Two Keys to Supernatural Change and Transformation – Sunday Service
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thank you World Changers and we’re
working with Atlanta area Tech to come
up with curriculum so that we can
FastTrack training in the lives of some
of these people some of the lives of the
ladies that the prestige Ministry
ministers to we are serious about making
change in our community and thanks to
you guys for what you’re doing you’re
enabling us to do that and make it
happen it’s offering time ladies and
gentlemen and uh if you need an offering
envelope if you uh raise your hands
ushers are passing those out for your
records but I want to share two
scriptures with you about liberality and
what it means to to be liberal 1
Corinthians chap
16 and verses 1 through3 1
Corinthians 16: 1
through3 if you can go ahead and put
that up he says with
regards uh no I don’t want I want that
in the King James uh first Corinthians
16:1 and3 he says now concerning the
collection for the
Saints as I have given order to the
churches of galatia even so do
ye upon the first day and here’s what
Paul is instructing upon the first day
of the week let every one of you lay by
him in store and notice how he tells
them to give he didn’t give them a
certain percentage he didn’t put
pressure on them notice how he told him
to give as God hath prospered him that’s
all God requires of you to give as he
has prospered you to give that there be
no Gatherings when I come and then verse
says and when I come whomsoever you
shall approve by your letters them will
I send to you to bring your liberality
unto Jerusalem now here liberality is
just the gift bring that gift that you
gave as God prospered you and these were
uh this was a gift given to the Saints
in Jerusalem now what happens when when
you become liberal in your giving uh
look at Proverbs
11:25 Proverbs 11:25 says the liberal
Soul shall be made
fat or that word fat is not you know
physically fat but in a in a prosperous
way loaded another synonym here and he
that WTH shall be watered also
himself this is what God is saying that
when we begin to give generously as he
has prospered us and we are liberal in
our giving we’re just ready to give when
we see situations happen we’re ready to
give when we see people who don’t have
we’re ready to give he says what he’s
going to do he says he’s going to cause
your souls to be to be made fat and he
that WTH he says you’re going to be
watered off also I tell you what there’s
something that cannot be stopped when
you make your mind up to be a giver and
to allow God to show you how to give
generously and break free from all of
the boundaries that religion has set
Upon Us break free from all the
percentages that religion has put upon
us and make a decision that I am going
to give out of my heart everything in
the New Testament that comes from us is
based on it coming from our heart and
not out of a sense of obligation amen
father we thank you hold your offerings
up if you haven’t ready father we thank
you for the opportunity to give and to
be liberal in our giving we thank you
that we give as you have prospered us to
give and father I thank you that lives
are being changed and will continue to
be changed through our giving thank you
for this ministry this church thank you
for this staff we thank you that all
that are giving causes to happen and we
praise you for this opportunity in Jesus
name and everybody said amen let’s just
go ahead and receive the offerings this
morning and
um again thank you now while they’re
doing that uh last week I I got all
caught up and I forgot to acknowledge a
very special group of people who are me
members of our church who participate in
what we do and those that those people
are the veterans who are here at World
Changers Church and
um I would
um if you are a veteran from any branch
of the armed services if you’ve served
in that would you please stand all of
our veterans here we want to welcome you
we want to we want to thank God for
you we want to appreciate you so very
and and let and let me let me say this
let me offer a public apology that just
went past me I apologize but I I’ll say
this you are so worthy to be
acknowledged even more than that day and
I’m going to keep that in mind I may
have you to stand up two three more
times this month but thank you for your
service thank you for putting your life
on the line for this country and for all
of us we acknowledge the blessing that
you are to this nation and also to the
body of Christ God bless you and we love
you and we appreciate
amen okay are y’all ready for
today let me tell you something I I prep
I I I was supposed to be preaching a
series that I just started one line of
it and I hadn’t been able to get get
back to it cuz the one line keeps taking
me farther and further down the place
and I’m telling you this is going to to
to to change your life I want to I want
to by the spirit of God give you a lot
of answers today I I want I want you by
the spirit of God that when you walk out
of here today you know exactly what you
need to do and so this morning we’re
still talking about uh living in The
rhythms of Grace but uh I want to
specifically talk to you this morning
about two two keys to Supernatural
change two keys to Supernatural
transformation I believe all of us want
to transform I believe all of us want to
change I I don’t believe that you get
born again that you make Jesus the Lord
of your life and you’re just satisfied
with where you are I believe that that’s
something we all want to do but we find
ourselves sometimes trying to change
through our willpower trying to change
through all we know to do to change and
we probably don’t recognize of not or
have not come to realize that the power
to change has already been granted in us
and and and and for us through Jesus
Christ but I want to I want to break it
down make it very practical and bring it
to a point where you can see what that
looks like and our teachings on Holiness
has a lot to do with that so I want to
go through that again and lead up to
these two principles these two keys for
Supernatural change in your life I mean
you cuss good but you tired of curing
out there’s certain things you just want
to you want to change you you want you
want to change and you want that
transformation to be by the holy spirit
so that he can get the glory and the
praise for the change amen and so as we
begin this today if you would go with me
to the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 1
and3 and all of this goes together
everything we talked about the last
couple of weeks and I think that this
will give you some answers today
now God loves you whether you are
transformed or
not God loves you whether you are
changed or not that’s something I need
you to understand whether you’re
transformed or not God loves you whether
you have changed or not God loves you I
believe that this love will give you the
strength you need to be
transformed I believe knowing that God
loves you whether you have been
transformed or not I believe that you
understanding that love is actually
what’s going to give you the strength to
be changed something happens when you
know that you’re loved something happens
when you can receive that God loves you
and you didn’t have to do anything to
earn his love or you didn’t have to do
anything to deserve his love but there
there’s something that happens when you
realize that I am I am highly loved by
God that strengthens your life for
transformation that strengthens your
life for change now he may not approve
of what you’re doing but he still loves
you okay so don’t get that mixed up now
well God loves me now God loves me
doesn’t say God approves of what I’m
doing okay he loves you all right and he
wants that love to strengthen you for
transformation for
change but please don’t mix that up to
say well he may not uh you know that he
he does not approve of what you’re doing
but he still loves you so look at 1
Corinthians chapter 1
and3 he says and let’s read verse 30 out
loud together if you will in King James
he says but of him are you in Christ
Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom
and righteousness and
sanctification and Redemption and so now
notice what the scripture says that
Jesus Christ was made unto us wisdom
Jesus was made wisdom Jesus was made
righteousness Jesus was made
sanctification interesting here this uh
Greek word for sanctification is the
same Greek word for Holiness okay so
sanctification or Holiness Jesus was
made for us Holiness he was made for us
sanctification and he was made for us
Redemption and so once once you begin to
understand that I am in Christ and
whatever he has made for me that’s
that’s what I that’s what I claim that’s
what I hold to so Jesus has made unto us
wisdom so therefore I declare I have
wisdom say I have wisdom I am WID he has
been made unto us righteousness say say
out loud I am righteous I am righteous
he has been made unto us sanctification
say I am I am Sanctified I am Sanctified
he has been made unto us Holiness say I
am Holy I am Hol and he has been made
unto us Redemption say I am redeemed I
am redeemed see once you realize that
he’s been made these things for you now
you got to start realizing well he’s he
he was made that for me so I am that I
am that before you even see that I I I
am I am righteous because he was made uh
unto me to be righteous I claim my
righteousness right now and by you
grabbing hold of what he’s been made for
you right now then there’s something
that begins to transform you start
changing into that
you now say I am the righteousness of
God and if you hold on to that and don’t
let anything or anybody change that
within you you begin to transform into
that which you’re holding on all right
you have the G you have the nerve to get
up after you messed up or missed the
mark somewhere or stumbled or whatever
you want to call it and declare that you
are still what Jesus was made for you I
am the righteousness of God so now one
once you have the person once you have
the person Jesus Christ you have all
things that are in Christ so Jesus is
literally your everything once you have
Jesus you have righteousness once you
have Jesus you have Redemption when you
have once you have Jesus you are
redeemed once you have Jesus You Are
Holy see it’s not it’s not based on what
you are it’s based on what he is and
what he is the determines who you are
but you got to realize that you got to
claim that I am righteous now because of
Jesus not because of me I am not
righteous because I do right I’m
righteous because Jesus is my
righteousness and he was made my
righteousness and so you got to you got
to lay hold of that first you got to
realize that first now what religion
tells you is opposite religion says you
can’t say you’re righteous until you act
righteous and do righteous no what God
is saying is I I I’m doing it another
way you go ahead and receive that you’re
righteous and then I am going to be able
to change your behavior change your
heart and see you transform see the
other way around is you trying to do
that I can’t say I’m righteous until I
start doing right and he says I dare you
to say you’re righteous when you know
you ain’t doing right and he says that’s
when I’m going to come in and cause all
of that righteous stuff to happen to you
that ain’t happening to you right now
but I just need you to go ahead and
receive it
first you follow what I’m saying here
all right and so then we go to Romans
8:32 in the King James and then the
mirror Romans
832 and he says he that spareth not his
own son but deliver him up for us all
how shall he not with him also freely
give us all things so he didn’t spare
Jesus where where our lives were
concerned he gave his son to Mankind and
by G by giving uh giving giving us Jesus
he gave us everything
cuz everything we need or desire or want
is in Jesus say this out loud Jesus Is
My Everything Jesus my so once you
receive Jesus you’ve received everything
look at this in the mirror I love what
he says this he says the gift of his son
is the irrefutable evidence of God’s
heart towards us he held nothing in
reserve but freely gave everything we
could ever wish to have this is what our
joint sunship looks like and so the day
you make Jesus the Lord of your life
whether you realize it or not everything
that you’ll ever pray for ever need or
want or desire it’s in Jesus okay that’s
why I don’t understand why we don’t hear
a lot about Jesus when we go to church
cuz Jesus Is My Everything say Jesus Is
My Everything Jesus is my everything so
holiness does not depend on human impact
or conduct righteousness does not depend
on human impact or conduct Redemption
does not depend upon human input or
conduct your righteousness and your
Holiness is in
Christ true Holiness looks to looks to
Christ true righteousness looks to
Christ God’s way of
Deliverance is to take your eyes off
and to get it on to Jesus that’s how
he’s going to deliver you get your eyes
off you get your eyes off your effort
get your eyes off your performance get
your eyes on Jesus and that’s how he
plans on delivering us see everything in
our lives right now especially in
today’s world we have our eyes on us
what I can do how I can do it my
willpower my plan my education and still
after 20 30 40 years you in the same
bondage why because you keep looking at
yourself for your deliverance you keep
looking at your plans for your
deliverance ladies and gentlemen if we
could deliver ourselves Jesus would have
never come and to die on that cross if
we could have did it for ourselves the
blood would have not been shed n none of
that stuff we celebrate on Easter had to
take place if we could deliver ourselves
here’s the truth you can’t do
it you can’t do
it and and some of you say well I am
doing it yeah for right now but what’s
going to happen
tomorrow you can’t do it so let’s submit
ourselves to the only one who can
deliver us and how do we see Deliverance
take place in our lives we get our eyes
off ourselves we get our eyes on Jesus
numbers 21 I’m not going to go there but
numbers 21: 5-9 is the story of uh how
Israel was snake bitten and all of the
pain and the snake bites and uh Moses
was instructed to take a stick and put
this image of a snake on the stick and
he says get your eyes off yourself look
at that image on the pole and you’ll be
healed and once they got the eyes off
themselves and looked at that image on
the pole they were healed that’s the key
to Deliverance getting your eyes off
yourself and start looking on the image
on that cross start looking at Jesus
Christ and you will be healed and so
holiness does not consist of our
feelings Holiness doesn’t consist of our
experiences Holiness consists of
Christ so the first key to Supernatural
change is beholding Christ I’m talking
just by
beholding your transformation can start
in your
life we cannot change ourselves by our
efforts let me say that again we cannot
change ourselves by our
efforts the law of Moses cannot produce
Holiness only Christ can produce
Holiness the law cannot produce
righteousness only Christ can produce
righteousness Grace gives to men
Holiness and
righteousness and we are still trying to
religion says you have to earn Holiness
by by developing holy Behavior you’ve
got to earn righteousness by start start
by starting to do right no that’s by the
law Grace gives to men Holiness Grace
gives to men
righteousness the law cannot produce
Holiness the law cannot produce
righteousness the Bible says that there
are none righteous under the law no not
one but when Jesus showed up who is our
everything Grace now gives to men
Holiness and righteousness so how can we
change or be transformed then you said
the first key was beholding how does
that work look at 2
Corinthians 3 and verse 18 2 Corinthians
chapter 3 and verse 18 how can I see see
transformation in my life okay and you
know all the stuff that that that’s
represented just in here how can I see
transformation in my life the habits the
addictions the secret sins how can I see
transformation in my life because only
thing that church does is shame you
blame you and put guilt on you and and
there and and and somehow the church
thinks if I can if I can shame you blame
you cause you to feel guilty and then
put fear in your life cuz if that don’t
work out say you know it’s a commandment
and if you don’t do it you’re going to
go to hell no no no no no all of the
things that are represented here today
can be
transformed can be changed there can be
change in your life and it doesn’t have
to be by your willpower there’s there
can be transformation the grace of God
is Not enabling sin it’s transforming
you from sin and yes it’s a journey it
doesn’t happen one day it doesn’t happen
you know you take one trip to the prayer
room and it’s all over some people think
that in the church you know though they
got saved today praise the Lord
everything going to be all right it is
going to be all right but it’s going to
be a journey you still might get cussed
out after they come out of the prayer
room but it’s going to be a journey they
cussing you out this time going to be
different than they cussing you out the
last time because this time they have
someone living on the inside of them
that tugs at them when they do that
because he has started the work of
transformation and change on the inside
of them are yall hear what I’m saying we
we got to give people we got to quit
this thing we just keep beating people
up because they don’t match our religion
of you know do it with your willpower
get real disciplined to do it you you
you know God helps those who help
themselves you got to stop all of that
stop you got to stop all of that that
stuff’s wrong okay you all you got how
you know it’s wrong what just look at
you I’ll do what Jesus did Jesus they
said Lord the the the the law says that
this woman who was caught in the act of
adultery she should be stoned to death
and they all got their Stones all those
self-righteous men and people there who
had sins of their
own picked up stone is it like the
church they got stuff but they’ll still
pick up a
stone they’ll still how they going to
pick a stone up when every last one them
and here’s what Jesus did this I love
how cool Jesus was Jesus said you know
they said but the loud say what do you
say and Jesus stooped down and dood it
on the ground he says all right here’s
what I say I’m not going to tell you uh
uh to disregard the law so what I’m
going to tell you since I know I’m
getting ready to come and fix all of
that if you ain’t got no sin go ahead
and throw the
Rock and then you start hearing like a
musical instrument Stones just falling
to the
ground okay all right so the the old men
and the old folks they dropped theirs
first cuz they had abundance of sin they
had so much oh my God they had sin and
regret they just dropped off just a all
right all right yeah you know but the
young ones now the young ones now they
thought oh I still got a cause but when
they start looking at their selves they
still had something ain’t that something
Pharisees standing up there still got
some church folks picking up Stones when
they realize they got something
themselves you ain’t got to say Amen but
I ain’t scared of you this morning
um that’s what I’m trying to tell you we
sit here in church like real still like
what I’m saying to you is not possible
don’t you know I came to the altar last
week don’t you know that I went up those
holy steps and went into the prayer room
where they prayed and anointed my head
with oil and they prayed in the Holy
Ghost over me and you still came down
and let somebody have it you still why
because this is a journey this is a
transformation this is not a Abracadabra
you understand this is a transformation
and God says I’m going to walk with you
every time you get up every time you
mess up I’m going to pick you up it’s a
transformation every time you think
wrong I’m going to be talking to you
it’s a transformation every time you
lust at something I’m going to be right
there and talk to you see you trying to
keep yourself from falling but the Bible
said in Jude that he is able to keep you
from falling you ain’t been able to stop
you from falling right now it been some
years and you still tripping up and
falling and talking about Lord help me
but now what you’ve done is you try to
pretend like you ain’t got nothing and
so you trying to because the church you
can hide in church you can hide behind
scripture you can hide behind shouting
amen hallelujah thank than Jesus but we
know that
everybody in the house got a
issue it’s a
journey it’s a
journey y’all hearing what I’m saying
it’s a journey somebody said it’s a
journey jne and you got to get yourself
together so you will understand that God
is the only one that can set you free
you’ve got to let him do it so how can
we change or how can we be transformed 2
Corinthians chapter 3:18 first of all
into King James and then in the mirror
King James watch what he said but we are
with open face beholding as in a glass
the glory of the Lord we are changed
transformed into the what same image of
Jesus from glory to glory notice even he
knew it was a journey from glory to
he didn’t say change just like that he
said change from glory to glory even by
the spirit of the Lord now look at this
in the New Living Translation so just by
beholding what are you talking about
Pastor just by beholding him you are
changed the issue is when you start
yourself how much beholding time are you
giv to
Jesus and what else you’ve been
beholding all right that’s what he says
so all of of us who have had that Veil
removed can see and reflect the glory of
the Lord and the Lord who is the spirit
ah makes us more and more like him as we
are changed into his glorious image and
he gives credit to the work of the
spirit of Grace it is the holy spirit
that’ll start changing and transforming
you if you’ll start believing him if
you’ll start beholding him if you’ll
just start just by beholding him is
enough for the Holy Ghost to go to work
just by beholding him the spirit of God
says I accept the responsibility for
your transformation so you can let it go
you can quit trying to change Yourself
by yourself if you will behold Jesus the
spirit of the Lord says I am going to
change you now I’m going to say
something by faith and I’m going to say
it right now while you are seated here
this morning behold in the words of
Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost is changing
you oh y’all got to realize that here
here wait wait you got to realize
something you got to realize you’re
being changed right now it might not
feel like it it might not look like it
but honey there’s something going on the
inside of you you might have just got
back from raising hell somewhere but
there’s a holy ghost that’s transforming
you he is changing you he is making you
a new and you got to realize that you
can’t receive that until you realize it
I got to realize I’m being changed every
time I Behold Him I’m being
changed that’s why I got to talk about
Jesus when you come here because if I
can talk about him when you come here
and you Behold Him the Holy Ghost starts
turning he starts working he’s doing
something on the inside of you you came
here mad at somebody you came here made
your mind up I ain’t going to forget
them as long as I live you came up here
dog going to they done broke my heart
for the last time you got you got your
little bitty gun in your purse
Hallelujah you ready to do something I’m
tired of this Joker you going to cut him
you going to cut his toe off you going
to do something to that joker I’m tired
of him and the Holy Ghost is working
with you and I’m not even saying nothing
about it but while I’m preaching and
holling and screaming the spirit of the
Lord is saying now you know you need to
put that gun up you don’t you see nobody
he know how to talk to you he know how
to change you you know why he wants you
to understand he’s changing you cuz when
you get down the road and you look at
yourself and you don’t look like what
you used to look like you can’t give
yourself to credit you can’t give me the
credit you can’t give no man the credit
you going to have to lift up your hands
and you going to have to fall on your
face and thank Jesus by the Holy Ghost
for changing
you and let me tell you something some
of you have
changed you just need to look at
yourself a little
bit all right you you got a ways to go
like everybody else in
here but there’s been some changing in
you you ain’t you ain’t what you look
what you used to be you’re not what you
want to be but you’re not what you used
to be yes you’re not what you used to be
cuz you remember the time I ain’t even
got to finish that sentence right you
remember the time I ain’t what I used to
be and you you you might tell somebody
you better be glad I ain’t what I used
to be cuz if I if I was anything like I
used to be I would have kicked
oh I’m not what I used to be but I can’t
take no credit for it Hallelujah
I I I didn’t cuss I’m I’m I’m good all
chess I’m good all right
so so so you sure I didn’t cuss cuz some
of y’all looking at me
funny some of Y looking at me
like uh all right let’s look at the
translation now notice what he says now
now we
all we all
inclusive with new understanding see
ourselves in him as in a mirror notice
notice what he say he says when you look
at yourself in a mirror mirror you see
yourself in the mirror he says what
happens is we see ourselves in him just
like you see yourself in the
mirror ah he says the days of window
shopping are
over in him every face is
unveiled and gazing with Wonder at the
likeness of
Elohim displayed Elohim
displayed in human form see you looking
at looking at you looking at Jesus and
you see Elohim in human form you see God
Elohim Hebrew for God you see him in
human form and he goes on he says we
suddenly realize now that we are looking
into a mirror where every feature of
their image articulated in the Lord is
reflected within
us see see you have to believe what you
just read there you look at me Hall and
he says when you look at me every
feature of their image articulated in
the Lord is reflected in US yeah now you
have a problem with that because you
know how you’ve been behaving but I’m
telling you the day you got saved every
feature of that image moved on the
inside of you and and and and you are
articulating the reflection of him in
you so this is why Jesus is saying let
me transform you since I’m in you
because you don’t realize what you look
like right now because you’re covering
up the reflection with all your
religious Behavior stuff and I’m telling
you I’m here with some Windex to wipe
the mirror off so you can see yourself
like you really are you are my
say out loud I am the reflection of
Jesus I am the ref of Jesus but that’s
hard for you to
realize that’s hard for you to realize
that’s hard for you to realize because
see you you you don’t understand that he
already got all that stuff under control
you are a spirit man he lives there
you’re already perfect I ain’t going get
in there but you you need to realize who
you are I I I I am his
reflection what how you how you going to
say you look like Jesus like this I look
like Jesus
Jesus see until you get to that point
transformation is going to be limited by
your Shame by your guilt by your
inferiority it’s limited he just needs
you to come into agreement with the plan
with the program with the
transformation you see a a builder can’t
build a house without a
blueprint but once the blueprint has
been presented it ain’t nothing but
following the steps to supply the
blueprint with material necessary to see
this thing come to pass you realizing
and believing what he said about you
makes yourself the
blueprint of who you really are in
Jesus the church and I’m gonna get to
this hopefully I probably won’t but I’m
going try to get to it the church keeps
telling you you need to change first and
then God can bless you second
hold on to that we’ll get to that in a
minute all right all right so my part in
this transformation my part in this
change is beholding him all right
practically what does that look like by
reading his word now I had the Holy
Spirit to arrest me yesterday cuz I was
closing this up and I thought well you
know when you see in the New Testament
word of God
what word of
God the word of God the word of God
we’ve been so General with the word of
God where there are lots of words of
God so what specific word of God is he
talking about what what what what what
word of God what word of God it’s in
this Testament is it’s it’s the word of
it’s It’s the word of God on his grace
it’s the word of it’s the word of Grace
what word of of God what which one is it
the word of God over in the old Covenant
or is it the word of God over in the New
Covenant which word of God we talking
about and he say challenge me he says
now I want you to understand that you
stand out because of the word of
Grace that’s the word of God that causes
you to stand out we’ve been so General
well here’s whole Bible whole word what
word is he specifically referring to so
by beholding the word of his
grace by beholding the word of God the
word of his
grace you see when I see Jesus I see his
grace and every time I behold the word
of Grace I see him more I Behold Him
when I see love when I can love what’s
not lovely I behold Jesus when I see the
fruit of the spirit when I see good
character I’m beholding Jesus when I see
the word of his grace let me give you an
illustration 2 Corinthian 2 Chronicles
CH 20 and verse 12 flip there for a
moment uh King James 2 Chronicles 20 and
12 they were in the middle of being
attacked what do you do when you’ve got
three or four nations getting ready to
come against you all right and so he
says in verse 12 our god oh Our God will
thou not judge them for we have no might
against his this great company that
cometh against us neither know we what
to do have you ever been there I don’t
know what to do I can’t tell you the
number of times I have been in that
place I don’t know what to
do he says but our eyes are upon thee
there it is I know what to do get my
eyes off my situation and get my eyes on
him that’s the key to Deliverance get my
eyes off the trouble and get my eyes
upon him we see it working even in 2
Chronicles but look at Matthew chapter
14 uh verse 22 you can read from 22 on
but this is the story of Peter and how
Jesus was walking on the water and Peter
said if it be thou Lord bid me to come
on the
water okay now all of us know
that can’t no man walk on water not no
man but but he said Lord if it’s you let
me walk on on the water he said it like
this the the King James says like this
if it be
thou then let me walk on water and Jesus
had no choice because he couldn’t say it
be thou not
me so he said one word come now watch
this so he gets out of that boat and
he’s coming to Jesus with his eyes on
and as long as his eyes was on Jesus I
tell you right now when his eyes were on
Jesus Peter was
transformed into what he was looking
at Jesus was in the
Supernatural and Peter became
Supernatural just like what he saw am
and as long as his
eyes were on
Jesus the natural
laws couldn’t allow him to
sink see you got your eyes on the
natural now watch this watch this so
when his eyes got off
Jesus and he looked at the waves and he
looked at the wind he began to
sink because he start focusing on
self and not on
Jesus now here’s the grace of God here’s
the grace of God cuz all of us sink
right watch Grace though Grace reached
to a sinking man in the
natural and with Jesus he pulled that
natural man
up so they could walk back walk back to
the boat side by
side watch this side by side like two
twins so you got to understand he sunk
but he walked back to the boat with
Jesus you might be sinking right now in
life but if you’ll get your Eyes On
Jesus and behold him then the
supernatural you see is the supernatural
you’ll be you you understand what I’m
saying the supernatural you see is the
supernatural you’ll
be it’s all over the Bible
man acts chap
4:13 I I need to read this to you in the
James the transformation was so evident
upon amongst those in in
uh he says now when they saw the
boldness of Peter and
John and they perceived that they were
unlearned and ignorant
men they
marveled and they took knowledge of them
that they had been with
Jesus look at this in
NLT you you got understand you you have
to understand an insult of what they
just they just put out but Jesus if you
start beholding him he’ll cause people
to be
surprised the members of the council
were amazed when they saw the boldness
of Peter and John for they could for
they could see that they were ordinary
men with no special
training in the scripture none they also
recognized them as men who had been with
Jesus when you spend time beholding
Jesus other people will take
note they know they
know not to give the credit to your
education not to give the credit to your
degrees not to give the credit to none
of that they said they they they must be
they must have been with
Jesus why we can see they’ve been with
Jesus spend time beholding him and
others will Marvel at what they see when
they look at you and they’ll never be
able to understand how were you able to
do what you did how do you know what you
know how do you act like you act how is
it that you’re not being defeated by
what’s happening in the world today and
your response is cuz I’ve been with
Jesus I want to challenge all y’all this
week it’s time to get with Jesus amen
it’s time to behold Jesus praise the
amen praise God now watch
this see Jesus how through the word of
grace through the word of Grace look
what the Bible says about US 1 Peter 2
verse 9 and 10 1 Peter 2:s 9 and 10 I
want to give you answers today I want to
give you answers today 1 Peter 2 ver9
and 10 um he says but you are a chosen
generation you are a royal priesthood
you are a holy
nation you are a peculiar
people that you should show forth the
Praises of him who called you out of
Darkness Into The Marvelous Light this
ladies and gentlemen defines Holiness
and basically what he says in verse 9
and 10 look at look at look at he he in
verse 10 he says which in time past you
were a you were not a people but are now
the people of God which had not obtained
Mercy at that time but now you have
obtained mercy so you have mercy now he
says before there was no mercy says now
you have mercy you are peculiar people
you got
Mercy you have you are You Are Holy
you’re holy that what that makes you
peculiar you stand
out you stand out you don’t stand like
the rest of the world when they are sad
you are happy when they are broke you
are prosperous when they are sick you
are healed you stand out but you stand
out because of the mercy of
God you can’t boast about your standing
out you can’t boast about your holy you
you you stand out because of the mercy
of God you are a holy nation you are a
peculiar people you are a royal
priesthood that’s who you are now you
got to start realizing that you got to
start realizing I’m not supposed to act
like everybody
else I’m not going to act like everybody
else complaining bothers me
because I don’t I I I don’t I don’t want
to complain like everybody else when
things aren’t going well I want to be
open my mouth up and say well praise the
Lord some I say you no I don’t want to
be like everybody else I want to be like
who I am I want to be pecul I want to be
holy I want to be a royal priesthood I
want to be the person that’s been called
out of Darkness into the mless light I
don’t want to be like everybody else
that’s what holy is not being like
everybody else I ain’t trying to be like
everybody else don’t want to be like
everybody else I am not like that I am
peculiar when I walk out y’all house I
want y’all to talk about me and say he
sure is
peculiar you’re supposed to talk about
me when I walk out he A peculiar
something ain’t
he huh my
gosh this is this is who we’ve been made
but we won’t realize it look at John
17:1 15-1 17
by beholding him just by beholding him
just by beholding
him 15-1 17 this is awesome he says I
pray not that they that thou should us
take them out of the world if he takes
us out of the world we can’t have impact
so Jesus says I’m praying that you know
that you take them not out of the world
but that thou should as keep them he
says keep them from the
evil what are you going to do that they
are not of the world even as I am not of
the world verse 17 sanctify
separate them through thy
truth see Jesus Grace and Truth you see
that’s why you got to Grace and
Truth sanctify them through thy truth
Thy Word of Grace is
truth and now listen carefully spending
time in the word of Grace Keeps Us
separated from the evil of the
world the Bible says it’s good for your
heart to be filled with
grace spending time in the word of Grace
Keeps Us separated from the evil of the
world sanctify or separate them by your
Truth by the word of
Grace wow so there it is again behold
the word behold the truth of God’s word
behold the word behold the grace of God
behold the the character of God behold
the love of God behold the word of Grace
behold the word of Grace Jesus is Grace
and Truth Jesus full of grace and truth
behold it behold it behold it behold it
some of you can
absolutely uh agree with me that since
I’ve been teaching the gospel of grace
your life has changed and you can’t
it can I get a witness in here your life
is something’s happening it’s happening
on the inside of it and the more you
behold this word of
Grace you’re lock you you you you’ve
down you’re not as mean as you used to
be you still say two custom words but
the other 20 you you won’t say them no
more you buried the book of
cuss the desire you used to have to to
do some of the things you used to do it
it’s you don’t really want to do that no
more this journey in
grace and grace is a person his name is
Jesus and you’re you’re being
transformed and
you you look at yourself in the mirror
and say
whoa wow
what I want to do I don’t want to do no
more he’s taken your old want toos and
giving you new want toos and now you
want to do some of the stuff you ain’t
never want to do for you ain’t scared no
more as a single man you can walk up to
a nice single woman and say hello how
are you my name is Johnson how is
yours she said what’ you just say to
me and you ain’t scared no more I
apologize let me articulate that a
better way yeah thank you
God cuz we we women TI all this yeah
what your now looking at you looking
like a little worm that need to be on a
hook somewhere what in the
world now you carry yourself as a man of
means amen God did that he gave you
confidence where you didn’t have no
God and and one day you realize it was
him and tears swell up in your eyes
because you know you’ve been trying to
get to this place all your
life and now you’re
here and doors open that never would
open to
you the people that wouldn’t hire you
all of a sudden they like
you cuz contrary to popular opinion
people still hire who they
like don’t care nothing about your
Harvard degree if I don’t like you you
ain’t working with
me are you following what I’m
saying but God did it and he gets the
credit and he gets the glory you might
ought to have a
flashback and count your
blessings I don’t think some of y’all
realize what God has done so
far cuz you would have cut a joker Al
time ago had it not been for
what you caught that husband in bed and
you just
left 30 years ago it would have been
stay right there both of y’all stay
right there don’t move come on no no
stay there I got something for you stay
there stay there I got something for
you now we know how this going to go
don’t you not like that no more
so why do we want to stop something we
begun in the
spirit and go back to trying to do it
based on the
law why if God has done this much for
you why do you want to return back to
self-effort why do you want to go back
to your performance-based
Christianity why not continue to keep
your eyes on the one that’s training
transforming you by the Holy Spirit and
changing your desires and doing some
amazing things in your life that you
know that if anything comes out of this
and it will you have no choice but to
give him the
glory Hall you don’t get in front of the
TV and talking about well first of all I
want to give honor to my God you just
doing that cuz everybody else doing that
you get up there and say listen
here Jesus is Grace they have to pull
the mic from me
you and Grace is Jesus and I got to tell
you and then you jerking a little bit
with the m oh thank you that was my um I
D you go right now made a mistake and
slap the announcer thank you didn’t you
receive that in the name of
Jesus people in this generation can
discern the difference between fake and
real all
right so wait until they get a hold of
and finally get a chance to meet who
Jesus is really
like Jesus said if you’ve seen me you’ve
seen the
father you know you know where this is
right what he’s looking forward for us
to say one
day if you seen me youve seen
Jesus look look at some of y’all
a Ain ain’t that blasphemy no no no no
no no you don’t understand
that it’s the work of his
grace he’s already declared as as we are
as he is so are
we but we don’t even realize that he
already said it but we won’t agree with
well lord I can’t say that why not he
said it I’m looking forward to the day
and and and and might have to reprove
myself cuz that day probably need to be
today that day probably needs to be
today where I
say on on a good day if you have seen me
you have seen Jesus so when that love is
being displayed and they want to give
you credit for the love no you you just
you just saw
Jesus that’s the first key the second
key to transformation is to Delight in
I want to read something here because
this has been really been jacked up by
religion Psalms 37 verse four in the
King James the second key to
transformation the second key to change
self-effort is to Delight in him psalms
37:4 says Delight thyself also in the
Lord and He Shall give you the desires
of thy
heart Delight thyselves unto the Lord
and he’ll give you the desires of your
heart all right so most of the church
has defined it like this well you know
if you’ll just enjoy Jesus and delight
yourself in
Jesus then that car you’ve been Desiring
he going to give it to you and that
house that you desire that house he
gonna give it to you that ain’t what he
about he’s not talking about if you
delight yourself in God he’ll give you
the desire you have in your heart no
so I want to really break this down so
you can take this home with you I got 14
minutes to do this so if you have to
shout just kind if you can keep it keep
it in your heart just for a
minute somebody said I feel something on
the inside just hold on right there
right there right there keep it right
there in your heart I got something in I
got something on my heart Pastor I need
to say just keep it keep it right there
right there right there all right now
watch this all right let’s break this
down now the Hebrew word for Delight
Delight that’s of the Lord the Hebrew
word for Delight is to be soft or Tender
pliable it gives the picture of
something that can be molded and moved
shaped lovers of God are those who are
soft and tender towards him and when
you’re soft and tender towards God
you’re always
teachable you’re always pliable in his
hands are you teachable are you p in
God’s hand or has religion caused you to
callous in this context of of Psalms 374
it means to be dependent upon
God and to derive one’s pleasure from
him I’m dependent upon God I I depend on
him I am soft I am tender I am
pliable to Delight looks like this when
you’re willing to accept every
experience as though God is trying to
teach you
something when you’re willing to accept
experience of your life a as if God’s
trying to teach you
something pliable and teachable and soft
enough that every time you go through
something your Delight is Lord what is
it that you would have me to get out of
versus how come I had to go through this
why me
Lord I don’t understand no change the
question change it Lord I’m soft I’m
teachable I’m
pliable this experience it was
painful it
hurt I lost some
H but I Delight myself in you
what do you want me to get out of
this I trust that you won’t allow me to
go through
nothing without a
purpose so every experience in my
life that I believe that you’re trying
to teach me
something that’s that’s that’s bold
bold what is God trying to teach me
since we know we’re not there yet
since we know this is a
journey since we know that he will not
allow us to be tested above
that and which we are not a unable to go
through and so if you’re going through
it he knew you were able to go through
it what what you want me to get out of
this God you know that changes that’ll
change everything it’ll
change how certain things can impact and
infect your life when you Delight in him
I am am delighting in his love oh my God
he loves me with an unending Never Dying
unconditional love and because he loves
me I know his love won’t let me go
through this without some purpose yes he
kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden
that was an act of his love had they
stayed there and and and got a hold of
that tree we’d have never had
Redemption and maybe there’s some things
that happen in our lives it doesn’t look
like love it’s like why am I going
through through this why did that happen
me it’s the god that shows up the very
first time you meet somebody and he
shows you clearly about this person but
you ignore what you got at the beginning
and at the end you keep asking how come
I keep hooking up with the same old kind
of no good for nothing man or
woman so he says I tried to give it to
you in a simple
course but I’m committed to your
I’m committed to raising you up and you
didn’t get it when C tried to teach it
to you 3 years ago you didn’t get it
when the when the grace life conference
came and other people said the same
thing but I’m going still teacher I
might got I might have to turn up the
heat a little bit but I’m going to teach
you if you just continue to Delight in
me if you just won’t let go of me if
you’ll continue to believe that I love
you I’m going to teach you I got you
baby I’m not going to Turn You Loose I’m
not going to divorce you I’m not going
to separate from you you are mine
forever I ain’t never leaving you I
ain’t never forsaking you you might want
to divorce but I ain’t giving it to you
I’m going to run you over with my
blessing I’m going to keep blessing you
with my goodness I’m going to change
mind I’ve been
there I’m like god
dude we all
right but clots around my lungs shingles
on my
body cancer in my body for the second
time we all right
yes he like yeah I haven’t
changed I love you like I always
have oh
God and you know everybody wants to ask
well if you love
me why I got to go through this
Jesus Jesus he says oh this ain’t got
nothing to do with my
love this got to do with your maturity
yes sir thank you
lordus oh Lord
Jesus and then at the very end of the
process when everything was
over and I find myself in this void
that’s the only thing I know to call it
a void is a weird
day somebody came and picked me up up to
take me to get my treatments and I was
in the back of the Sprinter and it was
just me and I was just looking outside
and all of a sudden I got on I left I
don’t know whether I was I don’t know
what happened then it was weird all I
remember is the colors got brighter and
different and richer and and I was there
but I wasn’t there then I had a
conversation with the
Lord and I said
huh and he said Son cuz I found out I
didn’t have to open my mouth if he knew
everything he said it ain’t hard to pass
over all you got to do is make a
decision and you’re there and I’m in
this void it was kind of like a division
or I don’t know it it wasn’t a curtain
but it was a a different
place and uh he said so if you make a
decision to pass on over and the the the
attention was at that other place what
was behind it he said all you going to
do is leave a whole bunch of hurt
people and he says
besides it took me it must have been 40
years when I heard this it took me 30
something 40 years to get you ready and
now you’re ready and I
paused I said ready ready ready what
what he said I finally got you delivered
from approval
addiction now
I can use
you I said what and I I said okay okay
okay well forget about the Passover
stuff what what we what we need to
do will you be willing to say everything
I put on your heart to
say and then I didn’t think about
Galatians chapter 1 Paul said in
Galatians chapter
1 he
said if I sought to PR these
men I cannot might be a servant to
God and here I am after all those years
thought I was a servant to God but my
servant Hood was limited because it was
being blocked the fullness of my service
was being blocked because I was in
bondage to the
validation of
people but I didn’t think I
was and I said yeah Lord whatever let’s
it woo I lost whole bunch of colleagues
and friends I don’t even hear from them
it’s like they in heaven cuz I don’t
never hear from them no
more and they’re not going to DARE
invite me to their church or to their
conferences or to their
meetings cuz we don’t know what happened
to brother
C what happened to brother crlo is
brother crlo finally got his eyes off
himself got his eyes on Jesus and I’ve
delivered okay I’ve been delivered and
guess and guess who guess who I’ve been
delivered from
you hey son I’ve been delivered I’ve
been delivered from
you so I can say everything’s on my
heart to
say cuz I’m free so I can now be a
servant to God
and say it and not care about what you
think about but it’s never been an issue
of love it’s been an issue of delight
will you Delight in me will you Delight
in my love will you Delight in my grace
will you Delight in my in my forgiveness
will you Delight in me will you see
everything in your life as nothing but
an opportunity to to to to grow and to
mature for every experience that happens
in your life you ask the question Lord
what are you trying to teach me are you
trying to show me
something but we complain about it so
much we can’t get we can’t get the
honey at the
nest cuz it’s
always oh this is heavy the
devil it’s the devil
no I know what I’m supposed to do now
I’m good I ain’t never need nobody
invite me to knowwhere to
preach all I do is rent a hall and go
preach I go where God tell me to go I
ain’t waiting on no invitation you think
I’m sitting down well what you doing
well I’m waiting on somebody invite me
well Jesus already instructed you what
you need an invitation for when he
already told you what to do need no
some of y’all breathing like okay I
guess I got
to Lord what what I need to learn out of
this cuz Waldo got on my last nerves in
there I don’t know what else I can learn
from Waldo except woo Waldo about to get
on my last boy oh well it sound to me
like you’re learning
patience my God my God cuz love to talk
about what somebody else did to us and
never look at what part we played in the
situation isn’t that
right or we sit up in
deception thinking ain’t nothing wrong
with me ain’t nothing wrong with me
ain’t nothing wrong with me it’s you you
you ain’t nothing wrong with me it’s you
you you it’s ain’t nothing wrong with
me I love my kids my kids your children
will humble you
my kids told me something this past week
that it it it blew my mind I said I do
that and they all said together with my
yes I said oh my
goodness oh my and I honestly did not
see that that’s why it’s good to have
people in your life so they can identify
stuff about you that you not looking at
that you’re not
seeing you believe the story you tell
I mean what they told me I’m working on
that thing right now sometimes I get a
little something I have to ask people I
said did I do that again I’m
sorry to
Delight look at these two scriptures
real quick Psalms
22:8 and King James and Psalms
119:16 and then we may have to pick up
this the fac don’t play till 4:00 so
come down I’m
good I might have alter call lay hands
on the sick cast out
Devils have fellowship and fellowship
haul over some pizza or something you
know look at this check what he said out
he trusted on the Lord that he would
deliver him let him deliver him seeing
he delighted in
him he delighteth in
him and look what comes as a a result of
he delighteth in him he
deliverthat Psalms 119 and verse
16 Psalms 119 verse 16 he says I will
Delight myself in thy
statutes I will not forget your
word I’m going to Delight by not
forgetting what you promised not
forgetting what you said
delight yourself and I’ll give the
desire of your heart I I’ll I’ll break
it down a little later but basically
what that word give it it’s uh I like
what he says here in in in the Hebrew it
doesn’t mean to pass on a nice
gift but rather make a change in
you impart or ass sign as in give you a
a new hair color or give you the kind of
internal desire attitude you should have
such as patience and kindness this is
what happens when you delight yourself
in the Lord what he says if if you’ll
delight yourself in the Lord he will
give you he will give you the
desire the desire of your
heart I found out what he was
giving if you delight yourself in the
Lord he’s going to give you
himself he’s going to give you his
desire you remember Philippians I think
it’s uh
2 verse 13 in the NLT Philippians
2:13 he said delight yourself in the
Lord and I’ll give you my desire I’ll
give you the desire of my heart I’m
going to give you the desire of my heart
we thought he was going to give us the
desire of of our heart now I’m going to
give you the desire of my heart I’m
going to give you
me but in Philippians 2:13 he says for
God is working work in you giving you
the desire and the power to do what
pleases him so God is working in you to
give you the
desire he’s not going to give you the
desire what’s in your heart he’s going
to give you the desire what’s in his
heart I’m going to give you the desire
I’m going to give you me and then I’m
going to give you my power and with it
you’re going to do what pleases
me you you you you get yourself out of
the way what he is saying is Delight
your said the Lord and I’m going give
you me I’m going give you what is in my
heart ain’t that what I want ain’t that
what you
want I want you I want you I want to
know what you want me to
do sometimes I just pray that Lord if
you could just knock on my door ring the
doorbell just tell me what you want me
to do well that wouldn’t be Faith would
itus but if you’ll delight yourself in
Lord he will give
you his
desire wow that’s all I
want I want his
desire there’s nothing on the planet I I
want more than that I want his
desire so when the day comes where I I
leave and you leave we go and we stand
before the Lord and we know
we we can say Lord you gave us your
desire and we gave it all we
had that’s
all that’s all I just want a big hug
Jesus that’s
it Heaven’s
real stuff getting ready to happen down
here you need to know Heaven’s
real father thank you so
much uh what we’ve heard and
our with our ears and what we’ve
received in our hearts
you that by the Holy Spirit you change
Us by the Holy Spirit you make the
difference in
us oh Lord speak to your people
today talk to them young old whatever
talk to
him you know everything about us
and you know the bottom line to every
issue that we deal
with speak to us Holy
Spirit and I trust
today that our lives will never be the
again because what’s happening right now
in the seat where we’re
seated that the miraculous way that you
can minister to every single
person in this
building speak holy
spirit thank you that you don’t throw us
away thank you that you don’t fill us
with shame and guilt and
condemnation thank you for your
love you are his majesty the
king change us Lord transform us Lord
Lord into
image by your
spirit by beholding you and by
delighting in you we are
changed and we receive it
now by your
mercy by your
grace let it be done
name with every head bowed every eye
closed if you’re here
today and you’ve never made him the Lord
of your
life you don’t quite know why but you
just have never made him the Lord of
life I I I I want you to just be bold
enough and strong
enough to make a
decision to say I I am going to do what
maybe I should have done a long time ago
but I’m going to make Jesus the Lord of
my life I’m tired of holding back I’m
tired of being in bondage to people I I
know I need a savior I know I can’t do
this by
myself help me if that’s
you then I want you to
consider being strong enough today to
get out of your seat and come to this
Altar and give me an opportunity to help
you to get where you need to
be secondly if you’re
here and God just may be calling you to
join World changes Church International
just maybe everything else has just been
a distraction to try to stop you from
getting where he’s designed for you to
be but if God’s leading you and speaking
to you and moving on your heart to join
this church today is is the
day not tomorrow not next week
today and finally if you’ve had a
relationship with God
and uh I don’t know something happened
to it it just it’s just not operational
right now and you’re
like you know I’ve done this before and
I just want to recommit
myself to what I
believe I want you to do you got to do
today so listen to me very carefully if
if that’s
you if that’s you any of those things I
spoke if that’s you I want you to be
bold and be strong and I want you to get
out of your seat and I want you to come
on down to this
altar I want to pray with you I want to
believe God together with
you congregation I want to turn this
into a soul winning Hall I want you to
stand up turn your left right just
minister to people check with them say
do you need do you need to go down for
something I’ll go down there with you if
you need me
to go ahead and sing a little bit
of sing all my life all my life you have
faithful all my life all my life you
have been so so good with every breath
every bread that I
am I will see I will see of the
goodness of
oh sing all my life all my life you have
sa all my life all my life you have been
so so good
every I am
aable I will see of the
God we sing that your goodness is
running after it’s after me your
goodness your goodness is running
running after it’s
running me with my life L my life laid
down I Surrender now I give I give you
everything your goodness is your
goodness is running out it’s running out
it’s running
out your goodness your goodness is
running it’s
what to be your goodness is goodness
it’s F it’s F it’s to me with my life
laid down L down I Surrender I give give
you everything your goodness is your
goodness is running it’s running
out oh your goodness is your goodness is
running it’s chasing me down to me your
goodness is goodness it’s running after
it’s running after running after me with
my life laid down laid down surrender
now I give you
everything oh your goodness goodness
is would you give the Lord a big hand
clap of
Praise thank you
Jesus father I declare the blessings of
God over these precious people and I
thank you Lord that they can never be
the same again because of your spirit
and I pray that by the power of the Holy
Ghost you will continue to do things on
the inside of them and they will fulfill
the will of God for their lives we thank
you for that now in Jesus name we pray
and everybody said
amen at this time if you’ll turn this
way follow this gentleman to the prayer
room they’re going to take can give you
biblical understanding of how to obtain
and how to maintain what you came
receive and we thank God that you will
never be the same again congregation
don’t you appreciate these people that
are coming up right now we just thank
God for them in the name of Jesus
Christ well God bless you thank you for
coming to church today let’s go ahead
and declare the final blessing over your
life now unto the spirit of Grace that
we submit Our Lives to and we give
praise to him for the power of the Holy
Spirit working in us I thank God that in
the name of Jesus this week you are
protected this week you will walk in the
perfect will of God for your life This
Week doors will open that work once
close to you this week you will walk
with an enormous amount of wisdom I
thank God in heaven that the grace and
mercy of God will be seen every day in
your life this week and now unto him who
is able to keep you from falling and to
present you faultless before the
almighty God be glory Majesty dominion
and power both now and forever and
everybody said amen God bless you have a
wonderful day
today amen World
Changers I am so excited to be before
you today church was amazing like we
always say drop something in the chat
and let us know what you got out of
service today so I’m excited I’mma share
what I got so today when Pastor ller was
giving the analogy of how Peter was
walking on the water he was walking
towards Jesus what he said is as long as
your eyes are on Jesus the holy spirit
is causing a transformation to happen on
the inside of you and he said what
Pastor doar said that was just like ah
it hit me so hard it was when you see
the what you see in the Supernatural is
what you will be in the Supernatural so
keep your eyes keep your focus on Jesus
allow that transformation to happen on
the inside of you and know it’s a
journey it’s happening step by step day
by day but keep focused on Jesus so next
after we’re going to move into our
favorite part which is giving and I’m
going to read a scripture I’m going to
read 2 Corinthians 9 6-8 in the
Amplified and it says now remember this
he who SWS sparingly will also reap
sparingly and he who SWS generously that
is blessings come to others will also
reap generously and be blessed Let each
one give thoughtfully and with purpose
just as he has decided in his heart not
grudgingly or under compulsion for God
get gives cheerfully loves a cheerful
Giver excuse me and delights the one
whose heart is in his gift and God is
able to make all Grace every favor and
Earthly blessing come in abundance to
you so that you may that you may also
under all circumstances regardless of
the need have complete sufficiency and
everything and be completely sufficient
in him and have abundance for every good
work and act of Charity do not give
grudgingly or sparingly give with a
cheerful heart why because you are
peculiar okay you are a royal priesthood
and I like how Pastor dollar said in the
beginnings of service 2 if you don’t
know how to give ask God lord show me
how to give show me what to give and
allow me to be cheerful as I’m giving
because we know that you’ve placed these
seeds on the inside of us and you are
bringing about a mighty and Bountiful
Harvest so like we always say put your
seed in the ground we have four ways to
give first you can text World Changers
and leave a space with your amount and
text us at
74483 you can call us at
you can send it by mail 2500 BD at Road
College Park Georgia
30349 and and you can give online at or coll
get them seeds in the ground so we are
going to move into our announcements
that are happening this is our favorite
time of year where the holidays are just
kicking off and we just got so much
going on so first we are calling all
young adults all college students 18
plus 18 and up come out and celebrate
with us this Tuesday we are having our
shift friends giving event again is
happening this Tuesday November the 19th
at 700 p.m. whether you are new to shift
or you have come over and over over we
want to see you in the building this is
a perfect opportunity to connect with
like my adults young adults excuse me
and experience God’s love in a fun and
relaxed atmosphere so make sure you guys
register text shift
21555 to let us know that you will be
joining us and kick off the holiday
season together in the best way possible
for more information send us an email
stay connected with us at
shiftworks giving you are invited to
make a difference at our annual feeding
fam’s Outreach event happening on
Saturday November the 23rd we will be
providing turkeys and food boxes filled
with all of the Fixins for our fabulous
Thanksgiving meal for those who are need
in our local community and you can help
text I can help to
51555 to sign up today thanks in advance
for your generosity for your giving for
showing up and for serving this
Community for more details you could
call us at
5825 or email Outreach
for more information please visit us at
next Thanksgiving service will be
happening at World Changers I am so
excited and it is like no other take
time out from the hustle and bustle of
Thanksgiving morning getting that
together and come out and relax and
worship with the Lord bring your family
along and join us at the world Dome at
10 a.m. on Thursday um November the 28th
for a morning of worship fellowship and
word and gratitude if you’re not in town
do not worry service will be streamed on
live so you can make a break to um just
celebrate and just get the word and and
fellowship with us here at the world
Dome so make sure you guys come out on
the 28th to join us for our Thanksgiving
service last but certainly not least let
us celebrate the holidays again together
it’s time for our annual Christmas
Funday bring the kids out and make a
holiday memories of Christmas cheer from
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday
21st they can enjoy games holiday prizes
treats and so so much more we will be
having a ugly sweater contest so
decorate your um sweaters get your ugly
sweaters out we will also be decorating
cookies and gingerbread houses mark your
calendars and register today by texting
Christmas fun to
51555 or visit us at
we cannot wait to see you there we know
your calendar is filled for this holiday
season so make sure that you are keeping
up with us at for all
events and everything that is happening
here at World Changers we love you so
much World Changers family make sure you
guys are going in with your week
reflecting on Jesus keeping your eyes on
Jesus and letting that transformation
just happen throughout your week we love
you so so much and we’ll see you next
bye are you a woman who knows her worth
a woman ready to break barriers this is
your moment we are the innovators the
leaders the Trailblazers the
entrepreneurs the change makers join us
for Taffy dollars Women’s Conference
March 20th through the 21st 2025 where
radical women just like you come
together to embrace their authentic
selves and ignite real change in the
world this isn’t just another conference
it’s a gathering of powerful women who
are unapologetically themselves ready to
revolutionize lives we’ll share stories
strategies because when we know our
worth we are unstoppable don’t miss this
opportunity to connect grow and step
into your power together Taffy dollars
Women’s Conference March 20th through
the 21st 2025 be real be radical be
ready to make history register today and
Join the
Revolution change the world
change the
world I’m a world
changer Chang the world everywhere I I’m
a world
Cher Anointed with the power of the Holy
Ghost I’m a world
changer tell the world of goding GRA I’m
a world changer
a heart that
for us to go high to make a canot be