The Multiplication Blessing Part 2 | Jentezen Franklin
The first blessing in the Bible was a blessing of multiplication. God has the potential to multiply inside of every living thing. So don’t become stale, stagnate, or believe you can’t grow anymore. God loves multiplication, and it is His will to multiply you! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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when the spirit begins to fill you when
the spir and God says the more that you
give of yourself the more I’ll give you
if a man wants to live his life let him
die to himself and then I’ll give you
life and life more abundantly I’ll give
you so much life that you won’t know how
to handle it all and you’ll be blessed
and highly favored of God I need
somebody to shout about the truth of
God’s word
together we’re inspiring people to live
for Jesus if you’re looking for more in
life to live with purpose and peace to
make a difference for your family and
those in need around the world Jesus is
the answer and our mission is to Simply
point you to him you’re watching Kingdom
connection with Jensen
Franklin Genesis 1 and verse
11 then God said let the Earth bring
forth grass the herb that yields
seed the fruit tree that yields fruit
according to its
kind whose seed is in itself everybody
say that with me whose seed is in itself
on the earth and it was
so and the Earth brought forth
grass and the herb that yields seed
according to its kind and the tree that
yields fruit whose seed is in itself
Accord according to its kind and God saw
that it was good verse 21 so God created
great sea creatures and every living
thing that
moves in the waters according to their
kind and every Winged Bird according to
its kind and God saw that it was good
now here’s here’s my text this morning
it’s all connected to what I just just
read and God blessed them no no human
being was created
no uh man or woman was was yet
populating the
Earth and God blessed them saying be
fruitful he’s talking to birds he’s
talking to fish he’s talking to plants
he’s talking to trees he’s talking to
Grass be fruitful
and multiply and fill the waters in the
seas and let Birds multiply on the earth
I want to preach to you today on the
first blessing in the
Bible the multiplication
blessing the seed was in the
tree the seed was in the tree the text
said whose seed is in itself
God put in the first tree the seed in
the first Birds the seed to reproduce
multiply the grass to multiply the
plants to multiply the seed was placed
inside and that’s why God said at the
end of it and it is good the reason that
it’s good is because God loves
multiplication God loves that everything
that he created he placed within
it the potential to
multiply it’s not based your
multiplication your growth your increase
is not based on what the government
does the seed is in
yourself it is not based on what the
world out there says the it’s not out
there everything great that God wants to
do begins on the inside and when you
invite the creator of the one who put
the seed of greatness in
you the seed of purpose in you then
suddenly what God has put in you becomes
possible and I love this it is not
dependent on anything outside of
you that God says faith is the substance
of things hoped for the evidence of
things not SE
Hallelujah and I heard the Lord say that
there are people listening to me that
the enemy stri your coat and stripped
your coat but listen you can strip my
coat but the blessing the seed is in me
it’s not in my coat you can take my coat
but you can’t take my confidence you can
take my coat but you can’t take my
capabilities Hallelujah i’ I I I’m
called whether whether I’ve got the coat
on look like a a success or not I’m
still got the seed of it in me and bless
God you can take my coat but you can’t
take the God who gave me the coat I’m
still a winner if you take my coat cuz I
know who I am and I know what he put in
me and he is my
source oh I need somebody to shout right
now and here’s what I heard the Lord say
he said tell
somebody that they’re entering into the
season of the third
coat because his own family took the
coat a liar deceiver she accused him of
rape she took his second coat they threw
him in prison but God raised him up and
Pharaoh in Genesis 41 took his coat off
his own Royal robe coat and put it on
Joseph and WRA the ring on his finger
and he’s told everybody in the Kingdom
bow down because this man had something
in him and I feel like saying to
somebody you’re about to get a new
coat and it’s not a coat of struggle and
it’s not a coat of taking away but God
says I’ve got the third coat scheduled
for your life and some of you can’t har
believe it but what you need to do is
realize the god who’s with you has never
left you through everything you’ve been
through he’s still there and he says the
third coat is coming Hallelujah and it’s
going to Thrill you and you’re going to
you’re going to Rejoice but don’t wait
until then sew the seeds
now somebody Praise Him in this
house the devil stripped you
the devil killed you and tried to
destroy you he thought but you’re going
to get another coat turn to somebody and
say your third coat is on the way it’s
the coat of the Overcomer it’s the coat
of not a victim but a Victor in Jesus
name they said you’ll never make it they
said you’ll never build it they said
because of the things that have happened
to you but listen nothing on the outside
determines my final
place the seed is within
hallelujah hallelujah he multiplies it
let me close with
this Joseph is an old
man he’s been through so many things
he’s lived long enough to see it all and
he has two sons and the first son that
he has is he names manasse which means
the Lord has made me to forget the pain
of my father’s house you know what he’s
saying there he’s
that I don’t look like what I’ve been
through if y’all knew my testimony you
would say good Lord look at all that
poor Joseph went through but he said the
Lord has made me forget all that pain
we used to that that old song they used
to sing God made it
fail God made it fail that’s that’s his
attitude now he’s an old man he says God
made it fail they meant it for my evil
God meant it for my
good and I don’t look like what I have
been through I don’t talk like what I’ve
been through I don’t I don’t carry
myself like what I’ve been through I am
not a
victim I’ve got my third coat on I’m an
overcomer by the blood of the lamb and
the word of my
testimony but then he had a second son
and he named him Ephraim and I want to
close with this and guess what Ephraim
means he said because I’m naming him
Ephraim because he has made me
fruitful in my
Affliction he said because God made me
through the Affliction that I went
through some of you are saying God take
me out and God saying no I’m not going
to take you out I’m going to take you up
as a matter of fact Exodus chapter one
said that Pharaoh the one that came
after Joseph’s
time saw how quickly the Israel women
were having babies and they were
multiplying so many babies
that he got concerned they’re going to
overtake the whole nation of Egypt these
Hebrews the more they Afflicted
them the more they
multiplied and were the dread of the
children of
hallelujah hallelujah
I’m simply saying to you that the more
the enemies Afflicted you in your
family that’s the very area God wants to
you the more they afflict you the more
multiplied it’s the blessing of
multiplication who seed is in itself you
say I’m the only Christian in my family
whose seed is in itself
I’m the only Christian that works on
that Heathen job site where I work whose
seed is in
itself I want you to say this through
Affliction I will
multiply now I want you to say it three
times multiply multiply multiply
multiply in Jesus name the blessing is
already in you what’s in your your
house what’s in your house and here’s
what I want to say to you
today that you have hope and you have
future it’s all in you not out there and
it starts with making Jesus Lord of your
life now I’m going to ask every person
under the sound of my voice at every
campus who’s been going through a
Darkness a depression a discouragement a
of just down and tinge of
joylessness a t a tinge of dread and
fear and anxiety and panic and
worry I’m telling you the seed for
victory over every one of those things
is on the inside of you this
morning so if that’s you and if I just
describe it takes honesty it takes
somebody willing to say I’m tired of
this I’m tired of this little it’s like
a cloud a a Manel of down and the enemy
wants to press you down that’s why it’s
depress but if You’ just say you know I
believe what he’s preaching
today God’s
good and the blessing of multiplication
is not just for others it’s for
me Pastor pray for
me if that’s you and and and you just
had this little little tinge of
Darkness just stand up on your feet
right where you are I want to pray for
you don’t worry about what anybody
thinks just just at every campus do it
at every campus that’s
awesome that’s
awesome that’s
awesome it’s very good very good it is
good I just decree over you in the
mighty name of
Jesus that what you’ve been going going
through is very real I’m not minimizing
it the pain is real the the the the
issues are real I’ve been there myself
but I’ve come with a spirit of
today and I speak the joy of the Lord
which is your strength a peace that
surpasses all human understanding I
speak in the name of Jesus the seed that
is inside of you that Christ has given
you when he entered into your life is
greater than he that is in the world and
Lord I just pray right now for a new joy
that the more they’re Afflicted the more
you’ll multiply them that the
multiplication blessing will come and as
they seow seeds of rejoicing and praise
and worship and and and and faithfulness
to the kingdom of God as they sow those
seeds oh God you will multiply the seeds
that they sow back into their
life I thank you for it and I call it
done and I just proclaim the sun is
bursting through the clouds
again that your head will be lifted up
in jesus’
name that you will stand on the
Mountaintop again with your hands raised
saying God made it fail Hallelujah and I
am blessed and he has blessed me in in
the land of my
Affliction in Jesus
name now I want everybody else to stand
with them and this is how I feel like
I’m supposed to do this this morning and
I’m really excited about it I mean I
have an unexplainable faith in this
realm right now I felt it this morning
in the 9:00 and I feel it right now like
a fire shut up in my
bones not trying to
just say something I have faith for
this I want every business
person I want every businessman every
business woman I want every person
who just kind of going through a tough
some trying times some little bit
situations in your business life in your
life I feel like that you’re supposed to
come to the altar this
morning and you’re supposed to just hold
it up and say God you put it in
me some of you have businesses that he’s
put in you some of you have things that
you know you were born for and put here
and you haven’t realized them yet some
of you it’s a family you know it’s it’s
a it’s a maid it’s a husband it’s a wife
children it’s okay but I don’t want you
to come with like a sadness I want you
to come with a joyful
expectation an absolute joyful
expectation that God is not cruel enough
to put a desire in
you that he’s not able to bless and pull
out of you it’s not up to them it’s in
here and once your faith this faith of
the seed the size of the seed of a of a
mustard seed could be planted into a
mountain and the mountain would be moved
and if you’re kind of in that whatever I
described it as a family or as a
business I really feel this for you
today slip out of your seat wherever you
are at every campus and get down as
close as you can down front because I
said something in the first service it
was unplanned I don’t know where it came
from it’s kind of neat though I like
it may God make you
an asset owner everybody say an asset
owner a land
possessor a wise
investor everybody say Lord Lord I’m
asking you I’m asking to make me an
asset owner a land possessor a wise
investor I’m asking you to bless my work
again to bless my business again to
bless my career again to give me
direction to give me increase bless me
with the blessing of multiplication now
throw your hands up and just begin to
praise him a
moment he’s going to bless you he’s
going to bless your work he’s going to
bless you it’s not dependent on the
outside it’s on the inside faith is the
substance of of things hoped for the
evidence of Things Not
Seen that’s why I did
that that’s why I did that faith is what
you hope
for what you
set your vision
Hallelujah and see people don’t
understand this well it’s easy for you
to say well that’s not that’s not
spiritual well you go without money and
see how spiritual you
get you go without a home and cars and
stuff that you need the essentials of
life let me give you a verse for it I
have never
seen Psalms 34 I have never seen the
forsaken watch this or his
seed where’s the seed is it out there is
it dependent upon the economy where’s
the seed
it’s in me or his seed begging for
bread woo somebody needs to be
today God’s not through blessing
you now raise your hand pray this prayer
and say Jesus I Surrender my
future and my life to you to you
unconditionally un I am yours I am yours
I I want
self-control I want the fruit of love I
want the fruit of peace I want the fruit
of Joy I want the fruit of kindness I
need some gentleness in my life don’t
let me be a hote head don’t let me be
somebody who just goes crazy from zero
to 90 give me gentleness give me
faithfulness give me
self-control give me patience Give Me
Love love joy and peace I receive what
you purchased at the cross holy spirit
produce these fruits in my life in my
marriage in my
conversations in my business thank you
for good
success thank you that I am an asset
owner drive it home come on I am a land
possessor by faith
I am a
investor in Jesus name now let’s just
raise our hands and praise God praise
him for the increase the seed is stirred
up this
morning well if you prayed that prayer
what just happened is going to multiply
in your life it will affect every aspect
of your life and it’s not curses it’s
blessings everywhere you go that one
seed Prayer Will seow many more seeds of
blessings for generations to come that’s
why we get to preach the gospel all
around the world if you prayed that
prayer we would love to hear from you so
let us hear from you today I cannot end
today’s program without thanking every
single one of you who has given to our
newest initiative light over Darkness
this project will save so many lives and
we know this because the safe rooms kept
G and her family safe during the
horrific October the 7th attacks watch
G’s story and see just how urgent this
project is together we will be light
over the
darkness on the 7th of
October these shelters were an
incredible Safe Haven and I thank God
that both my daughters were fortunate
enough to have one um as you can hear by
my accent we made Aliyah and I couldn’t
stop thinking did I do the right thing
by bringing my children year I worried I
worried if it was the correct thing to
do on that day but I know that this God
promised this land to us and he never
promised that would be an easy Journey
but what he did do is provide us with
Guardian Angels along the way I think if
the 7th of October has taught us
anything this is home Israel is our
place this is the safest place we can be
unfortunately it didn’t end on the 7th
of October we still experienced Terror
we had just the other few months ago the
problem with Iran and that they wanted
to fire us and they sent hundreds of
rockets and drones and we were here in
Rim when that took place and this safe
room became our little Safe Haven and we
bought our little mattress here we slip
together and that was we wouldn’t have
to keep running we didn’t know what was
going to happen and this room just felt
like it was keeping us alive and it and
it is it keeps people alive it’s
something that every single person in
our area needs I can’t stress it enough
that it saved Our Lives it saved my
husband’s family life on the 7th of
October and it will continue to save
lives I I feel like everybody just needs
to come home we need our brothers and
sisters to come home the people of this
area to come home the people need to
experience the magic that is Israel that
is the South that is the north um
there’s no nothing like this place and
we’ve traveled a lot but Israel is it’s
amazing it’s home and for that Pastor
Jensen Franklin and your fantastic
congregation I thank you from the bottom
of my heart we thank
you I October 7 Israel was attacked by
the dark Forces of Hamas it was the
worst massacre the Jewish people
experienced since the Holocaust the
eshal region in southern Israel was
attacked directly this is where Jensen
Franklin media Ministries in partnership
with the Jewish National Fund have been
working the Last 5 Years to build
fortified schools bomb shelters and
other life-saving projects thankfully
these projects did save many lives that
day and now we stand at a pivotal moment
poised to provide a Lifeline for the
people of eskal who continue to be
attacked by terrorists every day Jensen
Franklin media Ministries recently
committed the largest amount of funding
ever towards the initiative from
Darkness to light we have a
comprehensive plan that will be
completed in three phases phase number
one provides physical safety that is why
we are building civil defense centers
and over 800 safe houses making sure
every family in the region has a safe
room in case of terrorist attacks we’ve
been called to be the light in the
darkness even in the nation of Israel
that is why we have committed the single
largest amount of funding in our history
to rebuild and renew the esol region
together we can bless that nation in an
unprecedented way together we can
demonstrate that Faith combined with
Collective action can illuminate the
darkest moments and Forge a brighter
more hopeful future for the esal
this program has been sponsored in part
by friends and partners of Jensen
Franklin media Ministries we hope you’ve
enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin
and thank you for your continued support
of this ministry for more information
about this message and other Ministry
resources this visit us online at Jensen