Pastor Matt Hagee – “The Power of ‘If'”

Your life is determined by the quality of your choices. You can choose to be blessed or choose to be cursed. We live in a world that is standing at a crossroads. Those who want to live a life based on truth, and those who are willing to accept a lie. How did we allow this to happen? One choice at a time.


how many of you realize that the quality

of your life is determined by the

choices that you make in your life if

you don’t like the way things are going

you can choose to change

them and in the Bible we’re given on a

daily basis choose choose you this day

whom you will

serve each and every one of us have an

opportunity to interject ourselves into

the matter of the world that’s going on

around us and it simply begins when we

decide that we choose to be blessed

according to what the Bible gives us as

his promises based on our

obedience the Bible is a very simple

book to understand and it’s sometimes

not very easy to follow how many of you

realiz simple isn’t

easy how many of you are

married it was simple I

do we’ll move right

along the Bible gives us a very clear

choice obedience brings a blessing

Disobedience brings a curse today I want

you to know that I

choose to be blessed amen if you found

Deuteronomy 28: 1 and 2 read them with

me the Bible says now it shall come to

pass if you diligently obey the voice of

the Lord your God to observe carefully

all his Commandments which I command you

today that the Lord your God will set

you high above all nations of the earth

and all these blessings say that again

and all these blessings shall come upon

you overtake you because you obey the

voice of the Lord your God now let’s

read verse 15 in the same chapter but it

shall come to pass if you do not obey

the voice of the Lord your God to

observe carefully all his Commandments

and his statut which I command you today

that all these curses will come upon you

and overtake you heavenly father today

we open your

word let it be a mirror to our

soul let us see the consequences of the

choices that we’re making in this nation

and recognize that each and every one of

us have a

responsibility to choose you because you

have given us all

things let us have the courage today to

live righteously before your throne that

we may walk in a path of blessing here

on this Earth it’s in Jesus name we pray

and ask all of God’s children said amen

you may be

seated we live in a world that’s caught

at a Crossroads you see the graphic

behind us it’s an individual who seems

to have a choice to make One path leads

to blessing the other path leads to the

burden of a curse and everything that he

has in his future is writing on one word

if how many of you have ever laid up at

night wondering and contemplating your

ifs what if I wouldn’t have said

that what if I wouldn’t have ate

that the reality of our if is that most

of the time it’s in retrospect we’re

looking back at what we should have done

versus what we did do but there are

times when we get the opportunity to

consider the if that is before us and

know the outcome predicated on the

choice we

make in the Bible God gives us this

opportunity and what we need to remember

is that the if is always in us it is

never in

him read 2 chronic

7:14 it says if my people the if is not

in God the if is in us he’s waiting on

our humility he’s waiting on our

willingness to call upon him why so he

can heal our land and let me tell you

something Church our nation is in

desperate need of

healing and it’s the kind of healing

that’s not going to come from a

candidate or a political party or a

stimulus plan or a check in your mailbox

it’s the kind of healing that won’t come

from a vaccination it’s the kind of

healing that can only come from the King

of Kings and the Lord of lords Jesus


Christ right now we’re at a Crossroads

and the if is in us we read the if in

Deuteronomy 28 verse one if you will

obey it’s echoed in Deuteronomy

28:15 if you will not obey the choice is

ours right now in this nation standing

at this Crossroads we get to make the

decision are we going to live our lives

based on the truth of God’s word or are

we going to live our lives built on

lies because when we consider what’s

going on in our nation right now and we

ask the question how did this happen we

can do a number of things we can talk

about the political points we can point

fingers at the people we think are to

blame or we can open up God’s truth look

at it like the mirror of the soul that

it is and understand that the reason we

are here is because we chose

this we chose to kick God out of our

society we chose to remove him from our

schools we chose to push him out of

government we chose not to take him home

with us from church and live for him

throughout the week we chose

this and having made this choice we’re

now embracing the consequence of that

choice because the reality is is rather

than live in truth we’ve denied the

truth we’ve denied the fact that it is

he who made us and not we ourselves

we’ve chosen to ignore the truth that

says righteousness exalts a nation but

sin is a reproach to any people we’ve

chose to turn our back on a God who has

blessed us and ignore the things that

his mighty hand has done in this nation

we’ve chosen to hack at the branches

around the problem instead of getting to

the root of the problem and turning back

to the god of Abraham Isaac and

Jacob today we have a choice to

make and the if is in

us if we choose to obey God will bless

if we choose to

disobey then we embrace the

curse because I promise you this God

keeps his

word he keeps it to the righteous and he

keeps it to the

wicked and often times we want to

pretend like the only portions of it

that he’ll keep are the portions we

like but that’s not what the Bible says

the book of Deuteronomy is Moses’s


Address he’s

120 and I’m speaking from experience

there comes an age when individuals lose

what we call the

filter there comes a point in life where

individuals say you know what I don’t

care about your feelings I’m going to

tell you what I

think and I’m pretty sure that at 120

Moses’s filter is

charred often times when we open the

Bible we put on an Old English accent

I’m assuming because we have a King

James Version

and we believe that everything is spoken

in some Shakespearean Elizabethan tone


politeness but that’s not how I hear the

book of

Deuteronomy Moses knows that he’s not

going into the promised land Moses knows

that he spent the last 40 years burying

a generation that disobeyed God and now

he’s speaking to the children and the

grandchildren of that

generation Moses understands what’s at

stake here and he spends his last

moments with them basically saying here

are all the mistakes that your fathers

made don’t repeat

them he said they worshiped a golden

calf we worship the one true God they

neglected to teach you the statutes and

the law you diligently train and teach


children verse and chapter and chapter

and verse Moses goes through everything

that the children of Israel must do if

they’re going to possess the promis of

God in their life and it all comes to a

head in the final verses in Deuteronomy

30 verse 19 he says today I have set

before you life and death blessing and


choose now in a conversation we’d say

well who wouldn’t choose life but how

many thinking they’re choosing life


death how many Desiring to be blessed

disobey and embrace the curse

as old as this story is it’s 4,000 years

old but it’s just as recent as your last

breath why because the choice is still

ours we still have a decision to

make Moses begins his conversation in

Deuteronomy 1 veres

1-3 he says it is 11 days journey from

HB by the way of Mount Mount SE to


barnea and then in Deuteronomy 1:3 he

says and now we’re in the 40th year now

if you hear this in the Old English it’s

it’s 11 days from Horeb to cadesh Baria

and now we are in our 40th

year that’s not how I think Moses said

this because when you understand the

biblical geography and what Moses is

saying he’s saying look this is Mount

Horeb this is the first place we stopped

right after we got out of the Red Sea

and it’s 11

days not two weeks not two

months not 10 months it’s 11

days from where we started to where we

should have

finished cadesh Baria is the most

southern tip of the promised land it

should have taken us less than a pay

period to get from where we started to

where we ended

but what I hear Moses saying is now

we’re in our


year and I am tired of

all of

you so listen up and listen

good because

I’m I ain’t got no time for this

now you hear it how you want to hear it

but believe me it has more impact in my

soul when I hear it that

way as we approach a critical election

season in America we have a great

responsibility as not just Americans but

Bible believing Christians to stand up

for truth faith and righteousness for

far too long many Believers have stood

quietly by and walked watched on

Election Day we want to equip you with

the tools you need to be informed and

educated about what the Bible says for

your gift of any amount to the ministry

today we will send you when the

righteous rule a timely handbook filled

with Insight on biblical positions on

political issues with your gift of $200

or more included with when the righteous

rule we will also send you a beautiful

wooden American flag the pray for

America Journal and to save America The

Ten Commandments a new book by Pastor

John haggy it’s time for the redeemed of

the Lord to say so To Boldly take a

stand and say enough is enough call the

number on screen or go to

Liberty and what Moses spins the entire

conversation saying is it should have

been so

easy but we’ve made it so

hard we should have been here so long

ago but we did didn’t get there because

we don’t

believe an entire generation went from

Millions to a few hundred, thousand

because God buried them in the

wilderness based on their

unbelief and as old as the story is how

many people in this room today and how

many of you watching you live your life

walking towards the promise of God but

never possessing it because of your

unbelief what does the Bible say

he who doubts will receive

nothing if you’re going to please God

you have to come to him with

faith that means that you have to

believe how many people live their life

so close to the promise of his provision

but they don’t believe enough to sew the

seed how many people live their life in

the depth of their sorrow rather than

receiving his Joy because they won’t let

go of the past believing he’s not strong

enough to cleanse them from

unrighteousness how many people live

their life tormented in fear because

they don’t believe that God has not

given us a spirit of fear but of power

and of love and of sound

mind remember the if is never in

God it’s always in

you don’t take your if and blame it on

him how many people if God loved me I’d

never go through that pain if God was

there for me I’d never suffer this way

if God then I wouldn’t struggle and if

God then he would provide and if God the

if is not in him the if is in

you Paul put the if to rest when he said

in Romans chapter 8 seeing that he has

not held anything but freely offered up

his only begotten son what shall we say

of these things if God be for us then

who can be against us I’m here to tell

you today that the God who created

heaven and earth the one who calls the

Stars by name who holds the mountains in

a scale and the hills in a balance he is

in love with you he is for you he’s

fighting for you he’s believing for you

he’s provided for you he’s given his

angels charge over you you have nothing

to fear because he is the god who makes

a way where there seems to be no way

he’s The God Who will move mountains

he’s The God Who will part the Red Sea

he’s The God Who will open up the

windows of heaven and provide he’s the

god that said no weapon formed against

you would Prosper he’s The God Who said

I’ll prepare a table for you in the

presence of your enemies he’s The God

Who said if you go to the heavens I am

there and if you go to the depths I am

there you cannot Escape me my hand is

upon you my blessing ings are for you my

goodness and mercy is chasing after you

child of God you have nothing to fear

because the Great Mighty God is on your

side and knowing all of

this we still

struggle is God really for

me absolutely Don’t make me say it again

the if that we have to

address is whether or not we will

obey because there’s only two


obedience or

Disobedience and we often don’t like the

idea of only two

options we’ve kind of become a cafeteria

culture where we want several options

and we get to choose piece by piece how

we want the plate to

look but remember we did not create

ourselves we are

created therefore we don’t get to write

the rule book we just have to read it

and apply

it in the Bible there’s only two options

life or


blessing or curse

obedience or

Disobedience the reason that we struggle

to comprehend this is because we live in

a society where there is no judgment on


disobedient Peter addressed it in the

New Testament he said do not think that

God has slack concerning his

promises and often times we want to

believe that what Peter’s talking about

is his promises of goodness to us Peter

is saying no no no no God is Not slack

concerning his promise of judgment we’ve

turned our back on a god of order and

now we live in chaos

we live in so much chaos the New

Testament says that in the last days

lawlessness will abound and one of the

mantras that we hear chanted in the

streets is to defund the police let me

tell you something defunding the police

is not a political issue defunding the

police is a demonic idea and it should

stop we’ve turned our back on the god of

love and now our streets are filled with

hate so what do we do

if one choice took us away from God then

another Choice can bring us back to God

and it is time for us to turn back to

the god of the Bible to turn back to the

God who loved us and gave himself for us

to turn back to the one who has cleansed

us from all unrighteousness to turn back

to the one who said this is the way walk

in it that God is not the god of your

choosing that God is the one who sits

upon the throne who is King above of

Kings who is Lord above Lords his name

is King Jesus and he is great and

greatly to be

praised the if is in

US often times we waste energy asking

when when will things get better when

will God move when will Revival come I

believe that God is sitting in heaven

looking at us asking the same question

when will you return to me when will you

call upon me when will you humble

yourself and ask me when will you stop

looking to candidates and start looking

to the King of Kings when will you stop

complaining and start praying when will

you stop acting as if you believe and

start behaving like you believe stop

asking for God to make a change and

become the change that God needs made

because there’s consequences in these

choices Deuteronomy 28:

1-14 all these

blessings blessed in the city blessed in

the field blessed in the basket blessed

in the bowl blessed in your going out

blessed in you’re coming in the head and

not the tail above only and not beneath

you’ll lend to many and borrow from none

all the nations of the world will call

you blessed if someone comes against you

in One Direction God will disperse them

in seven directions because God God is

with you his goodness and mercy will


you my how we love to count those

blessings but then get to verse

15 and from verse 15 to verse

68 God says here’s the consequence of

Disobedience for several verses he

cancels everything that is

extended instead of being blessed in the

city you’re cursed in the city instead

of blessed in the field you’re cursed in


field we see what’s going on in the

world that we’re living in today and we

wonder what can we do about it who are

we let me tell you something the power

that we possess together in unity in


name it’s greater than any government

force on the face of the

Earth because it’s endorsed by the

authority of the name that is above


name and he said what you bind on Earth

I’ll find in heaven and what you loose

on Earth I’ll loose in

heaven now the last time I checked I’ve

never found a government official who

could raise the dead make the lame leap

in the blind sea but the one we call

upon when we pray he did all of that and



more so what you have to do and I have

to do is simply this

choose choose you this day whom you will


if you choose God and you obey his word

you choose to be

blessed if you choose to live on your

own in your way according to your plan

accomplishing your will what you need to

know and be forewarned

of biblically you’ve embraced the

curse but

naturally you need to understand you’re

not enough

you are not enough to be your own

provider you are not enough to heal to

cleanse to make a way to protect to

defend to live in the fullness of joy

with peace that surpasses all

understanding you can’t get any of that

done but he

can so choose you this day whom you will

serve I’m here to tell you as for to me

and my

house we choose to serve the Lord would

you stand in his presence

today with every head bowed and every

eye closed you say Pastor I’ve

seen the curse of disobedience in my

life I see it in my physical body I see

it in my finances I see it in my

emotions I feel it in my

spirit and I realize today that I need

to make a different choice

choice I need to

choose to obey his word I need to

choose to live in faith believing I need

to choose a path that leads to blessing

so that I don’t have to carry around

this burden

anymore if that’s you and today you want

to make that decision to choose him then

right where you are I Want You To Hold

Your Hand high in the

air and I want everyone under the sound

of my voice to repeat this prayer with

me Lord Jesus Christ Lord Jesus Christ

today I choose you today I Choose You I

choose your will I choose your will over

my way over my way I choose your word I

choose your word and it’s

truth over the world that I live in

world I live today in

faith I

receive your forgiveness your for for

trying to live on my own trying to out

outside of your promises outside your

promis today I

choose to obey you toy you and to

believe for your blessings in my life

thank you for your faithfulness and all

that you have given me all and now today

in Jesus

name I receive I receive now I want you

to tell the Lord where you receive his

Blessing open your mouth and say father

I receive your blessing in my marriage I

receive your blessing over my children I

receive your blessing in my physical

body I receive your blessing in my

business wherever you need to see his

hand move I assure you he already knows

about it he just wants to hear from you

as in faith believing you turn back to

him father today in Jesus name I pray

for every person in this room who’s

calling upon you in faith

believing today in Jesus name I pray for

this nation

that the righteous would humble

themselves and that you would heal our

land that your hand would move in such a

mighty way that even the unrighteous

would recognize that the god of Heaven

sits upon the throne and his King above

kings and Lord above

Lords now today in faith

believing we receive the answers to

every prayer that has been prayed in


place because the god that we serve is

well a

to hear and to do exceedingly abundantly

above all that we could ask think or

imagine in Jesus name we pray all of

God’s children said amen now give the

Lord a hand clap in this house today the

Bible is the greatest Financial manual

you will ever read honor the Lord with

your first fruits and everything else

you touch will be blessed when we put

God first everything we do prospers

following God’s financial plan ensures

we will not live under a financial curse

Place him first in your life and receive

Divine favor and

blessings thank you for all that you do

our partners and friends to Faithfully

support the mission of this ministry may

God’s blessings be upon you Cornerstone

Church invites you to Feast 2024 October

18th through 20th this is an event you

don’t want to miss filled with Midway

games food free rides and spectacular

fireworks musical guests unspoken JJ

Weeks Big Daddy Weave and Mel San Marcos

enjoy life-changing messages by Pastor

John and Matt haggy so mark your

Calenders for feast 2024 October 18th

through the 20th for more information

call the number on your screen or visit

Feast Feast

2024 as we approach a critical election

season in America we have a great

responsibility to stand up for truth

faith and righteousness for your gift of

any amount to the ministry today today

we will send you when the righteous rule

with your gift of $200 or more we will

also send you a beautiful wooden

American flag the pray for America

Journal and to save America The Ten

Commandments a new book by Pastor John

haggy call the number on screen or go to

Liberty looking for more content to help

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