you got saved so
there’s some shaping and some maturing
that has to take place in your life and
that that that’s what that’s what Grace
is designed to do and that’s what that
that’s what Grace is is going to do and
so the plea is that the body be made a
Sacrifice the word sacrifice signifies a
change of ownership for the purpose of
being consumed and that for the benefit
of the new owner is for the can I
express can can I have expression uh uh
through your body is what God is asking
can I have expression through your
body but then he
says can you give me a body that is Holy
acceptable and so I’m
thinking people got to understand what
Holiness is if we’re going to be able to
answer this
question so let’s get let’s get rocking
and rolling and the first statement is
radical practical Holiness is not
possible if you don’t
understand that you’re righteous in
Christ practical holiness
is not
possible if you don’t understand that
you are righteous in Christ now what
does that
mean I have to understand that I am
righteous only in
Christ I’m not righteous because I do
right I’m righteous because he is
right and when I make Jesus the Lord of
life I am righteous because of Jesus
because Jesus is my righteousness does
everybody see that Jesus is is my
righteousness say that Jesus is my okay
so if you know I I now made Jesus my
Lord and I am now in Jesus which now
means I am righteous because I’m in
Jesus I’m not righteous because I do
right but if I continue to hang with
Jesus then it’s going to impact my
behavior and I’ll end up doing right but
I’m not righteous even when I start
doing right
you’re not righteous even when you start
right you’re not righteous even when you
start doing
right Bo ain’t that something you’re
righteous because of Jesus
period Jesus is my righteousness say
that Jesus is my right now if a person
struggles with that he will struggle
Holiness hear what I’m saying now you
have to understand there is no
righteousness without
Jesus go with me to the first first
Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 30 1
Corinthians chapter 1 and verse
30 all right now watch this let’s see if
we can just break this down a little bit
now read out loud with me because I
don’t want you to think where you get
that from I’m going to show you where it
came from right
here but of him
but of him are you in Christ Jesus how
many of you are in Christ Jesus which
means you accepted him one day and see
what God did who who of God is made unto
us Jesus has been made
wisdom so if you’re in Jesus
Jesus is now your
wisdom right Jesus has been made under
righteousness so if you’re in
him Jesus is your righteousness which
means you’re righteous right you have
wisdom because he’s been made wisdom for
you you have righteousness because he is
your righteousness now watch this and
sanctification Jesus
has been made
sanctification sanctification you ain’t
got to look it up I’ll tell you what
sanctification is
Jesus Jesus is your sanctification oh
boy watch
this now somebody say where does
holiness come from well any when you
know I’m I’m into this little greek
now the same Greek word for
sanctification is the EXA exact same
holy Holiness and sanctification come
from the same Greek
word so Jesus has been made Sanctified
and Jesus has been made
holy Jesus has been made holy or
sanctification I want you to see where
where I got that from Jesus has been
made holy or
sanctification so if Jesus has been made
holy if Jesus has been made righteous is
Jesus if Jesus has been made wisdom and
you are now in Jesus then you are
righteous because of Jesus you are have
wisdom because of Jesus and You Are
Holy because of
Jesus now I dare you to say I’m holy I’m
holy say I’m holy now I’m holy
now so here’s the big statement notice
that sanctification or Holiness is not a
conduct sanctification or Holiness is
not a conduct but religions taught us
that it’s
conduct sanctification and Holiness is
not a conduct sanctification and
Holiness is a
person Holiness is a person
righteousness is a person wisdom is a
Holiness is a person not
conduct Holiness is a person not conduct
you hear these people talking about we
we we we got to learn how to be more
holy you can’t be no more holy than you
are right now because your holy is not
based on yourself your holy is based on
himself your holy is based on Jesus self
Jesus you you you can’t be no more
holy than you are right now from the day
you accepted Jesus and no matter how
people look at you and no matter how oh
God help me say this your behavior does
not determine your Holiness your savior
determined your
Holiness so say out loud I am Holy I am
Holy you see one once you have the
person you have all these
things once you have the person you have
all of this once you have Jesus you have
righteousness once you have Jesus you
have Redemption once you have Jesus you
have sanctification you have Holiness
you have wisdom you you you have Jesus
perfect scripture uh Romans
8:32 I I I I knew I see when when you
confront religion like this religion has
a certain stare what you talking
about because we say we want to live by
the Bible but we won’t pay no attention
to the Bible we pay attention to the
traditional things we’ve heard other
people say and we don’t even know where
they got that from it just sound good it
had a rhyme to it sound like a little
poem but it’s absolutely not true
Holiness is not
conduct all of us grew up in churches
with the
condemnation that I I’m not I wasn’t
real holy today cuz you thought your
Holiness you thought your Holiness was
conduct and your Holiness is Jesus and
your Jesus is what’s going to change
your conduct but you thought you had to
change your conduct and the problem is
is reason why you never got delivered
from nothing because you kept looking at
you instead of
Jesus the key to Deliverance is getting
your eyes off yourself and getting your
eyes on Jesus the key to your Holiness
is getting your eyes off yourself and
your conduct and get your eyes on Jes
you you just y y’all I didn’t say
Revelations one again did
I let’s look at this guys look at this
look at this he that spared not his own
son oh my God
oh my God keep this in your mind
throughout the sermon God is not going
to give up on
mankind no matter how crazy you are no
matter what you did what you done what
you thinking about doing God ain’t going
to give up on you remember that
scripture we Shar shared last week he
said don’t take the kindness of God for
granted because he will never give up on
you because he continues to hear the
echo of his likeness on the inside of
him yeah he can’t give up on you because
you know the breath you breathing he
gave it to you he can’t give up on you
because he you he knows he took the dust
of the ground and created the body that
you’re in he’s not about to give up on
you because he continues to hear the
echo of his
likeness on the inside of you
ah let me calm down
Hallelujah you it’s impossible to live a
Christian Life without a relationship
Jesus but you know what we’ve done with
Christianity we’ve turned it into our
disguise to cover up all of the stuff
that ain’t right because we thought all
of the stuff that wasn’t right would uh
somehow or another be a disgrace to our
so we’re not real Christians as in the
sense of how the religion defines it and
so we wear Christianity like a Halloween
costume to hide all of the flaws that
you somehow think God don’t know about
but God knows everything about you honey
God knows your ins and out and he knows
your good and your bad Hallelujah but he
still accepts full responsibility
for this man that he loves that he can’t
can’t get rid of he’s fighting for you
every time you want to leave him he
fighting for you you want to quit on God
and go get drunk he going to go to the
bar with you praise the Lord you think
the presence of the Lord is only in this
church honey try to leave God he’ll show
up wherever you go glory to God he’s not
going to leave you glory to God you
might try to leave him but he’s not
going to give up on you he not going to
give you the divorce honey he’s with you
and he going to stay with you he not
going to leave you then he promised I’ll
never leave you nor forsake
you and every time we miss it we thank
God done left us as if your sin is
greater than his
love let me
me let me calm down glory to God
he just blows my
mind who is this
God who is
like unto
you and then you go around and see if
you can find a
substitute Buddha ain’t going to never
be like
God Mohammad can’t touch
God har is selling roses at the end of
285 five can’t touch God you will never
know anybody like your
creator he does not have love he is the
essence and so religion creates out of
fear all of this drama of what you got
to do to get God to do what he’s already
and then we spend time trying to perfect
something that’s already
perfect hallelujah
hallelujah and once you get to know God
you going to discover that all the
people that say they know him don’t know
Rel and then you don’t get wrapped up in
all them
debates just leave them alone and talk
to Jesus and he tell you exactly what
you need to
do we go around picking the one we think
ought to be an office I don’t care who
get in office they still going to need
Jesus they going to need Jesus so pray
and let the Lord tell you what to do you
ain’t got to get in no
fight well they got more sin than
somebody else all y’all do stop
everybody do everybody in the house got
everybody that’s why everybody in the
house need Jesus that’s why everybody in
politics need Jesus that’s why every
candidate need Jesus ain’t nobody going
to be able to do it right without Jesus
what’s the matter with
us okay let me get on back over
here he that spareth not his own son but
deliver him up for us all how shall he
not with with
also freely give us all all
things now let’s look at this in the
mirror a more direct and upto-date
translation in the
Greek of Romans chapter 8:32 which is
why I I love it so much it it does take
into consideration that let’s look at
the translations to see if we got it
right he said the gift of his son is the
irrefutable evidence of God’s heart
towards us you want to know God’s heart
he gave you
Jesus okay he held nothing in
reserve when he gave you Jesus there was
nothing held in
reserved but he freely gave everything
we could ever wish to
have this is what our joint sunship is
all about
everything that you would ever need
everything you would ever need to have
he gave it to you when he gave you his
son Jesus cuz when you get in Jesus you
got everything you got everything you’ll
ever need and we’re still coming up with
religious schemes of how to try to get
what we already got we need to get to
the place where we start realizing that
when he gave us his son that we have
joint sunship with Jesus Christ Jesus
all that Jesus is and all all that Jesus
has is likewise to you and me yes amen
and the day you realize that you you you
you’ll see how religion just got you in
a rocking chair a lot of motion with no
Results you like the hamster on the
wheel you just keep turning turning turn
but ain’t nothing
happening and then you’re getting older
and getting gray and getting wrinkled
try Jesus trying to make Heaven your
home you ain’t got to try to make Heaven
your home it’s your
amen heard my wife’s Aunt the other day
never heard the S she said she said how
you doing she said I’m still kicking
just not so
high your mom
that’s what religion is doing and it’s
stressing and
struggling because we haven’t come to
realize that when he gave us Jesus
all that we ever
needed or could wish for through this
sunship has been given to us now you
need to realize it you need to receive
it you need to rest in it and when
Trouble Comes you need to
Echo what you’ve
realized are you listening to
me now
so I’m convinced that I’m
holy I woke up this morning I’m
holy you know they make all these songs
this train is a holy train this train
this train is only for holy people what
that mean is everybody who got born
again I’m
holy but religion looks at you and if
you’re not you know like T said this
morning she says I got my long dress on
cuz I want to be
holy well I tell you that long dress
don’t make you holy there going to be a
whole bunch of burn up long dresses
somewhere else that that long dress
don’t make you
holy Jesus makes you holy you see we we
we’re trying to find all these other
things to make us holy and our Holiness
is not a conduct it’s a
amen see we want our lives to be changed
we want our lives to be transformed
because we love Jesus because he first
loved us listen to this we love Jesus
because he first loved us 1 John I think
4:19 we love Jesus because he first
loved us if he never first loved us now
you’re getting ready to see the wisdom
of God if if he never first loved us we
would have never loved him that’s right
see understand something uh when he when
he loved us first he enabled us and
empowered us to be able to love
him so you’re going to find that Jesus
did a lot of things first enabling and
Empower us to be able to do it
second he is my
righteousness enabling me to be
if I receive that he is my my Holiness
enabling me to live holy
living but he loved me first we want to
live holy because of this ladies and
gentlemen now let’s dig in a little bit
more to this holy thing cuz you’re going
to meet some big characters that say I
don’t care what you say this other
scripture say this and all that other
stuff man Holiness comes from the word
uh from the word that defined as
complete or whole so when you talk about
Holiness you’re talking about
wholeness when you talk about Holiness
you’re talking about wholeness and
wholeness is nothing missing and nothing
broken and so you can only be whole in
Jesus someone asked a question one time
they asked he said what’s the opposite
Holiness and if you’re still following
religion the opposite of Holiness the
answer would be sin
but that’s the opposite of Holiness
Holiness is Holy and the opposite of
that is
sin well if that’s the case ain’t nobody
holy ain’t that right it amazes me how I
say that some of you sit still like
you’re Flawless and perfect you’re not
stop it you are not Flawless and perfect
stop it let me just wake you up right
now you got some flaws
all right I don’t know what it is you
you live you won’t you won’t hear this
because it upsets your religion your
religion got you thinking you are
perfect one but one perfect man ever
walked to Earth and that was God in
flesh that was Jesus Christ everybody
else got flaws and issues now that’s not
an excuse to get more flawed and get
more issues but what it is saying is
that’s that’s some work that he is doing
on us he’s doing the work on us you’ve
been trying to work on you but you keep
making it worse because you think you
are the source of you getting better you
are not the source of you getting
better Jesus is the source of you
getting better well I don’t care and
then then then you start talking about
what you don’t you cuz that pride is
still there I don’t kill I don’t smoke I
don’t I don’t drink liquor see see see
see how you is with everybody else
you’ve already determined all that I I
don’t I a I ain’t never committed no
adultery uh I I ain’t no no no no no no
no no no that that’s that’s that you
have an
issue okay right now your issue is
self-preservation right now your issue
is uh you’re arrogant right or you have
an attitude in the restaurant the lady
forgot to bring you to Salt where’s your
manager you have a attitude you are not
putting the interest of others above
yourself all right so maybe you keeping
the Big 10 but you messing up with those
603 you messing all them you you got
some issues you you you you moody
Sometimes some sometimes you’re happy
sometimes you’re not sometimes you a
honory sometimes you wake up on the
wrong side of the bed I don’t know what
that where where that at wrong side of
bed we all do we are maturing we are
growing we are getting better we are not
like we used to but we’re still not
we’re still not where we want to be
right now and we’re never going to come
to the place of perfection until we see
Jesus and when we see him we going to be
like him because God promised us that
I’m going keep working on you until
you’re like Jesus Look what Jesus what
he said God has said God says I I didn’t
start the work in you and believe me he
started the work in you I didn’t start
the work in you and then turn it over to
you to finish
it he said I started the work in you I’m
going to continue the work in you and I
promise that I’m going finish the work
in you before Jesus comes glory to God
so I’m depending on him I’m dependent on
him to work it
out well you know the Bible says work
out your own salvation girl would you
please read the whole scripture read the
whole context the Bible talks about the
fact that God is working in you changing
your desires to do what pleases him he
is the one that’s working in you
changing your work it out you couldn’t
work it out if you tried you’ve been
trying to work it out where that gets
you look at you you worked it out now
you divorced you worked it out children
can’t stand you you working out you’re
broke you’re working out you doing all
that that it is God who worketh in
you okay I got to get those sweet lips
I’m sweet
lips sweet lips sweet lips sweet
apologies for referring to you as
girl the opposite of Holiness is not
sin that’s a sure far way for you to
understand somebody who don’t understand
Holiness cuz if the opposite of Holiness
was sin we could never be
holy but Holiness is not a conduct it’s
a person the opposite of
Holiness is being
common with the world
commonness see Holiness literally means
to stand
apart when the world is
worried holy people are at
peace when the world is
broke holy people trust that God takes
care of them
amen when the world is sick
holy people declare that my healing is a
finished thing that’s right sir God says
I want you to stand
separate from from the ills of this
world the opposite of Holiness is being
common common to the
World when they wear it you wearing just
like them and that’s that’s what’s
happening to our church our churches in
the world right now are Desiring to be
so much like the
world they’re not holy in the fact that
they don’t understand that they stand
separate from the
world trying to be like them he says
don’t be like them you’re
better the day you receive Jesus you
stand separate from somebody who
hadn’t You Are Holy people amen
peculiar called out of
Darkness Into The Marvelous Light see he
called you out of Darkness separated you
Darkness into the
light and so we are in
Christ and our
identity is
him and that’s what Holiness is all
about it’s about
I am not going to be
depressed cuz I’m going to show you how
to stay depressed all your life in a
minute if you want
to okay I’m not going to be depressed
and even though depression is on you
what you’re saying is you remind
yourself of your identity I’m
holy what does that mean I stand
separate from
this y’all heard what happened in the
world that’s cool but I’m holy I stand
and separate from this
sir and the things of the world will
still hit
you but make sure doesn’t hit you in the
place that really will hurt you in your
mind right up
here I’m going I’m going to show you
something I I believe we’ll uh y’all
getting anything out of this or do we
um Let me let me let me show you
something here holy holy literally means
separate from the world like we
said when people don’t see the beauty of
Holiness they won’t pursue it I never
did I thought Holiness meant no
makeup women can’t wear
pants uh what is it when they call you a
jezebel when you weigh weigh too much
makeup and um I just wasn’t feeling that
um I just feel like
you know if you need makeup Maybelline
ought to be your
friend Max Factor ought to be your
amen and I’m so glad I didn’t have to
see taffy in a long dress at the
beach I have never discovered that she
had big beautiful legs which was
that I really like
I didn’t know how to say that
but I mean boy
mama I said that’s Prett thing I ever
seen I mean you heard the story about
how how we how we did
that it’s not all y’all heard it I I’ll
tell it
again I was going to tell it
anyway um I was sitting in the uh we
were in a Bible study at the the wesland
foundation which is a Methodist
Foundation you on our college campus and
um she came that night she had she had
some decent pants I mean they were
decent shorts right and uh then then guy
said let’s
pray and I I was
praying and the Lord said you want me to
show you who you going to
marry I said what and I looked up and I
saw big legs and I said I buy the spirit
of I bind the spirit of lust I bind the
spirit of
lust you know the Lord said stop it on
eyes you think you got to lust over
everything just open your
eyes ain’t that what you pray for oh yes
Jesus then I got filled with the Holy
again I’m so glad I didn’t look at her
and say well she’s not a holy woman
you follow what I’m saying can you
imagine the lives that have been messed
up because of our misunderstanding of
what Holiness is all about and you
couldn’t you couldn’t simply have a an
attraction that God put in you to to
attract you to who you needed to to be
with and you just acting all deep and
all that other
stuff she invited me to go to the beach
I didn’t know what to
do at that time I just got saved I’m
like oh I can’t go go to no
beach I am not ready
yet I will backslide in 5 minutes I
ain’t ready for no beach what do y’all
wear at the
beach cuz if I see her with what they
got on it’s over man I mean me me and
Jesus going to have to pick up 10 years
from now something like
this I’m trying to be
holy you ever heard that I’m trying to
sanctified all right now watch this
folks watch this carefully
now so the number one issue here is that
H Holiness is a person his name is Jesus
Holiness is a person his name is Jesus
Holiness does not depend on human
input if Holiness depends on
us if Holiness depends on our
feelings if Holiness depends on our
experiences if Holiness depends on our
Consciousness then we will always be
depressed if Holiness depends on
us whenever you look at you all you see
is corruption and darkness if if you’re
looking at you as the source for you
being holy you ain’t going to ever get
there all right let me show you
something Romans
718 and uh through
24 in the uh mirror let’s look at that
for a
moment Romans
7:18 through 24 and in the mirror
translation all right now watch
this the total extent and ugliness of
sin that inhabits me now this is Paul
going through that
issue where he’s born again but the
flesh which I I need to let you know
what it
is the total extent of ugliness of sin
that inhabits me Paul says reduce my
life to Good Intentions in other words I
had good
intentions that could not be followed
through how many of us in our lives we
had good intentions but we didn’t we we
found we couldn’t follow him through
well I intended
on well I was trying not to curse her
out but when she talked about my mama
next thing I know my knife was to her
throat I didn’t even know I had a knife
it just just it magically
appear the ugliness of sin that inhabits
me reduced my life to Good Intentions
and I don’t want you to live your life
as a Christian with good intentions that
can’t be followed through and that’s
what a lot of Christians do they live
their life with good intentions never
following them
through I I had a good good intentions I
wanted to pray I wanted to read the
word I wanted to do what God was leading
me to do with that person I just I just
didn’t good
intentions look at the next verse
willpower has failed
me and the internet’s full of of people
that are charge you amounts to show you
how to how to be self-improved and self
this and and I’m showing I am saying to
you that willpower will fail you Paul
said willower has failed me how many
people have tried to be be be holy
through their
willpower he said this is how
embarrassing it is the most diligent
decision that I make to do good
disappoints the very evil I try to avoid
is what I ended up
doing if I do the things I do not want
to do that’s it then it is clear that I
am not evil but that I host sin in my
body against my
will it has become a predictable
principle I desire to do well but my
mere desire cannot escape the evil
presence that dictates my
actions the real person that I am on the
inside Delights in the law of
God there is another law though forign
to my design the law of
sin activating and enrolling the members
of my body as weapons of war against the
law of my mind I am held captive like a
prisoner of war in my own
body it doesn’t matter how I weigh
myself by my own efforts doesn’t matter
by what I do with my own efforts I just
do not measure up to the expectations
the situation is absolutely desperate
for mankind is there anyone anyone is
there any one who can deliver them from
this death
trap now listen to me carefully uh in
the King James if you will notice I’m
going to introduce something in Romans
7:18 I want to look at 7 and 18 in the
King James and 18 and then
24 notice what it says in Romans 18 for
I know that in me that is in my flesh we
have to Define flesh we got to find out
what this is that is in my flesh dwell
is no good thing there is no good thing
that dwelleth in the flesh for to will
is present with me but how to perform
that which is good I find not now I’m
not talking about there’s no good thing
in your body and then you go and beat
your body somebody say what you doing
I’m beating my flesh that ain’t what he
talking about that’s not what he’s
talking about verse
24 he says oh Wretched Man that I am who
shall deliver me from the body of this
death who who shall deliver me not what
shall deliver me but who shall deliver
me and it looks like this oh I must be
holy oh I must be faithful oh I must be
right all of this comes down to the
issue of stop looking at
yourself now let’s define flesh before I
continue with
this to walk according to the flesh
means I’m going to take it from a
complex thought and simplify it it means
to live without regard for the things of
God it is trusting in yourself and your
abilities and your understanding and
living solely from the basis of your
Earthly experiences based on what you
see based on what you hear based on what
you touch based on what you know it’s a
mindset on the flesh a mindset on the
flesh is focused on self self
preservation it’s an obsession with self
your old self is wrapped up in your mind
housed in your mind your unrenewed
mindset of a man that’s the
flesh it’s life apart from
God now let me see if I can paint this
picture so you can really see what the
is when you were born again you are a
three-part being man is a spirit being
he possesses a soul he lives in a
physical body you are not your body and
you are not your soul you are a spirit
being so the day you got born again your
spirit man was what got what is is what
got born again you you your spirit man
was born again the uh God Almighty
recreated that old man into a new
creation so your spirit man is born
again and Heaven ready right now
the issue is your soul did not get born
again so your soul
carries the Shadows of the old man your
soul is like the software in a computer
system while the old man has been
destroyed and out of that old man was
created the new creation which is
perfect and Flawless and just like
Jesus the mind will
And the emotions that’s what the soul is
your mind your will your emotions the
soul is your thinker your Chooser your
filler your thinker your Chooser your
filler and all of that comes through
your eye gate your ear gate your mouth
gate all that
now your soul still
remembers your self
dependence your soul still remembers
living by what you see living by what
you hear living by what you feel and
your soul is going to Def fight going to
fight your new creation when it says no
you’re the righteousness of God and your
soul says don’t look like you righteous
don’t feel like you righteous don’t
sound like you
righteous and you have got to understand
that in your
unrenewed mind
there is no
good which is why the most important
thing you can do as a
Christian is to renew your
mind and and what happens is Christian
people they don’t get in the word they
don’t come hear no word they want to
come and be entertained while that’s not
the most important thing you have to
come and get your mind renewed because
after the entertainment if you are not
nourishing if you’re not renewing your
mind with the word it becomes your enemy
your mind will lead you into
self-preservation while your spirit says
God is the one that preserves you your
your unrenewed mind stands in opposition
to that new creation and that Born Again
Spirit your unrenewed mind U will say to
you it’s what you see that’s real it’s
what you feel that’s real it it’s all of
the things that that come through your
sensory mechanism that’s real that’s
what’s real it fights against the finish
it fights against the
faith and your unrenewed mind will tell
you you are not holy you don’t look holy
you don’t sound holy you don’t act
holy and he says all this thing about
the Flesh and we thought he was talking
about the body the body is a innocent
standby the body does what it’s told to
if your mind hadn’t been renewed and
your body said jump in the sack and have
sex with her your body said
okay but now what happens is the more
you renew your mind in God and more you
renew your mind in the word of God then
there’s going to be a conflict now
between your soul and your spirit glory
to God and your spirit is going to begin
to to work on your desires glory to God
see understand this you can’t do this
it’s the Holy Ghost on the inside of you
that’s now going to start working on
your desire to change your desire to do
what pleases God you’re going to find
yourself wanting to do what pleases God
but religion just attacks all of that
and makes it about self self
self it’s you you’re going to have to
make it happen and then you got these I
don’t know what they call These Guys
these these inspirational people go
around and telling you I’m going give
you five ways to to do this to yourself
and and self motivation and and and and
self this and and and self and you just
you don’t understand how dangerous this
thing is all right I’m going to show you
here is the key to
Deliverance if you ever get in a place
where you’re not delivered and you’ve
been struggling to be delivered from
something I’m going to tell you what the
problem is you remember I think it was
in numbers
21 where the children of Israel they
were snake
bitten and the pain of the snake bite
was on them
and I think it was Moses he told take a
stick and put a golden serpent on that
stick Jus and and and you have to know
what that represented that represented
Jesus on the cross a serpent yes see it
wasn’t the pure Jesus on the cross it
was the Jesus that took all of our sin
on the
cross okay and he said now if you can
get them them to stop looking at
themselves and shift their sights to
what’s on that
pole he said I’ll heal
them and when they stopped looking at
themselves they stopped giving attention
to the pain they stopped giving
attention to the snake bite and they
directed their focus to that serpent on
the pole they were all
healed you see the problem with
Deliverance today in the church is you
keep looking at
yourself you keep looking at yourself
where your finances are concerned you
keep looking at yourself where your
healing is concerned you keep looking at
yourself where your your marriage is
concerned you keep looking at yourself
where your Holiness is concerned you
keep looking at yourself Where Your
Righteous and you become self preserved
and self dominated and you can’t get
delivered continuing to look at
yourself the key to Deliverance is stop
looking at yourself and start looking at
the only one who can help
you well I don’t receive that fine stay
like you are can’t do nothing about it
all I can do is tell you all I can do is
tell you and I’m going to go home and
eat my dinner go look at the Falcon gang
get me some more of that good healthy
popcorn popped in avocado oil yes and
I’m going to keep living but my job is
clear that once I got delivered from the
approval of people that God will be able
to use me to say stuff to you that
others would have a hard time to say to
you right and I’m telling you you keep
looking at yourself that’s why you can’t
get delivered from your porn addiction
you keep looking at yourself that’s why
you can’t get delivered from all the
secrets that you got you keep looking at
yourself yeah but what about me but what
about me if we can get you off you
you don’t know how bad I hurt you don’t
know how bad they broke me you don’t
know what my past look like you don’t
know what I had to go through you don’t
know how I was not to have a mama or
daddy you don’t know how yeah I have
empathy for all of that but if you want
to be
delivered you got to look at the cross
of Jesus Christ and you got to see
everything you
need presented to you on that cross
Christ is your identity yes Christ is
your way
out and I tell you every time that thing
comes up and I start looking at myself I
say that’s a
trick cuz somebody going through
something so much worse than what I’m
through that’s a trick I’m holy I’m I’m
righteous I’m
Sanctified and my self-effort has
nothing to do with none of that so
mind it literally means of the five
senses of the
senses you don’t live by everything that
comes through your
senses that’s what the realm of the
Finish is
for it is that thing you can’t touch
that thing you can’t feel it’s the thing
that goes completely contrary to that
mindset the most important thing that a
human can do is to get born again the
most important thing that a born again
man can do is to renew his mind why
because it’s time to change the software
to fit the new
creation you still taking the old
software and want to try to use it with
the new creation that’s just taking like
taking old wine skin and trying to put
new wine in it yeah mhm it won’t
work it’s not difficult to understand
you just got to be delivered from the
religious traditional
mindset that you are responsible for any
good that happens in
you and I gave up on that no I’m Not
Jesus is and I’m going to trust
him if we start at a starting line and I
start off trusting Jesus
and you start off trusting
yourself the deception is you going to
feel pretty good about trusting yourself
and you think you going to win the race
and you going to look back and I’m still
at the starting line I only went an inch
over and you going on and everything
feeling good about yourself cuz you know
when you do it yourself you going to
boast about it but when God do it for
you ain’t no
boasting you see what I’m saying you
going so you ready to go to the finish
line so you can
boast and and about Five Steps From The
Finish Line like the flash I done pass
you and I’m sting there eat popc what’s
going on
bro I trust
God I done tried everything else it
work self-help this and self-help that
it it and and all it did was nourished
my attention to
myself and
I and I was clogging up my Deliverance
and many of you have been clogging up
deliverance cuz you trust you more than
you trust
Godus but you going to be all right cuz
God fighting for
you some of you with your crazy self God
said that’s my child I’m fighting for
him I’m fighting for the old crazy tail
I ain’t going to let him
go have you noticed when God decided to
use somebody it was never the type that
you and I would have
chose seemed like he always picked why
you pick them
Lord a
murdering peeping
tongue why why you pick them and then
you gave the message of grace to the
most religious
man who murdered Steven and everybody he
reap havoc in the church and you why you
call him that was a perfectly good
obedient flawless
perfect Christian over there that spend
all the time with you he said yeah but
if I use him you going to say it’s
because of how often he awesome he was I
want somebody that’s
crazy cursing horong and
drunk and then I want to clean him
up hey I want to fix him up I want to
put my hands on them I want my my spirit
to go in I want somebody that you said
would never be able to be used by me
that’s why he chose a David they didn’t
even bring David up to be
picked they bought all the other Sons up
S say he ain’t the one he ain’t the one
he ain’t him he ain’t
him she said you ain’t that’s it you
ain’t got nobody else cuz they ain’t
it oh we got this little redhead boy
back there but we know he ain’t
it he said bring him here that’s right
when he bought him Sam said one right
there God knows the time for your
promotion I don’t care where you are God
knows how to find you and he knows how
to place you up for promotion oh my god
did you get anything out of that I got
to go
hallelujah come on lift your hands right
quick all right lift your hands up right
quick father I thank you that the spirit
of the Lord spoke
and is
speaking in the hearts and the ears of
those who are
hearing I thank you they’ll never be the
again and I
declare that Holiness will be accepted
and received because of what your son
Jesus has
done we give you praise
Lord and we love you and we honor
you in the mighty name of Jesus we
pray you can lift your hands down hold
you hold your walking just for a moment
listen folks if you haven’t met Jesus
and you hear this morning he’s your
everything I wouldn’t walk out of here
him now you might have had a aha moment
at your seat I mean it might have been a
convincing thing at your seat that I I
need a
savior it’s just been me the whole time
I need a
savior I just want to help you out a
little bit there’s an altar
here and not that you have to but I’m
just saying there’s an altar
here and sometimes the greatest changes
in our lives happen at the
altar I want to invite you you who have
not made Jesus the Lord of your life you
who are not born again you who have kept
all of your attention on yourself I’m
saying Jesus is your
help come and get some help this morning
be bold enough to get out of your seats
and not be in bondage to what people
think and say you know what I want Jesus
to be my Lord my my personal savior I
need some help and he will be your very
present help in a time of
trouble so come to him make him your
lord make him your savior be bold be
strong let God be God in your
life let God be God in your
life if you’re here today secondly and
you want to recommit yourself to the
Lord Jesus Christ you can come and join
us if you’re here and you believe that
God’s calling you to to join this church
World changes Church International I
don’t know I think there’s something
amazing going on here at this church I
think that out of this church and out of
this message of Grace there is going to
be such a move of God that will cover
the globe as we exalt Jesus more and
more and
more so if that’s you come on down here
and maybe some things I didn’t call out
whatever it is here’s an altar here all
I know I still believe in an altar
there’s an altar here
there’s an altar here and and I believe
that I believe he’ll meet you here I
believe the spirit of God will meet you
here all you got to do is be bold and be
strong enough to to say no to the devil
and yes to God you know Lord help me
Lord I need you Lord I Want You Lord I
you it’s up to
you I just believe the best is yet to
come in your life I just believe you
ain’t seen nothing
Hallelujah I believe it’s
time it’s time for you to just you know
just shut that unrenewed mind down and
say ain’t nothing good in it there’s
nothing good in the flesh that’s
something so don’t be surprised he said
when something happens because you
yielded to the flesh he said don’t be
surprised and don’t beat yourself up
over it just now you know ain’t nothing
good in the flesh
and you and renew your
mind and do all that God’s called you to
do amen praise the Lord they going to
sing this little song here and well I
don’t mean to call it a little song but
whatever song you going to
sing and I want you to consider it and
if God’s leading you down here come on
down here we want to pray with you
amen we
see h
Hallelujah you have won the
victory everybody sing it yeah
hallah you have it all for me that could
not hold could not hold you down you are
the reason
you are
the seated in
mesty seated in
mesty you are you are you are you are
the death could not hold you down not
you you are the reason King you are the
seated in
mesty SE in
mesty you are you are you are you are
Reon oh we sing
Hallelujah you have won you have won won
the victory
we sing
Hallelujah you have won you have won it
all death could not
hold hold hold you down you are you are
you are you are GL
is seated in m
Majesty can we give a big hand to those
come what a celebration is taking place
today here in the world Dome those of
you who’ve made decisions at home and we
just celebrate you we know that heaven
is celebrating the decisions the Bible
talks about just one the lost sheep that
one one that comes and so we celebrate
your decisions today decisions of
quality that we know will turn your life
around we believe that today will be the
best day we’ll turn some things around
and that your life will never be the
same let’s stretch our hands forward
toward them Father we just thank you for
the decisions that they’ve made today we
know that heaven is celebrating Heaven
is rejoicing over the decisions that
have been made so we declare that the
angels will clear their path clear the
things that have been causing them to be
turned around and father we just declare
breakthrough manifestation restoration
recovery all that’s necessary and it’s
in Jesus name we add our faith together
and all that agree said amen give them a
big hand as they exit to your right you
can follow this gentleman right here to
the prayer room he will Usher you and
make sure he doesn’t keep you too long
and we just believe that everything is
in its place and the Bible says the best
is what yet to come go ahead and stand
to your feet I want to encourage you
exercise your civic duty this week by
using your right to vote there were many
who sacrificed and made that right
available for us so we can Avail
ourselves to it this week is a big week
in our country in our nation and we know
that we abide in the secret place so we
just trust God we know that as the
Believers as the body of Christ we are
in him and the world is peripheral to
the things of God and we know that this
is our week as World Changers be the
light be the example be uh the
encouraging word be kind Walk In Love be
a blessing be the one who can uh be
positive and bring light into situations
I’m telling you we may be in this world
but how many you know based on what we
just heard we are separated and we stand
apart and we have the answer on the
inside of us to live in truth and to
live in Victory and to live the way that
God wants us to live which is the
highest form of life you can’t win you
can’t lose with God on the inside of you
amen we have everything that we need to
be successful What a Mighty word thank
God for our man of God this morning were
you blessed
I said were you
blessed oh so listen to it again get it
on the inside of you how many of you
learned something that you didn’t know
today we learned some things and so as a
result we can live better and live in
truth and live the way that God wants us
to live let’s lift up our hands God we
come before you right now we we know
that you are the Potter and we are the
clay and it is in you that we live that
we move and have our being our very
breath in life and our existence is
because of you so Lord help us to be and
continue to do the work on the inside of
us to desire the things that will cause
us to live a life that acceptable and
pleasing unto you and so father as we
leave this place we know that we will
never leave your presence and so we
thank you for Angelic protection that
goes before us and clears the path and
causes us to live in safety in Security
in protection and under the shadow of
the most high God so we thank you for
victory this day and this week and the
days to come and we thank you for it in
Jesus name and all that agree said God
bless you we love you so much look
forward to seeing
wow amen what’s going on World Changers
family that was amazing Felicia the word
was good today it was it penetrated the
heart the mind as well that’s one thing
that I really love about how Pastor
dollar and Pastor Taffy teaches is that
we put the scriptures up on the screen
we analyze them one by one so that that
word it’s not just a mental thing it’s a
spiritual thing that’s happening at the
same time you get from today’s words so
today Pastor dollar had said something
that really um penetrated in and it
spoke volumes to me he said Jesus did
everything first so it will enable us to
follow after second and what Holy Spirit
has shown me is Jesus is he set the
example because he is the example so I
have no choice but to follow because he
set the bar so whenever you don’t know
what to do or how to do look to Jesus
focus on Jesus that that reminds me
Grace of the author and the finisher of
our faith and that’s one of the Nuggets
that I took away it’s it’s a a companion
nugget to yours God didn’t start the
work in us then turn it over to us to
finish it when Pastor dollar said that
I’m like if that is the only thing that
we learned today that is enough to apply
to every area of Our Lives he doesn’t
start us out on a good good plan he has
a good plan for us and then leave us
stranded on the path where we’re going
and so we just want to encourage you
please share what’s one of the Nuggets
what’s one of the takeaways that you got
from the many that were available in
this message please share with those who
maybe weren’t present online today to
hear it and also share the stream with
them as well so they can catch that
whole message and while you’re at it we
want to give you guys an opportunity to
partake with us in giving 2 Corinthians
chapter 99 verse number 7 you got are
probably familiar with this by now I
want to skip right to this part where it
says for God loves a person who gives
cheerfully you may have heard that for
God loves a cheerful Giver one of the
things that I realize and I say to God
it’s like Lord we’re cheerful because
you have given provision to us we have
it to give and so we give into the lives
of other people and we are so grateful
today and we’re blessed that we can be a
blessing to others so that they can come
into the knowledge of Christ and then in
addition are coming into the knowledge
of Christ like Pastor Taffy was saying
at the beginning of service the
knowledge of the new the knowledge of
your new self your new life in Christ so
we want to give you opportunities to
give right now Grace you want to share
those opportunities so again every week
week in week out we tell y’all how to
give make sure either you text us text
World Changers and leave a space and add
your amount to
74483 you could call us at
you can s send it by mail 2500 bird Ro
College Park Georgia 30349 or you can
give by web at or CLL get them seeds in the
ground get them in the ground get them
in the ground yes and in addition to
giving with us and that’s one expression
of love and generosity we like gathering
together in fellowship and there is a
very special Fellowship coming up for
the men of World Changers and Men want
to be a World Changers you are invited
out too so men of World Changers and
those who want to be a part of World
Changers don’t miss the final men’s
fellowship of 2024 on Saturday November
9th at 11:00 a.m. in the senior high
building it’s going to be a morning pack
with inspiration and purpose it’s a
place where men will be strengthening
each other where they will be rising
United in faith and courage that’s
what’s in store if you come and register
as well by texting men’s fellowship
that’s me NS fellowship with no spaces
51555 or you can visit
and get more information about the men’s
fellowship yes make sure y’all come out
fellas we want to see y’all there next
calling all young adults come
on y’all we just had our first shift
kickoff and if you did not attend make
sure you guys come out in the building
the turnout was was amazing so next well
this month actually it is happening we
are having excuse me let me get my
thoughts together cuz I’m so excited um
join us for our shift friend friends
giving it’s a night of connection and
celebration whether you are a new shift
member or have been with us for a while
this is the perfect opportunity to
connect with likeminded young adults and
experience God’s love in a fun and
relaxed atmosphere to register text
shift 2
51555 and let us know that you’re going
to join us and kick back for the holiday
season together in the best way positive
through Fellowship laughter and
Community for more information please
email us at shift atorar dog young
adults we want to see you in the
building make sure y’all there I’m going
be there I’m excited can’t wait to see
you there yes and there’s another
opportunity for us to come together in
Fellowship in November for our feeding
fam’s Outreach so answer the call this
thanks giving you are invited to make a
difference at our annual feeding
families Outreach on Saturday November
23rd we’ll be providing turkeys and food
boxes filled with all of the fixings for
a fabulous Thanksgiving meal to those in
need in our local community and you can
help text I can help that’s i c n h e l
p to 51555 to sign up today in addition
to food boxes we are also collecting
donations of new and gently use coats
for all ages to distribute during our
Thanksgiving feeding families events
coats can be dropped off on Sundays
before or after service listen to the
time frame you guys from today until
Sunday November 17th so if you want to
bless somebody if you if you don’t want
them to just have a warm heart in Jesus
but also a warm body and you got some
gentle used coats or brand new coats
that you want to donate from now until
November 17th you can bring those Coates
to the information desk in the dome
Lobby we want to thank you again for
your generosity it’s so important that
we use our time and our resources to be
a blessing to the community around the
body of Christ because that love is
something that will draw them into the
body of Christ it will draw them in to
know that what Jesus has done for all of
us that are here serving he will do the
same thing for them as well and so for
more details you can dial
5825 or email Outreach
or of course visit
always absolutely and last but certainly
not least calling all ladies the 2025
radical Women’s Conference is coming up
join us March the 20th and the 21st 2025
right here in the International College
Park campus in Georgia at the world Dome
the world Women’s Conference is a
celebration of realness vulnerability
and the profound truth that each woman
is fearfully and wonderfully made ladies
it is time to embrace your true
authentic self okay are you ready to get
real text radical to 51555 or visit
Taffy to secure your spot and
register today you do not want to miss
it no and as we get ready to wrap up
lastly you all we remind you of this
every week contains
all of the information for the events
and things happening at World Changers
that graceon and I talked about so to
stay up to date please visit the website
and we want to encourage you go into
this next week depending on Christ
depending on what he is already made
available for you and step into the new
life step in Step into the new you guys
we’ll talk to you soon
bye are you a woman who knows her worth
a woman ready to break barriers this is
your moment we are the innovators the
leaders the Trailblazers the
entrepreneurs the change makers join us
for Taffy dollar Women’s Conference
March 20th through the 21st 2025 where
radical women just like you come
together to embrace their authentic
selves and ignite real change in the
world this isn’t just another conference
it’s a gathering of powerful women who
are unapologetically themselves ready to
revolutionize lives we’ll share stories
strategies because when we know our
worth we are unstoppable don’t miss this
opportunity to connect grow and step
into your your power together Taffy
dollars Women’s Conference March 20th
through the 21st 2025 be real be radical
be ready to make history register today
and Join the
Revolution change the
world change the
world I’m a world changer
in the world everywhere I I’m a world
Cher ano with the power of the Holy
Ghost I’m World
changer tell the world of God I’m a
Cher that can be
raised for God has equipped us to go
higher to make a that cannot be ra