It’s Turnaround Time Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin
There are two forces at war: A counterfeit anointing and a true anointing. The counterfeit anointing is from Satan and wants to destroy you and the nation. But a real, divine turnaround anointing is coming to the United States of America to change everything before the Second Coming of Christ. Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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don’t you ever underestimate what God
can do when you’re under the anointing
of the holy spirit in a service like
this Watching Me by television he can
turn you around and you can lay down
that bottle and you can pick up a Bible
he can turn you around and you can come
out of that addiction and you can come
out of that depression and you can come
out of those suicidal thoughts and you
can find joy you never knew existed
follow me and I’ll show you what peace
together we’re inspiring people to live
for Jesus if you’re looking for more in
life to live with purpose and peace to
make a difference for your family and
those in need around the world Jesus is
the answer and our mission is to Simply
point you to him you’re watching Kingdom
connection with Jensen
Franklin but in 2 Kings chapter N9 the
prophet Elisha
says to one of his servants get yourself
ready take a flax of oil in your hand
and go to ramoth Gilead when you arrive
in the place look for J hu the son of
Jehosaphat take him and I’m just going
to skip around a little bit but in the
latter part of verse two he said when
you get there go to J hu and go in and
make him Rise Up from among his
associates or his brothers CU they’re
sitting down and take him into the Inner
Room take the flask of oil and pour it
on his head thus said says the Lord I
have anointed you to be king over Israel
then open the door and get out of
there verse 11 then jahu came out with
the Servants of his master and one said
him is all
well what did that mad man come to you
this is verse 11 and say to you and he
said to them you know he was just
babbling nothing and they said Don’t Lie
tell us now so he said thus he spoke to
me saying thus says the Lord I anointed
you to be king over
Israel then each man hastened to take
His Garment and put it under him the top
of the steps and they blew the trumpet
saying juu is
King I want to keep reading and noticing
I promise and I’m going to sum this up
in just a few
moments now a Watchman stood verse 17 on
the tower in jezrael and he saw the
company of juu coming and he went to the
King and said I see a company of men Joe
Ram said Joe Ram’s a king get the
horsemen and send him out to meet him
and let him say have you come in peace
so the horsemen went to meet him he said
have you come in peace and jahu said
what do you know about peace what turn
around and follow me so the Watchmen
reported saying the messenger went to
them but he’s not coming
back he said well send a second Horsemen
and he sent a second he said have you
come in peace and J answered what do you
know about peace turn around and follow
me the Watchman reported
back and he said he went and he’s not
coming back the second
one and then Jo Ram verse 29 said get my
Chariot ready and he rote out verse 22
and when Joe Ram saw jahu he said have
you come in peace J Hugh and he answered
what peace as long as the harlotries of
your mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts
that are so
many I mean he he he’s getting Bolder as
he goes he’s he’s talking about the
man’s mother
now and he’s talking to the king of
Israel he’s got
armies he’s a
nobody and Joe Ram turned around verse
23 and Joe Ram this is a miracle this is
Supernatural and Jo Ram turned
around the king turned around at the
word and the anointing that was in and
upon this man in this group and fled
listen to the wording
fled resist the devil and he will flee
you greater is he that is in
you verse 24 and J who drew his bow he
had a bow and arrow full of
strength and shot Joe Ram between his
arms and the arrow came out at his heart
he shot his heart out in the
Chariot he shot the man’s heart out of
his body he shot the heart of wickedness
out and he sank down in the
Chariot verse
30 now when juu had come to jezrael
Jezebel heard of it she put pain on her
eyes and adorned her
head and looked through a
window and as J entered the gate she
said have you come in
peace and he looked up at the window and
said who is on the Lord’s
Side who so two or three Unix looked out
at him then he said throw her down so
they threw her down and some of her
blood Splat splattered on the wall
spattered on the wall and on the horses
and he trampled them under
foot verse 35 so they went well the next
verse says and they after they did that
they went and ate and
drank and verse 35 so they went to bury
her but they found no more of her than
the skull and the feet and the palms of
hands it was a fulfillment of
Prophecy it’s a remarkable
story and uh I was
asked by the Lord today I know when he
speaks to me to Proclaim something over
you and over this church and over our
nation and anyone that’s listening to me
around the
world and I’m preaching to you that is
time it’s turnaround
time there is a turnaround anointing
that is clearly seen in this text you
Lucifer has an
anointing he was an angel in
heaven and the Bible called him in
Ezekiel 28 the anointed
cherub he is called the anointed cherub
for a reason he has a counterfeit
anointing that is so
strong that even though the Angels were
created by God and they were in his
presence that counterfeit anointing and
deception that was on him he wanted to
take the Throne of God and his
turnaround anointing counterfeit
anointing caused onethird of the angels
in heaven to Rebel against God no wonder
the Bible warns us that in the last days
there would come a great spirit of
deception and delusion that even the
very elect will be deceived the Bible
said you will be shocked at people who
would who will follow a counterfeit
anointing it’s it it’s emotional it’s
gets you excited it sounds right to the
ears that don’t follow the doctrine of
the Bible but it sounds good to me in my
ears and in my eyes but not in God’s
ears in God’s eyes and we got to be very
careful the number one warning Jesus
gave about the end times is don’t be
deceived that there is a counterfeit
anointing the Bible said that J was
sitting in a circle with his associates
with other leaders of the nation they
were sitting down and they were whining
and complaining about the condition of
the nation they were talking about how
bad it was and how they missed the good
old days and all of the sudden a the
door burst open and in walks a servant
of Elisha and he says is one of you men
j and jahu says that’s me and he says
would you come with me I’m sent by the
prophet Elisha and he took him back into
a secret chamber or a or a a a room
there that was to themselves it’s a
secret place and he took him in and he
had a flask of oil which is five quarts
of oil this is not just a little bit of
oil anointing oil and it was five quarts
he poured five quarts of oil on the
prophet juu who’s just standing there
mind in his own business all is running
down his hair down his beard is
saturating is sloshing in his sandals
he’s it’s pouring and pouring and
pouring five quarts of oil and then he
says thus says the Lord you have been
chosen and you will be king of Israel
and the and he takes off and runs out of
there and the funny part of the story is
after Elisha’s been in this secret place
with a mysterious man who poured oil all
over him and prophesied he would be king
he come sloshing out and the little dead
Circle his little circle of of defeated
church people I think are sitting there
saying what did that mad man do to you
and he said
nothing you can’t hide it if you get in
a place with God and you’ve been with
the Lord and he’s poured his holy oil on
you you don’t have to go around with a
sign saying I’m anointed you just walk
out and you open your mouth and God says
and the moment he said all right I’ll
tell you he anointed me with oil
obviously and he said I’m going to be
king and when he said that the anointing
the turnaround anointing hit those
leaders who were sitting down and they
up this is my prayer of what will happen
to the church because we’re in a
dangerous place now that now that things
have changed and have changed in the
election concerning some things the
church wants to sit down the church says
now I disconnect now you know good now
I’ll just chill out no this is a moment
God has given us a Windle of opportunity
and he’s saying to the church stand up
stand up I want to turn this nation
around I want to turn campuses around I
want to turn colleges around I want to
turn the educational system around I
want to turn the church around I want to
wake them up I want to pour out my o
quarts of oil on the church with a fresh
anointing we want to just just stay
normal now
no what I believe believe is God has
given us an opportunity because time is
running out and the church better get a
fresh anointing we better stand up in
this moment because all due respect I
love Donald Trump I’m praying for him I
love JD Vance I’m praying for him I love
K Harris I’m praying for I love the
other man Tim Waltz I love him I’m
praying for him God bless them all
Democrats Republicans they can’t fix
this nation the only only thing that can
fix this nation is the power of the Lord
hitting our churches and
Awakening in such a manner that we
receive fresh o somebody praise him if
you believe Jesus Is The
Jesus can you see it can you see him
he’s got the old clothes there’s soap
there can you imagine if someone poured
five quarts of oil on me and I’m up here
sloshing around in my shoes and I’m and
it’s just all over
me and they’re riding
fiercly I could just see them whipping
those horses and riding furiously we’re
taking the city we’re coming for the
nation it’s turnaround time for Israel
I’m preaching today it’s turnaround time
for America it’s turn turn around time
for your family it’s turn around time
for your health it’s turn around time
for your business and your finances it’s
turnaround time for your character and
for your Consecration and for your
conviction it’s time to change course
and turn around and follow the
lord and the Bible said as they were
riding fiercly toward the city that the
watch men of the city on the gate
looking out on the tower saw them
approaching fastly and he ran in and
told the king and the King said send out
one of my trusted servants and tell him
to ask have you come in peace and he
rode out and intercepted this and can
you imagine that sight the the the
blotches of oil and dust that it’s a
desert and and and and all in his beard
and all in his hair and it’s all
splotches all over him he’s filthy
collecting that dust it’s all over his
face looks like a coal miner or
something coming out of the can you
imagine what he looked like and and the
King’s trusty servant says Ah and the
other guys are Wildey and they got
trumpets he’s King he’s
King he said if you come in peace and
watch what happened he said what do you
know about peace J you said turn around
and follow me and I’ll show you what
pieces is and the turnaround anointing
hit him and the
man change
sides when the turnaround anointing hit
him Robert Kennedy said I’m going over
there no I’m kidding I’m just
joking I’m just joking I’m just having
fun just
relax but I do believe we’re about to
see some big big names come over from
the devil’s Camp to the Lord’s camp and
I’m not talking about Republicans and
Democrats I’m talking about saved and
lost I’m talking about the kingdom of
darkness and the Kingdom of Light I want
the turnaround anointing to hit the
president I want the turnaround
anointing to hit Elon Musk I want the
turnaround anointing to hit them all I
want to see a national turnaround
the king the servant the tower Watchman
comes back and he says King that guy you
sent out he went out but he never came
back uh but what do you want me to do he
said you go send another one he rote out
same question have you come in peace
same response same
message what do you know about
peace see the closer we get to the
central place of power cuz we’re not
talking about Flesh and Blood Jezebel we
that’s not a woman it has nothing to do
with that it’s a demonic Spirit clearly
in this is she was a real woman who
lived but the Bible teaches about her
that in the last days in the Book of
Revelation in the seven churches Jesus
said she would show up not a woman or
it’s a spirit it’s a spirit of sexual
perversion it’s a spirit of rebellion it
is a spirit of Witchcraft it is a spirit
that is a counterfeit anointing and he
said it would show up in the church
there would come a counterfeit and Jesus
is rebuking one of the churches in the
Book of Revelation because I I seen your
good works but I have this against you
you have been seduced preachers and
churches by the spirit of Jezebel when
you put a gay flag on your church you’re
under the spell of a counterfeit
anointing when you stand in the pull pit
and refuse to stand up for babies lives
you’re under a counterfeit anointing
when you stand and say marriage between
a man and a woman is not the only kind
kind of marriage God will recognize
you’re under a counterfeit anointing I’m
not mad I’m not angry I’m anointed and
it’s a turnaround anointing he doesn’t
say come to church and live like you are
he says come to church and turn around
and follow me and I’ll give you eternal
life it’s not a mean message
I wish I could go down three gears I
wish I
could I wish I
listen the key to that second messenger
was he was coming with a
counterfeit basically anointing that
says compromise your
message Let’s Make a Deal let’s come up
with a peace treaty let’s you just be
quiet about all anything the Bible says
that interferes we can all get along
here why you got to be
controversial why you got why are you
still preaching on that stuff I’m you
don’t you never did get
me I never have been preaching anything
but the
Bible and there is a counterfeit gospel
and a counterfeit anointing it’s getting
the Christian music industry when you
see artists get out and they Shake
themselves and vulgar and filthy you
don’t understand there is a counterfeit
anointing but there is a real anointing
that is coming on the church that’s
going to turn it around who’s on the
Lord’s Side who is on the Lord’s Side
pastors if we won’t compromise our
message he had the same message he
didn’t change his message cause culture
had changed he didn’t change his message
cause some of the popular preachers
weren’t saying anything about that stuff
no no no no no he had the same old
message turn around repent be baptized
every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins and you
will receive the gift of the Holy I have
not changed my message I still preach
Thou shalt not Thou shalt not and I
still preach repent and I still preach
love God and love one
another and honor God above
all and uh turn around anoint and hit
second I’m so thankful that there are
people that God will send in our life
that have a turnaround
anointing and I’m might be that person
you’re watching me on television or
watching me in a prison or watching me
somewhere I know God used a man a
preacher named Ronnie Brock in my life
and he was a turnaround person for me I
had my life planned out I was going to
be a professional musician by God’s help
and I love the Lord and I was on a
scholarship my second year in in college
and I was playing my horn and I had
stuff and I and I was excited about it
but this preacher started preaching and
and I started listening on cassette
tapes and Ronnie Brock who’s in heaven
today he became a turning point a
turnaround agent in my life I would have
gone a totally different way had I not
heard that man under the anointing
preach and it’s like even to this day I
can hear him preaching to me sometimes
when I’m in the pool pit because I
listen to hundreds of his messages
hundreds of
them he was a turnaround person in my
don’t you ever underestimate what God
can do when you’re under the anointing
of the holy spirit in a service like
this Watching Me by television he can
turn you around and you can lay down
that bottle and you can pick up a Bible
he can turn you around and you can come
out of that addiction and you can come
out of that depression and you can come
out of those suicidal thoughts and you
can find joy you never knew existed
follow me and I’ll show you what peace
take a praise
break take a praise break come on
America it’s a turnaround moment that’s
for sure who’s on the Lord’s
Side the message today I believe was for
you when the blessing of God that you’ve
longed to see for your family or for
your life or for some someone you love
it really breaks through I believe
prisoners are about to be set free and
it can happen for you pray this prayer
right where you are say Jesus forgive me
cleanse me I invite you into my home I
invite heaven to invade my life in my
home take control and heal and save and
deliver I believe you and I stand on
your cross and your blood that you shed
on that cross to know that I am forgiven
I have peace with God in Jesus mighty
name I want to welcome you to the family
of God and if you prayed that prayer
with me I believe that it would be just
an amazing thing if you would call the
number on the screen or visit our
website we have free resources that we
want to sew into your life we want to
give to you we want to sew into you and
while you check that out you also might
want to check out our fasting resources
because every year annually we go on at
the beginning of the year a 21-day
Daniel Fast I’ve been teaching on it for
40 years and I have written some books
that have touched many many lives and
I’d love for you to get all of this
material I’ll be your fasting coach some
of you been saying I need some
breakthroughs I need some midnight
miracles in 2 well let’s fast about it
let’s fast together there something
about when you’re fasting and I’m
fasting we go on this 21 day journey
together it is powerful and it’s the
consistency that breaks the Persistence
of the enemy there’s something about us
doing the same thing and doing it
together and Walking with God closer you
can’t live on a fast but you can set a
season aside and it can change the whole
projection of your year before we end
today’s program I want to thank everyone
who has responded and given to our
latest initiative in Israel light over
Darkness we have committed the single
largest amount of funding in our history
to partner with the Jewish National Fund
to rebuild and renew the eso region
together we can make a real difference
and bring restoration to so many hurting
families tensions are at an all-time
high right now in Israel and I believe
God has called this ministry to be a
blessing to Israel to fulfill biblical
prophecy and comfort God’s people so I’m
asking you today to please stand and sew
special seeds to help us with this
project in Israel my announcer is going
to tell you all about it on October 7
Israel was attacked by the dark Forces
of Hamas it was the worst massacre the
Jewish people experienced since the
Holocaust the region in southern Israel
was attacked directly women faced
unspeakable atrocities infants were
assassinated numerous families were
burnt alive and both mothers and their
babies and Holocaust survivors were
abducted to the Hamas tunnels in gossip
and now we stand at a pivotal moment
poised to provide a Lifeline for the
people of eshal who continue to be
attacked by terrorists every
day Jensen Franklin media Ministries
recently committed the largest amount of
funding ever towards the initiative
light over Darkness phase number one
provides physical safety that is why we
are building civil defense centers and
over 800 safe houses making sure every
family in the region has a safe room in
case of terrorist attacks this is home
Israel is our place this is the safest
place we can be and this safe room
became our little Safe Haven it’s
something that every single person in
our area needs I can’t stress it enough
that it saved Our Lives it saved my
husband’s family life on the 7th of
October and it will continue to save
lives when you give to a project like
this there is a promise for you found in
Genesis 123 I will bless those who bless
you Israel together we can demonstrate
that Faith combined with Collective
action can illuminate the darkest
moments and Forge a brighter more
hopeful future for the Holy
Land This Christmas
breathtaking visuals and Powerful music
tell the story of the birth of our
savior my hope is not in any man my hope
is in the power of the holy spirit that
in the last days I will pour out there
it is here comes the five
ports on the sons and the
daughters this program has been
sponsored in part by friends and
partners of Jensen Franklin media
Ministries we hope you’ve enjoyed this
teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank
you for your continued support of this
ministry for more information about this
message and other Ministry resources
visit us online at Jensen