Pastor Matt Hagee – “How to Hypnotize a Generation”

The Bible warns there will come a time when the truth will be exchanged for a lie. In the end times, people will walk away from the faith because of deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. Do you see deception in today’s world? Wake up and realize that we are here to declare the truth of the Gospel!


the Bible says in a number of places

that certain things are going to happen

when we get to the end times for

example Paul in his letter to Timothy in

the second letter he says know this that

in the end times perilous times will

come because men will be lovers of

themselves and then he lists an entire

long di diagnostic of the culture in

which they would be greedy and lovers of

pleasure and that they would enjoy sin

and that they would hate Authority and I

don’t think you have to look at that

list too long before you can identify

those characters in the culture

today in another place it said that

there would come a generation that would

ever be growing in knowledge they would

know more than any other but they would

be getting further further away from the

truth that they would have a form of

godliness but they would deny the power

thereof and I don’t think you have to

look too far in the world today and know

that for as much as we know we’ve

forgotten what we should

remember Paul says something that’s

quite unique about the end times and I

believe that it is something we need to

hear and understand today and it begins

with this phrase now the spirit


says Paul was not generalizing here Paul

was saying Timothy the Holy Spirit told

me to write these exact precise words

down this is not a moment of inspiration

this is not something that is researched

and conceived and given Theory to this

is something that the voice of God has


expressly that people would walk away

from their

faith he didn’t say that the wicked

would continue to be Wicked he said that

the faithful would walk away from their

faith and the reason they would do it is

for two causes deceiving spirits and a

doctrine of

demons and he said the longer that they

listened to the deceiving spirits and

the longer that they listened to the

doctrine of demons their conscience

would be

seared meaning it would simply not feel

in anything at

all when you look at the world that we

live in today it’s easy to see that here

in the United States we have a seared

conscience we have a culture that has so

accepted The Narrative of the day that

we are receiving deception on so many

levels we’ve literally gone numb to the

lies and we just choose to exist in

spite of

them every platform that there can be in

any kind of persuasion given we find

that there’s a lie politically we’re

being lied

to often times what they identify as a

problem is a madeup reason for them to

take control of your life have you ever

noticed that if you’re under oath and

you lie to Congress that’s a felony but

if Congress lies to you they’re running


office in entertainment we’re being l

to go pay attention to what your

children are watching either on the

television screen or on the little

screen that you’ve put in their hand

with that cell phone or that iPad

everything that is being shoveled to

them is telling them that your Christian

values and your faith in family and the

things that you hold dear aren’t worth

having how many shows show the married

couple as frustrated and the father as a

fool and the teenager as a genius and

those who are living in sin as the

happiest couple on the

Block why because it’s a

lie any place where the teenager is the

smartest person in the room is a

lie in education we’re being lied

to education for years has discussed

things as Theory but the reality is they

indoctrinate them as if they were fact

they’ve told an entire generation that

they have evolved that they were not

created that’s a lie in business and

industry in family in churches in

pulpits in our hearts in our homes all

over our generation we are receiving

nothing but deceiving spirits and the

doctrine of

demons and here in 1 Timothy chapter 4

veres 1 and two Paul is telling Timothy


attention because this is how you

hypnotize a

generation now I choose that phrase


because it’s exactly what’s happening in

our world today and it’s happened before

all of us are aware of what a hypnotic

trance looks like even if all you’ve

done is seen it in the entertainment and

movies that you’ve watched you have some

mystical character reach into his pocket

and he pulls out a St a Time piece on a

chain or some Medallion and he swings it

back and forth in front of his subject

and he says you are getting very sleepy

and through these even low methodical

comforting words he begins to low them

into a trance and somehow in the midst

of the trance he shuts off their

conscience and he turns on their

subconscious and then when they’re in

the hypnotic trance they are easily able

to do whatever their magician whatever

their Master

says it’s a

lie you are getting very sleepy no I’m

not now regardless of how ridiculous

this portrayal seems even the most

certified and qualified medical Minds

will tell you that there is a measure of

Truth to hypnotic

therapy under a hypnotic State you can

either resurrect suppressed memories or

even more dangerous you can create

alternative realities that don’t really

exist you tell somebody who’s hypnotized

they’re cold and they’ll start to shiver

you tell them they’re hot they’ll start

to sweat you tell them they’re a chicken

they’ll scratch and cluck all the way

across the


why because they’re believing a

lie their conscience the part of them

that shuts on and off real from fake is

been numbed and the subconscious reacts

without any

inhibition throughout history certain

Nations and generations have been

hypnotized let’s look at our past in the

past 100 years one of the most hypnotic

leaders on the face of the Earth was


Hitler consider the years that he was in

power in Germany between 1933 and 1945

he hypnotized the entire nation he

placed an entire generation of young

people into a trance and through lies

and manipulations he took Nazism and

caused them to murder a 11,


people 6 million of these murdered are

Jews which is what they call the

Holocaust the other 5 million plus were

other undesirables like Christians and

Gypsies and those who did not fit into

the master

race this

11,28 3,000 people that were

systematically slaughtered by Hitler and

the Nazis they do not include the 5,200

,000 Germans who died in World War II

nor do they include the 28

m736 th000 Europeans who died during the


regime this is just a group of people

that were targeted and killed because

they did not agree with the governmental

plan that Hitler

had how did he do it he hypnotized

them how do you hypnotize a

generation you lie to them

people say well Hitler’s not the only

one who’s ever killed people no that’s

very true you can look all over history

and find genocide but genocide comes in

many forms and fashions in the last 100

years there’s been genocide in Cambodia

in Russia in China in North Korea in

turkey and most of the time it just

involved rolling a tank through your

neighborhood whoever had the most

armaments was able to do what they

wanted to but in Hitler’s situation

something was unique it was not done by

just Brute Force Hitler got people to

line up load themselves in trains and be

shipped to their


how by putting human beings in a

trance how did he get German citizens to

starve 11 million people to death and

then push them into gas Chambers and

then burn them in furnaces and pretend

like this was part of a

plan they were

hypnotized how do you hypnotize an

entire generation you lie to

them and right now in this generation in

America everywhere you turn we are being


to social media is a

lie people take all day to post perfect

pick wrong it’s not perfect you’re in

it you’re an imperfect person

and the problem with this is that there

are thousands and hundreds of thousands

of young people who are scrolling

through a feed all day long thinking

that if my life were like that life I’d

have the perfect life but since I can’t

take the perfect pick my life isn’t

worth living that’s a

lie we’re being lied to in the news

media and no matter how many times

they’re caught in the lie you know what

we tune in at

10:00 you want them to change their

narrative shut them off

we’re being lied to in our

education educationally we’ve taught for

the last 40 years that our nation’s

history is a corrupt history that we are

a bad people and it’s intended to

intimidate and create a false sense of

guilt that’s not true it’s a

lie as we approach a critical election

season in America we have a great

responsibility as not just Americans but

Bible believing Christians to stand up

for truth faith and righteousness for

far too long many Believers have stood

quietly by and watched on Election Day

we want to equip you with the tools you

need to be informed and educated about

what the Bible says for your gift of any

amount to the ministry today we will

send you when the righteous rule a

timely handbook filled with Insight on

biblical positions on political issues

with your gift of $200 or more including

with when the righteous rule we will

also send you a beautiful wooden

American flag the pray for America

Journal and to save America The Ten

Commandments a new book by Pastor John

haggy it’s time for the redeemed of the

Lord to say so To Boldly take a stand

and say enough is enough call the number

on screen or go to

Liberty politicians stand on platforms

and they say we need Sudden Change we

need rapid change we need everything to

change and guess what it’s a

lie what happens when you are constantly

bombarded by these methodical

lies one you’re either put into a trance

and you’re hypnotized two you become

apathetic just because you listen to it

so much you forget to stand up against

it or three you are intimidated into

submission in considering the power that

Hitler had in accomplishing his task in


Germany I researched the nurenberg

trials the nurenberg trials are where

the Nazis who survived World War II were

brought to trial and they testified

about what they did and how they did it

and the master of the final solution for

the murder of 11,28 3,000 people is a na

a man by the name of Adolf

ikan and ikan was interviewed under oath

at the nurenberg

trials and interestingly enough it was

almost with pleasure that he told the

truth and what he said

was we

lied whenever we took razor wire and we

surrounded Jewish neighborhoods we told

them that it was a temporary necessity

that was being caused by the war that we

were fighting with Russia it was a

lie whenever we made them register and

wear yellow stars on their sleeves so

that they could be identified as people

underneath German protection and that

there would not be any further

restrictions placed on their Community

it was a

lie whenever we took bribes from them

and we told them the money that we were

taking from them was going to buy them

better lands and better houses and safer

environments for their children and

their children’s children we took the

money but it was a

lie and then ikan testified at the

nurenberg trials that once he had

methodically told the Lies Over a period

of time and broken down the will of the

individuals to the point that they were

just ready to

survive he and 30 of his SS troops none

of them heavily

armed would walk into the Town Square

and call all of the city together and

then ikan in his own words would deliver


speech he’ say at last I can report to

you that the Russians are advancing on

our Eastern Front

I apologize for the Hasty way that we’ve

had to bring you into our

protection think about that he took the

imprisonment and he spun it so that it

would look like a

benefit ever seen that done

before then his next statement

unfortunately there was no time to

explain ever heard that

before but I assure you there’s nothing

to be concerned about

now I’m not going to ask you if you’ve

ever heard that

before we want only the best for

you you’ll leave here shortly you’ll be

sent to very fine places indeed you’ll

work there your wives will stay home

your children will go to good schools

and you all will live Wonderful lives

now in just a few moments we’re going to

be terribly crowded on these trains but

the journey is going to be short so

fathers please keep your family together

and board the rail cars in a very

orderly manner understand we do not have

much time so please

hurry and under a trance of hypnotic


11,28 3,000 people walked in single file

lines onto rail cars that did not stop

till they went through death camp doors

in aitz or trinka or Bic or one of the

other 1100

camps that Nazis use to kill people

when you’ve got 1,00 destinations of

death you didn’t come up with this plan

overnight Hitler wrote in his book mind

comped how fortunate that men don’t

think he said make the LIE big make it

simple and keep saying it and eventually

they will believe

it how did Hitler come to power when he

stood in front of young people he told

them what they wanted to hear he

promised them change he promised them

new he promised them better he promised

them different he

lied when he spoke to Farmers he

promised what they wanted to hear he

said you’ll get tax cuts you’ll have

better prices for your food and your

products guess what he lied when he

talked to the common workers in the

middle class neighborhoods he talked

about redistributing wealth and how the

high-profiled business Elites needed to

give up some of their wealth that they

had taken erroneously he

lied when he spoke to the rich he said

he would Crush communism and he would

end unions and he would make a great

economy guess what folks

he and it was under the influence of

this hypnotic trance that he created the

lies that marched Germany into an abyss


death how do you hypnotize the

generation lie to

them this is why Jesus Christ said in

John chapter 8:32 you shall know the

truth and the truth shall what set you

free Paul said to Timothy son preach the

word preach the word because there will

come a time when they will not endure

sound Doctrine but they will Heap up

teachers for themselves having itching

ears he was saying there would come a

generation of people who would not want

to be told what they need to hear but

they would long to hear what they want

to hear and if you’re telling them the

truth and they don’t like it they’re

going to throw you

out right now in America we’re

witnessing a hypnotized

generation we have believed a

lie it has been repeated on so many

platforms we’ve not been able to know

the difference between truth and a

lie and we’re being led toward our

destruction you can list the lies and we

could talk about them for hours but

let’s just consider three big ones very

quickly we’ve been told for at least 40

years an economic lie

the economic lie that we’re being told

is we’ve got such a complicated budget

as a nation and we’ve got complicated

tax codes and we’ve got complicated

Financial structures that are so

complicated a simple person like you

couldn’t understand it that’s why

there’s so many taxes guess what it’s a

lie it’s a

lie we’ve been told a historical lie

we’ve been told that our constitution is

not adequate to defend freedom and

liberty in the comple ated world that

we’re living in it was good enough for

the founding fathers but the founding

fathers just didn’t know what we would

be facing whenever we invented Internet


Wi-Fi we’ve been told a political

lie we’re being told that we need to

radically change and Implement drastic

things in order to survive and things

like socialism need to come into the

Forefront if we’re going to be able to

sustain ourselves as a nation it’s a lie

now I want to very quickly connect some

dots for you if Satan is the father of

Lies according to the word of God and

demons are the ambassadors of Satan if

he is the father of Lies what do you

think demons

tell I you said it I

didn’t demons tell lies

and they use lies and deceptive spirits

to put people in a trance that Sears


conscience here’s the truth the truth

about our complicated financial

situation and our complicated tax code

is that if it was simple there’s no way

500 people in the Senate and the

Congress could take billions of dollars

from 300 million people in the

streets it’s complicated so that they

can find a way to get money from you

without your endorsement of

it so they can fund programs that you

would not want and you do not

need that’s the

truth the Constitution has been a great

Constitution it has defended freedom and

liberty for more than 240 years and it

will continue to do so but in the years

past where there was freedom and liberty

individual citizens had the courage to

take responsibility for their own lives

they didn’t expect the government to

take care of them they looked to God and

their families to take care of them and

when they took responsibility the

Constitution kept them

free we’re hearing a lie about the

change that we need to make and church

I’m here to tell you that the most

significant and the most vital change

that needs to take place in this nation

is not for a government system to shift

and not for a political party to lose

power and another one to come in control

the most sign ific change that needs to

happen in this nation is for the

apathetic complacent sleeping Christians

in this nation to wake up from their

deadly Slumber and recognize that if we

do not begin to use our freedom to

defend our freedom we are going to lose



freedom so what do we do Church

throw our hands up and say we’re

doomed walk around and believe the

lie Yes

master Yes

master whatever you say

master and as ridiculous as it

seems how pertinent to the life we’re

living there’s no time to

explain this is your new normal

get used to

this you know in every show that I ever

watched where someone was hypnotized do

you know what ended

it when they woke

up somehow someway somebody said

something and they woke up when they

woke up all of the power of the person

who had them in their control was broken

when they woke up every plan that the

enemy had in their life was suddenly

destroyed when they woke up they were

now able to understand the truth from a

lie and able to make a decision for

themselves that gave them the ability to

live a better life so what I’m saying to

you church is it is time for us to wake

up wake up church and recognize that we

are not here to whine we’re here to win

wake up church and recognize that we are

the salt of the earth and the light of

the world wake up church and declare

that our God is greater than those who

oppose us let God arise and let his

enemies be scattered wake up Church wake

up Church wake up Church Give the Lord a

shout of


Praise remain

standing so how I want to end this

service is by taking action I want you

to join me in

praying praying not only for this nation

but praying for your homes praying for

your families praying for your children

praying for your city praying for your

nation that we would wake up from the

deceived and the deception that we’re

under and that we would build our lives

upon the truth of his word and walk

forward into the freedom that he has

already bought on our

behalf would you raise your hands and

join me in praying heavenly father today

in your mighty name I am asking that

here in this sanctuary as you start our

hearts through your Holy Spirit you

would remind us that greater is he who

is in us than he who is in the world

heavenly father I pray that you have

helped us to understand that your truth

breaks the chain of every lie it lifts

the Yoke of Oppression it destroys the

barrier to our blessings and today based

on your truth I am declaring that in

this Sanctuary there are families who

are receiving answers to the prayers

that they’ve been praying there are

businessmen who are receiving provision

in the areas of their need there are

physical bodies that are receiving

health and strength into the sick and

broken places of their life there are

relationships where offence is being is

dying and people are forgiving heavenly

father and you’re sending a wave of

healing I’m asking you Lord to open up

the heavens and pour out blessings that

we cannot contain I’m asking you Lord to

rebuke the Devourer for our sake I’m

asking you Lord to send a holy Spirit

Wind and Fire into this nation into this

church into this city into this state

that we would see your hand move and do

Great and Mighty things once again your

word says call upon me and I’ll answer

you and I’ll show you Great and Mighty

things that you know not Lord we do not

know what tomorrow holds but we know you

hold tomorrow Lord we do not know how

we’re going to thrive but you have

promised that you would not withhold any

good thing from us Lord we do not know

about the storm clouds on the horizon

but we declare that our God is riding on

the wings of that storm and he is going

to deliver and make a way where there

seems to be no way now in Jesus name let

God arise and let his enemies be

scattered in jesus’ name let every

weapon that has been formed against us

not prosper in jesus’ name let every let

the mouth of every liar be silenced let

the tongue of every deceiver quit let

the teeth of the inner being be knocked

out in Jesus name we ask these things

and we receive them in faith believing

and all of God’s children said praise


lord we are glad that you are watching

today thank you for your generosity and

your faithful prayers your letters

emails phone calls and support we love

hearing from you and receiving praise

reports of how God has touched your

lives to our Legacy partners and friends

thank you for standing with us as we

take all of the Gospel to all of the

world through our work that supports

Israel the sanctuary of Hope Cornerstone

Christian Schools and ministering to

those in need God bless

you I’m so grateful that I chose

differently I’m so happy that I chose

you I get to see you become the person

God intended you to be I’m grateful for

sanctuary of Hope

For Preparing Me for guiding

me most importantly sanctuary of Hope is

my safe place it’s where I can lay my

baby’s head down and know that God has

his shield of protection over us thank

you haggy Ministry Legacy partners

because of you my baby has a chance

because of you I had the option to

choose life there has never been a

better time to share the love of Christ

with a mother and a child than right now

when you partner with heggy Ministries

your legacy impacts lives and transforms

a nation call today or go to

partner you’ve been watching haggy

Ministries if you need prayer call our

prayer line or visit our

website be blessed and join us tomorrow