The True Nature of God – Andrew’s Classics – Season 2, Ep. 5

The law was given to show God’s standard and now under the new covenant we operate under His grace.


well welcome back to Andrew’s Classics

where we have been taking a number of

days to really go through the true

nature of God and we said this in um our

last episode about what it means to

truly talk about the true nature of God

not the misunderstood or the

misrepresented nature of God that the

enemy and unfortunately religion has

been so good at telling you who God is

and is not but it’s not according to the

word of God you know and even Andrew

referenced this he talked about how even

if you go to the word of God sometimes

you get a misunderstanding or mis a

wrong impression of who God really is by

the the old Covenant versus the New

Covenant and you don’t quite understand

well why is why is wrath such a part of

the old Covenant and Grace such a part

of the New Covenant and that’s really

explained uh Andrew explains that

throughout his teachings and as we’re

talking to him as well just

understanding that sin was in the world

but sin was not being imputed to men

where there it was no law so the law was

brought in to show man that he was

sinful to show him what was right and

wrong what the standard was and so

really understanding that the the

purpose of the law defined by the word

of God will really set you free well

even just you saying that is honestly

it’s a mouthful and somebody who doesn’t

understand the true nature of God

they’re like what are you talking about

Mike like not imputed and what does that

what does that mean and that’s why

Andrew really takes the time throughout

the course of his ministry career to

really articulate that old Covenant New

Covenant you know melding in and getting

that understanding because if not then

you believe God is schizophrenic and

honestly your approach to the word of

God is schizophrenic AB that you and

your faith becomes that same way because

maybe God today yes maybe God today no

and you are back and forth all the time

because you don’t know who your God is

and so that’s what I so appreciate about

this ministry um and and why Andrews

made this an important key Foundation

true nature of God is one of the first

courses um after Spirit soul and body uh

in uh K’s Bible College yes because so

many people are coming in with a warped

perception of God and if you can get

that grounded in the word of God and be

able to articulate the why it uh it then

from there they’re able to accept all

the other Promises of God so this is

this is critical that you are watching

this today I believe this is going to be

huge Revelation for you and again going

back to the uh the course the study time

that we had with uh spirit soul and body

you know we we live in a world that is

so based upon your acts and your

performance and what you’ve done right

what you’ve done wrong then then the

reward based upon that promotion based

upon that ex you get paid according to

your skill sets it’s all about what you

can and cannot do that’s not how God

treats us he he treats us now in this uh

Covenant that we have through Christ

Jesus Jesus he treats treats us and

based upon how he he would treat Jesus

and even sharing that I know that’s just

to say that and not explain it is uh is

foreign to some people that’s why we ask

you to really delve in with us with

Andrew and talking with Andrew and

listening to these clips because it’s

really going to bring some explanation

to some of those more radical statements

and you when you begin to realize who

God is by his nature what he’s done for

us his love towards us it’s sets us free

to experience life at a completely

different level yes we’ll still have to

relate to this world based upon our

actions but we relate to God based upon

his actions towards us amen so we are

excited to watch this older clip of

Andrew explaining more about the true

nature of God then we’ll ask Andrew some

questions and continue to learn and grow

in this so watch with us in the New

Testament man’s sins are not imputed

unto them we’ve already used that verse

out of 2 Corinthians chap 5 verse 19 so

a person who is trying to serve god with

an Old Testament mindset is not pleasing

to God they are not serving God the way

that he really uh would like us to serve

him they are misrepresenting God if they

are showing God is this harsh God that

is angry at sin and is ready to punish

sin and to do all of these things that

is a misrepresentation of God and so it

says in verse 7 this is Romans 7:7 what

shall we say then is the law sin God

forbid nay I had not known sin but by

the law for I had not known lust except

the law had said Thou shalt not covet

now some people are going to say are you

saying that the law is sin no that’s not

what I’m saying and let me once again

make this point that the Apostle Paul

had to say this a number of different

times if you really preach on the grace

of God and show people that God loves

them separate from what they deserve it

is not based on their goodness or

Holiness this leads you to two questions

that ought to automatically come up one

is are you just saying that I can live

in sin now see Paul dealt with that

twice in Romans chapter 6 a total of

four different times in his writings no

that’s not what he’s saying but that is

a logical question if you never have

this question come up are you just

saying that I can live in sin because

God is not dealing with me according to

my my sins then you aren’t hearing the

same gospel preached that Paul preached

that is not what we’re saying but that

is a logical question another logical

question is somebody should say is the

law sin then was the law a bad thing

well no that’s not what we’re saying the

law was good if you use it for the

purpose it was intended but the law

wasn’t intended to bring you victory

over sin but it was intended to allow

sin to have victory over over you the

law empowered your enemy sin not you and

it goes on to say right here in verse

7 said I had not known sin but by the

law for I had not known lust except the

law had said Thou shalt not covet so the

law gave us the knowledge of sin this is

what it says over in Romans 3:19 and 20

in verse 8 it says but sin taking

occasion by the Commandment wrought in

me all manner of concu Ence now notice

here it says that sin took occasion by

the Commandment in other words the

Commandment gave sin an opportunity

against us and it says right here that

it wrought in me all manner of

concupisent the word concupisent it’s an

Old English word it just means an

uncontrolled unrestrained unfettered

lust in other words it breed the law

allowed lust to just lose all of its

restrictions it made lust come alive on

the inside of us for without the law sin

was dead man these are strong strong

statements and they’re exactly opposite

of what most people believe about the

law most people believe that if you

preach against sin If You Preach against

adultery If You Preach against dope

addiction and alcohol addiction and if

you preach against these things that you

are going to see people delivered from

that the Bible here says it’s just the

opposite that sin taking occasion by the

Commandment wrought in me all manner of

concupisent for without the law sin was

dead and so this is just showing that

the law when you preach against adultery

when you preach against drug addiction

and alcohol addiction and uh pornography

and stuff you are going to make people

lust for the very thing that you preach

against now I’ve already used some

examples on this I’m not going to go

back into great detail but I know that

there’s people that you know just catch

this program and you’re saying this

can’t be this is the opposite of what I

believe but you can see this in uh in

our daily life every single day when

somebody comes up to you and says you

can’t do this there is something on the

inside of you that makes you just

immediately say bless God I shall I

don’t believe God made us to be ruled

over by rules and regulations he

originally created Adam and Eve to be in

a sense like God he just forbade them

one thing out of all creation don’t eat

of this tree but he made us to be Lords

to be rulers to be in control and there

is something inside of every person that

resists being told that you can’t do

something you can see this with the

little kid and I’ve already given

examples of all of this but man they’re

they’re great examples I’d love to go

back but I I told about a man who was

listening to this teaching saw his uh

son out in the backyard playing with

some friends he thought he had test this

out he walked to the back door and he

says you’re doing good but whatever you

do Thou shalt not spit on this flower

then he went back into his study looked

and half the kids immediately spit on

that flower the others stood there with

their mouth just salivating wishing that

they could spit on that flower they

hadn’t even known that that flower

existed until somebody said Thou shalt

not and all of a sudden something rose

up that said bless God I shall we do

this all the time when you dare somebody

and say I dare you you you can’t do it

and you know what it just

works matter of fact I don’t think I use

this on my television program but this

is a great example that one of my uh

good friends we play golf together and

we have a little trophy it’s a purse

with a golf ball in it a woman’s golf

ball and we give that to the loser and

you have to take your purse and go home

and put this trophy on your desk and

stuff and anyway I was playing this good

friend of mine Tim Nickerson and he was

two strokes ahead of me on the 17th hole

only two holes to go we hit both nearly

identical drives it was a par five the

second shot was a long shot across a

lake the lot the smart thing to do was

to lay up but I was two strokes behind

so I got my three-wood out and I was

going for it Tim had a iron out and he

was going to lay up and play smart and

you know what I did I used this

principle right here and I begin to say

you can’t do it you can’t get across

that Lake you know you’re a wimp you’re

a you’re a Who if you were a man

you would go for and I just told him

basically thou can’t not do this and you

know what he pulled his three-wood out

put it right in the water I wound up

beating him by Two

Strokes so we are still studying on the

true nature of God and um we were just

talking about it during um this break

just that we’re really glad that this is

the message that follows Spirit soul and

body because once you understand that

the spirit of God lives within you then

even how important it is to know who the

spirit of God is like he’s not you don’t

have a harsh controlling dictating

dictator now living inside of you You’

got a loving King of Kings Lord of lords

father who never leaves you and forsake

you so I think that these two messages

go so closely together and that was part

of kind of your walk of Revelation as

well right absolutely you know Second

Corinthians chapter 3 talks about the

contrast between the old Covenant and

the New Covenant and it says what what

the old Covenant had had no glory

compared to what we have amen so stop

and think about Moses being in the

presence of God for 40 days and 40

nights no food his face shining hearing

an audible voice of God having the Ten

Commandments given that is nothing

compared to what we have matter of fact

it goes on to say that those people

searched earnestly to wondering what we

had promised us amen if Moses could

somehow or another you know be

translated into our day and time without

experiencing thousands of years in

heaven if he had just come from what he

had into this he would be flat of his

face at the glory of God Amen and yet

most people would rather have what Moses

had and think wouldn’t that be wonderful

what we have is better instead of our

face shining as a reflection of being in

the presence of God we have the glory of

God inside of us it literally says that

in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 that we

have been called to the obtaining of the

glory of the Lord Jesus Christ what we

have inside of us is greater than what

Moses saw but you can’t see it with your

physical eyes and so you have to

perceive it by faith you know the word

even says that all of creation is is

groaning waiting for the sons of God to

be revealed yeah and that’s that’s the

the responsibility and and the privilege

that we have as children of God that we

can walk out this Glory that’s been

placed on the inside of us and

demonstrate that to the to the world

that’s around us yeah so good most

people miss it because again you can’t

see it with your physical eyes in the

New Covenant it says in Hebrews 11:6

without faith it’s impossible to please

God and you contrast that with Galatians

3:12 that says that the latter part of

that says the law is not a faith yeah so

without faith it’s impossible to please

God the law is not a faith if you are

trying to live by the law you cannot

please God Amen and that’s what the and

and and you can meet a lot of religious

people that they really do love God

they’re they want to serve God and

that’s just heartbreaking that as

they’re trying to do it in their

legalism and doing it in their own flesh

all of that want is still translating

into not pleasing God because you’re

doing it from the wrong source of

yourself did you know that the Lord put

up with adultery he took the woman in

the very Act of adultery and he didn’t

condemn condone what she did he said it

was sin told her not to do it anymore

but he didn’t punish her he didn’t

execute the law he went in the scribes

and Pharisees home he was accused of

eating with publicans and Sinners and

stuff the only people that Jesus ever

rejected were law people religious law

people who were trusting in their

goodness if a person was a prostitute a

tax collector or whatever but they knew

that they were wrong and called out for

Merc Mercy man he’ eat with them

fellowship with them but the religious

people are the ones that he got on their

Cas you know one of the scriptures that

you reference in this last section that

we just saw was 2 Corinthians chapter 5:

19 where you said to it that God was in

Christ reconciling the world unto

himself not imputing their trespasses

unto them and hath committed unto us the

the word of reconciliation that’s

awesome what an incredible what a

powerful statement if we really had a

revelation of that we we’d be first of

all so grateful to God for all that he’s

done and then so excited about making

him known to everybody else who’s

already been taken captive by the aspect

of sin so I look at that and how

powerful that really and truly is to

understand that as Believers that we

have not been wayed by sin we’ve been TR

totally freed by by the Lord and put

that together with um Romans 5:13 it

says until the law sin was in the world

but sin is not imputed where there is no

law you put that together with 2

Corinthians 5:19 he was in Christ not

imputing our sins unto us that means

that he wasn’t dealing with us by the

law he imputed our sin to Jesus you know

the word impute means to just lay to a

person’s account it’s an accounting type

of term yeah and uh we don’t use that

word much today but this literally means

that he wasn’t holding our sins against

us and I remember I remember in in Bible

school getting this Revelation you were

talking about imputed in before and then

the law and then now and I was like what

because it just rocked my world that God

wasn’t keeping a record of my sin I knew

I was saved and I knew I was redeemed

but the fact I mean he’s God he’s the

holy spirit so the holy spirit’s up

there going

oh that’s what I could and I I just had

this mental picture of God was keeping

track of my sin because obviously that’s

what I got to work with her on and

that’s what I got to that’s what I got

to trainer in and I just saw like the

Holy Spirit was like this Record Keeper

versus my teacher and my guide I saw him

as a Record Keeper so that then he has

this long to-do list of what he’s got to

redeem the in and I it just it shook it

shook me up really honestly in Bible

School realizing the depths of it so let

me use this the word impute like I said

isn’t something we use but this is a

credit card and did you know when you

give your credit card to somebody you

hadn’t paid for anything but this little

metal strip on there means they got all

of your information and it’s imputed

unto you and if you don’t believe that

when the bill comes to pay your credit

card bill tell them oh I already paid I

gave it to them when I got it no you

didn’t pay you let them impute it unto

you yeah and see that’s what it is and

if you somehow or another went and

bought something and it was not imputed

unto you it’s just like there’s no

record yeah yeah

or here’s another example like say for

instance you’re buying something and I

walk up and I say here put it on my

account and if they impute it unto me

then I have to pay for what you got and

if you came up and said put it on my

account and I was shopping I’d be like

excuse me I need to go get a couple more

things but you know what you would be

crazy if you said well I don’t deserve

this it doesn’t matter where you deserve

it if I have it imputed unto me it would

be wrong on your account to think well

I’ve got to do something yeah and so yes

Jesus paid for my sins I’m not going to

go to hell but I have to suffer at least

to a degree I can’t just be entering in

boldly into the presence of God I’ve got

to pay for these sins and if you can’t

receive it for yourself how in the world

like that’s the scripture talks about

how in the world would you ever be a an

ambassador for that same reconciliation

to other people if you have never freely

received you can’t freely give no and

and you think about that that what that

word reconciliation it means I I just

looked it up really quickly that

actually means exchange you’re you’re an

ambassador of the exchange that happened

on the inside of you to happen on the

inside of other people as well and

Reconciliation also means uh I’ve I mean

it means to bring back into harmony into

Fellowship yeah and so it’s like the

strings on a guitar if you don’t

harmonize them man it just grapes on you

but and and if you aren’t reconciled to

God that means you’re out of tune it’s

not you know it doesn’t sound good but

when you get into harm it makes

beautiful well and I think that’s why

even in this first clip you talk about

um most people believe that if you

preach against sin that that’s your

you’re preaching the gospel you’re

teaching people don’t sin but you said

the Bible is just the opposite you’re

not out there preaching against sin

you’re preaching what you’re preaching

Grace you’re preaching that God has

taken care of sin doesn’t mean that

they’re not a sinner but you’re you’re

actually bringing the remedy versus just

highlighting their problem I preach

against sin but I don’t pre preach

getting free from sin in order to be

right with God exactly you were right

with God totally by grace through faith

but sin will take you further than you

want to go keep you longer and you want

to stay and cost you more than you want

to pay you do not want to live in sin

and I’ve seen you teach the aspect of

your right standing with God is the it’s

the fruit of what God has already done

for you not the root of what so that

it’s it’s a totally different concept

it’s an understanding it’s a right

laying out of of the process that God

has ordained within us that first we’ve

been set free from sin good and now we

have we are free to have relationship

with the Lord moving forward and and

then walking that out we we get the

chance to see that happen in other

people’s lives as well that’s a good way

of saying it that righteousness or

Holiness is not the root of a

relationship with God but it’s a fruit

it’s a byproduct of a relationship with

God and you can’t really get free from

sin on your own you have to have God

living through you and you have to first

of all access that

and and that’s why when when we talk

about spirit’s own body you know if you

walk after the spirit Galatians 5:16 you

will not fulfill the lust of the Flesh

and so because you’re re you’re you’re

walking now with a release in submission

and obedience and release of actually

the life of God within you and that’s

why I love it when it talks about uh 1

Peter 13 talks about we participate we

can we can participate in the divine

nature of God second Peter second Peter

1:4 is close so so let’s go ahead and

let’s take a look at this next clip as

well and then we’ll come back and we’ll

ask you some more questions Andy

amen but people begin to take God’s

protection and lack of punishment and

wrath against sin as approval of sin and

you can see that because his great great

great grandson lame came along and

killed a man and he says if Cain got by

with murder then God is going to to

avenge me 70 times seven in other words

he thought I’m more justified in what I

did than what Cain was they were

comparing themselves among themselves

which the Bible says is not wise and

because of it they begin to deaden

themselves to sin thinking well Cain got

by with sin layment got by with sin and

people thought it was just okay to go

live in sin boy we are living in that

time right now there are people that are

flaunting their ungodliness their

homosexuality their train

transgenderism their just I mean total

ungodliness in every way Isaiah 5:2 has

come to pass in our days where they call

evil good and good evil and Sweet Bitter

and bitter sweet and light darkness and

darkness light that is happening people

have perverted everything and you know

the children that are raising up today

and seeing all of this ungodliness and

it’s being portrayed in movies and even

Disney and and things that were one time

Family moral friendly have been

perverted how’s it going to affect

people well the law was given to break

that deception and to show that here is

God’s standard and if you break it these

are the consequences and they were

severe consequences and the Reason God

did that was to turn man from sin

because Satan gains an actual access an

inroad into us through sin Romans

chapter 6 verse 16 and uh so therefore

God had to limit the amount of sin or

Satan would have just completely have

destroyed corrupted the human race so it

would have been impossible for Jesus to

be born of a virgin and come into this

world and so he had to limit sin plus it

also took away any deception that

because I’m better than this person over

there I’m going to be accepted by God

God showed a standard that was

perfect and said if you don’t keep it in

every single point then you deserve to

go to hell and it put fear in people

that turned them away from sin and also

made them throw themselves on God for

mercy so that was the purpose of the Old

Testament law if people don’t understand

that correctly then what they do is

misinterpret the law thinking well God

here gave us these hundreds of laws that

we’ve got to obey and if I’ll just do

all of these things then God will have

to accept me nobody can keep all of the

laws of

God I’m not going to take time to turn

over there but if you look in Leviticus

I think it’s around chapter

2022 it gives some of the qualifications

of a priest and in the New Testament

Peter wrote that we are all Kings and

Priests we don’t have to have somebody

with their collar turned around

backwards to intercede between us and

God because Jesus himself is our high

priest and so we have direct access to

God through Jesus so every new test

believer is a priest the qualifications

for an Old Testament priest are listed

in Leviticus and did you know that you

had to be perfect you couldn’t have a

blemish if you had a mole on your body

you could not be a priest you were

defiled if you had a flat nose you

couldn’t be a priest that was a

defilement if you were crooked in your

posture if you were stoop shoulder you

couldn’t be a priest if you were

left-handed if you had poor eyesight and

on and on on all the things go now why

did God give those commands is it

because he hates people with a mold on

their body he hates people that are

stoop shoulder he hates people that have

a flat nose no it’s not because God

hated them but he was the high priest

was a symbol of how Jesus would be and

Jesus was perfect and if anybody wanted

to be a priest they had to be

































































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