This is “How To Be More Blessed Than Ever Before”. Did you know Jesus spoke more about money, possessions, and generosity than heaven or hell? It’s true. In fact, in the entire Bible money and possessions are the second most talked about topic. So why do we feel uncomfortable talking about it in church? In this message with Jentezen Franklin you’ll learn how our handling of money and possessions is linked to our spiritual health. God wants to bless us—sometimes with money, sometimes with what money cannot buy—more than ever before. So what is the secret to living a more blessed life than ever before?

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Happy New Year,

and welcome

to Kingdom Connection.

I’m so thankful that you’re

joining us today.

And I know all of us could use

more of God’s blessings

in our lives than ever before.

And I believe the principles

that I’m going to share today

are crucial to guiding your

life into a victorious 2021.

You’re about to learn how God

wants you to be

More Blessed than Ever Before.

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Matthew 6.

I wanna begin reading

with Verse 19, “Do not lay up

for yourselves treasures

on Earth where the moth

and rust destroy,

where thieves break in

and steal.

Lay up for yourselves treasures

in heaven where neither

moth nor rust destroys

nor thieves break

in and steal.”

Here’s the big one in Verse 21,

“For where your treasure is

there your heart will be also.”

Isn’t that powerful?

While we’re in there,

go to Verse 33, “But seek

first the Kingdom of God

and His righteousness

and things shall be added

to you.”

Things shall be added to you.

How to be blessed

more than ever before.

How to be more blessed

than ever before.

I wanna talk to you

about this sermon that Jesus

preached on Mount of Olives,

the Sermon on the Mount

is it’s famously called.

It started in Chapter 5

and Chapter 6 is also

the same sermon Jesus preached

really, and it goes into

the next one partially.

Jesus preached three chapters

in one sermon,

so don’t complain

about my messages.


But I want you to see how

important it is in what you

do to be more blessed than ever,

even in the circumstances

that we’re in.

What I’m gonna share with you

today is the secret

to a more blessed life.

Giving doesn’t come

naturally to people.

People have to be taught what

the Word of God says.

“Forbes Magazine” recently

had an article by a theologian

that they put in their

secular magazine,

“Money Magazine”,

and they said astonishingly

this scholar said that

the second most often referred

to topic in the Bible

is money and possessions.

Second only to forgiveness,

repentance, love is money

and possessions.

2,350 verses are in the Bible

on money.

Jesus said more about money

than He did about heaven

or hell combined.



Jesus used 11 out of 39 parables

to teach about money

and stewardship.


15% of Jesus’s recorded words

were about money.

It almost makes me mad

to hear that.


With all the things, money?

There must be more to it

than just money.

There must be something

about money and of what

we do with it that is critical

to our relationship with God.

The Bible said in the text

that I read that where a man’s

treasure there his heart

is going to be also.

What does that mean?

Your heart, according

to Jeremiah, your heart

is deceitfully wicked.

Your heart cannot be trusted.

Your heart will deceive you,

and it’s not talking about

your physical heart.

It’s the core of who you are.

Then there is this verse

in Proverbs 4 that says,

“Guard your heart.

Protect you heart

with all diligence.

For out of it flows all

the issues of life.”

The issues of life

are the important factors,

one translation said,

of decisions of life.

It comes out of where’s

your heart?

How’s your heart doing?

The Bible says with your heart

we believe unto God.

Well, what’s that talking about?

It’s not talking

about our emotions.

It’s talking about our will.

It’s talking about the core

of who we are.

The Bible talks about so many

things concerning our heart

over and over and over,

and it’s talking about

the core of who we are

and having a heart

that is going after God.

Here’s what I want you

to understand.

The reason that he said where

a man’s treasure is or his money

is there his heart

will be also

is because your giving

decides the focus of your heart.

That wherever your resources go,

your heart even though

it’s wicked,

even though it can be corrupted,

out of it you make all

the major issues and decisions

of life and one of the ways,

the only way that you can

really do anything about

trying to decide the focus

of your heart is when you give.

The Bible said your treasure

moves and automatically

your heart moves

in the direction

of where your treasure is.

It’s really an amazing thing.

The psalmist said search

my heart that in the area

of giving when you put

your treasure,

where you put your treasure,

your heart

automatically follows.

You take your treasure,

and you put it in

the Kingdom of God,

and God said your heart goes

where you put your resources.

When you understand that

and you understand

that the focus of your heart,

that if my money goes over here,

my focus goes over here

is what that’s saying.

If my money goes over there,

if my money goes to something

over here,

then that’s where my heart goes,

and he says if you want to have

a heart that is focused

on what is right,

then give into the

Kingdom of God,

and your heart will begin

to focus on what can give you

the decisions you need for

the issues of life

out of your heart.

It’s really something.

Secondly, number two,

your giving not only decides

your focus, but your giving

decides who your master is.

The Bible said in the Scripture,

Matthew 6 in Verse 24,

“No man can serve two masters.

For either he will hate the one

and love the other or else

he will be loyal to the one

and despise the other.

You cannot serve,”

listen to this now.

“You cannot serve God

and materialism.”

Mammon is the spirit

of materialism that connects

you to other things

and disconnects you from God

if you allow it

to be God in your life.

And he said when you give

two things, your heart follows

your treasure so your

focus goes there.

Number two, when you give you

decide who will be your master.

You cannot serve Mammon,

money and God.

Why didn’t he say you

cannot serve Satan and God?

Because he knows that’s an easy

choice for you.

But here’s the point.

Money and possessions

have the greatest potential

to replace the Lordship

of Jesus Christ in our life

more than anything else,

and that’s why Jesus said you

have to choose between money

and possessions controlling

your life or Jesus

controlling your life,

and the way that he says you

do that is you give

to the Kingdom of God,

and you break the grip of greed

off of your heart.

It’s really something.

It’s so easy to get off track

with possessions.

I wanna teach you now

some quick things.

Luke 19, the famous story

of Zacchaeus, the man who

was small in stature.

He gets in a tree.

He couldn’t see over the crowd.

He wanted to see Jesus.

The Bible said that he was

a tax collector and that

he took more money than

he was supposed to,

and he robbed people

all the time

and kept it for himself,

and the Scripture said

that Jesus gauged his spiritual

condition by his willingness

to part with his money

because when he saw Jesus

and heard Jesus his heart

was so moved that he said,

“I will return

what I have stolen,”

this is in Luke 19,

“and I will give back threefold

to everybody I stole it from,”

and Jesus said,

“This day salvation

has come to his house.”

His willingness to walk away

from what God required of him

showed the spiritual condition

of his heart.

Now watch this, in Matthew 19,

Jesus engages

the rich young ruler.

He’s rich.

He’s young.

He’s got it all going on.

He’s young.

He’s rich.

He’s a ruler.

That means he’s popular.

He’s powerful.

He’s got it all, and Jesus

encounters him or he bumps into

Jesus and Jesus messes him up,

and he says, “What must I do

to inherit life,”

and He knew that he

was to attached to Mammon.

Jesus is not against you having

things and being blessed,

but when they become your god

and they become so big

that it’s yours,

and you don’t become a giver

to the Kingdom,

something is off.

It reveals your spiritual

condition, and Jesus engages

this man and says,

“Sell what you have and give it

to the poor and follow me.”

He would’ve become one

of the disciples.

“Follow me,” and the rich,

young ruler walked away

sorrowfully, and Jesus teaches

us by his unwillingness

to part with his money

his spiritual condition

was not right.

There is an undeniable

connection between money,

resources and our

spiritual condition.

I’m telling you how to be more

blessed is to be a giver.

In Mark 12, Jesus taught

this in the Bible.

There was a widow woman.

This actually happened,

and Jesus stood and watched

as the people brought

their offering,

and the Bible said there was

a widow who came and gave

her last bit of money,

her last might.

This is in Mark 12:43-44,

and Jesus said,

“Did you see what she did?”

Jesus said, “They all gave out

of their abundance.”

In other words, they had a lot

left over, but she gave her last

all that she had to me.”

And do you know what Jesus did?

He didn’t say, “Now quick,

disciples, run her some money

out into the parking lot

and make sure she leaves

all loaded down with blessing.”

He let her leave like she came.



Why would Jesus do that

to an old widow woman who was

down to her last dime?

Because He knew what giving

does when people obey and give.

He knew because she just passed

the test, and I saw it

with my own eyes ’cause God

sees what we do,

and He knew she just made me her

source and not anything else,

and the birds are fed

and the robins,

they get full of food,

and I’m gonna take care

of that woman for the rest

of her life because she

understands the power

of sacrificial giving.

In Luke 12, we encounter

a super successful

business person.

He has real estate holdings

that are remarkable.

This is right in the Bible.

He’s building bigger

and bigger barns,

bigger and bigger

manufacturing plants,

more and more real estate.

Empire is getting bigger

and bigger and bigger,

but he is not connected

to the Kingdom of God

and while he’s bragging

and saying I’m gonna build

something else

and something else,

and I’m gonna just look at all

my stuff, then there’s

Matthew 12 in Verse 20,

“But God said,”

everybody say God said.

“God said to him, ‘You fool.

This night your soul will

be required of you,

and this what messed me up.

Then who shall all these things

be that you have provided.”

You’re gonna die.

You don’t own nothing.

That house that you have

and you say it’s yours,

you paid it off maybe,

and that makes you really say

it’s yours, and you don’t owe

anything on it.

It’s still not yours.

You’re just the steward

and when you die,

somebody’s gonna get all

these things, everything,

the furniture, everything,

everything in the house.

All your stuff.

It’s gone when you die.

You don’t take any

of it with you.

When Jesus said that it’s harder

for a rich man to get into

heaven than it is for a camel

to go through the eye

of a needle,

y’all know what the eye

of a needle is?

That’s what you thread

the needle.

Well, he wasn’t saying that

if you’re rich and blessed

you can’t get into heaven.

Here’s what He was saying.

You can’t drive your Porsche

into a rotating door

in a hotel.

You have to get out of all

that stuff and if you’re gonna

get through that door,

you have to just kind of walk

in like you are.

And what He’s saying is you

may have all this stuff.

None of it’s gonna follow you

through the gate of heaven.

You’re gonna have to go —

and then He ends.

He ends His statement

in Verse 21 of Luke 12.

He said, He said, “So is he that

lays up treasure for himself

and is not rich toward God.


I tell you, when you give,

the Bible said you become

rich toward God,

and that’s how you become more

blessed ’cause God owns it all,

and you can become

rich towards God.

Your giving affects eternity.

It affects you.

It affects others for eternity.

Matthew 6:26, “For what will

it profit a man if he should

gain the whole world

and lose his own soul

or what shall a man give

in exchange for his soul?”

Your treasure, your time,

your talent.

It belongs to God.

Talk is cheap.

Talk is cheap.

Giving costs something.

Giving costs something.

Tithing is the top

priority of every

Christian if they want

their finances blessed.

I wanna hear you all the way

in Spartanburg.

I wanna hear you all the way.

Does anybody believe that?

I know you believe that.

I know you believe that.

I mean, it’s the number one

priority if you want your

finances blessed is to become

a tither.

You’re never too young

to start tithing.

What is a tithe, this 10%?

10% of your income

and your increase.

That’s what the Bible teaches.

Well, what do you mean?

Do I tithe on my gross income

or my net income?

That’s a good question.

It’s a fair question.

Proverbs 3:9, “Honor the Lord

with your substance and with

the first fruits

of all Thine increase.”

All thine increase.

It’s increase.

It’s increase.

If it’s increase, tithe on it.

If it’s increase tithe on it.

You tithe what is your income

and then any increase.

If somebody dies and leaves you

an inheritance,

you tithe on that.

Well, I wanna say for you

I tithe on that.

If somebody gives me a big gift,

I tithe on that.

If I win the lottery.

No, if you win the lottery,

you better tithe on that.

If you get a multi-million

dollar contract,

you better tithe on that.

You tithe on the income

and the increase, and God opens

the windows of heaven

and pours you out a blessing.

I love this part.

He rebukes the devourer

for your sake.

The devourer is always coming,

but there is a force

that happens when you tithe

and you give.

I hear people say I can’t

afford to give.

Try giving before you say that.

Millions of people

are not wrong.

I’m getting happy now.

I’m telling you, I was

broker than the Ten Commandments

when God got ahold of me,

but I started tithing

and giving, and He keeps

on blessing me and blessing me,

and I know there’s hundreds

and thousands of you.

It’s your testimony,

and it’s been the hardest year

of your life, but look,

you’re still here.

You’re still okay.

God is gonna take care of you,

and God is gonna bless you.

Giving is one of the greatest

adventures a Christian can have.

God said in Malachi 3,

“Prove me in this.”

Everywhere else He says

I’m watching you,

and I’m checking you out,

and I’m gonna prove your heart,

and I’m gonna see.

I’m gonna let you go

through this trial.

I’m gonna see.

But He says this,

“On this you prove me.”

One translation said,

“I dare you.”

Start tithing.

In other words, God’s saying

let’s have a giving contest.

I dare you.

You give to me,

and I’ll give back to you,

and let’s see who

is the biggest giver.

Anybody believe the Bible?

The Bible is not wrong.

So, let me give you

this real quick.

Give systematically.

Don’t give every once

in a while, here, there, skip,

miss, hit, boom, bam.

Sometimes people

do something flashy.

You know.


They gave.

The gave — wow!

But if you measure that up to

the person who is tithing

systematically every week

or every month or every how

they got it two weeks,

ever how they got it set up,

they don’t even come close,

but they do something

to be flashy,

but give systematically.

Give sacrificiously.

It’s fun to give

at the end of the year

and get your statement from

the church so that you can

take it off your taxes

and say, “Wow!

We gave that much!

Praise the Lord.

My God, I remember when we,

we couldn’t even, we couldn’t

have given even

a portion of that.

Look at how much we gave

to the glory of God!”

God is my source.

God has always been my source.

And I’ve been young,

and now I’m old,

but I still got it.

I do in Jesus’s name.

Talk to yourself

like that sometimes.

Look in the mirror and say,

you old, gray fox.

The hand of the Lord is on you.

The best is yet to come.

God’s not through blessing you.

The path of the righteous growth

brighter and brighter.

I’m gonna bless you greater

in the next season

than you’ve ever seen,

greater than you can imagine,

greater than you can dream for.

Does anybody believe that you

can be more blessed?

Not less, more blessed.

♪ ♪

>> I wanna thank you

for watching

Kingdom Connection today.

We are very honored that you

took the time out of your day

to join us and to feed your

spirit on the word of God.

And if you don’t know the Lord

today, why not at the beginning

of a brand new year,

after all we’ve come through,

something in your heart

is saying I want to start

my life off with a relationship

with Jesus in this new year.

Pray this prayer.

Say, “Jesus, I receive you.

I love you.

I thank you for the blood

and the cross,

and all you did when you

rose from the dead.

You had me in mind.

I receive you as my Savoir.”

And I wanna pray for you now.

And Lord, I just pray for

your healing to flow.

People are sick and they need

your touch, and they need

your help.

People are worried,

and stressed,

and seemingly defeated,

but I know this is gonna

be a year that you’re

gonna bless them more

than ever before.

I ask you Lord, to meet

the needs of your people.

Strengthen somebody.

Somebody’s lonely and broken,

and hurting.

Let ’em know there’s a future.

Let ’em know they’re gonna

get through the present

challenge to a place

of great victory and great hope.

In Jesus’ name I pray,

I speak that blessing

over you today.

Praise God.

Now, listen to me carefully,

next week, on January 10th, 2021

we’re starting our annual

21 day fast

right here at the ministry

and we’re focusing on our God

who makes all things new.

I wanna ask you today to pray

about what God would have you do

to help us reach more people

in the new year

than ever before.

With your help,

we’re able to preach the Gospel

to over 200 nations,

we’re able to translate

these programs into different

nations, major languages

that can reach masses

and masses of people.

We’re able to produce

inspirational resources

like our bible and books,

and all kinds of material

that we can give out,

and much of it, some of it,

the devotionals and things

like that we can post online

and give free to people

and they can get it

and download it all over

the globe.

It’s really powerful,

and you are our partner.

And beyond supporting these

kinds of projects,

all the missions work

we do around the world.

In particularly, our focus

on the nation of Israel,

and right here at home,

and all over.

We don’t hold back,

but we do everything we can

to bless people.

And you are a vital part.

Why don’t you sow an unusual

seed to start the year off

and help us start the year off

knowing that we have the ability

to bless so many people

and tell the world

about Jesus.

Thank you.

Thank you so much,

and Happy New Year.

God bless you.

>> ANNOUNCER: Are you ready

to transform your life?

Now you can experience

Jentezen Franklin’s

dynamic teaching on fasting

in his New York Times

best-selling book, “Fasting.”

You’ll receive the keys

to encountering

the countless rewards

and blessings of fasting

that open the door to a deeper,

more intimate relationship

with God.

Everything you need

to access the power

of biblical fasting is found

in the 2020 Fasting Kit.

Including the types

of fasts in the Bible,

the secret to a successful fast,

choosing the right fast for you;

the connection between

fasting and prayer,

How to begin and end your fast,

the essential components

of a successful fast,

what to expect physically,

mentally and spiritually.

With your generous gift

of $1,000 or more this month,

you’ll not only help us

preach the gospel

through the broadcast to over

200 nations globally,

but help us go above

and beyond to help

our partners in Israel.

You can request the 2020

Limited Edition Fasting Kit,

plus this lovely replica

of the type of oil lamp

commonly used in Jesus’ day.

We’ll also include

this specially created blanket

inscribed with

the Numbers 6 blessing,

and our special edition

Legacy Bible

with over 300,000 words

of commentary;

including highlights

from Jentezen Franklin’s

fasting teachings.

Or, with your best gift of $50

or more you can receive

Jentezen Franklin’s Fasting Kit,

and get ready for God’s power

to break through in your life.

Fasting is a tremendous weapon,

and a source of power

in the life

of every believer.

Experience it today.

>> Cherise and I

wanna invite you to join us

on our Holy Land Tour.

It’s an amazing trip,

unlike anything

you’ve ever experienced,

and we’ll be on the trip,

we get on the busses,

our family will be on there,

and I promise you,

it will change your life.

You’ve been thinking about it,

you’ve been praying about it,

this is the year to go.

God’s gonna open your eyes

to things you’ve never

seen and experienced before

in the holy land.

Get signed up today.

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching

by Jentezen Franklin,

and thank you

for your continued support

of this ministry.

Your prayers

and financial support

make these programs possible.

For more information

about this message,

and other ministry resources,

visit us online at

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