The Strategy for Victory Part 1 | Jentezen Franklin
Decide to look fearless, no matter what you’re facing, because when you feel weak, you are the strongest you can be. It’s time to possess what God has promised to you, but you must overcome three obstacles that come to take you out. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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if you’re facing the flood tide it’s
just a confirmation that on one side you
will Mark your Miracle by that
flood together we’re inspiring people to
live for Jesus if you’re looking for
more in life to live with purpose and
peace to make a difference for your
family and those in need around the
world Jesus is the answer and our
mission is to Simply point you to him
you’re watching Kingdom connection with
Franklin Joshua chapter
11 I’ll just read verse 6 and maybe
8 but the Lord said to Joshua do not be
afraid everybody say that do not be
afraid do not be afraid because of them
let’s say it do not be afraid because of
them I don’t know who I’m preaching to
but I want to tell you do not be afraid
because of
them for tomorrow about this time I will
deliver all of them slain before
Israel and you’ll hamstring their horses
and burn their chariots with
fire verse eight and the Lord delivered
them into the hand of Israel who
defeated them and I’ll stop there I want
to talk to you about this
miracle and I want to share share with
you what happened in the leadup to this
miracle I want to preach for a few
moments about a Fearless Spirit a
conquering Spirit a spirit of victory
that God wants on his people I believe
in this time Joshua was a brilliant
strategist he was a man who was very
gifted very able and yet he felt so
insecure that God when he called him to
stand in the footsteps of a legend named
Moses God said as I was with Moses so I
will be with you and then this is all in
Joshua chapter one God said to him four
times in that
chapter but in order for you to fulfill
the assignment that I have on your life
it is imperative that you not allow fear
to dominate you fear will cause you to
not perform the task that I have called
you to and he says to him in one anytime
God repeats something over and over to
the same person fear not fear not fear
not fear not it is because God is
acknowledging that even though I have a
plan and even though I have a purpose if
you allow fear to overwhelm you then you
will not do what I really wanted you to
do because fear can paralyze you fear
not be of good
courage I will give you the land to
it and you cannot in this season Joshua
after all of the waiting of 40 Years of
wering in the wilderness after all of
the time of hoping and praying that some
something would change the change is
here it is a new season and it’s time to
cross over and possess the
land and you
cannot look weak
look frail look as though you are your
knees are shaking I want you to have
faith and I want you to look
Fearless the amazing thing thing about
and contrast about being a Christian is
even when you don’t feel strong you are
strong 2 Corinthians 12 and verse 9
says that when we are weak it says for
his grace is sufficient for us and when
we when when we are weak then he is
strong his strength is made perfect in
our weakness
and so when you feel at your weakest
when you feel incapable that is when you
are leaning on him depending on him it’s
a good place to be because his strength
cannot be perect perfected when we feel
strong and capable his strength is only
released to us when we feel weak but we
know we’re in the place God told us to
be and even when you’re scared to death
you can look like a
giant how do I know that cuz I do that a
lot on Sundays right
here hallelujah and God is faithful
Hallelujah I mean that I walk up here
and I
feel when I look at these pitiful little
notes I feel like Jesus help help help
help there is nothing in that that makes
me feel confident it is only when I
recognize that God put me here and God
put you there and God gets all the glory
when we’re at our weakest that’s when
he’s so strong Hallelujah I’m I’m
getting happy and I don’t mean to be and
I don’t know why I am but I feel burst
Joy Hallelujah that I don’t have to be
strong all the time and I don’t have to
be great all the time all I have to be
is make sure I’m shining Jesus Through
Me and if he they they took note of them
they had been with the Lord they were
ignorant fishermen the Bible said not
that fishermen are ignorant but those
Hallelujah from the beginning Joshua was
told don’t be
afraid I want you Joshua in this new
season have a Fearless
spirit it’s a season to conquer it’s a
season to
possess and he said possess the land the
word possess does not mean to ask for it
the the the it does not mean to to to
try it means to take acquisition of to
possess it to take it
over and
I believe that is the spirit that is
coming upon the church in this critical
hour in human history and in the nation
that we’re in we are at a major
Crossroad and the Lord does not want a
fearful church he wants a militant
church he wants a mighty church he wants
an aggressive church he wants a
triumphant church that says we are here
for such a time as this and we’re taking
the land we’re taking the country look
bold into the devil’s face and say in
the name of Jesus we depossession you
get out in the name of we
dispossess in the name of Jesus get out
Joshua had three battles instantly that
he had to face before he could possess
the land and this is what happened in
Joshua 3 and verse 14 and it came to
pass that when they
moved when they were ready to Camp
across over the Jordan that the priest
bearing the Ark of the Covenant before
the people bore the ark and came to
Jordan and when the feet of the priest
Who Bore the ark dipped to the edge of
the water this is so
important Jordan began to overflow its
banks during the time of harvest the
waters which came down from Upstream
Stood Still I want you to see what this
says it says for Jordan the King James
says for Jordan overflowed all its banks
at the time of
harvest you never get the Harvest from
God this is a Bible
principle right when you’re ready to
walk across right when you’re ready to
go the enemy comes in like a flood a
flood came and Jordan begin to swell for
Jordan overflows all its banks at the
time of the Harvest you never get the
Harvest without the
flood if the flood comes it means that
you’re closer to the Harvest than you’ve
ever been you get right to the door of
Revival and suddenly it’s flood stage
and the enemy does everything he can to
stop a family to stop a person from
being saved and and and it’s so amazing
it seemed like hell was Unleashed right
when they were about to step into what
God had for them the flood came and the
way that you will see this in your life
and I can say it’s true in mine you will
Mark you will Mark the floods and you
will Mark your Miracles by crisis that
you face the flood tide of that attack
of the enemy right before you moved in
on one side the river is flooding and it
looks impossible it looks dangerous I
mean it’s one thing to try to cross a
river even when it’s up to your waist or
neck that’s that the current is strong
but when it’s flooding you don’t take a
heavy Arc of the Covenant with the stone
tablets made of gold took seven men to
carry it and step up to the bank of the
river and step in to a flooding of the
dam has broke and the river is flooding
I don’t suggest you do that but God told
Joshua to get out 2,000
cubits in front of millions of
Israelites who were watching and you go
first with my presence the Ark of the
Covenant and he said you’ve never been
this way before where I’m taking you see
I believe that first the natural then
the spiritual I believe that we’re about
to see a harvest in in the kingdom of
worldwide like we have never seen in the
last days sayth God I will pour out my
spirit on All Flesh and everybody say
Gainesville is not going to miss that
we’re going to be in that flow of the
river this week in Jesus name now give
the Lord a praise I believe it I don’t
know if you’ve seen Jordan swell and
tell you you can’t have it you can’t go
there it’ll never happen but if you’re
facing the flood tide it’s just a
confirmation that on one side you will
Mark your Miracle by that
flood that right before my husband got
saved the enemy puffed up and like a
flood the enemy came in but when you get
to the other side side you’ll look back
and mark your miracle from that crisis
right before my business broke through
right before God rearranged me and gave
me the next step in the next in the new
season right before a breakthrough came
the the the the the flood came and
swell and a voice said stay right where
you are you’re not going cross and
possessing what God said you can
possess and I want you to understand
that when you’re at the greatest impass
of your life that just means that only
Harvest comes only in the time of
flooding of
Jordan it’s the flood that brings you
into the promises Joshua G out front for
you have not passed this way before
you’ve never seen I want to say it like
I want to say it Free
Chapel you’ve never seen a
Revival like you’re about to see I’m
going to go on and talk Faith we’ve
never seen healings like we are going to
see these are the last days it’s time
for the church to believe in miracles
we have never seen our families on fire
for Jesus like we are going to see
somebody get up on your feet and say
Jordan you’re going to part Hallelujah
Jordan the enemy sends the flood but our
God rides on the flood the Bible said in
Psalms that the voice of the Lord is in
the flood Hallelujah and the Bible said
he is been
thrown on the waters and the
flood the second thing that
happened and I want you to hear
it is not only did he have to overcome a
obstacle and brother Joshua did overcome
the natural because the Bible said as
soon as as the soul of his foot touched
the water God will require that step of
Faith won’t
he he says Nah as long as you stay on
the bank and I could almost see Joshua
doing like this I’m going to get right
here on the bank and God says no you’re
still not in Miracle territory you’re
not in Miracle territory until you step
out on nothing but what I’ve told you
and the moment you step out on what I
how many of you are worried that I’m
going to fall and break my leg it’s
because you don’t have any
faith I’m about to jump I feel like
jumping I feel happy this morning I feel
like something’s coming I feel a river
of Joy I feel ezekiel’s River in my
ankles and in my knees and coming up and
it’s going to be River to swim in I’m
expecting God to do something I don’t
know why but I’ve got expectation
something’s going to
happen and the Bible said the moment
that the soles of his feet touched the
water the water parted on both sides and
he walks out 2,000
cubits and gets in the middle of that
River and all those people saw it and I
love the the the accuracy of God’s word
and it said and they all walk across on
dry land they didn’t even have mud
between their toes they didn’t even get
stuck in their sandals in the in the in
the mud puddles there were no mud
puddles they walked across on dry
land it’s not going to be as hard as you
thought it
was and then the second thing happens
when they get
across they made it through
natural obstacles
the natural the the swelling of
Jordan Joshua needed God’s help in
defeating the enemies and he said well
if God could part that River now that I
got the enemy on the run and and dark
daylight is going away I need another
natural miracle and he points his finger
at the Sun and says I might as well use
this thing since I’ve seen God do
something so great son stand still this
is Joshua chapter 10 and the Bible said
the son stood
still God interrupted the whole
universe Natural Things can’t stop you
but then he gets across and then there’s
a city called Jericho and it’s a
obstacle the walls were built so high
these farmers had never seen anything
like those walls 65 ft High the ruins
are still there in Jericho I’ve seen
them and been there many times and
there’s they’ve never been rebuilt they
just are there and they’re flat they’re
they’re crumbled and there’s ancient
Stones down in the
ground and the walls 65 ft High wide
enough to race chariots side by side
and they look up and the man-made
obstacles said you cannot have what God
says you can have they built the walls
to keep them
out the will of the enemy is to
frustrate us if he can’t get you to
backslide he wants you to be held back
to be shut out to be blocked out he
wants you to give in to man-made
obstacles that say you cannot have what
God says you can have and I’m telling
you today that his formula was very
simple God spoke to Joshua and he
said I want you to tell the people to
March seven times around the walls of
Jericho and on the seventh day I want
them to blow the trumpet after they do
it seven times on the seventh day and
blow the trumpet and Shout
and when they shout the walls of Jericho
will fall and then he added something J
Joshua said now I want you to March
around the walls of Jericho and you can
read this when he gives the instructions
and he says do not say a word zip your
lip I don’t want to hear you talk I
don’t want to hear you whine I you know
why he did that because 40 years before
right when they were on the brink of
crossing over under
Moses he sent 12 Spies to spy out the
land and two came back one was named
Caleb and one was named Joshua the same
Joshua and he said we’re well able to
take the land let’s go let’s go but the
10 spies said we can’t do it there’s
Giants in the land oh they are great
people oh we’re nothing we can’t do it
and they taught them out of the miracle
and Joshua said let me just preach it
like I want to Joshua said zip your lips
and if anybody says one word for the
next seven days kill
them I don’t want you to talk yourself
out of a
miracle so just be quiet and keep taking
forward and watch what I’ll do I
preached a whole sermon on that on that
one time called
quiet a miracle is in
Hallelujah get quiet about your fears
and get loud about how Mighty your God
is and on the seventh time they shouted
and the walls fell down and the manmade
walls are going to fall this week
in the name of
Jesus I believe in Kingdom connections I
believe that God knows when you need to
hear what you need to hear and this is
your moment this is your
hour this is where you change the
direction of your life not in your own
strength but because of the blood of
Jesus Christ you can turn and you can
change and you can see that cleansing
power gloriously set you free today pray
this prayer with me pray it from your
heart sincerely with faith say Lord
Jesus I surrender to you I give you my
life heal me set me free help me I need
you I know together you can bring me to
the place of victory over every
addiction over every bondage I want to
be free I want to be I want to be your
child and so I surrender to you today in
Jesus mighty name and that’s the key the
name of Jesus just say Jesus Save Me
Jesus Heal me
Jesus restore my
family I receive it by faith in Jesus
name praise God welcome to the family of
God I can tell you right now that the
decision you just made to accept Jesus
as your savior and Lord has the power to
transform your life and that’s why it’s
so important to reach out and get the
help that you need and we have a free
salvation Journey devotional to help you
with your new relationship with Jesus
Christ before we end today’s program I
want to thank every one of you for my
heart who has given to our latest
initiative in Israel called light over
Darkness if you’ve been watching us for
a while you know that our ministry is
one that stands with Israel the Hamas
terrorist they brutally killed women and
children and innocent civilians and
that’s why we’re building the civil
defense centers with over 800 safe
houses making sure every family in the
region has a safe room in case there is
missile attacks we have consulted Ed
with the top Security Experts and they
all agree this is a must to keep those
precious families safe I’m simply asking
you to partner with us today we cannot
do this project without you but there is
a promise found in Genesis 12 and3 I
will bless those who bless you Israel
I’ll curse those who curse you and in
you all the families of the Earth shall
be blessed so when we bless what God
loves and God favors there is a blessing
that that will come into your life and
into your family you can be a part of
that blessing side today watch this I
believe it’s going to bless you to see
what we’re doing together in the nation
Israel on October 7 Israel was attacked
by the dark Forces of Hamas it was the
worst massacre the Jewish people
experienced since the Holocaust the
eshal region in southern Israel was
attacked directly women faced
unspeakable atrocities and infants were
assassinated numerous families were
burnt alive and both mothers and their
babies and Holocaust survivors were
abducted to the Hamas tunnels in GSA and
now we stand at a pivotal moment poised
to provide a Lifeline for the people of
eshal who continue to be attacked by
terrorists every
day Jensen Franklin media Ministries
recently committed the largest amount of
funding ever towards the initiative
light over Darkness phase number one
provides physical safety that is why we
are building civil defense centers and
over 800 safe houses making sure every
family in the region has a safe room in
case of terrorist attacks this is home
Israel is our place this is the safest
place we can be and this safe room
became our little Safe Haven it’s
something that every single person in
our area needs I can’t stress it enough
that it saved Our Lives it saved my
husband’s family life on the 7th of
October and it will continue to save
lives when you give to a project like
this there is a promise for you found in
Genesis 123 I will bless those who bless
you Israel together we can demonstrate
that Faith combined with Collective
action can illuminate the darkest
moments and Forge a brighter more
hopeful future for the Holy
Land Shalom dear friends from the
president residence in Jerusalem dear
Pastor Franklin with your actions over
the past year you’ve leaned into the
caring generous and believing hearts of
so many Christians and made sure that
their goodwi and caring will translate
into tangible Aid and assistance for
Israel and for our border communities in
the North and South in our most
difficult hour I know that you and the
millions of people you represent hold
Israel in your hearts this is so
meaningful to us especially at this time
of soaring anti-Semitism around the
world I want to thank you toada dear
Pastor for standing with us fully and
completely let us continue to hold the
faith in our hearts that love will
overcome hatred that our hostages will
come back soon as possible and make us
whole again and that we will live to see
days of prosperity and peace toar Shalom
to all of you from Jerusalem the holy
I’m still the God who saves and
delivers I know the enemy has you wanted
it to get better and instead Jordan
began to swell and
flood don’t let it talk you out of what
I’ve promised
you I’m still able to do
it this program has been sponsored in
part by friends and partners of Jensen
Franklin media Ministries we hope you’ve
enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin
and thank you for your continued support
of this ministry for more information
about this message and other Ministry
resources visit us online at Jensen