This is “The Number One Responsibility of Every Man.” Every man is drawn away when he is tempted by his own lusts. Peter summed it up in Acts 2 when he said, “Save yourself from this wicked and perverse generation.” That leads us to the most important responsibility of every man and woman. It’s the one responsibility that will guarantee your impact, your influence, and your eternal destination.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom



you have your Bibles open them with me

please through the book of first Kings

chapter 20 and I want to speak today

primarily to everybody but I think it

will be applicable to every person under

the sound of my voice regardless of of

what gender you are but particularly I

want to speak to the men as a matter of

fact I’m going to preach today on the

number one responsibility of every man

the number one responsibility of every

man and it’s given to us in an Old

Testament story verse thirty-nine at

first Kings 20 as the King passed by he

cried out to the king and said your

servant went out into the midst of the

battle there was a man who came over and

brought a man to me and said guard this

man the King James says keep this man

guard this man if by any means he is

missing your life shall be for his life

or else you’ll pay a talent of silver

while your servant was busy here and

there notice that just got busy here and

there he was gone then the king of

Israel said to him so shall your

judgment be you yourself have decided it

the number one responsibility of every

man is contained in these short verses

the story takes place on a battlefield

battlefields in the Old Testament were

noisy places they would direct the

soldiers with trumpet blasts shofars

instruments of war the clashing of

swords and shields and the rumble of

chariots and horses and the screams and

the yells of men as it was in

hand-to-hand combat was very very noisy

chaos everything around you to be just

you know just can you imagine that kind

of battlefield you’ve seen Braveheart

you know what I’m talking about it had

to be hard to imagine anything greater

than that battle they were in and right

in the middle of the

kind of a battle the king comes up and

he says I have captured someone and he

says to this particular soldier I want

you to guard this man

your primary number-one responsibility

even though there’s chaos and there’s a

battle all around you this raging your

number-one responsibility soldier is to

guard this man keep this man the word

keep our guard means to hedge in with

thorns you are to hedge him in with

thorns put perimeters and boundaries

around him and make sure that he does

not escape and to add to the seriousness

of this order that he was given he said

if this man is missing when I come for

him then it will be your life for his

life that’s pretty serious this is your

responsibility to guard this man I know

there’s a lot going on out here

but you worry about this man I’m pulling

you off of the battlefield so to speak

to not be so engaged with this and that

that’s going on in this scream and this

trumpet blast and this sword clash and


rumble of a chariot I want you to be

focused more than anything else on

hedging with thorns and guarding this

man and the Bible said when the battle

was over the king came back the dust

settled the warfare was over and the

king himself came back and ladies and

gentlemen our King is coming back to

earth again and when the king came back

he wanted to know one thing from that

soldier did you keep did you guard the

man that I gave you the responsibility

for where is the man that I gave you

charge of and in this particular case

the Bible said that the man escaped

where’s the man that I

that I told you you need to worry about

more than anybody else where’s the man

how could this have happened how what

was so important that it could have

distracted you from the one assignment

that I gave you and that was to guard

this man and watch this man and keep

this man explain yourself

were you overpowered by the enemy no no


were you seduced by a woman no sir

well did you forget the charge that I

gave you to guard this man no sir King

I didn’t his answer was a classic notice

what he said he said I just got busy

here and there the King said so shall

your judgment be you have lost the man

therefore you will lose yourself it’s

going to cost you your life if you don’t

watch this man the soldier wanted the

King to know that the man wasn’t missing

and didn’t escape because he was lazy he

began to explain I wasn’t lazy I was

busy I was busy

here and there and I got distracted and

I forgot about guarding the man he had

been very busy here and there he was

busy over here and over there distracted

and hindered from keeping the man

engaged in a lot of busy things like all

the men I’m preaching to at every one of

our campuses we’re all busy men like

most men he had responsibilities this

isn’t my only life just church stuff and

living for God I have responsibilities I

have a house payment I have a car

payment I have to take care of my family

I have to keep up our lifestyle

I’ve got I’ve got to get up and go to

work I’ve got to pay bills I’ve got

children that need my attention I’m a

very busy man

I was busy here and there and I forgot

to guard this man the king told me was

my number

responsibilities in this life you don’t

understand this isn’t the only thing I

had to do Church stuff I have a lot of

obligations and I have a lot of

responsibilities and I just got busy

King the man said he would stay here he

promised me that I didn’t have to worry

about him that he would stay behind the

thorny hedge that I put him behind

he even crossed us on this in the Bible

I’m making this up but he even crossed

his heart and hope to die he swore that

he gave me a Boy Scout honor but he

would stay there and I could just be

doing my busy stuff and it probably

wasn’t some quick thing it was just a

gradual thing just here and there and

probably got a little further away from

where he had him hedged in and then he

thought I need to do this and oh yeah

and remember my number one

responsibility as the guard that man and

keep that man and oh but I’m gonna go a

little bit further and a little bit

farther and a little bit farther and

before he knew it he turns around

because he’s thinking about it less and

less and less and less and the man has

escaped I’m saying to you today that

that man the King knew he needed to be

guarded that’s your old nature if you

hadn’t figured this sermon out yet your

little slow then we’ll help you with it

the king is Jesus and he says to

everyman your number-one responsibility

is you are this man you are to guard who

you are you are to guard your heart with

all diligence you are to keep this man

keep him from the lust of the eyes the

lust of the flesh and the pride of life

you’re the hedge hem in with thorns and

have some parameters and some boundaries

and some standards that you don’t just

let him go Wow because this man is a

liar this man you can’t believe what he

will do he’ll tell you he won’t do

things but if you don’t guard him if you

don’t watch him if you don’t hedging in

he’s crazy he’s a loud man your flesh

cannot be trusted the paul said there’s


good thing in my flesh and you have to

guard this man he’ll try to get out you

have to hedge him in with thorns the

soldier was not a bad man he was just a

busy man he was trying to accomplish

things for his life and maintain a

lifestyle for his children

he was just like most of them in here

got something supposed to do busy here

busy there got a flat tire why didn’t

you go to church got a loan McGrath why

weren’t you there last week where we had

to go get groceries and why weren’t you

there the week before well I had this

and I had that it’s not it is not a bad

man he’s just a busy man and you’re not

guarding the spiritual man he didn’t

lose the man on purpose most of the time

it’s just we just drift away little by

little just a little here and a little

there and before you know it you’re far

from God

far from who you once were far from the

character that you have the anointing

that you had the presence of God you

have to guard this man you have to keep

this man worshipping and praising God

keep this man in church keep this man

paying his tithe keep this man in

obedience to the word keep this man

reading the Word of God your number-one

priority is not your children is not

your wife they’re going to have to

answer to God for themselves and here’s

the deal well I’m so worried about my

children if I don’t keep this man

there’s no way I’m going to win my

children if I don’t keep this man

there’s no way I’m going to influence my

wife if I don’t keep this man there’s no

way that I’m going to have an impact on

hundreds of men under the sound of my

voice right now the key to this thing is

I have to keep this man I have to keep

him from porn on the internet I have to

keep him from a bad attitude I have to

keep him from wrong television shows on

satellite TV I have to keep him and we

don’t like to talk about this stuff but

the truth is if you don’t hedge this man

in and guard this man the enemy will


that man who escaped and if you lose him

you lose yourself we get so busy and the

man is gone who is the man the world is

a battlefield the battlefield is the

flesh the world and the devil and

there’s noise and there Cait chaos but

one day the king is going to come back

and when the King comes back he’s going

to ask one question did you keep this

man did you guard this man every man is

drawn away when he is tempted by his own

lust Peter summed it up in Acts chapter

two when he said save yourself from this

wicked and perverse generation a man’s

greatest responsibility is to keep this

man and folks there’s never been a time

when there was more opportunity to live

immoral and get all kinds of stuff

attached to you but I have to keep this

man from addiction keep this man from

alcoholism keep this man from perversion

keep this man from doing things that he

shouldn’t do and you have to hang this

man in with the thorns of the hedge of

the Word of God I get so tired of this

little nicey-nicey always just live like

you want to live know there’s some of

this that once Jesus saves you he says

now you got a spirit and the Spirit is

safe but you got a body and you better

learn how to hedge that body in you

better learn how to bring your body

under subjection both it I buff it my


I’m brutal on myself because I know I

can’t let my flesh do what it wants to

do so I have to keep this man because

the trumpets going to sound and the king

is going to come and when he comes back

he’s going to ask did you keep this man

if I’m not a godly example then my

children won’t be saved

most of the men who are lost in the

Bible were not lost

in the battle Samson did awesome in the

battle the Bible said at times everybody

say at times the Spirit of the Lord

began to move on him at times and the

power of God would come on in and he

would fight a thousand Philistines with

the jawbone of a donkey and kill him my

lord he would at times the Spirit would

come on him mightily one place said and

he and he and he and he he slew a lion

with his bare hands ripped his jaws to

pieces that’s powerful and anybody can

live for God when the Spirit of God is

upon you mightily but what about the

in-between times we’ve got to learn the

art of living for God in the in-between

times when we’re not in a service and

they’re not singing praise songs and

everybody’s mind is on good things but I

want to know what about in the

in-between times when you’re not in a

mighty service and you’re just out

living life that’s when I’ve got to use

listen big word discipline to keep this

man chief its anger keep his tongue keep

his heart keep this body keep his mind

keep his eyes keep his ears keep

everything under subjection thorned him

up in a hedge say there are limits there

are things that I will not let you do

and see there will be times when God

will move mightily that’s important when

you’ll get in services if you come to a

good church like this there will be

services we’ve had them recently where

people were just overwhelmed by the

presence of God but most of the time is

not the Spirit of God is only mightily

most of the time is in between time and

I’m just going to work and I’m just

doing life and I’m just living and I’m

just paying bills that’s when I’ve got

to keep this man oh this generation

needs to hear this and here’s the deal

if you can keep this man and be in

between times

but when you get up and you preach or

you sing or you minister you’ve got a

call on your life in business the Spirit

of God will come mightily on you because

God watches what we do in the in-between

times more than he does what we do when

it’s mighty my greatest times of Prayer

in ministry are not in this pulpit there

when I’m walking my little trail in the

woods and I’m talking to the Lord

because I’ve learned the secret to this

thing is what I do in the in-between

times I got to keep this man in prayer I

got to keep this man fasting I got to

keep this man reading the Word of God I

got to keep this man going to church

you gotta guard this man I love my

family I’d die for him I take a bullet

for any one of them just like that but

the Lord said the greatest thing that I

can do for my family as I studying this

message is just keep this man because if

you keep this Manuel influence Drake and

you’ll influence Courtney and Kristen

Caroline and Connor

you’ll influence urease if you just keep

this man

keep it in prayer keep it godly keeping

holy keeping loving Jesus keep its heart

pure keep his eyes pure keep his spirit

pure don’t let anger and bitterness and

wrath get old

stay clean before God KJ min if you have

to have some boundary some you know a

battery has positives and negatives all

we’ve got is a positive gospel now but

if you want power

you can’t just hook up the Plus you know

he’s got a plus and it’s got a minus on

your battery your car battery do any of

you men know what I’m talking about and

you can’t just have you if you just hook

up the jumper cables to the to the

positive side oh you’re never going to

crank the engine and get power you got

to have some negative so you need some

now shalt not commit adultery thou shalt

not lie there shalt not kill them you

need the

at thorny head if you want power I guess

what I’m trying to say to you is the

reason the king said keep this man

hedging in with thorns is you can’t

trust you you look real good in church I

look I look like a preacher almost

except much the shirt tails out and that

ain’t right but but but but most time

you know I look like a preacher I guess

I goes I don’t know but but I try to be

like a preacher live right but the truth

is you can’t trust you I’m a preacher

and I don’t even trust me if I put

myself in situations if I don’t have the

hedges up

I don’t trust me you’ll lie to yourself

I’ll never do that and then you just

look around and some days just one he’s

just wandering off he’s just wandering

off there’s an old preacher who took a

trip with a bunch of younger preachers

on the mission trip for nine days true


this old bishop got on the plane and

those young men all of them about seven

of them had not seen their lives in nine

days and they were ready to see their

wives I need to explain that to you they

were ready to see their life and he said

God is my witness while we were sitting

there on the on the runway on the jet

the jet was loading all of us had seats

together he said there was a woman who

walked down who was absolutely drop-dead

gorgeous and he said she had a biblical

dress on lo and behold and oh my

goodness she she had a figure like a

coke bottle and you if you don’t know

what a coke bottle is I said whatever

this generation needs a lot of help she

had it she was a brick house come on do

you understand that

she had it and every one of those young

preachers he said he looked around and

he said they were they all got about

their Bibles and their missionary trip

and everything they’re mine and he said

I spoke up listen to this and he said I

said right out loud on the plane as she

was walking by good job Jesus instantly

they came right back in when they heard

that name I love that

good job Jesus that same preacher told

me he called me one time he said Jenson

he said there’s two reasons why I don’t

commit adultery number one God’s against

it number two they tail click now that

will save your life right there we need

some plain talk to me and to say you

better keep this man and God begin fit

and don’t you ever fool yourself sooner

or later they failed you can’t trust you

turn to your neighbor and say you can’t

trust you you better keep this man you

better keep him from idols John said

King yourself from idols

what’s an idol I looked it up putting

anything before God is an idol Wow

nothing comes before God for me in my


nothing nothing comes before God if it

does it is an idol to you and you’re not

keeping this man I’m done preaching

that’s pretty much it

stand to your feet at every campus lift

your hand time for just a moment no one

moving and say god I realize today like

never before

you’ve not put me over a platoon you

didn’t tell me to keep this company keep

this this this this whole army you told

me to keep this man the one number one

responsibility of my life is to keep

this man today I give you myself again

on every man under the sound of my voice

every man you don’t have to be a father

every man under the sound of my voice to

get out of your seat and come down here

as close as you can get if you’re ready

and serious about guarding this man

guarding this man



I got to do it and what I’m preaching

today is vital the character matters

integrity matters purity matters what

you look at what you listen to what you

give you heart to it matters because if

you lose the man you begin to lose

yourself that’s not who you are you’re

better than that that’s not who you

really are

don’t lose yourself in the myths of

losing the man being busy here and there

and Father in the name of Jesus I pray

for a revival among our men a purity and

holiness and godly character like we all

need that today we would put up a thorny

hedge around areas of our life that we

are all vulnerable to if we don’t

clearly keep this man and we don’t guard

this man and father I pray the guard go

back up that we not be distracted by the

battles all around us and forget our

number one responsibility that the king

is going to ask us about when he comes

again is did you keep and guard this man

so my name is crystal see burning life

before new beginnings was lonely it was


just being in addiction and the life

that it took me down you know the way

that it took me down was horrible

I had burned every Bridge in my family

had no relationship with anybody in my

family whatsoever my uncle had custody

of my son

I was facing four possessions of

methamphetamine and possession of

methamphetamine with intent to

distribute so I was in Johnson County

Jail it was the day before I was

supposed to get released officers at the

calm gel worked together and you know

talked to granny and I did a phone

interview with granny and so it wasn’t

for her and new beginnings and dorm

three you know reuniting me and my son

like I don’t know where I would be right

now or where he would be for that matter

you know cushions he just helped keep me

grounded he’s helped

he’s just been motivation for me to

continue on this journey on to continue

to be obedient to the Lord than what he

he called me to do him and I’ve been

here our lives have changed as a whole

there’s a bond there now you know I go

to work and come home and he’s meet me

at the door you know mommy how was your

day just those small things that you

take for granted there’s a hope for us

now there’s a future for me and my kids

they’re in frustration the future is

promising I just want to thank keen and

connections for all that they’ve done to

contribute to new beginnings and the

expansion of new beginnings

just a lot more women and families that

are going to be changed and brought back

together because of your country because

of the generous support a Friends of

Kingdom connection just like you we

continue to see millions of families

like crystals be changed and restored

for the glory of God the enemy is trying

to tear down the walls of righteousness

and faith around the world but we can no

longer stand in the shadows waiting for

our children and families to be

destroyed we must fight for our family

our mission is to see the attacks of the

enemy hindered and to help families

rebuild a strong foundation of faith

this month when you give a gift of any

amount to help families like crystals

and new beginnings we’ll send you the

fight for your families Proclamation

bookmark to encourage you and your

family or for your generous gift of $40

or more you may request the proclamation

bookmark as a reminder of your

commitment to serve the Lord as well as

Jenson Franklin’s 3-cd message series

fight for your family be a part of

changing the lives of millions of

families around the world please visit

us online at Jensen franklin TV







