God is the ultimate strong man. He cast Lucifer from heaven with a flick of His finger. He defends the nations with His powerful arms. He created the earth with His mighty hands. No enemy can withstand His power and strength. When we feel trapped or bound, God is more than able to break the chains that bind us and set us free.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection if you have your Bibles open

them with me to the Book of Ezekiel

chapter 30 verse 21 I’m speaking today

on the subject it’s broken its broken

whatever has been holding you or your

loved ones it’s broken whatever the

enemy has been trying to do it’s broken

in the name of Jesus verse 21 son of man

I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of

Egypt and see it has not been bandaged

for healing nor a splint could on it to

bind it to make it strong enough to ever

hold a sword therefore thus says the

Lord God surely I am against Pharaoh

king of Egypt and I will break his arms

both the strong one and the one that was

broken and I will make the sword fall

out of his hand

notice that I’ll scatter the Egyptians

and dispersed them throughout the

countries verse 24 but I will strengthen

the arms of the king of Babylon to put

my sword in his hand I will break

Pharaoh’s arms and he will groan before

him with the groanings of a mortally

wounded man thus or then I will

strengthen the arms of the king of

Babylon but the arms of Pharaoh shall

fall down they shall they shall know

that I am the Lord when I put my sword

into the hand of the king I want to talk

to you about the

these two words it and you will be able

to define it I believe before we leave

here cuz it’s personal my it may be

different from yours but it’s broken

it’s broken off of your family off of

your life

it’s amazing that when you read the

scripture God has a lot to say about his

own arm and hands and even fingers he

said in Isaiah 52 and verse 10 that the

Lord may bear his holy arm to the

nation’s that when the nations came

against Israel God rolled up his sleeve

and made bear his holy arm and said I’ll

fight and defend Israel with my holy arm

and then in 1st Peter 5 and verse 6 it

says humble yourself before the mighty

hand of God and in due season he will

exalt you so that hand not only exalts

but the arm defends and then we see in

Luke 11 and verse 20 Jesus said that

Satan was cast out by the finger of God

God is so prevailing God is so powerful

that he says I will prevail with my arm

I will defend nations with my hand I

will exalt Who I want to exalt and with

my finger I will defeat the powers of

Satan God is so powerful we’re not

serving a defeated God a weak God but he

has more power in his finger than Satan

has in his whole kingdom when the Bible

said that I by the finger of God cast

Satan out jesus said what he was saying

was like the flicking off of a bug on

your lapel the devil and God are not

co-equal powerful beings jesus said all

I gotta do is give the devil the finger

and he has to exit a home a family a

body or any situation

he doesn’t even take his fists it

doesn’t take his hand it doesn’t take

his arm and my point is this you don’t

just have the finger of God defending

you and your family you don’t just have

the hand of God with its 27 bones you

don’t just have the arm of God you’ve

got the arm that that defends you’ve got

the hand that exalts and you’ve got the

finger that defeats Satan’s no wonder

the Bible said no weapon formed against

you shall prosper hallelujah there’s a

powerful principle to be uncovered in

Ezekiel chapter 30 he said that when I

break the arm of your enemy notice this

the arm when it’s broken

the arm is broken and the sword the

scripture said will fall to the ground

or fall out of his hand

Ephesians chapter 6 in verse 17 and I

want to flip this for just a moment if

when god breaks the arm of the enemy

that’s what happens that reveals a

little principle and strategy of how the

enemy attacks us was with warfare his

objective is to break the arm of the

church or break the arm of you the

believer so that the sword which

Ephesians 6:17 says taking the sword

which is the word of God the sword of

the Spirit is the Word of God and if the

enemy can break your arm

he knows that you can’t hold on to the

Word of God and so his whole attempt the

way that he wages war against us is to

get us to drop the word and the only way

we’ll let go of the word is when he

breaks our arm and so the enemy tries

with sin he’s trying to break our armed

with compromise or carnality or pride or

any of these works of the flesh they

come to break our arm even

discouragement and even you know lack of

faith it’s all to break our arms so that

we lose our grip on the promises of God

because the word of

will conquer the power of Satan if we

will hold on to it the word or the sword

will fall though if the enemy can break

our arm there’s a man in the Bible in

2nd Samuel 23 that was one of David’s

mighty men and I want to be like him

that when the war is being waged and

when the enemy is attacking with

everything he’s got the scripture said

this man’s hand clave unto the sword and

would not let it go and they had to pry

his fingers off of the sword after the

victory if you’ll hold the word the word

will hold you if you’ll get a hold of it

it will get a hold of you and the way

that we win because we are in a warfare

whether you recognize it or not and the

only way you will defeat the enemy is by

the Word of God and the whole attack of

the enemy is to break your arms so you

will drop your weapon and he can take

over you and your house and everything

that you have but as long as you’re

cleaving to the Word of God and you pull

out scriptures in the face of everything

that you see that looks like the

opposite and you say as for me in my

house we will serve the Lord with purity

we will serve the Lord with great

delight we will serve the Lord and enjoy

it we will be triumphant and victorious

you use the Word of God every time you

worship that’s why your worship is so

powerful even today because every time

you’re worshiping you’re saying to the

enemy you’re not breaking my arm and

getting me to let go of the promise I

have a prophesy over my children I have

a prophesy over my marriage I have a

prophesy over my livelihood

I have the gifts of God in my life and

nothing’s gonna make me let go of the

sword of the Spirit and I’m not going to

allow you to break my arm so when you

praise you’re making a declaration I’m

still holding to the promise when you

worship even though you’ve had a tear

a week sometimes that’s the time to

really raise your hands and say devil

you hit me but you didn’t break my arm

I’m still clinging to the truth by his

strikes I am the healed

I’m the head and not the tail I’m

blessed I’m not cursed I’m victorious

not defeated and the word says it and I

believe it and it looks like I’m losing

but I’m winning as long as I’m holding

the word of God somebody give him a

praise at every campus if you know Jesus

is Lord and the word will endure forever

grab it hold it and don’t let the enemy

break your arm tell somebody I’m still

got my sword Ezekiel 37 so bad that he’s

gonna drop his sword and he’ll never be

able to pick it up again with that arm

and then God said in the next verse and

then when I get through doing that I’m

gonna break his other arm just because I

want to because sometimes we get free in

one area and the devil attacks us in

another area sometimes you know people

will testify and say I want to thank the

Lord that he set me free from alcohol

but I’ve been smoking more than I’ve

ever been smoking or I want to thank the

Lord that I quit eating so much but I

started drinking like a sailor you know

and it’s like you get free from one

thing and the enemy doubles up in

another area but God said I just want

the enemy of your life to know that I’m

gonna break his good arm and he’s not

gonna be able to ever use that weapon

against you again notice he said they’re

not gonna be able to doctor it did you

catch that in the text that I read said

they’re not gonna be able to put it in a

splinter they’re not gonna be able to to

wrap it up and put it in a cast he said

it’s not gonna be repairable what I’m

gonna do is break the thing the weapon

that the enemy is tried to use against

you and when I break it it’s done

they’re not coming back it’s not coming


it’s not going to get on you and your

children and your children I’m breaking

the arm and the swords gonna fall and

when I get through with that I’m gonna

break his other arm because I have

decreed it is broken and broken it shall

be the curse is broken off your family

the curse of addiction the curse of

deception the curse of strife the curse

of bitterness in the name of Jesus we

decree today it is broken somebody shout

at the word of the Lord today hallelujah

no we’re not crazy we’re not crazy every

curse has to break every addiction has

to break in Jesus name

when the arm of the enemy is broken the

things he’s been using against you will

fall the sword that held you the sword

that hurts you the sword that addicted

you will never be an issue again it’ll

never be your struggle again when I get

through with you some things change when

the arm gets broken that’s why I said in

Luke chapter 11 and verse 2 when a

strong man is in control of a house

and he will run that house strong man

fully armed he guards his palace and he

has that house and some of you have had

a strong demon that’s been controlling

some things in your home and he’ll keep

doing it until the next verse says

something happens but when the stronger

one then he comes upon him the only who

the stronger one is anybody happened to

know who the name of the stronger one is

his name is Jesus when he comes in he’s

gonna overcome him and break his arms

his armors gonna fall to the ground

and he’s gonna pick up his sword and

strengthen your hand and put the enemy’s

sword in your hand the devil should have

left your family alone left your

children alone left your ministry alone

left your business alone because all

it’s going to do is arm you with more

insight more revelation more anointing

more purpose more of a determination to

say hell’s going to pay for everything

it’s done to my life in the name of


I love the story of Dagon in the Old

Testament is found in 1st Samuel chapter

5 the Bible said the Philistines

captured the Ark of the Covenant which

was the presence of God under the whole

covenant they brought it into the temple

of Dagon and they said it beside their

statue God Dagon and the Bible said when

they left that night after having a big

party celebrating their victory over


they left their God up a little bit

higher and this poor little Jehovah God

in his box is lower they came back the

next day and your Bible said that the

Dagon had fallen over on his face to the

earth before the Ark of the Lord every

knee shall bow every tongue shall

confess if you read the rest of the

story it says that his head broke off

just God just gave him a nose job broke

his nose broke his mr. Potato Head and

these poor people they start heaving and

hoeing let’s pick our God up heave heave

heave and they’re heaving him and trying

to set him back on his throne I don’t

need a God I have to pick up I don’t

need a God I have to put his pieces back


I need a God who can pick me up I need a

God who can put my broken places back

together the Bible said they left him

and they came back in the next day and

he was falling over again and this time

his head was broken off and his arms his

hands his arms they’re gone I want you

to understand something that when Jesus

enters into the temple which is your

body doesn’t matter what demon is

sitting on the throne the moment Jesus

enters he says get off my throne and

instantly they’re dethroned

when you sit in a service like this and

you respond to an altar call the devil

are that addiction or that bondage or

that enemy is dethrone Jesus sets on the

throne of your heart and the first thing

he does is breaks his head the first

thing that enemy has to do when Jesus

comes in is that

thinking begins to change because you

start thinking saved you don’t think

lost you don’t think defeated you don’t

think addicted you get into the word and

you start thinking I am an overcomer

you start thinking I am free you think

saved and then when you start thinking

saved guess what the arms get broken and

what used to hold you can’t hold you

anymore it tries to but because your

mind is renewed suddenly the stuff that

used to control you it cannot hold you

anymore because the arms of your enemy

has been broken he said when I break

your enemy’s arms I’m gonna turn around

and break his other arm that I’d already

broke before but I’m gonna break it

again it’s multiple deliverances and the

weapons gonna lay on the ground and then

the next verse says something

interesting he said then I’m gonna

strengthen the other person’s hand the

one that I’m four I’m gonna strengthen

your hand and I’m gonna put that sword

that he can’t ever pick up against you

and use it I’m gonna put it in your hand

and instead of it chasing you you’re

gonna chase it instead of it defeating

you you’re going instead of it

terrorizing you and your family and

reaping havoc what the enemy meant to

destroy your family with it’s going to

become the weapon the same area that you

will defeat the enemy and break his arms

off of many many many others


close with this Calvary broke the arms

of Satan does anybody agree with that do

you really believe that on Calvary when

they stretched him wide and hung him

high and drove the nails through his

hands that in that moment he broke the

arms of Satan and every weapon he had in

his kingdom fell to the ground but what

blesses me about that story of Calvary

is because the blood is all over Jesus

when they were at that crucifixion scene

the Bible said the Roman soldier went

over and broke the bones of the thief on

the left and broke the bones of the

thief on the right in his legs breaking

bones and they came to break the bones

of Jesus

and the Bible said the command was given

which was a prophecy that went all the

way back to the Book of Psalms not one

of his bones shall be broken it was law

the last thing they did every person who

was ever crucified under Roman law would

have their bones broken as the last

thing that would happen in a crucifixion

but when they came to Jesus they didn’t

know they were fulfilling the law but

one of them said there’s no need to they

stabbed him in the side and the blood

and water they said he’s dead he’s dead

no need to break his bones because to

Jesus through his blood on the cross

broke the arms of Satan none of his

bones were broken

he is the body of Christ and he said

none of my bones have to be broken you

and I are the new testament body of

Christ and he said if you’ve got blood

on your family and blood on your life

and blood on your home it’s not my will

for you to be broken

I want to strengthen your hand I want to

put the

a sword in your hand and I want you to

walk in victory and I want you to use

what he attacked you with against him

like never before that’s what’s

happening and I told you I didn’t come

to preach I came to prophesy and here’s

what I’m prophesying it’s broken it’s


he he opens doors no man can open and we

shout about that but I want to shout

about another thing he shuts doors

revelation said that no one can ever

reopen again shout it’s broken I dare

you to get up on your feet all over this

room that every and every one of our

campuses I dare you to lift up both

hands and say out loud verbally with

great faith mixed into this message it’s

broken curse curses are broken

addictions are broken hurt is broken

offenses are broken the weapon of the

enemy has fallen to the ground is broken

in the name of Jesus


granny you better shout like you believe

God knows how to deliver your children

and grandchildren


we’re not playing games this is life or

death heaven or hell and that demon is

broken off of your family in Jesus


every head bowed every eye closed you’re

under the sound of my voice and you

would say pastor Jensen I know I’m not

right with God I know I’m lost I know

I’m living in sin and I’m ready for a


I won’t Satan’s power and grip on my

life completely broken I want the blood

of Jesus to cleanse me so that I don’t

live a broken life I want to be forgiven

and I want to pick up a sword today but

the enemy has used against me and I want

something good to come out of it I want

to chase the enemy out of my house and

my family I want to leave here with the

stronger one on the inside of me are you


pastor you’re talking to me I know I’m

not right with God you may be up in the

balcony on the main floor at any of our

campuses wherever you are right now if

God is speaking to you and you know it

you’re ready for a change I’m not gonna

embarrass you I’m gonna pray for you

right where you are

but he will not come where he’s not

invited this is your chance invite him

pastor pray for me lift up those 27

bones in your hand lift them up and say

I surrender if you don’t know you’re

right with God and you want to get right

with God raise your hand right now

that’s beautiful that’s awesome hands

all over this room keep your hand high I

want somebody else to take your 27 bones

in your hand and lay it on the shoulder

of that person around you that has their

hand raised look around you if you see

anybody with their hand raised just

don’t touch him on the head and all that

just place your hand on their shoulder

now let’s pray this prayer out loud

everybody agree and touch and say these

words Lord Jesus I believe you are the

son of God and I today receive what the

blood of the Cross did for me I am

forgiven I am saved I am a child of God

from this day forward and today the arms

of the enemy are broken off of me and my

house and in the name of Jesus my hand

is strengthened I will pick up the sword

that the enemy tried to destroy me with

and I will fight and I will win in the

name of Jesus let’s give God a great

praise this morning that’s a miracle
