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165 seven Broadway New York New York one

zero zero one nine my message when God

sets his heart on you when God says it’s

hard on you I’m going to quote just one

verse you don’t need to turn there but

from Joe seven seventeen what is man Joe

said that you should magnify him that

you should set your heart upon him and

that thou shouldest visit him every

morning and try him every moment yes

even when God sets his heart on you then

he tries us every moment when God sets

his heart upon you Lord we love you

today more than we’ve ever loved you we

thank you for the victory of the Cross

and we thank you for the love that

you’ve shown us we thank you what you’ve

done in this city Lord right in the

midst of Times Square right in the

middle of all this shows in the middle

of all of the activity of this city and

the people coming here from all over the

world you have raised up a testimony

you’ve risen we’ve raised up something

of your heart Nord it’s not just been

warning has been the expression of the

love of your heart for lost man

and we pray Lord you speak to our hearts

we not forget

the kind of love this morning in

Christ’s name I pray amen in Hebrews

12:1 the Bible tells us there’s a cloud

of witnesses encircling this globe and

then the question is what are they

witnessing about and who are they

witnessing to they are witnessing to us

by their testimony what they said during

their life and what their Saints was now

while they’re glorified with Christ and

in Paradise three things I believe thee

they would witness to us and to this

generation in particular first of all

that God is still has his heart set on

saving this world he still loves mankind

I see no record in the scripture of God

forsaking the place that God is still

working and moving by his Spirit pouring

out his spirit upon all flesh that is

the first witness the second witness

that God’s heart is still set on his

church problems apostasy and all God’s

heart is still set on his church thirdly

the witness of the cloud of witnesses

would be that God has set his heart on

every child of his every single member

of the body of Jesus Christ God has set

his heart upon them let’s talk about the

witnesses of this present world we live

in a society that is Auction Sodom in

fact when you go to the prophets they

say that you have sinned

worse than Sodom and we see that option

you thought of now and we know that God

judged the world for lesson that we see

in our generation today the question is

why does God allow such infamy such

terror why does God allow the defamation

of his name this is the hardest thing

for Christians to accept how the name of

Christ is being mocked and ridiculed

especially here in the United States in

Europe not so much in South American

Africa where the Holy Spirit is moving

is such a marvelous way but here in

these gospel hardened nations we stand

back as Christian and say Lord how is it

that we’ve not been judged till this

time even secularists are asking that

question how is it that that we have

been given such prosperity we’re living

in time of great prosperity right now

the stock market is at an all-time high

and there’s great prosper in this land

and we say God not wanting judgment not

hoping for judgment but standing back

and see how far do we go in in

perversity how far do we go into the

depths of sin and how far will this

moral landslide go and continue and in

the question comes Lord why have you not

why have you allowed this to go on for

so long we see my heart and the heart of

many Christians we bleed so much over

the name of Christ we’ve read so much

how our Savior is being mocked and

ridiculed we stand back and we watch the

10 commandments being ripped right out

of our society what we see what’s

happening to our schools we see the

murder and the raping and the marriage

between same-sex marriage and all of

these things and we say oh god how long

do you allow this were you just all past

society’s wrong before this point that

we have reached now Paul the Apostle

would be one of those witness I think of

that cloud of witness and I asked I

wondered maha Paul what would you say to

us if you stood in this pulpit and I

think Paul would say I curse Christ I

was a terrorist I did it in ignorance

but God was patient with me and he is

patient with your generation because

there are many just like me who

Christ who cursed his name who did

everything to put out the name and

memory of him and this in my generation

and God had mercy upon me Jesus did laid

his coming he said he could come at any

time he delayed this coming I was

included and he is saying there are many

more apostles just like me there are

many terrorists just like me they’ve

been trained from childhood when you

think is the Islamic nations and you

think of all of those and Iran

especially in in Iraq and in Palestine

who have have been trained since it says

little children before they even speak

trained to be terror that’s all they’ve

known they have never been exposed

they’ve never come under the light of

the gospel and Paul saying I can

understand why God is the latest Christ

as the ladies coming I can understand

that because there are still more like

me he is patient with mankind

it’s patient with this world not willing

that any should perish now if I’m giving

you a very very simple message but just

to remind us of God’s great love for

this world he has not changed in his

attitude and hope for this world Peter

is in that cloud and he understands why

God is patient he said I took cursed him

I swore I never knew him and God is

withholding his coming the coming of

Jesus Christ in his patience because

there are many more just like him

he said when you look around you and

your generation you see those that

mocked Christ you see those the

disciples could could rise up in that

cloud of witnesses and say in our time

they outlawed the preaching of Christ

they called us before their counsel and

they said we we demand

that you do not even speak in his name

again they would say we were cast in

prison for preaching the name of Christ

he said you have mercy we only dreamed

of and he said you

I think the posture would say to me if I

had a one-on-one conversation with Peter

or with Paul they would say give it you

worry too much you’re too / concerning

you you fret about what you see around

you as in Europe now it the European

Council Nations is on the verge of a law

making absolutely unlawful anywhere in

the European Union to preach about

homosexuality and it can be a fine and

jail one honey Cosmo pastor was jailed

in Sweden they had to change to get to

change the law to get him out but it’s

speeding toward that and they would say

you see how the name of Christ is being

defamed you hear all of this but that’s

not new we were not allowed to preach in

the name of Jesus Christ we went to jail

we were beaten for it so we understand

that which that we understand why Christ

has not yet come because there are many

more just like us we were favoured but

God is no there’s no favoritism with God

and more and more God would say to the

Church of Jesus Christ don’t look at

these conditions you can consider the

signs you can talk about them you can

preach about the signs of the times and

about the judgment to come I preached

many messages on divine judgment and

hopefully I preached them with some

mercy and grace but you see we can’t be

focused on these things we can’t be

focused on judgment is this all there is

to God’s patience that he’s giving the

world the sitter’s more time to thin

become more gross so that he can be

avenged himself more avery against the

wicked does he allow them to jest so to

speak pile up the sins you go deeper and

deeper into poverty because that’s

what’s happening the going deeper and

deeper into immorality and gross

iniquities is that all that God is

waiting for for a more horrific judgment

upon sinners there can be no such thing

we cannot think such thoughts as

ambassadors of Jesus Christ that is not

what God is waiting for he’s not waiting

so that there could be greater judgment

upon those who sin more willfully and in

morally no you see he said he is waiting

patiently not willing that any man

should die in his sin he is a patient

god there’s nothing to do yes the Bible

said fires are reserved for the Day of

Judgment oh there’s a raging fire folks

the judgment will come in his time but

he said they’re reserved in other words

the scripture said they’re being held

back and we as Christians must ask God

and pray for the same kind of patience

and love that our heavenly father is

showing right now otherwise we would be

history right now you and I wouldn’t be

sitting here I think in that cloud I

know I see the faces this past week I’ve

been remembering the faces of all of

those drug addicts and alcoholics that

came through we’ll consider right here

in New York I think a Marion Frank

Thomas they came to us he she was

alcoholic and he was a drug addict

wasted skin and bones

a brilliant mind that had been

devastated by drugs who could hardly put

a sentence together

looked like a like a living death and to

see Jesus Christ transformed their lives

and renew their minds and and it didn’t

proceed brother Thomas so open up to the

gospel see the power of the gospel and

the patience of Christ for two who had

just absolutely destroyed the life that

God had given to them and to see and

watch that dear man began to open up and

blast him until finally self taught

himself Hebrew sent to Bible School in

college and his wife graduated and went

to Los Angeles a starter one of the

great prison ministries now Frank and

his wife died young because the body

devastated by cocaine and alcohol but

they went out shouting the praises of

God and there in that group thank Jesus

still things there are still drug

addicts and alcoholics there are

prostitutes that still the Lord sees

something in his heart is upon them and

he’ll not let go until he completed his

work folks a week before they came into

the center they’re just one of thousands

they had not one part of God

all they they came in so that they could

get out of the cold they came in just so

that they could they could kind of kick

their habit a little bit maybe go back

to it but when they came exposed to the

moving of the Holy Spirit exposed to

pure gospel the Lord changed them and

there are many now that may not listen

to you there are many now that don’t

have an open heart to the gospel but

once they get in the atmosphere once the

Holy Ghost begins to move on their heart

things change and the Holy Ghost is just

beginning said he’s going to pour out

his spirit upon all flesh and I find no

records in the scripture where he is


none what your spirit

you’re falling in New York City he’s

falling here all over this city he’s

moving at hearts that we know nothing

about they could be listening for the

Radio Times for a church they could be

be given a tract somehow God knows how

to do it but he is not given up on this

sinful world yes the world is abusing

his patience we can’t be impatient and

we can’t be just looking for judgment

we’re looking for redemption hallelujah

but the heavens in the earth which are

now are kept in store reserved unto the

judgment and destruction of ungodly man

yes that is the truth but the Lord is

not slack concerning his promise as some

men count slackness but is

long-suffering to us-ward not willing

that any should perish but all men come

to repentance and so what do we say

about it jesus said I must work the

works of him that sent me while it is

day because when I cometh when no man

can work me now he says it’s daytime

it’s still daytime folks we talk about

midnight yes but it’s still daylight

according to the scripture he said the

fields are still white unto harvest so

folks let this not be a church that is

just waiting to be preserved to watch

God judge this earth are just waiting to

be taken away from we all want to see

Jesus nobody want to see him more than I

do we want to see Jesus but I’ve asked

the Lord to give me my right mind and

let me speak the name of Jesus to my

last breath my last breath if I could

they were brought by his name and preach

his gospel

I’m 75 years old and now we have 80

invitations around the world now I’m

going to I’m going to come and help

occasion that you know pastor I want to

be here

a monk at a time and help you gentlemen

preach a little bit and yeah I’m 75 and

I’m just getting a Holy Ghost it’s like

I’ve never had

you 30 40 50 year-old face whereas I

pray I’ll make it through today keep up

with me

forgive me Lord the secondly God loves

his church blemishes and all in spite of

apostolis and backsliding he still loves

this church the church is not sitting

around being preserved no we’re still in

the day of reaching law school with the

Scriptures clear now

from the very beginning of the church

there have been apostasy and false

teachers in the first churches the early

church is founded by the Apostle the

Apostles especially Paul himself the

scripture said they had the full counsel

of God preached and taught to them the

scripture says nothing profitable to

growth and steadfastness with withheld

according to the Apostle Paul they were

given truth not only in word but in

demonstration of power and anointing of

the Holy Ghost the early church founded

on truth and power and authority in the

Word of God the church in Corinth was

planted by Paul it was watered by a

Polish they were given truth in the

scripture says they were fully

instructed but within six years before

the first epistle that Paul wrote they

had already there had already been a

subtle bewitching attack in the church

in Corinth they denied the rest some in

the church and teachers rose up denying

the resurrection of the dead and when

they did that Paul told them you are

denying the resurrection of Jesus Christ

first Corinthians 15:12 18 now Christ be

preached that he rose from the dead

how does some among us say there’s no

resurrection of the dead if there’s no

resurrection of dead then Christ is not

risen and if Christ is not risen then

our preaching is in vain and your faith

is in vain yay we have found false

witnesses of God because we have

testified abroad that he raised up

Christ who if he’s not raised up there


be that the dead do not raise if the

dead rise not then then is not Christ

raised then Christ is not raised your

faith is in vain you are still in your

sins then they also which are fallen

asleep in Christ are perished you see

that was the first church this is the

beginning and apostasy said in cost

doctor said in immediately the gleason

church also planted by paul in fact they

were so desires for the gospel so loved

their pastor they said they were willing

to pluck out their eyes they said when

you came was like an angel sent from God

you were like an angel and suddenly and

shockingly they fell from the truth of

justification by faith and not by works

paul said o foolish Galatians who has

bewitched you that you would not obey

the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ

he has been clearly set forth crucified

among you sudden apostasy Paul was

shocked he said what has happened this

is the first church this is the early

church this is before it’s we’re not

talking about centuries now we’re

talking about at the very beginning

after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

now just just a few years and now these

apostasy these falling away from the

truth and he said hope he wished you

what happened you were fully instructed

you heard of heaven you heard of Hell

you heard of justification by faith the

sanctification of the Holy Spirit who

more defies your sins you have been

trained by men of God you’ve had men

that stood before you weeping how is it

that you could be bewitched

what happened to you it folks Paul the

Apostle said even before I die well I’m

still here they’re going to rise up

among you and already some of you are

bewitched he said you are embracing

false teachers and

you develop itching years fortunately I

cannot understand that it has happened

in this church and I say it lovingly

because I’ve met some from this church

that have been here for years

some that were here when I first started

preaching in New York and meet me on the

street across the street they say hit if

you heard brother so-and-so on

television I said no I haven’t and I

know the man I know he’s the one that

said Jesus can’t come until you have

your new car in your new house he’s the

one that said the Bible and in fact he

said this last week the Bible is nothing

more than a door to riches he said you

heard him now folks I’ve heard him teach

I have a tape of DC 90 95 percent is

from the best teaching I’ve ever heard

amazing I’m hitting this thing this man

can preach he is a teacher in a suddenly

that 5% of poison that they wishing this

Cudney this man is saying things that

our soul unscriptural soul against this

very young age of Jesus Christ saying

that Jesus had to be rich to the poor

Twelve Apostles and he had to have an

account in his name was Judas don’t

think I’m thinking Lynden we’ve got

people that slip away what did somebody

give you a tape did you turn on

television out of curiosity and I say

this with tears and brokenness I say

this with the pastor’s heart there are

some of you here now and i i i i i

stopped until my god paul jesus some of

those near people have heard they’ve

heard men stand weeping preaching a

gospel from broken heart

holy instructed holy taught in the ways

of mighty God not to feed young people

no one has ever beg you for money in

this house we have brought by the name

of Jesus the Holy Spirit has been

exalted in his time in his place in this

house and you’ve said under the glory of

God you’ve seen heaven you felt hell and

yet god help us

choir people watch out you can be

bewitched just like you can take two or

three oxycontin pills and people for

life you can take one Florida cocaine

and people pro-life and how is it that

people can discount years of teaching

how is it because people who shed on the

gospel of Paul the Apostle say I can

turn away to somebody tickle their ears

and tell them they could be prosperous

this job the poor and needy of the whole

world my Bible said my Christ had no

place to lay his head and I speak from

the Spirit of the Living God from the

throne of heaven that this were the last

message ever preached in this pulpit I’m

telling you hear me well is your


why don’t you recall what you and why

don’t you say Holy Spirit if this is not

the gospel that this is not truly what

the Word of God is then open up my heart

not to this open up my heart to what

I’ve heard and what I know to be the

truth they get your Bible up they get on

your knees if you hear one thing that is

not right yet

quickly to the throne of grace get

quickly to your knees and say Holy

Spirit open up my eyes





my heart is burdened because this person

to which others have been feeling this

is I can’t understand why millions


understand how in a bigger church with

10,000 people down south that a man can

stand before his congregation saying if

you come and join this church I

guarantee you’ll be rich and I don’t

understand how he can stand in the

pulpit and he can say don’t tell me

Jesus didn’t have a house who ever heard

of a carpenter didn’t build his own

house the people clapping and many of

those people didn’t want to hear

reproving message they didn’t want to

hear anything that upset their wealth

and they wanted a smooth gospel Oh God

keep this church God keep us turn that

stuff off keep your heart and your ears

open I’m going to know but I want to

move on hear God’s heart is set on every

single child you know God is heart set

on this in spite of all all the apostasy

in spite of all the false doctrines I

said it’s been here from the very

beginning that in all these hundreds and

hundreds of years the Lord has continued

to do his work he was still getting

saved and filled with the Holy Spirit

they’ve stopped nothing folks we can

talk about apostasy we can week we can

warn the church that in the final end

still has everything under control and

these apostasy are not going to kill or

destroy or ruin the Church of Jesus

Christ those apostate churches the Lord

say I don’t even know you that’s not

God’s great concern God’s great concern

is the body of Christ those who are

truly invisibly invisible Church of

Christ that exists all over the world I

had this past week we got a word from an

arab pastor he said if you could only

know what God is doing in those nations

and the thousands of Christians in Iran

he said even in Saudi Arabia where you

could get your heads chopped off he said

there’s still a church thriving in Saudi

Arabia all over the world folks you can

believe it in India and China God will

not allow the cross of Jesus Christ to

be in vain never she’s going to be a

glorified church without spot without


what would the cloud of witnesses have

to say to you and I as as individuals

and thinking of Cornelius in that cloud

and his whole household and I think what

the message be says when you truly

believe in Christ forgiveness when you

truly accept and believe in the

remission of sins to repentance and

faith the Holy Ghost comes and honors it

at all times Cornelius would say Peter

came to my household and he began to

talk about Jesus he talked about the

resurrected Jesus he talked about 500

witnesses he talked about the empty tomb

he said then he began to talk about

remission of sins well let me read it to

you he is showing openly to the people

over 500 witnesses and when he told us

all the prophet

we’re told and witnessed of him that

through his name whosoever believes in

him shall receive remission of sin then

the Holy Ghost fell and here’s what I

hear from the witnesses especially if it

would be from the hostile coalition if

once you truly walk in the victory of

the cross he said God’s plan for us is

not to walk in guilt and condemnation

now somebody listen to me now have

really never enjoyed Jesus you walk with

Christ there’s been such a burden to you

you can always feel that God is mad at

you you always feel that you’ve done

something wrong and that God is somehow

is withholding is blessing and then you

don’t know that sweet communion that’s

enjoying Jesus I wake up every morning

Lord and say Lord I want to enjoy you

more today than I did yesterday I wanted

you I’m not going to spend the rest of

my years laboring under guilt and

condemnation when I’ve been through the

blood and I believe the covering of the

blood I believe the power of the blood

the Holy Ghost witnesses to that and the

Holy Ghost will come down on you he’ll

come down on your whole family and I

believe when for remission of sin is

preached and evicted across and it’s

done through preaching of repentance and

faith and preaching the Covenant of

Christ I believe the Holy Ghost always

witnesses to it and that’s the witness

of the cloud of witnesses

Cornelius could say Jesus came to a

house but more the Holy Spirit fell when

we believed that we were truly admitted

from our sins we were truly truly

forgiven did you confess your sins do

you have a complete confidence now that

you’re forgiven or are you sitting here

this morning saying well you don’t know

what I did pastor Dave you don’t know

what I’m hiding you don’t know what I

want what I’m going

you don’t know my my struggle if you

knew I’ve had pastors tell me that I

preached it he said but I really don’t

walk in the victory of it because if you

only do my past if you only knew and

they don’t walk in the victory of that I

think Peter would say wait a minute

I I denied him I sinned against light

more light than any of you could know

and yet God had his heart set on me he

saw something in me of hunger he saw

something he could use and while I was

out on the hillside weeping and

wondering if I could ever again look in

his face he forgave me and he cleansed

me and he has used me and that would be

the witness forget the past the Lord

says if you will come right now and

fully fully believe I heard it an

elderly man recently he just died I

think a year ago he was in his 80s and

he said the devil walked into to my

shadow dark shadow walked into my room

and began to accuse me have been serving

God for years and years and cused me

maybe you are not forgiven he said and I

just began to sing in the face of the

devil I began to sing about the victory

of the Cross and he said that shadow

fled out of the room

folks sing and shout about the victory

of the cross of Jesus Christ to your



looking unto Jesus the author and the

finisher of our faith keep looking up

and preaching the cross David would have

said rest in the Lord’s mercy he would

remember what I did I committed adultery

I killed a man did you have you

committed murder yeah I got anybody with

this honor my voice is committed murder

David said I was a murderer I was an

adult I committed adultery and I

repented and he didn’t take his Holy

Spirit from me he gave me a new heart he

gave me a new mind think of that right

now whoever may be sitting here saying

you can’t enter into the joy the Lord

wants you to walk in gladness of heart

according to the song David said I

learned man to walk into gladness of

heart hallelujah and finally Peter would

ruther Paul the Apostle would which they

do not fear your afflictions don’t fear

them let no man be moved or shaken by

these afflictions for you know we are

appointed their true you should don’t

let this move you and that folks before

I close let me tell you what Paul the

Apostle proved and I proven it in my own

life and I ask God to let let this be a

truce it goes deeper ends in my heart

Paulus Saul was called Christ appears to

me his first thing he’s told is what

he’s going to suffer for Christ and when

God sets his heart on you you’re going

to go through affliction there’s no

question you go from Genesis to

Revelation and you will find that every

time God set his heart on a man or woman

suffering affliction followed Jesus was

afflicted from the moment he began to


the kingdom of Christ the kingdom of the

Father he was afflicted to the very day

he died there was not a day that he was

not afflicted and one of the surest

proofs that God has set his heart on you

are the afflictions that come your way

and the longer the affliction the heart

and affliction the more God has set his

own heart to show you his love and care

if you become one of those that that

cloud of witnesses I living human cloud

of witnesses here to the grace the love

and care of God I’ve seen that in my

heart and going to close you’ve been

praying for my son Greg and I thank you

he reached the crisis three weeks ago

and ended up in a hospital and in that

hospital the Holy Ghost came to him Holy

Spirit he was he was in a wonderful

environment and he saw in the hospital

he saw a young 19 year old girl this is

19 and she is what they call a cutter

young ladies had cut themselves she had

been molested I think and said it marks

on her arm and she said she wanted to

cut herself again and Greg said here cut

me he was told later by advisers you

can’t do that you that won’t work but he

was so touched he went out in the middle

area in the hospital outside and it was

raining and he he knelt I mean he sat

there weeping over that girl and

suddenly he just fell in a mud pile a

mud and began to break and weep and cry

and the Lord spoke to his heart and

see he’d been two years in terror two

years of pain and suffering and I

couldn’t reach him like we just turned

him over to the Lord a lot of Prayer

went up but in that puddle he began to

just weep and break before the Lord and

it’s when the Lord came to him and

showed him you have to be broken your

faith will come out of this brokenness

and you see yourself for what you are I

want you to know that he’s doing so well

the Lord has his bringing healing and

doing a good work in his heart



hallelujah were you trusting his

forgiveness now I three things I believe

in over this my last statement three

things I believe God wants but when he

says as hard that he wants you to know

he wants you to come into that rest

where you fully trust his forgiveness

and you run immediately to him if if if

possible were told that for forty four

hundred ninety-nine times is not enough

to forgive it is unlimited forgiveness

if there’s genuine repentance and even

then you have to pray for the faith that

God gives you to come to that place he

wants you to come to a place of absolute

rest in him so that you begin to enjoy

your fellowship with Christ that you can

talk to a man can phantom and a woman

that you can talk to him all through the

day you have those wonderful quiet times

you have your closet you have your

places but your meeting that you are

enjoying your walk and he wants you to

also to remember that your afflictions

or signs of his love and his care it’s

not the devil attacking you now he does

attack in the mind and he does afflict

but anything that comes over has to be

allowed by the Heavenly Father and it

always has an eternal purpose and that

purpose is a demonstration who’s left do

I hear witness where you stand when I

was praying about the service and the

conclusion we call it an altar

experience if you’re here this is what I

feel all the spiritual books in my heart

if you’re here this morning and you’re

struggling you’re really struggling with

the rest of the Spirit and there’s this

a stirring in you I don’t know what that

restless spirit can be about that you’re

you’re disturbed in your spirit you may

love Christ you may know him but there’s

something going on in your life that’s

troubling you

that’s all I get there’s a restlessness

there’s something churning inside of you

and you need a hug from Jesus you need

repentance perhaps you need to just the

step of faith now folks if you’ve been

come if you’re part of the church have

been coming here quite frequently to the

altar I want you to wait please until

first these I’m talking to maybe you’re

visiting maybe this is your first time

here or maybe you do come to this church

but you came this morning with a very

restless spirit you came with a

heaviness upon you I want you to step

out of seat and stand here and the

balcony go to the stairs on either side

the stairs and you come down and stand

here if you don’t really know Christ or

if you have there’s a term called

backsliding I mean turning away from

what you once believed to do or that

you’ve just grown cold or lukewarm

toward Christ I invite you to step out

of your seat if you feel the tug if you

feel the pole of the Holy Spirit

the Holy Spirit’s saying this is your

day folks you have not been forced into

that you have the love of Christ has

been manifested in the word today and he

wants to manifest his love to you and he

wants you to leave this house with peace

of mind genuine peace of Christ to the

power of his spirit wishing that again

God is so good we wait as you come in

the balcony and I believe we would have

time for those in the Annex if you want

to come down you come others in the

lobby they will show you how because

we’re limiting those that are coming to

the order right now we have time for you

to step out and come and meet us you

take you a few moments but we’ll wait

for you how many of you feel when Jesus

comes and you open your heart you can

sense that’s a better word how many of

you sense the love of Christ for you

right now raise your hand please you

came for sensing the love of Christ for

you that’s a work of the Holy Spirit he

wants to bring you into that peace that

passes all understanding probably the

majority of you have prayed the prayer

of a sinner you’ve said Lord forgive me

I confess my sins if you haven’t done

that you can do that now you can just

breathe that in prayer because God who

reads our thoughts knows our thoughts

can read your prayer just breathe it out

right now Lord Jesus forgive me and

cleanse me and if you have fallen into a

sin or you’ve been overtaken suddenly by

a sin that’s overwhelmed you you didn’t

expect it came and you fell bring it to

the cross bring it to Jesus right now

and ask him right now Lord forgive me

did this say it right now Lord forgive

me I repent of that and now will you

trust him will you trust him for


will you believe nothing pleases God

more than that now look this way

one of my children I have four children

ten grandchildren one of my children and

to my grandchildren came to the house

the other day and they walked in and

there was such a joy they embraced me

and Holy Spirit spoke to my heart David

what do you think your father feels your

heavenly father feels when you’re sad

and you will you you won’t accept they

wouldn’t accept your love and your care

Chrissie if one of my children hurt I

bleed inside I do everything immediately

I feel it I pray about it I if I were

God I would make everything right and

I’m just another thing for how much more

does Lord want to fix everything in our

heart she wants to fix what is wrong and

if we simply accept him maybe you don’t

know a father like that but I know my

father’s heart I know my heart for my

children and my grandchildren and they

know it and it blesses me when they’re

happy around me it blesses me I hurt

when they hurt in front of me I know

they hurt they have that’s okay but I

want to know that when they know that

father’s there and things are going to

work out right because he has everything

under control

then I want them to say thank you Dad

thank you Father and be at peace more do

that in this house bring your marvelous

peace we pray this out loud all of you

that came for Lord Jesus

you promised me peace and I repent of my

sins and I turn to you Jesus to the

forgiveness and the mercy you promised

in your word I receive that I receive


I believe I’m forgiven now Lord put

peace in my heart he Kawai this troubled


bringing peace right now now father

I’ve heard that prayer you heard it and

I pray that peace that passes all

understanding which sweep all through

this house in Indiana and that we would

glorify God for the peace that Christ is

he is our peace yes give him praise and

thanks for this mercy