Watch “The Secret to Joyful Living” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

the following program is sponsored by

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connection thank you for joining us

today I believe this message is going to

encourage you the secret to joyful


I believe we’re living in a time when a

spirit of depression and darkness and

fear and sorrow wants to grip the world

but God’s Word promises in his presence

there’s fullness of joy I want to talk

to you about the secret of finding joy

in a tough world that we’re living in

this message is going to help you today

open up your heart and hear Psalms

chapter 16 and verse 11 you will show me

the path of life for in your presence in

your presence is fullness of joy at your

right hand there are pleasures

forevermore the stress the strain the

busyness of modern-day life the in the

society that we live in have developed a

certain unique medical condition that

doctors are calling and huh Dona and huh

Dona is a medical term that speaks of

the increasing number of people who are

losing the ability listen this is a

medical term that psychologists and

doctors have come up with that describes

the increasing number of people who have

lost the ability to find pleasure in

things they used to like they lose the

ability literally to be happy a

relentless pursuit of pleasure and

happiness and they cannot find it it’s

the numbing of the senses is the dulling

of their minds and madona

is a greek word made up of two words and

meaning without and done’ meaning

pleasure get it now without pleasure and

there are many people who are without

pleasure without happiness joyless

cheerless and unexist

since that’s just there there are three

areas that the doctors in the

psychologists say this is manifesting

particularly in this generation there is

social and Madonna meaning that people

are there but they’re not connecting

socially they are perhaps in

relationships but they are they are at a

point where they’re not they’re so

distracted they’re so busy they’re so

over indulged in whatever that they’re

not connecting socially with their own

family with their own mates with their

own loved ones and then there is musical

I thought this was interesting musical

and Adoni

which is again it’s this it’s this

overindulgence it’s this thing that that

that I no longer feel I no longer I’m

impressed I’ve heard so much that

nothing moves me and I thought about our

worship and then I think that the last

one is very interested there’s something

called sexual and Madonna and whereas

before this would only show up in people

who had mild cases of schizophrenia or

they had mild cases of drug addiction or

we’re entering into drug addiction and

and this thing began to take hold of

them in their mind most recent times

doctors say in medical journals that is

completely healthy people in the 21st

century that more and more are being

diagnosed with this condition normal

people who do not have happiness in

their life they’re losing the ability to

receive joy from normal things and it

has to be stimulated more and more and

more and more to enjoy in the pleasure

center of our brain the way that we

receive happiness the way that we feel

happy the way that we feel laughing and

joyful and it is because something

chemically happens in our brain and we

release dopamine makes you happy it’s

what makes you feel up it’s what makes

you you know you’re going on vacation

and some of that it gets released in

your brain because I’m getting out of

here I’m

under the beach and you fill up the

process stops working and what happens

to people is when when they begin to

rely on that feeling that that that’s

what excites them sexually is the

pornography or that’s what excites them

is the drugs and and it releases that

dopamine into their mind and then

they’re up and they’re feeling good but

then when they crash it’s a continual

raising of the bar an upping of the ante

I’ve got to look at something else

more and more and more I’ve got to try

something else I got to do something

else I got to have another affair and

another affair and another lover and

another lover and it never ends the

pleasure that we used to get we don’t

get any more out of just the simple

relationships that we once had it’s not

enough now doctors in scientists

studying Anna Dona believe that the

corporate rise of cases is because

listen we are a society that is over

stimulated that we have so much going on

that techni technological advances and

improvements and inventions of our

modern times that our brains are so

stimulated 24 hours a day 365 days a


that we as a society have so many

devices at our fingertips that we can be

sitting around with a bunch of people

and not connecting socially because

we’re all on our iPhones checking our

Twitter checking this checking that

looking at this getting this information

and we never shut off our brains to

connect our phones iPads chat rooms apps

games texts Twitter Wi-Fi satellite TV

pictures on the screen so much so much

that we’re over stimulated I’m not

against iPhones I’m not against

technology but if we don’t watch it we

don’t even talk at our meals and we sit

down with our family but nobody’s

connect every

is in the living room looking at their

phone and so it takes something extreme

to get our attention

technology one doctor said listen to

this powerful statement technology is

revolutionizing our lives but it’s but

it’s ravishing our brains the author and

director of Jurassic Park the movie was

asked why he did it so spectacular and

great an outlandish with all the special

effects and listen to what he said he

said in other generations people wanted

to be educated enlightened improved and

empowered but in this generation they

want to be entertained the great fear of

this generation is not disease or death

its boredom that’s why you can’t even go

use the bathroom without an iPhone to

look at you can’t go anywhere the great

fear of this generation is not death or

disease it’s I’m afraid for one second

I’m gonna get quiet and stealing in that

society God says be still and know turn

it all off and know that I am gone I’m

gonna shock some of the young people

here but there was a time I know now try

not to faint there was a time in my

lifetime when there were no iPhones


I actually remember when the phone hung

on the wall I know this is a forints

like a foreign language too but just

imagine if you can in your mind the

phone did not go with you everywhere you


it actually hung on the wall and then we

got super technical with technology and

we got an extra length cord that we can

move from the kitchen

for that we thought we were something we

would move from the kitchen into the

living room and when we let it go it

pretty much hang yourself up but now

look at what we’ve got

we’re over stimulated I’m not preaching

against technology and iPhones but if

we’re not careful we’re not cautious

even our capacity to experience God will

be compromised because we filled our

minds and our lives with so much of this

other stimuli that there’s no room for

God and we can miss the master he can be

plain he can be sitting here in all of

his glory he can be playing a song of

deliverance over your life and you never

even know it because you’re so


and you want to get in and get out and

leave here just like you came and your

life is empty and you know what you’re

so stimulating you’re so overstimulated

that you don’t get a thrill out of what

you thought you would so you have to

keep trying for more trying for more but

in his presence there is fullness of joy

and at his right hand there is pleasure

forevermore it’s not in a party in

another party in another club and

another club and another lover and

another lover in another marriage and

another marriage it’s only in his

presence and when you connect to him you

begin to connect to them and the more

you connect to him the more you will

love them but if we’re not careful we’ll

come to God’s house the Spirit of God

the word of God the anointing of God

does not affect us anymore we live in a

world of stimulation and if we’re not

careful what used to move you in this

church will no longer move you what used

to touch you will no longer touch you

and you just go through the routine of

being a lukewarm believer and I refuse

to pastor that kind of church

I don’t care what I have to do I refuse

to be that kind of preacher I’ve come

too far to get a lukewarm and cold


and let the passion for God die and me

I’m telling you we need to be on fire

for Jesus Christ

nothing else brings pleasure nothing

else brings a joyful life Jesus is the

center of our joy

but we’re pursuing pursuing pursuing

pursuing and when you get it it won’t be

enough because it’s only in his presence

Isaiah said he’s wonderful counselor

mighty God the everlasting father but if

you’re not careful you lose the

wonderful you’ll miss the master you’re

so busy you’re even thinking what have I

got to do when I get out of here

maybe the master is here today I refuse

to go through the motions and the

gestures of worship I want my heart to

be moved by who he is he is wonderful he

is Jesus am I still old in his presence

am I still moved do I do I still get

goosebumps how long has it been since

you felt something going up your spine

some of you say I never felt that I’m

telling you that there services you can

get in with a tangible presence of God

can move your soul even the hardest

shelled person will have tears well up

in their eyes when the King walks in I

feel him here right now I really do

would you welcome the Holy Spirit would

you say God I need you in my life I need

you center stage I need you got in your

rightful place

with your gift of $30 or more you may

request the joyful life gift set

featuring the gift is in you an

oversized coffee table book of

inspiration Plus Jenson Franklin new to

CD set including the secret to joyful

living and the restoration of joy the

great fear of this generation is not

death or disease it’s I’m afraid for one

second I’m going to get quiet and steal

and in that society God says be still

and know turn it all off and know that I

am gone but in his presence there is

fullness of joy and at his right hand

there is pleasure forevermore for more

information visit Jensen Franklin org or

call us at 888 eight eight eight three

four seventy three I want to teach you

the secrets to joyful living you’ve been

down and depressed and discouraged but

there’s a spirit of joy that’s going to

be released in your life as you hear

these messages Elisha found himself

sinking in it life without pleasure he

was in depression and he thought the big

spectacular stimulation would get him

out so so the wind whirlwind came and

God was not in the whirlwind and the

fire fail and God was not in the fire

and and and and the lightning hits and

all kinds of things earth shakes but God

was not in the earthquake but then the

Bible said there Cain listen to it a

still small voice that’s what’s missing

you can be so busy that you’re barren

you’re so busy you’re so self-absorbed

you so hurry hurry hurry go go go that

you’re disconnecting from one another

and most importantly you’re disconnected

from God the Lord cares more about who

you are than what you do and I feel such

a burden today I really do because that

steel small-boat voice still brings true

pleasure through purpose truth joy peace

forgiveness fulfillment I feel like

saying take this whole world but give me

Jesus I feel like saying I’d rather have

Jesus than anything we’re in a battle

for our families for homes I have an

amazing son a 17 year old son Drake he’s

an incredible kid and I love him so much

I’m so proud of them he’s a good boy and

I uh

I find myself worrying a lot about him

he’s the only boy I’ve got so I

constantly ask him when I get him alone

as a dad son how are you doing are you

okay what are you looking at be careful

what you see on that internet talk to me

talk to me you can tell me anything talk

to me talk to me and it may feel awkward

and stuff as a dad but I want to tell

you you dads need to start having these

kinds of conversations because the enemy

is destroying a generation our

Counseling Center is telling us more and

more and more marriages are being

decimated by this overstimulation of

pornography that gets demands more more

more more more to get that feeling again

and suddenly the relationships are

destroyed in the wake I want you to

understand something that as a man if

your father that you don’t just win for

you but when David and Goliath met in

the valley before they started to fight

the Bible said the armies were arrayed

against each other and the armies of

Israel and the armies of the Philistines

were about to fight and and Jew Goliath

stopped it listen to this and he said oh

no we’re not gonna fight man demand that

every Army on army here’s how this

battle goes and listen to me Dad send a

man out from your camp and we’ll send a

man out from our camp and let the man on

your side fight against the man on our

side and the one who wins if I defeat

your man then his soldiers become my

slaves we need to understand is the head

of our home as

me and I need to understand and we

pastors need to understand that as head

of this ministry that we’re not just

fighting for ourselves but the people

that are under us

we’ll have struggles if we don’t defeat

our giant notice it’s not army against

army but its leader against leader and

you’re the leader of your home sir

you’re the leader of that family you’re

the leader of that life and if you don’t

fight and win then he has right to

what’s under you that’s why I can’t come

in here on Sunday and play Church that’s

why I can’t just go through the routine

of loving God but I have to have his

touch I have to be in his presence do

you understand what I’m trying to say

there’s a war going on and the enemy

wants to take people deeper and deeper

and deeper and deeper into wickedness

and defilement and filthiness of the

flesh and iniquity and the Holy Spirit

has to send messages like this that

stops everything and awakens our

conscience from the busyness and the

barrenness of life and something begins

to stir in a heart again that says oh


this is not this is not where I’m

supposed to be I need you

I wish there would come a cry from this

church a crime being and women boys and

girls teenagers and moms grandparents

that would say God I don’t just want to

rush in and miss the master

but I believe throw-up Psalm 16 one more

time that today in this service you show

me the path of life this is what life is

all about in your presence there is

fullness of joy and at your right hand

pleasures forevermore would you raise

your hands toward heaven all over this

room as if you feel comfortable doing it

would you do it as an act of surrender

just raise them high as an act of

invitation and say holy spirit I don’t

want to miss the master lead me in the

path of life for in your presence there

is fullness of joy and at your right

hand there’s pleasure forevermore some

of you have resisted so many times that

it is becoming harder and harder and

harder and harder for the shale that has

developed over your heart to be

penetrated you’ve gone so deep into

iniquity more and more and more and more

and more that it’s becoming harder and

harder to connect to the touch of God

and the anointing of God in the presence

of God it doesn’t move you anymore this

is your service

how long has it been for you sir for you

mom for you teenager for you single mom

since you were so in his presence that

everything was swept away and everything

you’ve been longing for missing begin to

pour into your life he consumed you I’m

not I’m not making this up I’m telling

you there is a place in him or there’s


and there’s fullness of joy don’t get so

busy that you miss the master in his

presence there’s fullness of joy at his

right hand there’s pleasure forevermore

don’t allow the distractions of life the

hurry the hustle and bustle of everyday

living to rob us of taking time to go

into God’s presence where there’s peace

where there’s joy where there’s a life

where there’s purpose I want to pray for

you today God has not given you the

spirit of fear or discouragement that

spirit of giving up you’re going to go

through not give up you’re going through

to the other side you’re just in the

middle he’s made you a promise you’re

going to the other side you can’t quit

now and the secret to joyful living

folks is getting in God’s presence and I

want to encourage you today if you don’t

know him as your Savior asking today

call on his name say Jesus say that

Jesus I give you my life I want to enter

in to what you did on the cross for me I

receive you as my savior wash me cleanse

me and raise me from this dead life that

does not fulfill I want to know you in

jesus name amen he’ll never turn you


he’ll never throw you aside he loves you

and he’s got a joyful living

in your future thank you for watching

this program always want to say to our

partners and friends every one of you

who support this ministry and have

supported it maybe you have been

watching for a while you appreciate what

we’re doing I want to tell you that your

support is vital we have ongoing mission

works all over the world that are so

powerful and they’re life-giving I mean

they’re the difference between death and

life in many nations of the world for

many people and as you support this

ministry we use your resources for two

reasons to keep this program on the air

so people can hear messages just like

you just heard and secondly every penny

you give goes to our mission endeavors

all around the world it’s ongoing it

never stops from feeding the hungry to

rescuing girls from sex trafficking on

and on and on and you’re making that

happen pray listen to pray about what

God would have you do will you consider

maybe you’ve been thinking I need to do

something for the Lord this is good

ground and God will bless you thanks for

watching this program we’ll see you next

time on Kingdom connection





at free chapel our mission is simple to

inspire people to live for Jesus with

incredible worship and messages from our

pastor Jentezen Franklin you’ll leave

encouraged to thrive throughout the work

week we offer many opportunities for you

and your family to grow to connect with

others and to serve the community our

hope is that you would take advantage of

everything that free chapel has to offer

for kids from newborn to 12 there’s kid

pack it’s one of the top children’s

programs around for middle and high

school students there’s great music

messages and custom made fun just for

them in addition to our weekly services

we have conferences with some of the top

musicians and speakers from around the

world if you would like more information

on all we have to offer a great place to

start is free chapel

o RG i invite you to join us here at

free chapel a place to call home this

program has been brought to you by the

friends and partners of jensen franklin

media ministries for more information on

this broadcast or for additional

resources go online at Jensen Franklin

oh our chief