How the Devil Tries to Steal Your Sleep

If you want to join a larger conversation about embracing the truth of your God-given identity, we invite you to read The Fight for Female. Get the book:” _______________ Is God speaking to you through your dreams? In this episode, Lisa and Christian Bevere share powerful stories and biblical truths for understanding how God communicates with us in our sleep. Tune in to discover how dreams can communicate God’s guidance, warnings, and even revelations. _______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram →   / lisabevere   Follow me on Facebook →   /   Follow me on Twitter →   / lisabevere   ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit Chapter Markers: 0:00 – Introduction: The Intimate Connection Between God and His Children 2:30 – Does God (Still) Speak to us in Dreams? 8:07 – Why Dreams Were More Common in the Old Testament 9:06 – Fasting to Regain Sensitivity 11:59 – Pre-Order Lisa’s New Book, The Fight for Female 12:42 – God’s Spirit on the Unsaved, Remembering the Dream 15:23 – God Wants to Invade Your Life 16:39 – Discernment: Dreams vs Nightmares 26:04 – How do we Know When Dreams are From God? 31:53 – Interpretation and Confirmation 37:50 – What to do After the Dream 46:32 – What to do When Other’s Have Dreams For You 48:45 – Taking Dreams Seriously 52:33 – Conclusion Music Sync ID: MB01IICC3DV6CIS

welcome to the fight for female podcast

I’m Lisa bavier and I am joined by my

daughter in Love Christian b and a

granddaughter making her presence known

yes yeah and she’ll be here soon today

we’re talking about something super

interesting maybe even controversial but

something I feel like is so incredibly

necessary to the days and the times that

we’re in right now we’re going to be

talking about dreams does God still

speak to us in dreams you know

Christian we want to always emphasize

the word of God but there is a reason

why dreams are so important first of all

I believe that God wants us to know not

just about him but know that he is

intimately connected to his children

there’s something so be beautiful in uh

in our time period of sleep even in

Zephaniah I mean we we just see this God

who sings over us this God who watches

over us this God who speaks to us in the

night watches he speaks peace he gives

his beloved sleep it says so I really

believe that God wants to speak

individually to express love his

Direction his provision and I also

believe that God wants to speak to his

children to actually just say in your

dreams yeah I’m talking to you I’m not

just talking about you in the scripture

I’m speaking to you personally as my son

and as my daughter that’s good so I’m

going to I’m going to open up with the

scripture first it’s from job 33: 14-6 I

always love going to the Book of Job I’m

like let’s just bust it out it says for

God speaks again and again though people

do not recog recognize it he speaks in

dreams in visions of the night when deep

sleep falls on people as they lie in

their beds he whispers in their ears and

terrifies them with warnings I love that

that’s the ending terrifies terrifies

like when you’re asleep wait be afraid

anyway but but Christian um does God

speak to us in dreams what do you think

has God ever spoken to you through a


he has I mean there has I have you

because I know he has there’s been some

like chocolate induced dreams at night

where I was like was that God no okay

that was me but I mean this that verse

to me does not have an expiration date

on it so to me I’m thinking okay well if

God speaks through dreams he’s not just

going to stop one day but now there are

people that think that though they think

the moment the Bible got printed God was

like thank you I don’t have to say

anything else I don’t have to talk

through dreams I don’t talk through

Visions uh I don’t need to talk to

people through other people as far as

prophetically so there are people that

really question whether God still speaks

outside of the scripture and I want to

say on the very front end I do not

believe that God will ever say anything

contrary to the scripture but if you

have a dream that is in alignment with

What God Says in the scripture that I

think you don’t live by the dream but

you take that dream you submit it to

scripture so um well I know this is

important because a large premise of the

fight for female yes came from a dream

that you had and what I think some

people want to know before we even dive

into like how good speaks and all these

things is well does God give dreams to

everyone yeah does do only a few people

get these dreams like how do I begin to

hear God in that way to me when I hear

people think or ask that question does

God still speak they’re like well he

doesn’t get me dreams right so what

would you say to that person you know

and and that’s a great question you know

so out there I do believe that God wants

to speak to you more than you even want

to hear from him and I think it’s it’s

something my husband used to always say

like God is always speaking it’s like a

radio station he is always broadcasting

and we have to be in tune with the

spirit to hear what he is saying so

sometimes God speaks to us through the

word sometimes God speaks to us through

a minister sometimes God speaks to us

through a spouse through a friend even

through a child but I do believe that

God wants to speak to his people more

through dreams and visions and I feel

like we are having constant inundation

with distraction and it’s shutting Downs

people’s ability to receive dreams or

can I say night visions I feel like

there’s so many people are bearing their

gift of God their sensitivity to the

holy spirit with other things yeah that

they’ve lost a tenderness and you know

Christian as soon as I became a

Christian um I began to pray that God

would speak to me in the night watches

so I had been a child that had so many

nightmares growing up that I said all

right I I don’t want I don’t want my

night to be filled with images of

confusion and Terror I want God to be

sac in every space of my life so I would

pray before I would go to bed and i’ say

heavenly father you have full permission

to speak to me in the night watches now

giving full permission doesn’t mean

every single night I would have a dream

that I even remember but it does mean

that he had permission and so I had

created a

sensitivity and then if people are like

well I’m I’m not sure if God still

speaks we know he did it in the Old

Testament but does he still do it in the

New Testament and I’m so glad you asked

that because I have a scripture we look

at acts

2:17 it says and in the last days it

shall be God declares that I will pour

out my spirit on All Flesh so in the

last days God’s going to pour out his

Spirit on All Flesh and he says your

sons and your daughters shall prophesy

your young men shall see Visions your

old men shall dream dreams even on my

male servants and female servants in

those days I will pour out my spirit and

they shall prophesy and we know to

prophesy means you’re speaking under

divine inspiration so to prophesy means

to speak the word of God uh but that is

an echo of an Old Testament scripture of

Joel 2: 28-29 it says there was a

promise that was prophesied and it was

beginning to be fulfilled in Acts

2117 because we’re still in the last

days okay but in Joel 228 it says the

lurel p is spirit and it shall come to

pass afterwards and we know that

afterwards is when Jesus he breaks down

all the barriers and there’s a

Reconciliation where God can pour out

his Spirit on All Flesh why were there

more dreams in the Old Testament why are

we not seeing that in present day yeah

what happened okay a couple things first

of all um in the Old Testament they

didn’t have televisions they didn’t have

music they didn’t have constant

information coming their way constant

noise they didn’t have the ability to

disconnect with headphones they didn’t

have the ability to look at a world in

their hands with an iPhone and just

messaging being sent to you that maybe

has nothing to do with God’s plan for

your life I mean like you know we can we

can edit Our Lives we can make sure

we’re we’re protecting what comes in but

we we would be naive to think that

everything that’s coming in our

direction is something that God wants us

to weigh heavily so that inundation is

dulling people’s senses and and I would

say I would say like we used to the boys

didn’t like this but John and I we would

do family fast and we would tell our

kids no television

no family night movie no television we

would tell our kids no music but worship

music and they’d be like not this again

we would say for a month for a month we

would we would say we have lost our Edge

we have lost our sensitivity we are not

kind to one another there are songs

going on in my mind that I do not want

in my mind but I’ve allowed them them to

have preeminence maybe I went to a store

or a restaurant maybe I didn’t even turn

on the song and I would say I need to

sanctify myself I need to separate

myself and it’s been so interesting when


fast when you fast you actually increase

your sensitivity to the things of the

spirit but it takes a while it takes at

first you’re like no wait it’d be okay

if I just watch one episode of maybe

this The Chosen I just do the chosen The

Chosen is Christian or or you know

whatever and but the truth is you’re

observing you’re not leaning in you’re

not listening you’re not really

participating you’re spectating and too

many people in the spirit spectate

rather than participate so again I think

people need to

fast to hear they need to have silence

to hear again

and if I if I can separate myself where

I’m not putting a bunch of nonsense into

my brain all day my brain doesn’t have

to Wade through a swamp to get through

the information that I should have been

sensitive to but I lost my sensitivity

because I was distracted or I was

self-focused and not other focused and

or not Holy Spirit focused and so I feel

like that’s really really key right now

um especially we’re going into

we’re going into an

election where everything is going to be

so divisive so

dishonoring so you know like did you

hear this that we’re going to have to

step back and develop discernment and

discernment requires a sensitivity and

sensitivity and discernment and even

dreams and again I feel like we can

invite God but we also need to create an

environment for those dreams to happen

it’d be like me praying and say God give

me a garden he’s like go deal with your

soil go plant some seeds make sure you

water it make sure you weed it and so

again life in the spirit is very much

like a garden hey friends I am so

excited to share with you about my

newest book it is called the fight for

female reclaiming our divine identity I

have never had to wrestle so hard to

write a book it is available for

pre-order right now and then it will be

available everywhere on September 3rd I

want to see you reserve your copy I

believe that this book will equip you to

have the conversations that we are going

to be needing to have in the near future

I believe that women are being

sexualized and silenced and I am not

okay with that and I know you aren’t

either so grab your copy today now

interestingly enough God can actually

pour out his Spirit on people who are

not even saved I’ve heard that that’s

fascinating to me I mean if he says All

Flesh mhm yeah I mean I I remember

reading a story about when uh Alexander

the Great was Conquering the world he

had it said that he was going to invade

Jerusalem and um he had a dream and in

his dream he saw the priests coming out

in their full robes their full Temple

gar garments and with a urum and th the

whole breastplate and the high priest

coming out to meet him and in his dream

the priest said do not destroy the

temple and then the priest had a dream

and in that dream God spoke to the

priest and said go out and meet

Alexander the Great on the road when he

comes in to destroy to sack Jerusalem

and he did not you know he they met him

and he said God spoke to me in a dream

and so we saw got we look at different

scriptures we have Nebuchadnezzar has a

dream yeah we see Pharaoh has a dream

Pharaoh has this dream where he has

seven you know full uh prosperous cattle

eaten up by frail starving cattle then

the full ears of corn consumed by the

stricken ears of corn and he he can’t

figure out he calls all of his wise

people together and nobody can interpret

it but two years earlier two years

Joseph had interpreted a dream for a

baker and the cup Bearer and both of the

men exactly what Joseph said happened to

the men and what God did was he used

Joseph to not only preserve Egypt but to

preserve the children of Jacob because

they came to Joseph for grain and what

began as a dream that Joseph shared with

his brothers and it made him Furious it

said they just hated him more yeah what

got him into got him into trouble yeah

and what he hate you know what he shared

the dream with his father he said well

are your mother and I going to bow down

to you too he said but Jacob hid it in

his heart and here’s the thing when the

brothers show up starving it said that

Joseph remembered the dream so I think

sometimes we don’t even have an

interpretation of the dreams that God

even gives us until something happens

where we’re like wait a minute yeah I

remember the dream I remember the dream

and so God wants to speak to you because

God wants to be involved in your life he

he wants every area of your life he

wants to invade it with his word with

his spirit with his presence and he

wants to develop a sensitivity in you so

that you know that you’re hearing from

him there is something that so exciting

when you find it your life’s not

accidental that the things that you’ve

dreamed like I imagine when Joseph

remembered the dream he was like oh my

gosh and we know the whole looking back

he said you meant it for evil but God

meant it for good so there are things

that are warnings there are dreams that

are directional Paul saw a Macedonian

man it said in the book of Acts in a

night vision he knew it wasn’t a normal

dreams and the man invited him to come

and preach the gospel in Macedonia and

what happens to Paul he goes he’s like

okay I’m I’m I’m ready I’m going and

what happens he gets thrown in jail the

first day so just because God gives you

a dream doesn’t mean it’s going to be

easy it does mean that he’s giving you a

direction and at the end of the day when

God gives us clear direction we need to

operate in obedience you know Christian

I I think sometimes people have had

dreams that are great dreams and then

like most of us even when we were

children maybe there were nightmares and

Nightmares are very different than

dreams nightmares is when you wake up

and you’re just glad it’s not real and I

had a reoccurring nightmare I think we

talked about this in a previous episode

of three dead men following me and it

was oh I’ve never talked about this okay

we will talk about this right now so so

I had um so I’d had this dream I would

have it about once a year and in this

dream I would leave a place of light and

hope and safety and I would either be

riding my bike or walking to go to maybe

a friend’s house or something the

destination never mattered and I would

turn a corner and I would leave the

sunshine and I would enter a realm of

gray and I could see darkness in the

distance and even in the dream I’d be

like oh I hate this dream I hate this

dream and I try to pull myself out of it

but always out of the darkness would

emerge three different men and they

would start walking towards me and I

would turn and try to run back into the

sunlight but I was always trapped in the

realm of gray one man was a skeleton one

man was half decayed and one man was

newly dead and they were terrifying I

mean to this day I don’t I don’t like

Char dick WR your dream seriously it

does sound like that and I kept trying

to run and no matter how fast I ran they

just walked they just walked steadily

they didn’t run no matter how fast I ran

they always caught up to me and I would

try to you know I would say you can’t

hurt me you’re dead like in my dream i’

would say you’re dead you’re dead you

can’t hurt me and I would pick something

up and throw it at them and as soon as I

did something in the natural they would

do something like cut off my hand or

stab me and this dream I would wake up

like this so yeah I become a Christian

and instead of the dream going away it

escalates and now it’s not once a year

it’s once a night and I remember asking

John like if maybe it was once a month

then once a week then oh yeah then every

single night and I’d pull I’d pull

myself out of the dream and re-enter it

in another scenario and I was like John

pray for me I’m having these nightmares

they’re horrifying you need to pray for

me and I was very distraught that number

one John praying for me and us praying

in agreement and us you know claiming

the promise of the scripture that you

give your beloved sleep and you know and

that our sweet our sleep would be sweet

well I was not having good sweet restful

sleep I was having nightmares I’m like

maybe I’m not the Beloved what is going

on and and then you know also binding

the devil and felt like that was very

demonic and um so I call I called my

spiritual father and when you know John

and I I was I was afraid to go to sleep

I was afraid um I called my spiritual

father and he said I’m going to send you

some cassette tapes and he sent me

cassette tapes on the sins of the


and I went through these cassette tapes

because that’s how old I am and what

cassette yeah seriously and I found out

um that I had three

generations of agreement with Darkness

wow and they were following me and and I

just went through and prayed of prayers

of surrender breaking agreements you

know my my grandfather was on the

Manhattan Project my you know he did you

all the floration chlorination my

grandmother and my my you know my

grandfather and my father we’re talking

about adultery we’re talking about

alcoholism we’re talking about so much

Brokenness we’re talking about

miscarriage talking about cancer my

mother had cancer my grandmother had

cancer I was born with cancer lost an

eye to

cancer only to find out later that my

grandfather who was a 32nd degree Mason

had made some vows and one of the vows

was if I break any of this one of my

descendants loses an eye so I like and

you for those that don’t know you’ve

lost an eye yes yes and so I lost an ey

at five and they said it was just like

they don’t know where it came from my

goodness so anyway I prayed everything I

knew to pray I renounced all of the

things we brot we wrote this prayer out

that I prayed actually in the fight for

female book cuz I want everybody to you

know people are like I don’t believe in

that that’s fine you’re not having

nightmares you know maybe you came from

nice people I did not come from nice

people maybe you came from people who

didn’t make all sorts of occultic uh

alliances but I did and and Christian

after going through that time of prayer

the dream disappeared and I actually

realized wait I haven’t had that dream

and God said those were the three

generations wow of

agreement I here’s the thing I’ve heard

I hear so much about how trauma trauma

is generational and it’s like paper you

know paper cuts and it’s constant and

it’s constant well here’s the thing I am

the beginning of a thousand Generations

who love God and keep his Commandments I

am not bringing the prom the trauma the

problems the sin those things we have a

new bloodline and the moment I got born

again like I said that’s it going

forward we will live differently going

forward I mean and and so that

prayer that that so in a lot of ways

that dream that felt like it was

demonic actually was a Discerning of

what I was wrestling in the spirit and

it wasn’t when I first got saved it was

probably I’d been saved for about a year

and a half and um and I just had started

to really pursue Holiness and I think

the enemy was like hey we don’t want you

pursuing that you know we’ve had an

allegiance and an alliance with this

family line for a long time we’re not

going to just give this up without a

fight and people are like well the the

moment you get born again all the curs

is broken well Satan is a legalist so if

you don’t know who you are in Christ he

will do everything he can to steal and

Rob from you and so that dream was a

punctuating moment for me and and the

very reason why I included the prayer in

this book so that people can just pause

and say holy spirit I I we’re we’re the

beginning mhm of a new generation that’s

amazing I had no I had not heard that

dream I would have definitely remembered

yeah I wrote it and kissed the girls

okay yeah yeah wow yeah it was it was a

life-changing well praise God for

getting free for finding that freedom

for having people to point you back to

to digging deeper instead of just

avoiding but you’re you’re touching on

this I know we don’t talk about dreams a

whole lot and I think we think okay well

like you said we have the word so we

don’t really need to add on to that but

I think the heightening when someone has

a nightmare it sticks with them it wakes

them up we know that that’s real but

dreams were like oh maybe they exist

maybe God still speaks so why do you

think that we are so amp to say yeah

nightmares are real and they’re they’re

quick to believe the reality of a

nightmare than a dream yes yeah well I

mean I think we tend to be negative you

know no at least I do anytime I’ve had a

nightmare that involved my children the

first thing I did is I woke up in the

middle of the night and I’ve had a

nightmare I’m going to pray yeah and I’m

going to pray for the safety of my

children I’m going whatever whatever


dream like felt like presented a risk

I’m going to pray the protection and

then I’m also going to be wise like we

don’t want to have a fear driven

counseling but we do have to say well

that’s a dangerous situation so I’m

going to do everything I can to avoid

that situation and so yeah I remember

having a number of Dreams uh about my

children being at risk when they were

young and I would just sit up and I

would be like in the name of Jesus that

is not what’s going to happen to my

children God is going to give me wisdom

I am I’m going to be like a mama bear I

am not going to allow this to happen

Holy Spirit show me what’s going on and

then also when I would have some stuff

with maybe concerns with my kids I just

go upstairs while they’re asleep and I

would lay hands on them in their sleep

not scream and yell but just in the name

of Jesus I take my authority as their

mother in the spirit and they are

Sanctified and separated for God I mean

Hannah yeah Hannah said hey Samuel this

is what you’re doing you know it’s like

I’m sorry before I even conceived you I

consecrated you

yeah dreams are important because they

they make us move they make it allow us

to change things I remember having a

dream one time that Azie had a um

terrible fever and then you know there

sometimes we like oh no that’s not going

to happen but I walked into his room 102

degree fever overnight no symptoms so

it’s so powerful yeah dreams are

powerful dreams are powerful yeah and I

don’t think that we should neglect them

or allow them to drive us but they can

be directional MH and protectional I

love that so dreams are directional yeah

they’re from God they’re directional I

want to ask a question that I’m sure

many people are thinking right now how

do you know when a dream is from God or

not because I’m sure if I was Joseph I

would have been like man that was a

fever dream and that f dream got me

kicked out of my family she never shared

it right um I’m messing things up that

for me that was always the thing with

dreams is like well I believe God can

speak through dreams but how do I trust

myself to discern like I would always

get in my way so for the person

wondering that same thing absolutely

where’s your where’s your guardrails

yeah so first of all the word of God is

always going to be the guardrail if it

is something that is completely contrary

to the word of God I love how actually

in I believe it’s in Deuteronomy it’s

says if a divor or a dream interpreter

comes to you with a dream and that

interpretation of that dream drives you

away from the things that the Lord your

God has told you to follow if it’s

pointing you towards idolatry God’s like

kill them just just go ahead and kill

him don’t don’t listen to him it’s a

test to see if you fear the lord and

then kill the prophet but God isn’t

we’re not doing the Old Testament

Prophet thing anymore where you have to

go to somebody to hear Jesus is our

intercessor but when I’ve had a dream

that stays with me that I can still see

yeah that is quickened and and something

that feels more more heavy more weighty

than my other dreams like there’s dreams

sometimes when I’m first waking up I

remember them but by the time I’ve taken

a shower I have absolutely no idea what

I dreamed um but the dreams that I get

from the holy Spirit which I I would

love to say it’s every week it’s not

it’s not and I would love to say it’s

because I’m so spiritual it’s not I

believe it’s first and foremost because

I gave God permission speak to me

however you want wake me up in the

middle of the night if you need to just

don’t be silent and I think that we need

to pray those kind of prayers right now

however God wants to speak to you you

give him permission to do that wake you

up if he needs to wake you up talk to

you in the middle of the night if he

needs to talk to you or give you a dream

so when we were reading in the very

beginning that God gives us Direction he

gives us warnings warnings um when I’ve

had dreams that have impressed itself

you know I I know that I know when I

first got saved I had a dream brand new

Christian I had a dream that people were

running in One Direction and I was

trying to stop them and and I had such

an awareness that I was going to to be a

person that would stand and say you’re

heading towards destruction I mean I had

such a sense that people were running in

the wrong direction and and I don’t you

know I feel like that’s been something

that’s unfolded I before I ever even

married John um didn’t you ever dream

about Arden I did yeah you want to share

about that how did you know how did you

know it was real I mean you’re sitting

there pregnant with his child but how

did you know that was real this is the

Lord um I love that yours is like

Ministry Direction no I I think this is

sweet too to share that there’s all kind

of different directions like for me when

I was in my early 20s one of the biggest

things is like okay God well I want to

go where you want me to go and I don’t

want to go where you don’t I want to be

with who you’ve called me to be with and

I don’t want to be with who you haven’t

and um I remember having a dream and

like even now I can see it so clearly

which I think is beautiful you say that

they stick with you visually emotionally

and um I was in a time of singleness and

my friends were engaged and I moved back

home and I was like I’m not going to

meet anybody back in Alabama

you know I I don’t know where to go from

here and I fell asleep and in my dream

I’m walking out and there’s just these

like mountainous trees everywhere and I

was like okay this is somewhere I’ve

never been and I walk out and there’s a

bunch of people and they just start

clapping they’re like congratulations

and I was like what’s going on and I

look over and I’m holding hands with

this tall man and um he puts on his

glasses and someone says congratulations

on your engagement so I was like okay

I’m engaged to this man I’ve never seen

before that’s exciting you know God if

you would have told me here here’s his

name here’s when it’s gonna happen that

would have been great but I just had

some direction to go off you know

nothing I could wake up and do the next

day nothing of you know even I just

cherish it in my heart and I think

that’s for dreams sometimes it’s it is

okay go and do this or even like you

were saying I don’t know what that

running Direction looks like but I’m

going to hold fast to that I’m going to

let that speak to me and I remember on

our second date ardan did something he’s

said oh let me go it’s a virtual date

cuz we were long distance which is fun

we should do something on that to

encourage people wasn’t it didn’t he

like watch a movie with you oh yeah we

we were doing something on FaceTime and

they said oh hold on let me go get my

glasses on and as soon as I saw that the

images in my mind Linked UP And I was

like oh my goodness this is that man did

you propose yeah I did hey why you’re

getting your glasses can uh can I get

down on one KNE no he uh he proposed he

did it the traditional route you raised

a a gentleman but yeah it things like

that I had dreams of when I was pregnant

of times that I was scared that I had

food poisoning and like my baby was

going to be um ill or something of just

comfort and so I think that God can

speak to us for for vision of hey

there’s hope here’s where I want you to

go there’s Comfort um there’s something

I’m calling you to do and so I love that

we have this this full terrain of why

God even speaks yeah and and here’s

again we’re going to just keep saying

this until you hear it he wants to speak

to everyone not just ministers not just

men not just women he wants to speak to

everyone not just Christian not just

Lisa I you know funny that you would say

that um I

remember I did not I did not know I was

pregnant with ardan and I had a dream

that I was trying to cross a four-lane

highway and I was pregnant and I’m I’m

like trying to navigate you know

traffic’s going this way traffic’s going

that way and I’m trying to run from one

side of the street to the other and I’m

feeling so like panicked because not

only um I’m trying to cross the street

but I’m pregnant and I feel at risk and

I’m carrying a baby and I remember I

woke up and I sat up in the bed and I

looked at John and said I’m pregnant and

he’s like what I said oh nothing nothing

I said I just had a dream that I was

pregnant and I was trying to cross a

four lane highway but it was God saying

four sons and I went and got a pregnancy

test and I hadn’t even missed a period

and and I knew that I was pregnant with

ardan and um I named him ardan

Christopher because fiery and determined

but right away we didn’t know it was

going to be a boy until I had the dream

and then we had the sonogram so I think

that God can confirm Dreams yeah and um

dreams aren’t always I mean two years

after Joseph interpreted the dream but I

don’t even know how many years I I’ve

heard it said I think it’s like 10 years

between being a Slave and then being in

prison and that time period from the

dream being given to the dream being

fulfilled and and I think sometimes we

want to make something happen where God

is saying I’m on the other side of this

already it’s going to be okay I also

dreamed I was pregnant with Addison and

that was interesting because it was the

last day that I was under um the

benefits of Eli Lily pharmaceutical

company and I had a dream the night

before po took a pregnancy test found

out I was pregnant and they covered the

baby so it was just this crazy moment I

remember when I had I had uh just three

boys and I started having nightmares

about my grandmother being trapped in

the Attic of her house and it was the

such bizarre dreams and so John John

said for Mother’s Day what do you want

what do you want to do for Mother’s Day

and I said I want to do one thing and he

said what I said I want to go see my

grandmother and she was up in Indiana we

were living in Florida in the time

and I remember um I came to my

grandmother she was living in an

apartment and she had basically severe

dementia and I remember I took her out

to dinner and she started saying some

things to me and she said but you know

what if I’m ever in danger Lisa will

take care of me and I remember I reached

across the table and I said

Grandma I am Lisa and she just burst

into tears and and um she said what is

going on with me why didn’t I know you

were Lisa and I said it’s okay it’s okay

and we were able to make provision for

her to be safe and um and did you know

she had dementia yet no okay no uh we

did not know she had dementia and I I

when I went to see her nobody did cuz

nobody was there she was lighting

matches and and uh looking at at things

in the dark and just dropping the match

matches on the car bit and she was

sending this is kind of funny but kind

of sad she was writing checks to a

liquor store um multiple checks for like

maybe $12 and all the checks were all

over the dining room table and she would

send a taxi out to go get her her liquor

and um so I had someone check on her

that was a a beautiful friend of my

parents who was an attorney and and we

were able to rescue her but she could

have burned the place down yeah and and

you know when I when I look back her

being trapped in an attic it felt like

she was imprisoned in her mind yeah yeah

it was crazy so we want to listen to

those things provisional yeah alcohol

and gas it’s not a good alcohol that’s

not a good mix yeah was so sad I think

the last day that she was there she was

um she was in her night gown walking

down the highway I know it’s hard it’s

hard um so I do believe that God wants

to speak to us about things like that he

wants to comfort us but but asking you

know so does God use dreams yes does how

do we cultivate that I believe we can

ask for God to give us a sensitivity for

the things of the spirit whether he

wants to speak to us in the night

watches or he wants to speak to us where

we see things that maybe other people

are missing God wants to speak in the

language of visions and dreams then we

said how do you know the dream is from

God it it’s punctuated and usually if

it’s a Dream from God there’ll be a

moment where it’s confirmed when I found

I was pregnant when you found out oh

Arden wears glasses when all of the

sudden I have this dream with the birth

of the sun you will awaken a lionist

when I had the dream where I can still

see that dream when I had the dream


random rainbow colored dragons with

children’s clothing I mean that is such

a random dream that you don’t forget it

and then having that in 2016 and not

writing the book until 2023 and then

finding out the book comes out in

2024 yeah which is the year of the

dragon and people are like isn’t that

Australia no it’s the Chinese New Year

of the Dragon well do we follow that no

but it isn’t it is it is interesting

that dragons represent chaos and

destruction and we are in an election

year so we shouldn’t be surprised are

not led by the Chinese New Year but we

are also not ignorant of what the enemy

is trying to do so so I hear you

answering a question that I want to ask

what do what do you do once you get the

dream what’s your next do you write it

down do you pray into it do you say God

confirm this I sleep with an iPad by my

bed and I will tend to type things out

in my bed without even turning on the

lights so that I’ve got the iPad how

often do you misspell words a

lot especially with predictive typing

yeah and I you know I have I have a

typing key thing so like it lights up

but I will try to write it down right

away and um there’s going to be again

for me no I you know I want the Holy

Spirit to speak to me more but again I’m

going to always I’ll write it

down then I might share it with my

husband in the morning if I still feel

it and then I’m going to check it with

scripture Okay so I had such a sense uh

this is a dream I had years ago I had

such a sense that there was an attack on

the body of Christ but here was the

dream that I had I I hate spiders I I

probably even hate spiders more than I

hate snakes like I I like if I see the

way the spiders even move I like freak

out so I had this dream that I actually

thought was real I in my dream I’m

asleep in my bed and I look down and I

realized that somebody has put like a

big duffel bag on the floor by my bed

and I thought why is there a duffel bag

on the floor by my bed and then I

noticed it was unzipped and then I

notice spiders yes spiders started

climbing out of the duffel bag and I’m

like can I get it zipped fast enough and

I couldn’t I couldn’t but I could grab

the handles and I remember I ran the

duffel bag into the bathroom and I threw

it in the bathtub and I turned on the

water and I drowned the spiders and and

it was so real I actually thought it had

happened and I sat my bed I was like

okay wait there’s no duffel bag there’s

no spiders the water’s not running the

water’s not running it didn’t happen but

it’s like I still can see that

dream and so when I prayed about it like

when I woke up the next morning I like

that was terrifying were you trying to

speak to me and God said um there’s an

oppression attacking my people and it’s

the things they keep in the baggage of


tell them to drown it with the of my

word and so I remember I just got on

whatever social media I had access to in

that moment I think it was Facebook and

I said listen there are some of you

right now and you are wrestling with

depression and oppression and it’s

because you’re carrying around the

baggage of the things in your past and

God is saying you need to drown it with

the water of his word so it’s going to

always go back to Jesus it’s going to

always go back to God’s word it you know

I don’t call other people for dream

interpretations you know I’ve tried a

couple times people like we got nothing

so usually if you’re going to have a

dream you can actually take it to to God

and take it to the word and say what are

you what are you saying to me through

this and so hopefully that dream wasn’t

about me as much as it was about people

that were hurting and so many people

reached out to me and said that just

resonated I was fighting discouragement

I was fighting despair I was fighting

oppression I was fighting depression and

I need to get into the word the word

washes us with the water of the Holy

Spirit why shouldn’t we go to people to

interpret dreams CU Joseph interpreted

the dreams yes Joseph did interpret the

dreams I mean if you want somebody to

say you’re going have your head cut off

um no I I mean here’s the thing I it’s

probably not wrong but I do feel that

God wants to speak to you directly so

you can go to the word but yeah I mean

if you’re really if you trust somebody

if you trust somebody and they know you

well enough and they know the Holy

Spirit well

enough that’s I feel like those people

are rare and and I’ve had people come to

me and say hey I had this dream you know

what do you think about it and I’m like

I I’ve got nothing you know or I ask

them what do you think and they’ll say I

feel like it’s God saying a b and c cuz

normally if you’re having a dream your

brain is processing something so it’s

something that you picked up during the

day that you missed the cues on like for

example this is really interesting I

don’t know if you have seen this but

people are completely unaware of what is

going on around them like I was walking

um I was walking in Dallas Texas

recently and as I was walking past

people people almost every person I

walked past was either on the phone or

had headphones in so they’re missing

audio cues they’re missing visual cues

and people are dumbing down they’re

awareness of their surroundings so I

feel like I like to go to God and say

why are you having to give me a dream

what am I not listening to where where

am I not sensing itive um I also have

heard that your brain is functions as a

processor like a highly high level

Community uh computer where you take an

input all during the day and at night

your body your brain processes what

happened during the day that’s why you

can go to bed saying yeah I feel really

good about that purchase and then wake

up the next morning go we should not do

it yeah and that’s because your advice

to sleep on things is what you’re saying

your advice to sleep on things yeah so I

don’t I mean I wish listen if if you’re

out there and you know some dream

interpreters recommend them in the

comments put in the comments put them in

the comments well what I’m hearing you

say is we’re so quick to want the

answers and want it validated where

Instead This is an opportunity to keep

listening and speaking with God so it’s

not that people are wrong but you want

people to keep tuning in with God like

take the dream deeper is what I’m

hearing you say you know when it says

that if you receive a prophet in the

name of the Prophet you receive a

prophet’s reward and when you think

about the prophet’s reward you think

what is the prophet’s reward being cut

in half being stoned uh living on the

outer fringes of Life uh eating you know

grasshoppers or Locust and honey like

what what is a prophet’s reward well

prophets have the ability to hear and

see what God is saying and what God is

doing so I do believe that there is a

prophetic anointing in the body of

Christ that’s supposed to remove the

obstacles that are in your heart so that

you see and you hear rather than going

to a a Seer and bringing a dior’s fee to

say hey can you help me out here I feel

like God is saying go to the word get on

your knees I want to speak to you

directly I feel like we all need to have

a keen sense of the word of God so yeah

if you you know somebody if you know

somebody that you trust their

sensitivity and they’re not going to

draw you to their gifting but they’re

going to draw you to the Gift Giver

they’re going to draw you to the one who

lifts all people up rather than just say

come to me come to me if you’ve got

somebody like that that’s amazing I mean

it did say that Daniel had the gift of

interpreting dreams it also said that

Joseph had the gift of interpreting

dreams Paul didn’t have to go to an

interpreter he actually had a very clear

ability it was interesting for me when I

was studying about this repairing it

said that the fact that God showed

Pharaoh the same thing in a different

way twice the cattle and then the cattle

that was you know diminished and then

the corn and then the corn that was

diminished said that this was going to

happen it was sure it was not going to

be changed and so I do think some dreams

that are

warnings it is something that God saying

you can do something about it if you are

willing and obedient you will it’s

always an

if you’re saying like in scripture where

he goes truly truly I say the repetition

is significant okay I want to ask you a

different side of that coin yes so um

I’ve had more dreams outside of

pregnancy but you dreams are wild they

are and this is my reality very much so

but with uh asarah I had dreams right

before kind of similar to you right when

I was finding out I was pregnant had a

dream that he was a boy had a dream of

protection and then um with baby girl I

we went through a period of trying to

get pregnant took longer MH and I feel

like in the discouragement I was like

okay God like when is this going to

happen are you going to give me any

dreams are you going to give us any

timeline and probably a week before we

knew we were pregnant we had three

people that we trust come to us and say

hey I’ve had a dream that you’re going

to be pregnant soon and so it was kind

of a flip of I went from hearing dreams

from God to other people having dreams

so what do you do on the other side of

when someone else has a dream for you I

think it’s one thing of okay God gave me

a dream I’m going to interpret it with

him but are we cautious when someone has

a word or a dream for us what are we

supposed to do when we’re receiving

those no and and that’s a that’s a great

valid question first of all do you know

the person the Bible says know those who

labor among you you don’t want does

anybody uh lay hands on you or justes

anybody speak into your life like hey I

had a dream um and then you judge it you

judge it with the word you judge it like

let’s all just be honest we we can feel

yucky about something you know and like

I I don’t I don’t feel good about that

these are obviously people you had a

relationship with where you trusted them

and you’re asking God something and they

have voice in your life and relationship

in your life um I’ve had crazy people on

social media say things to me and I’m

like hey I like I just brush it off I

don’t have I don’t have relationship

with them they don’t have voice in my

life uh I don’t know who they are I

don’t know what they stand for and so

you you do want to to guard that you do

want to guard your heart and again guard

not in prison you don’t want to isolate

yourself but but guard and um Joseph did

say hey bring your dreams bring your

dreams to me um another thing Jesus

Jesus I mean Joseph was like hey wait a

minute I I’m engaged I’m betrothed to

Mary and she’s pregnant and and I don’t

want to set her up to Public public

scorn so I’m going to quietly divorce

her and it says I love this it says now

the birth of Jesus Christ took place in

this way when his mother Mary had been

betro to Joseph before they came

together she was found to be with child

from the Holy Spirit and her husband

Joseph being a just man and unwilling to

put her to shame can I just can we just

pause on that a moment just men don’t

shame women okay resolved to divorce her

quietly but as he considered these

things behold an angel of the Lord

appeared to him in a

dream appeared to him in a dream saying

Joseph son of David do not fear to take

Mary as your wife for that which is

conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit

she will bear a son and you shall call

his name Jesus for he will save his

people from their sins then we know

again in a

dream God tells Joseph to take Mary and

Jesus and flee to Egypt now think about

that he got got up it said and he rose

and took the child and his mother by

night like he woke up in the middle of

the night had this dream and was like

Hey get up get up pack your stuff he

took Mary and he took Jesus by night in

the middle of the night they fled to

Egypt and and I just I just realized

Christian people paid attention to

dreams back then yeah think about

Solomon when did God appear to Solomon

in a dream in a dream God said what do

you want he Saidi want wisdom I want

wisdom so God wants to speak to us in

our dreams God wants to speak to us

through our dreams it sounds like God

wants to speak to some of us through the

dreams of other people Christian you’ve

had friends you can

trust I feel like God has tapped me on

the shoulder a couple times through

dreams and said hey you this dream is

not about you this dream is about them

like arising when God said with the

birth of his son you will awaken a

lioness he was not talking about me he

was talking about the women in the body

of Christ that a fierce nurturing wake

up where they would begin to fight to

protect the children when I had the

dream where women were partnering with

Dragons it was the very opposite of what

I felt like God had commissioned me to

wake up and so again I didn’t write the

book because of the

dream the message of the book was

confirmed by The Dream which we see in

Revelation we see this war between a

woman and a dragon we see a woman

pregnant we know that’s Mary

specifically talking about Jesus but

then we also see this woman being

attacked and the Very Earth opens up and

swallows all that the dragon releases at

her and I believe that’s pornography

misogyny sex trafficking everything that

would denigrate both male and female

everything that would denigrate the

sanctity of life everything that would

denigrate the image of God and so we

want to

fight not just with the dreams but with

the word yeah I love the very first

sentence in the fight for femal says God

has spoken and God speaks yeah and if

you’re curious you’re like I I’m just on

the cuss of this I want to know more I

want to learn how God even wants to

speak to me I encourage you to get the

fight for female which is available

everywhere now and you can get your copy

and begin to hopefully go on that deep

dive and and have some amazing dreams

and you can let us know what they and I

do believe that God wants to speak to

you through dreams and um yeah we all

need what is on and in your life so

thank you so much for joining us for the

fight for female podcast we love it when

you give us comments you give us

feedback we want to know how we can be

more effective and speak to you so we’re

going to we’re going to challenge you to

rate review And subscribe to the fight

for female podcast until next time this

has been Lisa and Christian bavier

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is Lisa bav thanks for joining us