How to Discern Evil Spirits In Your Home
If you want to join a larger conversation about embracing the truth of your God-given identity, we invite you to read The Fight for Female. Get the book: _______________ Are you aware of the spiritual battles happening around your family? In this episode, Lisa and Christian Bevere discuss the vital topic of spiritual discernment. You’ll discover how to recognize when your family is under spiritual attack and learn practical ways to protect your home. Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram → / lisabevere Follow me on Facebook →
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/ lisabevere ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit Chapter Markers0:00 – Introduction 0:53 – Women and Discernment 1:52 – Participating in Halloween 3:40 – Using Discernment in Motherhood, Remaining Sensitive to the Holy Spirit 8:43 – Ad: Get Your Copy of The Fight For Female 9:11 – God is Able When You Are Not, Praying Big Prayers 13:38 – Th Spiritual Battle We’re In: Choosing a Side 20:38 – Cultivating a Godly Environment, Being Lead by the Spirit 25:35 – Introducing Your Children to the Spiritual 27:50 – Ministering as Mothers in the Busy, Tough Seasons 34:21 – Arresting the Atmosphere You’re In For God’s Presence 38:54 – Final Thoughts and Conclusion
mothers that ignore their intuition they
do it at their own Peril we need to be
aware of the things coming into our
house right now the enemy is constantly
attempting home invasions like he is
invading with pornography he is invading
with the occult he is invading with
perversion he is constantly trying to
get us to laugh or partner with things
that are not really funny to be
entertained by things we should be
actually exercising Authority over when
you constantly allow those things to
come in it dulls you I’m hearing we need
the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit for
discernment but there’s also this Spirit
of perversion The Jezebel spirit what
are these spirits that we need to be
aware of and the areas they’re affecting
children especially today yeah
well today we’re going to be talking
about something that there seems there
is an epidemic lack of M and that is
called discernment today we’re going to
be talking about on all friends
discernment yes and you know women
actually used to be known for
discernment I think it was Einstein that
said I would rather trust a woman’s
intuition than a man’s knowledge that
ability to actually discern something
something doesn’t feel right and I feel
like so much of the culture has taught
women to distrust their intuition and
their discernment and to lean into
factual or lean into culturals and we
need we need you and we all need to
redevelop and reconnect with discernment
yeah I feel like that carries weight
coming from Einstein too like one of the
most brilliant brilliant men I’m going
to lean into my discernment okay well
this is really important too because I
think the women are wondering I want to
be Discerning for my home I want to be
protective of my home in the atmosphere
and today is is Halloween it’s a day
where Christians are like okay I feel
like maybe I should be Discerning
there’s some stuff out there but we’re
not sure what it is I’m just going to
ask you off the bat growing up in the
bav household yes did you partake in the
costumes the candy well we kind of okay
so to me there’s always Darkness out
there no matter what day it is but
Halloween becomes this culmination and
celebration of it which we cannot agree
with just I’m we’re just not going to
agree with that we did take our uh boys
to the Hallelujah nights at the church
uh we did we did dress them up as Bible
characters and animals and they did go
to the hall hallelujah
nights uh that’s amazing yeah we did do
that so and again we we had
conversations and you know your husband
was born in October yeah and he was like
I hate Halloween this is my birthday
month he would get so distraught about
it he’s still kind of a a little bit
upset about that the whole Halloween
stuff and I’m like I’m okay with that
I’m all right with that yeah so we just
anger yeah yeah so we you know we we
need to be aware that a high holy
celebration of evil should not be a
celebration for the Christians but I
think for us it was more like our kids
are not going out to retreating so we’re
going to take them to the church and
there’ll be a petting zoo that was
basically the tradeoff there’s more
dangersous right now with like what’s in
the candy and where are they going so
it’s probably just safer if anyone’s
watching this maybe not go
trick-or-treating tonight go to your
church but you’re picking up you know
we’re talking about discernment and I
want to know okay so as a mom not just
on Halloween but through your your years
of raising children what are some things
that you learned I need to have a
discernment of this Spirit of this
notion and what would you encourage
other moms to to be aware of yeah well
and again
like we need to be aware of the things
coming into our house right now are I
mean when I was writing the fight for
female I literally told I literally
wrote that the enemy is constantly
attempting home invasions like he is
invading with pornography he is invading
with the occult he is invading with
perversion he is constantly trying to
get us to laugh or partner with things
that are not really funny to be
entertained by things
that we should be actually exercising
authority over like we need to have an
awareness and
again when you constantly allow those
things to come in it dulls you it dulls
you to the real things that are going on
so discernment is a gift of the spirit
it’s a gift of the spirit and I think
that we can get so busy taking other
stuff in that we lose a sensitivity and
a discernment of the Holy Spirit so you
know I I uh was doing some questions and
answers and somebody said would it be
okay for me to ask God to give me the
Discerning of spirits and I would say
yes yes please please all of us because
right now there’s stuff that will will
start like John will start to watch a
show and I’ll be some something feels
like it’s about ready to not be okay and
sure enough it it all happen and so we
do not want to partner with those kind
of things because when we partner with
those things we have a familiarity with
them we have a familiarity with it it
actually breeds a contempt for the
things that are holy and set apart for
god um so discernment with our kids is a
beautiful thing like you you talked
about in previous episodes about having
a dream that Azariah had a fever but see
you’re his mother and he actually his
DNA is still in you
so you’re actually connected to him in
ways that you don’t even know that
you’re connected to him I remember
seeing a shadow on one of my sons and I
started to pray and I like I his
countenance his countenance just seems
shadowed and I said I don’t you know are
you okay and like yeah Mom fine don’t
you know don’t bother me and and he he
just couldn’t look me in the eyes like
normal he there was something that felt
off so I remember I was driving in the
car and I was like God I do not know
what’s going on with my son but I know
that something has shadowed him and
shamed him and I I want that thing
exposed and I swear I was I went and got
my hair cut colored or whatever I was
doing back then and I’m driving back and
John calls me and he said Lisa our uh
our computer broke and I had to bring
someone in to repair it and they found
history or pornography on the computer
and John Saidi I think it’s this one son
I said no no it’s not him I said I know
who it is and he was like what I said I
it’s I know who it is and he said well
that’s interesting he was hovering
around the computer guy and I said you
know what we’re going to rescue him yeah
we’re going to rescue him we’re not
going to shame him we’re going to rescue
him and I said we’re going to entrap him
because I am Sicilian and I said so so
we pulled one of our other sons in and
said this is what’s going on
will you be party to this and he saides
I’ll do that so we pulled the sun in
that somebody had just shown him some
things on the computer they were working
on a school project just working and we
had all the little filter things that we
knew to have on it at the time we kept
our computer in the kitchen but they
took it down to the basement to print
and I just remember we took the son who
was at risk and we li to him and we said
hey we think so and so saw pornography
and he’s afraid to tell us and he’s
feeling shame right now and we’re just
we’re so concerned and the Sun that had
been exposed burst into tears and
started weeping and said it’s not him
it’s me and we said we know baby we know
and you know what we’re going to do
communion and we’re going to walk with
you and that shadow will no longer have
a sway over your life and we need to
discern what’s going on and then we need
to understand that we’re not wrestling
with our children but we’re wrestling
with an enemy who wants to darken their
understanding who wants to entrap them
in shame who wants to entrap them in
judgment hey I am so excited the fight
for female reclaiming our divine
Identity book is now available I am so
excited that you can get your hands on
this message it is filled with practical
wisdom and com conversation so many
people are like Lisa thank you so much I
didn’t know how to say or what to say
and so I’m hearing the reviews super
exciting you can grab your copy today on
Amazon the mom that hears the story of
your son battling that shadow that
darkness and thinks that’s too
terrifying I’m not spiritually equipped
enough for that can you just Empower her
that one she’s not alone because God is
able and God loves our kids even more
than we do yeah well God is able when we
are incapable
and and that’s the whole thing is God is
able to do exceedingly abundantly above
all that we can ask hope pray or believe
we look at our self and our inability
and we think that God’s going to only
work with us and God’s like uh if you
ask yeah I will exceed you know I I love
how the book of Jeremiah says before you
even ask I will answer and I will show
you Great and Mighty things that you
know not of but God is always asking us
to ask I I love that Jesus saids ask
that your father would be glorified and
so I think too many of us are tempted to
pray the problem instead of praying a
much larger world and answer for our
children you know that our children are
disciples taught of the Lord and great
is their peace and undisturbed composure
that we pray a framework that gives them
freedom of movement too many people like
oh God just save my kids from the bad
World instead of saying I thank you that
my children are ambassadors I thank you
that my children are disciples I thank
you that my children are for signs and
wonders and not for death and
destruction and again praying larger
dreams praying bigger like what you know
it’s like us Christian how many times
have you gone into prayer with a
problem and then you have a revelation
of a God who is more than able to do
exceeding abundantly and and the thing
that you brought as as a problem you see
the larger answer of who he is and maybe
what he’s doing through that process and
again we have to be so aware that the
enemy is working over time to tell our
children that they are victims that they
are traumatized that they are lacking
that they are less than that they are
you know divided how say and it’s not
because our children are victims it’s
because they’re threats and we need to
constantly say that over our kids you’re
not a victim you’re a threat you’re
going through hardship not because
you’re weak but because it’s going to
make you strong and and again you know I
I love
positioning my grandkids with stories of
our struggles they think oh you and g
daddy you know you’ve always been on a
stage writing books no no laying our
hands on calendars
asking God to open doors asking God to
give back love when we felt like our
marriage was just going through emotions
God is able So to that Mom that feels
she is incapable she has no margin that
she’s not getting enough selfcare or
whatever it is God is able but you do
need to ask I was um I was sharing with
another Minister that there are certain
things in the spirit that have a calling
voice they have Spirits attached to to
them like when I was a little girl um my
parents I if I Babys out my brother I
had the big privilege of sleeping in my
parents bedroom and they had a TV in
their bedroom it was like the coolest
thing ever like a TV in the bedroom I
could sleep in a king-size bed they’d
wake me up when they came home and I
remember I was watching a show and then
all a sudden I just felt like I needed
to look at a drawer and I started
looking at the drawer and all sudden I
felt like I needed to go open that
drawer and I go and open the drawer and
then I felt like there’s just closed and
I feel like no you need to lift up that
and I lifted it up and there was
pornography and um it had called to me
from a drawer and I just want to say if
if you’re seeing a shadow on your
children if you’re seeing
something trust your mother intuition
now I was such I was such an outspoken
child my parents the next morning I was
like what the heck is this doing in his
house I pulled it out I like what is
this you know but out of the mouth of
bab yes I was like I’m horrified by this
behavior and they threw it away but um
good but your children your children God
has given you
discernment but if you do not trust that
discernment if you push it aside if you
allow fear to come in but you do not
allow the Holy Spirit to lead you’re
going to lose you’re going to lose some
of your pathways on that okay I’m
hearing we need the Holy Spirit Holy
Spirit for discernment but there’s also
this Spirit of perversion there’s
perhaps a Jezebel spirit we’ve heard
that what are these spirits that we need
to be aware of in the areas they’re
affecting children especially today yeah
well and whenever we go into spiritual
warfare we want to make sure we do not
have an alignment with the thing we’re
fighting and um you know when John and I
were I just had my second baby and every
other week we were being threatened to
be fired I mean every other week it was
just like I parum right after having a
baby right while I was pregnant and then
right after I had the baby and one of
the particular women that um she was
this she was married to the executive
Pastor we’re at the copy machine and she
just looked at me and she said things
are going to change around here because
I sleep with the big guy and I just I
just stood there like what what did she
just say to to me I sleep with the big
guy is she saying my husband’s going to
get fired and she was after my husband
and I thought she is going to S sexually
manipulate her husband until he fires my
husband and that was confirmed and so I
remember I had you know I was Austin was
sleeping in a cradle in our room and I
had such a sense like wake up and I was
leaned over his cradle and I realized he
was asleep but yet I was widely awake
and I had such a sense God was like go
pray so I’m walking in circles we have
no furniture so it’s Moonlight coming
through the windows walking in circles
I’m praying everything I know to pray
I’m coming against witchcraft I’m
calling her out by name and all of a
sudden I and I probably was praying for
I don’t know 10 15 minutes just walking
in circles praying in the spirit praying
scripture and all of a sudden I felt
like somebody had walked into the room I
thought I woke up John so I open up my
eyes and all of a sudden I see a 14
foot like hologram of a woman but this
is back before there were Holograms or
at least I didn’t know about them and
she looked like a cross between
Jezebel and a Cleopatra and she looked
like a cross between Cleopatra and
Amazon and and she was magnificent she
was strong she was fierce she was
but she was angry and I realized in that
moment that I was wrestling with the
Jezebel spirit that this was not just
witchcraft this was something that hated
repentance hated Holiness had its own
prophets that were fed from its table
and I just was like it was just and it
was like the revealing it was like an a
pulling back of a curtain where I saw an
entity didn’t engaged me didn’t chase me
around the room I prayed went to bed got
up the next morning woke up and thought
why was that in my house what was I
doing in my house and I heard renounce
any sympathy you have towards this
spirit and I said father I renounce any
sympathy I have towards a Jezebel spirit
then I thought have I done something
have I done something
wrong and the truth is Christian I get
upset when people attack my boys my
husband my
daughter-in-laws nobody’s gone after my
grandkids but that would also be
upsetting my
friends and I had written a letter about
what this woman had said to me I had
decided I was going to expose the toxic
culture in this church to the senior
and I remember Jezebel wrote a letter
and but I was like I’m not Ste killing
you but’s Vineyard and he was like
you’re controlling an outcome he said
I’m doing a deep work in your husband
and you are getting in the way tear up
the letter and John came home and I told
him what happened and we prayed see
we’re in a spiritual battle and what
we’re wrestling with is bigger than we
can do in our human strength yeah and so
we need to Humble ourselves
submit to God resist the devil and then
he will flee so the first posture again
of any spiritual warfare we know is
humility humility and so I I do feel
like there’s always that counteraction
there’s the the loud woman and then
there’s wisdom there’s the adulteress
and then there is the woman of virtue
and so we always have to make choices as
women which one are we going to embrace
the counsel of and we need to discern
which one is speaking at any given
moment so you know when you when you
hear Jezebel we think about oh ahab’s
wife and makeup and you know being
tossed out the window by Unix but it’s
not an individual and the truth is it’s
not even attached to a gender it is
Jezebel actually means it’s the spirit
represents the inability to cooperate or
work together it it is it is after its
own motivation it is after its own
agenda and we actually see a type of it
when we look at the the horror of babyon
we see this idea of I’m I will be a
queen and then God’s like well actually
this is what’s going to happen and so
there’s again that imagery of a woman
who is conniving who is crafting ver and
cruel I mean Jezebel falsely
accuses a in inocent man hires people to
to denounce him publicly to get what she
wants and I feel like we can look at our
culture right now and we can see that
craftiness and cunning and under
underhanded and
undermining and Rebellion is more
rewarded than wisdom I mean we look at
the proverbs 31 she opens her mouth with
wisdom and kindness and we don’t see
that often we see a lot of anger and we
see a lot of
scheming now this is probably going to
be tough to hear and it’s tough to say
as moms but sometimes what you’re saying
is we want to control the narrative we
want to completely protect our kids from
ever experiencing anything which is you
know a good desire wouldn’t that be
wonderful oh my goodness I know we can
just go to Never Never Land what do you
call it with your boys tell my boys I
used to say let’s go to mommy baby world
where the boys the babies Never Grow Up
and the mommies never grow old if you
know the map let me know cuz I will go
there right now yes I I couldn’t find it
but in that heart posture we can get to
that place of wanting to control so much
so you actually wrote about this and to
me it was like sorry no in a good way in
a good way um we can’t just protect our
kids from everything but we can prepare
them we can show them that awareness we
can model it what’s the importance and
how do we cultivate an atmosphere in our
home where our children are prepared
they’re aware and they’re inspired
to continue in the way I mean you have
four grown men now but four boys that
continued in the way of Faith to me that
means that there must been an atmosphere
that they were allowed to grow into and
were inspired to continue in yeah how do
you do it yeah I mean it wasn’t gentle
parenting I know that I I know that I’m
always like ah I mean and I do think
there’s so much pressure on parents
right now to do everything yeah perfect
and there’s all of these different
thought patterns of this is what
parenting looks like now this is what
parenting looks like now and yet we act
like our wisdom is better than God’s
wisdom and having Clarity and telling
your children that you’re there not to
be their friend but to be their inst
instructor that there is Commandments
that come from the father that there is
instruction that is dissimilated from
the mother that you hope that one day
you guys will be friends but right now
your job is to train them to love God to
love people to honor God and and to
honor each other and so you know for us
it was it was a journey of consistency
it was a journey of can you know is if
if I say this will I follow through with
this and you know I even remember my
boys you my boys I’m sure they would
laugh about this I remember ardan saying
something to me at one point uh because
you know your husband ardan is is the
biggest of all of the boys and he asked
me one time way before I met you he said
were you ever big and I said what what
does that even mean he said I always
just thought you were big and you know
people make fun of me because even when
I speak I will do things like this and I
think it was having four boys I’m like I
am bigger than you even if I’m not I am
going to give this like impression like
when a bear attacks I’m like bigger um
but I would told my boys I said I will
be led by the
spirit I will follow God’s Direction and
I told them if you do something wrong I
will catch you and they’re like Mom you
don’t really know what you’re talking
about I’m like I did everything wrong
there is nothing you can do that I will
not catch you doing and one of the
things and this is so simple so simple
one of the things I made the boys do no
matter what time they came home if I was
in bed they had to come in and kiss me
and the reason I had them come in and
Kiss Me was so I could smell them and if
they smelled like alcohol or if they
smelled like smoke or if they were
chewing gum when they came in I would
say we’re going to have to have a talk
tomorrow and I just think too many
people don’t even do the Practical
things and so you know I just practical
things with your kids smell them smell
them when they come in make sure your
kids come understand that you’re going
to be watching then you’re going to know
when they’re going to come in if you’re
not comfortable with one of their
friends you have the right as a parent
to say I’m not I’m not comfortable with
you going to their house I’m not
comfortable that person can come to our
house but that that means we’re going to
have more people around and you’re going
to stay we’re going to do something as a
family during that time mothers that
ignore their intuition they do it at
their own Peril intuition means inward
tutor it means God is speaking to you so
that you can protect your kids I can’t
even tell you how many times I would
just go out into the backyard I would
stop everything I was doing and I would
run into the backyard and it’d be like a
child falling out of a tree I’m not even
joking and I would be there just in time
to catch
them so the things that happen in the
physical happen in the spirit as well
yeah so as mothers we cannot be silent
we cannot be shy I think that’s what a
lot of people are afraid of right now I
mean when we have the the pronoun
conversations and there’s so much where
we just don’t want to say it wrong but I
I hear the wrongest thing would be to
not do anything to not have the
conversations yeah you guys were a
Ministry family from when the boys were
young we talked about everything with
our boys they saw the positive but did
you bring them into like when you saw
the Jezebel Amazonian Cleopatra woman is
that something that you talk through
with them so they green no because be
because this the for might be been
written on it um no I did not because
they were Addison was three
maybe two and a half how did you
introduce them into the spiritual end so
they weren’t fearful but they were
prepared yeah so we would take our kids
with us everywhere I mean we took our
four kids to Indonesia I’m looking back
I’m like what we thinking we would
debrief with them and we would say you
know John would talk to them about hey
during the altar call uh did you see
that did you hear that what were you
sensing we would we would try to devel
we brought them into prayers with us we
brought them into Services my kids were
not stuck into random uh church that I
didn’t know the people in the I don’t
I’m not just going to throw my kids into
Nursery where this is my first time at a
church in a state that I am not from
country I sat oh yeah Indonesia
definitely I sat I sat with my kids
during the services and we talked about
things afterwards they asked us
questions during after Sunday morning
service our boys we would debrief like
what spoke to you today what didn’t what
was confusing what didn’t speak to you
do you have any questions and they would
always engage in conversations we didn’t
criticize the pastor’s presentation we
asked them what did you understand what
did you not understand and and they
always were very
insightful so actually to be honest with
you it says in scriptures who who
through constant use have their senses
exercised to discern good from Evil you
want to actually tell your children what
they’re sensing isn’t wrong you need to
have them have conversations about it
and to every single mom out there what
you’re sensing what you’re sensing isn’t
wrong just make sure you have the right
response to it it’s not a fear response
it’s a constructive response I love in
Chapter 13 when you talk about the fight
for female Heroes you say this world
needs women who are strong
en able in faith rather than women who
are weak and steeped in their fears and
I know speaking personally but I’m sure
I can attest to someone else watching I
don’t want to be a mom who is too scared
or as we were saying earlier too
distracted to know how to fight for my
children fight for my husband fight for
my home I also am aware of in this time
of doing so much or maybe the mom that
doesn’t have help or is exhausted and
thinks I want to go to war for my
children but I have like 5 minutes
before they wake up how would you
Empower her to really Advocate and
protect her children even in the busy
Seasons or the hard times yeah I feel
like God works with your
rhythms I mean if I mean my children I
don’t even know if they would be any
kind of Christians if they had to depend
on me in the morning I mean I mean John
is the morning person yeah God
understands what mothers need to do like
like I when I first you know like you’re
you’re getting ready to have your second
baby I remember you know getting up at
2:00 a.m. getting up at 6:00 a.m. and
just maybe falling back asleep while I
was breastfeeding my second baby and the
first baby wakes up and you just feel
like you’re your whole day you’re behind
and then you’re not reading your Bible
in the morning and you’re breastfeeding
and you’re changing diaper and then your
your husband comes in from prayer at
7:30 and I used to think God is gone God
God’s gone from Orlando he’s left he
left at 8 he’s like Lisa it’s 8: a.m.
sorry you know gotta go to Central you
hopefully you can make this happen
tomorrow but he worked with my rhythms
and he worked with what I was going
through with my life as a mother he
worked through me praying with my kids
at night he worked with me having an
atmosphere of to be honest with you pray
prayer and worship throughout the day
and when I might be doing something in
the kitchen or doing laundry and I felt
the presence of God on a song WR or I
sense the Holy Spirit calling me to pray
I dropped the laundry basket and I hit
my knees and I would just say that
whatever that prayer was in that moment
and I modeled something different than
what John modeled it doesn’t make his
wrong him getting up very disciplined
you know doing I’m going to do this for
an hour do that for an hour but I
modeled this ability to be a little bit
more free flow when you have children
you got to drive them to school you got
to pick them up you’ve got to do all
these different things that you can’t be
like well I was in the spirit and I I
forgot you know so God can work through
that there’s so many times I’d be in the
car with
ardan and we’d be listening to worship
music and we’d both be singing and the
presence of God would fill the car and
then I’d stop and I’d look at him and I
said did you sense the presence of God
and he would say yes yeah just seizing
those moments and not missing them yeah
is so crucial but I I did I had worship
music going I mean soon as I got up
until I went to bed basically I feel
like the mistake is when we think that
ministering as mothers is the same as
ministering to a congregation It’s So
Different yeah and you have to be ready
I mean we try to do when there’s not
Pooh Bear playing we’ll do worship music
he does like honey honey honey he does
but we sing Jesus loves me every night
and I love hearing like the Jesus love
like the not even being able to say the
words but knowing he’s saying that and
he has an awareness and it’s yeah we did
the whole Michael Card sleep sound in
Jesus you know we would sing at least
three but I did create a lot of
elaborate putting my kids to bed where
we prayed we read we sang you know it
was it was it was an enormous amount of
time Joe would be like you still putting
the kids to bed I mean it kind of came
back to bite me but I I look back and
I’m glad because those were the moments
that really anchored my children in the
presence of God and I remember Addison
being a baby and just lifting up his
hands and saying I worship F you God I
worship F you he come blind and glorify
and worship and it was just I was like
Jesus you were looking at this child who
is worshiping I remember Addison saying
to me why did Jesus have to die why
could an angel not have died for my sins
I mean he was probably three I was
pregnant with Austin so he wasn’t even
three yet so
conversations that are sacred can happen
when you’re laying on the floor amidst
Legos cuz that’s when that one happened
yes at dinner time we would have
conversations at bed time when my boys
are coming down from their day where
they processed any pain they went
through any shame they went through any
confusion they went through they didn’t
want to necessarily do it when they
walked in the door from school they
wanted it to be over but when they were
going to bed they were ready to unburden
their soul and I it wasn’t every night
but I tried to make myself available
every night not every night that they
unburden the themselves but spending
time with them yeah giving opportunity
for them to say hey
Mom this this happened today and it
really it really hurt and you know
that’s a treasure when they share those
kind of things with you I remember ardan
was one of the my most precious moments
with ardan ardan would go over to this
um boy’s house that where he you know
had a friendship with this boy but the
sister the sister was cruel unusually
cruel to ardan and he said Mom she said
she said I hate you ardan I hate you and
he said mom please don’t let her come
over and I was like h absolutely and I
thought why why do girls go right for
the dagger to the
heart and and I thought
well if we can
be Discerning in the wrong way to know
what would hurt somebody then can we
flip that and begin to bring words of
healing that’s good and strength so good
well there is a whole
chapter and five for female on the
spiritual which is why we’ve tackled it
in so many different angles over the
last few episodes but because our
reality I know that’s true because this
conversation is not going anywhere you
have some questions that people can ask
themselves uh at the end of that chapter
do you want to just share maybe like one
or two of those you Shar them you got
them in front of you well you wrote it
doesn’t mean I’ve memorized
them so I just want to ask you guys if
you’re thinking okay maybe I should get
this book or maybe there’s something in
my life I want to combat or conflict
here’s two questions just to think on is
there a situation you’re trying to
control that needs to be
surrendered is there a person you’re
trying to control but should turn over
to God I know what Lisa’s answer was for
for example in this story but yeah and
it’s not a one-time thing um you know
Christian once you’ve actually dealt
with what you’re wrestling with
personally mhm you can take it further
you have the right as a daughter of the
most high whether you’re married or
whether you’re single to arrest the
atmosphere of your home for the presence
of God you know Christian as I travel
and Minister I walk into the hotel room
and I say From This Moment forward every
unclean thing every perverse thing every
dark thing every shadowed thing it goes
from this room this room is now
separated for the presence of God mhm in
my my home that’s what we did my
children make so much fun of me because
I would I would not just play worship
music I would not just sing worship
music I would dance to worship music and
when I sensed an atmosphere of
Oppression I would say okay how do I
worship God with all of my might and all
of my soul and all of my strength that’s
that’s dancing and my children will be
like oh my gosh she’s out she’s at it
again she’s out it and sometimes I do it
in my bedroom alone but sometimes it
would just spill out and it would be in
the great room and my children would be
up in the Loft looking down and Lisa’s
got the tambourine again here there we
go she’s just doing it um but I could
sense the entire atmosphere shift for
the presence of God and then Christian
just as you can arrest the atmosphere
for the presence of God you can have
people come to your house yeah and bring
things they shouldn’t bring mhm and I
remember in particular
my mother was in a very dark season of
her life and my husband was gone on a
trip and he came home and he said was
your mother here I said well wait why
would you why would you ask that he said
because whenever she’s here I sense
criticism I sense heaviness I sense
hopelessness and he said
Lisa you need to guard the atmosphere of
our house when your mother comes he said
if not
you know you you need to meet her at a
restaurant I was like what and he said
no Lisa I’m serious yeah we cannot so
women have the ability yes even if their
husband’s Gone to walk in the spirit and
have authority I I remember when John
would travel it would feel like
everything would break down the air
conditioning would blow up kids would
bust open their chin you know it would
just seem like everything somebody would
knock a tooth out or they’d swallow up a
penny or something and I would be like
you’re not praying enough you are not
praying enough you are not dealing like
you go out I I mean I would just say if
you prayed for the ministry the way you
pray for your family you wouldn’t even
have a Ministry you leave and it’s like
you’re exiting the neighborhood and
everything falls apart and John said to
me am I obeying God and I like I am so
tired of this question and I said yes
you’re obeying God he said well then
there’s provision in obedience and he
said if you everything everything falls
apart when I leave it’s because you Lisa
are not staying in your Authority in the
spirit so obedience protects obedience
provides and delegated authority is
still Authority and so I just you know I
I hear a lot of women say oh but my
husband’s not a Christian I I don’t care
I don’t care you have Rank and privilege
as a daughter of the most high to arrest
that atmosphere in your home yeah
because even the other side of what
you’re saying if people can bring
negative in they can come and yearning
for something that your home can be this
invitation to and I love interior design
you know that you do as well and I love
cre I love it but I’m not good at it I
don’t I don’t know if that’s true but I
love making my home beautiful but even
more than that I want it to be a safe
place and I want it to be warm so when
someone comes in and they’re like oh
it’s so pretty I’m like thank you but
when they come and they say I feel peace
in your home like we’ve had friends that
stayed at our homes when we’re traveling
or something and they’re like I just
found rest I found peace that’s the
biggest compliment to me because I mean
we can we can make our homes a spirit
and I think that’s part of why there’s
that Temptation right now to be like oh
you’re just a stay-at-home mom or like
you have to go out and do this but why
is the home a place of lack it can be a
place of blessing yeah a lack and less
and and yeah no absolutely I agree with
you 100% And you do that so well
Christian oh thank you well I hope
you’ve gotten some insight and
permission and taken a deep breath that
discernment is something that God wants
to give you and we don’t want you to
doubt we don’t want you to doubt when
you have that that feeling so I hope
you’ve enjoyed this episode of the fight
for female that Christian and I have
discussed discernment If We Ever Needed
Discerning men and women that is right
now I want to thank you for joining us
I’m going to put a little pressure on
you I’m going to ask you to subscribe
rate and review and if there’s something
that we did not cover we want to hear
from you it really means a lot when you
leave a comment so until next time this
has been the fight for female with Lisa
and Christian bavier