Has your happily ever after turned into simply tolerating each other…or worse? Perhaps it’s time to hit the reset button in your marriage. Hope is possible, but how do you find it when you are stuck in a cycle of dysfunction? That’s exactly the conundrum my husband John and I were facing. Tune into this throwback session from our Story of Marriage course to learn some of the things we discovered.

but you know Lisa I got to say I’m I’m

really enjoying doing this with you it’s

just a pleasure I’m honored and uh we we

titled this one begin again right and

why do we do that because each of us

need a new beginning correct you know I

even think a lot of marriages need to

almost be born again I mean they need to

be reborn they need a new start they

need to to just wipe the Slate clean and

remember the why and so we’re going to

actually take you back to the beginning

where we started but we’re going to read

out of the message paraphrase of Genesis

chapter 1 verse 27-28 said God created

human beings he created them god-like

reflecting God’s nature he created the

male and female God bless them Prosper

reproduce fill the Earth take charge be

responsible for the fish in the sea and

the birds in the air for every living

thing that moves on the face of the

Earth God looked through everything he

had made and it was so good so very good

and when I read that last last night we

were preparing this lesson I just I just

felt to say you know God is looking at

each and every one of you

and he is saying this is good this is so

so very good

what is on your life what is seated in

potential in you it’s good and you may

say no no I actually have we’ve had bad

we’ve had bad but you know what that’s

because God sees your destiny and God

sees where you are headed more than he

is interested in where you have been and

so God is declaring goodness in your

future but we just have to make a

decision that we’re going to believe him

when he has made his promise to us I

mean he already said he’s going to

present us as a chaste absolutely

beautiful glorious bride and one of my

favorites where we’re going absolutely

but one of my favorite scriptures is

Revelations 21 5 where he says behold

I am making all things new he doesn’t

say I’m renovating you’re old he said I

am making all things new so God can give

you new love he can give you new dreams

he can give you New Faith he can give

you new hope he can give you new

communion he can give you new failure we

can give you a new sex life whatever you

have need of for him to make new he can

do that for you and it begins really by

what we say because if you look and this

is I’m in awe of this okay every time I

read it yeah in Genesis chapter 11 when

you look at a bunch of ungodly men and

women that come together it was just the

men probably right there’s a bunch of

ungodly men come together and they said

we’re going to build you’re going to do

something impossible we’re going to

build a tower into the heavens right

fulfill the Earth I’m like no we’re

gonna vote skyscraper yeah we’re gonna

go up we’re not going to go out yeah

exactly correct and the Lord comes down

and takes a look at this and what God

says is what but just Oz me the Lord

said behold they are one people

and they have one language and this is

only the beginning of what they will do

and nothing now this is God speaking

nothing that they propose to do

will now be impossible for them

now hear the now be impossible why they

were one and they had one language now

when we get joined together when God

joins us together we become one flesh

so what happens when we now these are

disobedient men these are ungodly men

they do not have the spirit so what

happens when we who are one flesh yes

now start speaking one language

God says nothing

will be impossible for them so what we

have to choose is are we going to speak

the language of Earth

are we going to speak the will of Health

I love this Earth says divorce yep

Heaven says Union

Earth says rejection Heaven says

acceptance Earth says you owe me

Heaven says I freely give

birth says vengeance Heaven says

forgiveness yeah Earth says I won’t be

your slave Heaven says I will be your

servant Earth says I despise your


Heaven says I see your potential and my

love covers it

Earth says you don’t meet my needs

Heaven says I want to meet yours

we’ve got to decide that we are going to

change the way we see everything because

we can find all the promises of God line

up with the purposes of Heaven he will

make us one

he will in the end of it be glorified

and in the end of all things Jesus’s

prayer will be answered and the world

will see him because our love one for


John 17 20-23 I’m going to read it from

the message he says this Jesus and he he

makes a conscious decision he’s Last

Supper last night with his disciples as

a son of man he decides I’m going to

actually pray in front of everybody so

they know what is important to me he

says I’m praying not only for them and

he’s talking about the twelve but also

for those who will believe in me because

of them that means actually Jesus all of

us was praying for us

and their witness about me and whenever

I think that I think who believes

because of me who believes because of me

he says the goal is for all of them to

become one heart and mind just as you

father are in me and I in you so they

might be one heart and mind with us then

the world might believe that you in fact

sent me the same Glory you gave me I

gave them so they’ll be as unified and

together as we are i in them and you and

me then they’ll mature in this Oneness

and give the Godless World evidence that

you’ve sent me and loved them in the

same way you loved me

as long as there is division

there is no evidence that God sent his

son because he loved the world

and we have to understand that our love

between the two of us

declares God’s glory to this earth it

says that he loves them and we are not

going to see the glory of God the power

of God I don’t know about you guys but

I’m not I’m not content with what I’ve


okay I didn’t become a Christian become

a speaker I am not content with what I

have seen and John and I both have a

hunger for something so much more than

what we have seen so we’re going to have

to live

in what God blesses where he says he can

pour out his power and His glory because

when we are divided he cannot pour out

his glory and he cannot so that’s that’s

the battle is us being one so we’re one

flesh but the thing is are we walking as

one and it manifests ultimately

manifests in what we speak

what we pray what we believe yeah and so

what the enemy fears is when a husband

and a wife starts speaking as one when

we start speaking Heaven’s language yeah

every area that Lisa and I have ever

been in agreement on

when we’ve come together in agreement it

has flourished and we’ve seen Miracles


area we’ve been divided on has always

been a struggle struggle struggle and

we’ve not seen fruitfulness in that area

so the enemy’s goal is to get us divided

the enemy’s goal for your marriage is to

get you divided so then you’re not

speaking as one and you’re not going to

see the fruitfulness the Dominion that

God wants you to have

and so the real battle the real battle

is staying one walking is one Speaking

is one

and you know we um we didn’t understand

that at first because

you know I wanted John to think like me

and he wanted me to think like him but

we already said in the very beginning

the same doesn’t mean one

different means one and so we had to

learn how to actually love each other

well and to build up one another’s

strengths see John actually did this

really well for me when we first got

married when we first got married the

only thing I brought to the marriage was

a suntan and a six-pack I was buff not a

beer I was buff I I was buff I was

muscular I that was it and I looked good

but I didn’t know how to do good I

didn’t know how to cook I didn’t know

how to be a mother I didn’t know how to

do anything but John said wow you know

what I bet she’s wise I bet she’s going

to be great with finances I bet she’s

going to be Godly I bet she’ll open up

her life and and I was like wait a

minute wait I had no idea I was going to

do any of these things but before this

man figures out he is married an empty


I’m gonna get into the word of God and

I’m going to let the word of God begin

to create what love is declaring over me

do you know that God is declaring love

over each and every one of us in such a

magnificent way I really think as dark

as the world has gotten we need to say

why are they attacking marriage

you don’t attack what you are not

threatened by

so the enemy is attacking the definition

of marriage because he understands

the power of marriage creates the power

of Legacy creates a power of the

relationship of God so I had to change

how I talked to John he would build me

up but I I actually would tear him down

I was like he’s traveling people are

clapping you know they’re buying his

books when he comes home he needs to

change diapers he needs to get some poop

under his fingernails he needs to go to

the grocery store he needs to be a real

man and find out what the real world

looks like no yes all those things are

important he did need to help but the

truth is

he didn’t care what anybody else said

he didn’t care who was clapping for him

on the road correct he wanted to know

what I said to him when he came home and

I withheld affirmation

I withheld celebration

I thought why is he talking about

himself so much well guys well talk

about themselves if you don’t talk about

them so if you talk about them enough

then they don’t talk about themselves

my wife’s talking about me for me men

love to be celebrated and women love to

be needed and so I was like listen you

know I’m gonna I’m gonna pull you down

and I’m gonna manage you at this level

and then I realize that’s just wrong he

deserved to be loved in a way he could

hear it and so I remember I I tried to

shame him into my love language My love

language is Jesus’s love language which

is acts of service and quality time but

but John’s love language was what most

males are which is words of affirmation

and physical touch and so I mean I was

like come on over to Jesus’s world and

he was like no this is how I hear it but

it was a problem for both of us because

you know I I’m I’m just saying you’re

gorgeous you’re beautiful boy

for sex and I’m like where were you when

I needed help in the kitchen right and

and so she wasn’t saying that I was

handsome and that I was her prince and

what she was doing is she was making me

great meals and she was like Hey and

pulling up the carpet tile Lang tile

painting the house I’m showing a lot of

great things she was saying I love you

and I wasn’t getting that because love

languages are Love Languages I mean if I

speak Arabic to you and you only speak

English guess what you can’t understand

a thing I’m saying but if I speak

English you’ll get what I’m saying yeah

well if my love language is words of

affirmation and you’re speaking to me

acts of service there are five love

languages and this is from Gary

Chapman’s book gifts is the only one

we’ve left out because neither of us

that’s a big one for us gifts uh qual

acts of service quality time words of

affirmation and physical touch so mine’s

affirmation physical touch if she’s not

speaking that to me I’m not getting the

message I love you and so so I had to I

had to intentionally speak it and it

felt really awkward at first like I

would say yeah you look nice and you’d

be like you’re just saying that because

because you know I want you to say that

and I’m like that’s exactly correct I

mean that’s I feel like you shouldn’t

have to be have hearing that but okay

that’s what I’ll do with this yeah you

look nice and then and then I started to

actually have a whole lot more fun with

it I started to it started to feel more

right because I saw how much joy it

brought him I was like wow that is so

much less labor than tiling yeah

actually pretty easy seriously yes I was

like yeah you’re a you

doing it in front of my boys I started

like at the table saying things that

would make them feel uncomfortable

things like look at your dad oh my gosh

I don’t know I’ve been pregnant 10 times

he is the sexy hunk of man and my boys

are like

get a room you guys are so weird and I

I’m just I’m just like I’m blowing up I

mean I’m like okay what can I do for you

yeah exactly I mean that’s all you have

to do and I’m like I’ll do anything for

you you know yeah and And yet when we

did that there was a there was a couple

things being achieved number one my

husband is a gorgeous man number two he

travels a lot which means he’s away from

me a lot and if I withhold affirmation

from my husband and I don’t tell him

he’s desirable to me

then he could be on the road sometime

and in a low time and some woman knock

on the door of his hotel room

and I would have left him vulnerable

but now if a woman knocked on my door

and said you’re a sexy hunk of man I’d

say yeah I know my wife tells me all the

time and shut the door yeah

I don’t I don’t need to be hearing that

from you because I’m hearing that at

home and so you know we we protect we

protect one another when we love each

other well

also by complimenting my husband in

front of my boys I hope that I am

modeling how they should be treated

I want my boys to have wives that think

they’re the most gorgeous men on the

face of the Earth and that they’re


exactly exactly and so I I felt like we

were protecting we were building we were

strengthening and we were modeling

something and so it isn’t just like oh

you know that’s a little silly thing no

it was actually a really big deal to my

husband and I because it wasn’t a big

deal to me I just thought it was stupid

and you know John and I are we’re very

different people we’re very very very

different people and and

um John is very black and white and I

have to be honest with you I love that I

never ever doubt where he stands on

something I I don’t even have to think I

wonder where John will land on this I

know where he’ll land on it because he’s

pretty consistent

but I’m not gray

I am the crayons in his world I come in

he draws the lines and I’m like

sweetheart this is so clear but you know

what this is boring so we’re going to

have to put some purple in color and I’m

going to call and he’s colorblind so I

get to I get to put some color around

his world and men and women have

different strengths and you want to talk

about the strengths of men well yes a

man will bring structure he’ll bring

he’ll guard the house he’ll bring

external strength

um he’s extend he extends that strength

but then the woman she brings well so

membrane structure which is like the

coloring books lines right and women

bring something called nurture structure

without nurture is just dead and nurture

without structure cannot multiply you

know when our boys were little we

invested a lot of money in Legos because

we wanted to be the favorite

grandparents right and we wanted Asher

and Sophie to come to our house and be

like Legos oh my gosh and so um when my

boys were little they would they would

build the Legos and they would build

towers they would build towers they’d

build things they could destroy they

took cars and when John would come home

from a tribute call from the Orlando

Airport and say I’m on my way home and

really what he was saying was babe I I

love you but you have no idea concept of

time I know the children are running

around half undressed I know that you

haven’t taken a shower and you have 45

minutes before I am going to hit that

front door so this is your countdown and

so I’d be like oh my gosh

I’d hang up the kids would all go

scampering I would try to you know

become some level of uh not a health

threat and then I would be like okay you

know and the boys would always want to

build something or color or something so

they’d build Lego towers for their dad

they were like oh Dad and he would come

in and he would look at these towers

and then they’d like have to and I

didn’t understand this entire boys but

someone has to win and someone has to

lose I don’t think that’s right but

girls think everybody should win but

then he’d be like okay that’s the that’s

the tallest tower that one gets award

for this and then my boys would grab a

car back it up and crash it into the

towers it was all about building big and

then a big crash

and one time and it was only one time I

was allowed to babysit my friend’s

daughter and she came over and she

didn’t build towers

she built rooms she put the Legos down

on the floor she got out bed she got out

chairs she got out tables she got out

people my boys were great with driving

cars without people in them they’re like

people don’t need to be in these cars

yeah and none of the Girl dolls ever

played the girl dolls were like why do

we even have those you know and so they

they would they would watch this little


and what she was doing was she was

making the people interact she had them

like holding hands I remember my boys

watching I remember like her name was

Richie Lee she actually took two of

these Legos and she made him kiss and my

boys were like they were like oh my gosh

we’re gonna have to burn those but but

the truth is in the house of God we’ve

had a lot of structure

but we need more nurture

some people need to be laid down for a


some people need to be sat down to hold

some hands

and some people might need to kiss I

mean we need we we need we need

Connections in the house of God so the

man he guards the house but the woman

guards the heart

the man has that external strength so he

surrounds her so what her strength which

is internal can flourish and um you know

I breastfed all of my boys until they

asked me to stop I they were like we’re

not doing this for you anymore we’re

over two but um I I remember

I felt so strong holding them close John

didn’t hold my boys close

he threw them in the air he swung them

around his head he put him on the seat

what was he doing he was trying to

extend their world he was saying I want

you Fearless I want you to think this is

amazing I want you to think of that I’m

like no save save stay close to Mommy

you can nurse me to your 20. but but no

no I’m joking I never said it anyway so

but that’s but that’s the difference so

we would need men and women

to do this in the house of God and we

need it in our homes so with this

difference you know the important thing

is recognizing the difference but yet

still being one and that’s what we’re

really trying to drive it home here we

are different people you married

somebody who’s different than you and

that doesn’t make it bad that is your

completion that is who God saw that’s

men it was would complete you and make

you whole and so I didn’t marry a John

bevere I married Elisa bevere and so I

love our I learned to celebrate our

differences and but our differences

don’t make us separate they should make

us stronger as one

and so that’s where we’re really wanting

to bring this session home to yeah

you’re going to have differences you’re

going to have challenges you’re going to

have all kinds of things to fight

but stay one in purpose figure out

because the Bible says a threefold cord

cannot easily be broken okay you know it

says two or better than one so when you

get married

it’s a great thing but you know what

there’s got to be a mission involved

that’s your third court so if you look

at Lisa and I Lisa and I are very very

you know I’m always constantly looking

where can we unite well we unite in the

fact that we both absolutely adore each

other we both adore our children so

there’s two two missions right third

mission is we’re both born again we love

God with all of our heart fourth mission

is we we both are in the ministry


hey can you say that because I mean we

saw that there were so many questions

about what is your priority is it God

first Ministry second can you like since

you were just breaking that down God is

first but God and Minister you’re not

one and the same so a lot of ministers

say well God is first so they what they

do is they allow their Ministry to

supersede their family no God is first

so if God tells me to do something and

my family says no well that’s another

story but they put the work of the

ministry above their family that’s not

the way God intended it so it’s our

relationship it’s a relationship with

God then it’s our wife then it’s our

children then it is our mission which

could be in the government it could be

in business it could be an education for

us it’s in Ministry now we just had the

real privilege of that’s a world that we

share together now if I’m a husband and

wife and a husband let’s say the wife is

involved in the medical field and I’m

involved in in business well we don’t

share that together but we can come into

each other’s world and be interested but

then the next thing that you’ve got to

have together is Recreation because

Sabbath is something that’s commanded by

God not commanded by men and God wants

you to have rest well I believe

marriages need rest and you know my wife

she just likes things different than I

do I like playing golf that’s my idea of

rest but I realized that Lisa didn’t so

I had to find some ground that we could

recreate together on and I remember for

some reason she just started liking

motorcycles and you know we walked into

a motorcycle store I bought a Kawasaki

ninja from my wife and I bought myself a

motorcycle and I’ll be really honest

with you I hated the motorcycle I hated

it okay but I did it because it was time

with Lisa and so you want to find Common

Ground we have grandchildren we’re going

to go safer we’re going to go safer now

we got rid of the motorcycles okay so

but but I’m constantly looking for how

can my wife and I recreate I mean I just

bought a kayak and we kayak together and

when we do that it’s just amazing you

know know how close we become how that

opens up the door to talk about more

creative things in Ministry or for our

family and so our job is to make sure

that we’re continuing the merger okay in

all areas of life social areas you’ll

see people get married he’ll get his guy

friends she’ll get her girlfriends and

they don’t have any intersection now

don’t get me wrong guys need guy time

and women need women time I’ve noticed

my wife is much healthier when she gets

girl time and I’m a lot healthier when I

get golf time with my guy friends okay

so understandably so but there’s got to

be an intersection in Social and so

we’ve got that’s one of our mission our

plans to make our mission accomplished

you know I look at it is if we focus on

becoming one and we’ve set our goals God

can supernaturally get us there a whole

lot quicker when we’re one taking care

of these priorities then if we’re

sitting there you know going two

separate lives trying to accomplish a

goal for our the mission of our marriage

and and and so it’s extremely important

that you figure out on all these

different levels how you can remain one

and grow together closer is one because

we’ve been talking about now that we’re

coming into a new season our kids are

full grown

and grandparents we have a different

Mission you know and now our mission is

going to be there’s friends again you

don’t have to be you know as much

parents now we’re just grandparents and

what does that look like and we’ve been

talking about this and um you know one

of the definitions that we want to add

to the definition of submission is under

assignment submission means under

Mission or under assignment and you

build with people that you’re assigned

together with you know and so when you

find out who God has put you with then

you’ll actually don’t need to worry

about the what when it’s the who the

what will happen because that is who is

with you that’s going to refine you

who’s going to build you who’s going to

teach you who’s going to bring out the

best of you and all of a sudden the what

you’ll be like whoa you know people ask

us did you ever think you would be doing

what you’re doing I’m like I had

absolutely no idea what we you know what

we we didn’t even have a frame of

reference for what we are doing but we

just knew who we were doing it with and

so missions are tied to purposes and so

submission means you’re an assignment

you build with your husband because the

two of you have an assignment to raise

children who are Godly or to become

children who are God actually it’s

definitely to become children or Godly

and possibly to raise children that are

Godly you have an assignment to honor

God with every choice that you make

publicly and privately there is a

mission in your life and John and I want

to be persuasive influencers that our

life is is such that when we’re on

airplanes or we’re on in public or Whole

Foods where people come up to us and

they want to be around us because

there’s something about us that honors

them and influences them and my sweet


ask me a question in Proverbs 14 1 yes

what does this say what does it say in

progress 14 one that a woman should

build this is a wise woman builds her

house builds her house yeah so if that’s

the case what does a wise man do he

built this woman because when you build

your woman your woman will build the

house so the man is supposed to build

the woman the woman is supposed to build

the man and as you build each other you

enlarge each other’s life so uh do you

want to read Ephesians five yes I do

Christ loved Christ’s love makes the

church whole his words evoke her beauty

I love that now this is The Message

Bible of what I read to you in the

second session

Christ’s love makes the church whole his

words evoke her beauty everything he

does and says is designed to bring the

best out of her that’s Ephesians 5 26

The Message Bible now is that not

amazing there is our Leader’s example

yeah my words should evoke Lisa’s Beauty

and everything I say and do should bring

the best out of Lisa when we were first


Lisa’s head was down because she had a

very very tough family background but I

noticed if I kept telling her even

though she didn’t believe me at first

you’re beautiful you’re magnificent

you’re a woman full of wisdom

she started lifting her head up and

that’s what Jesus does with us and so

Ephesians 4 15 tells us the same we will

speak the truth in love growing in every

way more and more like Christ who is the

head of the body so there’s your purpose

for for marriage God said to bring forth

Sons and Daughters of God right to bring

forth children not just natural children

but that so Lisa and John bevere can

become more christ-like in our

interactions and that is going to happen

by speaking the truth in love now I’m

gonna I’m gonna say it one more time in

your marriage you can speak truth out of

Revenge and really hurt somebody with

the scripture or you can choose to


pray until that love Wells up and then

you go and speak the truth and love and

that’s what causes growth so it’s not

just love that causes the growth it’s

not just speaking the truth that causes

the growth speaking the truth in love I

believe that’s one of the purposes for

God putting a man and a woman together

is to evoke the beauty of Christ’s

likeness in our life and so we’ve we’ve

done these six sessions and we’ve got a

beautiful book and and a devotional

guide for everyone to go through but I

think one of the big things that we’ve

got to do is we’ve got to just we want

to we want to create an environment for

you guys to actually seize the moment on

some of the stuff we’ve been talking

about so what we’re going to do now is

we’ve gone through these six sessions

we’ve brought the word of God out as

well as our personal experiences now we

want to do is give you a chance to start

speaking the truth and love to each

other and really evoke each other’s

Beauties and so this might be a little

awkward for some of you single people

that are in here but I’d like for the

married couples right now to just just

look at each other and look right into

her eyes look right into his eyes and

and I and I want you to speak really

these words from your heart and husbands

I’m going to lead you in a prayer that I

want you to speak or are words that I

want you to speak to your wife I want

you to say this

honey forgive me for using my strengths

to oppress and hold you down

forgive me for not speaking to your


your beauty

your wisdom and kindness

forgive me for not creating an

environment for you to flourish in

forgive my selfishness in our


time together

and even in bed

I believe God can heal

restore and glorify our Union

I believe you and I

can do anything through him who

strengthens us

we will take Dominion

we will multiply

and we will be very fruitful together

in the name of Jesus

I look forward to quality time with you

right now I’m going to have the wives

look at the eyes you’ll say back to them

say forgive me

for the times I have used my strengths

to point out your weaknesses

from now on

I’m going to use my words

to build your life

I’m going to multiply your strengths

I’m going to be the best thing that ever

happened to you

forgive me for the times

I was not a safe place for you to

deposit your heart

I believe God can make all things new

I will be a faithful guardian of your


I choose to love

I choose to forgive

this is a new day

filled with Mercy

and Truth

let’s love and dream again

now kiss each other

now do you want to read this okay so we

we want to give you a vision here and

this is God’s Vision we found one of our

favorite Psalms to declare over your

life so the word of God would begin to

go into your future and meet you there

in Psalm 112. praise the Lord how joyful

are those who fear the lord and Delight

in obeying his commands

their children will be successful

everywhere an entire generation of godly

people will be blessed

they themselves will be wealthy and

their good deeds will last forever light

shines in the darkness for The Godly

they are generous compassionate and


good comes to those who lend money

generously and conduct their businesses

fairly such people will not be overcome

by evil those who are righteous will be

long remembered they do not fear bad

news they confidently trust in the Lord

to care for them they are confident and

fearless and can face their foes

triumphantly they share freely and give

generously to those in need their good

deeds will be remembered forever they

will have influence and honor that is

the word of God that he speaks over your

union Revel in it speak it to each other

amen amen you are people of Honor you

are people of Grace you are people of

righteousness in a land filled with


you are hope to those that feel hopeless

right now your marriage will be a

shining example your children will go

further than you ever imagined God will

establish you do not be afraid of the

darkness that is now pressing upon you

it will cause the glory of God to rise

within you yes and you will be

triumphant in this season in Jesus name