When God Puts You On Hold | Jentezen Franklin
It may feel like God has put you on hold, but He hasn’t forgotten about you. You may feel bound and broken now, but it’s only 11:59. There is a timing to God’s miracles, and if you make it through, a midnight miracle will break you out! Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: https://jentezenfranklin.org/contact?… Share your testimony to encourage us and others: https://jentezenfranklin.org/contact?… See our outreach programs: https://jentezenfranklin.org/outreach… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: / jentezen
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thanks for joining us on Kingdom
connection I’m Jensen Franklin and I’m
excited about this program I believe
today that you are going to hear some
amazing testimonies an old-fashioned
baptism service we we’re going to take
you into for a few minutes but first i’m
going to preach a message that I think
is a word that is in season for your
life I really believe many of you feel
like you’ve been put on hold and it
seems like nothing’s happening and
everything that that you thought would
happen it just feels like Lord have you
forgotten about me that’s why I want you
to hear this message this message is
going to speak to you and it’s going to
let you know that you may feel stuck in
the same place in life but God has a
breakthrough coming your way and God has
a plan that where you are right now he’s
using it really to fulfill his promise
and his Blessing in your life life God
always has a plan his timing is always
perfect and if you will hold on a
midnight Miracle is coming to your life
listen to this message and let it speak
to you
today together we’re inspiring people to
live for Jesus if you’re looking for
more in life to live with purpose and
peace to make a difference for your
family and those in need around the
world Jesus is the answer and our
mission is to Simply point you to to him
you’re watching Kingdom connection with
Franklin acts chap
16 and I want to read verse
25 but at midnight Paul and Silas were
praying and singing hymns to God and the
prisoners were listening to them
suddenly there came a great earthquake
so that the foundations of the prison
were shaken and immediately all the
doors were opened and everyone chains
were loosed suddenly there came a great
earthquake and it was happening
according to verse 25 at midnight I want
to preach to you I really felt the Lord
uh lead me in this and I felt like it
was confirmed in the first
service I want to talk to you about what
to do when God puts you on
hold in the midst of Prayer in the midst
of Praise in the midst of
singing God suddenly invaded that prison
house and every door that was closed
opened and every chain that bound was
suddenly tension is good when it’s used
on the violin it’s the bow and the
tension of the string that that causes
the Beautiful
music but the tension that I’m preaching
on is the kind that if they press too
hard on the bow it will break the
string and the tension of where you are
and where you want to be sometimes is
that in between place where God puts you
hold and you know that midnight is God’s
invasion of your problem but there’s
11:59 at 11:59 Paul and Silas had no
idea when they were praising in pain
when their backs were bleeding when it
was so dark it was midnight they had no
idea at
11:59 that everything suddenly was about
change and that’s what I’m preaching on
when God has you on hold between the one
minute away from a breakthrough one
minute there’s always a timing to God’s
Miracles at midnight the earthquake came
and the doors open and the chains
fell and many of you right now are at
that unrecorded
1159 and you have to make it to midnight
before the earthquake
comes and I want you to understand this
morning that Paul was at a place in his
life where he was feeling forbidden and
he was feeling like he did not
understand everything that was going on
but he praised
anyhow I want you to look with me for
just a moment at this familiar
story and if you’re living in an 1159
and nothing’s
happening I want to encourage you when
nothing’s happening keep moving in the
right Direction when nothing’s happening
keep praying keep praising great
Apostles live through the 11:59 to the
12 Paul tried to go to Asia in Acts 16-6
and the Bible said the Holy Ghost forbid
him have you ever tried your best to
make something happen and all God gives
you is a stop
sign but what God did with Paul was
every stop sign and it’s important to
understand that when the door is closed
God it’s working for your good if it
hasn’t happened yet it’s working for
your good Paul backed into the will of
God instead of walking forward into the
will of God he was forbidden from going
where he thought he was supposed to go
by now and God said no it’s not
time you see a closed door is as much
God’s will will when he gives you one as
an Open Door is if the door’s been
closed and it has not happened and you
keep saying I can’t wait till I get in
the will of God a closed door is as much
the will of God as an open door and
don’t ever forget that it’s important if
God has closed the door it’s just a
matter of timing and you’re in
11:59 but midnight is
coming midnight I’m preaching this
morning on midnight Miracles are on the
way come on and if you’re in the holding
place you got to keep praying and
praising and moving in the right
direction don’t get
discouraged little did he know that four
verses later God would give him a vision
and he would see a man in Macedonia
saying come here we need help and when
he got there this is where this story is
centered that I just read out of the
Bible when when he got there there were
women praying by the river and the power
of God began to move he even went to the
elders and said is this the will of God
cuz the last time I tried it didn’t
happen the Elder said the Lord’s in this
go and he went and when he got there he
was encountered with a demon-possessed
woman and he cast The Devil out of her
now I want you to think about what I’m
saying Paul had a vision he had a word
from God God told him what to do the
elders confirmed it and all of a sudden
he’s fighting Devils I want to preach to
you that sometimes we have the wrong
assumption that everything in God’s will
is going to fall in our lap and
sometimes you’re right in the middle of
God’s will and you don’t even feel like
it and nothing seems to be working real
easy and real fun nothing happened like
he saw it in the vision he saw a man but
when he got there there were women
praying by the river no man and then he
prays he gets to preaching and a woman
starts following him full of devils and
she was a fortune teller and you better
leave that stuff alone you better leave
that stuff you better leave those little
fortune tellers alone you better leave
that Ouija board alone you better leave
that psychic alone especially a
Psychic my
Lord I’d rather know the holy spirit is
leading me not some evil Spirit not some
witch I don’t need that I’ve got the
Holy Ghost Hallelujah and he knows how
to lead me and guide me into his will
and if he says I close the door I say
I’ll Stand Here In Praise in my
1159 cuz the door is going to open at
12:00 right on time somebody praise him
it’s God’s
timing you say well Pastor it just feels
like God God’s put me on hold I felt
somebody this week I don’t know who but
you got in my heart and you feel so Lely
and you feel so Forsaken and you feel
like it’s just not happening and the
enemy’s made you feel like that God has
forgotten about you and I just feel like
that I’m on hold but when God puts you
on hold make sure you don’t hang
up if you won’t hang up in
11:59 his voice oh I know it’s been a
long time but his voice will come
booming in the Midnight Hour with a
midnight miracle that will open the door
and loose you from the chains and you’ll
walk in a new thing that God is doing in
your life give him a great praise if you
it let me show you something real quick
I want you to understand that midnight
is God’s favorite time which means 11 59
is Satan’s favorite time to double down
on his discouragement in your life right
before your Miracle comes
through the Bible said in Exodus 11 in
verse 4 that at
11:59 they were slaves at 11:59 they
were in generational bondage at 11:59
they were broke and they were poor and
they were devastated but at Exodus 11
and4 said at midnight at Mid midnight
they were set free by the blood of the
lamb and I’m simply telling you that God
was inactive for days and months and
years and they were put on hold but you
never know when you’re standing in your
1159 moment and you’re one moment away
from a miracle in the middle of your
midnight and I believe I’m sent to
preach to somebody today to say just
when the enemy me thought and by the way
the story that I read in Acts chapter
16 after God opened the prison doors and
set the captives free from the prison
with an earthquake at midnight the next
verse says that the Apostle Paul stopped
a man from committing suicide and taking
life and I believe that somebody is in
such a dark season that the enemies
whisper to you there’s no hope and no
future and you know that’s a devil when
you hear that
voice Exodus said the miracle happened
at midnight do you know that judges or
the Book of Judges chapter 16 and verse
three it was at midnight the power of
God Came Upon Samson and he tore up the
gates of Gaza off of the off of the
hinges the power of God I believe that
the power of God is coming on the church
in this hour and if we’ll hold on on
through the
1159 we’re going to and I’m praying for
the nation of Israel to tear up the
gates of Gaza amen and God would move
mightily I believe it’s time for the
spirit of Samson to come on this church
and every church and the body of Christ
not be a bunch of victims but we tear
the the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail
somebody say praise the lord it’s
he’s a Vietnam evangelist by the name
and I’m sure I’m slaughtering his name
Jen and he was in Vietnam as an
evangelist a Christian evangelist
preaching during the Vietnam war and
when the Communists took
over the Viet Kong took over they
invaded the village where he was found
out he was a pastor and imprison him and
put him in what they called a
rehabilitation Camp he was not allowed
to read anything he was isolated for two
and a half years and every day he did
the same thing two times a day he
cleaned the latrine he cleaned the
toilets the filthy toilets he had to get
down and dig with bucket and shovel and
clean out the toilets of the Viet Kong
and he hit a point after not having any
Christian support any hearing a sermon
hearing a song hearing an encouraging
word he got so
low that he said God if you’re
there if you’re there you’re going to
have to speak to
me and while he was there with his boots
and His Bucket and his
shovel hell laughing at him it’s
11:59 he starts cleaning and he notices
something he has never
seen in that latrine he sees pages of
paper not just any paper but he
recognizes that
paper one of those generals had decided
when he found a Bible to turn it into
toilet paper and he was using the Bible
as toil
paper and somewhere when he said Lord if
you’re there I need to hear from you he
down and you say I wouldn’t touch it if
you hadn’t seen the word in two and a
half years you don’t know what you’d go
through to get to that
word and he got him a rag and he cleaned
it off the best he could and he had
found one page called Romans chapter 8
and this is what he said he
read in verse
35 who shall separate us from the love
of Christ shall tribulation or distress
or persecution or famine or nakedness or
Pearl or sword as it is written for your
sake wipe some off I can’t see it it’s
blurred as it is written for your
sakes it’s 11:59
we’re counted as sheep for the
slaughter oh but yet in all these things
we are more than conquerors through him
who loved us for I am persuaded that
neither death nor life nor angels nor
principalities nor powers nor things
present nor things to come nor height
nor death nor any other created thing
shall be able to separate us from the
love of God which is in Jesus Christ I
Lord I don’t know who I’m preaching to
but I feel like telling you that you
need to hold on because you’re at
11:59 and you’re one moment away from
your breakthrough and when it comes it’s
going to be suddenly and you’ll see God
open the door and loose the chain and
perform his prophecy in your life give
him a great praise give him a great
praise in this room oh yes I know he’s
real I know he’s
real God bless you sir what is your name
Bobby AES Bobby how long you been coming
to the church I’ve been coming here
since uh June this year wonderful and
why are you getting baptized because May
of this year I was in jail and it’s
about about 12:00 at night and I was
sitting there watching a movie on the
tablet called The Gospel of Jesus and my
feet were hurting because I hadn’t Ry in
my feet
and uh I asked the so you were in jail
now we didn’t talk and it was around
midnight yes sir yes
sir yeah it was it’s
crazy and and so you dropped to your to
you I dropped to my knees and I asked
Jesus I said please take the pain away
from my feet so I can get some sleep
tonight and he did and the next morning
I woke up and I got bed down on my knees
and I just asked him to come in my life
and take
over and so
here you are at Free Chapel how’d you
end up at Free Chapel I’m at Jericho
house in salty fantastic Jericho house
you support that every month and
anything else you want to say that I
love God and I love my family and I’m
hope I’m doing them
proud you most certainly are are they
out there today your family out there to
God be the glory god bless you I see
that hand back there they there several
hands they’re waving at you I baptized
you in the name of the Father the Son
Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit oh you know
Paul and Silas were in jail
too you must be from you must be from
New Beginnings sir yes so how long have
you been in the program I graduated in
April why are you in the you graduated
congratulations wonderful why are you
doing this now well in the program um I
had really lost my voice did not know
how to speak up for myself but Jesus has
given me that back and so I was finally
verbal about wanting to get baptized and
now was just the time and it was all in
the Lord’s timing um I am currently on
staff I’m a d mom and a case
manager so
powerful I gave my life to the Lord last
April um April 24th and he’s delivered
me from witchcraft from depression and
from addiction really
so so did you actually practice
witchcraft yes sir and and
um and why did you go into that area
well I was raised in church and I went
to Christian School too my mom made sure
of that and um it was just someone who
was very close to me when I was about 10
and they started showing that to me and
I I chose to go down that path
instead and what would you say to young
people some kids that are just going to
have fun and stuff but then there’s
always it seems the occult stirred up
the the the the wickedness the evil the
arts I don’t give the devil a day out of
year you don’t give him any day of the
no every day is a day the Lord has made
and we will rejoice and be glad in it
isin’t that right wonderful i b a
formerly into witchcraft now totally
surrendered and in Ministry setting
captives free only Jesus I baptize you
in the name of the Father the Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit oh to God be
glory give us your name please Ricky
Brown and
uh somebody knows you out there God
knows you and these people know you and
what why how long you’ve been coming to
the church last Sunday was my first
Sunday last Sunday why did you come last
Sunday I’ve been practing Islam all my
life and you know the message was about
this guy he seen this lady man um and he
wanted her to be his wife or something
he um and God I found out that
iniquities means um sin and stuff
so God God delivered me from my
iniquities cuz I had some real bad
good land about the ath man I
had some real bad thoughts on some
people I’m talking about the whole
houseo I was going to do some real bad
harm to him and and then do some harm to
myself but God delivered me
because Jesus what a
miracle I never prayed with my wife
before right and this is no Li man last
night about about
um last night probably about
54 she called my uh she called my
brother JB and um we were just talking
about me getting baptized all week and
you know for the first time ever man me
and C sprayed last night
PE around midnight yeah it was yes sir
yes sir oh somebody shout the angels are
shouting hell lost another
one praise be unto Jesus king of kings
and Lord of lords my Lord have mercy
what a testimony I’m talking about I’m
talking about Jesus Christ and the blood
of Jesus yes
up I’m talking about Jesus Christ man
yeah and real
life neither is there given any other
name this is a Bible verse neither is
there given any other name whereby we
can be saved but the name of Jesus I
don’t believe that stuff no more nothing
but Jesus Bo it’s all about Jesus Bo
it’s it’s all in him I baptize you in
the name of the Father the son Jesus
Christ the Holy Ghost
Hallelujah take a praise break
everybody that’s a sign that’s a Wonder
that’s a
miracle I know these testimonies have
touched your heart and the message today
I believe was for you that you can have
a midnight miracle that you’ve been
living in 11 59 but midnight is coming
when the Breakthrough comes when the
blessing of God that you’ve longed to
see for your family or for your life or
for someone you love it really breaks
through I believe prisoners are about to
be set free I believe even many of you
whose Hearts today have been broken God
had you watch this and hear these
testimonies to know that he’s real and
it can happen for you pray this prayer
Right Where You Are say Jesus forgive me
cleanse me I invite you into my home I
invite heaven to invade my life and my
home take control and heal and save and
deliver I believe you and I stand on
your cross and your blood that you shed
on that cross to know that I am forgiven
I have peace with God and that my
midnight Miracle is on the away in Jesus
mighty name I want to welcome you to the
family of God and if you prayed that
prayer with me I believe that it would
be just an amazing thing if you would
call the number on the screen or visit
our website we have free resources that
we want to sew into your life we want to
give to you we want to sew into you and
while you check that out you also might
want to check out our fasting resources
is because every year annually we go on
at the beginning of the year a 21-day
Daniel Fast I’ve been teaching on it for
40 years and I have written some books
that have touched many many lives and
I’d love for you to get all of this
material I’ll be your fasting coach some
of you been saying I need some
breakthroughs I need some midnight
miracles in 2025 well let’s fast about
it let’s fast together before we end
today’s pray program I want to thank
everyone who has responded and given to
our latest initiative in Israel light
over Darkness we have committed the
single largest amount of funding in our
history to partner with the Jewish
National Fund to rebuild and renew the
esal region together we can make a real
difference and bring restoration to so
many hurting families tensions are at an
all-time high right now in Israel and I
believe God has called this ministry to
be a blessing to Israel to fulfill
biblical prophecy and comfort God’s
people so I’m asking you today to please
stand and sew special seeds to help us
with this project in Israel my announcer
is going to tell you all about it on
October 7 Israel was attacked by the
dark Forces of Hamas it was the worst
massacre the Jewish people experienced
since the Holocaust the eshal region in
southern Israel was attacked directly
women faced unspeakable atrocities
infants were assassinated numerous
families were burnt alive and both
mothers and their babies and Holocaust
survivors were abducted to the Hamas
tunnels in Gosa and now we stand at a
pivotal moment poised to provide a
Lifeline for the people of eshal who
continue to be attacked by terrorists
day Jensen Franklin media Ministries
recently committed the largest amount of
funding ever towards the initiative
light over over Darkness phase number
one provides physical safety that is why
we are building civil defense centers
and over 800 safe houses making sure
every family in the region has a safe
room in case of terrorist attacks this
is home Israel is our place this is the
safest place we can be and this safe
room became our little Safe Haven it’s
something that every single person in
our area needs I can’t stress it enough
that it saved Our Lives it saved my
husband’s family life on the 7th of
October and it will continue to save
lives when you give to a project like
this there is a promise for you found in
Genesis 123 I will bless those who bless
you Israel together we can demonstrate
that Faith combined with Collective
action can illuminate the darkest
moments and Forge a brighter more
hopeful future for the Holy
Land This
Christmas breathtaking visuals and
Powerful music tell the story of the
birth of our
savior this program has been sponsored
in part by friends and partners of
Jensen Franklin media Ministries we hope
you’ve enjoyed this teaching by Jensen
Franklin and thank you for your
continued support of this ministry for
more information about this message and
other Ministry resources visit Us online
at Jensen franklin.tn