The Healing Journey of Andrew Mullins, who was healed of stage four Neuroblastoma Cancer.


Hausa we’ve written in 1773 by John

Newton and William Calvery

this legendary hill was destined to have

an impact on millions around the world

none more dramatically than Mike and

asteroids who just happened to live in

the same village where the song was

conceived are one of my favorite songs

has always been him Amazing Grace in

fact from the moment of my own

conversion you sign everything amazed by

grace in 2009 Andrew was born on the

26th of September was a good pregnancy

was a good birth everything was fine and

it was another boy I had now at this

point I had four boys and one girl my

little Andrew was my victory baby a

picture of my fear victory of my own

self in 2010 by Christmastime Andrew was

and he was behaving sort of funny he

wasn’t eating so well he was losing a

bit of weight and he was hitting his

head often and like he was a fifth child

so we’ve seen TV we’ve seen problems

like that before them

this was ongoing than with him and

seemed to be getting worse if I went to

the doctor he had two ear infections all

I thought that explains it two ear

infections no wonder he’s in pain so he

got antibiotics for that we went to

Holland the next day for Christmas

holiday after two nights there that

morning I woke up I said that said it’s

outrageous is abnormal so we went to the

doctor through the snow and we had

doctors look at him over there and kept

them in for almost a full day in

hospital they couldn’t find anything


we came home now I was also pregnant at

that time because I was a little bit of

an age gap we said poor little Andrew

you know I wanted to have a little

sibling so we planned the sixth one

quite close to it and also is my age and

then in January he was on the bed and I

saw a little lump on his back and I

remember that cold feeling of a cold

hand gripped my heart we didn’t know

what that was so we went to a doctor and

he said well bring him you know to get

scanned and consultants then they looked

at him and he arranged the scan but not

on the March and they didn’t think it

was really anything to be overly

concerned about I think I was relieved

that they didn’t say think it was more

serious than that so went home and it

escalated he got in so much pain he was

screaming and crying it was just

horrible a very aggressive we went back

to our doctor and the doctor looked and

he asked her that anything come up the

scan results and he said they haven’t

scan him yet he’s going to get scanned

in March he said today this chart needs

to be scanned today I need to find out

what this is a serious I packed my bags

because I thought they’re going to

observe him overnight so of course for

my parents that his mom they phoned him

saying the going into hospital to be

checked on Tuesday and phony listen

we’re going to stay from other night and

they said don’t do anything else with

this child get him over here straight

away Wednesday I’m falling I’m saying

they’re sending me to the Children’s

Hospital in Dublin I said to my mom I

said get your immigration papers ready I

need you

and under 25th of February 2011 or 17

month old a little baby boy was

diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma

cancer when she said at stage 4 we asked

naively how many stages are there and

she said this is the final stage and

when they told us you know he had cancer

and that he had 30% chance that felt

like a death sentence he had cancer also

every bone in his body except his hands

in his feet Andrew also had a tumor

measuring 7 by 8 by 21 centimeters in

his little 17 month old body

I honestly at that point I felt I’d lost

him you know and I died only a few more

months with him I remember the day so

well when we carried it down to oncology

I didn’t even know there was oncology

meant the cancer wards you know it just

recalled thinking how did I end up here

you just look around and we see children

who are suffering the effects of this

evil disease seeing parents who are

angry and blaming God and despairing and

you wonder okay God have you allowed

this did you put us here for a reason

what can I do

what’s going on so straight away from

her in there of course the consultant

talks to us she’s explaining this

protocol that he’s going to go on at

trial we have to sign for this staff and

I remember just before we finished I

said to the consultant to them would you

mind if we pray and she said sure that’s

okay and I said I would like to pray for

you because you’re going to be looking

out for my kids so I want to pray for

you well doubter heads and we prayed and

coming with my heart as an evangelist to

share the gospel which I thought was

just about the forgiveness of sins with

people I thought how can I share with

people here because they have one desire

and that’s to be

and I remember those the data I was

talking to in a small kitchenette in the

hospital and we were just some small

talk a couple of fatigue and as I was

talking to him he said so what’d he do

for a living and I worked with a

Christian child and he said you mind me

asking how can you believe in a loving

God so what allow this to happen to

small children at that time what I said

to him was you know I believe that God’s

in control of everything he has a

purpose in a planet it’s not on or what

it is but I trust him

because you know that was the answer I

thought you have to give deep down my

heart very confused I came away and I

thought God what do I say what do I say

I don’t this isn’t the place to talk

about heaven in hell hard to talk about

the law are you a good person you know

that that crisis paid your sin it was a

place where people needed to but there’s

a healer I think that they could be here

you’ve heard so many doctrinal things

and you and everybody encourages you of

course you’ve many people then coming

calling you writing to you and read

people saying to us well God needs not a

little angel in heaven well the Lord is

own and control the Lord knows what he’s

doing the Lord has a plan

we’d someone actually say that because

of all the years in ministry that God

actually counted us worthy now to have a

child with cancer and so many people

around us we’re giving them hope and

we’re almost counting him for dead and

tolling us my people actually told us

just let him go

you need to let him go has it I’m

already to let my son go I’m not ready

to let my little boy go and so as a

father and as Astor’s as a wife as

parents we want to do everything we

could for him to live

we also then thought okay well here we

go on this journey the right thing to do

what we need to do is to mobilize as

many people to pray for Andrew

so Mike started a Facebook page I’m not

really into computers and all of that

but he loves that we even called it pray

for the number for Andrew pray for

Andrew and very quickly we gathered

thousands of followers people were

liking this page and following and we

were giving updates and pictures and

asking and begging people please pray

for Andrew pray for his pray for us

because I thought well that’s what we

have to do we have to beg and plead with

God but two or three months later I

started to freak out and we thought what

is going on with Andrews Facebook page

we had you know 4,000 people of whatever

following him but we honestly thought at

one stage would God listen if we got

10,000 I mean this God have a quarter

that he’s looking for I said can I Miss

America no they said we can never Miss

America no it’s all set in stone you

know like garthe’s knows already what’s


you don’t die one day earlier than

goddess ordained he already knows the

outcome it’s already totally set in

stone all those things at the end of the

day you start to think like actually are

we praying us what is the point of all

of this this is after five months of

treatment there are tens of thousands of

people praying all over the world yes in

spite of all people praying the progress

seems would be very slow

I remember one stage I went to a prayer

meeting myself I came in as it all mics

here Mike how would you like us to pray

for for Andrew and I said pray for him

and if he’s your own son come with that

we started praying and people were

crying pain and shouting it and pleading

with God but I came away from that

meeting and I thought to myself is that

it I mean do I have to wake up to have

to beg him to have mercy how much I do I

as a human being have more compassion

than God does and that really got me

thinking and so then I stuffed my wife

began to pray differently or private

really changed to God please creatures

and pray


when our sixth child was when I was a

girl I went in labor in the cancer ward

there’s no question about of course she

was going to be great then also we’re in

the middle of the cancer and everything

at that time it was just a perfect name

so I’m in the bed with the baby and the

post is coming in every day partials for

Andrew parcels for grace you know baby

clothes you know little pajamas pray or

blankets and in the midst of all of that

was a letter with CDs and were four CDs

in it didn’t they’d hand written on the

CD cover God wants you well now that

title funny enough really didn’t do it

for me at all at the time I was so wrong

I thought yeah right what do I have to

do for that you know we just put it on

the shelf and we thought okay I don’t

know what that’s about

and I just hit rock bottom but I thought

how do you give up cheese how do you do

that he’s real to me I honestly I

couldn’t read my Bible literally I just

hadn’t at the time was too exhausted and

could pray I was just really just in

survival mode I went to a friend of mine

as a plaster friend and I said and I’m

really into vive L’Amour here I really

need help and he said you know it’s okay

to be in survival mode and I said I

don’t want to be in survival mode

I wasn’t being more than a conquerer

mode I want to know the Bible has to say

about healing what God had to say with

him because if it’s for today that I’m

missing it and I want to know how it

works what I need to do because his life

depends on but nothing was happening

they got the CD and one time as we were

going to Dublin I mean we were just so

low and we listened to it in the car and

the message God wants you well it’s from

a guy called Andrew Wommack and as I

listened to this message driving to

chromium Hospital Dublin for the next

round of chemotherapy something

resonated in a message he was speaking


water to my parched heart dried out soul

it resonated with our heart and though

we never heard this before it was as if

we had we listened to all four of them

then I listened to all of them again and

so that actually I was knew this and in

fact my wife kept kept a diary in

journal and she wrote in her diary or

during that night could it be true and

that that just got us onto this whole

journey exploring and understanding

God’s will and it is – he’ll always be


once I started listening to that and

became convinced that God wants you well

because I was my question the whole time

father Scott felt that he was going to

leave our Scottsville for him to die I

seriously believe that it could possibly

be God’s will for him to die and could

understand it how could God ordained a

child that was a victory child than to

die at age 2 ha ha I just couldn’t get

my head around it

but it was until I listened to the

teaching I said no God always on

chevelle is just simply in a peg of

shakin we’re listening on the website on

the mp3 player and it was just feeding

us as we were in the hospital with

Andrew so with him asleep with his head

on my hand I would be listening to the

message Amanda Warner and it was

building me up it was encouraging it I

written down Bible verses about bones

because his bones were so badly affected

it’s nothing to do with our feelings

it’s not even 100 warm accent it’s what

the Word of God says and he was clearly

pointless the Word of God we found

promises in the Word of God and proverbs

were saved good news makes your bones

healthy it’s good for your bones but

once I got it that God always wants to

heal and that by His stripes you were

healed that I was already paid for that

it was part of salvation and I believe

that I looked at by the FERS again if

this is the Word of God then this is

truth this is the truth and this is my

answer and there’s no other good news

than the gospel the gospel is the good

news and part of the gospel is that by

stripes you are healed we said well

there’s a problem with and

bones and the good news is not just

positive thinking it is the gospel it is

the goodness of Jesus Christ we believe

and so we never did this before but we

just got on till we put our hands in

them because the Bible says in mark 16

that these signs will follow those who

believe you will lay hands on the sick

and they will recover so we put our

hands on my thigh bones in his pelvis

and said bones we’ve got good news for

you by His stripes you were healed and

in face is a total conviction in my

heart we spoke that Bible first standing

on the Word of God I was so excited we

didn’t see how you can happen with

Andrews his plane he got of course

tested and funcle’ funcle’ soul was very

excited she said I don’t know if

anyone’s good everything regarding

Andrew is up in the air he said is it up

in the air good Robyn dear bad

she said it’s happening oh good every

one of Andrews born a completely clean

after I said well that’s wonderful

I said arrived everything up indeed she

said we totally didn’t expect this this

is totally unexpected

I was not see the surprise I thought

yeah I was expecting that I knew his

bones were gonna be clean we had learned

how to pray with authority out of work

everything was speeded up you know

couple of weeks later we heard that his

bones were clear two weeks later were

going into transplant he was going to

get a stem cell infusion so Mike’s

sister from Australia came over for dad

we were a team of three people and we

downloaded all the material from the

websites you know the free audio

material and day and night you know we

were listening again with many people

say it as well if you really believe God

wants to heal him and take him off I

said I’m not ready to do that God was

gracious still had a little bit of tumor

left in his spine of active cancer

because they couldn’t take it out

because of the place where it was at so

we’re going into transplant and I said

Lord I’m finished fighting with the

scripture on the bones I need something

else and even not a weapon in judges

three and it said here now a hood made

himself a dagger

it was double-edged and a cubit in

length and he fasted under his clothes

on his right side he goes to a hood it

says a whose was

fat men and I suddenly I thought this is

a picture ugly cancer sitting there on

top of my little son you know and a hoot

said I’ve got a message from God for you

and he thrust that dagger into the Kings

belly and I thought that’s it

we laid hands then on on Andrew on his

belly because the cancer was in his

spine and we said cancer neuroblastoma

I’ve got a message from God for you by

His stripes and reverse healed and I

left that word of God sitting there

because a who did not pull his dagger

out he left it sitting in there at the

end of treatment they will do

reassessment and they will check him out

and they will find out that that Lord is

laying dead on the floor

a neuroblastoma is a very dangerous

cancer that hides in the body that can

very easily come back and I thought I’m

not impressive it’s not me but I’m

coming against cancer with the Word of

God and that is going to kill the cancer

because nothing can stand you know for

that is a double edged sword

sharper and anything it is very tough

course of treatment when we went into

the transplant and knowing what word God

can do we looked for Jesus says to his

disciples and these signs shall follow

those who believe they will take up

serpents and they will drink anything

deadly and it will by no means hurt them

they will lay hands on the sick and they

will record I said Lord seeing this in

your heart and I’m taking and I ask God

to charges put angels charge over his

body over his kidneys over his liver

overs testicles over any part that could

be damaged by this poison and when he

was tested that Andrews kidney liver

heart eyesight healings are perfect and

concerning his fertility I think that

will be fine that will be fine and I

look forward you know to the children

that he will happen when he s children

I’ll try for victory you know but I know

it will be done because I’m standing on

the Word of God if you put your face on

this you’re not hoping for something

you’re not hoping oh it will be all

right and you’re standing on something

so solid

there’s unshakable anon morphling

standing on the Word of God and you put

your faith on that and that is when the

fig where the fig tree is where where

the stability is where the foundation is

I think one of the cool things and this

is just them where I think probably

wearing her face is as if we had tried

everything but then it was like this

voice from heaven saying take your net I

put it over on the other side because

there are many people saying this you

you can’t do that you don’t fish there

you don’t do that and it was a big step

of fate for us to do when we saw his

bones heal and we were very very excited

about this and you know it’s not a

popular thing I had people saying to me

listen don’t talk about healing you

cannot say that God always wants to heal

and if you just keep your mouth shut

don’t talk about healing everything

would be fine but I said I gotta let you

into we secret when I get excited about

something I can’t keep quiet I can’t

shut up and what we realized in our own

hearts women especially when we listen

to the teachings under Amin was that we

actually had faith and unbelief at the

same time and when we came to that

realization that was a whole revelation

to us then we began to review them but

unbelief and work to get rid of it and

build of faith and confidence and trust

in God and that was a huge thing for us

and also we’re getting such a great

catch not only did we see and written

which the authors do and so it was just

so exciting to see the Word of God work

so to get through all of that and then

of course we had the reassessment that

was the 18th of October 2012 we were in

the car park in the supermarket we got a

phone call from our consultant Andrews

cancer-free I don’t serve a numbing

feeling because I put her on

speakerphone we both listen oh this is

wonderful thank you so much then we hung

up and we kind of just pulled in and we

we looked at each other

and we weren’t jumping up and down and

all ecstatic and I think the reason for

that is because we already knew a year

ago we knew he was he was here white

posted it on Facebook and you know the

5,000 people that have been following

but we got that day the little thing of

like you know the numbers went up up up

up up every time you refresh it went up

up up and up to around 24,000 I thought

the whole world all over the world all

over the globe they’re people and

there’s churches sharing and shouting

and rejoicing this whole thing is about

God’s Amazing Grace when I had that

revelation of grace then I couldn’t shut

off the burners and it was the same

feeling as I had when I was born again

that’s radically changed their lives

export of freshness and newness and a

great excitement and a great confidence

in and the love of God the goodness of

God and open doors to share with people

who have no problem going to people and

sharing Jesus right now I’m going to

place where if I see someone who’s sick

whereas before I would have run away and

avoided right now I just go and say I

have great news for you I want to tell

you something you may not have heard

before God is good he loves you and once

you begin and it really is because of

all that we’ve learned on this journey

with Andrew and also through the

teaching of Andrew woman at the same

time I wouldn’t say that God put us in

that situation with Andrew to learn that

lesson but it was through what we went

through with Andrew but we will I said

God was there with us through it I want

to call out to him he was right there

for us to help us but certainly he

didn’t make him sick I even allowed

commit I wanted in his life he’s full of

life is such a justify life in lost life

and yeah it’s really it’s fantastic to

see him very active very careful yeah

very happy again we’re so thankful for

the doctors and the nurses and one for

job today to book faith is not in them

medication faithless family was meant

God his love and his finished work

and we’re so thankful and that’s why we

want to share this with Ali’s mother

tell others god is good he’s good at



