Contend For Your Faith | Jentezen Franklin
We are living in a time when the Bible is called evil, and the preaching of the Bible is considered hate speech by many. You can’t sit on the sidelines and watch it happen; it’s time to contend for your faith. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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hello I’m Jensen Franklin and I want to
welcome you to Kingdom connection today
in this nation of America we find
ourselves in a crucial moment in history
we’re living in a time when the Bible is
being called evil and the Very Act of
preaching is labeled as hate speech by
some it’s a heavy reality but we can’t
sit on the sidelines this election it’s
up to us the church the body of Christ
to take a stand and to defend our faith
one powerful way we can do that is to
vote and to vote for what the Bible
stands for vote Pro lifee vote pro
Israel and vote for capitalism it’s time
to rise up speak out and reclaim our
faith in every area of Our Lives I want
you to open your Bibles to the book of
Jude it’s the book right before the Book
of Revelation and I want you to read
with me a special in instruction that I
believe is for the time we’re living in
let’s go to God’s word
together together we’re inspiring people
to live for Jesus if you’re looking for
more in life to live with purpose and
peace to make a difference for your
family and those in need around the
world Jesus is the answer and our
mission is to Simply point you to him
you’re watching Kingdom connection with
Franklin the book of Jude I’ll begin
reading with verse three beloved while I
was very diligent to write to you
concerning our common
salvation I found it necessary to write
to you exhorting he wanted to write
about common salvation he wanted to go
in and preach on the Virgin birth the
death the crucifixion the resurrection
of Jesus Christ but he says God God is
shifted me and I found it necessary to
write to you exhorting
you to
contend earnestly for the faith which
once delivered to the Saints for certain
men have crept in unnoticed who long ago
were marked out for this condemnation
ungodly men who turn the grace of our
God into lewdness and deny the only Lord
God and our our Lord Jesus
Christ and verse 6 says and the angels
that did not keep their proper domain
not left their own Abode he has reserved
in Everlasting chains of judgment for
that great day as Sodom and gomorah the
cities round about in similar manner
these having
themselves having given themselves such
an important phrase having given
themselves over there is a point where
you give yourself over to to a lifestyle
to sin to to wickedness you give your
there’s a there’s a place where people
is no longer convicted it’s no
longer feeling bad it’s no longer the
conscience screaming you give yourself
over it’s a powerful powerful statement
I need to preach on that sometime that’s
not what I’m preaching on but notice
it and they have given themselves over
to sexual immorality and gone after
strange flesh and are set forth as an
example serving the Vengeance of Eternal
fire likewise also King James says these
filthy dreamers defile the flesh reject
Authority and speak evil of
dignitaries and then I I want you to
notice that verse one more time contend
verse three I earnestly exhort you to
contend earnestly for the
faith the reason you have to contend for
the faith is because there are those who
are the whole book is about false
teachers who come in and begin to preach
a different gospel the Bible Now by many
is regarded as an evil Evil
Book it’s filled with According to some
sexism racism homophobia
oppression to today to be moral is not
to obey the
Bible but rather to oppose the Bible by
many people who profess themselves to be
wise I believe that the United States of
America historically is where the Book
of Judges is there’s an interesting
historical comparison that I want to
show you for the next few moments the
Book of Judges covers the first 300
years of the nation of Israel and we are
in our
248th year we’re coming up on our
250th year in just two years so we’re in
the same era that Israel was in being
300 years old
and the same things that were happening
in that Society in the Book of Judges to
a nation that was founded by God blessed
by God were seen happen in our Nations
it was in that season that God raised up
a deliverer a mighty deliverer by the
name of Samson he was the 12th judge of
Israel and the final judge of Israel
they would ultimately Ely elect a king
but it was Samson who served as the
judge he served in a position that the
people had put him
in it’s interesting when you look at
Samson and the condition of Israel in
the Book of Judges and where we are as a
nation it’s kind of curious that Samson
was incredibly strong and resilient
the Bible tells us that the war that he
fought was against the
Philistines who are the ancestors of the
Palestinians and the area of land that
Samson rose up and fought over is
clearly described in the Book of Judges
I think it’s the 16th chapter where it
says he went down to Gaza to fight it
actually says that he went to Gaza which
is the Gaza Strip that Israel is
fighting for even as we speak he went
there to fight in the Book of Judges
people did not care what was right in
God’s eyes they only did what was right
in their own
eyes the Bible gave them warning after
warning for example Deuteronomy 6:18 do
what is right and good in the sight of
God Deuteronomy 12:25 do what is right
in the sight of the Lord Deuteronomy
12:28 do what is good and right in the
sight of the Lord Deuteronomy 13:18 do
what is right in the sight of the Lord
your God Deuteronomy 21:9 do what is
right in the sight of the Lord God
warned his people over and over and over
to do what was right not in their eyes
not how they saw things not how they
felt about things not how emotionally or
whatever but do what is right in the
eyes of God he said in Deuteronomy 12:8
you shall not do according to all that
you’re doing here today everyone doing
whatever is right in his own eyes and
then you move into the Book of Judges
and the theme according to theologians
of the whole book of judges in complete
Defiance to what God told them over in
over and over don’t do what’s right in
your eyes do what’s right in God’s eyes
and then in judges 17 and6 and judges 21
and 25 it says and everyone did what was
right in his own
eyes and when a nation begins to be
filled with people and especially in the
church that say I can do what is right
in my eyes even if it goes against what
is right in God’s eyes they are in a
crisis moment in Samson’s life he was
the last judge and he serves as a
painful example of doing what is right
in your own eyes and how devastating it
can be this I believe it is a summary of
what and where we are in America the
Bible said in judges 14 And1 notice his
eyes now God has said over and over
don’t do what what is right in your eyes
do what is right in my eyes but here we
go in judges 14 And1 Samson saw one of
the daughters of the Philistines he saw
her judges 14 and3 Samson said to his
father get her for me listen to the
words for she is right she is right in
my eyes judges 14 and7 she was right in
Samson’s eyes not in God’s eyes don’t
don’t just marry somebody because they
look right in your
eyes you better marry somebody that
looks right in God’s
eyes judges 16 And1 Samson saw a
prostitute and went with her he saw the
prostitute and he said this is looks
right he was a Nazarite he was keeping
rules and he was set aside but when you
start going with what is right in your
eyes and ignoring what is right in God’s
that is when trouble is inevitable and
later in life there’s a tragic plot
twist to the story of Samson because
Samson who didn’t do what was right in
God’s eyes but did what was right in his
own eyes had his
eyes gouged out by the
Philistines they plucked his eyes out
because when you don’t do what is right
in God’s eyes and you keep doing what is
wrong in God’s eyes there are always
consequences and it’s amazing to me that
in judges 16 and verse
28 when Samson’s hair began to grow back
because we want to throw Samson in the
pile of losers but actually he hit rock
bottom and when he hit rock bottom in
the prison grinding meal his hair began
to grow back his Covenant with God his
relationship with God began to grow back
and the Bible said that they took him to
the Temple of Da of the Philistines to
make fun of him to make sport of him and
suddenly the the young lad puts his
hands on the pillars of the temple and
he in a moment of final Triumph from
defeat and From the Ashes he pushes on
those pillars the strength and anointing
of God hits him and he tears down the
home of the the the house of worship of
the Philistines and suddenly Revival
hits the nation of Israel and that would
bring about the greatest Prophet Israel
has ever had Samuel the word said that
not one of his words fell to the ground
Samson was a political leader who did
what was right in his own eyes not God’s
eyes but I think God for the fact that
God says I choose people I knew he had
problems I knew he had issues but I’m
going to use him and he ends up in the
Hall of Fame and God’s Hall of Fame in
the New Testament in Hebrews chap 12
he’s one of the heroes because God is a
God who wouldn’t give up on a man who
was a war womanizer a man who had so
went with prostitutes he went to a
brothel in the middle of the day your
Bible says that he was a gambler he had
a g he gambled with the wedding party of
30 wicked men who came to his wedding
and said if you tell me the riddle you
have to give me 30 outfits of garments
and the scripture said that they gambled
and and and they got they went to
Delilah I don’t mean to get into this
but here I go they got into Delilah they
go into Delilah and they said tell us
his secret and that’s when the secret
stuff started telling cuz they told it
and to make a long story story short he
got mad and killed them all amen but he
had a crazy temper he he had all kinds
issues but God said I’m not done with
him and I chose him and I didn’t ask
your permission that’s who I chose what
do you
do the Bible said that in this time
frame the second thing that happened is
they began to worship along with Jehovah
they worship two demon gods baale and
Ashera baale was a male God and Ashera
was a female god baale means the god of
Fame the god of money the god of success
in America we’re seeing these things
Fame popularity success and money bigger
in our eyes than doing what is right in
God’s eyes and then Ashera was a demon
of lust she represented pleasure sex
Beauty and seduction today in the
western culture we have an invasion of
the porn industry and sex trafficking
and prostitution and friends with
benefits and even in the church there is
fornication and sexual immorality and
Young young people hooking up and and
and people who are not valuing marriage
but saying we’ll just move in and try it
out and live together and I’m not here
to beat up on people but I’m here to
preach the truth of God’s word we must
be careful we must be careful when sin
becomes so easy that we no longer have a
conscience that even bothers us When sin
is mentally and verbally
defended there’s something wrong
churches are woke pastors are afraid of
criticism Christians are willing to
compromise on everything and do what is
right in my eyes it’s all right if I
want to get drunk in my eyes it’s all
right if I want to commit adultery in my
eyes it’s all right if I’m if I want to
live with my lover in my eyes it’s all
right to get an abortion I want but what
about in God’s
eyes you cannot be
biblical and not be political what do
you mean Daniel was biblical and Daniel
was political he affected the whole
political system when he went before
Nebuchadnezzar with the anointing of God
on him and he broke through the powers
of the enemy and walked through the fire
Hallelujah and came out unburned because
God was with them in the fire Esther was
political but she was biblical and you
can’t be biblical without it mixing into
your politics so don’t tell me to stay
out of it everything we are is supposed
to be biblical including the
political you see the lines have been
drawn by the word of God
gender has been drawn by the word of God
there’s only two options male and female
marriage has been drawn by the line of
God one man with one woman for life that
is God’s plan that is God’s Will and
it’s the right way will God forgive
divorce yes but the one you’re in you’re
responsible for make it work and quit
jumping from bed like a
like a jumping bean
amen sex is solely for married
heterosexual couples that’s the line
that’s been drawn so I but I see like I
see it like this and here’s how we don’t
care how you see it you are wrong the
Bible is right and you better do it
God’s ways these things still matter
it’s still Purity still matters the word
of God still
matters saying today that we must
contend for the faith I looked that word
up contend it means to exert intense
effort that’s not something laid back
the church can’t be silent the church
can’t be quiet the pool pits can’t be
quiet we are to we are contending for
the faith now we’re hearing another
gospel he said did you notice what he
said he said in Jude he said be careful
because evil men who are lustful will
creep in one one translation said like
like like that of an alligator that just
creeps into the water there’s a lot of
creeps amen they’re creeping they’re
creeping in saying that that that that
the mutilation of genitalia is fine and
that you that you we should use the
government should usurp authority over
parents they should have no say so if an
8-year-old feels like that if they’re
born a male and they want to be a female
and they want to have surgery a 9 10 13
14 do you understand these are perfectly
healthy teenagers and young people going
through things that we all went through
confusing things sometimes and they
don’t need surgeries and they don’t need
all kinds of
uh doctrines of devils being taught to
them in their mind they need to cont we
need to contend for the faith when you
see this stuff taking over you have to
contend for the
faith the word contend denotes strous
struggle expend one’s energy in order to
Prevail sexual sin of every sort is
happening and he says listen one
translation said to fight standing upon
the thing which is under
assault to
fight standing upon the thing which is
under assault do you not understand that
there is a demonic pressure that is
coming on all of us to blur the line of
the word of God to erase the line to
give more and more territory and at some
point folks if you’re real Christian
this see there are fake Christians
that’s what Jude was calling out he said
they’re creeping in they’re lustful
they’re saying that that that that that
the real gospel is one of Tolerance of
sin not repentance of
sin and they will even even even use
some of these things when you see people
running for office and their main issue
is I promise you that I will allow you
to kill babies all the way up to
birth what is going on that’s the main
issue that’s the main
issue and the world and the church says
it’s okay it’s not okay in your eyes it
might be okay but it’s not okay in God’s
eyes because he said before you were in
your mother’s womb I formed
you I knew
you and I called you to be a prophet to
Nations contend against Godless
government Christian pastors hear me
today who declare that you’re going to
avoid political issues and you’re never
going to stand up because you don’t want
to split your congregation
one day you’re going to stand before the
Lord I I tell you what if I lose people
for telling the truth I’m okay with that
and I don’t want to I don’t want anybody
to think if you don’t vote like I vote
that I don’t love you and that you don’t
belong here that’s you that’s you that’s
you between you and God but I must
contend for the faith I must contend and
stand on that word and defend
it we can disagree but but we can’t
change and edit this book it is what it
is in the eyes of
God it’s time for us as the Bible says
in Jude chapter one and verse three to
contend for our faith to stand up and to
do what is right not in our eyes but in
God’s eyes we cannot separate our
Biblical views and values from our
voting this is the most important
election in American history I encourage
you to look at the platforms of the
parties look at the people who are in
the parties and what they stand for and
then vote whoever is closest to biblical
values we need it in this nation let’s
turn back to God I want to ask every
viewer that’s watching me right now that
knows that you need to get right with
God this is the moment that you need to
be on the right side and that is I
believe knowing that you have secured
your faith in Jesus Christ and all you
have to do is ask so pray this prayer
say Jesus cleanse me and forgive me wash
me and save me and my family in times
like these we need the solid rock to
build our life Upon Jesus Christ and
Lord I want to be ready I want to be
ready should you come or should you call
me home and I receive you as my savior
today in Jesus name if you prayed that
prayer dial the number that’s on the
screen or go online and correspond with
us and let us know what God has done in
your life well as many of you know the
past 5 years we’ve been building
life-saving projects in the nation of
Israel especially in southern Israel and
the eso region I ask our partners at the
Jewish National Fund what was the
greatest need to help the 177,000
residents in the region and they said
that we’re going to push back the
darkness of hate and anti-Semitism with
light Jesus said I am the light of the
world and whoever follows me will never
walk in darkness but will have the light
of Life we’ve been called to be the
light in the darkness and that’s why
we’ve committed the single largest
amount of funding in our history to
partner with the Jewish National Fund to
rebuild and renew the whole ESO region
this is a $15 million three-year project
and phase one is all about safety that’s
why we’re building civil defense centers
and over 800 safe houses making sure
every family in the region has a safe
room in case of terrorist attacks please
make a stand and join with us to support
the the nation of Israel together we’re
fulfilling biblical Prophecy in the holy
land and remember Genesis 12 and verse
three I will bless those that bless
Israel I want to be on that blessing
side watch this and see how you can get
involved on October 7 Israel was
attacked by the dark Forces of Hamas it
was the worst massacre of the Jewish
people experienced since the Holocaust
the eshal region in southern Israel was
attacked directly
women faced unspeakable atrocities
infants were assassinated numerous
families were burnt alive and both
mothers and their babies and Holocaust
survivors were abducted to the Hamas
tunnels in Gosa and now we stand at a
pivotal moment poised to provide a
Lifeline for the people of eskal who
continue to be attacked by terrorists
every day Jens and Franklin media
Ministries recently committed the
largest amount of funding ever towards
the initiative light over Darkness phase
number one provides physical safety that
is why we are building civil defense
centers and over 800 safe houses making
sure every family in the region has a
safe room in case of terrorist attacks
this is home Israel is our place this is
the safest place we can be and this safe
room became our little Safe Haven it’s
something that every single person in
our area needs I can’t stress it enough
that it saved Our Lives it saved my
husband’s family life on in the 7th of
October and it will continue to save
lives when you give to a project like
this there is a promise for you found in
Genesis 123 I will bless those who bless
you Israel together we can demonstrate
that Faith combined with Collective
action can illuminate the darkest
moments and Forge a brighter more
hopeful future for the Holy
Land our hearts and prayers continue to
be with those who have been devastated
by the hurricane that have struck the
southeast on behalf of Jensen Franklin
media Ministries we want to say thank
you because of you we have been able to
give over $1 million to provide hot
meals generators essential food water
first aid kits and supplies recovery in
many areas will continue to take weeks
and months if not longer keep these
families in your prayers and thank you
for your continued support for disaster
relief this program has been sponsored
in part by friends and partners of
Jensen Franklin media Ministries we hope
you’ve enjoyed this teaching by Jensen
Franklin and thank you for your
continued support of this ministry for
more information about this message and
other Ministry resources visit us online
at Jensen