David Wilkerson – Getting Out of Sodom and Sodom out of You – Must Watch

#DavidWilkerson#Sodom #heart #freedom | Must Hear –#sexualsin Like 👍 & Subscribe – ‪@ahavajerusalem‬ *If you have a need or know someone who has a need please email us. – [email protected] About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons This is a chilling message not for the weak or half-hearted, concerning pride of a nation and a people. When a nation becomes proud, then comes shame. Pride is an abomination to the Lord. Throughout history, God has judged nations for this, like Sodom, Gomorrah, Israel, and Judah, to name a few. How can America escape? This is a classic and heartfelt cry of the Watchman, warning one and all. Ezekiel 16:46-52New King James Version (NKJV) 46 “Your elder sister is Samaria, who dwells with her daughters to the north of you; and your younger sister, who dwells to the south of you, is Sodom and her daughters. 47 You did not walk in their ways nor act according to their abominations; but, as if that were too little, you became more corrupt than they in all your ways. 48 “As I live,” says the Lord God, “neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done. 49 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50 And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.[a] 51 “Samaria did not commit half of your sins; but you have multiplied your abominations more than they, and have justified your sisters by all the abominations which you have done. 52 You who judged your sisters, bear your own shame also, because the sins which you committed were more abominable than theirs; they are more righteous than you. Yes, be disgraced also, and bear your own shame, because you justified your sisters. About David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers. Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415 Used with permission granted by World Challenge, P. O. Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771 USA.

my message this morning getting out of

Sodom we’re going to get you out of

Sodom today and Sodom out of you and me

this message is for me as well as is for

you this is really made a mark on my

spirit I want you to go to Jude

please go to Revelation turn

left one

chapter one book

going to read one verse verse

7 let’s let’s start verse 6 verse 6 and

7 of the book of

Jude and the angels which kept not their

first estate but left their own

habitation he hath reserved in

Everlasting chains under Darkness under

the Judgment of the great day even as

Sodom and gomorah and the cities about

them in like manner giving themselves

over to fornication and going after

strange flesh now listen to this they

are set forth for an example suffering

the Vengeance of Eternal

fire they are set forth as an example

suffering the Vengeance of Eternal fire

an example Sodom our example heavenly

father I need a miracle today I need a

miracle of unction and anointing I come

to you father confessing my total

dependence upon on you I can’t do this

in my human power or human flesh Holy

Spirit come and take the words that you

have implanted in my spirit it has

marked my heart it is I believe this

message is going to help change my life

and I want it to change the life of all

who hear it not only in this room today

but those who hear it on tape we pray

Lord Jesus that this message will drive

us to the Cross drive us to our total

dependence on you anoint me I pray in

Jesus name amen amen getting out of

Sodom by the way we have a wonderful

Nursery to exit 7 here and if you uh

have a baby that cries we appreciate you

take you through exit 7 they’ll be well

cared for and you can back enjoy the

service and also after the service our

visitors if you go through exit 9 and up

the stairs we have a hospitality room

we’ll give the free tape of a message uh

from one of the pastors here and they’ll

answer all your questions you have we

have wonderful hospitality team there

and you have a few Refreshments that’s

through exit 9 before you leave you

learn more about the church about the

ministry here now let’s get to the

message getting out of Sodom I once

heard a minister say in essence the Old

Testament is no longer relevant to our

modern times so that no you studying

it how wrong he is how wrong he is I

love the Old Testament because it

explains the New

Testament if you want to fully

understand the New Testament you have to

go into the Old Testament you’ll find

the shadows and the types and the

patterns the examples and lived out in

Practical life and all of our spiritual

battles are mirrored in their physical

battles very clearly for example Israel

represents the believer in the Old

Testament Israel is the new believer in

the New Testament Egypt in the Old

Testament is a type of the world in the

New Testament the Wilderness journey is

a type of our Christian walk uh the

battles of Israel type of our spiritual

warfare the tree that was thrown in the

waters of mar type of the cross the rock

that was smitten and out came water as a

type of Christ who was smitten at the

cross the Bible says now all these

things happened unto them for examples

and they are written for our

admonition they are for our teaching

upon whom the ends of the world are come

in Hebrews we’re warned don’t fall after

the same example of unbelief go into the

Old Testament learn your lessons there

and don’t make the same mistakes in

other words in fact even the Tabernacle

the furniture the priest everything in

the Old Testament the Bible says was

example and Shadow of heavenly things

the things that we face

today now it’s been my practice if I

couldn’t fully understand or comprehend

a new testament truth I go into the Old

Testament and find the literal

uh figure of it I find the example of it

learn now for example if you want to

learn about your spiritual walls that

Satan is erected to try to ruin your

life or your walk with Christ you you go

into the story of Joshua and how the

walls of Jericho came down and you

learned incredible lessons by the very

practical lived out experiences in the

Old Testament if you want to learn about

keeping your anointing you go into uh

judges in Samuel and you you learn

especially about son and how he lost his

anointing it’s that clear now in keeping

with that I want to by the way if you

want to learn about prevailing prayer

you go to

Jacob and the wrestling with the angel

you see you go to the Old Testament if

you don’t understand and the Old

Testament gives light to the uh truth

that you’re trying to comprehend in the



now the Bible says in 2 Peter 2:6 God

turned Sodom into ashes condemning them

with an overthrow making them an example

unto those that afterward should live

ungodly God says now there’s a purpose

in what I did to Sodom this Burning Down

of Sodom this dealing with sin in Sodom

is a lesson to the whole society every

society in history up to the last day

there are lessons to be learned from

this and keeping with what I’ve just

outlined I want to go back back with you

into Genesis and to the Old Testament

and I want to open up a powerful New

Covenant truth I’ve been studying the

New Covenant in the past two years and

especially in the past year and God has

opened up a new covenant truth and I

didn’t fully understand it till I went

back into the Old Testament began to see

the type and I want you to follow me

closely I’m setting uh a foundation for

the truth

now actually the New Covenant is is all

about getting you out of Sodom and

getting Sodom out of you and getting you

up in a mountain in the presence of the

Lord that’s what the New Covenant is

it’s getting the world out of you it’s

the power to break your habits the power

to break the lust that is in your heart

and get you out of the bondage and the

cords that bind you and get you out and

say don’t turn around don’t turn back

until you get to the mountain and that’s

what the New Covenant is about you find

this type in Genesis the 19th

Chapter and here we find a righteous man

by the name of lot living where he

shouldn’t live He’s living in a wicked

vile City whose sins had reached into

heaven whose sins had grieved a holy God

and he said enough I’m going to burn it

I’m going to Scorch the city and that’s

what Sodom means in Hebrew scorched or

burnt now we think of Sodom we talk

about the Old Testament being a type of

the new we say well what does Sodom

represent and most of us think of Sodom

as representing well that could be San

Francisco with all of its uh militant

homosexual in yourface

community oh they said no no no that

that’s uh New Orleans with its Wicked


MRA or no it’s New York City with all of

its greed and its

violence New York City and we think of

as a literal City no there was a literal

Sodom but the spiritual significance of

it is that Sodom today is in our hearts

it’s right here we were born with a

sodomite nature scripture makes that

very very clear you don’t have to go

beyond your own heart to find Sodom in

heart David said you work wickedness the

Bible said we were conceived in iniquity

we have the Adam nature which is the

Sodom nature it is we were born with

this we were created in iniquity David

said there was pride and hatred in the

heart frowardness in the heart idolatry

lies in the heart in Proverbs says the

heart is where wickedness is devised

it’s schemed out of the heart Jesus

himself said for out of the heart

proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries

fornications thefts false witness

blasphemies these are the things that

defile a

man that’s proof enough for me that you

don’t have to look beyond your heart to

find the spirit of

Sodom now God himself calls lot a


man but this righteous man was not where

he should be this righteous man had a

problem he was bound by a cord and he

couldn’t get out he couldn’t shake it he

couldn’t cut it in his own strength and

his own power I don’t know how many

times he may have promised because of

the vexing of his soul what he saw and

heard in Sodom I don’t know how many

times he said next week or tomorrow I

don’t know if he’s ever tried to pack

his bags and go and got a little ways

and came back I don’t I don’t know but I

know he didn’t have the power he didn’t

have the will he was decaying morally

Sodom was in his heart Sodom had

corrupted him you’ll see this very

clearly as the story

unfolds he should have fled the city he

should have said If I Stay much longer

in this iniquity

it’s going to lay hold of me and cost me

everything and I see this a type of the

Old Testament believer under the old

Covenant he hears the law the the law

says blessed is the man that walketh not

in the counsil of the ungodly and

standeth in standeth not in the way of

Sinners and sth not in the seat of the

scornful the law comes and describes the

perfect obedience that God demands

and then man tries in his own strength

and his own power to get

out you will find in the 14th chapter of

Genesis uh a Confederate Army coming

against Sodom and Gomorrah and in this

battle Sodom and his Kings Kings of

Gomorrah and zo lose the battle and this

invading Army carries away loot his

family and all the inhabitants of Sodom

and all the loot all the riches

everything and Carries away and they’re

carried away

captive Abram a man of God with 318 of

his servants finds out and he he goes

after this Army and through a miraculous

working of God’s power he overcomes the

enemy and the scripture says that he

took lot and his goods and his riches

and all the riches of the city and

restored them and they returned to

Sodom now here was an opportunity for

Sodom to get out before this he he had

been warned he he had been told to get

out but he goes right back to Sodom

after his deliverance and the picture in

the spirit now get this please a perfect

picture that you cannot be delivered

from any habit from any Sin from any

Sodom in Your Heart by the hand of man

not yours or anybody else’s not a Godly

preacher as Godly as Abraham nobody can

get you out he got him out temporarily

and all you get through your self effort

and struggle to defeat your own sin is a

temporary release and you go right back

to your sin you’ll make God a thousand

promises you’ll sin confess sin confess

and go back to your

sin because no human hand can deliver

you from the power of Satan you can’t

get out of Sodom by Abraham not a

Praying preacher I don’t care how much

God be preaching you

here I don’t care how many people pray

for you I don’t care how much how many

promises you make to your flesh you Cann

not get out of Sodom on your own

strength and power through striving and


promises Paul called the law a yoke upon

the neck which neither we or our fathers

now we were able to

Bear you see lot has been given an

altimate him God says get out of the

city and he can’t run he lingers he has

no power he’s deluded he’s

blind because folks we’re talking about

God’s interest here is has to do with a

Believer a man that he calls righteous

forget the sodomites right now we’re

focused on a man called l living in a

wicked environment living in a wicked

City but he’s got a problem he’s not a


man I’m talking about Christians living

in this generation who love God as this

man did trying to stand up stand up

morally in the midst of an unclean

generation and and yet there’s something

there of Sodom in the

heart it can be a an act of adultery it

can be uh acts of fornication it can

there’s a whole lot of things we’re

going to see here in just a few moments

I don’t know what it is that’s bind you

but that’s

Sodom that’s the spirit of Sodom that is

still in the heart binding you you’re

not free you know that anyone within the

sound of my voice that now has a secret

sin in your heart you know you’re bound

no has to tell I don’t have to remind

you you know you’re

bound you can never come into the

fullness of Christ you’ll always be on

the border of the blessing that God has

ordained for you but you’ll never enter


fullness you will always have a sense of

of Despair you always have a sense of of

the wrath of God hanging over your head

and never be

free I speak to a lot of people here


morning there’s a type of many righteous

Believers today who by Fai Faith have

the imputed righteousness of Christ oh

yes they they are righteous that

righteousness is by faith and it’s

imputed and they have that righteousness

they truly love God but and they’re even

vexed by the sin in the society they

they hate what they see all around them

but there’s something still in the heart

they hear the law saying lay aside you

be setting

sin the wages of sin is death hear the

conscience screaming

you hear God’s word saying lay aside

your besetting sin here comes the law

demanding obedience here comes the


condemning and you say I want I am bound

and yet there’s no power there there’s

no strength to break it because you keep

going back and back and making God

promises your your conscience cries the

law cries guilty condemned

now under the old Covenant absolute

obedience was demanded there was no

allowance for the slightest Disobedience

the soul that sinned the Bible said died

there was no provision for the strength

to obey under the old Covenant the law

made sin exceedingly sinful but the

Bible said it’s a school Master you see

you can go to school the teacher can

teach you but he cannot impart the power

for you to learn that’s done by

experience that’s done by everyday walk

making it work into your very being

taking those lessons and applying them

to the life the Bible makes it very

clear you you say well brother Dave why

would God demand perfect obedience and

they not give power to comply to his

Commandments the Bible makes it very

clear that that God had a purpose he had

to bring man to the place where he

realized he had no power in

himself no power to deliver himself it

took God over 400

years to teach Israel that they couldn’t

be their own savior that he had to have

a redeemer that had to have God come and


them 400 years before they could

learn that they couldn’t break the power

of their slave masters in their own will

and their own strength it took got 400

years to teach it and it took God

centuries right up to the time of

prophet Zachariah to teach the

Israelites and the old Covenant people

under the old Covenant it took God

hundreds of years to bring the people to

believe that his Redeemer was needed out


Zion that he wanted to be a wall of fire

round about them that all of these

little walls they were building were

come tumbling down and they couldn’t

depend on those walls that they needed

total dependence on the heavenly father

that he’ the fire around them and the


therein and some people still have not

learned that lesson they’re still under

the law they’re still striving making

promises I call it the can do man you’ve

heard me preach it I can do it give me a

few more

tapes few more

seminars somewhere I’m going to Rally


strength somehow maybe God will allow

some little thing in my life that’ll

shake me up maybe through providential

slight we don’t want a big Jud we want a

little judgment just a

nudge said no no no

no God had to bring man to the place

where he had to cry out I am

hopeless helpless as a

baby I have no place to turn it’s to

drive us to the cross driv


hallelujah now to you who are sitting

here this morning

saying hallelujah this sermon doesn’t

belong to

me because you see I don’t I’m not a

homosexual I’m not lesbian I don’t drink

I don’t smoke I don’t curse I don’t for

I’m not having a secret affair there’s

no fornication I feel pretty good so far

I’m going to settle down and enjoy

this you couldn’t be more

mistaken when the word says lust

conceives and it brings forth it’s

talking about a

womb only a womb conceives only a womb

brings forth let me tell you something

every sin you commit is born in the womb

of lust and that womb is in here no man

sins except it comes from the womb of

his own lust

hear me please and it and it say no two

babies are alike no two lusts are alike

Your Lust may be different than mine but

there is a lust in us that is always

striving against the Holy Ghost because

the Holy Ghost see the Holy Ghost is not

interested in dealing with particular

sins he’s going for the womb he goes to

the womb that’s the power of the Holy

Ghost he goes to the seat the WB the

thing that conceives

it but you say well I I I’m not

conceiving that oh listen the Holy Ghost

is always going down into the gut of

that womb down into the center of that

womb and killing the seed the first

thought but what what about I don’t know

what is being conceived in your heart

but I’m going to tell you we we wink at

some of the things that God doesn’t wink

about at all they come right out of the

womb of lust just as much as pornography

or any other lust that has to do with

seeking the Praises of

men man pleasing a drive for Power

Authority the need to be revered by our

peers roving eyes evil

imagination you can be proud of who you

are in

Christ to the point that it’s

sin you can be proud of your prayer life

until it’s

boasting you can be guilty of the sin of

coveting position you can be proud of

your spiritual knowledge or your

spiritual Roots you can be guilty of

seeing yourself as a humble kind

teachable person when you’re reading

not I learned that the hard way in the

past few years God the Holy Ghost really

been dealing with me I look back over my

past life and my Ministry I started

preaching when I was a

teenager and and over 50 years of

preaching you know I look back and the

Holy Ghost in in past months I’ve had to

weep in the presence of God now I know

Paul it’s Paul gave his good advice for

getting those things that are

behind but sometimes I I have to examine

myself as the scripture says and see

where I’m at now compared to where I

used to be and I I I was blessed I I

would be preaching in uh Ro Albert Hall

in London to thousands and all over the

world and I would I would go to

conferences and ministers conference and

I always usually the main speaker and I

I would I I I thought I was probably one

of the most was humble non

assuming I wasn’t impressed by people or

big shots and I would walk in you know

poor little David and I never smiled I

had CU I I was too anointed to

smile I had this sense of being destined

Destiny hanging over my head

folks I won’t take back anything God did

he used

me but I look back now and I know he

used me only by his Mercy because I

wasn’t what I thought I was and only

looking back now with a little bit of

wisdom do I know what I was I was

cocky I mouthed off there were things

that I look back now and I see that make

me grieve inside and I have to listen to

Paul forget it otherwise it would bring

me down I I’d be in Despair and I hope

he’s teaching me those lesson but you

see there’s so many things hidden in us

and until the Holy Ghost turns the light

on we don’t see them we can sit in a

meeting like this and say well well I

I’m just fine everything’s fine and yet

still have some Sodom burning in our

very spiritual

being I got to move on

the Holy Spirit has shown me three

Covenant truths in this Old Testament

type and I want to show them to you and

I believe these are the three secrets to

getting out of Sodom and getting Sodom

out of you and I speak to myself first

of all if you listen to these three

Covenant truths I promise you you’re you

can be free you can be free this morning

you can walk out of this church this

morning no more Bound by the court of

any sin I don’t care if you what it is

pornography as I told you I’ve had

pastors back here asked me to pray for

them about pornography and have a

briefcase with them and I knew it’s full

of pornography they ask me to pray for

me full of pornography I tell I got

something here you’ll lay down that

briefcase you want to be free all right

number one follow me very closely we

have got to take god seriously that he’s

determined to burn all of Sodom out of

us God is serious about our

sin there Comes A Time When God says


enough you’ve got to come to this place

Genesis 1820 The Cry of their sin The

Cry of Sodom had come up before him

because the sin had been very Grievous

in the eyes of the Lord and now listen

to me please you can never be delivered

from your besetting sin from habit from

any lust you cannot be delivered until

you come to this agreement with God

you’ve got to see as God does my sin has

come up before high heaven my sin is

Grievous before a holy God you’ve got to

come to that you can’t explain it away

you can’t excuse it you face the reality

my sin is an Abomination to

God my sin is reached high heaven and it

Grieves the Holy

Ghost you’ve got to come to a place

where you say this thing that is in me

born out of my own lust if I keep

yielding to this temptation it’s going

to cost me my life and that was the

warning get out before you’re consumed

with this

iniquity lot did not take These Warnings

seriously he was warned arise get out of

this place let thou be consumed in the

iniquity of this

city beloved we love to hear the

preaching of mercy and Grace there has

been tremendous preaching of God’s

loving kindness from this

Pulpit we have preached from every

conceivable angle about the mercy and

the grace of God from this Pulpit I’ve

preached a lot of Mercy in this past two

years especially the loving kindness of

the Lord the grace we love to hear that

preaching in fact God spoke to Moses

when he revealed his own nature and he

said the Lord God merciful gracious long

suffering abundant in goodness and Truth

keeping Mercy for thousands forgiving

iniquity and transgressions and sin

thank God for the mercy of the Lord

where would we be without it but the

very next word listen to the very next

word and he will not by any means clear


guilty God said I will not wink at any

sin I don’t care who you are I’m not

going to wink at your sin I’m a merciful

god and I’ll be longsuffering I’ll be

merciful I’ll be patient but there’s

going to come a time that Sodom has to

burn there going to come a time that I

have reached the end of my patience with


sin now we know that lot didn’t take God

Ser God’s warning seriously because he

slept so soundly the angel had to wake


up the wondrous sons-in-laws laughed

they’re saying you don’t take it

seriously you sleep right through if you

really believed this you’d be on your

way out of here you wouldn’t be around

here you’d be gone you don’t believe it

why should we believe

it go ahead and try to witness about the

coming of Jesus but if you’re living

like Jesus is coming nobody going to

listen to

you here here is a man face to face with

the warning from God face to face with

the warning of

God it’s all

over get up this is the hour this is the

moment for deliverance you can’t sleep

on this anymore this is

it but you see lot didn’t want to be

delivered right

now it’s time to get up but he the Bible

says he lingered he lingered now I

believe in what I call Divine ultimatums

I believe this you’ll find it all

through the book Old Testament New

Testament you’ll find

it they’re they’re warned in the New

Testament Church not to grieve the Holy

Ghost and yet Anan and fire grieve and

lie the Holy Ghost and they drop dead

the ultimatums are all through the New

Testament even in the day of Grace and I

believe in this and the Divine ultimatum

comes when the Holy Ghost

recognizes that your sin is so consumed

you and so overpowered you that it’s

going to bring you to

destruction and before it destroys you

God has to come with his ultimat say

wait a minute I’m a God of Grace and I

want to deliver you I want you out of

this and I want you to have freedom and

I want you on the

mountain I want you in my presence I

want to bless you I want to favor you

but I’m telling you now and I’m telling

you that ultimatum comes through the

preaching of the word of God often it

comes through a friend who comes through

reading the book and convicted by the

Holy Ghost you read something it touches

you it’s a that pierces the marrow of


bone and the Holy Ghost is giving alats

right now the sound of my voice is

giving you an altim he does it lovingly

he’s a god of Mercy but he’s saying I

have warned you and warned you I’ve

spoken and spoken I’ve even Chast Chas

you I’ve slapped your wrist I have sent

a form of judgment to you and now I’m

telling you out of Sodom or you will

burn with

iniquity it will destroy you you’ll go

down with Sodom

how many preachers are there right now

living in deep sin who once had

anointing would give anything to a sat

in a congregation one day when a

prophetic voice said now out and been so

convicted by the holy ghost that allowed

the Holy Ghost to grip their heart but

this man’s been given that ultimatum and


lingers Steven faced the priesthood that

had been worn Time and Time Again by the

Holy Spirit and Steven said you still NE

uncircumcised in heart you do always or

continually resist the Holy Ghost as

your fathers did so do you keep on

resisting the Holy Ghost saying


Sodom is going to burn it’s all over I

want you out I want you free

Hallelujah Bible says grieve not the

holy spirit of God by which you are

sealed to the day of redemption the

Bible says in Acts 10:3 for God is no

respector of persons means God doesn’t

play favorites he’s totally impartial

impartial has to do with his blessings

and his judgments he’s totally impartial

I don’t care how much you pray you can

pray six 8 10 hours a day you you can

read your Bible through five times a

year you can you you can give your body

to be burned at the stake you can give

and help people you can do all of these

wonderful works

but if you’re not going to agree with

God about your sin if you’re going to

keep harboring this thing that God is

after to give you total freedom God

can’t really enjoy your presence and you

can’t enjoy his until you free has to do

with perfect

Fellowship God says I’m no respector

person he says I’m going to deal with

you and you’ve got to come to that place

folks we we have a whole generation that

is running everywhere wanting to hear a

mercy message a Grace message yes God is

merciful I thank God for that in fact

you can’t understand the the power of

God and the glory of the New Covenant

tell you understand mercy and Grace

thank God for his grace but there comes

the time God says you’re going to have

to agree with me about what I see in you

just reach my

heart I see it and it Grieves me and if

I let you go on it’s going to kill you

so you better hear me and he sends the

Holy Ghost and gives the older maum that

many of you very quietly powerfully

receiving from a loving Pastor right now

God saw what you did last night he saw

what you did last week he knows what has

your heart and he said I want you free I

want you with me on the

mountain and if you allow the Holy Ghost

to deal with that you’ve taken your

first step toward

Freedom you have taken your most

important step to toward freedom because

you’re no longer taking sin

lightly number two stop trying to make a

deal with your

sin lot tried and

failed he tried to delay his moment of

Deliverance he tried to delay his

escape from Sodom you see the sodomites

surrounded lot’s

house they’re pounding on the door

trying to force entrance

they screaming obscenities evidently lot

uh was a judge sitting at the gate

because I said you would come here and

be a

judge he he probably had tried to set an

example and they are knocking on the

door saying send those men out to us and

for the purpose ready to sodomize

them lot goes out the

door and tries to make a bargain he

tries to deal he tries to make a deal

and here’s the deal he said look you

know I’m a man of hospitality that’s his

reputation you know I’ve been Hospital

among you I’ve been very hospital I’ve

got two men that are visiting here and I

I want them to enjoy our hospitality and

I’ve got two daughters I tell you what

I’ll send them out to you you do with

them what you please now this man is

he’s no dummy he knows they’re gay he

not going to touch the

daughters he’s figuring they’ll go out

and party tonight they he these are

sodomites they don’t

want heterosexual sex they want

homosexual sex so he’s he’s trying to

expulse one sin with another that he

thinks more powerful he’s trying to

drive out one sin with another he’s

going to drive out a homosexual sin with

a heterosexual sin it’s like a pastor

who wants to conf finded to me years ago

he was having an affair and he said

purposely he set out to find somebody

else because he was so hooked on this

woman find somebody out we less of a

problem easier for him to break away so

he brought in another woman to drive out

this other

woman you can’t make a deal with your

sin you can’t make a bargain you can’t

put borders because every time you say

this far no further it spills over its

border you cannot put borders you can’t

put limits on sin it always breaks out

of its

borders and he is thinking as well now

wait a minute they’ll go out no party my

daughter will come home unscathed

tomorrow and and these angels will see

sodom’s not so bad after all his

reputation is going to be intact his

Hospitality man and he still gets

Sodom and that’s what a lot of people

would like they would like to have the

mercy and he’s thinking God is a god of

Mercy I know he sent AB he delivered me

once he’ll deliver me again he saved

Sodom once he’ll save Sodom

again and how many times have you been

brought through it God in his Mercy

forgave you came the blessing of God the

anointing Came Upon you right in the

meeting God’s still with me ask Samson


it how many times did he flirt before

suddenly the spirit had

gone you can’t make a deal with your

sin you can’t bargain with it

you know my friend the great prophet

Leonard Raven Hill wrote a book called

Sodom had no Bible that’s true I agree

with that but Sodom had something else

Sodom had one of the most powerful

sermons ever preached to

mankind Sodom had an example very few

people have ever had they saw a holy man

a holy man walk among them and they

watched him

worship they watched him pay tithe to

MDC they had the testimony of a man who

says when they ask to reward him he says

I don’t even want to touch a shoelace


Sodom this man set an example that

should have sent shutters through lot

should have sent here’s a man who

doesn’t want to touch anything in our

society what’s wrong with us there would

there should have been conviction a

powerful sermon was preach don’t tell me

he didn’t have

gospel lot’s not ready to face reality

he’s trying to put off the time of

Reckoning he’s dragging out the Moment


Truth keeps trying to make a

deal folks I’m talking about how to get

out of your besetting sin I’m talking

about how to get out of this thing

that’s laid hold on you’ve been fighting

for so long and God says now I want you

free no deals no Bargains it has to

go no excuses anymore

no trading off one lighter sin for


sin it has to

go all right if you if you’re ready to

take those two steps right now you agree

with God that your sin is

Grievious and you’re willing to stop

making deals and excusing

it and trying

to substitute good

works to cover up your sin if you’re

at that place then you’re ready for the

most powerful New Covenant truth God has

ever given his people in the word and I

had to go in the Old Testament to find

it in the story of lot do you understand

and here’s the third thing lot never got

out of Sodom on his own he never did he

would have died in that Holocaust if

Jehovah himself hadn’t come down and

literally taken him by the hand and you

look at this confused man he’s blind

he’s confused he’s deluded by the

deceitfulness of sin and yet God says

he’s got right he’s a righteous man he

loves God and so go it’s not just

because Abram prayed because Abraham

prayed for five righteous people and he

couldn’t find 10 righteous people and he

couldn’t find

them it wasn’t just the prayers of Abram

it was the absolute mercy of

God this was a type of the New Covenant

and how God you see under the New

Covenant God demanded even more perfect

righteousness than under the

old be you holy be you perfect he

demands Holiness there’s no excuse God

doesn’t win at sin less now than ever

under the New Covenant he demands

absolutely Obed Absolut being but under

the New Covenant he gives you all the

power you need to comply to every

command every demand of the Gospel he

sends the Holy

Ghost if ye through the holy ghost do

mortify the Deeds of the flesh you shall

live through the Holy Ghost the power of

the Holy

Ghost and when he’s being led out he he

turns to the one who has him by the hand

it’s not the angel in fact he he turns

to him and says Lord don’t let send me

to the mountain I want to go to Zoar and

he calls him Lord and in the original

it’s adanah it was Jehovah supreme ruler

in Hebrew

it was Jehovah himself came down and

said I’m not going to let you die in

this Holocaust I love you your righteous

man I’ve warned you now come on and he

grabs him by the hand and pulls him

out oh Hallelujah he would have died in


Holocaust folks the Bible said while we

were without strength Christ died

without an ability without a will with

nothing Christ died for us

then oh folks all you have to do is say

I hate my sin all you have to do is say

oh God I Want to Be Free oh God no more

excuses I agree with you Lord my Sinners

reached high heaven and turn to him with

all of your heart say Lord I’ve had

enough this lingering and and flirting

and playing around now holy ghost come

give me your word Holy Ghost come take

me out I promise you he’ll come he will

come and deliver you


Hallelujah this


is still not

ready to be alone with God because you

see it’s on the mountain he said escape

to the

mountain you know the mountain is where

Peter James and John saw Christ


you know that the mountain represents

the presence of God and the glory of God

Jesus went to the mountains to pray I’ll

look to the hills the mountains from

when cometh my help great is the Lord

and greatly be praised in the mountain

of his Holiness Isaiah said come you let

us go up to the mountain of the Lord for

there he will teach us his ways and then

we’ll walk in his paths to the mountain

but this man is not ready for the

presence of God yet and he says send me

to Zo and God God in his Mercy lets him

go to zor his wife looks

back his wife looks back God says if you

want Deliverance if you want to be

free the

moment my spirit comes upon you and I’m

bringing you out of this you’re sensing

the freedom and you’re knowing in your

heart that he’s delivered you the

desires are leaving New Hope is arising

faith is

coming and and let Let Me Take You Now

into the New Testament type that’s the

Old Testament type now let me take you I

want you go to Second Peter before I

close I want you go to Second Peter the

first chapter now we’ll see it in the

New Testament and this is what I didn’t

understand until I went into the Old

Testament second Peter first chapter


right here we go verse three and four

according as his divine power had given

unto us all things that pertain unto

life and godliness through the knowledge

of him that has called us to glory and

virtue whereby are given unto us

exceeding great and precious promises

that by these you might be partakers of

the divine nature having what escaped

where we’re talking about escaping Sodom

escaping the corruption that is in the

world through

lust all right look at me please let me

try to in next two or three minutes just

boil this down to the simple truth you

see you can’t understand that until you

go to the Old Testament you see it in

lot you see it in Jehovah coming down

and taking him out now listen to you

want out where is the secret where is

the power to get out the Bible makes it

very clear right here and now that it’s

truth that sets us free the Bible says

his divine power was given to them

through that produced life and

godliness they were able to break the

power of sin through great and precious

promises administered by the Holy Ghost

anointed by the Holy Ghost folks here is

where the faith comes from by hearing

the word of God not just by reading it B

praying God give me an understanding you

go to these great and precious promises

go to the New Covenant God says I’ll

take the heart is Stone out of you and

I’ll give you a new heart I’ll be a God

to you I’ll be merciful to your

iniquities but he said I’ll be a God to

you you’ll be a people to me and folks

when I hear God say I’ll be God to you

that means that He sent Jesus with all

the godhood in him everything I need for

godliness and Holiness and to walk free

from sin is in Jesus Christ my Lord and

I I get it by faith standing on his


God said I will deliver you I’ll keep

you from iniquity I’ll keep you from

falling I’ll present you faultless

before the Throne of God with exceeding

great joy I will do it I will do

it if you will lay hold of my word you

see the Ang the Jehovah had to lay hold

on him and pull him out the Bible said

Jehovah Lord laid hold on him and pulled

him out these promises have to lay hold

of you they you have to allow them to

lay hold of you and say God I’m going to

search your word I do that every day I

search the word for his promises of

keeping his promises of blessing his

promises of fulfillment of fullness I

lay hold of that say God I’m going to

risk my life I Lay My Life on this I

stand on your Living

Word you get the word in your heart he

said you’ll not sin against him you lay

hold of these promises and let them lay

hold of you and they will lead you out

of Sodom

simple enough nothing complicated about

it flee from Sodom arise flee stop

lingering run to the mountain oh he

finally made it there but because he

took uh a detour you know what happened

on that

mountain something worse than

Sodom happened on that mountain because

this man

this man though delivered would not move

on to the fullness of

God folks God wants us be in his the

fullness of Christ where there’s joy you

know something the joy that breaks out

when you’re free from the power of sin

and you’ve allowed the Holy Ghost to go

into that womb of

lust and

literally sweep it out so God go right

into the womb of my

lust lay hold of everything that’s


you take every cobweb take every black

stone take everything that’s in me take

it out I lay it open before you and

folks automatically The Joy will break

out in your life it’s unbelievable

that’s when spontaneous Joy you can

always tell when you go to a church

where people are getting free because

the joy is not Fain it’s not fake it’s a

genuine joy in God that you you can’t

describe there’s just the hand clapping

is real the praising is real everything

is real the smile is real the fellowship

is real because there’s no sin I I told

with this I close I told a pastor

recently of going to a friend’s church

and and and this dear friend of mine had

lost the anointing a number of years

before large church and and as soon as I

walked in he was surrounded by Elders

that were I had no other word but

sleazy everybody around now we’re un

godly people the choir director I I felt

my wife and I were there and I said

honey I I I’m suffocating I’m hurting I

feel like dying inside we found out

later he was a

homosexual he would had to be dismissed

from the ministry but you see the people

were trying so hard but it was empty the

singing was shallow the life was gone it

was death even though it was loud it was

dead because there was sin in the camp

God loves you he wants you to be free he

wants you to be free today today is your

red letter day and say God I agree with

you I’ve received my loving Divine

ultimatum Lord Jesus I want to come and

lay it at your feet I

resign I lay it

down God take me by the hand let these

promises lay hold of me you promis me

Lord that that if I would repent of this

I turn to you with all my heart and turn

to your word you’ll lead me out will you


please now I know this kind of preaching

won’t make you shout right now it’ll

should get a shout in you

later it’ll put a shout in you


Hallelujah we preach like this because

we have to give an account of your

soul I have to give an account I’m going

to be judge what I preached here this

morning oh yes that makes me tremble I’m

going to answer God will replay this

message before his throne on Judgment

Day if if I don’t live what I

preach God’s dealing with me he dealt

with me through his word he’s dealing


you there need to be a full confession

Lord Jesus examine My Heart Holy Spirit

do that right now don’t let anybody turn

the search light away from them Lord

anyone that loves you should be praying

right now holy ghost turn on me holy

ghost look into my heart is there

anything of Pride ambition self roving

eyes any of these things that displease

you Holy

Spirit go into the womb of our lust go

into the womb Lord and cleanse it

Hallelujah deal with it Lord and bring

Victory because you do love your your

people you love them so much that you’ll

bring loving reproof and you will come

with a Divine ultimatum but that

ultimatum is meant to deliver from


Hallelujah wherever you’re at in this

house if the Holy Spirit I don’t care if

it’s in a choir I don’t care if it’s

here Upstairs Downstairs in the L

rotunda behind stage wherever you’re

seeing me now don’t come unless a spirit

draws you but if God nobody needs to

know why you come that’s the work of the

Holy Spirit Spirit that’s his business

nobody going to ask you any questions or

say anything to you you feel the drawing

of the Holy Ghost you come down here but

you come down here to agree with

God today is my day of Deliverance today

this can’t be put off another hour Lord

I want to be free today I come I

acknowledge my sin I want to be free I

want to be free coming close going to be

a lot of people coming up in the Cho up

upstairs go to either side exits on

either side and come down enjoy folks

going to to move real close move in

tight if you will please you here move

in tight God bless you if you’ve come to

the place where you’re just tired of

fighting the battle yourself if you’re

at the place where say I have tried and

tried and I have not been successful I

failed God in every promise I’ve

made I’m

tired I don’t know where to go I don’t

know what to do that’s

good you come to him then the law has

fulfilled its

work you’ve seen the exceeding

sinfulness of sin by the power of the

Holy Ghost and his word and you’ve seen

how utterly impossible like a little

baby in its mother’s arms you can’t feed

yourself you can’t protect

yourself you just have to rest in the

arms and I’m telling you now that’s

where God wants to bring you where you

realize that there is nothing good in

you there’s nothing that merits his

Mercy it’s absolute mercy and Grace and

loving kindness of Our Lord God says I

see what you’re going through if you’ll

come and lay this to me now if you agree

that your sin has grieved the Holy Ghost

you agree right now that you can’t

continue in it and let let that grip you

if I go on I’m going to be judged yes

you will if I go on it’s going to cost

me everything and that’s

true look I can’t pray for you until you

come to that place or I’m going to offer

you false

Comfort I can’t offer you comfort I

can’t offer myself Comfort till I know

that my sin’s going to be

judged but if I go on with it especially

after you’ve received the light then

there’s a Darkness settles in and a

Hardness of Heart that then finally you

can hear any message you can sit through

a message like this and be totally

unmoved totally unmoved and say well I

know where I am with God and that’s it

and that’s and it’s going in your sin

and god’ll let you

go because you’ve hardened your

heart but if you agree right now see I

don’t want you just screaming because

it’s going to cover up the

conviction I want you to look at it now

and say Lord I know you’ve seen my sin

and just grieved you and now it Grieves

me because I’m hurting you and I want to

be free Holy Spirit I come to your word

and I come to your promises you said if

I confess this sin now I acknowledge

that it’s grieved you and I come this

place where I’m not going to make any

deals and no Bargains about it this is

it Lord I heard you take my sin I’m

ready and if you’re not ready say Lord

make me ready and if you have that

hunger just that little desire if he

sees that desire he’ll come he’ll pull


hallelujah holy spirit I’m ask you right

now to let this go deep into all of our

hearts go deep into my heart Holy Ghost

show me your hatred for my sin you love

me but you hate my sin God you know what

sin would do to me what do to all of us

is going to bring

chaos and a burning a scorching

Lord is going to cost us for some it

cost marriages it cost homes it cost

everything they have and even their soul

for some

God I want you to pray this prayer with


Jesus I see my sin I see my as Grievious

to you gri I’ve sinned against you s

against I’ve held on to

something that you want me to let go you

want so that I can be free

that I can enjoy your

presence and have full fellowship with

you I know it now I know I heard the

ultimatum I receive it I receive it Lord

Jesus Jes I can’t get the victory as

I’ve tried in the past In My Own

Strength or my striving or my promises I

turn now by Faith by faith to your

promises your promis I did deny my

promises I’ll make you no more promises

but I’ll turn to your promises and I’ll

Trust those promises that you’ll give me

a new heart you give me a new heart that

you’ll take me to the mountain you take

me to the m you’ll draw me into your

presence and you will teach me you will

teach how to get Victory how to and walk

in Freedom walk in fre and you’ll put a

wall around me and you’ll be my glory

glory you’ll drive out this sin

by your word word anointed by the

spirit I confess my

sin I lay it at your feet I lay at your

feet you promised me you promised that

you would keep me from falling keep you

promised me that you be a God to me You’

be merciful to my

sins and you will lead me you will lead

me give me a heart give me a heart

that’s like your heart like

in Jesus name Jesus I thank you and I

Praise You Now lift your hands and thank

him with your own voice give lift your

hands and praise Lord I praise you I

thank you I come to you Lord by Grace I

come to you now in faith believ in you

with all my heart listen to me now

you’ve got to release your faith God

heard you his his sacrifice wasn’t in

vain his blood wasn’t shed in vain it

was shed for just this moment

Hallelujah can you say right now say

with me Jesus Jesus I know you love me

and you’re not mad at

me turn around to three people say God’s

not mad at you God’s not mad at you

God’s not mad at

you this is the conclusion of the
























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