Why Is the Church Not Talking about This?!
In today’s world, confusions about gender and identity cloud our society’s vision. We tackle these tough questions head-on: What is the intrinsic value of being a woman, a man? Are you struggling with sexual confusion? Remember, femininity and masculinity are gifts from God, crafted beautifully and purposefully. Love intertwined with truth forms the essence of real freedom. But remember, truth without love is incomplete—it’s merely a lie. Here, we don’t just call people out; we call them UP—into truth, into love, into the fullness that life with Christ offers. Tune in as we unravel how the truth really can set us free, and how, by embracing our God-given identities, we can navigate through the noise with clarity and purpose. Let’s rise together to the higher calling God has set before us. “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32 #lisabevere #lisabeveresermon #lisabeverteaching #lisabeverestudy #lisabeverestrong #lisabeveresummerofstrong #woman #minister #freedom #womeninministry #radicalfaith #purpose #calling #unity #sermon #bestsermon #withoutrival #comparison #Godistruth #findingyouridentity #girlswithswords #thefutureismaleandfemale #thenemyofoursoul #lisabevereadamant #adamant ______________ Chapters: 0:00 – Unpacking 3 Things 0:28 – Romans 1:19 3:09 – Look Up Child 5:44 – How God Reveals Himself To Us 9:01 – Women Need to Be Women and Men Need to Be Men 11:44 – We are Sexually Wired 13:11 – You Will Not Have Authority over the Things You Choose to Be Entertained By 13:53 – Are You Sexually Confused? 16:33 – Here’s The Challenge For Us 19:29 – I Was a Heathen 28:38 – God Healed Me 31:03 – God Renewed my Mind 32:43 – Who Is Ready for a Radical Life Change? 35:42 – Repentance Prayer ______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org Become a monthly ministry supporter. Partner with Messenger International and I to distribute free discipleship resources around the globe: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/donate Get 10% off books and resources in our store by clicking here → https://3szn.short.gy/T5fH72 ______________ Stay Connected: Follow me on Instagram → / lisabevere Follow me on Facebook →
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and so I’m hoping that I can unpack
three things for you first of all I want
to talk to you about the reality of our
God second I’m going to talk about the
reality of our day and third I’m going
to talk about the reality of us so I’m
going to open up and because I’m
Sicilian I’m going to go to the Book of
Romans because those are my people
Romans 1 verse 19 I’m going to read it
out of the message paraphrase go ahead
and grab it in any other version and
follow along but this one kind of just
brings it home Romans 1:19 says but the
basic reality of God is plain enough
open your eyes and there it is by taking
a long and thoughtful look at what God
has created people have always been able
to see what their eyes as such can’t see
eternal power for instance and the
Mystery of his Divine being so nobody
has a good
excuse everything in creation declares
the existence of our
creator people especially in California
have no excuse because you got the
mountains you’ve got the ocean you’ve
got a an environment where can I just
say everything
grows perhaps not everything should grow
here the way it flourishes here but
everything that surrounds us says there
is a God who created us so that nobody
has a good excuse I fly a lot I have 4
million miles just on United Airlines
and I never walk in and say I’m a
preacher because the people next to you
will change seats and so they will
usually ask me like what do you do and
I’m like oh I’m an author and then we
start talking because everybody thinks
they should write a book they’re like
I’m going to write a book I’m like
Hallelujah every single person in the
entire universe feels like they should
write a book because the truth is you
have been written about in a book book I
don’t know if you know there is a book
in heaven that’s actually keeping
records of everything so anyway so uh
they they will usually like shut me down
as soon as they hear a preacher like
what about people in China what about a
people on a deserted island God’s going
to send them to hell oh I’m sorry it
says by taking a long and thoughtful
look at creation we can all have a
revelation that there is a
Creator so John and I are of the of the
older persuasion John doesn’t like me to
use the word older let’s say mature okay
mature we are more mature and when we
used to host guests we hosted uh a very
frightening older man uh named Lester
summeral we were terrified of him he was
always casting out demons talking about
demons I was pretty sure when he invited
John and I to go to breakfast that maybe
I had a demon that was going to get cast
out at the breakfast I mean I was like
casting everything possible out of
myself before we met with him for
breakfast and and he began to tell John
and I some stuff that was kind of
scary we were 24 and
25 the year was
1984 and Lester told John and I that he
saw a a day where people’s lives would
be controlled by a box they hold in
hands y’all looked at an iPhone
recently they are actually saying
people’s posture are changing because we
don’t lift our eyes and look at
creation we lower our heads and bow to
phones so we’re kind of missing some
stuff that God wants to
highlight so that is the reality of our
God all creation no excuses he reveals
himself and all you have to do is ask I
remember asking I remember asking and
saying God I I know you are but I don’t
know how to find you and it wasn’t long
before my life crossed passed with this
one and I heard the gospel come Romans
1:21 goes on to say okay it says what
happened was this cuz how many of you
are like what is happening yeah anybody
else feel like that is that just
something I’m feeling he’s like what
happened was this people knew God
perfectly well but they when they didn’t
treat him like God refusing to worship
him they trivialized themselves into
silliness and confusion so that there
was neither sense nor Direction left in
their life they pretended to know it all
but they were illiterate regarding life
see it’s one thing to acknowledge God
it’s quite another thing to worship Him
and when you worship Him you acknowledge
Him as Supreme and the truth is the more
I pursue God the more he reveals me the
more I become human the more I become
more of a reflection of who he is as I
see him I actually become more like him
but when we’re stupid which is kind of
where we’re kind of celebrating stupid
right now in our culture we trivialize
ourselves what does that mean it means
to make less of than we really are we
are Sons and Daughters of the most high
God and we cannot tralize ourselves into
silliness and
confusion and become illiterate
regarding life oh have a a lot of
knowledge but no
wisdom it says they traded the glory of
God who holds the whole world in his
hands for cheap figurines you can buy at
roadside so God said in effect if that’s
what you want that’s what you get it
wasn’t long before they were living in a
pig pin smeared with filth filthy inside
and out and all this because they traded
the true God for a fake God and worship
the god they made instead of the God who
made them the God we Bless The God Who
blesses us oh yes whenever we worship a
God Made In My Own image made in my own
image it’s a Lesser God I love that we
were singing a song about make us holy
to guard your glory but you know we have
a culture that’s like you’re a God y’all
if I’m if I’m a God y’all are in trouble
like at any given moment I mean I am
through menopause but at any given
moment there’s going to be dead bodies I
mean you do not want me to be a god you
want me to be Godly you you don’t want
me to be a god
it goes on it says worse followed in
26 refusing to know God they soon didn’t
know how to be human
either women didn’t know how to be women
and men didn’t know how to be
men guys I didn’t write this I didn’t
write the book of Romans okay do you
actually know that right now children
identifying as f
oh yeah yeah there’s litter
boxes and pea pads at schools and they
leashes and they are to be
acknowledged as the animal of their
choice and even let around
unleashes you guys I’m not making this
up I wish I was I wish I was what one
case no this is
happening in our schools
women didn’t know how to be women and
men didn’t know how to be
men I am just going to speak very
transparently with
you when John asked me to marry him it
re it made me realize oh my gosh I am a
woman like I am going to play the role
of wife mother woman and I started to
panic and I said you know you’re getting
a really good deal and John was like
okay I’m I’m excited about what you have
to say I said I have a woman’s body but
I have a man’s brain oh y’all I was way
ahead of my time oh yeah
to woman’s body man’s brain why why was
I saying that because I had been wounded
by women and so when you are wounded by
a particular gender you will
disassociate from that and think that I
would find strength in
but women acting like men is not a
position of strength any more than men
acting like women is a position of
strength we need women to be women and
men to be
men because male and female
captures the image of
God but our culture our culture has said
oh no it’s an issue of wounding let’s
blend the genders to bring healing no
that will not bring healing we need to
remember what it means to be a daughter
of God we need to remember what it means
to be a son of the most high instead of
getting confused by our
culture we need to lean in to the
territory that we have left and
Dishonored we need to say what is the
value of being a woman and what is the
value of being a
man you got to do
that you know I the first time I ever
preached this is back in 2015 and people
were like nobody’s self-identifying
their gender oh but see johnar from
Colorado Colorado wants to be California
really really badat and Boulder is the
seed of California in Colorado so in
Colorado Junior High kids were shown
videos of boys kissing boys they did
that for the boys girls kissing girls
they did that for the girls and then
they said all right if you had a sexual
response to that you’re a lesbian or
you’re gay but the truth is if you see
something sexually charged and you
respond to it it just means you are
sexually wired it doesn’t mean you’re
going to jump out and do something how
many of you have ever flipped through a
channel and all of a sudden you see
something that you weren’t expecting to
see and you physically respond because
you are sexually wired and sometimes not
supposed to be seeing the things that
you happen to see how many of you know
they’re SE sneaking a lot of stuff
in seriously I love the crown I love the
crown until Season Two Season Two I’m
brushing my teeth I’m like what in the
world is going on there I shut my iPad
open it back up still going on I was
like goodbye Queen Elizabeth
I’m sorry I’m going to have to say
goodbye to the
crown because you will never have
authority over the things that you
choose to be entertained
by we cannot be
entertained by the things that would
undermine how God wo us God wo US male
and female and it is not kind to affirm
that somebody is a
mistake we have got to stop saying
people are mistakes because you know
what we’re actually saying God made a
mistake when he made you so ultimately
who we’re blaming is not the people
we’re blaming our creator so we don’t
want to do that then it goes a little
deeper in verse 27 it says sexually
confused they abused defiled one another
women with women men with men all lust
no love and then they paid for it oh how
they paid for it emptied of God and love
Godless Loveless wretches since they
didn’t bother to acknowledge God God
quit bothering them and let them run
loose and it goes on and then all hell
broke loose rampant evil grabbing and
grasping vicious backstabbing they made
life hell this is all people people are
like are you only no all people who
refuse to worship God as God they made
life hell on Earth with their Envy
wanton killing bickering and cheating
look at them mean spirited venomous Fork
tongue God Bashers bullies swaggers
insufferable windbags they keep
inventing new ways of wrecking lives
they ditch their parents when they get
in the way stupid slimy cruel cold
blooded I didn’t write these words okay
and then it goes on to say and it is not
as if they don’t know better they know
perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s
face and they don’t care worse they hand
out prizes to those who do the worst
best I don’t know if you recently saw
the awards in a church service for the
drag queen in New
York prizes for those those who do the
worst things best femininity is a
gift it is not one that should be
sexualized nobody’s asking for a womb or
to give birth
right okay I’m just there we go okay all
right so that is the reality of our day
okay you guys now get happy you were
chosen for this moment and
time now I know I know that sometimes
the church preaches truth without love
and truth without love is
Harsh it’s not empowering it’s
legalistic so our culture has responded
by preaching love without truth but love
without truth is a lie and lies don’t
set us free it is the truth that sets us
free so here’s the challenge before you
and I we’re going to have to live the
truth in love not just preach the
truth we’ve got to live the truth in
love and that starts with how we love
one another I love that your church is
like hey let’s target people to bless
let’s intentionally love other churches
instead of discounting or discrediting
or saying we’re
better I see what is happening in our
culture we have tons of people calling
out but Jesus didn’t call people out he
called them up he called them to a
higher standard he spoke to the destiny
he said okay I see what’s going on here
let me tell you the one thing that
releases you to live higher to live how
you were created the book of Isaiah in
chapter 41 says God will show us the way
he works so that you and I can live the
way we are made God’s kindness is what
leads people to repentance he pours out
blessing on the just and the unjust he
makes it rain on the just and the unjust
so we cannot be those who curse the very
ones that God wants to bless to get them
to turn back to him so a lot of people
stop there Romans
1 but I’m going to go on to Romans 2 and
talk about the reality of us those
people are on a dark spiral downward but
if you think that leaves you on The High
Ground where you can point your fingers
at others thank again every every time
you criticize someone you condemn
yourself it takes one to No One
judgmental criticism of others is a
well-known way of escaping detection in
your own crimes and misdemeanors but God
isn’t so easily diverted he sees right
through all such smoke screens and holds
you to what you’ve done you didn’t think
did you that just by pointing your
fingers at others you would distract God
from seeing all your doings and from
coming down on you hard or did you think
that because he is such a nice God he’d
let you off the hook this is old this is
not Old Testament it’s New Testament
better thank this one through from the
beginning God is kind but he is not soft
in kindness he takes us firmly by the
hand and leads us into a radical life
change so
that’s what I want to talk about come on
I can’t control what’s going on out
there but I am responsible for my
response so I’ve got to let God take me
firmly by the hand and lead me into a
radical life change not just yeah yeah
you know what we we all are immoral
horrible people and you know just but
the thing is I you know Christians are
forgiven they’re not perfect oh the
scripture says be thou
perfect so we have to be perfected as we
pursue him we are transformed so I was
an amazing exceptional Heathen I did not
get saved till I was 21 years of age I
was driving home from the University
Arizona I I did too long of a drive I
was high on viin you know it was like
noo viin kind of thing and I am
screaming at the top of my lungs I’m on
the highway to help and I realized in
the middle of
acdc’s promise that I possibly was on
the highway to help and I remember
thinking wait I have become
everything I never wanted to
be I have compromised every single
moral I have compromised every single
standard I remember just feeling so
aware of my lost condition and when that
happens you go out to party and it’s not
fun anymore you’re like I wish this was
fun still and I remember I turned to one
of the college dorm guys and I said
don’t you ever wonder if there’s more
don’t you ever wonder if there’s
something more and he was like you seem
like you’re living in the more I’m like
I’m living in the less I’m living in the
less but I don’t know how to get to the
more and he told me about this crazy
tennis player leading an all campus
bible study on produ campus and he’s
like well if you have any Christian
questions you should ask this guy and I
was like no not him he is the one that
every time I see him he’s like wow you
look tired he like he’s looking into my
soul why and I was like I’m fine I’m
fine I’m not tired why no no not him
he’s the Christian guy I do not want to
talk to Mr oh you look tired I’m like no
no but you know there’s that thing that
happens when you got a Praying
mama and all I remember is looking at
John he’s entering a building and I
thought to myself if I slow down he
won’t see me and he won’t
say the truth that I can’t get to sleep
at night unless I have drank a large
amount of
alcohol I ground my teeth at night I
used to put my bottom teeth into the ru
of my mouth and I would wake up with
blood in my mouth so I’m like he’s he’s
almost in the building and all of a
sudden I don’t know how this happened I
hey why did I just yell at the tired man
and he he turns around and I’m like
somebody had already told me you know
you’ve been cussing a lot in front of
the Bible study guy like you know you’ve
said a lot of things you probably
shouldn’t say in front of Bible study
guy and I was like I don’t want him to
think I’m a bad person even though I am
so I he turns around I said
so um I have a mom who thinks she’s been
healed of cancer what do you think of
that I think she’s crazy she also thinks
she’s like speaking in tongues like an
apostle I’m like so what you you know I
have some questions I made it made it
sound like I was trying to protect my
mom you know I have some questions I
need to ask you and John is like you
know what um I’m going away for the 4th
of July and you can you can call me when
I get back if you’re you’re
serious and I thought in your dreams I
am not calling you I am not calling you
skinny tennis player heck no so I didn’t
call him I did not call him but he
called me he called me he did all right
babe and he said hey we’re we’re hosting
a Bible study picnic and all I heard was
free food that’s really all I heard and
I thought okay I could do that from 5:00
to 7:00 and then I will like go out and
I will go out partying and so I was like
sure that sounds awesome and I didn’t
know it was a date I thought it was like
like hey you know 80 people are coming
and if you want to come and so I always
like held my options Loosely and then he
calls me a little later in the week he’s
like so what do you want hot dogs or
hamburger I’m like wait a minute wait
how many people would you ask and he
said just you I’m like oh my gosh I’m
oneon-one with the Christian I was like
uh okay I I I probably want hamburgers
so we go to this we we go to this picnic
and you know you got to love those
Christian girls they’re all coming up to
me like I’m praying for you I’m like I
it feels angry that feels like Angry
prayers I don’t know if I want you
praying for me what what exactly are you
praying and why is everybody praying for
me angry prayers why well I didn’t know
that I had in trapped the Bible study
leader and the Bible study leader people
had eyes on him but you know then this
girl that’s showing up at breakfast in a
bikini top and cut off shorts she’s come
to the Bible study and so I just
remember I was getting really awkward so
I tried to be nice I thought Christians
are nice so I like cleared the table and
did things like that trying to fool
everybody see I’m a Christian I clear I
clear my own plates and we all got in a
circle you guys you have powerful
worship no no no in 1981 we had to see
sing things like I got the joy joy joy
joy down in my heart where down in my
heart yeah yeah okay so angry angry
Heathen in a circle with Christians
singing I got the joy joy I wanted to
all of them and I’m like this is the
most a I didn’t know where to look
people are like lifting their hands I’m
like do you have a question I mean when
you’re in college and people lift their
hands they have a question and they’re
making me nervous I’m like put your hand
on put and so I have the song sheet I’m
like shaking the song sheet like for the
love of God look at your song sheet put
your hand down these people are stupid
and so I just was like I need to get out
of here I need to get out of here and go
get a drink but but then I looked down
and there was a song called Robes of
righteousness and it said in the lyrics
that when God would look at me he would
no longer see me and I don’t know what
you’ve come from but I came from shame I
came from compromise Darkness I remember
hearing the Holy Spirit say you need a
covering you are covered in sin and I
elow John and I said is this true and he
said is what true that God could look at
me and not see
me and that night we went walking on the
campus and John preached from Genesis to
the Book of Revelations I began to panic
panic cuz I had seen the end of the
movie thief in the night and I knew that
people that weren’t saved got their head
cut off and I began to get nervous that
this guy was going to disappear in the
Rapture thing and I was going to be left
on the Park Bench with my head cut off
so I finally just said I I need to do
this what do I need to do I need to do
this Christian thing do we need like
candles what what needs to happen like
and he just said you need to confess
your sins I’m like I don’t remember them
all I don’t remember them all he was
like you can say I’m a sinner I said I
can totally say that I can say I’m a
sinner and so John led me through a
prayer and he said now you’re whole
again Spirit soul and body and I said so
you’re saying I can eat cheese now he’s
like what I said you just said that I
was whole Spirit soul and body and I
have lactose intolerance I want to eat
cheese so now that I’m a Christian
Christians eat cheese is that what
you’re saying to me and John was like oh
my gosh so he was like all right let’s
let’s pray again so
we he holds my hand he’s like say Jesus
I was like Jesus thank you thank you for
healing me up lactose intolerance he had
me say it cuz he was so nervous he
couldn’t even remember what I had and
all of the sudden
I felt this warmth come into my stomach
and untie all the knots that had been in
my stomach since I was 15 I knew I was
healed I went back to my dorm room and I
was like Jesus I need you to wait in the
hall wait in the hall wait in the hall
there’s there’s some stuff in here now I
need you to wait and then I go in I dump
all the beer I dump why did I have
pornography I don’t know I don’t know I
dump all the
pornography you know when you’re a
heathen you just do crazy stuff and then
I was like Jesus you can come in then I
spent about an hour and a half looking
for the book of Paul because John had
said Paul said this and Paul said that
and I was like where is the book of Paul
where is the book of Paul I can’t find
the book of Paul okay guys no zero
biblical frame of reference I finally
stand my way Bible that was in the dorm
I didn’t have a Bible are you kidding me
stand my way Bible it’s like please open
to the book of Paul and it opens up to
Corinthians where it says if any man be
in Christ there a new
creation and I look and it’s Paul I’m
like I thought he’d written two letters
I thought that was it my chance were so
good on that
opening I remember John discipled me he
poured into me he knew I was a piece of
work so he gave me an entire suitcase of
cassette tapes yeah yeah yeah we’re that
old cassette tapes and I drove back to
the University of Arizona listening to
cassette tapes but that wasn’t enough
praying in tongues because I knew I
needed to renew my mind and then when I
got back to the University of Arizona I
began to walk the halls of my sority and
I had my hands on the walls and I called
my sorty sisters out by name out of a
kingdom of darkness into a kingdom of
I used to pray and tongues in the shower
they’re like what’s what’s going on in
there guys when you ask God to take you
firmly by the hand and lead you into a
radical life change not a
marginal okay you know maybe we’re just
not going to celebrate Halloween the way
we used to I’m sorry that is not going
to cut it
anymore we are in a battle between dark
and Light life truth and lies and we
have to be radical radical in love
radical in faith radical in our own
radical so I just want to know who is
here that wants to get
radical all
right I need to warn you about a couple
if you ask God to take you firmly by the
hand and lead you into a radical life
change the first thing that changes is
he puts your his finger on your
heart we all have unique giftings and
anointings and God wants to do something
where he separates the pure from the
impure he wants to per prophetic people
that we can speak and God will watch
over our words to perform them and not
allow one of them to fall to the ground
unfulfilled he’s going to do heart
surgery on you first I’m just warning
you I remember what happened when I
asked God to excavate my life wow two
weeks later I’m like landscape it
landscape my life I did not mean to say
accessorize my life make it pretty on
outside but when we ask God to give us
truth in our inner parts he begins with
us so we don’t point to the
culture we point to us so that we can
rescue the culture because we are not
wrestling with flesh and blood but with
principalities and powers and rulers of
wickedness and high places
that exalt themselves against people we
love knowing god so if you are ready to
do heart
surgery that was a word that Dr Mike had
for me do you remember he said I I saw
you robing up and I saw you doing heart
surgery the word of God is a two-edged
sword with one side it
cuts and at the same time it heals
and so the two edges of cutting away and
healing so that we can be his
mouthpieces is something he wants to do
so this book out there if any of this
spoke to you if any of it you’re like
hey I don’t know if I really believe
what she’s saying I get that this book
was a shock for me when I wrote it but
we need to live truth in a universe of
opinions so if you’re still after all
that warning willing to ask God to take
you firmly by the hand and lead you into
a radical life change I want you to
stand to your feet because we can have
Christianity I just want you to close
your eyes and lift your hand
up and say I don’t want to search my
life say say I don’t want to search my
life I don’t want to search My Life by
the light of human understanding by the
light of human understanding I’m going
to search my life I search my life by
the Light Of Your Word By the Light of
your word your word your word is a light
is a light unto my path myth it is a
lamp a lamp unto my feet my feet I thank
you Father I thank you that you have
chosen me you have chosen for this
moment in time moment in time so take me
so take me firmly by The Hand firm by
and Lead Me And Lead me into a radical a
radical life change life change God God
merg Truth and Love merge truth and love
I want to be that person I want to be
that person who lives truth who lives
truth and loves well and loves well
anoint me anoint me to be Fearless to be
Fearless in a day in a day where so many
where so many are captive to the fear of
man to the fear of man begin it with me
begin it with me in Jes Jesus name Jesus
name amen and
amen I’m going to say one more
thing the Bible is so clear it says
those that are
planted planted in the house of God not
transplanted every two weeks oh let’s go
here and then let’s go there I didn’t
like the worship or we don’t believe in
women preaching I don’t I don’t know
what causes
transplanting but when you transplant
all the time you end up stunting your
growth plants go in shocks when you
transplant them they’re like what just
happened okay so if God has called you
plant and flourish plant and flourish in
the house of God in the courts of our
King plant and flourish because I
believe that Pastor Mar and Pastor
Michelle have chosen to plant and
flourish in a land where others found it
hard to stay oh it’s beautiful to come
but sometimes it’s difficult to stay so
they are woven for this time am it’s an
honor for John and I to minister to this
house to bless this great work of God I
can’t wait to see what God is going to
do on year five year 6 year seven year
eight you’re nine you’re 10 we got to go
to 44 is my understanding
44 so God bless yall