The Multiplication Blessing Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin
The first blessing in the Bible was a blessing of multiplication. God has the potential to multiply inside of every living thing. So don’t become stale, stagnate, or believe you can’t grow anymore. God loves multiplication, and it is His will to multiply you! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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hello and welcome to Kingdom connection
I’m Jensen Franklin and I sure am glad
that you have decided to watch this
program I think that it’s in order to
remember what happened in Israel it was
a terrible terrible brutal attack on
October the 7th last year the dark
Forces of Hamas terrorist entered the
Sovereign Nation of Israel and massacred
innocent lives shooting beheading Bur
burning raping basically committing
unspeakable atrocities the Jewish people
haven’t suffered this type of
Devastation since the Holocaust so we
take a moment today to ask you to pray
for the nation of Israel pray for the
Peace of Jerusalem pray for the return
of the hostages including the American
hostages who are still in captivity and
I ask that you remember the lives lost
on that awful day we’re believing God
will return Beauty for Ashes I believe
that God can do it and that’s why I
preach this message today the
multiplication blessing as you listen to
this message I believe it’s what God
wants to do in Israel and what he wants
to do in your life and I believe it’s
going to open your eyes to something
magnificent listen to this word it’s
going to bless
you Genesis chapter 1 and verse 11 then
God said let the Earth bring forth grass
the herb that yields
seed the fruit tree that yields fruit
according to its
kind whose seed is in itself everybody
say that with me whose seed is in itself
on the earth and it was
so and the Earth brought forth
grass and the herb that yields seed
according to its kind and the tree that
yields fruit whose seed is in itself
according to its kind and God saw that
it was good verse 21 so God created
great sea creatures and every living
thing that
moves in the
waters according to their kind and every
Winged Bird according to its kind and
God saw that it was good now here’s
here’s my text this morning it’s all
connected to what I just read and God
blessed them no no human being was
created yet and God blessed them saying
be fruitful he’s talking to birds he’s
talking to fish he’s talking to plants
he’s talking to trees he’s talking to
Grass be
fruitful and multiply
and fill the waters in the seas and let
Birds multiply on the earth I want to
preach to you today on the first
blessing in the
Bible the multiplication
blessing the seed was in the
tree the seed was in the tree the text
said whose seed is in
itself God put in the first tree the
seed in the first Birds the seed to
reproduce and
multiply the grass to multiply the
plants to multiply the seed was placed
inside and that’s why God said at the
end of it and it is good the reason that
it’s good is because God loves
multiplication God loves that everything
that he created ated he placed within
it the potential to
multiply he said it’s good because the
first blessing in the Bible was a
multiplication blessing and God said to
them the fish that he put in the water
maybe just
two and the birds that he put in the sky
whose seed is in itself and he spoke out
of his mouth a blessing of
multiplication upon everything that he
created because God loves
multiplication God loves to see us grow
God loves to see US expand God loves to
see us become greater than what we start
with Genesis 1 and verse 22 said that he
talked to the bird
and the fish that the original ones that
he created and he said to them be
fruitful and
multiply when the concept of the
blessing this is the concept of a
blessing being transferred into the
earth when it first was conceived in
God’s mind and first introduced it came
as a multiplication blessing that’s how
important multiplication is to God that
we not be fruitless that we not get
stagnant and become stale but God’s
dream for us as he says it as the first
blessing he ever put on his creation and
by the way when Adam and Eve were made
he said the same blessing over them he
blessed them and said be fruitful and
multiply God says I want my people to
when it comes to that blessing it is the
will of God for this church to multiply
it is the will of God for your joy to
multiply it is the will of God for your
peace to multiply for your faith to
multiply for your family to multiply
it’s the will of God for your business
to multiply it’s the will of God for
everything that you’re involved in to
become greater
the problem is five time 0 is
zero a th time 0 is
zero but God said I place
within everything I create the desire
multiplication something in you says I
was born for more something in you
desires to see more come out that you
feel that you could
potentially Express in a powerful way be
fruitful and multiply our businesses oh
God be fruitful and multiply our church
and our peace and our joy that God says
faith is the substance of things hoped
for the evidence of Things Not Seen and
that’s the powerful thing about
multiplication the tree will multiply
from the inside
out the church WIll multiply from the
inside out it’s not based upon what the
world does and when you let
God take what he put in you and turn it
out then suddenly amazing things begin
to happen in your life we’re always
looking for the miracle to come from the
outside and in 2 Kings chapter 4 there
was a woman who was in such debt that
her sons were being taken away to serve
time to pay off the debt and the prophet
showed up at her house right before they
were taken in Chains and he said what do
you have in the house I’m sure she was
sitting in that house thinking if
somebody outside would just come some
rich person and pay my bill and I I
wouldn’t lose my sons into having to be
slaves to pay off this debt but the
prophet didn’t ask her about who do you
know outside what do you have in the
house and she said all that I have is a
little pot of oil and the prophet said
get ready because God is going to
multiply what you have on the inside
he’s not going to bless you out there
he’s going to start it right where you
are when you use what you’ve got and
then he gave another commandment he said
go borrow vessels and borrow not a few
he said I want you to go to Every
neighbor I want you to go to Every
relative I want your boys to go all over
the neighborhood and Community I want
you to bring 20 30 50 as many as you can
get get so many vessels in the house and
set them out set them on tables set them
on the floor set them in front of the
fireplace set them in the kitchen and
then just begin to pour what you have on
the inside out pour it out pour it don’t
hoard it Pour it if you’ll start using
what I put in you you can’t keep saying
I’m waiting on a big break to come on
the outside you’ve got to pour the
little bit that you’ve got on the inside
God says if you’ll pour it and then they
poured from vessel to vessel to vessel
to vessel to vessel and the scripture
said as soon as they ran out a pots to
pour it into the oil
stopped that tells you that God says I
only bless people and multiply people
who use what they have on the inside and
it may look insignificant and it may
look small and many of you are sitting
on what you can do and saying but you
know I’m I just need something out there
and God says do what you can do with
what I’ve given you the miracle of
multiplication is has never depended on
the outside God reaches inside and
begins and there are businesses that
were started in this room when they
somebody decided on the inside I’m going
to do it cuz God’s leading me to do it
and God breathed on it and the blessing
of multiplication came on it and you
really can’t take the glory you worked
hard but you know the Creator breathed
on that seat and it was the blessing of
multiplication that’s how this church is
here today Hallelujah I’m telling you
this stuff is real God can use and bless
you when you begin to pour it out pour
it out pour it out you can’t get a
revelation of how big God is until you
get a revelation of how small you are
it’s Christ in you the hope of glory I
have that Revelation every time I come
to the pull pit all I have is a bunch of
words on a piece of paper and to be
honest I’m scared to death I still get
nervous at 62 years of age after doing
it 40 something years but I’ve learned
something that I’m small and I’m
insignificant but the God that I serve
is magnificent and the Magnificent one
on the inside of me Christ the hope of
glory that is in you if you would just
let him take your little bit little is
much when God is in it oh Hallelujah I’m
telling you you may feel like you’re
insignificant but the Magnificent lives
in you his name is Jesus and he can use
you for his glory clap your hands and
give him
Hallelujah the seed doesn’t come from
trunk of the
tree he said whose seed is in itself but
it does not come seed don’t come out of
the trunk of a tree they don’t come out
of the branches of a tree they come only
from the fruit of the tree and that’s
why some are not multiplying because God
is waiting on some
fruit God will not multiply something
that is not producing any
fruit when Jesus cursed the Fig Tree he
was angry at it because it was not
producing fruit he did not listen he
said be fruitful and multiply and when
he needed that tree to have fruit it had
no fruit it had a trunk it had limbs it
had leaves but it did not have fruit and
when he cursed it he cursed it from The
Roots up God will not bless the family
and the individual life that is not
producing fruit well what is fruit I’m
glad you asked Galatians chap 5 and
verse 22 says the fruits of the spirit
there’s nine of them the fruits of the
spirit is love did you know love was a
seed did you know that love is a fruit
and in that and if you don’t have any
love if you will start pouring out love
love your enemies love those who
despitefully use you we’re to be a
people who is filled with love and the
moment you start loving people even the
hard people that that’s harder to love
not just those that love you and not
just those that are kind to you but
those who it’s hard to love them they
make it hard to love them but you sow
the seed of Love anyhow God says oo
there’s one I can multiply right there
and if you give love God will cause
people to love you and Surround you and
you’ll live a life that you’re always
joy joy is a seed y’all don’t hear me
joy joy you shouldn’t be sad you
shouldn’t be down you shouldn’t be
depressed all the time discouraged all
the time the joy Nehemiah chapter 8 says
don’t be sorrowful the joy of the Lord
is my strength Hallelujah you know how
you get strong I need more strength I’m
really going through a valley I’m really
going through a hard time I’m really
lonely I’m really broken I’m really beat
down how do you get more strength you
don’t need more strength you need more
joy and if you get more joy it will
Infuse you with strength that’s why you
come to church and you
rejoice you rejoy yourself you start
singing about the greatness of your God
your name is the greatest your name is
the highest and you read Joy yourself
and it gives strength to your soul I’m
just here today to declare that God says
I’ve got joy for my people and the it’s
not on the outside the seed of joy is on
the inside if nothing changes on the
outside I can have joy and be a happy
person Hallelujah we used to sing old
song in the church we’re a happy people
yes we
are y’all can’t sing
Hallelujah Joy is a
seed and he multiplies love he
multiplies Joy he multiplies
peace if you’ll sew a seed of Peace God
multiply so if you need more love to be
multiplied seow some
patience woo that’s a fruit of the
spirit patience
goodness fruit of the spirit
longsuffering that’s patience
longsuffering Hallelujah that means you
keep coming to church and you worship
anyhow you keep coming to church because
God God’s still good even though nothing
good is going on and the kids are acting
crazy and you ran over the cat on the
way to church and and and the and the
and the door fell off your car when you
got out and and and and then somebody
cussed you out in the parking lot and
you just keep on coming with the saying
you know what it’s not going to stop me
because my joy the world didn’t give it
and the world can’t take it away and he
multiplies the joy and the longsuffering
offering listen to the fruits of the
kindness kindness just being a kind
person you seow it kindness you pour it
out kindness you’re not mean you’re not
angry you’re not ugly you’re not rude
you’re you’re not giving people half a
peace sign Amen in your car every time
they pull out in front of you kindness
kindness kindness everybody say kindness
to be kind is to be
goodness you just go around doing good
stuff just just sharing the goodness
just helping somebody doing something
you know picking up helping somebody
with their car pulling over the side of
the road and and helping somebody or or
helping somebody open the door they
couldn’t believe it I was in a a city
somewhere recently and I held the door
for some some old ladies and they they
oh he so kind he’s so because there’s so
many jerks out
there just be a good person just be good
something in you ought to help somebody
if you see them and you can do do what
you can do and be kind to people quit
being a
jerk that’s what a Christian is when a
Christian shows up everything gets
better supposedly and we ought to be
good people we ought to be good to
people all that we can do be good
faithfulness is a seed I’m using all my
time on this and this is even my
sermon faithfulness ain’t that something
God says I’ll multiply faithfulness in
your life if you start exhibiting some
come to church more than once a
month these are the signs manifestations
that the Holy Spirit they’re fruits of
the Holy Spirit manifesting through you
yes it’s just not my nature to
be to be
gentle well that’s cuse the flesh is in
control not the spirit because when the
spirit is in control one of the
manifestations of the holy spirit is
gentleness you’re not a
warer you’re not looking for some you
you’re gentle you’re gentle you you you
you you’re
gentle you you run the Ste you run
deep gentle turn to somebody and say
calm down gentle gentle you
too gentle I like this self-control is
is a fruit of the
spirit I just can’t help
myself I need a woman I can’t help
myself self-control
I got to have that cigarette I got to
vape it I got to I got to get high I got
to have a drink
self-control got to look at porn
self-control when the spirit begins to
fill you when the spirit and God says
the more that you give of yourself the
more I’ll give you if a man wants to
live his life life let him die to
himself and then I’ll give you life and
life more abundantly I’ll give you so
much life that you won’t know how to
handle it all and you’ll be blessed and
highly favored of God I need somebody to
shout about the truth of God’s
word in one piercing moment whole war
and darkness took over our
lives hundreds of our community members
murdered we lost our beloved friends we
lost our laughter and we lost our
innocence we will never be the same like
before October 7 but we are determined
to be better and
stronger Pastor Jensen thank you for
each and every step that you are taking
with us choosing light over Darkness but
it wasn’t only buildings that we built
together we build communities and
together we chose
life they may have crushed our houses
they may have hurt us physically but
they did not break our spirit because we
are the people of the light and we will
continue always to choose life
together what God has placed inside of
you is Unstoppable by any external Force
remember God has equipped you to
multiply from the inside side out not
the outside in the seed for your
multiplication is already within you
don’t you listen to the lies of the
enemy when he says you don’t have a
future and you don’t you don’t have
anything you need to be hoping for maybe
you’re battling depression and sickness
I’ve been there and I’m going to tell
you God has a third coat coming your way
it’s not going to end where you are it
all starts when you call on the name of
pray with me right where you are call on
his name say Jesus I receive you today
as my Lord as my savior help me restore
my life and take what you put in me and
multiply it in Jesus name isn’t it a
remarkable thing that the first blessing
ever proclaimed in the Bible is a
multiplication blessing well if you
prayed that prayer what just happened is
going to multiply l in your life it will
affect every aspect of your life and
it’s not curses it’s blessings
everywhere you go that one seed Prayer
Will seow many more seeds of blessings
for generations to come I cannot end
today’s program without thanking every
single one of you who has given to our
newest initiative light over Darkness
this week we mark one year since the
tragic October the 7th attacks a day
when Terror struck the eshal region in
Israel leaving a trail of unimaginable
suffering for five years now we’ve been
sewing seeds that have
multiplied and given people hope and
healing in those very areas of Israel
we’ve invested in life-saving projects
like the kingdom play school the bomb
shelters that saved lives fire stations
fire trucks and life saving equipment
these projects were a beacon of light on
that dark day a year ago and we stand
more committed than ever to the nation
of Israel to restore and rebuild those
precious communities for the glory of
God and to fulfill Bible prophecy don’t
ever forget that we have been called to
be light in the darkness and that’s why
we’ve committed the single largest
amount of funding in the history of our
ministry to partner with our dear
friends at the Jewish National Fund to
rebuild and renew the esal region
together we’re going to make a profound
difference we’re going to give them $115
million through these three projects and
God is going to rebuild together we will
be light over the
darkness on October 7 Israel was
attacked by the dark Forces of Hamas it
was the worst massacre of the Jewish
people experienced since the Holocaust
the ashal region in southern Israel was
attacked directly this is where Jensen
Franklin media Ministries in partnership
with the Jewish National Fund have been
working the Last 5 Years to build
fortified schools bomb shelters and
other life-saving projects thankfully
these projects did save many lives that
day and now we stand at a pivotal moment
poised to provide a Lifeline for the
people of eskal who continue to be
attacked by terrorists every day Jens
and Franklin meeting Ministries recently
committed the largest amount of funding
ever towards the initiative from
Darkness to light representing our
unwavering dedication to not just help
rebuild communities in esal but to mend
hearts and restore what seemed
irrevocably lost we have a comprehensive
plan that will be completed in three
phases phase number one provides
physical safety that is why we are
building civil defense centers and over
800 safe houses making sure every family
in the region has a safe room in case of
terrorist attacks when you give to a
project like this there is a promise for
you found in Genesis 123 I will bless
those who bless you Israel together we
can demonstrate that Faith combined with
Collective action can illuminate the
darkest moments and Forge a brighter
more hopeful future for the eso
Community call or go online
today you can take my coat but you can’t
take the God who gave me me the coat I’m
still a winner if you take my coat cuz I
know who I am and I know what he put in
me and he is my
source this program has been sponsored
in part by friends and partners of
Jensen Franklin media Ministries we hope
you’ve enjoyed this teaching by Jensen
Franklin and thank you for your
continued support of this ministry for
more information about this message
message and other Ministry resources
visit us online at Jensen