A Prophetic Warning for This Generation
Get the first 2 chapters FREE here: https://3szn.short.gy/38m0vo Grab Your Copy of The Fight for Female: https://amzn.to/3WRRd5L _______________ A dragon lurks in the shadows… but he’s already been defeated! On this episode of The Fight for Female Podcast, Lisa Bevere shares a powerful dream she had nearly a decade ago—a vision of women nurturing jewel-toned baby dragons. Lisa awoke in anger, knowing these women were deceived and that there could be NO agreement between God’s daughters and the dragon! Over the years, she came to see this dream as a prophetic warning, foretelling the cultural chaos and attacks on women we’re witnessing today. If you’re ready to join the battle, pre-order The Fight for Female now, available wherever books are sold. _______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/donate Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → https://3szn.short.gy/T5fH72 ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram → / lisabevere Follow me on Facebook →
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/ lisabevere ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit LisaBevere.com Chapter Markers: 0:00 – Coming Up 0:32 – Dreaming of Daughters and Dragons 3:56 – There is a War between Women and Dragons 5:49 – Evidence of Dragons 8:54 – The Rage at/in Women: What We’re Fighting For 10:28 – God’s Blessing over Women 12:35 – Bent out of Shape: Recovering and Restoring 15:41 – You Must Choose 18:19 – Pre-Order The Fight for Female Book 18:45 – The Interpretation of Lisa’s Dream 21:46 – Actively Making a Change: What We Can Do 22:53 – There is no Alliance between Good and Evil 26:53 – Operating in the Opposite 30:50 – Subscribe and Share Music Sync ID: MB01IJAZAMNDFGS
dragons are very very
real we are not wrestling with flesh and
blood there is something way darker in
the shadows and what do dragons do well
dragons create chaos and destruction God
is calling us to fight this dragon by
Waring in the
spirit have you ever dreamed of dragons
I did it was almost a decade ago now I
want you to know I’m a very peaceful
side sleeper and I had gone to sleep I
was in the middle of a Ministry weekend
and I found myself in a dream where I
was walking into a room of women they
were all different women of all
different ages and in my dream I felt
like I knew these women but I don’t
remember any of them individually when I
started to enter the room though I
realized that something was really wrong
all of the women were holding something
close to their chest kind of like hiding
it kind of codling It kind of stroking
and as I got closer I realized that all
of the women were holding different
Jewel toned baby dragons now I know that
sounds crazy but even crazier than that
that is these baby dragons were dressed
in children’s clothing they were
sapphire and ruby red and emerald green
and bright yellow and in my dream I
thought what is going on why would women
be holding in a protective way baby
dragons I went from woman to woman I
said do you understand you are holding a
dragon and it’s as though they looked
over my shoulder at one another are
shaking their heads like she doesn’t
understand and they would counter me and
say these are different dragons these
are the wise kind dragons but I knew
there was no agreement between daughters
and Dragons so I continued to go to the
women and one of the women said here
here pet the Dragon Here pet it its neck
is so smooth don’t be afraid but I
wasn’t afraid I was angry and there was
no way I was going to pet her baby
dragon because it would say that this
Dragon was safe and I knew it was not
safe I turned from her and as soon as I
turned from her another woman thrust her
dragon in my direction I remember it was
a bright yellow color it had a ruffle
around its neck it was absolutely
ridiculous and in my dream I reached out
grabbed the dragon by the neck and broke
its neck I woke up and I was flat on on
my back in a dark hotel room there were
no women just my arms flying as though I
had just grasped something I recorded
the dream I was so troubled I thought
what just happened that I had a dream
that actually came into my sleep that
was in
2016 time passed and I began to watch
what was unfolding I began to realize
that these rainbow colored Jewel tone
dragons dressed in children’s clothing
actually represent an attack and an
alignment between the enemy of our souls
and God’s daughters somehow the dragons
had tricked the women into thinking that
they were allies when they are Eternal
enemies and so I decided I need to do a
deep dive into what I saw and I I I want
to I want you to know that dragons are
very very real you think well no there’s
no dragons alive right now see there are
a lot of things that are real that
actually are not in our reality they are
in the spirit realm and Revelations
12:17 says and then the dragon was
enraged with the woman and went to make
war against her Offspring there is is a
war between the woman and the dragon and
the children of the woman and the dragon
and what began between one woman Eve and
a serpent in the garden has now grown to
a dragon and all those that hold to the
testimony of Jesus Christ and keep his
Commandments but there is a special
hatred between women and Dragons women
and serpents we see it play out in
Revelations 12 that there is a very
angry dragon who is after our children
and we need to wake up as women and
understand that God is calling us to
fight this dragon in the strength that
he has given us as Daughters of God that
this is a spiritual battle that we win
not by wrestling with flesh and blood
but by Waring in the spirit what is
attacking us as women what is displacing
us what is erasing us what is
sexualizing us what is silencing us is
not flesh and blood it is a serpent it
is a dragon and I want to talk to you
about kind of some of the Fallout
because I think too many people think
that the men are the problem or the
white patriarchy is the problem or
organized religion is a problem but this
is the kind of things that is Shadow
formed it is hate Distortion rape
mutilation abuse pedophilia agism
perversion control accusation cutting
gender side suicide dysmorphia
minimization poverty racism pornography
tension that is in our world right now
the sex trafficking it says that the
dragon when he sees the woman he
actually vomits and I believe this
Dragon vomit that we are seeing right
now in our world is all of this attack
not just against women but it’s very
targeted against women but also against
men we see it in the breakdown in our
marriages we see it in the breakdown of
family relationships everything that
women were created to multiply the
dragon hates and Christian this has
actually been something that you and I
have been talking about for a very long
time I I decided to write a book
actually actually before I even wrote
when I started writing the book I
realized oh my gosh this was the dream I
had in
2016 this is what I have always been we
are wrestling with and and in all
honesty you’ve been alongside of me I
have never encountered so much demonic
attack as when I made the decision to
address what’s going on in the culture
and remind women of their divine origin
you know I had a terrible bike accident
I broke my ribs I had a concussion I
broke my toes which sounds really wimpy
but it’s very painful and then we had
crazy people coming after us I turn in
the manuscript the manuscript disappears
we have had one thing after another and
I have learned that the greater the
attack is the more important what you’re
doing is and so we said hey let’s do a
podcast and I said I’m going to I’m
going to write my way forward with this
and that is how we birth the book The
Fight for female as well as the podcast
the fight for a female and I just want
to thank you for you’ve been alongside
me the entire time encouraging you know
every time I tell you what is going on
in the spirit you have always been there
and I appreciate it more than I can
actually speak oh my goodness well thank
you well I think every woman will agree
when they hear what you’re saying it is
a wakeup call and I’m glad you turned
that into an echoing for women to hear
but what you’re saying there is uh a
threat and there is opposition because
we are powerful women are powerful and
you talk about this in the first chapter
alone of the book and I can’t wait for
everyone to get their hands on it as it
comes out but can you talk just a little
bit about the rage at women and in women
and what we’re actually fighting for
yeah well I mean from the very beginning
of time there was something set into
motion called enmity and enmity is a
hatred that the longer it exists the
greater it grows and this enmity that
began between what I mentioned one woman
and a serpent has now grown to every
woman and everyone who is in the body of
Christ and we need to remember the body
is referred to as a bride the body is
referred to in feminine terms and so if
the enemy can distort everything
feminine everything masculine if he can
undermine all those images he can unmake
us and we’re we’re living in a Time
perod which is so crazy everybody is
having an awareness that we are not
wrestling with flesh and blood yeah but
there is something way darker in the
shadows and this is a battle for the
women to fight we need to stop fighting
the men and we need to start remembering
that we fight for life we fight with
life we fight with wisdom we fight for
the generations and we fight to multiply
which is why the enemy is so focused on
Division and dividing right now you said
this and I’m just doing a little spoiler
alert because it’s so good this fight
for female is not a fight for women’s
rights it is a battle to rescue and
recover our divine Birthright and I love
that this is what you’re champing us
with is there is something that we need
to go back and claim blame something
already spoken You Know The Enemy spoke
that that enmity towards the woman but
God spoke a blessing over us what is
that blessing for women that we need to
recover yeah and I think that it’s very
important that we realize as women as
women the fact that we’re targeted
doesn’t mean we’re a victim the fact
that we’re targeted means that we’re a
threat so I I feel like everybody needs
to be aware of that and then the second
thing I want to emphasize because a lot
of times we think about oh the Man was
created he’s preeminent and the woman
was an afterthought well the creation of
woman was not an afterthought the
creation of woman was a necessity God
said she is necessary to my Redemptive
plan and uh you know I was I was
watching something recently John and I
you we we love looking at these
beautiful Revelations where people are
finding things in archaeological digs
and they discovered they discovered this
blood that they do believe was from the
Cru CR fiction of Christ that went into
the mercy seat and they discovered that
it only had 24 chromosomes and that is
because Jesus was conceived by the Holy
Spirit he was fed by God but carried by
a woman and a lot of times I I think
people think oh yeah women women they’re
a problem well here’s the truth God
partnered with Mary partnered with Mary
to bring forth the Messiah and and again
women are like we carry life I don’t
know if we understand that nobody had
more intimate access to Jesus than his
mother who carried him and the women who
washed his body for his burial and the
women who anointed him for his death and
there’s this beautiful moment for women
if we remember again who we are and stop
wrestling with the man for his place and
our own I um I write about this in the
book when I was a young girl you know
it’s in the 70s you know and in the 70s
it’s really cool to have a serpentine
necklace and my grandmother gave me a 14
karat Serpentine like a necklace it was
long and I think I was only 15 when she
gave it to me and I remember my mom
saying to my grandmother don’t give that
to her she won’t respect it she doesn’t
understand its value and I was like my
mom just doesn’t want me to have a nice
necklace I was kind of bitter about it
and the truth is I threw it in the
bathroom drawer one of I was home from
from University Arizona I was home from
a college break and I threw it in a
bathroom door it got a little tangled up
with some hair brushes and nonsense and
I slammed the door and I bent the
necklace out of shape and I came back uh
home after you know summer break or
whatever and I went digging through the
drawer looking for my necklace and it
was gone
and I said Mom I can’t find my necklace
I can’t find my necklace and she said oh
I have it and I said oh good can I have
it she said no it is bent out of shape
she said you didn’t understand the value
of it and now it is bent out of shape
and I’m going to be keeping it and
here’s the truth we have an intimate
link with male and female and I feel
like because we have tried to be men or
tried to gain our strength in the wrong
way that the intimate length has been
bent out of shape and we need to
remember again what it is to be a woman
of God what it means to fight for a
female and when we say fight for a
female we’re not fighting men we’re
fighting for women we’re fighting for
women to find their voice we’re fighting
for women to remember again that they
are vulnerable because they are meant to
be protected and we are protected
because what we Harry is so important
and again I I don’t like some of the
things I’m seeing where we’ve got the
church silencing the women and saying
okay we you know like the feminist voice
that’s too aggressive so let’s silence
women and then we’ve got culture
sexualizing what it means to be a woman
but God is saying I’m not going to have
my daughter silenced or sexualized I’m
going to have my daughter I want them to
recover their virtue I want them to
recover their voice I want the to be a
divine Vine Echo between the older women
and the younger women the mothers and
the daughters and I want the women to
begin to prophesy back lives and begin
to fight for restoration and rescue of
the Next Generation and to be honest
with you we are the connectors and the
carriers of the heart the Bible says the
heart of her husband does safely trust
in her we should be safe Guardians of
the heart of our husbands if we’re not
married the heart of our family the
heart of our friends the heart of our
community the heart of God we should be
those Guardians of the heart of the
matters and that’s a beautiful and Tred
assignment we were even talking on the
way to this recording about the signs of
the times and like what’s at stake and
so I love and I hope Every Woman
listening to this knows this isn’t just
to scare us this isn’t just to share a
cold dream but this is to say there is
something at stake yeah and you and I
you listening you have a a claim in the
spite that you need to awaken to yeah
you know and here’s the thing it’s crazy
in this whole like launch of the House
of dragons movies they have this thing
it says You must choose you must choose
and at the end of the day there’s only
life and death there’s only there’s only
God the god of Life the god of truth
there’s only blessing and cursing
there’s only obedience and Disobedience
there’s only the fear of God or the fear
of man and each and every one of us we
must choose we must choose how we’re
going to use our words we’re going to
have to choose how we use our life we
cannot be women who are afraid of
spiritual attacks we need to realize we
are woven for this moment that is
terrifying it is terrifying but once you
move beyond the fear of man you find
yourself encompassed by the fear of God
there is a dragon in the shadows but I
believe corporately we have the word of
God and I believe corporately women are
rising up and they’re finding their
voice and they’re fighting to protect
their children so many of my friends are
saying hey we’re not we’re not going to
we’re not going to put up with this
anymore we’re not going to allow the
enemy to steal the Next Generation we’re
not going to allow the enemy to steal
our family and so this whole idea of the
fight for female is not a fight against
it’s a fight for and so I’m just hoping
that you get a mindset that you are not
wrestling with anybody that you can see
but you are wrestling with a dragon and
you have been given an invincible
invisible Eternal weapon it is a sword
of the spirit it is the word of God and
I believe if we not only know the word
but we begin to live the word of God
that we will find ourselves heroes in
the story that Jesus has already won for
us but he is waiting for the restoration
of all things and so I believe that this
is that season for the daughters to rise
up and the sons to rise up and for us
together find that space that God wo us
to walk in both male and female because
it’s obviously a threat to the enemy or
he wouldn’t be working so hard to
distorted it you can actually pre-order
your copy of the fight for female right
now reclaiming our divine identity you
can go to lisa.com or on Amazon I
believe this book is prophetic and
practical I believe it’s going to
position you and your daughters I
believe these are conversations that we
need to have together so we can recover
our Divine Alignment with one another as
I began to watch things unfold Christian
I realized the interpretation of my
dream there’s a couple things that were
immediately apparent to me number one
calling evil safe does not make it so
and the other thing that I was aware of
is that these dragons were small they
were they were being coddled they were
being protected even as I was talking to
the women and saying Hey do you
understand what you’re carrying the
dragons were like side eyeing me like
hey hey we we we know you know who we
are but we don’t like it but they
weren’t willing to go after me because
they knew it would blow their cover what
we do not confront when it is small will
grow in strength and measure I have
watched that people are sitting back and
being entertained by things that have
the power to destroy them I am watching
as pornography and the Occult things are
coming into households and people are
like it’s okay it’s just entertainment
no you cannot partner with the very
things that want to unmake or destroy
your soul or your marriage or anything
like that I also watched as the women
were feeling like no no no this is
something that is necessary this is
something that’s going to give me wisdom
there is no way that women would ever
partner with a dragon if they thought it
was a source of danger but the truth is
that the dragon tricks women the same
way the serpent tricked Eve the serpent
tricked Eve into believing that there
was good outside of God he actually said
to her hey hey if you will eat this
fruit you’re going to be like God which
he already was and you will have wisdom
which she already had she exchanged the
wisdom of God an intimate relationship
with God for the knowledge of Good and
Evil and these choices are in front of
us today are we going to live in the
knowledge of good and evil or are we
going to live in a intimate relationship
with the knowledge of God God is setting
this up for us to have a Clarity that
this is not just being kind this is not
being tolerant this is something that if
you bring it into your home and you give
it an inch it is going to take a mile I
believe that this Dragon was
representing the attack against our
children attack against male and female
the attack against what we carry in our
lives that that there would be a dis dor
that our children would be unmade to the
place where they couldn’t even reproduce
and they would be sexualized to such a
level where they couldn’t even
understand intimacy or love and we need
to break the neck of this dragon now
again understanding that we wrestle not
with flesh and blood but that doesn’t
mean we can’t be active and get involved
and do things that can make a change and
so this whole podcast and even in the
book Christian talk about the different
things that we can do one of the things
that we’ve learned is having
consistent Godly
conversations with other
people having conversations around the
table not fighting on social media yeah
but having conversations about what is
going on in our culture and why it
matters and what it means what’s at
stake I love that we we always talk
about that one because it keeps us aware
of what those dragons we call them
really are and you even said this in the
book fairy tales are more than true not
because they tell us that dragons exists
but because they tell us that dragons
can be beaten and like that’s the truth
we expose these things we uncover them
we equip ourselves because we do have
authority that we need to use you know
and after I was already done writing the
book and stuff I was in shock that this
movie came out called damsel and in
damsel there’s this you know horrific
constant murder of brides the constant
murder of brides and it’s the sacrifice
of daughter sacrifice of a daughter
sacrifice of a daughter and then at the
end the daughter aligns the damel aligns
with the dragon and I’m like what in the
world just happened here this is this is
constantly being sewn whether it’s Game
of Thrones or the house of dragons we’re
const stly being told no there’s an
alliance no there is no alliance between
evil and good there is no alliance
between Satan and God and we have to
choose that we’re going to actually
choose life because everything in our
culture right now is preaching a culture
of death and so this is going to be very
important I love that you brought that
up uh dragons
consume what is beautiful what is pure
what is is virtuous and we know from
Revelations that the dragon knows that
his time is short I want to read to you
from Revelations 12: 7-9 it says not a
war arose in heaven I just want to pause
there like I never think about wars in
heaven like you just think about heaven
this beautiful place of tranquility and
peace and Harmony but a war a rose in
heaven and it says Michael and his
angels fighting against the dragon I
love that this point points out that
Michael is the opposite of the Dragon
not God God has no opposite he has no
equal he has no one that can stand face
to face toet tooe with him he he is the
god most high but this dragon and
Michael and it says Michael and his
angels fighting against the dragon and
the dragon and his angels fought back
but he was def defeated and there was no
longer any place for them in heaven and
the Great Dragon was thrown down the
ancient serpent who was called The Devil
and Satan the deceiver of the whole
world he was thrown down to the Earth
and his angels were thrown down with him
now this is really interesting to me
because most people act like this
happened in the
fall but it didn’t because you see
Lucifer accusing job in the throne room
of God he’s like well if you take this
from him he’ll curse you well if you
take this from I’m like how is he up
there what’s going on here and then it
it goes on in Revelations 12:10 it says
and I heard a loud voice in heaven
saying now the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God and the
authority of his Christ has come well
when did that happen was that when Jesus
was on the cross yes cuz the light the
veil torn yes yes and so that was like
there’s there’s a war in heaven there’s
a spiritual battle there’s a
displacement there’s this there’s this
wrestling there’s a rebellion but Satan
was displaced when Jesus took his seat
at the right hand of the father and it
says it says um now the salvation and
the power and the kingdom of our God and
the authority of his Christ has come for
the accuser of our brothers who has been
thrown down who accuses them Day and
Night Before Our God now think about
that day and night before the death of
Jesus constantly accusing accusing
accusing and then God was like I’m
canceling their debt when Jesus died the
the code written against us was blotted
out but now think about that now think
about that who has access to the throne
of God as you and me are we going to use
our voices to accuse are we going to use
our voices to intercede to say what
Jesus said forgive them Father they
don’t know what they’re doing and so
many of us don’t understand that the
most Supernatural thing we can ever do
is forgive people we do not believe
deserve it so it says thrown down and
they have conquered him by the blood of
the lamb and by the word of their
testimony for they love not their lives
even unto the death and then it goes on
therefore Rejoice oh heavens and you who
dwell in them but woe To You O Earth and
sea for the devil has come down to you
in great wrath because he knows his time
short here we
go time started to end with him when
Jesus died on the cross when Jesus died
on the cross there was an intersection
between life and death and everything
that had been destroyed started to be
restored Jesus reset everything his
death United us back with our creator
that fall that breach that had been was
no more and so when we see the dragon we
know that he’s not in heaven anymore
he’s here he’s here and and it’s not
physical I mean maybe we’ve got the
Leviathan threat coming out of the ocean
but but right now there’s a spirit of
accusation and there’s a spirit of
division and there is a spirit of chaos
and how we fight those things is we
operate in the
opposite uh spirit we where there is
division we fight for Unity where there
is chaos we fight for order where
accusation we fight for justice and we
fight for love because love covers a
multitude of sins and again I’m not
talking about putting people at risk I’m
talking about we actually who are mature
restore other in a meekness and so we
need a restoration of male and female
and this is this is something that I
know is so close to both of our hearts
we want to see strong men and we want to
see strong women we want to see male and
female restored back to their original
place where they have something called
dominion and their Dominion is different
so we need that back everything that the
enemy has stolen we take it back by
operating in the opposite Spirit dragons
create chaos and destruction so we want
to operate in the exact opposite Spirit
we want to speak order we want to speak
a building back up in love we want to
speak truth and love where there is
division we want to speak Unity the
truth is none of us will always agree on
everything but we can agree on the main
things of the Christian Chris tenants we
want to see male and female both
restored to their god-given dominion and
strength I believe that when male and
female when that restoration of all
things begin to happen where the Earth
is actually crying out and groing for
the revelation of the Sons and Daughters
of God that that kind of crying out that
we feel in the earth that feels like in
all of the chaos all of creation is
saying where are the sons and the
daughters of God and what my heart is is
to speak to the daughters that we would
rise up and find our strength and our
place and open our mouth with wisdom and
kindness and begin to walk in that that
Fierce love and protectiveness for our
children thanks for joining us for
another episode of the fight for female
podcast we want to make sure that you
don’t ever miss out so subscribe below
and we would love to see you share share
this conversation with your friends
until next time this is Lisa bav thanks
for joining us