What Christians Get Wrong About the 2024 Election

If you want to join a larger conversation about embracing the truth of your God-given identity, we invite you to read The Fight for Female. Get the book: https://shorturl.at/cBaRK _______________ With the 2024 election fast approaching, our nation stands at a crossroads—revival or ruin. As Christians, our allegiance should be to Christ, not a political label. What does it look like to vote biblically in a polarized nation? In this episode, we’re discussing how to approach this election with a Kingdom mindset and rise above divisive behavior. Join us as we navigate how to approach the election with wisdom, grace, and faith! _______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/donate Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → https://3szn.short.gy/T5fH72 ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram →   / lisabevere   Follow me on Facebook →   / lisabevere.page   Follow me on Twitter →   / lisabevere   ______________ For information on my books, resources, speaking schedule, and more, visit LisaBevere.com Chapter Markers: 0:00 – Introduction 0:46 – Elections: How Christians Should Behave 3:06 – How to Form Opinions Without Division, and How to Break Division 9:58 – The Importance of Voting 14:07 – Ad: Get Your Copy of The Fight For Female https://shorturl.at/cBaRK 14:34 – Conviction, What Would Jesus Do? 17:20 – Fighting for Unity 21:58 – Fact Checking for Unity 24:17 – Seeing Hearts Change 27:41 – For the Leaders: The Challenge of Our Day 29:19 – Conclusion MB01UAOBWBUT7X0

we are on the verge of another election

we are a nation on the threshold of

either Revival or ruin if we want to see

a unified and better world how do we

fight for that without fighting someone

else I’m going just say this 2020 was

triggering for me it was awful you can’t

be conservative to the neglect of being

a Christian and you can’t be Progressive

to the neglect of being a Christian you

are first and foremost a Christ follower

so I want to ask you is it important

that we still have a voice within our

nation in voting I’m not going to tell

you how to vote but I am going to talk

to you

about okay I am uh I’m in a little bit

of angst right now we are on the verge

of another election a big election and

uh I’m going to say this 2020 was

triggering for me it was it was awful so

many people with so much anger and so

many opinions and I feel like we’re

escalating we’re going up to that place

again and so I’m not going to tell you

how to vote but I am going to talk to

you about how you should behave we need

to stop being ugly and hateful

Christians whenever it gets to an

election time we need to act like the

elect instead of acting like we only

care about election return turns this is

a crazy crazy time Christian I remember

after the 2020

election I had posted a quote by Abraham

Lincoln I was like I feel like Abraham

Lincoln is safe I feel like I feel like

I can go with Abe and it said we are not

enemies we are friends and I thought I

think everybody needs to remember we all

go to the same country a lot of us call

ourselves Christians I’m figuring my

people they that they’re not going to

hang around if they’re not Christians

and I said come on come on we need to

stop polarizing we got to stop saying oh

if you voted you voted that way you’re a

white supremist who endorses violence or

if you voted the other way you’re a

Marxist baby killer I said we are

Americans we’re Americans and we have

the privilege of voting we should not be

attacking one another causing division

we need to actually give people margin

to not feel like they can stick their

heels in the ground and fight for their

whatever moment but we need to move

forward as Kingdom people I believe in

voting I believe it’s a privilege and as

long as we have the right and the

privilege to vote we should vote and I

believe that we should vote according to

scripture according to the what what we

see as Christians outlined but what I am

concerned about is the hateful behavior

of Christians during the election the

demonizing of everybody that they think

disagrees with them I’m just going to

ask you right off the bat how do you

form your opinions whether they’re well

informed they’re biblically informed how

do you form those without getting into

this place of division that we’re seeing

so commonly yeah well I mean I think

that all of us need to vote platform not

personality I’m I’m I may get in trouble

for this I don’t trust the media I don’t

trust the media so we need to do a

little bit of Our Own due diligence and

here’s the other thing see when I was

growing up there was something called

voting booth you got to go into a Bo

booth and vote nobody knew what you put

on there it was between you and your pen

you put it in and you had the right to

privacy and right now people are

publicly arguing with one another rather

than actually persuading like we need to

be able to talk about things in ways

that are civilized I am so tired of the

name calling I am so tired of the

slandering and as Christians as

Christians we need to call each other up

not out and I’m just seeing so many

people uh saying oh that part of the

body of Christ they’re not even really

Christians only we’re the real

Christians over there they’re not really

Christians only we’re the real

Christians and the truth is when we have

pride and strife rampant in the body of

Christ when we have then we’ll have

Division and chaos and every evil work

even if we think we’re doing right we

will end up with the wrong result and

you’re saying this across the board I’m

saying this across the board both

parties believing and unbelieving we’ve

made a mess how would you begin to

unwind that like what should we be doing

to unmake the division create Unity

without compromising because I know we

also say truth in love yeah your

principles yeah you know and and I

believe that we don’t have to go to the

RNC or the DNC to get our opinions I

believe we need to know the platform we

need to say what we need to be informed

and we need to say now if I’m informed

on what this party stands for how does

that agree or disagree with scripture

and and so that is at the end of the day

it’s not the word of a politician

it’s the word of God like what to say

and then you don’t have to prove your

point to everybody else you know you and

John and I are big Believers and you

preach the truth and the truth exposes

lies you don’t attack people you attack

lies and so when we when we have a

culture of sound bites and lies we

become a culture that just Echo sound

bites and lies and we need to be people

who understand the word of God and when

it comes to politics politics oh my gosh

we need to hit our knees and stop

throwing stones we need to cry out for

God to heal our nation we need to be

involved in that healing but we need to

stop thinking that the anybody that

looks different thinks different than us

is a problem we are a nation on the

threshold of either Revival or ruin as

far as I’m concerned there’s there’s

never been a clear path where we need to

seek God because we have so much sin in

our nation that if we do not seek God we

are not going to be able to rightly

divide anything we’re just going to be

divided and that’s where we are right

now we are houses divided we are people

divided we are divided by things that

should never divide us and we need to be

a people where we stand in the middle

and declare truth even if it means we

get shot at by both sides and and I

remember I remember getting shot at from

both sides I remember when I posted the

Abraham Lincoln quote and said hey don’t

allow the media to say you have to hate

each other don’t allow the media to

divide immediately I had half my group

say I can’t believe you voted for Biden

I’m unfollowing you then the other half

said I can’t believe you voted for Trump

I’m unfollowing you I didn’t say

anything I said do not allow a spirit of

division to split this nation because

that ruling demonic

Dragon I mean we’re in the year of the

dragon dragons create chaos chaos works

best in confusion and Division and so

that’s really what I want to speak to is

we do not want to partner with the

dragons dream of chaos division

destruction violence discouragement

hopelessness we do not want to do that

and at the end of the day at the end of

the day it is not our source is not one

presidential candidate the other our

source is God and and you know I I’m

having I’m having a hard time saying

this the same way as I used to say how I

said it

before it’s not one party or the other

it’s Kingdom and we need to be people

that say what aligns with the kingdom

what aligns with the kingdom because

there’s bad things about both parties

there’s bad things about both the

politicians but there’s nothing bad with

the kingdom and so when we are Kingdom

driven people we will vote according to

Kingdom principles which should give you

a clear path forward I don’t have to

tell you goodness gracious you should be

able to monitor your self-control and

not get involved in contentions online

you know we’ve lost the art of

conversation you know it used like

there’s people that that will disagree

with me and they will just attack me

then I have people that disagree with me

and you know what they do they text me

and they’re like hey I just I just kind

of want to I want to put this on your on

your radar and you know what I

appreciate the fact that they respect me

enough to reach out because they believe

I’m reasonable and I want you to be

reasonable people I want you to be led

by the spirit and reasonable people you

do not have the right to hate people

that disagree with you

I don’t you will never have the right to

use violence you will never have the

right to uh cut off half the body of

Christ because you think less of them or

or whatever and so we have a culture

that is screaming left and right and we

cannot choose left or right we have to

choose rightly related with Jesus and he

does inform our

decisions yeah I’m going be honest with

you I remember remember when I first got

to the voting age I just had no interest

in being part of it because I would see

all the commercials of like I’m so and

so and I endorse this message the other

party is terrible you should vote for me

and I was like this just feels like high

school gossip and that was even years

ago with different candidates so that’s

not even pointing to a party but it just

felt so messy to me it is messy I

thought I don’t even know how to get

involved with this now that I have

children I see the urgency and I’m like

well I can’t ignore this I have to to be

proactive but it still feels just so

misaligned I’m like I just want to know

what the meat of the matter is so I want

to ask you anyone else that feels that

same way of goodness Lisa there is so

much Division I don’t even want to voice

anything I don’t want to have these

conversations is it important that we

still have a voice within our nation in

voting absolutely I mean being uh

proactive rather than problematic is

going to be the solution going forward

we need to be a people that say I’m I’m

going to I’m going to form my decisions

off the word of God those will be my

convictions but that doesn’t mean that I

can’t have respectful conversations with

other people matter of fact you know

when I feel uh

respected I feel heard even if even if I

disagree and what we’re having is right

now we have so many people that are so

Hardline on their side that they are

actually making it difficult and and I

hope you hear me you can’t you can’t be

conservative to the neglect of being a

Christian and you can’t be Progressive

to the neglect of being a Christian you

are not first and foremost Progressive

or conservative you are first and

foremost a Christ follower and you have

to live like a Christ follower and you

can’t hate anyone you don’t get to hate

people you don’t get to attack people

you don’t get to slander people you

don’t get to listen to gossip mongering

we need to step back and recover some

sensibility and and not you know be like

who you vot who you for who you for you

know here’s the thing the enemy always

chooses sides but God says all right

who’s on my side like I I love the

dynamic of when Moses comes down there

has been like all this chaos they’re

like hey Moses you’re taking too much on

yourself you know listen we all holy

we’re all holy you’re not you don’t get

to be the big leader we’re all holy God

talks to us we don’t need chorus

rebellion and Moses isn’t like who’s on

kora’s side he didn’t do that he said

who’s on the Lord’s Side and that’s what

we need to ask a question and I’m not

talking about politician I’m talking

about you are you going to be on one

side or the other are you going to be on

the Lord’s Side when Joshua after 40

Years of wandering in the desert being

lied to having snakes killing off your

parents all the different plagues going

on he’s finally

on the edge of the promised land and he

sees a warrior and he’s like okay I

gotta figure out who this guy is because

I don’t know who he is he’s like who

side are you on and he says I’m not on

anybody’s side I am the captain of the

army of the Lord of hosts take off your

shoes this is Holy Ground we have a

privilege to vote but we do not have the

right to be mean or hateful or uh

divisive we need to be people who vote

in a way

that honors Our God commitment but we

need to honor the people that we see and

not alienate half the nation because I I

just don’t want to see our nation split

again the

division is so it is so epidemic right

now and this has been something that the

enemy has worked on for so long and so

hard Christian ever since 2020

vaccinated not vaccinated you know male

female just what it’s constant Division

division division and we we exercise our

rights to vote but we also exercise

self-control and kindness hey I am so

excited the fight for female reclaiming

our divine Identity book is now

available I am so excited that you can

get your hands on this message it is

filled with practical wisdom and

conversation so many people are like

Lisa thank you so much I didn’t know how

to say or what to say and so I’m hearing

the reviews super exciting you can grab

your copy today on Amazon it is the

kindness of God that leads us to

repentance not the anger it I mean and

again going back the wrath of man or

woman never works the righteous purposes

of God and I’m seeing a lot of ministers

get really worked up and say if you’re

not like me then you’re like them and

that is very much a binary Choice well

maybe those people want to hear them we

do not want to we do not want to push

people away by labeling them it’s it was

so crazy when I wrote without rival it

says depersonalizing everyone into a

rival we cannot depersonalize we cannot

label we cannot shame we need to be more

united than ever before as followers of

Jesus Christ and prayer for our nation

period not praying against not praying

we need to pray God’s will for our

nation so what I’m hearing you say is

one listening to this is to have your

convictions formed from the word stand

with those but not to try to bring

everyone to your side or dig your heels

in the sand because I’ve seen I mean

we’ve all seen the debates online we’ve

seen the debates in person the videos

and I just don’t feel like we’re

actually getting any of the intended

desires that we thought we would get

from any of those so what do you think

Jesus would do if he was a person like

you and me voting in this election what

would he do in this time well first of

all I think that Jesus had the

Revelation that he belonged to another

kingdom now I don’t think the Jews got

to vote under Roman rule I think the

Romans were a little bit the oppressors

there but he seemed to have the

awareness that you Render unto Caesar

what is Caesar’s which is our right to

vote and you Render unto God what is

God’s and we get we get weird when we

blur the two when we expect God to deal

with Caesar or Caesar to deal with God

we need to render to Caesar with a

Caesar to God with is gods and and for

all of us that means I mean I we’re

going to vote we’re going to vote it’s

important it’s that we vote but it’s

also important that we pray pray and act

and I I do think people are thinking

right now it doesn’t matter elections

are rigged it doesn’t matter which way I

vote my vote won’t count that is what

the enemy wants you to believe he wants

to intimidate you into

inaction so here’s the way I look at it

if I do my thing if I vote I pray I vote

I do my civic duty if they are corrupt

with it I did my duty and I my hands are

clean that’s how I see it Christian I

did my duty my hands are clean it’s like

the Barabas in Jesus you know what I did

what I did okay I want to ask you this

when we look at First Corinthians 1:0

this is what’s interesting to me and I

want to ask you if maybe you can sh some

clarity on it it saysi appeal to you

brothers and sisters in the name of our

Lord Jesus Christ that all of you agree

with one another in what you say and

that there be no divisions among you but

that you per be perfectly United in mind

and thought so we don’t want

disunity but if we want to see a unified

and better world how do we fight for

that without fighting someone else do

you get what I’m saying yes yeah and

that’s that’s the tricky part isn’t it I

mean my husband and I can be United that

doesn’t mean we’re same I think we can

be United in purpose I think that all

the Christians can say I’m going to

believe that our nation that was founded

as one nation under God will actually

live up to the one nation under God I’m

going to believe that our nation we’ll

have leaders that will rule with truth

and Justice that our leaders will be

surrounded with people that will give

them wise counselor and stewardship that

we’re going to pray and this one I will

get political on that we will pray for

the Peace of Jerusalem that we will pray

for a Revival in Israel that there will

be a settling and peace in Israel pretty

much all of the civilization of the

world has come through the Middle East

we need to pray for peace in the Middle

East period We Don’t Pray for Peace for

just this group or just that group we

pray for peace but God says that we are

specifically to pray for the Peace of

jerus Jerusalem so we’re believing that

the king of peace peace Salem means

peace the king of Peace will reign in

the Middle East and over our nation do

we believe that the spirit of God will

be honored in every area and that

everything that is wicked would be

exposed that God is the one who will

separate the precious from the vile that

everything that can be shaken will be

shaken I believe that we’re in that

season right now in the church that God

is like I’m going to shake these things

I’m going to shake these things that the

rotten fruit falls off and the ripe

fruit Falls God is shaking our nation

and things are getting revealed left and

right and we don’t want to stabilize

what God is shaking we need to let the

shaking happen but we ourselves need to

stop being part of the accusation let

God do the shaking and then we do our

part It’s said that we’re supposed to

pray for our leaders pray for our

leaders not just the leaders that we

elected we pray for all of our leaders

that we can live Godly and peaceful

lives peaceful I don’t I think that’s a

word peaceful lives anyway that we can

live Godly and peaceful lives prayer is

not a weak thing prayer is a privilege

prayer is an honor prayer is a strategy

prayer is a release of God’s kingdom

into the kingdom of this world when I

pray thy kingdom come thy will be done

on Earth as it is in heaven I am

including every nation in the world and

specifically America so we need to pray

and we need to pray not like a scared

prayers like I’m so scared it’s going to

be so bad I hope so and so or this and

that we need to pray thy kingdom come

thy will be done on Earth as it is in

heaven God may heaven and earth align

with your purpose and your will right

now and I’m not going to curse those

that are made in your image I’m not not

going to mock but I will Mark I will say

this one is standing for this and this

one is standing for that and there’s a

Clarity so we can we can mark but we

cannot mock God does not want us mocking

our brothers and sisters God is okay

with us marking like hey hey this is

this is this is concerning but not

mocking and at the end of the day

they’re not my servants they’re God

servants if they’re ministers and I feel

like they’re not doing what they should

do that’s between them and God but I

will continue to I will continue to

preach the

truth I love that and I think it’s worth

mentioning the Romans 12:18 so if

everything I can do to live at peace it

doesn’t means as much as it’s in your

power yes I think it’s a big difference

between peac maker and Peacekeeper like

so we want to be active but I know your

hope is that we walk away more unified

more celebratory more in line with what

God even wants to do in our nation how

would you help

someone know like a gut check of hey

maybe you know maybe you have been so

passionate about this topic it has

gotten a little divisive or you have

felt like you had to just go out and say

this what’s Your Gut check for this is

how to be aligned this is how to be in

this vein of unity but still passionate

I think I think it’s always easier to

choose sides so I think if we can step

back maybe have a pen and paper instead

of our phone and say um what is God

honoring and what is God dishonoring

what has what is the right of um

governance uh what what is our nation

like what are the tenants of our nation

the honored God that need to be upheld

and what are the things that need to

maybe be shifted I don’t know you know

I’m going to say very clearly I have

been very clear there is two things that

are very important to me and that is the

image of God and that is the sanctity of

life and so those are things that if I

see those compromised or not

accommodated those are going to be very

big issues for me but you can’t make

every issue a big issue and everything

contention and everybody is someone

you’re arguing with but I can have

conversations with people that I say hey

you may you know you may you may think

no my big issue on how I vote is this so

I’m not going to be like no that’s the

wrong issue it needs to be my issue so

we need to say what is god-honoring

and strife is never God honoring Strife

is never godon so if we’ve gotten caught

up in all the narratives all the

arguments of this or arguments of that

we need to stand in the middle God what

are you saying how can how can your

spirit and your will and your ways be

more celebrated in our nation I’m going

to go that way in my vote but even more

so even more so then in my vote I’m

going to go that way with my life I’m

I’m not going to attack accuse blame

slander I’m not going to partner with

the dragon and be divisive I’m going to

partner with God and believe that God

can actually do something in our nation

and he can turn the heart of the king

and his because that heart is in his

hand he can turn it whatever way he

wants I was just about to ask you I mean

I love the wisdom that you share

obviously you’ve seen many things within

politics over the last few years is

there a story that sticks out of for

someone that’s like well Lisa if I don’t

say this nothing is going to change is

there a story where you saw the king’s

heart change I mean the Jesus movement

the all that time I was kind of

oblivious I think I was like eight

during the Jesus movement no I’ve seen

to be honest with you I

saw I saw our


slide I saw

distrust in the in the mid 70s and then


saw hope come back into our nation and I

I feel like where we are right now we’ve

been before which actually gives me hope

that that while we all like people just

like I don’t trust anybody I don’t you

know my voice my I don’t trust them my

vot my vote doesn’t count government’s

all what whatever the narrative is in

their head I feel like in this season of

hopelessness when men have failed and

when people have failed us and

government has failed us we lift our

eyes and then God begins to move in a in

a a new way and so I am believing for a

new day for our nation and

um that that’s a new day is very

different than just a new leader I was

thinking how Jesus talks to people and

when Jesus is like Gathering everybody

for the last days and judgment or

whatever and he’s he’s got the Wedding

Banquet and he’s like see somebody come

in without His Garment on he’s like hey

friend Hey where’s your garment and he’s

like uh I don’t have one I and he’s like

bind him hand and foot toss him out but

he he opens up with friendship and we

need to open up

conversations and hearts with friendship

we need to open up with conversation not

just throwing our ideas out there first

I remember that when John and I were in

a season of contention I was like he is

not listening I’ll just say it louder

I’ll just say it with some threats I’ll

call a friend and get their opinion have

their opinion to it and I’m just going

to layer all this and God was like Lisa

if you want John to hear you say it the

way you’d want to hear it it’s not

complicated do you like being called

names do you like being labeled do you

like being yelled at no nobody does we

need to speak to people and we need to

talk to them the way we’d want them to

speak and talk to us we need to believe

the best first not last we need to call

them friend even if they’re acting like

an enemy and we need to create

conversations that are courageous and

necessary if we are going to move the

needle forward in our our communities

and in our country because at the end of

the day I’m not even sure what the

politicians do but I am aware of my

neighbors and my family and my friends

and if we do not have healthy strong

families and communities where we

respect each other irregardless of our

disagreements on things we’re going to

have greater problems than we could ever

have imagined okay so this one’s for my

leaders these are from my Christian

leaders my influencers my influencers um

here’s the here’s the challenge of our

day and I know it’s

challenging we need to be clear we need

to give Clarion calls but we can’t be

cruel we can’t name calls

we can’t attack we can’t isolate we

can’t slander we need to be compelling I

think about Paul speaking in the book of

Acts to King theopolis where he was like

come on I’m going to tell you I’m going

to tell you what I know what I’ve seen

what I believe and I remember he did it

in such a Winsome compelling way that

King theopolis said Paul you have almost

convinced me we need to be people who

are convincing and constructive not

critics and callous this is not the time

for us to be

mean-spirited we need to be clear we

need to be holy spirit-led I I don’t I

don’t think there needs to be confusion

around things but alienation is not

going to help us preach the word of God

be bold share your convictions and I do

think that you can share your

convictions from the pulpit separation

of church and state was about protecting

the church from the state not the state

from the church do not allow

intimidation to cause you to shrink back

or shut up but don’t be mean spirited

there’s absolutely no excuse for that

well we hope that today’s episode gave

you some type of parameters and honestly

some type of Hope for this coming

election and we do hope that you would

come back for next episode so make sure

you’re subscribed you’re rating and

reviewing and we will see you on the

next episode of the fight for female
