I Almost Destroyed My Marriage.
Support this podcast by joining Fight Club: https://3szn.short.gy/FightClub Get a copy of my newest book here: https://shorturl.at/cBaRK _______________ What does God think about divorce? In this episode, Lisa Bevere takes on tough questions about marriage and divorce, and the pressure from culture to walk away when things get hard. She talks about the shame people face and common reasons like “I’m not happy” or “We’ve grown apart.” With wisdom from the Bible and her own life, Lisa shares how to build a strong, lasting marriage. If you’re struggling in your own relationship or helping someone else, this episode offers hope and a fresh look at love! _______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/donate Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → https://3szn.short.gy/T5fH72 ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram → / lisabevere Follow me on Facebook →
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/ lisabevere ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit LisaBevere.com CHAPTER MARKERS 0:00 – Introduction 1:01 – Join The Fight Club https://3szn.short.gy/FightClub 1:48 – The Church’s, God’s and Cultures Standpoint on Divorce 5:21 – The Consequences of Divorce on Children 7:33 – An Encouragement for Those Considering Giving Up 8:54 – A Word for The Leaders 11:49 – Marriage: More than a Contract 14:31 – When You Don’t Like Each Other 16:02 – Ad: Get the Book: The Fight for Female 16:29 – Bringing Baggage into the Marriage: Facing it Together 22:55 – Finding Fulfillment from God 24:33 – Finding Good Advice from Good Examples 29:26 – The Grounds for Divorce, God’s Hate for Divorce 35:34 – The Company you Keep, Fighting for Your Marriage 42:38 – Final Thoughts and Encouragement Music Sync ID: MB01KSFOIX96FU7
I wanted to think just really about this
7 in the last day the great day of the
feast Jesus stood and
cried one version says Jesus stood and
cried with a loud voice saying if any
man thirst let him come unto me and
drink I shared some thoughts last Sunday
morning about this but it’s been
stirring my heart ever
since you know when we teach children
about heroes in the Bible we usually
teach about David and Goliath or Samson
or Daniel in the Lion’s
Den I think this chapter is incomparable
courage it was the last
day the great day of the
feast and this Feast was the last feast
in the Jewish calendar there were seven
feasts according to Leviticus in three
of them only men were allowed to go but
in this last Feast this is the last last
feast in the year and this is the last
day on the last feast and this is the
last Feast that Jesus himself will
attend it says that he went up into the
temple oh look at verse five for neither
did his Brethren believe on him then
Jesus said unto them my time is not yet
come but your time is always ready the
world cannot hate you but it hateth me
because I testify of it and the works
thereof are evil go ye up to the feast I
go not up to the
feast now verse 14 in the midst of the
feast Jesus went
up now why does he say he’s not going to
feast and then right in the middle of
the feast he goes to the
feast it it seems to me that this is a
lesson to us in uh conserving our
time the three main feasts I I think in
the Jewish calendar were still
celebrated or still are celebrated in
the uh Christian calendar Passover which
is a type of our Lord Jesus Christ dying
us and then there’s a feast of Pentecost
that they had which we still
celebrate remembering the upper room but
this third Feast we do not keep in our
Christian calender it’s not yet come
it’s the time of in
gathering again three of the other
feasts only males were allowed to go
this final Feast of the Year people came
in from uh 70 different countries as a
matter of fact the Jews previous to this
killed 70 Bullocks one representing each
country where their people were
dispersed the last day the great day of
feast now this actually followed
immediately after the super day in the
Jewish calendar to the day of
atonement you remember the priest went
and shed blood for the people and then
he took two goats and he I don’t know
how he chose he chose one goat that he
would lay the blood upon that goat and
take it to the Wilderness put the sin of
the Nation on that goat and send it out
into the Wilderness so that it was lost
forever a type of God taking our sins
and putting them behind his back never
to be remembered against us anymore
forever the other blood was taken in a b
and it was taken put onto the into the
holy of holies and put there on The
Seat the Salvation Army used to have a
great chorus they sang at their altar
calls they didn’t sing Just As I Am
Without One Plea they sang Come To The
Mercy Seat fervently
kneel here bring your Wounded Heart here
tell your anguish Earth has no sorrow
that heaven cannot heal scores of
thousands of people were sung into
blessing through the that marvelous
chorus when I was a boy which was last
century by the way I feel tonight but
anyhow it’s a long way back Earth has no
sorrow Heaven Can
okay now this is the last day the great
day of the feast it’s estimated I don’t
know how that more than a million people
crushed into the city for this last
final Feast if you go into the Old
Testament you’ll discover that they took
branches of trees I remember seeing a
lot of these in India when I was there
lots of people making comes like that
out of branches of trees and then plat
leaves in between to protect them from
the rain or the heat whatever it
was and so there’s this
celebration now Jesus went up in the
midst of the
uh and verse 15 says the Jews marveled
saying how knoweth this man letters or
maybe there’s a marker on that letter
which in the margin says how is it this
man has wisdom he’s never learned he’s
never been to the school of the rabbis
where is he from we know who he is he’s
anyhow he’s the son of uh Joseph they
actually say we know his father we know
mother but he went into the temple and
taught now in the first place I want to
know how he got in the
temple he must have had his fight his
way through the crowd and the temple was
always guarded by Temple Police but he
gets through the crowd he gets into the
temple and he goes and stands in the
Pulpit that must have been pretty
shocking How could a man who isn’t
ordained go in the Pulpit isn’t that
Beyond Reason excuse
me but people think it is today
even when sth this man wisdom had never
having sat at the feet of men but if you
turn to the eighth chapter not now but
when you go home he says I was taught of
my father
father so that he had the greatest
teacher of
all you know John that wrote this gospel
is being called a Plato of the New
Testament because it’s the most profound
chapter may be ever
written now you may or may not remember
I guess you do you wise Scholars that’s
uh was it Plato was was the student of
Socrates one of the wisest man who ever
lived and so they said that this man is
as wise as Plato no you see paor Plato
only had Socrates he may have been the
greatest intelligence in the world at
the time but he didn’t have the Holy
Ghost to teach him so he’s still
ignorant we put men in Pulpit because
they’d got
degrees but you can have 32 and still be
frozen but today there’s such an
emphasis on scholarship isn’t there oh
we’re getting a new pastor he’s got a
ba but my sheep used to say that every
time I looked at them
ba so what’s a ba or an Ma I’ve got a ba
I’m born
again and I’ve got my Ma I’m marvelously
altered I’ve got my PhD sometime I’m a
post hole digger but anyhow there you
are I would love to know what Jesus
taught wouldn’t you
Martin I’ll tell you it was so
Sensational that those people those
rabbis and others sat with their mouths
open they marveled at
him what did he do did he unveil the
mysteries of Daniel’s
image did he tell him some of the most
unheard well only unheard of things they
had never heard but they marveled at
man now it’s a wonderful thing that
Jesus ever got into this place why again
I say because he had to push his way
through a million people outside he had
to push his way past the temple
guards and he comes into the
temple Mercy hon us what’s he doing
here in the second chapter he says he
went into the temple he called them a
den of Thieves well that’s a way to get
the welcome mat out isn’t it
anyhow you say to a bunch of the most
learned men in the world you’re a bunch
of Thieves that’s what he said
not only that he kicked over the money
tables kind of like the Irishman said
everything that’s for me is against
me don’t you think they squinted that’s
the man that kicked over our money
tables our money went rolling down the
there this is a man who said we’re a
bunch of Thieves and robbers we hold
truth from men we’re blind guides
leading the blind why don’t they kill
him look what the first verse says I
after these things Jesus after what
things after all these
Miracles you know if we don’t get the
background of some of these stories we
miss the Majesty of
them you know between Malachi and
Matthew you’ve got 400 years of Darkness
without any prophetic light and then
like Haley’s Comet streaking over the
sky at black midnight a rugged ragged
man come
came he was an awkward man he was a
Baptist but anyhow
there’s some Baptists here tonight okay
don’t tell your pastor I said that you
see the amazing thing is the first man
that ever preached the baptism of the
Holy Ghost was a Baptist why don’t they
keep up with
it huh and why do the Pentecostals run
their flag up they they’re years behind
the Baptists preach it long before the
Pentecostals were ever
born you see truth is nobody’s property
isn’t that great
no man has a monopoly of wisdom I’m
getting there bit by bit but
anyhow I’ve been looking for it for over
seven somebody asked me today how long
have you been saved I think about
60 five what 65 years nearly 65 years
but you know I still feel I’m an amateur
I still feel I’m groping I’m still still
think I’m in waters to the ankles not to
the knees or the loins or Waters to swim
in in know world of God is like an ocean
somebody said it’s so beautiful a lamb
can Splash in the water here an elephant
can swim in it up
there some of the most intellectual men
I know I know two of them
they’re they’re the humblest of
men oh I love the hymn we sang tonight
oh worship the king his
wisdom’s when you saying his robe is the
light and his canop is
space ask scientists are too proud to
believe in eternity they do believe in
Infinity they shot a tin can up there 2
or 3 years ago into space It’s Already
Done 250 million
miles isn’t it silly that wise men down
in Houston sit down and talk to a tin
can up there and tell it turn right turn
left if I did that they’d say he’s got
religious men you but they’re scientists
they’re wise you
see but there’s no wisdom beyond the
wisdom of this book
I told somebody today I do I think what
one of our sons has done for years
learned a new proverb every
week and you’ll be smart if you at the
end of the year you’ve got 52
Proverbs the most amazing book of wisdom
maybe in the
world Jesus came into the place where it
said you’re a den of Thieves he walked
into the midst of it and it says they
wanted to kill
him now it says in verse 19 did not
Moses give you the law and yet none of
you keep the law isn’t that a nice
insult huh looking right in the eye of
the most learned men in religion in the
world Moses gave you the not one of you
it so he’s he’s getting a real scorecard
isn’t he he’s kick the money Chambers
out of the out of the place he’s call
them a den of
Thieves again I say right after that 400
years of Stillness there came this
amazing man John the Baptist
he shocked their
culture he upset their
theology nobody’s going to church why
they’re all going to hear a man out in
the wilderness what’s he doing raising
the dead no he isn’t he’s raising
hell did he raise the dead no he didn’t
raise a dead man he raised the Dead
Nation dear Lord we could do with the
John Baptist in every city in the nation
tonight some of you now are taking it
easy you say we relax LA and be raptured
now we’ve got Mr uh Reagan in Reagan
can’t do much for
us oh the issue of politics that we went
through just
now people say it wasn’t politics it was
something moral it wasn’t something
modal it was something
spiritual we could have a nation full of
Nicodemus is and they’d still be
lost did not Moses uh verse 19 did not
Moses give you the law and yet none of
you keepeth the law why go ye about to
me verse 25 then said some of the J them
in Jerusalem it’s not this of whom they
seek to kill but he speaketh boldly and
they say
nothing now come on this this place this
uh marvelous Temple was no little room
like this this wouldn’t even go on the
platform it held at least 6,000
people there was a day when there was a
riot one of the priests tripped up and
Spilled the holy water and there was a
stampede and fighting broke out and it’s
estimated that nearly 2,000 people were
either seriously injured or
killed now Jesus goes up into the midst
of the feast with the eyes of
everybody those frowning Pharisees and
those dumb what were the other Sadducees
all the Pharisees liked him because he
raised the dead and the Sadducees said
there isn’t such a thing as a
resurrection that’s why was s that’s why
why they were sad
youy thank you I thought the penny might
drop after a
while oh they love to hear him because
he believed in and not only believed it
but he actually raised the debt the with
our theology it’s all on the Blackboard
our theology is all in textbooks it has
no life it has no breath it has no power
it has no
Authority how in the world did Jesus
stand in the middle of that crowd of
vexed angry
people he’d antagonize
them he’d reveal their spiritual
bankruptcy they were just getting over
the shock of John Baptist standing there
in the wilderness
they couldn’t fathom it why are people
going read the third chapter of Luke
when you go home even the Roman soldiers
went nfield would call them the Lesser
breeds outside of the law they were
fascinated when they heard him nothing
like this in Rome Caesar has nothing
this here is a little strange man with a
leather girdle around his loins and old
camel skin around his neck and people
are swarming from
everywhere what does he say
read the four
laws he uses that word nobody likes
repent not only confess your sin forsake
your sin repent run away from
it then Jesus comes up
afterwards I don’t know where all the
order is in this but you know I I was
reading today the last verses of the
20th chapter and the
21st somebody has estimated it that if
you could take all the events that are
mentioned in the gospel recorded by John
and put them in a line they would only
give you 21 days out of the three and a
half years that Jesus
ministered I’ll go further than that I
say if you took Matthew Mark Luke and
John and take all these historic
events that this miracle had upset the
whole town don’t you think when the next
day after he turned water into wine that
everywhere they were saying did you hear
what he did
they ran out of wine last night and he
turned water into wine this is the man
that tosses people out of the synagogue
this is the man that kicks over the
extortionist this is the man that says
to learned
Men You’re the enemies of
God he’s
merciless you know we we are preaching
an acceptable gospel today make it as
painless as we
can and all we do is give people a shot
to put them to sleep so so they’ll get
to Hell
quicker we need some Hellfire preaching
on repentance amen amen one old
definition says repentance is to leave
the sin I’ve done before and show that I
Earnest grieve by doing it no more
amen if a man is genuinely born again
all things pass away all old things pass
away and All Things become new
so here we have Jesus right in the
center of the uh
crowd you see for six days what happened
they had a wonderful performance what
are they thinking
of Jesus stood there where the priest
had stood every day for seven
days and then the Temple Orchestra came
with their instruments and the temple
choir came and they went down the
shoulder of the hill to the pool of
silom and they did that go gold and
vessel into the pool and the priest
carried it on his shoulder with pump and
Circumstance and he went and poured it
out to what to remind them of
what that when they cried there in the
in the wilderness they had no
water and God told Moses to Smite the
rck and he smot it told him to speak to
it the second time he still smoted it he
got into
habits but they were commemorating that
tremendous event when that River
followed the river of Lies follow them
wherever they went and the rock that was
smitten that was Christ the word of God
say so for seven days they’d seen this
performance everybody stood on one side
and bowed when they came back oh you
think what God did God that put the
Stars up there God that one day parted
like you part your hair he parted the
rivers the water and over a million
people passed
through this is our
God they’re commemorating the
Miracle on the last day the great day of
the feast they did not go through that
performance and Jesus went and stood
there I if I were an artist I’d want to
this I think around the world out
galleries I’ve been I’ve seen all kinds
of pictures about the Lord I’ve never
seen a picture of Jesus Jesus standing
here in all his moral Majesty why in
God’s name don’t they go punch
him why do somebody do what they’ve
already put an Assassin’s threat on him
we’ll kill him the people say well why
don’t you kill him he’s standing there
he’s no bodyguards There’s No Angels
around him well actually I think he had
a bodyguard of
angels I think he stood there in his
moral majesty and they could feel what
we call Vibes going out of him of the
glory of God that they de go near
him I say I say I think this is one of
the most gorgeous pictures of
Jesus in the Hall of the New
Testament but the last day at the great
day of the feast it says Jesus stood and
cried Isaiah says my servant shall not
cry in the streets well he’s not crying
in the street he’s not crying in the
street at all he’s crying in the
temple he’s crying to a particular crowd
of people
but he had insult to
injury I remind you again you’d already
call him a den of Thieves he’d already
tossed the money changers out he’d
stunned them with the Miracles that he’d
done and yet this is what he says to
them these people have a monopoly of
God didn’t they have ancestry like
Jeremiah and Isaiah and these huge
enormous characters
but this man comes this unlettered man
usurper this man with no backing stands
in the middle of the holy of holies as
far as they’re concerned it’s like me
rushing into the Vatican and shouting
Hallelujah and starting to praise the
Lord wouldn’t G down too well I’d like
the chance
though and there he is in the middle of
feast and listen to what he
says if any man hey hold in a minute you
can’t say that Jehovah is the god of the
Jews The Ten Commandments are given to
the Jews all those giants you talk about
spiritually who subdued kingdoms and
wrought righteousness and stopped them
out of land they’re all Jews why do you
dare to say to this Cosmopolitan crowd
here if any man
come I think one of the most beautiful
things that even Paul said my great
favorite preacher the Apostle Paul then
what he says in two what is it in the
second of Corinthians chapter 5 is it
5:17 don’t look now look after and find
out I’m wrong but
anyhow do you remember what he said If
man didn’t he say that what did he
pardon right I’m glad they not all
sleeping that’s
great if any man anywhere at any time
being Christ he may be the most Twisted
perverted caral clu stinking man in the
world but if the miracle of regeneration
comes in he gets a new heart a new mind
a new
spirit a new inlook a new outlook new
everything we’ve forgotten about the
Majesty of the new
birth people just nod their head and say
the sin is pray and go straight to hell
down the aisle that they after they’ve
leaned their head on the shoulder of the
pastor do you know I doubt if five% of
professing Christians in America are
again true of
England I asked that giant of the man
Buck sing the man from IND do you ever
meet him out there Brothers You’ve got
to see him this time he’s getting old
he’s about 86 he is a man
he’s a man that’s going over the world
and he goes to the railway station
without a penny and orders his
ticket I believe in faith but not
fanaticism I mean you
know I mean you what if you embarrass
God but you don’t embarrass
God but I asked him one day of all the
professing Christians in India how many
have saved he said about 2 and a
half% what about the Christians in
America brother Singh he said uh to and
half% I’m astounded bewildered confused
battled when people tell me in America
we’ve 75 million people filled with the
Holy Ghost and with the rottenest nation
Earth come
on it says here that Jesus stood
cried one version says with a loud voice
it was not a
shriek it was not a
scream the Greek word implies that he
did it with
authority he did it loudly he did it
emphatically he did it with
why well I’ll tell you what I discovered
last week in this and I’ve preached on
this 40 or 50 years and found
it here he is in the temple two three 4
5,000 people around him and he stands
there and he cries with a loud
why because time is running out for
these people and they’re dumb and blind
they don’t know
it they done the law they done the
prophets they’d had one of the most
amazing men in history previous to Jesus
coming and what did they do they got rid
of him
too chopped his head
off Jesus stood and cried with a loud
voice in my judgment for this
reason that he knew that time was
out that God’s spirit does not always
strive with men
as a cut off
point trying to think of a a verse here
I can’t remember right at the
moment I believe that Jesus is running
in his mind going through history God
gave them a margin of Deliverance for
the time that John Baptist was here they
still did the same
thing they’d had the law they’d had the
prophets they’d had the most amazing men
history they’d repeatedly got into
captivity this might may not be a good
definition but my definition of a fool
is a man that falls in the same hole
twice that’s exactly what Israel
did they’d been in captivity for 400
years under Pharaoh wouldn’t you think
that they’d shun everything that would
in any way def them in the sight of
God and yet they’re just coming here out
of 400 years of captivity
again let me look at the verse here
Matthew what is it
now that was only another reference
Matthew any you can put it down if you
want to Matthew 13:54 when he came to
his un country he taught them the verse
I want is is not that verse it’s Luke
11:50 remember he said to them which of
the prophets of your fathers not killed
now look what he says here in the 11th
chapter of Luke and verse 47 woe unto
you for ye build the sepers of the
prophets and your fathers killed them
they’re trying to wash away guilt by
making memorials to famous
men there’s no sign of
repentance come down in the
verse verse 49 therefore also said the
wisdom of God who is the wisdom of God
he is I will send them prophets Apostles
and of and some of them they shall slay
and persecute now here it is I believe
this was eating the Heart of Jesus
Christ when he stood there in the temple
and they were going through a dead
formula that didn’t mean to
thing they had altars but they had no
fire they had preachers but they had no
anointing they had no sign of Life all
the authority and Majesty of the holiest
being in the world God so listen to what
said verse 50 the blood of all all the
prophets which were Shed from the
foundation of the world may be required
of what of this generation from the
blood of Abel unto the blood of
Zacharias which perish between the Altar
and the temple and verily I sayto you it
should be required of this
generation do you wonder he was
heartbroken what happened his prophecy
true within a generation Titus invaded
Jerusalem in one of the greatest
massacres ever and blood flowed to the
bridles of the horses
and Jesus is standing
here remember the story of the man who
had business and he sent his men out
into the fields to work they didn’t
honor him last of all I’ll send my son
God has sent a whole column of
prophets finally he sends John the
Baptist the fire brand that wakened the
nation and they did away with him and
now they’ve got the Son of God they’re
going to do the way with him and Jesus
says listen this generation all the
blood of the prophets that’s ever been
Shed from Abel right down to this day is
going to be shed in your
day before very long they’re going to
him what did they
do they turned away from
him but instead of them turning away
from them he turned away from
them your house is left you desolate the
Jews are remarkable Nation but they’ve
been desolate from that day to this
they’ve had no power they’ve had no
prophets they’ve been preserved in the
Myer of God if any other nation in the
world asked America for the money the
Jews have asked we’d have kicked them in
the ocean but we give them everything
they asked for
billions but as soon as America turns
her back on the Jews you can dig the
grave for America
Hitler brought the chief Rabbi in my day
1939 he brought the chief Rabbi into his
presence he told him what he was going
to do with the Jews the old Rabbi sat
there with his nice long beard and
Hitler said you were sitting there
pondering what were you
doing uh well your Excellency he said uh
my people were almost annihilated Years
Ago by a man called pharaoh
I know about that did you know we have a
flat cake I think they call it matsi mat
sace that’s
so I’ve eaten yards of it it’s tasteless
but it better than
nothing that’s about it but
anyhow it’s a memorial to
pharaoh and then there was a day when
somebody decided to liquidate the Jo and
the young lady stood in the way Esther
didn’t she Esther
and the Jews have a little cake Memorial
of that called a hamach I think it is
little thing full of
seeds and Hitler said well your
Excellency I was thinking we made a flat
cake to remind us of pharaoh and we have
a noble cake with seeds called a hont
tach I was wondering what kind of cake
we could invent to remember
you and would you believe hatler showed
him the door
they’re in for trouble don’t make any
mistake about
it but Jesus is standing there
weeping he’s stammering out he cries
with a loud commanding voice he had no
amplification and five or 6,000 If any
man thirst let him come unto
me he seeser at the end of the
line surely he had a word of knowledge
if anybody had and he knew they were
going to be Massac slaughtered if they
didn’t repent but they never repent I
think that broke his heart in that Feast
you dumb blind people how long are you
going to walk here and say Moses walked
here or somebody else walked here or
maybe before this there was a great
marvelous Temple that was built by
Solomon and yet you go through your what
does that water mean that you poured out
every not that much you just tell your
children well that’s something your
father’s great-grandfather saw one day
away in the wilderness
it had lost its
meaning as God is my witness I believe
that thousands of people will take
communion they sun in it doesn’t mean
that much to
them they don’t think of the blood of
Christ they don’t think he turned God’s
away they don’t think he rescued them
from eternal hell if they did they’d
either Weep For Joy or weep for for
sorrow but they weep for nothing
this unrepentant
crowd they’re going to turn the sun no
he says you’re not rejecting me I’m
you there’s a fantastic
verse in Lamentations this is hardly a
book you read for any fun or joy is
it if you don’t know where it is it
happens to be in your Bible it comes
right after Jeremiah
Lamentations chapter 2 verse
1 how hath the Lord covered the daughter
of Zion with a cloud in his anger and
cast down from heaven unto the Earth the
beauty of
Israel and remembered not his foot stole
in his anger the Lord has swallowed up
the habitations of Jacob and he hath not
ped he has thrown down in his wrath the
strongholds of the daughter of Judah he
has brought them down to the ground he
has polluted the kingdom and the princes
thereof verse four Heath bent his bow
like an like an
enemy he stood with his right hand as an
adversary and slew all that were
pleasant in the eye of the Tabernacle
and of the daughter of Zion he poured
out his fury like fire
here is the people that said God is our
God okay take him for good or
ill whether he has a smile or a Smite
you look what he says here in verse five
the Lord was an enemy he has swallowed
up Israel he has swallowed up all the
Palaces he has destroyed their
strongholds Heath increased the daughter
of Judah with mourning and lamentation
he has violently taken away his
Tabernacle they suddenly realize that
God is their
adversary the Who deliver them over and
over again he sent angels to deliver
them he delivered them in a hundred
ways but now his anger is kindled
them what do they say well of course
maybe God has moods he’ll change no not
on your life do you think of anything
more devastating than coming down to
verse 10 in this
chapter the Elders of the daughters of
Zion sit upon the ground and keep
silence here you have these Charming
women this is what they do they’ve cast
dust upon their heads they’ve GED
themselves with sackcloth The Virgins of
Jerusalem hang down their
heads now here is Jeremiah he says my
eyes of do fail with tears he says my
eyes are blinded with tears I’m choking
with grief listen my bowels are troubled
my liver is poured out for the
destruction of the daughter of my
people because the children of the
sucklings are in the streets they say to
their mothers where is the corn and
wine you see little children here in a
state of
destitution when they know the anger of
God is kindled is is destroying their
priesthood and destroying every treasure
they have the children say where is the
corn and the
wine oh you’ve told us Mommy that our
gares and others they came out of a
baren Wilderness and they came into a
land flowing with milk and
honey but the glor is Departed
I’m convinced that when Jesus stood in
the temple that day he was thinking of
the day when the glory of God filled the
temple do you remember the time when
Solomon stood there and the glory came
down and the priest could not Minister
for the glory of
God in God’s name when are we going to
that the glory filled the temple and now
the temple is a museum
now the temple is just a place of
historic value to us as a
nation there’s no sign of life our
altars have no fire the glory of God
doesn’t fill the temple the priests have
no prophecy how can we be
worse you can hardly find anything more
desperate than this my eyes are blinded
with tears my bowels are troubled my
liver is poured out for the destruction
of my
nation can you imagine the pastor of a
nice fashionable Church going in
next Sunday morning with his KN suit on
feeling on top of the world and suddenly
weeping and saying my bowels my bowels
are trouble my liver is poured out they
think it was
nuts the deacons would rush up and
escort him out to the
V there’s no
despair how many Pentecostal do you
think will’ll be beating their breast
this Sunday and saying oh we remember
the glory of God as Aza Street we
remember when the rivers of God flowed
out there from a people who were poverty
stricken in material things but rich in
God where are the nazarin the days they
had of Glory when Dr Brey founded that
organization and the pilgrim Holiness
people or the Methodist or the
salvationist do you know why we don’t
cry and weep and feel our bows and Tor
and our livers because we never seen the
glory of God that’s
why we’re content to tread a theolog
logical doctrinal treadmill until we’re
weary we drop into bed tied out we
haven’t departed one iota there isn’t an
angel Gabriel or M Michael nobody could
say we deviated it from the truth of
Baptist teaching or Pentecostal teaching
or somebody else’s
teaching we have no
passion we have no Brokenness
Jesus is
torn he knows that the de rejection is
over he knows that outside of that
street he’s going to walk in in a few
minutes before long it’ll be full of
blood up to his
knees but those people who have no time
for God will be screaming for mercy and
it’s too late they’re going to be
slaughtered by the hundreds of
thousands maybe a million people were
destroyed in the days of Titus when he
invaded that City
you remember the scripture that says oh
Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest
prophets why don’t we change it put oh
America America thou that killest the
prophets 3,000 radio stations in America
today broadcast something of the
Gospel my country that gave the world
the Bible
that gave the world methodism that gave
the world the Salvation Army the two
greatest revivals since
Pentecost is now As Dead
As the
Doo We’re wanting to make a short-term
investment aren’t we and get the glory
of God on one night of prayer or one
evening of prayer or I’ve added two 10
more minutes to my praying each day
do you wonder that the rightous of the
Hebrews said we have not yet resisted
unto blood striving against
sin every drop of blood from Abel to
Zachariah when they had that Row in the
temple right down to the very last
person is treasured by God and listed by
God and everybody who’s being marted in
Russia Today every drop of blood was
recorded in heaven or China or whatever
it was
I’ll go back in our own history here
some enormous men some of the greatest
preachers since Pentecost walk these
streets are rode the
horses one of the greatest men the only
man that out rode uh Mr Wesley Wesley
rode 240,000 mil on Horseback Bishop
Asbury wrote rote
uh 2,400 I think exceeded Wesley anyhow
you’ve had a host of great J what about
Edwards s have been reading that story
this week I
think the man who set stamp eternity on
my high bold not Prosperity God help
us i p those poor guys over there in
Dallas at the Judgment seat that are
leading people down the Garden Path
looking for
wealth when the church is poorest she’s
richest in God Amen the blessed Apostle
says I have nothing I have no home I
have no protection I have no Creature
Comforts I have no rights I have nothing
but I possess all things and it wasn’t
some auditory it wasn’t some sweet
saying he demonstrated he had all things
eat power over demons eat power over
death heat power of adversity he can
rejoice in prosperity or in adversity in
season out of
season lash him 195 times he sings
Hallelujah lock him in a stinking prison
in in Rome he writes four of his
greatest Epistles to the Philippians and
Colossians and Hebrews and
Ephesians I think all hell out a day’s
holiday when Paul
died but this is the man who says I
travail in
birth this is the man who daringly says
I could wish myself a curse the literal
word is damned if need be for my
now you might say this is way above our
heads well stand
grow the trouble is we’re all locked up
come on I I maybe get shot for days
that’s okay we all live in a little
theological play
pen we’re scared to death to disagree
with some I’m not asking for Rebellion
I’m asking you to stretch your soul not
your mind that Mr mundale said he tried
it it didn’t work
so but stretch your
soul move in the a of this come on this
thing troubled me last Saturday night I
hardly slept a win I tossed on my bed I
cried I wept I
groaned God in heaven what’s my
doing we’ve all the equipment we more
Bibles we more interpretations of the
Bible we more tracks we more books on
the holy go in any generation ever but
we never had less power it’s all in
print on
bookshelves like most of our praying
is I’m sure in that great day I’ll
discover when Jesus stood in the temple
he’s Looking Backward and remembering
the marvelous Deliverance of God and
then he’s looking forward because he he
had said already after wind times
running off always does do you remember
he met a woman there in the fourth
chapter of John and he he said uh give
me a
drink and if you knew who it was you’d
ask of
him and he put in you a well of water
springing up to everlasting
life now he says I’m that well of water
but wait a
minute go back to John 4 a minute here
pardon me John
7 37 if in the last day the great day of
the feast Jesus stood and cried saying
if any man thirst let come unto me and
drink and he that believeth on me listen
as the scripture said out of his belly
shall flow Rivers out of whose belly
no well whose well look at the next
verse this spy of the
spirit I like John Wesley’s hymn gez you
Lover of My Soul remember a verse
section in it says Thou of Life The
Fountain art freely let me take of thee
spring thou up within my heart and rise
to all all
eternity this spy of the spirit who was
not yet given why the Holy Ghost was not
yet given
way told you
here because Jesus was not
glorified look you can pray your heart
out and weep and fast and knock your
head on the wall and ask for the Holy
Ghost but if he’s not glorified in your
life before that you’ll not get the Holy
Ghost if there’s bitterness in in your
life if there’s Strife in your life if
there’s anger in your life if you secret
lust shout to high
heaven beat your breast get out in the
field and yell ah head off W make a bit
of difference until Jesus is glorified
till he knows he has full control of
your life your spirit your soul your
body your mind your
will he won’t come and take take up his
Bo now let get this straight remember
this they
these men that went to the upper
room they’d already received the Holy
Ghost read John what does John
say that while they were gathered in the
upper room Jesus came and he breathed on
them I always think of Abraham you
remember a a a b r a m Abraham and God
breathed on him
Abraham never the
the Holy Ghost is not given because
Jesus is not yet glorified Jesus has to
go through Gethsemane the hell of an
Agony of being separated from God he has
to descend into the abyss he has to go
and announce his victory in hell to
demon spirits and then he ascends on
high and like the high priest to present
his blood in the Holy place he takes his
own precious Priceless blood and present
it to the Father the Holy Ghost is the
coronation gift of
Jesus if I do not Ascend he will not
descend if you don’t do some house
cleaning curse your own habits list them
tell God what they are what your failure
is prayerlessness powerlessness lack of
vision lack of Tears lack of compassion
lack of love for lost people
I don’t know be forious here but you
know each time I’ve seen on the TV a
little crooked woman there that’s made a
fortune out of saying three words
where’s the
beef what’s it got to do with you
brother this said if I had a church now
over my puppet I’d have this in big
capit letters where’s the
grief let people go to hell what do we
wor it we’ve got a nice Sunday coming up
we’ve got it all planned we’ve outlined
the hyns we know when the quet will
stand up and sit down and Miss Jones
will stand up and sit down when she sng
and something else and we’re give the
pastor a little more time now he has 21
minutes today instead of
20 I could walk on my knees onto the
platform some Sundays I’ll tell you that
honestly the biggest job in the world is
not running the White House it’s running
God’s house
Jesus is not
glorified he’s not glorified with the
selfishness in the life of so many
Christians me first me second and me
last does he have priority in everything
in my life in my eating in my sleeping
in my social life will I push others on
one side to give him
time the greatest gift this side of the
world is to be filled and not OED and
kept Anointed with the holy spirit of
God do you know what it’s trouble with
our generation I’ll tell you the highway
of Christian Living is strewn with the
wreckage of has
beans remember preaching in Australia
the pastor you know like they do on the
platform talk behind his hand you see
the man over on the right that big man
with a ball head yes do you know that 15
years ago he was the greatest man in
Australia he had an incredible
anointing he was all almost as he had a
torch in his hand going through dry
grass everywhere he went he set cities
and towns on fire he lost
out he got caught up in M money and
else I believe the only first thing
God’s Earth that gives the devil any
nerves is a holy ghost
man I’ve seen God do all kinds of
Miracles people jump out of bath chairs
blind people get the sight when we
prayed crippled AR I’m out of that now
you think I lack compassion well you
have a right to think it there’s
something greater than that yes the
greatest miracle that God can do is to
take an Unholy person out of an Unholy
World make that Unholy person holy put
them back in an Unholy world and keep
them holy Amen in the midst of a crooked
and perverted and perverse
generation spent a little time yesterday
with Dave Wilkerson and he said Len I’ve
come to this conclusion
5 years from
now I don’t think any Christian will
dare to have a TV in their
home there’s some new invention you can
get put it on the top of the house I I
think he said about $100 you can get all
the corruption you want from all the
stations around this country and if it’s
powerful enough other
countries we’re saturated with
worldliness the king of America there
isn’t one yes there is tell his name
sport he has a wife what’s her
entertainment think of the billions that
get think of the billions that go into
the liquor business the billions that go
billions go into
pornography does it disturb
us I’d like to see every Church in the
nation shut down for a week at
least why should I preach to you God
knows I’m adding condemnation to you
tonight you can’t handle the truth
you’ve already got you’ve had it for
five or 10 years you can’t handle it why
should I bring you more truth why should
I give you the challenge of having a
Spirit-filled life out of his inmost
being when he is resident out of my
inmost being will flow Rivers not
trickles rivers of Living
Water what kind of rivers rivers of
Mercy rivers of compassion what will
melt my eyes to
tears rivers of love that will let me go
to the most perverted and wicked and
people that helps me to look at the TV
and not see a bunch of
skeletons dear lady here said the other
day she was tremendously moved I was it
was on last night
again those million people in
Ethiopia somebody says that’s a
famine I could give you names of men who
contrived it
too a million people may die in Ethiopia
and more than a million in Africa
there’s a woman with a withered breast
and little things sucking sucking
getting nothing she gets some water and
that kid’s glands are so swollen when
she pulls the water it goes all over him
down his but he can’t even take
it well I want to tell you
tonight I believe the same thing happens
in our churches every Sunday people are
choking and we’re trying to pull the
Water of Life into them and the poor
souls are so damned and lost they can’t
take it
they’ve listened to the same preacher
year after year says the same things in
the same way he hasn’t shed a tears
since he left his mother’s
womb he went to the Seminary and got a
big fat head and a shrunken
soul I wonder God Almighty doesn’t keep
his promise what’s his promise he keeps
his promise all right then before long
I’ll tell you what he’s going to do he’s
going to spew most of the not
Christianity but
Christendom organized
financially backed
religion that can’t turn this why do we
send people to other countri we can’t
even save our own
country little guy on TV said give me
more money my message should go into
why they’re lost are
they you know how many deaths how many
murders they have in Japan in a year 20
we have that in a day in New York
state what’s a good of taking they turn
around and say go back and clean your
own country
up we two precious men from Poland in
our house the other week day wilus
brought them they were amazed they said
when they saw people come out of church
and light up
smoke oh you would never see that in
Poland Poland is wedged between a rock
and a hard place an inflexible Roman
Church and the devilish power of
Communism but you know what they have no
sexuality they have no gay communities
they have no
pornography come on we can’t even clean
that lousy stinking stuff out of the
nation never mind go convert japane I
know they need to be saved I’m not
saying they won’t
be now I can draw a picture as black as
anybody I
guess I believe we’re going into the
days that Humanity has ever
known so dark they make the Dark Ages
look like
midday doesn’t it say that in Joel
before the final break there’s going to
be a day of darkness and
gloominess but you know I got some help
today brother a when I was pondering
that the story of Egypt in Egypt do you
remember it says there was darkness in
Egypt but light in the houses of the
children of Israel yes yes Darkness Doom
is going to settle over the capitalist
system and every other system
communism people are going to scream for
light in its
Darkness I read a statement here let me
see if I can find
it Darkest Day in History is coming but
what you know what I believe the most
glorious day is coming
too this writer said says the
dispensation of the law could only end
in Tribulation and the curse for it is a
ministration of death but the
dispensation of Grace must standing
glory and victory because it’s the
ministration of
Life religion continues to patch up that
which Christ has declared useless here’s
a phrase for you the veil that was rent
in the temple was rent in Twain we’re
trying to stitch it
together flesh continues to Ru in the
place of the spirit instead of the blood
of Christ there is the work of man
instead of the new birth there’s moral
real instead of the Holy Spirit there’s
entertainment the day of the Lord is at
hand it should be a day of Glory a day
of light a glorious
light the day of the Lord is at hand
even the end of the
ages and great should be this display of
God’s glory it should be light glorious
light or it should be Darkness gross
darkness and it will depend upon our
position before God just as all the
Wrath and judgments were due to the
preceding Generations were Heap together
and laid upon the generation of the
Christ and laid upon the pardon me laid
upon the generation of Christ today
remember when he said the blood of all
from Abel right down to this day will be
you he shall therefore be Great
Tribulation such
as such as was never known from the
found foundation of the world but it
shall also be a great Glory such as was
never known before from the foundation
of the world one class it shall be a day
of darkness and gloominess to the other
as the morning spread among the
mountains then he says this focal point
in history is coming the glory of Moses
day is for us the glory of David’s
kingdom is for us the glory of Solomon’s
kingdom is for us the glory of the
restored temple in Ezra’s day is for us
and the glory of Elijah’s day
come on the devil’s going to do his
worst but God’s going to do his
best as I’ve used the phrase for you
there’s going to be a Pentecost that
will out Pentecost
Pentecost I believe the glory of the
original Pentecost was greater than the
glory in Solomon’s
Temple I don’t know how many were in
that Temple at that time I know a bunch
of unlearned uneducated men and women
were in that upper
room and they went out no Financial
backing they didn’t go out to do
Miracles tell your a miracle they did
after Pentecost they didn’t do before
Pentecost then they run back to Jesus
and say even devils are subject to us
we’ve done many mighty works but that’s
not the greatest thing the greatest
thing is that you that were lost without
god without hope your names are written
in the book of life amen
do you know what I’m sick of I’m SI of
see sick of seeing so-call revivals or
blessing where men get the
glory I believe there’s going to be a
visitation of God where no man will get
glory men won’t dare to open their
mouths and try put a crown on somebody’s
head because he has a super anointing
that this world has never
known I’m getting old but and I’m
getting tired tonight physically but
I’ll tell you what I’m not tired in my
I have to wear glasses but my inward
vision’s all
right somebody wrote the other day and
said brother Ry you’ve been praying more
than 50 years for revive I believe
you’re going to live to see it so do I
otherwise I’d say Lord Take Me Home
Tonight course they haven’t got a grave
plot yet but
anyhow what are we going to do hang our
hops on the
Willows you see when the glory departed
and the people lost the Majesty of God
what did they do they were taken captive
in Babylon and they said sing as the
Lord’s song in The Strange Land they
said we can’t we can we can marry
Christian words to rock
music they were carried away to Babylon
but babylon’s good to
us you can give some of money to Babylon
you get a tax credit for
it babylon’s very kind to us these days
it doesn’t put us in
prison there are some things to pray
urgently before we had a young man here
last year who had a Revival in Caracus
Venezuela by faith he went and took a
great big bull ring that held I don’t
know what he got he got 20,000 tonight I
25,000 uh at the
weekend I had a letter from him today
another brother had a letter from him
this week you know logus has a who is it
belong to logus
boat come on
operation mobilization that logus boat
went to China and they had no trouble
they let them Dock and let them take out
Bibles they went to veneo earlier a few
weeks ago and the police got hold of
them made them lock up the
ship and then the police bombarded the
ship broke Windows took everybody out of
the ship and put them in jail for a
while and let them go you see the pope
is going to Venezuela
so now for the time being let’s hope it
changes you cannot get a visa to go into
Venezuela as a
missionary they do not want any
Evangelical activity they don’t want
anybody’s eyes to be open they want to
bring the false priest there who is
Antichrist not the Antichrist but he is
anyhow I wind they up listen Paul says I
tell you even
weeping they’re enemies of the Cross of
not enemies of Christ Rome is an enemy
of Christ it has him everywhere on on a
cross it’s an enemy of the Cross of
Christ because it says Mary is equal
Redemptive in Redemptive power you can
pray to Mary or to Jesus it’s optional
so Jehovah’s Witnesses talk about Christ
but they’re
Antichrist they’re enemies of the every
denomination Mormonism latterday Saints
foot why because they reject the blood
Christ the Mormons re reject the blood
of Christ Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the
blood of Christ all the modern
socalled religions reject the blood of
Christ we’re not too worried about it
we I tell you I told God I don’t care if
I never go out of my house or out of
this area
again I don’t care if after weep and
Gran and fast and Tra I don’t not care
Hill beans about
that what the church has had in the last
25 years hasn’t moved America to the to
to near heaven with all the millions of
dollars we spent so God has to do a new
thing and he’s going to do a new thing
and that’s why I love to come to last
days and talk to you folk and you others
that come in from other places you’re
the hope we grhe heads had our
day what are you going to do just talk
talk about the history oh finny finny
finny forget
finny finny f i n i is Latin for for
Finnish so finny with
finny and get down to the word and read
through the apostles and read through
the prophets and tread with these men of
Sorrow here is a man of sorrow standing
in the midst of hostility standing P me
in the midst of because this Feast was a
feast of joy and they were happy and
laughing and clapping their hands and
going to hell at the same
time they were squeezed in they were
slaved I Think Jesus was reaping for
that the whole nation was in slavery to
the Roman
Empire and they were in slavery to
religion you know we have the biggest
task on our hands that any Generations
there are more lost people
tonight than ever they have been in
and we
sleep not just
physically we sleep
spiritually there’s an old old him I
hope it’s in him I’m going to ask you to
sing it let me ask you tonight here how
many of us here have lost children or
lost parents raise your hand let me
see is that enough to drive us to our
knees drive us to tears
tell God we don’t care if people think
we’re insane so what I’ll tell you what
we won’t be embarrassed at the Judgment
seat that we fasted and prayed and wept
and got out of step with some
denomination or bunch of
cranks the Holy Ghost wants to come in
me in his
fullness and you and pour out Rivers not
trickles not when you just feel like pre
but taking hold of you like a river that
you see sometimes on TV and the river’s
in full flood and it sweeps houses away
it sweeps away cars it sweeps Away Big
Trees there’s nothing can stand there is
no hope this generation will fill hell
quicker than any other generation we’re
so corrupt unless God in Mercy fills us
unless you say Lord there’s nothing I
want I don’t want some new watch for
Christmas some new I want a new
anointing I want a new revelation I want
a new quickening
see if I can find
this now I want you to sing it just
not emotionally but spiritually it’s a
tremendous hymn 207 let’s stand and sing
it let’s try and see these lost Millions
at home and abroad is
reing e