David Wilkerson – Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord – Sermon

#DavidWilkerson#salvation #sorrow #rescue #heart #faith #truth | Must Hear – Like 👍 & Subscribe – ‪@ahavajerusalem‬ *If you have a need or know someone who has a need please email us. – [email protected] About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #viral #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons God helps those who can’t help themselves. He is longing to see his people trust him fully in their times of trouble. In this sermon, David Wilkerson examines the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness and their struggle to trust God to lead and protect them. Modern day believers wrestle with unbelief in the same ways that the ancient Israelites did, and we have lessons to learn from their relationship with the Lord. David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade. In 1987, David Wilkerson returned to “the crossroads of the world” to establish Times Square Church. As a pastor of the church, he faithfully led this congregation, delivering powerful biblical messages that encourage righteous living and complete reliance on God. David Wilkerson had a strong burden to encourage and strengthen pastors throughout the world. From 1999 to 2008, he traveled around the globe holding conferences for Christian ministers. Posted with written permission of Time Square Church Copyright © 2016 Times Square Church, 1657 Broadway, New York, NY, 10019, USA. T: (212) 541-6300 F: (212) 541-6415 Used with permission granted by World Challenge, P. O. Box 260, Lindale, TX 75771 USA.

stand still and see the salvation of the

Lord what would you think are the most

uh two most common words that Christian

use when they’re in a panic or in a

crisis do

something do something

lord it’s absolutely against human

nature to stand still and do nothing

when there’s a crisis and there’s

trouble and difficulty on all hands and

probably the most difficult thing for

even Christians is to stand still and

wait for God to act to stand still to

see the salvation of the Lord even the

most devoted of Christians panic when

God doesn’t move according to their time

schedule we’re always giving God

dates we’re always giving them a time

limit Lord if you don’t do it by now or

by tomorrow or by next week it’s too

late God Is Never Too Late

and he going to do it not on your

schedule not on mine he going to do it

on his own

schedule but God is always and has

always been searching the Earth for

those who will trust him in their crisis

and every trial and especially when it


hopeless and he will lead us listen

closely he will lead us into situations

that are alarming that are critical that

seem hopeless to test us

devil has nothing to do with it at all

it’s God leading into the crisis the

Bible States very clearly the steps of a

good man are ordered by the Lord Psalms

37:23 and that in Hebrew is pre-arranged

step by step fixed ordained by God I’m

going to tell you something I believe

that every step that I take is

prearranged by my

father every step that I take is ordered

by the Lord now if I believe that if I’m

in a crisis if I’m in a very very

difficult situation he’s led me there

because he doesn’t stop for a moment

while he he says well you’re about to go

into a trial I I direct you up to this

point you’re on your own now he directs

me into it through it and out of it the

steps of a good man and we are good only

by the blood of Jesus anyhow there’s no

goodness in us a good man made righteous

through the blood of Jesus Christ is her

steps ordered by the Lord God’s word is

filled with examples of this and by the

way that’s hard to accept think about it

for a minut it’s very very hard to

accept this concept that the the most

difficult critical times in your life

have been pre-arranged by the Lord that

there are his doing and folks when you

begin to see that and accept it and

understand it then you’re halfway

through your problem and we’re going to

hopefully get into this so that it’ll


you the Lord the Lord will will lead us

into these situations because he saying

will you finally I’m going to let you go

into one of the most hopeless situations

you’ve ever been in are you going to be

one of those I’ve been searching for

that will not panic will not accuse me

of abandoning you will not accuse me of

ignoring you will not accuse me of

hurting you and you will stand before

all men and believe me and trust me

he will allow these things to happen to

to to produce that kind of faith for the

one that he’s searching for to be an

example and testimony in this faithless


age and God’s word’s filled with a

tremendous alarming crisis after crisis

that God pre-arranged you you see it in

the scripture especially at the Red Sea

this is completely arranged by God

Pharaoh had nothing to do with that the

devil had nothing to do with it in fact

the Lord says you go and Camp he’s he’s

directing Moses you go and Camp between

mdo and the Sea before piroth and he he

says you camp there now he put them in a

situation between two mountain passes

and a sea and a Wilderness behind them

and then he arranges for Pharaoh’s Army

to come pressing in on the only way of

Escape God quarters his people he led

them into this situation now folks I

want you to think about it God could

have pre-arranged at any moment to knock

off those chariot wheels now he waited

until they got into the sea in dry land

before he knocked off the wheels he

could have done that way out in the

wilderness and Stranded that Army and

starved them to

death that that cloud that went behind

the camp to protect them when they’re

going through the sea the Lord could

have moved that cloud when the Army came

out when pharaoh and his army came out

of Egypt he could have done that right

out outside the Egyptian camp and he

could have let them run in confusion for

days in that cloud God could have done

it but God says no I there’s a crisis

two things I want to accomplish here the

first thing is he doesn’t want Israel he

doesn’t want the children of Israel be

looking back over their shoulder all

through the Wilderness thinking that

somehow they’re going to build rafts or

boats and get across and they’re going

to get them God said I’m going to

annihilate them I’m going to threw them

across the the the shoreline and you’re

going to see everything one of your

enemies dead so that you’ll know that I

have the power and all of Egypt and the

whole world will know and the devil will

know who’s

boss and then he says I’m going to put

you in this situation to test

you you say well how do you know that

this was a pre-arranged test because God

said so God said so very clearly in his

word thou shalt remember all the way the

Lord thy God LED thee to Humble thee to

test thee to know what was in your heart

heart all the way the Lord has led you

not the devil all the way the Lord has L

you and he’s talking about this very

episode being led by the into the Red

Sea the scripture further says that he

might prove thee to do the good at the

latter end God says I’m after something

in you I’m trying to bring you into a

situation where you can practice faith

I’m putting you in a situation that only

faith can bring you out only faith only

absolute trust in me will ever get you

out he humbled thee he allowed thee to

hunger in other words God says I gave

you hard places I give you hungering

places thirsting places I gave you

places that were alarming terrorizing

situations to test you to see if you had

a trusting heart or

not now this situation gets so alarming

now these these these mountains pass

these mountains on each side are bare

mountains there no caves and no trees

there’s no place to hide

you they could have run up over those

Hills but the Egyptian Army would find

them on the Hills they would chase them

everywhere because they were exposed and

what are you going to do when you run to

the hills you got no water you have no

food you would starve to death there’s

the sea in front of them they can’t go

into the sea and here’s the Army behind

them absolutely impossible situation and

the scripture says and Israel lifted up

their eyes and behold the Egyptians

marched after them and they were sore

afraid and they Cried unto the

Lord now Place yourself in their shoes

you you have your children around you

you’ve got your grandma your grandpa and

some relatives and friends around you

and here you are and you hear the

rattling of the chariot wheels you hear

the Sabers being sharpened and you hear

the growl of these soldiers bent on

killing their bloodthirst

now God moved on pharaoh to come God

moved on the captives of those armies to

go after blood this was all the work of

God’s spirit bringing them into this

scene all pre-arranged by God and you

the scripture said they were so afraid

so would you have been I would have been

afraid you see God’s not afraid of that

flush of human fear that comes when

you’re suddenly in a crisis God’s

patient with that that’s not what he’s

talking about in fact he would have

endured a prayer that went something

like this oh God look at the situation

and look at my children I I I’m afraid

Lord that I I I know that they’re

bloodthirsty there seems to be no way

out but Lord you delivered us out of

Egypt you delivered us from the death

angel all those plagues on each if you

didn’t touch us if they would have just

looked back and if they would have just

settled their spirit and said oh God it

looks hopeless and I’m afraid God would

have endured that God would have God

would have have blessed he would have

accepted that because they said even

though we’re afraid Lord we commit Our

Lives into your

hand Lord we know that you have the

power so we commit ourselves to you God

God will endure that kind of fear that

that that flush of fear that there of

human nature itself when you’re in a

crisis God

knows God God knew that this was going

to be a frightening experience God’s not

a hard task master he knew they were

going to be scared to death and he was

not trying to scare his people he’s he’s

trying to put them in a situation where

they will prove to the whole world that

God has a people that really trust in

his power trust in his might trust in

him alone to

deliver and listen to their cry this

this is not the Cry of Faith were there

no graves in Egypt they’re crying out to

God the Bible said they were so afraid

they cried out to the Lord here’s what

they cried they weren’t crying in faith

they said were there no graves in Egypt

this is tongue and cheek th this this is

almost uh

Blasphemous were there no Graves God in

Egypt that you brought us out into this

Wilderness to die better to serve the

Egyptians than to die in this

Wilderness how many of you sitting here

tonight have been led by God into a very

difficult situation maybe the most

difficult in the history of your walk

with God you sit in this church

tonight saying Lord I’m in a

situation that humanly is

impossible I’m in the crisis of my

life folks there’s probably hundreds

here in this service tonight you can’t

tell what’s going on in the person next

to you you don’t know the

battle I’ll tell you what if everybody

in this church were able to project on

the screen we had here through your

eyeballs you were able that those were

those were projectors you could project

what you’re going through I don’t think

within I think within an hour we’d all

be on our faces weeping if we understood

the burdens and the crisis and the

battles and the hardships that many of

you are facing right

now but if you really believe that your

steps are ordered by the Lord then

you’ve got to accept the fact that he

has a purpose in this he’s testing you

he’s going to try you to see what’s in

your heart there’s no question about it


mind so what do you do when you’re

brought into a a critical place what do

you do when it appears hopeless there’s

no visible

Escape when you’re overcome with fear

and you you you have a feeling that

everything’s coming down everything’s


down you don’t know where to turn

there’s really nobody you can talk to

because nobody really understands the

depth and you can’t explain it

anyhow and if no one there to get you

out of your trouble no human

being and Moses said unto the

people fear

not now here’s how they got out of their

their crisis here here’s God’s answer to

that question of just given you and

Moses said unto the people fear not

stand still and see the salvation of the

Lord the Lord shall fight for you you

shall hold your peace

fear not stand still see the salvation

of the Lord now he’s saying to them he’s

saying to me he’s saying to you he’s

saying to all of us the first matter to

deal with is your

fear that’s the first thing you have to

deal with before you get Victory and

deliverance they were given a promise in

fact when God God said Don’t Fear he

immediately gives him a promise that

should chase away that fear he says

God’s going to save you he’s going to

fight for you so Steal Your Heart with

this promise in other words let this

word God says I’m going to deliver you

I’m going to save

you let that be your strength let that

truth my promise drive out that

fear fear absolutely destroys


faith not only is fear of Torment it’s

destructive of every semblance of faith

in your soul

Soul God has commanded us to take his

word he’s commanded us to take the

Everlasting Covenant promises and deal

with our

fears to deal with our

fears folks there there’s some of you

have carried this burden and this

bondage of fear for so long and you sit

here tonight and I promise you God wants

to deliver you in this service he

doesn’t want you to walk out the way you

came in tonight

Hallelujah you can never go on to hear

God’s clear voice of

direction or the out from the scripture

or anything else until first you allow

the Holy Ghost to deal with your fear

let me apply the New Covenant to what

I’m I’m trying to say to you tonight

let’s talk about bondage to sin if you

sit here tonight and you have a

besetting sin you have a

life-controlling habit you may have

walked in here tonight unsaved or

backslid and you’ve run from the Lord or

you may be one who served the Lord for a

time and here you are the Pharaoh in

your life is not the Pharaoh of this

story the Pharaoh in your life is the

Devil Himself and the Army are the

hordes of demonic spirits and lying

spirits that come against you saying

that you’re going down you’re not going

to make it you’re going to be destroyed

you can hear the rattling of the chains

of the devil trying to come and put the

chains back on your arm back on your

hands and destroy

you how you you going to get out and

folks when you when you see how helpless

Israel is look at them absolutely

helpless you begin to see the condition

of our flesh how absolutely helpless we

are to fight the battle you are no match

for the devil in your life you’re no

match for The Temptations that come to

you you’re no match for the problem that

you’re in you’re no match for it you

can’t figure it out you can’t think your

way out of it and there no human being

that’s going to deliver you and folks

when you want to try to understand the

helplessness of the flesh how our

inability how unable we are through any

of our power or the flesh look at the

children of is they are absolutely

helpless and folks when we get into a

battle with the flesh when the enemy

comes in like a flood the first you

reaction of the flesh is to do something

make a

promise go

hide and so we sin confess sin confess

we run to counselors we run to

friends we weep we cry we pray we scream

we do everything but

trust we do everything but stand still

to see the salvation of the lord we

don’t do

it now

folks can you imagine how many of the

Israelites would have lasted if they

said well wait a minute uh I’m not going

to go through this I I’m going go back

to my taskmasters and they they walk

through the cloud and and they they they

surrender and and they’ve got a white

flag and they say I surrender I’m coming

back do you know how many of them would

have lasted they would have been killed

on the

spot because the enemy is bloodthirsty

now the enemy is out to destroy the

devil’s a killer he’s a murderer he’s a

destroyer you don’t ever go

back and have your life spared you can’t

go back to your life your fellas that

were on drugs and alcohol the girls here

from Sarah house and no way of going

back not one of them would have been

spared they could have deserted the

Lord’s people they could have gone back

I’m going back and get

spared some of you think well I’m going

to go back and I’ll get spared all this

problem all this spiritual

warfare all I had to do when I was in

sin get enough money for a fix all I had

to do is have enough money for a drink I

had it easy now I got to battle the

devil and all the hearts of hell

I’m going

back no you’re not you go back you’re

dead you are

dead there is no going

back in the Old Testament in so many

ways so many examples the Lord is

showing us how weak we are how helpless

we are that that’s that’s the old man

that’s the old man he’s helpless he

can’t fight

the new man is simply the man who’s

totally completely living a committed

submitted life in the hands of God he’s

trusting everything into the hands of

the Lord he knows he’s helpless he knows

there’s no way out humanly anything that

he can do in his own strength and his


power I believe God by his Spirit saves

and delivers his people and he he he

eventually brings very clear Direction

he said eventually you’re going to hear

word behind you saying this is the way

walk you in it and most of the time it’s

going to come from the scripture

itself there’s a dear saint of God she

she was going through a great trial and

she said Lord you got to speak to me

she’s waiting for an in voice and Lord

all all she got was read and she opens

her Bible and says fear not for I’m with

you I’ll never leave you never forsake

you that’s all she needed it was the

word of the Lord and eventually the word

the Lord will give you a passage he’ll

give you a scripture and it will be the

key to your

deliverance but before you ever hear the

spirit’s voice of direction there’s

something God expects of us something he

requires of us and it’s this matter I’m

talking about this matter of standing

still and waiting on the Lord to act now

this is not a suggestion this is a

commandment he’s not suggesting you be

still in your crisis he’s commanding you

to be still

none of his Commandments are

suggestions God commanded the people to

stand still on many occasions you all

through the scripture in Joshua 3:8 this

is another Crossing that the Jordan now

God commanded when you are come to the

brink of the water of Jordan you shall

stand still in the Jordan and as soon as

the souls of the priest shall rest in

the water of Jordan the water shall be

cut off and stand in a heat now now get

that he said you go into the water and

you stand and rest

rest and you know what that word means

stop all your activity cease from your

striving is what it means in Hebrew you

go into the water and you cease from all

your efforts all your striving you put

your feet in the water and folks they

put their feet in the water and I’m sure

quite a while nothing happened and

little by little the ripples begin to

Ripple away and the wind began to blow

little by little it happened but the

Lord said you just stand there don’t try

to figure it out God’s doing it I told

you just go in the water stand and rest


still you see the priest standing there

and I’m moving and God is

working how many people are running

around sweating can you imagine all of

them say hey I don’t know if that’s

going to work and they get a Bucket

Brigade and they’re they’re pushing the

water and pushing

H we got Christians that are sweating to

death trying to work their way out of

their problems and they can’t do it

it’s like emptying the ocean with a Tin

Cup he

said go to the water go into the water

plant your feet and


Hallelujah he said I’ll part the

waters it was the step they’re going

into the water didn’t do it it was God

answering their

faith they did what God told them and

they rested

Hallelujah there’s a story of Samuel

after he anoints Saul as

king the city that he anointed him was

on a hill and they’re coming down the

hillside to the gate and Saul’s about to

go back to his father Kish and uh just

before he leaves Samuel makes a very

amazing statement he he turns to Saul

suddenly he says stand still a moment

this is in 1st Samuel 9:20 say stand

still a moment that I may show you the

word of God stand still that I may show

you do you want to hear the word of God

do you want to hear direction do you

want to hear from this word he

said stand still and in in this also the

Hebrew word here is stop your

striving and he saying saw I anointed

you and already your mind is going how

am I going to do what what’s got to do

when where how and he’s got a million

questions and Samuel must have seen it

in the Holy Ghost saw he this say Saul

stop your striving I’m going to give you

the word and when you and I stop our

Everlasting striving to please God in

our own power and abilities then we’re

going to hear from

God in the 20th chapter of second

chronicles remember King Jehoshaphat and

Judah are being invaded by a coalition

of armies huge Army in fact the

scripture says a multitude from Beyond

the Sea and and and the word comes that

this huge foreign Coalition of armies

are coming toward Jerusalem and Judah

and the Bible says josaphat feared and

set himself to seek the Lord and He

proclaimed to fast they began to pray

and here’s the prayer in thy hand is

there not power oh God and might so that

none is able to withstand you for we

have no might against this great company

neither know we what to do but our eyes

are fixed on you Lord we’re

afraid may I tell you again it’s not

there’s nothing evil about being afraid

you’re in a you’re in a situation you’re

afraid God understands that he he knew

when he brought you the situation he was

going to be

frightful and he’s longsuffering he’s

kind and he endures that but now they he

you you and I have got to pray the same

prayer that King Jehoshaphat said Lord

we’re afraid the enemy is coming in like

a flood we don’t know what to do we

don’t know how to go out we don’t know

how to come in but you have all the

power we need you have all the might so

we’re going to do nothing but pray and

fix our eyes on

you you remember the story they went out

to fight this great Army and God in the

middle of the night this come beated is

that a word

discombobulated that that whole army

they be to fight with one another when

they got there the dead people a dead

soldiers all over the field and all they

did was take their wagons and pick up

all the spoil and go back marching in a

great Pro procession of Victory and they

hadn’t even lifted up a

sword then came the spirit of the Lord

in the midst of the congregation and

this is the Commandment from the Holy

Spirit be not afraid of this Army don’t

be troubled for the battle is not yours

but it’s God’s

you shall not need to fight in this

battle set yourselves stand still and

see the salvation of the Lord don’t be

afraid you you know what he’s saying set

yourself take a position of faith is

what he’s saying take your position of

Faith set yourself in

faith be convinced that the battle is


Lord’s any devil that comes against you

any demon comes against you he coming

against the Jesus in you

it’s his battle it’s not yours it’s not

mine set yourself stand still take your

position you can say Lord I don’t know

what to do all folks I say that every

day every day I get

up Lord I don’t know what to do today we

got a building sitting over here and and

and we we don’t have what they call

esses to get out they trying to limit us

to 500 people a floor and we need

thousand people and I get up I don’t we

don’t know what to do we have no idea

what we’re going to do but God I know

God has the power and I know God didn’t

give us those floors over there let the

devil lock us

up so we’re just going to trust God

going to stand still and I want tell you

something we’re going to have all the

egress and Ingress any Gress we

want how many believe that I believe

that with all my

heart we’re going to stand still and see

the V salvation of the Lord the battle

is not ours it’s his

David in Psalm 46:10 he said be still

and know that I am

God and in the original Hebrew it says

cease and forsake all your striving and

acknowledge that I’m

God you say but Pastor doesn’t the Bible

say God helps those who help

themselves no it does

not that is not in the Bible

I’ve heard preachers scream God helps

those who help themselves and I said

where’d you get that Life

magazine reader

digest you didn’t get it from the

book nowhere to be

found God helps those who can’t help




H you said brother da didn’t Israel have

to take the sword at times and fight

hand toand combat on one condition yes

on one condition only after they were

shut in with God Stood Still and got


Direction I I dare you to show me any

place in the scripture like Joshua he

goes up before the battle they’re going

to do AR hand-to-hand combat but he goes

first and he waits on the Lord he’s

still until the captain of the Lord

appears and gives him detailed Direction

you’ll find it all through the

scripture you see the

picture amen now uh let me tell you what

I believe is required in this matter

standing still before the

Lord now this is not

passivity and it’s not resting on fate

it’s not trusting fate fate says well

whatever will be will be no because

Faith changes

everything this is an active faith that

rest on God’s promises it’s a ceasing

from all questioning all doubts and all


striving now let me tell you I’ve got to

get personal on this I don’t always like

to do this but sometimes the only way to

illustrate a

point one of the areas of striving in my

life and it’s been that ever since I

I’ve been a in the ministry is how to

know the voice of

God and I think that’s the struggle of

many many Christians

today how do I know it’s God when I hear

an inner voice how do I determine

whether it’s God now folks I have heard

from God I know I’m here in New York

City because I heard from

God I we we started a Teen Challenge

some born 35 years ago led by God to

come into the city from a country town

and I know what it’s like to walk in the

spirit to hear a clear word from the

Lord you see what we do we’re in a

crisis we’re in a situation there’s

there’s a critical need and we go to God

in prayer and we try to build up our

faith and I don’t know about you but I I

usually if I before I go to the Lord and

I ask him to speak to my heart and and

and give me a word give me direction I

quote all these scriptures ye uh my

sheep know my voice they hear when I

call said ‘lord that’s what you said my

sheep hear my voice they hear they hear

when you call and I quote this you shall

hear a word behind you saying this is

the way walk in it Lord I’m holding you

to the word the word is nigh thee even

in thy mouth if any man hear my

voice he will cause his glorious voice

to be heard and I’ll quote every

scripture I can

remember and I say Lord it’s written

that you speak to your people now I want

you to speak to me and then a still

Small Voice will come and and and and

suddenly you you get a great sense of

peace and calm this is God speaking and

that still Small Voice is comforting and

you go out of the prayer chamber feeling

so good I heard from God

but all too often it doesn’t happen

it doesn’t come to pass and that which

you thought was so

clear oh I I’m going to get very

very deep into your spirit on this now

and I want you to hear me please do I

believe God speaks to people yes but

when when Jesus says my sheep know my

voice they hear when I call remember

what the scripture says he’s spoken to

us in these last days by his son by his

son now the Bible said his son is the

word was with God was with God his son

speaks to us from the scripture now let

me tell you something and here’s here’s

what you and I have to deal

with I’m going to be as honest as I know

I’ve ever been in my life with any

congregation because this is vital I I I

am sick and tired of of of hearing so

many silly nonsensical foolish things

God’s supposed to be saying to

Christians you know I went to prayer God

told me God told me that it’s all right

that I leave my husband because I have a

Ministry I’ve got two kids but God told

me to leave him for 15 years I’ve heard

this some woman say God told me to do

and you couldn’t convince her I heard


voice I have heard more

stupidity and

foolishness attributed to the voice of

God and there if you’re going to be

honest with me just about everybody in

this building has walked with God you

thought you heard something it didn’t

happen you were convinced it was God

Voice come on

now no don’t don’t don’t give me that

don’t don’t say

hey I’m too old I’ve been around too

long and then comes a

cloud but Lord I wanted to do your

will Lord I I I did everything I know to

do I quoted scripture I held you to your

word I’m ready to do your will there’s

nothing there’s there’s no flaunted sin

in my life I’m under the blood Lord I

heard that clear how am I ever going to

trust the voice

again we we forget what Paul said there

are many voices in the world none

without significance we forget that

there’s a voice of the flesh there’s a

voice of of of will there’s a voice of

ambition there are thousands of voices

that scream for attention in our spirit

and our

mind many many many and all you will be

tested but I’m going to tell you

something why is should God trust you

with an inner voice when he can’t trust

you with his written

Voice come on

now when you won’t even go in

here when you are in a crisis and you’re

in a trouble you you’re saying God you

got to speak to me God said I spoke to

you my voice is loud and clear it’s been

there for the

ages why would God give you an inner

voice and talk to you in that quiet

still voice this is the still Small

Voice right here

here everything you

need the scripture says everything you

need for godliness and righteousness

every promise you need for life for

supply for every protection everything

you need is here in his revealed word he

has spoken loud and clear he screams at

us and so

we have people I have had people from

this church backstage weeping in fact

the last two or three Works weeks a

number have been back there and they

said brother Dave I I prayed about

something and God told me to do this and

I did it and it didn’t work it failed it

it just the opposite happened and I was

so sure that I heard his

voice and now there there there’s a fear

there’s uh they blame themselves well

maybe there’s something wrong with me I

don’t know how to interpret scripture

right I don’t know how to hear his voice

anymore and they’re in turmoil all the

time they’re not walking in peace and

rest in the Holy

Spirit I I I know some very Godly

ministers and friends of mine that I

know hear from God because they’ve

spoken into my life in a way that I know

only God could have spoken it and I know

they hear from God and most of those

that I’m referring to will tell you I

heard from God brother WS here’s a word

that God gave me and I know that they

they heard clearly from the Lord but

sadly those very same people that are

devoted some of the holiest people I

know on the face of this Earth that are

re are within my circle of friends and

and yet some of them are convinced that

everything they hear is a god you see

you and I are not go little

Gods you and I make

mistakes you and I are not

infallible I don’t want to tell any

Godly person in this house I don’t care

how close you are I don’t care how much

you pray you don’t always hear

it your flesh still gets in the way your

flesh still has a voice ambition is

still there are things that creep in

that pretend to be the Holy

Ghost folks I have made some major

mistakes I have misread

you said brother wison that that’s

terrible the pastor get up and confess

that he doesn’t hear all the

time I


don’t you tell me you do you come back

three months and I’ll show you where


wrong because you will have heard some

things and it didn’t happen and you just

kind of ignore it and look over it but

God doesn’t Overlook it

let me tell you

how God brought me through because this

is one of the greatest this was one of

the greatest Trials of my

life my son one of my sons just went

through it he heard something so clear

it didn’t happen the enemy tried to just

wipe him

out there others of you if you don’t

understand this if you don’t get a hold

of this tonight the devil will wipe you

out he’ll make you think that you don’t

even know the Lord that God will never

speak to

you let me tell you why this message was

so important to me stand still and see

the salvation of the Lord because that

that striving ceasing means ceasing even

from your

questioning no more why how

when you come to his Covenant where he

has made promises when God makes a

covenant it’s no longer Grace Grace is

when he makes a promise but when he

covenants in his promise becomes a

covenant when he swears it’s

legal and we have a right to stand

legally before his promises every one of

these promises he can’t back away from

them or he wouldn’t be God and he he

seals them with an oath he said I these

are promises that I cannot go back on or

I could not be

God and you look at these promises and

say Lord I’m going to stand on that no

reply necessary

no reply necessary you saywell what

about communion with the Lord all my

communion is right here in the book my

communion is worship my communion is

praise my communion is

trust that is that is true intimacy with

the Lord because you can talk about

intimacy but if you’re not trusting

him you’ve got to come the place you say

Lord if you if I never hear an inner

voice again I you gave me everything I

need you love me I love you I worship I

praise you I’m going to rest in you I’m

going to rest on your Covenant

promises no replyed needed no reply this

Lord if you never say one more word to

me I’m not you know what it me stand

still quit trying to figure out whether

you heard the right Voice or not quit

trying to measure it quit trying to

discern it I don’t discern

anymore as far as what I there are so


voices before I got to preach I heard

some evil voices coming at me literally

some evil voices coming at me the devil

trying to inject evil thoughts into my

mind to try to block the anointing and

the blessing of the holy ghost in my


tonight say well what a pastor we have

here my

goodness until you’re satisfied with

this word till you understand that this

is Jesus speaking to us in these last

days until you heard it today you heard

it twice you’re going to hear it and

hear it and hear until it becomes a part

of your life God is saying here you get

into this I will speak to you the Holy

Ghost will come upon these words and he

will anoint what he has written when he

said the Holy Ghost will remind you of

every word that I spoke Jesus says you

go here go into these red letter words

those are every word that Jesus spoke

when he was on the earth and the Bible

says the Holy Ghost will bring it he

will interpret it to you he will speak

to you through his

word you want to hear him get into your

secret closet get along with God get the

word out say oh Lord speak to me and he

will tell you how to get out he will

tell you what to do with your problems

he will tell you he will speak it that’s

still small voice behind you is right


glory to God in 2 Samuel I’m going to

close shortly 2 Samuel

3235 David he’s a dying man he said

although my house be not so with

God you know the Lord had said I’m going

to build you a sure house and I’m going

to bless you and all the world the whole

earth is going to be blessed through

your seed speaking of Christ but now

David David’s a dying man and he hasn’t

seen what God said to him come to pass

yet he he looks around he he says well

my house is not yet he said although my

house be not so with

God what he’s saying I’ve not yet seen

all the words of the Lord to me come to

pass my house is still not what it ought

to be three of my sons are dead I’ve

been given a promise that my house will

not fall he was going to make me a sure

house with firm foundations I’ve not

seen it yet but nevertheless

he has made with me an Everlasting

Covenant ordered in all things Ure and

and you know right now there’s no

Prophet speaking into David Nathan’s not

there there are no dreams There Are No

Visions there are no

voices and he’s now facing eternity and

he not listening he’s not looking for a

voice he’s not looking for a prophet

he’s not looking for somebody to

interpret anything to him he says God

gave me a covenant God made me a promise

and I go into eternity standing on that

promise I stand on that word I don’t see

everything yet but God gave me his

word for this is all my salvation and

this is all my desire he’s saying I can

face death telling you that’s all I need

I don’t need the prophet right now

there’s a time and place for that but he

says now I have his eternal promise

locked in my heart Hallelujah when

you’ve got a promise made real to you by

the Holy Ghost nobody can move you

you’ll stand tight you’ll set

yourself would you go to habac

please third

chapter you may

fail in trying to figure things out you

may fail in Discerning voices you may

fail in many areas but one thing is

always secure God said said I’m going to

be your strength you trust me and I’ll

get you out I want everybody’s got King

James read with me verses

17-19 habac chapter 3 if you have King

James read aloud with me please although

the Fig Tree shall not blossom neither

shall fruit be in the vines the labor of

the olives shall fail the field shall

yield no meat the flock shall be cut off

from the fold there shall be no herd in

the Stalls yet I will rejoice in the

Lord I will joy in the god of my

salvation the Lord God is my strength he

will make my feet like H’s feet and he

will make me to walk with my high places

to the chief singer and my string

instruments God will make me to walk in

the right path Hallelujah because I

trust him he’s going to make it right

glory be to God that’s his word that’s


promise are you ready to stand still and

stop your striving now and see the

salvation of the Lord your part and my

part is to go to him and just wait on

the Lord oh he will speak yes he will he

speak through his word to your heart and

then when you need it at the right time

when you’re fully trusting him he will

make his voice to be heard one way or

another he’ll send somebody to you he’ll

speak to you in that still small voice

of his own he will speak to you you will

you will get the word and it’ll be right

Hallelujah there’ll be no questioning

about it and it will come to pass

Hallelujah do I believe God speaks yes I

do with all my heart I I one more time

before I close and I hope you remember

as long as you

live why should God trust you with an

inner voice if he can’t trust you with

his revealed

voice keep that in

mind you go to

this learn to eat

it learn to absorb

orbit then you can go to him and say now

Lord confirm it in here hallelujah

that’s when it



















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