Build It : The Remedy For Discouragement | Jentezen Franklin

The devil wants to scatter marriages, families, nations, and churches and take out your vision for the future. But God has a remedy. Lift up your head, look to God, and build back what Hell destroyed. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin:   / jentezen     / jentezen     / jentezenfranklin   Donate to help us share the gospel around the world through Kingdom Connection broadcasts and other humanitarian outreaches:… #jentezenfranklinsermons #faith #discouragement

isn’t it amazing that the thing that

will help you build your altar is the

thing you don’t have enough

of together we’re inspiring people to

live for Jesus if you’re looking for

more in life to live with purpose and

peace to make a difference for your

family and those in need around the

world Jesus is the answer and our

mission is to Simply point you to him

you’re watching Kingdom connection with

Jensen Frank

you have your Bibles open them with me

to the Old Testament book of Zachariah I

want you to see some powerful

verses in the book of Zechariah Chapter

1 we’ll begin reading with verse

16 therefore thus says the Lord I am

returning to Jerusalem with

Mercy my house shall be built in it says

the Lord of hosts and a surveyor’s line

shall be stretched out over Jerusalem

he’s saying all of this after Babylonian

captivity after the city the nation has

been destroyed 70 years of captivity and

God sends this word and then he says in

verse 17 Again Proclaim saying thus says

the Lord of hosts my cities shall again

spread out through

Prosperity the Lord will again Comfort

Zion and will again Che choose

Jerusalem Verse

18 then I raised my eyes and looked this

is Zachariah and he says there were four

horns and I said to the angel who talked

with me what are these so he answered me

these are the horns that have scattered

Judah notice now what are the horns

doing they scattered Judah Israel and

Jerusalem then the Lord showed me four

carpenters and I said what are these

coming to do so he said these are the

horns that scattered Judah so that

listen to it no one can lift up his

head but the Carpenters are coming to


them to cast out the

horns of the Nations that lifted up

their horn against the land of Judah to


it so I’m preaching today on build it

and part one this morning I’m preaching

on the remedy for

discouragement but I feel those words

alive in my soul this morning build it

in some cases rebuild

it but you’ll understand that what God

is doing in this hour I believe is found

in Zechariah Chapter 1

he speaks of a vision and he speaks of

seeing in the middle of it four horns

rising up he said and behold I lifted up

my eyes and there were four horns horns

in the Bible are symbols and synonymous

with power with strength with a Rams

Horn is what it’s referring to and it

has to do with aggressive power not just

power but aggressive power unbridled


restraint and is coming to destroy these

four horns came up to destroy notice

what it said to scatter rising up

against Jerusalem which is the capital

city of Israel and Judah which is the

people the seed the the the race of

Israel and Israel the entire nation to

scatter them that word is so important

the purpose of of the horns was to

scatter Israel it was and we today the

church is spiritual Israel there’s

natural Israel and there’s spiritual

Israel and these things were written for

our learning to understand how the enemy

operates when he attacks Israel the

church the body of

Christ so that the people would be so

defeated so discouraged and despondent

that their head is looking down not

looking up


comes to take our

vision to turn our head down away from

the future of Hope and the faith in our

future to be dissipated to be

discouraged and everything about that

posture of looking down is unbiblical

the Bible clearly says in Psalms 121 and

verses 1 and two lift up your eyes into


heels you’re not supposed to be

despondent and looking down that’s the

enemy and the spirit that’s coming and

it came to the nation of Israel the

people of Israel and the capital city of

Jerusalem and it said you are defeated

and you are to stay down don’t you look

up with faith and vision lift up your

head unto the heels from which cometh

your help your help is the lord it’s

time to break out of the present

problems it’s time to lift up your eyes

I’m going to preach what God told me to

preach we have a bright future your

family if you believe in Jesus Christ I

don’t care how scattered and divided it

is you lift up your head you do have a

future and God still has a vision for

miracles in your home it’s not over

better days are coming God’s not done

God’s not going to let it in like this

and it’s not his will for your family to

be scattered broken divided and defeated

in the name of Jesus help is on the way

I believe that when you begin to focus

on where you’ve been that’s where you

stay but he


together Israel Jerusalem Judah

everything the enem tried to scatter and

divide and there is a great great spirit

I believe that has come to divide our

nation to divide our families to divide

our marriages to divide us from our

future place of Destiny and

calling and a scattering of Godly

marriages is happening a scattering of

families raised in church and then comes

those those four horns to scatter and

divide and tear to pieces and you sit

here without your children Sunday after

Sunday and your heart swells and you

wonder where in the world and how in the

world is this thing ever going to change

we’re scattered we’re divided in our

families and in our homes but I did not

come to preach bad

news I have a remedy I have a solution

for all of the scattering

dividing demonic spirits that have come

against families marriages homes and

this nation the problem is scattering

but here’s the good news he said my

solution for scattering Spirits is there

is another force in the vision that

started rising up he said I see a group

of people and they’ve got work belts

strapped on they’ve got hammers they’ve

got nails they’re not tearer Downs

they’re Builder UPS they’re Builders

they’re they’re laborers they’re workers

they’re carpenters and they are coming

and they will destroy the word said

those four horns and what they wanted to

do to the families of

Israel what is happening is I will send

forth the carpenter and they will subdue

the scattering

Spirits there’s about to be building and

rebuilding of that which has been

scattered and

divided God needs Carpenters right now


critics God needs Carpenters right now


complainers and God needs carpenters and

Builders right now not a bunch of cynics

who say well I believe last year and

it’s gotten worse I don’t care God is in

control and God is working even when it

doesn’t look like he’s working and he’s

saying I need some Carpenters who will

get their head up get their faith up and

get their work tools out and start

building back what the enem tried to

destroy the walls of Nehemiah the walls

of Jerusalem that Nehemiah rebuilt will

rebuilt in 52

days but it did not happen with empty

hands the Bible said every man woman boy

girl took a tool in one hand a

hammer or something like that and they

took a sword in the other hand

and they said we will fight for our

families we will fight for our marriages

we will fight every evil spirit that

comes to scatter and divide if you

wanted a fight devil you pick this fight

you’re going to get a fight I’m going to

take the sword of the spirit which is

the word of God and I will stab you to

death you will not get my family my

nation my home my children my

grandchildren children I’m going to

build with one hand and fight with the

other building and battling building and


battling but it won’t happen with Idle

Hands the enemy wants your hands idle

while the enemy is scattering and

dividing your children and your family

and tearing Everything To Pieces but you

have to put on a work belt and get you

one of those nuclear

powered I don’t know what they’re called

you can tell how gifted I am in that

department you need a just to feel like

a man you need a tape measure on your

belt and you need a hammer hanging off

of you and when Hell Comes to destroy

everything that you love you just grab a

sword in one hand and grab your power

drill in the other hand

and say devil I know you’ve attacked

through drugs through alcoholism through

de Demons of depression and byar

whatever in the name of Jesus I have the

spirit of a carpenter and I’m going

rebuild what hell has

destroyed get your head up get your

faith up get your vision up God has not

forsaken you or your family

woo glory to

God Jesus for the first 30 years of his

life was not raised in the

priesthood he was raised in a


home and the last three years of his

life when he started doing Miracles

after he had worked in his father’s

carpentry business rebuild broken

things the people

said when they saw him doing

Miracles is not this Joseph the


son carpentry has always been God’s

remedy for scattering and dividing and

discouraging God’s

people Jesus showed up with the spirit

of the Builder when he came

and he said I’ve got the tools that I

need to rebuild any marriage any family

Any Nation any people who will turn to

me I’ve got three Nails I’ve got a

hammer and I’ve got two

beans and if you take the cross and the

nails and you take the sacrifice of his

blood on the cross it can rebuild any

broken place in your life that’s my

Carpenter his name name is

Jesus so there are three things that God

wants us to

rebuild if you’re going to see the

spirit of the

carpenter hit your life and raise back

up what the enemy has scattered and

divided first of all you got to rebuild


altar every problem

with people is a prayer

problem if you fix your

altar you will fix your

life if your altar is unfixed your life

will remain

unfixed there comes a point when you get

so desperate that you rebuild your altar

and if you will rebuild the Altar and

put God first in your life

and begin to call on him and begin to

listen to him because prayer is talking

to God word is listening to

God and if you will rebuild your altar

your altar will rebuild your life

rebuild your marriage rebuild your

children rebuild your

future there is no shortcuts that’s why

when Elijah wanted the fire to fall on

his Nation again they were in a drought

for three and A2 years and he went to

Mount Carmel and he said I’ve got to

First build an altar to solve this

problem to rebuild the nation rebuild

the Altar and he got 12 Stones he

stacked them on top of each other he

built a fire with wood and he did not

start the fire he just put the wood

there and he laid the sacrifice on the

drywood and then he did something

strange he called for 12 barrels of

water the one thing they didn’t have was

water it had not rain nor Dew had come

in the

mornings there was no Dee or rain for

three and A2 years and water was the one

thing they didn’t have much of at all

isn’t it amazing that the thing that

will help you build your altar is the

thing you don’t have enough

of and most people don’t pray when they

have what they need but the thing that

you don’t have that you desperately want

to see happen is the very thing that

should cause you to pour and build an

altar and they drench The Altar and the

fire fell from heaven and lit the fire

and the famine was over and the nation

was blessed and

restored rebuild the altar don’t leave

the altar in disarray if the enemies

come through your family with scattering

and dividing

rebuild the altar altars are always the

result of when you don’t have enough in

yourself to do it it’s going to take God

use that as as as fuel to make you build

an altar I can’t do it I don’t have

enough but God can the second thing

you’ve got to

do if you’re going to get your head

lifted up into vision and future and

rebuild your life and rebuild everything

that the enemy has scattered and divided

is you’ve got to rebuild your

relationships with people

you see we have got to


ourselves we are a selfie

generation that’s why we take our cell

phones and we’ll hold it up and some

people post 400 pictures of themsel a

day it’s called a

selfie and the spirit of the selfie has

got in the church

and all we think about is

ourselves but when you lift up your head

and God begins to rebuild your altar it

will make you begin to focus on other

people not just yourself but you start

saying well if I’m walking through this

I’m walking through it because God’s

going to get Glory out of it and that

means that I’m going to be healed by

helping somebody else and building

somebody else up

up because I’ve been there and I know

what they’re facing that’s why this one

is important the third one is build

yourself up Jude chapter 1 and verse 20

says that beloved you are to build up

yourselves in The Most Holy Faith how

praying in the Holy

Spirit praying in the heavenly

language praying in the holy

ghost walking and praying in the

spirit how do you do that you build

yourself up by putting on CDs of worship

by putting on music in your heart

singing making Melody building your

faith up walking and praying and talking


God and I can tell somebody here that

the spirit of the carpenter is here this

morning to tell you if you have no hope

if you have your head down looking only

at your present and

grieving that the remedy for

discouragement is Here Comes Jesus

Christ and here comes his army of

Believers the encouragers the laborers

the Builders the Carpenters I’m looking

at them and God says I’ve done too much

for you for you to have empty hands and

not be building somebody else’s life

because I rescued you and rebuil you I

want you to rebuild others and their

faith and it starts with you rebuilding

the altar out of your own

need can you just throw throw your hands

up right where you’re sitting at every

campus just say Lord here’s my

family here’s my marriage here’s my

future here’s my life here’s my

disappointments here’s my trials here’s


addiction here’s what I don’t have

here’s here here here’s where I

am and those that Spirit of scattering

that satanic scattering and dividing in

the name of Jesus I’ve come with the

remedy that has caused your head to not

be able to be lifted up unto the hills

from which comes your help and that

remedy is the spirit of the carpenter

Jesus Christ who has come not to

demolish but to rebuild broken lives

broken families

broken marriages broken

relationships rebuild old broken

relationships go to work quit worrying

and start working there’s a verse in in

Nehemiah uh chapter 4 that says the

people had a mind to

work if you’ll get the mind to work your

hands will

follow and some of you got to get a mind

set that I’m not going to just sit back

and let the enemy scatter and divide my

family I have a mind mind to work on

this my mind is renewed about this and I

have the spirit of the Carpenter and I’m

going to start building steps and a

bridge back to what the enemy has

scattered and

divided it’s time for us to believe that

God can rebuild everything the enemy has

destroyed your family is not too far

gone your business is not too far gone

and many of you need to invite Jesus

into your life he is the master

Carpenter he can take what you have and

he won’t demolish you more but he wants

to rebuild everything that has been

devastated pray this prayer and watch

what Jesus can do invite him in say

Jesus I give you my life I’ll do what I

can do I will surrender to you wash me

and cleanse me I just give you my life I

kneel down in my heart and I give you my

life on the altar in Jesus mighty name I

want to welcome you to the family of God

you just prayed that prayer and you need

to tell somebody if you’ve been watching

the news then you know that the world is

turning its eyes toward the escalating

conflict between Iran and Israel we have

never seen anything like this before and

let me tell you we are truly living in

prophetic times at this hour it is so

important that we stand with Israel let

Israel know that we have their back and

in the South we’re keeping family safe

through our newest initiative light over

Darkness we cannot do this massive

Project without your help we’ve

committed A5 million gift to this cause

I believe that God will supply every

penny of it you can be a part of that

blessing today help us watch this and

see how you can be

involved on October 7 Israel was

attacked by the dark Forces of Hamas it

was the worst massacre the Jewish people

experienced since the Holocaust the

ashkal region in southern Israel was

attacked directly this is where Jensen

Franklin media Ministries in partnership

with the Jewish National Fund have been

working the Last 5 Years to build

fortified schools bomb shelters and

other life-saving projects thankfully

these projects did save many lives that

day and now we stand at a pivotal moment

poised to provide a Lifeline for the

people of eshal who continue to be

attacked by terrorists every day Jensen

Franklin media Ministries recently

committed the largest amount of funding

ever towards the initiative from

Darkness to light representing our

unwavering dedication to not just help

rebuild communities in esal but to mend

hearts and restore what seemed

irrevocably lost we have a comprehensive

plan that will be completed in three

phases phase number one provides

physical safety that is why we are

building civil defense centers and over

800 safe houses making sure every family

in the region has a safe room in case of

terrorist attacks when you give to a

project like this there is a promise for

you found in Genesis 12:3 I will bless

those who bless you is real together we

can demonstrate that Faith combined with

Collective action can illuminate the

dark moments and Forge a brighter more

hopeful future for the eso Community

call or go online

today our hearts and prayers continue to

be with those who have been devastated

by the Hurricanes that have struck the

southeast they have become the deadliest

storms to strick the US in more than two

decades in response Jensen Franklin

media Ministries have been actively

working with multiple partners on the

ground to provide critical support and

resources in partnership with God’s pit

crew Convoy of Hope and the red truckman

hot meals generators essential food

water first aid kits and supplies have

been provided teams of volunteers are

helping to hand deliver all these items

to households devastated by the storms

thanks to your immediate and

overwhelming support we’ve been able to

do even more to help this affected by

the devastation from hurricanes Helen

and Milton recovery in many areas will

take weeks and months if not longer keep

these families in your prayers and and

thank you for your continued support for




relief this program has been sponsored

in part by friends and partners of

Jensen Franklin media Ministry

we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

Jensen Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry for

more information about this message and

other Ministry resources visit us online

at Jensen

