Spirit, Soul & Body – Andrew’s Classics – Season 1 Ep. 10

You ought to be conscious of your righteousness in Christ instead of being sin conscious.


well welcome to Andrew’s Classics where

we’ve been talking about Spirit soul and

body and this is one of the last days

that we’re actually going to be talking

about Spirit soul body is this is the

last day unfortunately but that’s okay

because you’re going to find these

principles stuned throughout our entire

time strewn throughout the entire time

as we’re talking to you on multiple

topics but again really please pay

attention during this this last session

I believe this is going to be really and

I know we’re going to say this at the

end but this is the last day that we

have our free product offer where you

can get Andrew’s booklet on Spirit soul

body so you definitely going to want

check that out as we give you directions

there at the end to call our prayer line

but I’m excited because this

foundational uh Revelation for Andrew

himself then um as we go into some of

our other episodes that we have planned

for you these topics truly are woven

through as as in your word shun

throughout everything which

shun through everything so that truly

you can build on the revelation of what

does this mean

to who am in the spirit and so we’re

going to ask Andrew some more questions

and we’re going to watch this this older

clip where we’re going to be really

talking about the really the difference

between Spirit versus flesh because the

flesh doesn’t become better it’s just

how you and I die to the flesh so that

more of that spirit of God can really

live with you know the flesh is not a

bad thing being being led by the flesh

is is the bad thing so it’s important

that we get that understanding as well

that we we honor the fact that we have

this physical body we take care of it

but we’re not led by it we’re led by the

spirit of God living on the inside of us

but again it’s a balancing it’s a

principles of balance it’s walking out

this understanding of What the Lord Has

Done For Us in his word and I believe

that as we jump into this next clip

you’re really going to be blessed amen

so grab out your pen and paper and watch

with us what is true about the Holy

Spirit is also true of your Born Again

spirit so when this verse is saying that

the fruit of the spirit capital S is

love joy peace you know what this is

also what your Born Again spirit is full

of your spirit is full right this moment

of love joy peace and all these other

nine things that were listed as the

fruit of the spirit now this is really

important because I know many of you

listening to me say now wait a minute I

don’t have any love matter of fact I’ve

been hurt and offended somebody’s done

something to me and right now I’m so

angry I could you know punch them right

in the face well that’s your flesh

that’s your physical emotions but if you

were born again I can guarantee you your

spirit within you has a love for those

people the same love that Jesus used

when he turned to the people who were

crucifying him and I mean they were

mocking him they had spit on him they

had thrown these accusations in his face

they stripped him naked they beat him

they put a crown of thorns on him and

they crucified him and he turned to

those very people and said father

forgive them for they know not what they

do did you know that that same type of

Love Is is in you right

now and again I know some of you are

saying no it’s not yes it is if you’re

born again but see the problem has been

most of us aren’t in touch with the

spirit we only go by what we can see

taste hear smell and feel we let our

physical emotions dictate to us and then

we have feelings in our emotions and we

let those control us but you know the

truth is there is another you the spirit

the part of you that was born again that

you cannot perceive reality in there

just going by circumstances feelings you

have to look in the word of God the

Bible says the words I speak unto you

they are spirit and they are Life John

6:63 so God’s word is spirit and it’s

life and whatever you reading God’s word

you just believe that this is true of

you and here’s what God’s word says that

the fruit of your spirit if you are born

again the fruit of the spirit that means

what the spirit is producing is love joy

and peace right now you do have love on

the inside of you and you know if you

could begin to believe that I’m not

saying that there may not be hatred in

your flesh in your

emotions but there is a love on the

inside you know recently I was in

Charlotte North Carolina and every year

we go down to a Street Ministry and we

feed the Homeless and then we share the

gospel with them and we just talk to

them and a few years ago I did the same

thing I was there on a Sunday morning

and I was talking to this one guy and he

got mad at me and anyway as I T he just

hauled off and I mean spit a big wad

right in my face and you know what as

this spit was running down my face I

guarantee you my flesh didn’t want to

say bless you brother I mean My Flesh

wanted to punch this guy’s light out I

didn’t like him spitting in my face but

see I I knew this truth too that I had a

spirit on the inside of me and that

Spirit loved him exact ly the same as

Jesus loved the very people who

crucified him now that knowledge didn’t

keep me from feeling that I wanted to

punch his lights out but you know what

because I knew that I was there was also

the part of me that loved him with God’s

kind of love it gave me a choice I

realized that I could either respond in

my flesh what I felt like doing or I

could respond with the love of God and

you know by the grace of God I was able

to just wipe that off and I never missed

a beat I never missed a word I just kept

talking to this guy and it really

shocked him he was surprised at it and

you know that’s happened hundreds of

times maybe not somebody spitting in my

face but people offending me people

doing things that my emotions want to go

this way but see I’ve come to realize

that the spirit on the inside of me is

always full of love joy peace all of

these things and this helps me to

discern whether is what I’m feeling

really God or not well God tells you how

his spirit is his spirit is always

operating in love his spirit is always

willing to forgive his spirit always has

Joy it always has peace when I get out

of Joy when I’m angry and when I’m

bitter and when I have no peace did you

know what I’ve identified the problem

I’m not in the spirit because the spirit

the Born Again Spirit on the inside of

me has those things

constantly understanding this allows me

to make choices that sometimes some of

you may not make because you think why

I’d like to forgive the person who’s

spitting in my face I’d like to forgive

the person who’s done this to me but the

truth is this is the way I feel and it’s

that’s just the way I am see you think

that’s the only option you’ve got but if

you begin to understand that there’s a

new you on the inside that your spirit

is exactly like Jesus how would Jesus

respond to your situation well Many Of

You’ have to say it’ be drastically

different than what I would do well you

know what that’s exactly the way way

your spirit wants to respond and you

have that choice I know that I went to

pritet Colorado and I started pastoring

a church there and this was a town of

only 144 people and when I went there

the church only had 10 people in that

church and I gave up everything that I

ever had for the first time in my life I

was finally surviving as a minister I

wasn’t really prospering yet but at

least the bill collector wasn’t

breathing down my neck and we were

eating and I left that position of

relative prosperity to go to a church of

10 people in a town of 144 people do you

know in the natural it looked like the

only way out of that place was feet

first there’s no way you could succeed

how in the world are you ever going to

make it and after I went there we saw a

man raised from the dead and it caused

no small stirring we started having a

hundred people come to church out of 144

we had 100 coming to church and I mean

it was awesome God was doing some

wonderful things and in the midst of it

people started coming against me and

persecuting me and accusing me of

adultery and murder and I mean

everything they were on the phones

accusing me of anything you could

imagine and you know what I just got

discouraged and I got the feeling like

man how dare these people they don’t

realize I gave up everything to come

here and I was waiting on Jamie and the

boys to go to bed so I could just have a

pity party I mean I sent out all my

invitations all the devils in the

country came and I was just waiting to

have a pity party and while I was

waiting on them to go to sleep you know

what happened I got to thinking of these

exact scriptures I’m using today that I

have love joy and peace and even though

my flesh wanted to just get down and

wallow in pity and just you know

sometimes you feel like having a pity

party will do you good but it won’t and

even though I want there was a part of

me that wanted to do that I started the

Lord started reminding me that the fruit

of the spirits love joy and peace all of

these things and you know what by the

time they actually got to sleep and I

was ready to just sit down and really

let it out and gripe and complain to God

I was thinking God you blessed me so

much I’ve got love joy and peace and

because of it I was able to just let go

of the hurt and the pain and start

worshiping God you have that on the

inside of

you so and we just finished watching

your clip on Spirit versus flesh and

this is powerful because you talk about

uh again with spirit’s home body which

been talking about that this whole this

whole series about we have all the

fruits of the spirit so last episode we

talked about we have the faith but this

aspect of that we have all the fruits of

the spirit and that’s what people uh

don’t realize because they go by their

emotions versus what the word says we

possess that’s right and I tell you

you’ve already got love and joy and

peace I’ll have people come up and say

would you please pray for me that God

would pour out his love in my life and

I’ll say no and it shocks them but the

scriptures says that God has already

commended his love toward us and that

while we were yet sinners Christ died

for us and then Galatians 5:22 you got

love joy and peace so actually when

you’re saying oh God please pour out

your love in my life you’re starting

from a position of unbelief yeah God

says you got love joy and peace you’re

saying no God I don’t and what you’re

saying is I don’t feel it yeah so

because I don’t feel it that means I

don’t have it and you’re in unbelief you

start a prayer and unbelief you aren’t

going to get good no no not a whole lot

of faith well and so then using that as

an example um you know you’ll have

people that will come up and then ask

for a revelation of how much God loves

them and that’s closer I pray for that

yeah that’s closer because it’s it’s

going back to what we talked about in

the last episode with faith it’s the

acknowledging now I will agree with

people that there are times that you

don’t feel the love of God you may feel

anything but love so it’s not wrong to

say oh God I know that love me and I

know that in my spirit I’ve got the uh

love of God already but I need to renew

my mind and basically from the things

I’ve learned in scripture your emotions

follow your thoughts and so if you

aren’t feeling the love of God it’s

because you’re thinking on all of the

negatives in your life or looking

forward and dreading what might come

yeah I’m not saying that you sit here

and never feel the love of God but and

you just say that God loves me but I

never feel it no that’s if you never

feel the love of God well then

something’s wrong because you do have

the love of God in you but your feelings

fluctuate based on what you think and we

live in a fallen world you know I think

one of the examples I used in this thing

was about a guy who’s spit in my face

yes uh as I was witnessing to him and I

guarantee you I didn’t feel love I felt

like the worm fuzzies but I’ve I’ve

learned that it doesn’t matter what I

feel like who I am in the spirit is the

real me and so I chose to operate in

faith towards this guy and love towards

this guy never rebuked him never did

anything to him so I didn’t feel uh love

towards this guy but I knew I had it and

so I just operated in and within a very

short period of time your feelings catch

up with what you’re you’re acting on

well that’s really good for everybody to

understand as well that you know every

single part of every single one of us

has a part that’s human that’s flesh

that that we sometimes we want to react

In the Flesh even people who have been

walking with the Lord and in Ministry

for more than 56 years uh I think that’s

important for people to to realize I can

say this though that the more you act

from the

spirit you retrain your Fe true uh I

think it’s Hebrews chap 5:14 straw meat

belongs to those who by reason of use

have their senses exercised to discern

both good and evil and you can actually

r knew your senses even your emotions

can get to where they start being more

and more like God I don’t think until we

get to heaven will we be totally free of

all negative emotions and stuff like

that but you can diminish the way that

they impact so you talk about yourself

sometimes that you know people accuse

you of not having any emotions because

you’re not a huge flamboyant extroverted

you know Giggles kind of personality but

I don’t go low I’m just always is about

to say so would when when you talk about

harnessing your emotions and your senses

to walk in the spirit would could people

say oh well that’s easy for you because

your personality is so steady already um

where you have other personalities are

huge characters and you know you know

lots and lots of emotion well it’s

harder for us would that be true or is

it the same exact principles that for

different personalities we choose who we

want to be people may not understand

that but you’re in you’re environment

influenced you but you have a choice

whether you become bitter or better yeah

Deuteronomy 30:19 says behold I call

Heaven and Earth to record against you

this day that I set before you life and

death blessing and cursing therefore

choose life that you and your seed may

live and so God gave us the choice and

people re this will offend some people

but your personality is the way you have

chosen it to

be and they oh no I was made this way I

was born with a type A

personality uh if you were the only

exception I would make it it could have

been demonic and was passed on to you

you can get that cast out of but you

know you can become the person that you

want to be I had this guy in Chicago

that was a pastor of a church and he was

raised in an alcoholic home and his

parents were drunk all of the time and

so he he would uh not even have he’d run

around in his underwear and I mean from

the time he was 6 or seven years old he

was a drunk he was an alcoholic every

once in a while the truin officers would

come get him and give him some clothes

and he would go to school for a week

until they got dirty but his parents

wouldn’t wash the clothes and he lived

like that and when he was 19 or

something he was crazy his mind was so

messed up he couldn’t remember anything

and they put him in a mental institution

wow and in this mental institution

somebody came by and witnessed to him

and he got born again and he was totally

changed and all of a sudden his mind was

clear but he didn’t have a childhood he

couldn’t remember anything wow because

he was drunk or Hound dope the whole

time so he asked this guy that led him

to the Lord so who am I what do I do and

the guy just said well read the Bible

and be like Jesus and so he started

trying to be like Jesus and the first

time I ever met this guy we went out to

eat he bought us all all this stuff he

did all of these things he was so nice

that when we got through I told Jamie I

said you keep your hand on your purse at

all times around that guy that guy

nobody is that nice nobody is that kind

I said this guy is after something and

it was probably a

$100,000 later after he had given me

$100,000 and bought me four or five cars

and probably a dozen suits that I

figured he’s never going to get out of

me what he’s put into me he hadn’t got

an angle this guy honestly was like that

and it was because he didn’t let his

upbringing he he just had blown his mind

and he just started trying to be like

Jesus would to God every one of us could

lose our mind when we get born again and

just become like Jesus just be discipled

oh my gosh you know one of the

scriptures you you mentioned during this

first clip was John 663 where the flesh

profits nothing and uh you know how do

you get to a place where you have no

reliance upon the flesh life will beat

the snot out it it’ll teach you that the

flesh is no good and you know if there

are some people that are really T Talent

people and that they do really good but

you know I I started out ministering in

nursing homes and I think it was really

good for me because there was this one

lady in particular she was a beautiful

woman and even in her 80s she was still

pretty woman and she always dressed to

the nines had fancy clothes her hair was

always fixed but she used to be a

Methodist pastor’s wife and she was the

head of the social Elites in the town

and everybody just loved her and now she

was in a nursing home her productive

days were over and she sat there crying

all day long saying I used to be

somebody important W and I’d go talk to

her and it really touched me because to

your question Mike if you don’t humble

yourself and learn who you are in Christ

then life will eventually uh humble you

humiliate it will humiliate you if

nothing else an old age you’ll just get

to where you can’t perform the way that

you used to and stuff and you have to

come to the end of yourself yeah that’s

a powerful truth and and like you said I

I like the first option better

than you can through the word you

through the word through other people’s

examples to walk out that that process

so so Andrew we have another clip as

well a newer clip of of you sharing some

of these same principles so why don’t we

go ahead and watch that and we’ll come

back and have some further disc

discussion Romans 8:1 says there is

therefore now no condemnation to them

who are in Christ Jesus who walk not

after the flesh but after the spirit the

word no there in Romans 81 it’s an

absolute unqualified negative meaning

zil zero notada if you are in Christ

there is no condemnation to you who are

in Christ who walk not after the

flesh but after the spirit and then

verse two says for the law of the spirit

of life in Christ Jesus hath made me

free from the law of sin and death for

what the law could not do in that it was

weak through the flesh God sending his

own son in the likeness of sinful flesh

and for sin condemns sin in the flesh

that the righteousness of the law might

be fulfilled in us who walk not after

the flesh but after the Spirit man those

are radical statements there should be

no condemnation the righteousness of the

law is now fulfilled in you and some

people immediately go look in the mirror

and they think how could this be I

remember the sin that I committed last

night or last week or last minute or you

search your mind and you think that man

I’m not the way I should be how could

the righteousness of the law be

fulfilled in me it’s not talking about

fulfilled in your flesh and in your mind

but in your spirit you are the

righteousness of God in him 2

Corinthians 5:21 says for he God the

Father hath made him Jesus who knew no

sin to be made sin for us that we might

be made the righteousness of God in

Christ Jesus you are now the

righteousness of God in your spirit you

are as righteous and holy and pure as

Jesus is and you ought to be conscious

of that instead of sin cons ious but

most of us see haven’t fully understood

the atonement of Jesus we think it was

only partial up until the time we got

born again we were forgiven of our past

sins but now we still aren’t the person

that we’re supposed to be and we just

live with this sin

Consciousness these verses say there

should be no more conscience of sin and

just for time sake I’m going to skip on

down but here it goes on to talk about

how that Jesus died and when he died he

put a and a testament into effect just

the same as when a person dies they

leave a last will in Testament and it

concerns the dispersement of all of

their assets everything that they’ve got

so Jesus died and put a will into effect

but then he did something that nobody

else did he rose from the dead so he

could enforce his own will amen and

that’s what it’s talking about and in

verse 10 it says by the which will we

are Sanctified through the offering of

the body of Jesus Christ once for

all again radical statement most people

believe that you are Sanctified the word

Sanctified means to make holy or to set

apart and so if a person even believes

that they’ve ever been made holy or set

apart they believe it only happened when

they got born again and they were

forgiven of all of their past sins but

then every time that we sin we lose some

of that relationship we lose some of

that Fellowship we somehow or another

are uh less than what God wants us to be

and we have to go through this purging

process all over but this says by the

which will we are Sanctified through the

offering of the body of of Jesus Christ

once for all once for all not once until

the next time but once for all some

people might think well that’s not

talking about once for all time it’s

talking about once for all people he

died once for all people no it’s talking

about once for all time because look at

it in context in the next verse it says

and every priest standeth daily

ministering and offering often times the

same sacrifices which can never take

away sins but this man speaking of Jesus

after he had offered one sacrifice for


forever sat down on the right hand to

God so in context he’s contrasting it

within the old Covenant the priest had

to offer sacrifices over and over and

over because it never truly dealt with

anything it was just a picture of what

was going to happen but Jesus after he

had offered one sacrifice for sins

forever sat down on the right hand to

God from henceforth expecting till his

enemies be made his foot stol for by one

offering he hath perfected forever them

that are Sanctified verse 10 says you

were Sanctified through through the

offering of the body of Jesus Christ

once for all and verse 14 says if you

were Sanctified you have been


forever now again see this is where this

understanding of spirit soul and body

comes in so strong and that is that see

if you don’t understand that he’s

talking about your spirit it’s in that

Born Again part of you that’s the part

of you that has been Sanctified and

perfected forever if you don’t

understand this and if you only think

your two parts just your body and your

soul well then you’ll read something

like this that you’ve been perfected

forever and you go look in the mirror

and you think this is

perfect no you aren’t going to see

perfection in the mirror you aren’t

going to see Perfection if you search

your mental and emotional part because I

guarantee you you have negative thoughts

and fears and phobias and stuff that you

know Jesus doesn’t want you to have your

body and your soul have not been made


forever but your spirit man has been

perfected forever let me turn over to

Hebrews chap 12 and read this to you and

remember that this is still the same

teaching again sometimes when we go into

a different chapter and a different

verse people think that somehow or

another the topic has changed this is

this was all written as one letter and

these chapter and verse divisions were

put in there just so that we can

reference things but it’s not a new

thought he’s talking about the same

thing this is the same author that just

said that you’ve been Sanctified and

perfected forever look what he says over

here in Hebrews 12: 22 it says but you

are come under Mount Zion and under the

city of the Living God the heavenly

Jerusalem and to an innumerable company

of angels to the general assembly in

church of the firstborn which are

written in heaven and to God the judge

of all and to the spirits of just men

made perfect now see if you’ll go back

to Hebrews chapter 10 verses

10-4 it says you’ve been Sanctified by

the offering of Jesus Christ once for

all and if you’ve been Sanctified you’ve

been perfected

forever if you keep reading chapter

12:23 says to the spirits of just men

made perfect it was your spirit that was

made perfect your body’s not

perfect you know this ought to be

obvious but yet there’s some people that

you just are in the prime of your life

and you think you’re awesome but I can

guarantee you your body is not perfect

we have to put on a glorified body this

body is corrupted this body is subject

to things that God never intended it to

be so your body is not perfect your

mental emotional part isn’t perfect I

can guarantee you I’ve counted so much

religion and Concepts that people have

that some of you are thinking nasty

thoughts towards me right now and I

guarantee you your mental emotional part

is not perfect but in your spirit if

you’ve been born again your spirit is


perfect man that’s awesome and you know

this is this just if you could

understand what I’m saying this answers

so many questions there are people that

know that we have to

have a positive

selfesteem they know that people that

are beat down and feel bad about

themselves that it’s a self-fulfilling

prophecy if you just feel like you’re

miserable you wind up being miserable

and you wind up treating other people

badly hurt people hurt other people and

on and on we could go with this logic

most of us understand that as a man

thinks in his heart so is he Proverbs

23:7 so

most Christians I’m not talking about

unbelievers now I’m talking about

Christians most Christians try and just

feel good about themsel at all

cost and that’s not right the Bible says

in Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 that the

heart is evil and desperately wicked who

can know

it and yet most Christians just try and

feel good about themsel and so one of

the ways we feel good about oursel is to

put everybody else down it’s it’s

everybody else’s fault it’s my

dysfunctional family it’s people that

made me this way and they just somehow

or another have they cannot admit that

they are imperfect they can’t they just

can’t admit it they’re trying to feel so

good about themselves the way I deal

with this is the way that the Apostle

Paul dealt with this over in Philippians

chapter 3 and in verse three it says

that we have no confidence in the flesh

he had no confidence in his physical IAL

mental emotional part of him and he says

though I might also have confidence in

the flesh if any other man thinketh that

Heath whereof he might Trust In the

Flesh I more in other words the reason

Paul didn’t have any confidence in the

flesh wasn’t because he wasn’t hadn’t

obtained things in the flesh he was one

of the most educated men of his day Paul

was raised under Gia he was a uh rising

star in the Jewish uh religion he

probably could have been one of the most

important man he had more things to his

credit than most of us could ever claim

and so he’s saying I don’t have any

confidence in the flesh not because I

haven’t accomplished things in the flesh

he says and he goes through and lists

some of the things that he has done he

says though I might also have confidence

in the flesh if any other man thinketh

that he hath whereof he might Trust In

the Flesh I more in other words if

you’re going to judge things just on

outward appearance I’m I’m better than

all of you is what he’s saying he says

circumcised The Eighth Day of the stock

of Israel of The Tribe of Benjamin a

Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the

law of Pharisee concerning Zeal

persecuting the church touching the

righteousness which is in the law

blameless but what things were gained to

me those I counted lost for Christ yay

doubtless I count all things but lost

for the Excellency of the knowledge of

Christ Jesus my Lord and have suffered

the loss of all things and do count them

but dung that I may win Christ and be

found in him not having my own

righteousness which is of the law you

could say of my own performance what

I’ve been able to obtain on my own but

that which is through the Faith of

Christ the righteousness which is of god

by faith that I may know him and the

power of his resurrection and the

fellowship of his sufferings being made

conformable unto his death so the

Apostle Paul is saying I have no

confidence in the flesh not because he

wasn’t an accomplished person

but because he was looking at who he was

in Christ this Born Again spirit that

I’ve been teaching about all of this

week how that that part of us has been

Sanctified and perfected

forever he was approaching God and he

was approaching People based on who he

was in Christ but the average Christian

today is approaching God and people on

who they are in their flesh their own

performance and because of it they have

to put other people down to make their

flesh look better they have to blame

other people for all of their mistakes

and say you don’t understand it was my

dysfunctional family it’s because this

person did this to me that’s the reason

that I’m such a jerk and you have to put

down other people to make yourself look

good in comparison and when it comes to

God if you are trying to approach God in

your own goodness your heart is going to

constantly condemn you I was using the

verse yesterday out of Hebrew

10:2 that says because of the atonement

of Jesus we should have no more

conscience of sin and yet the average

Christian is totally sin conscious

because they’re approaching God In the

Flesh they’re trying to relate to God

based on their goodness God I’ve fasted

God I’ve prayed now I’ve done this now

you owe me something you can’t approach

God that way see all of these things are

a result of what the Lord taught me

through Spirit soul and body I begin to


that even though my flesh might be

better than somebody else’s flesh who

wants to be have the best flesh that

ever got rejected by God they that are

in the flesh cannot please God you have

to walk in the spirit you have to

worship God in spirit and in

truth and when I say things like this

there are people that are afraid and say

if you get people conscious of what

Jesus has done and who they are in the

spirit and if they’re just focused on

who they are in the spirit well then

their flesh is going to go wild they’re

going to live in sin because they no

longer are afraid that God’s going to

reject them they’re relating to God

Spirit to Spirit instead of Flesh to

Spirit there’s people that are afraid

that I’m just going to turn people loose

I’m going to give them a license to sin

let me say it this way people are

sinning pretty well without a

license there’s a lot of Christians that

men are living in sin under this

condemnation and guilt that’s not

working I’m telling you that love will

cause people to serve God more than they

ever serve God out of

fear you know in my relationship with my

wife if I was to just somehow or another

say if you ever are unfaithful to me if

you ever do this and this and this and

if I just read her the riot act and if

she lived in constant fear of me

rejecting her I might get compliance but

in her heart I guarantee you she

wouldn’t love me she wouldn’t um there

wouldn’t be the relationship that we

have but Jamie knows that I love her

regardless of her

performance and because of that that

doesn’t make her want to go out and

commit adultery or go out and do things

that would displease me it’s because of

love you know when when you take

somebody flowers do you think that

that’s going to make them hate you that

that’s going to free them because you’ve

shown some love and acceptance to them

that’s going to free them to go out out

and and have a relationship with

somebody else no when you give gifts to

people if they understand it properly

and if they understand that this is an

expression of your love man it just

makes them want to love you more it

makes them want to be more committed to

you and yet when it comes to God somehow

or another we think that if you tell

people that God loves them

unconditionally and that he’s dealt with

all of their sin past present and even

future sin that that’s just going to

turn them loose to go live in sin man

it’s just the opposite if a person could

understand how much God loves

you and if you really got a glimpse of

that if you ever really saw that I

guarantee you you would wind up serving

God more

accidentally than you have on purpose

before it would cause you to just commit

yourself to God the love of Christ

constrains us is what Paul said in 2

Corinthians chapter 5 God is love and

when you understand that love man you

will want to give up bubble gum if you

thought that that would please God you

will do anything God I’ll do anything

because you love me so much the love of

Christ constrains us to serve him and

sad to say most of us have only been

shown a conditional love conditional on

how well we perform and since none of us

perform perfectly we never feel this

perfect love and this perfect pure

unconditional love from God but if you

could understand the things that I’ve

been teaching this week hopefully this

will help you to understand that God’s

love for you is unconditional he forgave

you of all sin past present and even

future sin you’ve been Sanctified and

perfected forever in your

spirit we’ve been talking about Spirit

uh versus flesh and so um in this second

clip you really um start off by talking

about we made the righteousness of God

in Christ Jesus in that no more sin

Consciousness and you said something

that um was really powerful you said

Jesus put a will and testament into

effect then Rose to enforce that which

he will I think that’s so important

because people are still trying to do it

out of their own effort and then they

constantly feel like they’re a failure

because they’re so sinc conscious you

know my experience really I praise God

now that it happened the way it did

because I got born again when when I was

eight and 18 when I had this revelation

of the glory of God but I became a


Pharisee and the good thing about that

was that I really trusted in my flesh I

thought God was going to love me based

on what I did and even though I never

obtained that and I lived under a state

a constant state of condemnation it I

just gave my flesh everything I could do

yeah I have never said a cuss word in my

whole life never taken a drink of liquor

never said a word of profanity I’d give

up bubble gum if God told me to do I I

gave everything I had to it and fell

short so when I got a revelation that

it’s not my righteousness it’s God’s

righteousness it’s not the flesh it’s

the spirit yeah man it was easy for me

to turn from that but there’s a lot of

people that really have

not uh come to the end of their flesh

they still think that they can please

God in their own self and I I just

learned that man I can’t do it and it

it’s a great it’s a great way to come

into it come to the end of yourself

before you start I I think it’s in I

know I I had this mentality for year

years and years oftentimes people will

actually fight for their own

condemnation they’ll fight they’ll fight

to go back and say and try to justify

themselves to their own strength and it

you can do it for a short time but you

can never last for very long but did you

know people who are into their

performance and stuff it makes them

judgmental because one of the things you

have to do is constantly compare

yourself with other people and you’re

doing that so that you will wind up

looking good great and in order to look

good you have to condemn and put

everybody else down and so religious

people who are trying to earn God’s

favor are some of the most judgmental

mean angry people on the planet been

there done that no doubt and demanding

of other people you know that if they’re

you know if they’re especially if

they’re trying to disciple or something

like that their discipleship ends up

being Works in law and condemnation you

haven’t done enough and you haven’t done

enough and then they then they wonder

why more people aren’t coming to the

Lord through their example you know I

heard a story about a woman that was

trying to get healed she’d been trying

to get healed for 20 years and then a

drunk comes into the church has no good

works somebody preaches the gospel to

him and he just believes and receives

and gets healed of the exact same thing

that she’s been trying to get healed of

for 20 years and she’s now bitter

because why did God heal him and not

heal me and it’s because she was putting

her faith in the fact that she’s been

going to church paying her ties doing

these good things the drunk comes in and

says man I hadn’t got anything and he

just looks to Jesus and receives it as a

gift I’ll tell you you know and you you

referen that in this clip you go you go

over to uh Hebrews chapter 10: 10 and

talks about talk about how Jesus

accomplished this one time for us for

all time I tell you that’s such a better

way to relate to God is through what

Jesus did for us and why do you think it

is that that’s such a struggle for so

many people well I think a lot of people

when they first get born again go on

this kind of honeymoon I’ve heard a lot

of people talk about that and the reason

is because when they get born again

they’re told that God forgave you of all

of your sins and so they don’t have any

condemnation and they feel good and then

they go to church and in church they say

now unless you study the word unless you

come to church unless you pay your ties

God won’t bless you and they put them

back under this separation yeah and so

they get off of the honeymoon not

because God quit loving them but because

they go back to thinking oh now it’s

according to how holy I live and it

doesn’t work that way you’ve got to get

to where the same way that you got saved

is the same way that you stay saved you

relate to the Lord based on what Jesus

did not on what you do but religion

teaches people that God moves in your

life proportional to your performance

yeah and and in this in this clip you

talk a lot about the the aspect of

Hebrews past present and future sin and

that’s why we can be free of his sin

Consciousness oh yeah that’s what I was

starting towards I got off but that’s

that’s the reason the Hebrews 10:10

104 12 23 yes man those scriptures

transform my life because in the same

ways you got forgiven but then you sin

after you well that sin was already

dealt with past present and even future

tent sins have already been forgiven and

if you understand that it just sets you

free from sin I know one of our previous

episodes you talked about how our spirit

has been sealed with the Holy Spirit of

promise and how even even when we do

make a mistake when we do sin in the

future that sin never penetrates our

spirit and now you like you talked about

in Hebrews 12:23 how we’ve we’ve come

into just men made perfect and uh the

spirits of just men made perfect and

that’s that’s such a revelation for us

to get and that’s that’s one of the

things I so appreciate appreciate this

teaching is because uh this Set Me Free

understanding that my spirit has been

made perfect in Christ Jesus and when

you live after the spirit then you’re

walking in in the fact that you’re

pleasing unto God because of what he’s

done for us did you know I read today

that they just

found uh Cherry preserves at George

Washington’s Vernon thing they were

buried and they Unearthed them and they

just found them preserves that were

canned in 1775 are perfect no no damage

whatsoever they seal them wow and you

know you can’t take preserves and leave

them out for a week or two without you

know the Airborne um impurities but man

that’s the way our spirit is we are

sealed forever you know what’s amazing

about that too it’s it’s it was sealed

but it was sealed from the impact of

this world that’s exactly what our

spirit has been it’s been sealed from

the of this world because it’s been

sealed in him that’s good and and it’s

it’s such a so some people will believe

that yeah I was forgiven of all my sins

when I got born again but you don’t

understand I’ve messed up since then and

they think that every time you sin uh

the ultra Pentecostals will say you lose

your salvation and you go to hell in a

backsliding state if you don’t get it

repented of uh the evangelicals it’s the

same principle but just lesser

consequence you won’t lose your

salvation but you’ll lose all the

benefits of your salvation God w won’t

love you and bless you but the truth is

that when you were forgiven you were

forgiven of all sins past present and

even future sins God in your spirit it

is perfect and then it’s sealed so that

when a Christian sins that sin will

penetrate your physical body and it’ll

penetrate your soul it’ll give you

physical problems it’ll give you mental

emotional problems but it can’t

penetrate the sealer and just and that’s

why you always people sin is even though

you’ve been forgiven sin you don’t have

to walk in sin absolutely sin is stupid

so you’re not giving a license to sin

and and this is one of the things that

you shared um in this and I I thought

this was really powerful that you know

people um accusing you that at this

message of God’s unconditional love who

we are Spirit soul and body you know

this perfect this sealed spirit and past

present and future and so we have this

right relationship with God um people

then accusing you that well this is

going to give people a li to S so how

have you stayed True to this message

because So Many religious people have

reacted so crazy over the years well

there’s a ditch on both sides of the

road and sometimes people will get so

free from the condemnation that they

just go over here doesn’t matter what I

do but then there’s you know you can get

into a ditch on either side and you got

to recognize that even though God loves

us in spite of what we do we live in a

world where Satan will take advantage of

any opportunity we give him and he comes

only to steal kill and destroy so even

though God is not going to reject you

and he’s forgiven you of all sin there

are consequences to sin and Satan will

extract his pound of Flesh if you give

him an opportunity yeah and you know I’m

really glad that my testimony is I’ve

I’ve I’m living a holy life I don’t ever

approach God based on my Holiness but

nobody can accuse me of preaching Grace

so that I can go live in sin CU I’m

living a Holier life than just about any

body I know spend more time studying the

word praying and doing things and you

talked about that too that you once you

get a revelation of this you can live

more accidentally right uh in in this

because uh love love is motivating you

you’re not you’re not going out to do

these things just to to stick it to God

like well you you forgave me so deal

with it you know um but no you it now is

at a love relationship once you

understand the love of God there is

nothing that this world has to offer

that even compares to it and so you

don’t I’m not as tempted yeah to go live

in sin because I Am So Satisfied and

content with what God has done in my

life I’m not looking for anything El you

brought out that scripture as well in

Philippians chapter 3:3 where it says we

are the circumcision which Worship in

the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus

and have no confidence in the flesh and

what you just said there was you you

fell more in love with God is that is

that the the the the answer of how do we

have no confidence in the flesh is we

just fall more in love with the Lord I

think people that really are impressed

with their flesh and what they can do

it’s because they don’t really know God

Amen if you ever taste and see of the

goodness of God you will automatically

dislike your own flesh and your own

natural thing you know I had a man one

time come to my meeting in Johnson City

Tennessee and this guy had been

listening to me for years and God had

touched his life and anyway he just

touched my hand he wouldn’t let go and

he said I can’t believe I’m touching you

and he was it was embarrassing

and I finally just told him I said you

know if you spent more time with Jesus

you wouldn’t be near as impressed with

me I said this says a lot about your

lack of relationship with God and boy it

just he it stopped him in his tracks but

it’s true when you get so impressed with

the person yeah it’s because you aren’t

spending time with God Almighty if he’s

your best friend and if you’re spending

time with him you aren’t going to be

impressed with other people or yourself

that’s why God gives us our spouses too

they’re constantly reminding us or or

family members my sister she’ll come up

to my house and she’ll be like girl you

ugly without that makeup stuff on you do

on camera you ugly that’s not true come

on that’s not true but family members do

know how to put you in your place true

so um you know I think that

unfortunately a lot of Christians do

this they will try to live through

someone else’s relationship with God

like well I can’t get that Revelation so

then they’ll they’ll they’ll conference

hop or um they’ll Church hop or they’re

always going to the prayer line because

they’re expecting someone else’s

relationship with God and they never

take ownership that they can actually

have that same thing they admire they’re

like oh my gosh these men and women of

God and they’re just so they love and

respect them but they fail to to realize

they can have that same relationship and

that’s that’s also one of the tactics of

the enemy you know the Apostle Paul

right after that Philippians 33 it goes

on to say I could have confidence in

myself if anybody could he one of the

most educated men of his day he was

probably in line to be the head Rabbi so

he began to list all of his

accomplishments but then he says but

what things were gained to me those I

counted but dumb that I may win Christ

man I think that’s you know you could

say that in modern language which I

don’t use but it’s U anyway it’s not

something you want to frame and put on

your wall yeah you know actually I don’t

know if it was when you were in school

but back in the beginning of our school

I used to use that scripture a lot about

all of your righteousness is like filthy

rags it’s like dung and somebody took a

cow patty that was hardened and put it

in a frame and I hung it in my garage

and Jamie finally threw it away she

didn’t like it can’t imagine why she

wouldn’t like that but that’s what

people do they frame all of their

accomplishments and put it on the wall

so everybody can see who they are Paul

said man all of my accomplishment are

like d that is amazing you think about

we we we try so hard and this is I I

definitely relate to this we try so hard

to try to prove ourselves to other

people when we understand you even

mentioned this in the teaching that John

4:24 God is spirit and he sees us after

the spirit and everything we’re trying

to accomplish in the flesh God has

already accomplished for us in the

spirit it’s already it’s already been

it’s already been done so how do we get

our eyes off of that well people don’t

have a revelation of what they have in

the spirit and so they’re all they they

find their identity In the Flesh and if

there somebody’s talking about look what

I’ve done and you’ve done more you want

to insert that that’s the flesh that’s

true that’s the flesh you’re always

wanting to get accolades for what you’ve

done you’re always want to display all

of your Awards your trophies on your

mantel stuff like that man we need to

get to where we find our identity in

Christ amen well this this series on on

Spirit own body has um been

life-changing for us and and Chang

changed us and we see that as we teach

this message it is really honestly as we

see the graduates as we see um your

partners and Friends of the Ministries

this is this is a Core teaching and and

you’ve been faithful and consistent in

it and then so many other Series in

Revelations you say all of them have

come from spiritual body so I look

forward to the the next series that

we’re going to do with you and just

really how this feeds into more I really

want to encourage people that if you

have not had the opportunity to go

through Spirit soul and body I’ll tell

you it is life transforming I was a born

I was a Believer for 22 years before I

ever heard these truths and these

principles and this absolutely Set Me

Free to have a relationship with God

where I was not ashamed of who I was

anymore because I was confident in what

he who he was in me and no longer what I

could do for him amen and this will this

empowers every single person to live the

Christian Life and let me just mention

that we had a guy in Germany take this

teaching and put it into a visual form a

little cartoon and it’s really good I’ve

had people that listen to my series that

didn’t get it they got it through the

cartoon so that’s also available yeah

we’ll we’ll we’ll share how you can get

that but thank you so much for sharing

about Spirit soul body in these

Revelations thank you for living this

out as well and thank you Jesus for

living it out amen all right well join

us for our next series with Andrew as we

continue to go into our spirit home body

now and uh is impacting even more

Revelation so thank you Andrew

amen well you know if we go through the

clip talking to Andrew this the new clip

and and the questions and what he’s been

answering I’ve Loved this series um and

I know we’re going to love the other

series but this is honestly Spirit soul

body is one of my favorite because of

the way it truly Set Me Free and I’ve

seen what it’s done within your life and

I’m just so excited that um as you’ve

been watching the same opportunity that

this becomes foundational thinking in

your life um what it can produce is

absolutely phenomenal you know to quote

Andrew many people people believe that

God can do anything they just don’t

believe that he has done anything and

when you go through these principles and

when you hear the word and and and you

see this Revelation that has really come

out of Andrew’s heart you realize just

the extent of what God has done for us

by placing his Spirit on the inside of

us and restoring back to us exactly how

we were created in the garden and

honestly for me this revelation change

the way I read the word of God Amen

because then um you’ll you’ll see as you

go through verses where it’s talking

about where say Paul or one of the other

writers is talking about you know why

why are you like what you used to be

talking about the flesh don’t you know

what God has done talking about the

spirit don’t you know who you are in

Christ and then he gives us directions

therefore and then gives us direction of

then how to renew our mind and get our

soul man under the submission of the

spirit and you just see it’s like

spirit’s own body spirit’s own body to

the point you can see SSB SSB all over

verses in my Bible and what’s EXC you

know it it makes you realize how much

God loves us you know 2 Corinthians 5:21

as Andrew shared he who knew no sin

became sin that we might become the

righteousness of God in Christ Jesus so

we understand just the extent is of his

love towards us and then it gives us the

ability to show him the love that same

love back to him because now now we have

his Spirit living on the inside of us we

can have relationship based upon what

he’s done for us not what we do for him

and I’ll tell you that will just set you

free and as we continue to walk this out

as we continue to renew our minds that’s

exactly what God wants us to do is to be

free from those old mentalities that

have held us captive for so long drawing

us to a place where we think that we

relate to God based upon our goodness if

anything if this course has caugh taught

me anything it’s not about my goodness

it’s about his goodness what he’s done

for us and that’s what I appreciate I

look back at you know Andrew sharing

about how he came to this Revelation and

uh all the principles that have really

been laid in the foundations in his

heart and now you and I get the

opportunity to learn from another

person’s growth and their dedication to

the word of God what a privilege that is

amen and I’ll just say this revelation

of spirit somebody is critical when you

really start not only having

relationship with God but then how your

relationship with God can start to over

on the people around you we always we

always when we teach Spirit soul and

body at Caris we always say man you need

the spirit of God to be married amen you

need the spirit of God to be parents and

to live in this world and and maybe you

work in the secular Market Place you

need the spirit of God that’s going to

lead you and guide you and taping into

that Supernatural Faith we’ve already

talked about and just how in those

moments when the flesh tries to rise up

you know how to speak to the Flesh of

who you really are are and what your

real identity is so once again as we

wrap up the series we want to say thank

you so much for joining us and and

remind you that you can get some free

materials as you look at these different

principles Andrew has some free gifts

that he wants to give you in spirit soul

and body this introductory pamphlet yeah

not pamphlet but booklet you’re not

going to want to miss this opportunity

so if you just look at the screen it’ll

tell you exactly how you can get a hold

of this material so we really encourage

you to reach out to our prayer ministers

if you would like prayer or or just to

reach out to grab this material please

do not let this opportunity Escape you

you know and we’ve already been saying

it Andrew’s already said it that this is

something that you don’t just learn once

what what all of us have been talking

about this whole series is not the

fullness of this Revelation is something

that you need and so uh these products

that free booklet that Mike just talked

about but also our spirit soul and Body

Book this is absolutely phenomenal you

get this as well as we have some CD DVDs

you when you call in our Prayer Ministry

they’re going to be able to direct you

on how to get those products as well as

the spirit soul and body study guide and

this is an incredible incredible tool

that you can utilize utilize alongside

with the book with the booklet as well

to really you know no matter how you

learn whether it’s reading or reading

and writing or reading writing and

seeing this is a great opportunity where

you can saturate all your senses with

the word of God and really be transform

and I like the study guide because we

designed it in a way that you can sit

down uh you can sit down and teach your

kids you can sit down with your home

group your women’s group your men’s

group whatever it is and sit down and go

through these we have lots of people

that have gone through with their

churches we personally uh do Spirit soul

body with our kids that’s every day

every day like wait this is not who you

really are this is who you are in the

spirit you are born again so therefore

do not kick your brother in the head and

sometimes they say this is not who your

father really is this is your

father’s right oh the these are powerful

principles that I believe will not only

change you it will change the way that

you do what God’s called you to do for

such a time as this so again this is our

last day for this free product offer so

call in to The Prayer Ministry that

number is there on the screen as well if

you’re needing prayer if there’s just

different things that have been just

attacking You In the Flesh we know that

uh we’re in this world we’re not of it

amen but we are in this world and so if

there’s just different things that the

enemy has just been going after you

maybe loved ones different situations we

would love to pray because when we pray

we agree with the word of God we agree

with what the spirit of God is saying

over your life and who you really are

and so please join us uh not just in uh

getting this material but join us as we

go into another series with Andrew w we

are so excited of what we’re going to be

able to pull out of him amen so thank

you so much for this time for showing

this time into your lives and uh we look

forward to seeing you again really soon

so join us as we continue to study with

Andrew for
