Sin begins in the mind. Not with an act of the body, not with an act of the soul. It begins with a thought that lies in the mind like a snake egg until it is hatched. What we continually think on, we eventually act on. In this message we learn we may not always be in control of what enters our minds but we do have control over how long it stays. But we can get victory. We can renew our minds and get the snake eggs out!

best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection it’s been said if you can

change your thoughts you can change your

world hello and welcome to Kingdom

connection today on the broadcast my dad

continues his series from his brand-new

book the spirit of Python there’s a real

enemy at work against us and his plans

include attacking our mind and creating

a battle from within if you’ve been

dealing with negative thinking or maybe

you know someone who’s struggling with

depression of fear this message is for

you there’s a way to defeat the plans at

the enemy and it can begin today so get

your Bibles and turn to Isaiah 59 and

learn how to protect yourself from snake

eggs in your head

you have your Bibles look with me in

verse four no one calls for justice nor

does any plead for truth they trust in

empty words and speak lies they conceive

evil listen to these words they can see

the evil and bring forth iniquity they

hatch vipers eggs and weave the spider’s

web he who eats of their eggs die and

and from that which is crushed a viper

breaks out they hatch Vipers eggs they

hatch snake eggs they hatch snake eggs

here the writer is comparing the

conception of sin with being like a

snake egg that begins with a thought

they hatch it it has to it has to be

planted in the mind sin begins in the

mind it does not begin with an act of

the body it does not begin with the act

of the soul it begins in the mind I say

this to you and I want you to remember

what I’m about to say the greatest

battle for your soul is not in the

heavenlies between angels and demons the

greatest battle for your soul is between

your ears because the enemy works like a

serpent it’s interesting that pythons

particularly and I took the spirit of

Python from acts 16 it’s where the

spirit of divination which is in the

Greek means Python it’s the only time

that we’re given the name of an evil

spirit in the book of Acts it’s

interesting that python snakes lay more

eggs than any other serpent as a matter

of fact they can lay over a hundred eggs

at one time and what I want you to see

about this as I talk to you today about


eggs in your head is how the enemy loves

to plant thoughts like eggs like snake

eggs in our head just as Isaiah 59 said

and if you don’t deal with them if you

don’t crush them if you don’t dig them

out those eggs will hatch and sin will

become more than a thought it will

become an action thoughts become actions

thoughts become at what you think on

continually you will act on your life

will begin to move in the direction of

the continual way you begin to think

James 1 and verse 15 said every sin

begins with a thought listen to this

verse for when lust has conceived we’re

in the mind it brings forth sin we’re

through the deeds of the body and then

sin when it is full-grown brings forth

death into the spirit so it begins in

the mind and once you begin to think it

what you think you will begin to act out

through the body and then that sin will

begin to bring death to the spirit the

greatest battle for your soul is between

your ears

the brutal mass killings that we saw in

Connecticut those that young man that

walked in and began to shoot those

children in that in that school in

Connecticut and about a year ago that

was just so terrifying and horrible it

didn’t just happen overnight somewhere

Satan slipped a snake egg into that

boy’s head and if you don’t deal with it

if you don’t if you don’t dig out those

thoughts if you don’t cast down those

thoughts those thoughts will begin to

grow just as the Python mother has to

get on the eggs and call herself around

the eggs and she uses her body

temperature to cause enough heat to be

over the eggs that the snakes will stay

alive you see it’s not a sin to be


we can’t help when things you know we

see things we flipping through stations


here things we have thoughts randomly

that just come at us and you you can’t

help that you can’t control that but

what you don’t do is allow that thought

to to reside there and stay there and

then hatch and grow the old timers used

to say you can’t help it if a bird flies

over your head but you don’t have to let

him make a nest in your hair and that’s

how it is with thoughts you really can’t

help random thoughts that go by but what

you can do is control how long you dwell

on them and how long you allow them to

reside in your mind Matthew chapter five

Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to

lust after her in his heart has already

committed adultery he said when you look

and you and you look with a look of lust

so you have to control you can’t help it

if you see somebody riding running by or

whatever and you see them and you have a

thought that hits you but you are not to

allow your mind that’s a snake egg that

the enemy wants to entice and let it be

full grown into a sin but all you have

to do if you want victory over is decide

not to allow the enemy to keep you

controlled in your thinking it starts

with a fault

whatever you look at whatever you listen

to whatever you dwell on begins to

incubate in your mind when you

understand this you understand why job

said in job 31 I made a covenant with my

eyes not to look lustfully upon a girl I

made a covenant with mines if ever there

was a generation that needed that

scripture it is this generation we need

to remind ourselves gentlemen every day

of our lives I need to make a covenant

with my eyes today then I would have

bouncing eyes you can’t help it if you

see it but bounce boom

I made a company say that with me I made

a covenant with my eyes that I would not

lustfully look upon the opposite sex you

can’t help it sometimes when somebody

this or that a Victoria’s Secret

commercial comes on just just go get

your sandwich go get you a cookie you

have my permission

but don’t flip it make a covenant with

your eyes the Bible said that lot did

not do this the scripture says he lifted

up his eyes toward Sodom and Gomorrah

and then he pitched his tent toward

Sodom and Gomorrah and then he camped at

the gate of Sodom and Gomorrah and then

he lived in the city of Sodom and

Gomorrah then his children married the

inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and

then his wife was so in love with the

place that he lost her to the sins of

that place but it all started with him

lifting up his eyes in Genesis 19 and

seen it and his whole life he didn’t

make a covenant with his eyes your eyes

need to have a covenant you you you need

to understand your life will always move

in the direction of the dominant

thoughts you allow to reside in your

mind you can’t stop the bird from flying

over your head but don’t let him make a

nest in your hair

control how long you look control how

long you dwell control your thought life

what are you watching what are you

listening to what are you saying these

are the issues that God had me deal with

in this book because the reason people

are defeated is because of what they’re

feeding their minds on and they’re the I

gave the ear gate and the mouth gate are

extremely powerful you will either lose

the spiritual battle in this in the

spiritual realm by what you look at

listen to and say or you will win

because of what you’re looking at

listening to and saying Isaiah 57 55 and

seven said let the wicked man forsake

his sin listen to this and let be on

righteous forsake his thoughts did you

know the word repent means to change

your mind in the Greek it means the word

repent a change of mind unless your mind

changes and you refuse to dwell on the

things you you will never experience the

blessing of repentance repentance is

changing your mind I changed my mind

about the lifestyle I changed my mind

about the way I’ve been living I changed

my mind about just casually playing and

flirting with sin I have a change of

mine I have repented of that and I’m not

going to touch it anymore that’s what

happens in conversion you need to

understand that Python stops if if the

Python stops incubating those eggs they

will die and if we don’t hover over and

allow those eggs to patch and grow they

will die it’s just the fall and it’ll

die but you can’t feed it in zekiel

chapter 8 there is one of the most

amazing stories in all of the Bible this

is one of the most astonished

astonishing things you’ll ever see in

scripture Ezekiel chapter 8 it talks

about 70 priests and how that they had a

secret chamber in the temple that they

had created they had put up a false wall

and behind the chamber it is the first

reference to lewd paintings and

pornography in the Bible they had drawn

lewd paintings on the wall the scripture

said and they had idols that they were

worshipping in the temple and God says

this in Ezekiel 8 he said they think I

can’t see what they’re doing in the

secret chambers that they have created

but I can see he said I can drill a hole

in the wall and I can see what’s going

on in the darkness in the secret

chambers of the temple our body under

the New Covenant is the temple and if

we’re not careful we begin to build

secret chambers and we separate

the two from church and we come to

church and we say I love you Lord but we

have secret chambers that we feel with

darkness and God says I have the

capacity to draw to drill a hole and I

can see inside your secret chambers and

I see the darkness it’s amazing to me

how people are deceiving themselves and

being deceived in this generation I’ve

actually had people say to me I’m

leaving my wife and I’m gonna live with

this younger newer girlfriend that I’ve

got I’m leaving my children my life and

pastor you know what I’m saved and I’m

filled with the spirit I’m gonna live

with her sleep with her I’m leaving that

one that I made the vow to and God says

I’m still saved and filled with the Holy

Spirit and I into which I would like to

respond would you like me to tell you

what kind of spirits you’re filled with

your spill you’re filled with an immoral

spirit you’re filled with an unclean

spirit you’re filled with with with

adultery you’re not filled with the Holy

Spirit you cannot do those kinds of

things you have to yield to the Holy

Spirit and yield to his will you cannot

just live a lifestyle of sin God said I

see now here’s what’s amazing about

these seventy let me tell you who they

were if you go previously to the story

of Moses when he needed 70 elders he

picked 70 people and they were helpers

of Moses and they ministered to the


now catch this but generations later the

children’s children have secret chambers

in the temple they started out pure and

holy but now they have secret chambers

and they filled those chambers with

darkness and lewd things and unclean

things and they’re filling their eyes

with it in their heart with it and then

you fast-forward 17 generations and you

go to Calvary and guess who it was that

crucified Jesus it was a group called

was 70 men a group called the Sanhedrin

court they were direct descendants of

the 70 that started out with Boz’s

helping Moses ministering building the

kingdom of God but in between crucifying

Jesus and starting out with great hearts

and pure hearts you have secret chambers

that they were filling with uncleanness

and that’s how far the evil thinking

took them they crucified Jesus you see

we don’t understand how far evil

thinking will take us David walked out

on the balcony one day and he saw UFO

and unclothed female object and when he

saw her all he had was a thought

it was just the thought but the thought

became lust and the lust became adultery

and the dull tree became murder and the

murder became thou shalt not steal thou

shalt not kill thou shalt honor that he

broke all Ten Commandments but it all

started with a thought he never

considered how far his thought life were

taken we have to understand that we’re

visual beings for me and bytes of

information per second at the speed of

one hundred eighty seven thousand miles

per hour can go through our mind our

mind paints pictures if I say elephant

you see one if I say red Apple you see

one it’s just that quick your mind

thinks in pictures and the enemy knows

this and our ears and our eyes are being

polluted in this generation the enemy is

dropping fault bombs all the time and

when I think of the young people in the

music that they’re listening to even

little innocent at one time Miley Cyrus

now she has a song to my to my homegirls

here with a big buck shaking it like

we’re at a strict strip club remember

only god can judge forget the haters

cause somebody loves you and everyone in

the line in the bathroom trying to get a

line snort cocaine in the bathroom

that’s what she was referring to Danson

was moly which is ecstasy Molony is a

is a code name for ecstasy doing

whatever we want this is our house this

is our rules and we can’t we can’t stop

and we won’t stop now now kids are

listening this you say what’s no big

deal it’s no big deal

if you listen to it one time but that’s

just one and then you flip over to Kanye

and Kanye is talking about roll my weed

on it and and I can’t even say some of

the stuff Kanye is talking about it’s

filthy it’s so filthy it’s so filthy and

snake eggs snake eggs snake eggs

I’ll get high get drunk snorting drugs

party get involved sexually get invites

and it over and over and over and over

and all I can handle it I can handle it

I can handle it but sooner or later

those eggs are going to hatch that’s how

it happens I wish sometimes this sin

happened instantly but it doesn’t

there’s a you be not deceived Galatians

thinks God is not involved whatever a

man sows that shall he also reap but the

thing we don’t understand is time it

takes time

you don’t sow and reap instantly I wish

it was I wish it was like Pinocchio the

moment you told a lie your nose grew the

moment you looked at something wrong

your eyes got bigger and bigger and

bigger then happened that way if if I uh

you know if I if I eat a Krispy Kreme

donut I hundred and seventy two pounds

sometimes 170 sometimes 169 it goes back

and forth

watch this hmm

I can preach all day this is Austin and

I can eat this and eat this and then I

could eat another one because I got 12

in here and I could eat another one I

could eat the whole thing right now

you know what I just ate that doughnut

it’s full of calories I still look good

still got my high school figure look at

me no problems no bulges to which you

would say just wait matter of fact I’m

gonna start eating this for breakfast

every morning and then I’m gonna eat

them for lunch and at night before I go

to bed I’m gonna eat some more it won’t

bother me I just did it nothing happened

that’s what some of you were saying

about sex

I didn’t nothing happened I did it

nothing how I got drunk enough that

happened I went to that party nothing

bad lightning didn’t hit me God didn’t

zap me nothing happened

it’s just a law that’s all I’m just

telling you you sow you reap if I keep

doing it something’s gonna happen

it anybody got a lighter I know you do

fifteen-year-old I don’t have cancer

I’ve run the football field four times

it’s not gonna bother me it’s not look

nothing’s happening I’m smoking I’ve

been smoking for a year I’ve been

smoking for two years I’ve been smoking

it’s gonna take some time if you keep

doing it Marlboro will be my burial come

on I work hard on these jokes folks you

got it you gotta give me a little

cigarette smokers hate my preaching

cause right now they’re having a

nicotine fit they’re like you want to

get out behind a car in the parking lot

just as quick as you can but I’m gonna

get you free for this sir oh you you you

better get over the hump I’m almost

through hold on we love you I’m not here

to beat up on people I’m just telling

you nobody gets by with nothing

what Yuri if you sow to the flesh if

you’re sowing to the flesh in your

hearing and listening to Kanye listening

to all that so into the flesh you will

of the flesh it may not happen overnight

and may not affect you but one night

you’re gonna be in the car or in

somebody’s apartment and that song that

you’ve listened to over and over and

over and ona happen and things are gonna

get out of control if you sow to the

flesh you will of the flesh Rick correct

but I love this the same way you get in

you get out but if you sow to the spirit

then happen overnight

still struggling with this still still

I’m doing better you know

just smoking four packs instead of six

but but if you keep so into the spirit

coming to church hearing the word

worshiping it doesn’t matter what

anybody thinks if you have to get them

in your hand and and you can light one

up and God do whatever you gotta do but

keep sowing to the spirit you will read

the life everlasting

you get free same way in the same way

out then happen overnight happens up

here be not conformed to this world be

transformed get the snake eggs out by

the renewing of your mind thought bones

thought bombs of depression but I was

thinking about this last night I have

the enemy hit me with thought bombs I’ve

had times like I don’t know when I just

felt for days and weeks and I’ve had to

learn this is warfare this is spiritual

well it’s not just though where the

enemy would say just quit

I’ve even planned out in my mind my exit

strategy if you if you give in to those

thoughts just quit just you’re weary you

take in the church as far as you can go

just had them at every at every level

every level when we were in the old

building just quit just quit it ain’t

gonna happen you can’t get the money

when we got in the other bill just give

up just give up people don’t know the

battles that we go through but it’s

thought bombs Boom Boom Boom anybody

know what I’m talking about just just

give up just depression and anxiety fear

fear fear oh oh I thought private

battles of fear and I’ve learned that

that spiritual warfare and I’ve got to

recognize it for what it is it’s a snake

egg that that whole thing of doubt doubt

that God is real doubt that the Bible is

true doubt you’ll throw a thought bomb

at you

doubt creation doubt because there were

dinosaurs or this or that doubt the

whole Bible story doubt it believed

Darwin and doubt God I’m not denying

some of those things may have happened

it might happen after the fall we don’t

deny I don’t I’m not afraid of science

science would just prove God is real

come on church I believe that we’re made

in the image of God I’m not going down I

want to I want to tell you something

the first question mark came from

Lucifer half God said the first response

of Jesus that he ever spoke it is


Satan’s always raising questions Jesus

is always raising the word it is written

do you really believe God loves you do

you really believe you’re safe

do you really believe do you really

believe in the Bible do you really

believe in that that you if you trust

God with your life and surrender

everything to him and really live for

him that he’ll direct your path and give

you the desires of your heart do you

really believe that the real battle

that’s taking place is the battle for

our minds and many of your fighting

battles with depression and anxiety

worry and fear quitting the thought bomb

of quitting just just give up just give

up on that dream just give up just give

up just quit just throwing that just

quit the ministry I’m telling you that

God has blessed me and I have had to

fight through the years through seasons

of thought bombs just quit and you have

to learn how to recognize the snake eggs

and crush them before they hatch and say

Lord Here I am

I surrender my life to you I surrender

everything I am

I’ve surrender all that I have all of my

questions I give to you renew my mind

transform my mind forgive me cleanse me

and set me free what’s the question mark

in your life you don’t have to allow

negative thinking to take up space in

your mind you can win the battle of your

thoughts and break the hold that fear

anxiety and worry have over you all this

materials in my dad’s new book the

spirit of Python this month we are

making a special offer to include the

spirit of Python a 30 day devotional and

two inspirational teachings from the

book for your gift of $35 or more with a

spirit of Python exposing Satan’s plan

to squeeze the life out of you you’ll

learn a valuable lesson on how to

protect yourself and the ones that you

love because the anointing of the Holy

Spirit and the power that is yours to

defeat the enemy through Jesus Christ to

get yours call or go online now and take

advantage of this special offer and be

sure to utilize all the resources we’ve

created online to help build your faith

your support allows us to take the

gospel around the world including

messages like you just heard so thank

you for watching and we’ll see you next

time right here on Kingdom connection


we are daughters of the king and our

dreams are more than wishful thinking

they are inspired and a gift from God

our dreams are not meant to be buried

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has placed in you you are a daughter of

the king and your future is majestic

Royall dreams tickets and info are

available online now register today this

program has been brought to you by the

friends and partners of Jensen drink

land media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online and

Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
