This Demonic Movement Went Viral on Google

Support this podcast by joining Fight Club (tax deductible): Get a copy of my newest book here: _______________ What is the 4B movement? In this episode, Lisa unpacks the controversial 4B movement, spreading from South Korea to the U.S., where women are encouraged to reject dating, marriage, intimacy, and motherhood. Lisa challenges this mindset, urging women to embrace empowerment through love, forgiveness, and healthy relationships. Join us as we explore how to reclaim true empowerment and purpose! _______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram →   / lisabevere   Follow me on Facebook →   /   Follow me on Twitter →   / lisabevere   ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit Chapter Markers 0:00 – Coming Up 1:02 – Ad: Join the Fight Club 1:51 – The 4B Movement Explained 2:48 – Taking It Further: Angry USA Women Push Back 7:07 – Angry and Afraid: What Women Really Want and Need 11:46 – Get Your Copy of The Fight for Female 12:13 – Misplaced Punishment: Hardened and Hurting 16:20 – Making A Choice 18:08 – God: The Answer for Men and Women 20:00 – A Virtuous Woman 22:23 – The Truth of the Matter: Asking the Questions 25:16 – Biblical Masculinity Explained 29:36 – Men and Women in Harmony 31:28 – Final Thoughts MB01PSOYNCSHFK7

I felt like this was something I

couldn’t close out the year without

addressing what is the

4B movement it originated in the country

of South Korea where the women there

said we are not going to take this

misogyny anymore they’re not going to

marry men they are not going to have

children they are not going to have sex

or date men and they’re going to break

all ties with the patriarchal system it

has been so aggressive in the United

States of America that we’ve even taken

it to another level women saying I’m

going to divorce my husband if he does

not share my same political values how

did we get to this place where women are

so angry at men that they are saying I

am just going to cut you guys off to be

honest with you it sounds like what

they’re saying they really want is

rooted in

hey I’ve got exciting news if you’ve

been listening to the fight for female

podcast then you know that we are taking

on some really big issues and equipping

women to engage on the front lines with

culture we believe that we are just

beginning and we want to expand this

mission that is why I’m inviting you to

join the fight club this is a community

of courageous women committed to

spreading this message with both Truth

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click the link below in the show

description hey it was really important

for me to hop on here I want to answer

the question what is the four B movement

and should we be concerned about first

and foremost what is the 4B movement it

originated in the country of South Korea

where the women there said we are not

going to take this misogyny anymore we

are not going to settle for oppression

we are not going to be party to this and

so they adopted this 4B movement and

their movement was they’re not going to

marry men they are are not going to have

children they are not going to have sex

or date men and they’re going to break

all ties with the patriarchal system now

what’s been interesting is it is

actually resulted in a plummeting birth

rate in South Korea well now after the

recent election the women in the United

States were like that’s it that’s it we

are going to adopt the tenants of the 4B

mov movement it has been so aggressive

in the United States of America that

we’ve even taken it to another level uh

this is what I’ve been hearing women

saying I’m going to divorce my husband

if he does not share my same political

values and I guess I’m at this place

where I’m like how did we get to this

place how did we get to this place where

women are so angry at men that they are

saying I am just going to cut you guys

off and will the 4B movement be

beneficial for women first of all I’m

just going to say I felt like this was

something I couldn’t close out the year

without addressing 4B movement now it’s

super interesting that what these women

are saying is they’re saying we’re not

going to date men if we are not

ideologically aligned with them if we do

not sh share the same

virtues if we do not value the same

cultural ethics we are not going to date

men here’s the thing I say yes and amen

you should not be dating men that you do

not share the same commonalities with I

watched a woman in her I would say early

to mid-30s just go off the rails she was

weeping and crying sharing her

frustration that she could no longer go

on dating apps and have hookups because

her potential Partners might have voted

Republican and she was weeping and

crying and I’m like what in the world

okay if you guys are wondering if I’m

telling the truth this is actually a

woman who looks like she’s in her her

mid-30s crying it says she is too afraid

to go on dating apps now because she may

accidentally hook up with a trump

supporter man I’m going to tell you

there’s a lot more reasons why I would

be afraid to go on a dating app and hook

up with a

stranger way more than their political

affiliation I would be concerned that

maybe they’re passing an STD an STD or

they might kill me I am actually happy

that this woman is safer now then we

have women saying all right that’s it

you guys want us to look attractive

we’re shaving our heads we are going to

shave our heads we’re going to make

ourselves unattractive to the men

because we are not going to date you I’m

going to just put Maya side into that I

actually feel like you’d have more power

if you were attractive and then refus to

date than being unattractive and then

refusing to date but that’s just my

opinion they also have taken it to the

place where they’re not giving birth to

males now it’s interesting in South

Korea it was like I’m not going to give

birth to children but in America it is

like okay you guys are taking away our

abortion rights we’re taking away your

sex rights crazy because there have been

more abortions since the overturning of

roie Wade and none of these women lost

their rights when they actually elected

president Trump to be the next president

so I feel like we’re having a incredibly

fearful response to something that is

just crazy then it’s it’s actually we’re

like we’re going to break all ties with

the patriarchal system in the United

States of America and I guess there’s a

part of me that thinks I feel like we’ve

been doing that for a while now I feel

like men are so disempowered they don’t

know how to be fathers they don’t know

how to be husbands they don’t even know

how to be Sons right now and so women

are responding to toxicity in some men

by lab in all men toxic Patriarchs and I

feel like that is incredibly dangerous I

want to acknowledge and I had some women

reaching out to me when I I posted

something kind of tongue and cheek like

listen because of the 4B movement your

sacrifice is going to mean less

pregnancies less unwanted pregnancies

less abortions less spread of STI and

STDs which is something we don’t even

talk about anymore but it is a major

epidemic in our Nation with an estimated

50% of sexually active girls 15 to 24

have an SDI which is just crazy and

should be incredibly alarming so all of

this pushing back and all of these women

I had some say but we’re afraid I don’t

know what you’re afraid of I don’t know

why you’re listening to the lies of the

media that’s making it sound like men

are going to crash down your door and

begin to rape you or sexually grope you

that is not what is going to happen

actually fear is a horrible counselor

and so I want to speak to my sisters out

there that maybe maybe you have gone

through something that has left you

feeling so jaded and so wounded that

you’re like uhuh I’m breaking up with my

boyfriend I’m divorcing my husband I’m

not going to be a mother anymore I’m

going to seek my own power I want to

speak to you and first of all I want to

acknowledge if you have been sexually

abused if you have been divorced and

abandoned if you have suffered abuse

from systemic patriarchy that is

unhealthy I want to apologize to you if

you have suffered abuse if you have been

marginalized by the church I am so sorry

and I even want to say on some levels I


understand but acting like a 2-year-old

throwing a tantrum is not going to move

this forward acting in a way that says

we’re cutting everything off until we

get our way is not going to move this

forward if anything it’s going to

continue to build division I’m just

going to take my own marriage I have a

very very strong husband and if we are

in a disagreement and he brings it to

here and I bring it to here he brings it

to here and we cannot come to a place of

settling and having this constructive

conversation we just end up having a

destructive conversation fear is a

horrible counselor it gets you to

sabotage what you really want and what I

hear women really want even though it to

be honest with you it sounds like what

they’re saying they really want is

rooted in what God actually wants for

you you want to be valued you want to be

respected as a woman you want to feel

safe in a marriage where you are

protected and provided for it sounds

like you want your sexuality wrapped in

a place of commonality and intimacy and

I’m just going to tell you you’re not

going to get that on a dating app you’re

not going to get that on Tinder and even

in all of this angst and anger I believe

that God has a moment for you to pause

to pause and say was I wrapped up in a

culture that was actually disempowering

me as a woman is promiscuity empowering

for a woman is abortion empowering for a

woman I would say no I would say

promiscuity has never been empowering

for women or for men I believe that

promiscuity is one of those things that

fragments your soul that breaks your

heart that you don’t even know how to be

intimate with anyone that you live in a

realm of lust rather than a real realm

of love that you don’t know how to make

meaningful connections and you push and

you find that you’re always looking for

the next the next the next I’ve also

read in some of this that they’re

encouraging women to get more involved

in pornography I will say as women pull

away from men men push into the virtual

and they’re actually saying to the women

go ahead you know what start some

lesbian relationships go ahead go into

pornography it is not healthy for women

or men to have virtual sex hey I am so

excited the fight for female reclaiming

our divine Identity book is now

available I am so excited that you can

get your hands on this message it is

filled with practical wisdom and

conversation so many people are like

Lisa thank you so much I didn’t know how

to say or what to say and so I’m hearing

the reviews super exciting you can grab

your copy today on Amazon I remember as

a young girl I watched this sci-fi movie

I love sci-fi it was called Logan’s Run

and it was all about that there was this

civilization living underground after

some kind of atomic bomb had gone off

and they pretty much killed everybody at

30 at 30 they’re like hey you know what

you’re not attractive anymore we’re just

going to we’re just going to kill you

and they’re growing babies in labs and

they would put people into like exchange

systems for

sex and it was so like

empty so empty and I feel like we are

there right now I feel like your deepest

longing is to know somebody and be known

by somebody but when you come to

somebody and you want them to know you

that doesn’t happen when you’re setting

all the terms so I’m going to challenge

you if you’re like uhuh Lisa I’m sorry

I’ve had it with patriarchy I’ve had it

I’m I am cutting off the men I am not

dating I am if I’m not value aligned I’m

not having sex with people I say Well

done I say Well done do all of that and

then go for the anger you know I I

remember there were years where my life

was ENT trapped with anger and when I

sat with that when I brought it to God I

found out that the anger had fear behind

it but even deeper than the fear was the

unbelief I believe the 4B movement is

kind of saying to all of the men out

there we don’t trust you to take care of

us so we’re going to take care of oursel

by punishing you

I believe that God wants to do a new

thing with male and female I believe

that God is saying do not settle do not

settle for the cheap when you long for

the deep do not settle for the temporary

when you long for something lasting

something meaningful you know I I have a

history of promiscuity and I’m just

going to tell you I look back at any of

my Pro promiscuity with regret and it

caused me to have to wrestle to actually

create intimacy because I had fragmented

what it meant to be

intimate now as far as shutting down

your ability to be a mother saying oh

that’s it we’re not going to give you

any children do you know that being a

mother is one of the most powerful

things when I hear my body my choice and

I’m just going to say this and people

don’t like it when I hear my body my

choice you made a choice when you had

sex it’s no longer your body that is a

child that has a completely separate

DNA and when you kill that baby when you

say uhuh I’m not carrying that child

fullterm I’m not giving birth you have

actually made a choice for somebody else

it’s not your body it’s their body and I

believe it’s more power ful to give life

than to take it men are really good at

killing but women were really good in

our deepest core for saving and

protecting life I don’t want to see you

harden yourself because of something

that happened to you in the past I don’t

want to see you harden yourself because

of something that happened to somebody

else the majority of the men I know are


men who want to do good the majority of

the women I know are good women who want

to do good yes there are bad but the bad

are the few not the many and you don’t

punish all for the choices of the few at

the end of the day in our nation you

have every right to make your choices

every single day you have every right to

make make your choices I’m going to tell

you the choice to hate the choice to

divide will always be easier than the

choice to love and the choice to work

towards a solution forb may work in

South Korea in a situation I I actually

don’t know that it’s actually caused the

men to actually change their attitude

towards the women I just do know it’s

caused Legacy to be shut down at the end

of the day the thing I’m the most proud

of it’s not the books I’ve written it’s

not the places I’ve spoken at it is

actually my children do not allow an

offense and divisive and fearful

atmosphere to rob you of what you

actually really long to have and that is

let Legacy you you you have no idea

nobody on their deathbed says I wish I

would have been angry longer nobody on

their deathbed says I wish I would have

killed more babies that I carried I wish

I they they actually regret their

choices when they missed an opportunity

to forgive they missed an opportunity to

love they missed an opportunity to

reconcile they look at their life from a

very different Vantage when they’re

looking back and I just don’t want to

see the offense and bitterness poison an

entire generation another thing I want

to say is God said it’s not good for the

man to be alone God created male and

female In His Image the man is not the

problem nor is he our answer and the

woman is not the problem nor is she the

man’s answer God is the answer for both

male and female I and again when I say

that I do believe that God created woman

to be the multiplier for the man but as

women and men have beg to separate more

and more I am seeing men become less men

when I say less men more toxic

more uh despondent nor goals no

provision they can have sex without

consequence they can they can date and

make the girl pay I mean all this kind

of stuff do we really

believe that we are where we want it to

be or could it be that we have trained

the men to treat us wrong because we

were too busy actually acting like men

ourselves and so I want women to

understand that if you’re going to be

part of the 4B movement pause and use

that moment to ask yourself what is

going on with my life and then if you

are a Christian and you think well

they’re all crazy I think we do need to

look a little bit deeper and say why

would this have any kind of movement in

our nation yes there are some that are

just spinning out of control but I have

been in the church long enough to see

that there is misogyny if I say

something if I do something if I wear

something I live under a constant stream

of criticism that my husband never

suffers from so we need to step back and

say are we treating one another well and

what’s the funny thing is the lot of the

criticism I get isn’t from men it’s from

women and so are we really being good to

one another are we really being good as

women are we really building one another

up the Bible talks about a virtuous

woman and I want to close with this idea

of what is a virtuous woman it’s says

that a virtuous woman who is he who can

find her it means you’re a hidden

treasure and someone is looking for you

but a virtuous woman and I love this

word virtuous it isn’t somebody who’s

just locked away hidden because being in

prison does not require

virtue virtuous means that she makes

consistent good choices on a daily basis

ver virtuous actually means to be a

force for good it says a virtuous and

capable woman who is he can find her so

there’s virtuous and there’s capable I

believe that God wants women to be both

capable and virtuous and so I don’t see

this Dynamic played out right now in all

the anger and all the divisiveness and I

just want to speak to you as a mother

I believe that the best days for women

are yet before us I believe as a

grandmother that we have more voice more

value more influence in Government and

every single area than we’ve ever had

let’s not act like bitter wenches

because of something that’s happened in

the past let’s believe for something

better in the future let’s open our

mouths with wisdom and kindness let’s be

the kind of women who build rather than

the women who tear down I believe that

4B is a tear down and I believe virtuous

and capable is a build so these are just

some thoughts I want you to ponder as we

go forward with fighting for female

fighting for female never ever included

fighting men so I want to address kind

of a a practical application you’re

maybe you’re Thanksgiving maybe you’re

Christmas you know maybe maybe this

conversation came up and you did not

know what to say well if somebody’s like

I I support the 4B all men are pigs

listen I’m going to not date I’m not

going to reproduce I’m not having sex

with guys and I’m not marrying guys I’ll

marry a woman but I’m not going to marry

a guy I think we need to rather be

rather than be combative or even mocking

we need to ask okay tell me what your

end goal is on that like what is your

hope for all of those things well I want

to I want to get the men to respect me

what are they going to

respect because at the end of the day we

want to invite people to live higher and

act higher and I have never found by

demeaning I raise people and so I think

that we need to say what what’s really

going on what why are you feeling that’s

an important movement to partner with

and then I would challenge you to

actually speak to that they might say

well I I heard women are being abused I

hear this is happening so into okay is

that always the case or is that an

isolated case are men always pigs or is

that one of those things where that man

behaved like a pig and I would actually

help them logically

deconstruct some of the thought process

I feel like in the whole

craziness that started in 2020 people

lost the art of conversation so you do

not have to have an argument but I am

going to challenge you to have a

conversation and then if you’re a mom

and you’ve got some teenage girls and

you’ve got some college age girls I

would challenge you to bring it up at

the table and say you guys tell me tell

me your thoughts on the 4B movement and

maybe watch a couple videos watch some

of the videos where these girls are like

spinning out of control weeping crying

telling the guys I’m not having sex with

you anymore it’s going to be a desert

you don’t let me have an abortion I’m

not letting you touch me and and just

say what like what are your thoughts on

that don’t tell them what to think ask

them what they think begin to actually

push aside your opinions on it because

you know I know as a mom I feel super

protective about it push aside your

opinions and just say let’s let’s

interact with the rage let’s interact

with the anger and say is this

constructive and then ask them is there

a better way to build and get them to be

part of a solution you know I think

there’s a lot of confusion about what is

true biblical masculinity is that the

man leads on the woman follows and he

she has no opinion and he just like

smashes her down and and she just has to

obey I even remember during the election

hearing don’t agree with this hearing

that husband should tell wives how to

vote guys guys this is that’s not that

is not true biblical masculinity true

biblical masculinity is any Authority

that God gives you as the husband you

use to serve it’s crazy to me that in

the book of Ephesians there is so much

about husband

loving their wives as Christ loves the

church I have never in a time of prayer

felt that Jesus was like this is the

deal Lisa you either submit or I just

leave you behind I have always felt led

but I always have a choice submission

means there is a choice domination does

not give a choice I believe that the

husband’s Authority is for provision

Direction and protection and my husband

wants to hear what is in my heart and at

the end of the day he’s going to listen

to my heart my concerns my fears my

hopes and he factors that in to his

leadership I love how the message says

that the husband is to wash his wife

with the water of the world word and

evoke her beauty listen you can always

tell when a woman is loved well when a

woman is loved well she blossoms when a

woman is oppressed she shrinks but can I

say the same thing happens when a man is

loved well it brings out the best in him

but when he is living into a constant

fault finding nagging

wife his life shuts down we need to love

one another Well biblical femininity is

not a position of Oppression or weakness

if you wonder about that just look at

proverbs 31 it says she considers a

field and buys it it doesn’t say she

considers a field goes to her husband

ask permission to buy it and he gives

her money no it says she considers a

field and she buys it mean she had

stewardship over her choices and over

finances and it says and with the

proceed she plants a Vineyard so she

makes another decision right there just

like any man would make a decision John

and I believe that marriage is two

people committed to bringing the best

out in one another not one person

oppressing and besting the other and I’m

sorry I’m sorry if you’ve gone to a

church that has said that biblical

masculinity is the man is the boss of

the world and the woman is a doormat I’m

sorry if I was at a church like that I’d

be out unless the Holy Spirit was like

no stay and intercede I would be gone

because I would not want my family to

hear those kind of things husbands are

to love their wives the way Christ loves

the church and how he loved the church

was he laid down his life for the church

Christ lays down his life for the church

the husband is to lay down his life for

his wife just as the wife lays down her

physical safety in child birth and so

that is supposed to be a reflective

relationship and again I’m sorry if it’s

gotten skewed wrong that was never God’s

intention and so don’t assume that this

is a normal thing in the church I have

seen more women empowered in healthy

ways in the church Church than I have

seen women empowered outside of the

church because in the outside it’s like

one wins and the other loses I’ve also

heard the argument like oh if if we you

know we’re going to end up being in the

handmaid’s tail we’re going to be living

Margaret Atwood’s World well I’m going

to tell you right now we are not in a

dystopian environment we are not living

like that on any level that is the worst

of the worst and I’m watching as more

more and more women are being appointed

to positions of influence and power and

God is anointing these women to watch

over what women are involved in and the

value added to them I don’t want you to

read things that paint the worst I want

you to read things that prophesy and

predict the best I believe that God is

looking to restore everything that has

been lost and one of the things that was

lost was the harmony between male and

female I’m always going to say male and

female are a power Union they were never

meant to be a power struggle the man is

not the enemy the enemy is a serpent who

actually pits us against one another and

the answer is our heavenly father and

again handmaid’s tail my goodness yeah

that’s a night

but that is not what we are living and

that is not what we are positioned for

I’ve had the incredible privilege of

traveling to so many countries in all of

the world and there is no country that

has it better than the American women

and many of the other women in the

western world and yet we are the biggest

complainers and I think that we need to

use our freedom to lift and set up set

an example for women who are virtuous

and capable for women all over the world

World okay so after the recent election

I’m I’m going to tell you I guess for

had a little bit of movement in the

United States but it did not come on my

radar until this trend spiked out of

control after the recent election so

many women are like I’m going to jump on

this bandwagon but here’s the thing we

are not supposed to be following the

world’s Trends we are created to set

Trends I believe that we are created for

solution not for constant copying of the

world and their Trends I believe that we

are the ones that are supposed to move

some things forward rather than get

entrapped and entangled in offense and

bitterness you know it’s crazy the Bible

says because lawlessness would abound

lawlessness abound the love of many

would grow cold and deception would take

over we need to make sure that we guard

our hearts

guarding your heart is not putting your

heart in lock down with a fence it is

not locking other people out guarding

your heart is making sure it stays

tender and soft let’s set the trends

rather than bow down to our cultural
