Anger Management-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer

In this full sermon by Joyce Meyer, she delves into the challenges of anger and how it affects us emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. With relatable anecdotes and practical wisdom, she unpacks how unresolved anger can lead to destructive behaviors and offers biblical strategies to manage it. Discover how to break free from the grip of anger and experience healing through God’s guidance. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:26 Anger Management Part 1 Sermon Start 00:03:22 Anger is one letter away from danger 00:03:35 Anger quotes 00:12:52 2 Timothy 2:23 00:20:37 Playing Golf 00:23:11 Genesis 4:5-7 00:30:41 5 Roots of Anger 00:31:02 Funny Dog Clip 00:33:23 How to control anger 00:46:21 James 1:19-20 00:46:47 I am slow to get angry 00:53:04 Psalm 78:38-39 00:54:44 Anger Management Part 3 starts 01:10:11 David and Goliath 01:17:07 Joyce Meyer confronts dad Discover the products in this video Anger Management – Digital Audio Teaching: Living Beyond Your Feelings Book:… Managing Your Emotions Study (FREE) (Available 12/1/24) – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK:   / joycemeyerministries   INSTAGRAM:   / joycemeyer   X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#enjoyingeverydaylife

I’ll tell you what Dave has a paper

towel thing but sometimes he likes to

like he’ll spread them out on the

counter and say he’s going to use him

again in a minute well I don’t


like anger


management well I know you all look so

sweet I can’t imagine that any of you

you have a problem with anger

but I sure did for a long time

and I think that many times we don’t

even know what we’re angry about or what

we think we’re angry about is not even

really what we’re angry about and uh so

for the next two sessions we’re going to

try to take this thing apart

and get to the bottom of what’s going on

find out what the roots of the bad fruit

is and let God help us get them out amen

and uh

some people are angry and don’t even

know that’s what’s wrong with them I

mean I heard a story just last week you

may be familiar with Mercy Ministries

and we’re uh a supporter of theirs and

we built a home in St Louis and so I

went to their 10year anniversary and

there was a girl there giving a

testimony and she said um my father

committed suicide when I was a teenager

and I just never could seem to get

myself straightened out after that and

she said I started drinking started

taking a lot of drugs my life was just

in a total total mess she was just

falling apart so she got into the mercy

Ministries home to try to get some help

and one of the first things that she

started finding out while she was there

is that her problem started at the time

her father committed suicide and she

never realized this but she was angry at

him because he did that and left the

family and so she could not get well she

couldn’t stop drinking she couldn’t stop

taking drugs until she got over being

angry and I think there’s a lot of

people that have substance abuse

problems all kinds of different problems

and really the root of the problem is

that somewhere way down deep inside

they’re angry at God because their life

hasn’t turned out right they’re angry at

somebody else who hurt them or

disappointed them or they may even be

angry at themselves for for something

they did or didn’t do I’m going to tell

you a little bit about my my family

tonight and my mom in particular she

ended up with a lifetime of mental

illness and I know it was rooted in

Anger that she had toward herself and

guilt that she felt because she did not

do anything about what my father was

doing to me she was afraid of him she

let him do it her excuse was fear but

you know what even when we make excuses

that sound good if we know we should be

doing something and we’re not doing it

we’re going to end up feeling guilty

that we didn’t do it at a certain time

how many of you are with me and you

understand what I’m saying tonight so

this is going to be like a little free

lesson in Psychology tonight tonight

you’re going to be on Joyce’s couch and

we’re going to get a little little free

hour of counseling

here anger is one letter away from

danger all you got to do is add a d onto

the front of it which we could say

represents the

devil and anger becomes

danger anger is the condition where the

tongue works faster than the

Mind Benjamin Franklin said whatever has

begun in Anger ends in

shame he also said anger is never

without a reason but it seldom has a


one a lady once came to Billy Sunday and

tried to rationalize her angry

Outburst there’s no nothing wrong with

losing my temper she said I blow up and

then it’s just all

over he said so does a shotgun and look

at the damage it leaves

behind which I thought was pretty good

when Abraham Lincoln had to write a

letter to someone who had irritated him

he would often write two letters the

first letter was deliberately

insulting then having gotten those

feelings out of his system he would tear

it up and write a second letter one that

was tactful and discreet and godly

and I thought about that and I thought

you know what if you read the Psalms you

you’ll see that

David he vented his feelings he was very

honest with God about how he felt if he

was angry if he was hurting if he was

confused if he felt like God had left

him if he didn’t understand what was

going on he didn’t hold back his

feelings he expressed those feelings but

to the right

person and I think that many people if

they would really talk things out with

God they would get rid of

them and they wouldn’t be a problem for

them the rest of their life and so we

want to look at a just a whole lot of

different things and I hope it becomes

helpful to you and it’s something that

you enjoy anger

statistics one out of five Americans has

an anger management

problem enrollment in Anger Management

courses court ordered or voluntary is


absolutely booming road rage has surged

over the last few

years Nationwide a demand for Anger

Management counselors is in an all-time

high tonight I get to be an anger

management counselor isn’t that

good actually the Holy Ghost is our

anger management counselor and you don’t

have to go I mean you can if you want to

spend your money I’m not putting it down

but you you don’t have to go to somebody

to tell you how to handle your anger

it’s all very clear right here in the

book and the good thing about going to

God is he’ll give you the help that you

need to actually pull it off and do

it go somewhere else you might just get

instructions but no help God wants to


you so there’s there’s not enough anger

management counselors to cover all the

people who want to get in to these

classes Newsweek said these SE people

are coming out in droves asking for help

now you know there’s a lot of reason for

all this anger and we’re going to

discuss it a lot over the weekend one of

one of the reasons why people are angry

today is just all the stress that

they’re under how many of you feel like

you’re got a lot more stress in your

life than what you can deal with if you

don’t like your life and you don’t like

your schedule you made it and you’re the

only one that can change

it see you’re not happy happy about


that help me

Jesus you see in order to be free from

anything we have to face

truth and blaming and making excuses

never helps us change

anything so let me say to you what God

said to me if you don’t like your

schedule you made it you’re the one that

can change it

see we think that all these things are

forced on us and then we get mad at all

these people that we think are forcing

us to do all these things and really the

truth is Nothing is Stopping Us from


no now just already I’ve said enough to

change your life if that’s what you need

well what keeps us from saying no we

don’t want people to be mad at

us and you know what

people that you have to let control you

to keep their

friendship is somebody that you’re going

to lose and they’re going to disappoint

you eventually

anyway I like this in discussing anger

Dallas Willard who’s a very Godly

philosophy and

Professor offers a telling definition he

says that anger is a feeling that seizes

us in our

body how many you can feel it when it

gets a hold of you you know I always say

it starts down here somewhere and you

can you got to get it before it gets to


mouth it’s a feeling that seizes us in

our body and immediately impels us

toward interfering with and possibly


harming those who have thwarted our will

and interfered with our life now listen

to this anger Willard notes is

frequently used to make other people

around us change their course of

action in so

doing it controls their will which only

results in anger on their part so my

anger feeds off your anger and here we

go round and around and there’s never an

end to it

amen all right there’s nothing better

than peace you know

that actually peace equals power in your

life if you want to have power in your

life if you want to have more energy in


life you can’t be angry and you know how

many of you had ample opportunities in

the last seven days to be

angry me too me too I’ll tell you what

Dave has a paper towel

thing first of all he’s just falling in

love with paper towels he wants to dry

the dishes with paper towels I mean

everything everything is a paper towel

and uh but sometimes he likes to like

he’ll spread them out on the

counter and say he’s going to use them

again in a minute well I don’t

like now they’re not they’re not dirty

they’re just maybe damp and so uh or if

he pulls off one too many he’s you know

he’s very Thrifty so he doesn’t want to

waste it so he’ll spread it out on the

counter well I don’t like stuff spread

out on the counter so I go along pick

them up and

throw them in the trash can so it’s be

come he said you put anything down

around here you’re going to lose it in

about two seconds that’s for

sure so the other night he was ready to

go up to his office he’s got a little

space up there where he watches his

Sports at night

and I do my thing and you know the older

you get the happy you are to give each

other space


I don’t know you guys are liking that a

little too

much you know when you’re first married

you know you just want to be with each

other every second well you more than

likely will get over that but that’s

not that’s not necessarily a bad thing

so so anyway he’s getting ready to go up

to his office and and he’s got these

paper towel was laid out on the counter

and I’m like why do you have those laid

out he said I’ve got them there for when

I come

downstairs I said now wait a

minute cuz I want my counters neat so I

said why do you have your paper towel

laying out on the counter for when you

come downstairs at bedtime why can’t you

take it off the roll then he said

because I want it there I said I don’t

want it there he said I want it there I

said why do you want it there he went

over to it he folded it up he said

that’s all right I’m taking it upstairs


me he said I didn’t expect to get an

inquisition over a paper

towel but the point is is 25 years

ago I would have gotten so

mad now how many of you get mad over

stupid stuff


okay maybe you’re not the kind of person

that’s going to have road rage maybe

there’s somebody watching by TV that

might be that kind of person but I’m

going to assume that that’s none of you

since you’re here together for church

tonight but you

may still be a little guilty of getting


over what the Bible calls trifling

uninformed unedifying stupid

controversies over ignorant questions

and if you don’t think that’s in the

Bible is 2 Timothy

2:23 when I think and I want you to

think serious with me when I

think about how many days and years of

my life I wasted being

angry about things that really didn’t

even matter trying to control people

that I was never going to be able to

control can I tell you that trying to

run the universe is hard work

I mean it just will flat wear you

out anger the Greek says the Greek Vines

dictionary says anger is the strongest

of all

passions it is indignation

Vengeance and wrath anger begins as a

feeling and can doesn’t have to but can

progress to

expression in words or actions and I was

not kidding when I said you can feel Ang


upset it starts somewhere down in

here in the realm of our the depths of

our soul and you actually can feel it

getting bigger and rising and rising and

I was not joking when I said you need to

do something about it before it gets to

your mouth because once we start to add

words to it then it gets worse and worse

and worse and then we’ve usually got

words coming back at

now we’re in this real heated exchange

and that’s when sometimes people can do

things and say things that they really

with all their heart wish that later

they would not have said and done amen

so I said it

can progress to expression in words or

actions but I also want to quickly add

it doesn’t have to

you know why because we don’t have to

follow every feeling that we


amen all anger does not have the same

characteristics one type is

characterized by quickly blazing up and

subsiding just as quickly you’re in a

grocery store somebody bumps into you

with their grocery cart you’re

like you get control yourself you

realize an accident that’s over very

quick another type is a more settled

abiding condition of the Mind frequently

with a view to Revenge now this is the

type that can take root in you are are

me because we think about over and over

and over and over and over what somebody

has done to

us and you know the more we think about

something the

more out of proportion it can

become till suddenly this thing that

really didn’t have to be that big of a

deal becomes this big huge mountain in

our life and can become a controlling

factor in our life I’ll tell you what

I’ve decided and it’s working pretty

well for me I don’t have enough years of

my life left to waste one more of them

angry maybe when you’re in your 20s you

feel like you’ve got a lot of time to

waste being mad but by the time you get

to where I’m at and we won’t talk about

it tonight by the time you get there you

don’t feel like you’ve got any time left

to waste so I’m going to ask you tonight

to deal with this emotion of anger let

God help you deal with the emotion of

anger not only to get rid of any

repressed anger that you have left over

from old things that have happened to

you but learning that we live in a

society that is violent and angry and

we’re in the world and not of it and we

need to be an example to other people

not out there acting just like they


not do not put a Christian bumper

sticker on your


car if you are not going to act like a

Christian while you’re


amen and then there’s a type of anger

that is provoking to take action in

other words the angry person verbally or

physically acts out the anger anger can

manifest in

yelling hitting damaging throwing

things bringing harm to the focus of the

anger criticizing withdrawing that was

one of my favorite

ones if I was

angry I’m not coming in the room with


I’d rather go out the front door walk

around the house and come in the back

door to get to the kitchen than to walk

through the room where you’re


amen if I’m angry with you don’t touch

me in the

bed I will sleep on the seam of the

mattress rather than touch you

I will not ask you to do anything for me

well let me ask you a question who are


hurting he had the cover and I stayed

cold all

night he had the TV and I was off in

another room pouting sitting in the

bathroom floor

crying it’s really downright foolish

when you get right down to it and you

know some of this is humorous but I

really want you to take it very

seriously tonight because I’m telling

you anger is doing so much damage to

people’s lives and so much damage to

their health I’m sure if we had the time

which I don’t I could ask Dr Paul to

come up here and tell you what anger

does to your health and he could tell

you that it’s not healthy to be

angry there’s no telling how much energy

it takes to have one good fit and try to

get over

it do you know what fits are here in

Houston sometimes anger results in

ridiculing or humiliating another


teasing in a manner of putting them down

and you know a lot of times we’re

actually angry at somebody we’ve got

some kind of a dee rooted resentment and

so we do what the Bible calls coarse

jesting where we’re

saying negative unkind insulting things

but acting like we’re kidding



on oh I was only

kidding I was only kidding well out of

the heart the mouth


amen this type of behavior can also be


toward oneself you can be angry with

yourself and you can say downgrading

things about your

self we played golf with a man one time

and I remember every single time he

would make a mistake hit the ball bad

miss the ball miss a putt he would say

stupid I’m so stupid that’s just stupid

well see he was doing that because he

was angry at himself he was embarrassed

because he didn’t perform good and he

was angry at himself I tell people this

all over the world and I’m going to tell

you tonight do not ever again say a

downgrading thing about yourself out of

your own mouth

you are created specially with the hand

of God he loves you he has created you

uniquely you make mistakes like we all

do I make mistakes you make mistakes but

there’s a lot more right with you than

there is wrong with you

amen you know my father frequently would

hit Slack or occasionally even come home

drunk on a Saturday night and beat my


up he was very fond of yelling and

screaming and sticking his fist in your

face like he was going to hit you and I

hated that I hated it and even now I I

don’t do well if somebody

is slapping at my face because I still

have a reaction to him doing that all

the time and so I really just like even

if somebody’s teasing me I don’t want

them around my face

and uh my dad was so mean but you know

what his real problem was he was mad at

himself he knew that his behavior was

wrong he knew that he was doing a lot of

things that was wrong but instead of

taking responsibility for them and

getting the help that he needed he

blamed everybody else in the world there

was something wrong with everybody out

there and if you’re dealing with

somebody in your life that finds fault

with everybody in the universe verse

then in all probability there’s a guilt

problem going on in the inside of them

about something that they’re doing and

instead of facing

it they’re displacing that anger onto


else you know this whole thing we can

see it get started in the Book of

Genesis when Cain killed

Abel and if and if matter of fact I want

us to go look at it it’s in Genesis


4 now there was an issue here with the

offerings that Cain and Abel gave to God


and Abel’s offering was acceptable to

God but Cain’s was

not verse 5 says but for Cain in his

offering he had no respect our regard

that God said I had no respect for his

offering so Cain was exceedingly

angry and indignant and he looked sad


depressed which we might also add that a

lot of these bad moods that people have

is also the result of Anger of some kind

and the Lord said to Cain why are you

angry and why do you look sad and

depressed and dejected now I love this

if you do well will you not be

accepted and if you do not do well sin

crouches at your door its desire is for

you and I like this too you I drew a

circle around it must Master

it so don’t blame somebody else if

you’re not doing what’s right he’s

saying to him

then you can find forgiveness things can

be straightened out but you have to face

it just don’t go around

angry because your life is not turning

out the way you want it to when you

didn’t do what you should have done to

have gotten the right

result now seriously think about it how

many people in the world are bitter and

angry about their

circumstance by be nice if I would have

been barn with a Golden Spoon in my

mouth like you

were people are angry and jealous of

people who have more than they do but

they don’t want to do what they did to


it and that doesn’t make any

sense please whether you’re in this

building or watching by TV don’t spend

your life angry and bitter and

indignant because you’re not doing what

you should do

to get the circumstances that you’d like

to have one of the big problems we have

in our society

today is this attitude that everybody

owes me

something and nobody owes me are you

anything God sets before every person

life and death choose life that you and

your descendants may live and whatever

you seow that and that only is what you

will reap

we could have about a month together

probably to do this Justice and so you

know what happened Cain did not control

his anger he got more angry and more

angry and he ended up rising up and

killing his

brother there’s buried

anger where we stuff it inside of us we

deny it especially as a

Christian because we don’t think we’re

supposed to be angry even though we are

so the last thing we want to admit is

that we are

angry and so we put a smile on our face

and we pretend like everything is

okay and you heard me talk last night

about how Dave and I would fight all the

way to church and then the first person

we saw that was a another Christian

going to the church we would just

immediately like Oh Praise the Lord

thank you you know

get how many of you have a church face

come on come

on we don’t want anybody in the

church to know that we got a

problem only truth makes us

free nothing but the truth makes us free

John 8:31-32 if you continue in my word

then are you my disciples indeed and you

will know the truth and the truth will

make you free but the truth has to be

received and accepted and I’ve been

saying for years it’s not the it’s not


knowing what Dave is doing wrong it’s

going to set me

free it’s me receiving truth from God

for myself and so as you listen to these

teachings tonight and tomorrow or you

watch them on television for the next

few days or if you’re listening by CD or

watching by DVD

we all have an opportunity to learn

something about

ourselves and to pray and get with the

Holy Spirit and ask God to make some

positive healthy changes in our life how

many of you would just ass soon not

spend one more day of your life angry

and upset over something that happened

20 30 years ago that you can’t do

anything about or for that matter

something that happened this morning

that you might as well get over because

you’re probably going to get over it in

2 or 3 days from now

anyway that was something the Lord

taught me I would get mad about things

and and you know stay mad for two or

three days and then I’d finally decide

to get over

it and one time he was dealing with me

and he said why don’t you just go ahead

and make that decision to get over that

right now and then you don’t have to

waste the next three days because you’re

going to get over it anyway am I not

telling the truth and so if I can get

over it in 3 days why can’t I just

decide everybody say decide decide say

deci side that’s a good

word you say but I

feel well now you see right there’s

where the problem is I tell you what you

do with those feelings tell God how you

feel just like the psalmist David did if

you want to write a nasty letter to

somebody but then tear it up before you

give it to

them get it out of your system vent tell

God this is the way I feel God but

because of your grace and your mercy and

the power of the holy spirit in my life

I don’t have to act act on foolish

ridiculous feelings that are going to

cause problems in my

life and end up hurting


me there’s a lot of confusion over the

emotion of

anger the world is not confused about it

they think it’s the way to handle

everything but a lot of Christians are

confused because they really feel like

that as a Godly individual they should

never have anger interestingly enough

the Bible says be angry and sin not

so how can I be angry and sin not the

way to be angry and sin not is to feel

the anger but not act on it instead turn

the problem the situation of the person

over to God and let him be your

Vindicator and there I’m sure there’s

some people in here tonight that you

desperately need to do that

you look sweet but I surely I’ve got

some angry people

here there must be some people here

tonight who wandered in the door that

have got some stuff going on inside you

that uh is hurting you and hurting the

people around you see when you’re angry

you take it out on

somebody it comes out of you here’s a

good thing to

do when you when you anytime that we

have any kind of an ungodly Behavior

stop and ask God where is that coming

from how many of you realize that

sometimes we have issues in our life

things that are hurting us that it

really makes no sense that we just keep

doing the same thing over and over but

yet somehow we just won’t let go of our

issue okay we want to show you a little

clip that we got online and got

permission to use

now that goes on and on and on and

on they keep trying to get him to put

down his box so he can see what he’s

doing and stop banging his head against

the the wall and he refuses to give up


issue and you know what I think a lot of

us are the exact same way it’s like

we’re we’re banging our head against the

wall so to speak keep doing something

that is never going to

work because it’s not God’s plan or how

he does things and yet somehow it’s


sometimes just because we think that

going through what we need to go through

to get free is

hard that we will hang on to something

that’s actually even

harder and it’s just the devil’s trick

it’s like well that’s just too hard well

it’s not fair well you don’t know what

people have done to

me but I can tell you that anger never

works it hinders your prayer makes you

miserable makes you

sick can actually cause mental

illness there’s all kinds of problems

that anger cause anger is one letter

away from

danger all you got to do is add a d onto

the front of it which we could say

represents the

devil and anger becomes

danger and so we start in the book of

Genesis with Cain getting angry at Abel

so angry that he killed him and all

through the Bible we see situations

where people were angry and all through

the Bible we see the bad results and we

see God saying turn it over to me I’m

your Vindicator let me be the one that

brings Justice in your life and so we

have a choice to make today anger is

harmful to

us anger that is not

controlled because you see I want to

remind you that if somebody treats you

unjustly I mean even let’s just say

somebody pulls out in front of you and

traffic the feeling of anger is not a

sin that’s natural and

normal the feeling of anger is not a sin

but what we choose to do with

it or how long we choose to Let It Go

on that’s where the sin comes in it was

really good for me to learn that because

I used to feel guilty every time that I

would feel angry I wanted to do what was

right and I think a lot of Christians

feel guilty every time they feel angry

but it’s really I mean that’s an emotion

that God has put in us to let us know

when we’re being

mistreated however there’s a second

thing that God asks us to do not only

know when we’re being mistreated but not

to try to vindicate ourselves not to try

to get revenge not to hate people not to

be angry and upset but to immediately

turn it over to him

it’s called letting go of your

box turn it over to him and let him be

your Vindicator now God may not move as

fast as you’d like him

to he may not do it the way that you

would like him

to but God will vindicate us because

listen to what I’m going to say God does

not like it when people mistreat his


you may think your boss has taking

advantage of you and you’re not being

paid what you’re worth and you’re being

overlooked and you can hate him all you

want to and it’s never going to get you

raise and it’s never going to change

anything it’s not going to increase your

joy you can sit at lunch and you can

gossip about him and downgrade him it’s

not going to help you in your life it’s

not going to add joy to your life but

you can pray about

it you can turn him over to

God and if he refuses to do what God’s

trying to get him to do then God will

get you out of there and get you a

better job somewhere where you will be

respected there’s nothing too hard for

God absolutely nothing too hard for God

my son had a really good example the

other day he’s got

three small boys plus he’s the CEO of

all of our Stateside Ministries so he’s

got a lot going on but he said you know

God G showed me a good example the other

day he said my boys believe anything I


them and he said they absolutely think

that I can do anything he said if I told

them that I’m going to fill this

swimming pool out here up with gasoline

set it on fire and jump over

it they would say

okay they would believe that and he said

that’s the way God wants us to be with

him where no matter what he tells us or

how Fantastical it sounds that it’s not

even a question for us so if God says I

will recompense you for your past

hurts I don’t want you to be angry I

don’t want you to be bitter I don’t want

you to let what people do to you ruin

your life cuz let me tell you something

somebody out in the world is always

going to be doing something you do not

have to look very far to find an excuse

to get



right if you don’t get angry about what

somebody’s doing to you you can get

angry about what they’re doing to

themselves you can be angry about all

the injustices in the world but I found

that if I don’t like a lot of stuff

that’s going on in my life the best way

to respond to it is by doing something

good if you want to make the devil mad

when he throws his best shot at you you

go be a blessing to somebody and see

what that gets

you I probably share this scripture in

almost every seminar that I do somewhere

before before the weekend’s over I’ll

share Romans 12:21 that we overcome evil


good if you’ve not learned that secret

yet you need to get a hold of that

you’re not going to ever fight evil with

evil but you can fight it with good and

win every single time every

time Ecclesiastes 7:9 says that anger

lodges in the bosom of a

fool so in other words people who have

things happen to them and they let it

get stuck in them and they stay angry

and bitter do you know that some people

and possibly even some in here

today some watching by TV listening

by a recorded

device you’ve let something that

somebody did to you way back over here

maybe even years and years


steal the best life that God has for you

and I can tell you today is time for you

to let let go of your issue and let go

of your box and decide that you’re going

to let God Be Your Vindicator in

life and if there’s nothing that you’re

dealing with right now I can promise you

if you don’t need this message today

you’ll need it tomorrow or the next day

or next week or the next month none of

us are going to go through life and not

have multiple opportunities to get

bitter and resentful and angry and stay

mad and live lives filled with with

Strife not one of us is going to go

without an opportunity to do


that be angry and sin not Ephesians says

and I love that because I used to think

that just the feeling of angry was wrong

but let me tell you something temptation

is not

sin did you hear

me you’re being tempted to sin but I

actually think it’s a great Victory when

we’re tempted to sin and we can exercise

the fruit of self-control and say no

I think that’s a victory the Bible says

Temptation must come so if you’re

waiting for temptation to go away it’s

useless to pray well you know Lord I

wish I wasn’t tempted every time I see a


cake well you know if you love chocolate

chances are you’re going to have to

learn to look at chocolate in a

different way right you’re going to have

to look at it and say I will eat you if

I want to and if I don’t want to I won’t

you are not my boss

I mean I’ve had to learn in my

life if I want to be healthy and feel

good that I have to have limitations on

what I do it’s not that I you can do do

all things in moderation but you can’t

do everything you want to every

day you can’t spend all the money you

want to every day and not somehow end up

in debt you can’t say everything you

want to say all the time without ruining

relationships is anybody awaken in the


today so there’s temptation all over the

place and we have to stop thinking I

just I just can’t help it I can’t

control myself God is never going to

tell us to do or not to do something

without giving us the ability to do it

so if God says forgive let me be your

recompense don’t take revenge on people

be angry and sin not don’t let the sun

go down on your anger then we can do

with God’s help what he is asking us to

do and the first step toward ever being

able to do what God wants you to do is

to believe you can do it

right when we’re foolish and we let

anger Lodge within

us sometimes we do things that we can

spend a lifetime regretting right or we

say things that we’re really really

really sorry for later and so I want to

show you a scripture that I think is

interesting that maybe you’ve never

thought of like this and I don’t really

think I’m taking it out of context but I

want to show it to you John chapter 20:

23 now having received the Holy

Spirit and being led and directed by him

he’s talking to the apostles because

Jesus had been resurrected he breathed

on them and said receive the Holy

Spirit if you forgive the sins of anyone

they are forgiven and if you retain the

sins of anyone they are retained now

let’s just leave that up there for a

minute because I want to share this with

you in a couple of different ways first

of all I believe to forgive people we

need the power of the Holy

Spirit if somebody’s hurt you don’t just

try to forgive them you can make a

decision to forgive you can make a

decision to pray for people but you

can’t make your adverse feelings go away

only God can do

that and so first thing when you get

hurt whether it’s major or minor Holy

Spirit help me help me help me get over

this help me Let It Go I mean don’t wait

the longer you wait the more it’s going

to get deeply rooted in you the more you

think about it the harder it’s going to

be to let go of it I mean the minute

that you get offended the minute that

you get angry start praying right then

God I’m not going to live with offense

I’m not going to live with anger help me

let this go how many of you will do that

right away right away I love what first

Peter 5 says resist the devil at his

onset I love that don’t mess with the

devil it’s like I said last night don’t

dabble in in uh things like calling the

psychic hotline or having your palm red

at a circus or you know you don’t need

to dabble in that kind of stuff and we

don’t need to dabble around with these

things that are hurting us we need to do

what the word says resist the devil at

his onset I’m not going to live angry

I’m not going to stay bitter Holy Spirit


me you don’t have to live that way if

you let God help

you anger will ruin your

life so we need the holy spirit’s help

but then I think that there’s so he’s

saying receive the Holy Spirit now you

can forgive people but there’s something

here that I think

that maybe has a little different

context if you forgive the sins of

anyone they are forgiven if you retain


sin if you keep it in

you then it’s retained and I think if we

keep it in us and it’s retained then we

can actually turn around and do the same

thing that was done to us

right my father abused me he was very

angry he was harsh he was

hard I hated him I hated the way he

act and minus the abuse I ended up just

as harsh and hard as he was because I

had retained in

me the effect of what he did to me how

many children have violent parents and

then they become violent or a boy

watches his dad beat on his mother and

he ends up beating on his wife you got

to forgive people if you don’t you’re

going to keep it in you and if it’s kept

in you as a seed the enemy will be happy

to water it until it becomes a

full-grown plant in you and you end up

doing the same thing or some other

similar thing as to what was done to you

listen when God tells us to forgive and

not live angry lives he’s not doing it

for himself he’s doing it for us and if

you want to have the best life that God

can give you then not only do you need

to forgive everything from here back but

anything that’s going to happen in the

future make your mind up today I am not

going to live angry I am not going to be

full of

bitterness James 1: 19 and 20

does anybody need this

today like I said if you don’t you

will how many of you had an opportunity

to get angry this

morning look at that my

gosh boy is the devil working


wow understand this my beloved

Brethren let every person be quick to

hear a ready listener slow to

speak slow to take

offense and to get angry for man’s anger

does not promote the righteousness that

God desires everybody say I am slow to

get angry I slow to get angry say it

again I am

slow why don’t you even just start

confessing this it is almost impossible

to make me mad

amen doesn’t that sound

good all right I’m sure glad God’s that

way yeah woo boy he could be having a

fit a minute if he wasn’t slow to

anger Psalm 1038

and9 the Lord is merciful and gracious

slow to

anger and plenteous in Mercy and loving

kindness he will not always chide or be

contending neither will he keep his

anger forever or hold a

grudge how many of you are glad this

morning that God’s not holding anything



hallu well guess what we have his nature

living in

us the Bible says we have the mind of

Christ the Amplified says we do hold the

thoughts intents and purposes of his

heart don’t think that you can’t act

Godly because you

can the seed of God is on the inside of

us through Jesus

Christ and we’re told to imitate his

behavior so if he’s slow to Mercy I mean

slow to anger and he doesn’t hold

grudges no wonder he’s asking us to do

the same thing he’s asking us just to

imitate him in our Behavior in life


1458 I think looking at the scriptures


important the Lord is gracious and full


compassion slow to anger and abounding

in Mercy and loving kindness now let’s

look at Ephesians

4 26 and 27

one of the things that’s very helpful is

if you get angry or if you’re having a

problem letting go of something look up

and read every scripture that you can

find on anger you know why because this

is not just Black Ink on White

Pages there’s power and life in the word


God you know I tell people all the time

I don’t do anything fancy I I teach the


and I believe I’m anointed to do it and

so why would you

take your weekend why would you take a

Friday night like last night or some of

you were here Thursday night Friday

night and now you’re back here this

morning and you’ve got plenty to do why

would you do this be I’m not just

speaking regular words but the word of

God is full of power and it has the

ability to change your


amen so always always always when you’re

having trouble doing what you believe

God wants you to do run to the word yes

spend time with God fellowship with him

remember how much he loves you and then

let that love flow through you to other

people verse 26 when you’re angry do not

sin don’t ever let your wrath your

exasperation your Fury or indignation

last until the sun goes down and I made

a suggestion last night that I would

like to repeat today why don’t you form

a habit of when you go to bed at night

take just a few minutes before you go to

sleep and kind of you know not go on

some digging Expedition under

condemnation but just ask yourself now

am am I angry about

anything am I mad at

anybody and deal with those things and

work through it until you can say to the

Lord I’m happy to say that by your grace

and mercy I’m not angry at anybody and

now I can go to

sleep you know what if you go to bed

angry you’re going to wake up

angry there are people in here today

that went to bed last mad last night and

you’re thinking oh man did you have to

talk about

that but here’s one of the important

things leave no such room or foothold

for the

devil give no opportunity to him so once

again God is saying when you do that you

open up a door for the devil don’t give

him that kind of an

opportunity verse 30 do not grieve the


Spirit do not offend or Vex or sadden

him by whom you were sealed and branded

as God’s

Own secured for the day of redemption of

final Deliverance through Christ from

Evil and the consequences of sin when I

think about grieving the Holy Spirit it

even Grieves me to think that I might

grieve the Holy

Spirit Well our relationship with God is

so ious and the Holy Spirit comes to

live in us to bring us the presence of

God it’s the most precious treasure that

we have this being the home of God the

Holy Spirit living in us and and the

Bible says don’t grieve the Holy Spirit

well let’s just don’t overly

spiritualize that let’s let’s look at

what does grieve the Holy Spirit the

very next verse we cannot separate it

from verse 30 says let all bitterness

and indignation and wrath passion rage

bad temper

resentment anger animosity quarreling

brawling clamor contention slander evil

speaking I mean he’s not leaving out any

of the anger

words he’s like whatever kind of label

you want to put on this Let It Be

banished from

you don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by

letting those things get lodged on the

inside of you now do you know that even

God operates in

self-control that might sound a little

odd but let’s look at Psalm 78

38-39 but he full of merciful

compassion forgave their iniquity and

destroyed them not yes many a time he

turned his anger away and did not stir

up his wrath and

indignation for he earnestly remembered

that they were but flesh a wind that

goes and does not return

so when God feels anger about something

that we’ve done that’s very unwise or

very wrong it says he doesn’t I mean I

think this would be the translation he

doesn’t just think about what we’ve done

and keep stirring up anger and you know

if you get angry about something how

many of you know the more you think

about it the more you Stir It

Up the more you think about it the more

you talk about it the angrier you become

same thing happens

to me so I love what the Bible says here

instead of stirring up wrath he

remembers that they are but

dust so one of the best things that we

can do when somebody makes us mad is to

right away say I make mistakes

too we all have

weaknesses we all make mistakes I know

I’ve H other

people you know if you’re going to be in

relationship with a person


person you have to get ready to not

always be treated the way you would like

to be treated let’s just talk

about five roots of anger where does it

come from were you Barn


no doesn’t take long you know

angry people first of all may come from


families if you live in an angry house

which I did how many of you grew up in

an angry household okay well most people

who grow up in an angry household they

either try to get stronger than the

angry people or they cower down under

it and just let them control them in an


household every everybody deals with

everything with

anger if you want something you’re not

getting it get

angry if you’re potty training the

little boy and he doesn’t go where he’s

supposed to get

angry if the television stops working


angry everything is anger anger anger

and that’s the way my dad lived his life

Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry and then

my mother was The Other

Extreme of never dealing with any

so I had it from both angles

and I left home when I was 18 and this

is important for you to hear thinking

that I was now

free boy I am getting out of here when


18 and I will be free it will be

over well see I spent another I don’t

know how many years having all kinds of

personality problems and manifesting all

kinds of wrong junky Behavior some of it

the same kind of behavior that my father

had manifested and not having I thought

it was everybody

else well I wouldn’t be angry if you

would do what I wanted you

to I wouldn’t be angry if you paid more

attention to me I wouldn’t be angry if

you paid me more on my job and come on

if that’s where you’re at today you’re

blaming your anger on somebody else that

kind of of anger is just a sneaky way to

not take responsibility for your

behavior see God offers us a life filled

with the power of the Holy Spirit where

no matter what somebody does you can

trust him to deal with it and you can


happy while he’s doing it is that not a


deal wow

and I tell you what it was years and

years before I realized that although I

left the problem I took the problem with

me etched in my soul it was in all my

thinking it was in my will it was in my

emotions it was in how I dealt with

relationships it was in the way I

talked and so until we Let Jesus deal

with what’s going on inside of us we

never really have the

freedom that he wants us to have but you

know what he is the Healer of what the

Brokenhearted actually I want us to go

look at those scriptures because abuse

of any kind can cause Dee rooted


anger just angry about the way you’ve

been treated in life you’re angry about

the love you didn’t get angry about the

things that people said angry about the

things that people didn’t say you may

even be in a situation in your marriage

where you’re angry that you feel like

everybody else in the family takes

advantage of you and all they ever do is

want you to do something for them but

they never think about doing something

for you and I’m getting a little action

out there now aren’t

I oh yeah amen

s well that’s next on my list but let me

finish this one


don’t spend another day of your life

giving up your joy because somebody else

doesn’t do what they should be

doing the spirit of the Lord God is upon

me because the Lord has anointed and

qualified me to preach the gospel of

Good Tidings to the meek the poor and


Afflicted Jesus was sent for people that


hurting he has sent me to bind up and

heal the

brokenhearted isn’t that

wonderful to Proclaim Liberty to the

captives and the opening of the prison

and of the eyes to those who are bound

so you know what I’m doing today I’m

telling you the prison doors are already

open and hopefully the word that I’m

speaking is opening your eyes to the

fact that the doors are open

amen amen if you want to know the truth

I think

that a message like this or any version

of it is probably one of the top 10

messages that we need to hear on some

kind of a semi-regular

basis because it is so easy now listen

to what I’m going to say it is so easy

to feel justified in our

anger and yet there is no justification

for it because God does not stand angry

he forgives and so he gives us the

ability to do the same thing but it’s a

choice that we have to make it is a

choice verse

two he sent me to proclaim the

acceptable year of the Lord the year of

his favor and the day I love this of the

Vengeance of our

God so I’m here to tell you today that

God will vindicate you and he here to

comfort all who

mourn there’s a supernatural Comfort

today for those of you that are

brokenhearted wow God can get to places

that no person can get


amen you’re going to feel better just

because you were here

today you are going to feel better just

because you were

here you will you’re going to have a

better week because you took time to

come here this weekend I don’t care even

if you think well I’m you know I’m not

an angry person you know my husband’s

not an angry person but that doesn’t

mean he doesn’t need to hear

this just because you’re not a violent

angry person I mean if if you don’t need

anything I say just enjoy the

atmosphere just soak up the

anointing if you don’t have a problem

now you’re getting insurance for the



he gives

us an

exchange he comes to Grant consolation


joy to those who mourn in Zion now watch

this to give them Beauty instead of

Ashes I love it one of my first books

that I wrote was entitled Beauty for

Ashes but you know what you can’t have

the beauty and keep the ashes


that’s one of the biggest mistakes that

we make well I’m going to hang on to

these ashes in case I want to have a


day I’m going to hang on to these ashes

in case I feel like spending today

angry but Lord I’d like to have the

beauty too no it’s a Divine exchange you

give him all the junk that you’ve got

and he gives you all the glory that he’s

got you release it and you let it go

Beauty for Ashes the oil of Joy instead

of mourning the Garment of Praise

instead of a heavy burdened and a


Spirit who would not want to come to the

cross and meet Jesus and get it on this

kind of divine exchange amen that they

might be called Trees of Righteousness

the planting of the Lord that he may be

glorified look at verse

seven instead of your f shame you shall

have a


recompense or to put it plainly a double


Hall I’ll tell you what I had a really


childhood but I am just having a great


now I

mean I could have been bitter and wasted

my whole life and probably been married

seven or eight times because nobody

could have put up with me more than a


weeks and Dave has been married to 20

different women in the 48 years we’ve


married because I just keep changing and

keep changing and keep changing and keep

changing I mean he gets a surprise about

every two or three months

it’s funny now because Dave hugs me I

mean he’s very affectionate he hugs me

every morning and he’ll say oh how’s my

sweetie pie this morning and I think I

would have never thought 40 years ago

that anybody would have ever sincerely

thought I was


sweet I mean I just had a hardness in my

soul because of what was done to

me I mean it’s tough when your father’s

abusing you and your mother won’t rescue

you that’s like what’s

left and many of you have been through

even many worse things than that but

even if it wasn’t something as terrible

as that people are not created to be

used and abused and hurt they’re created

for love and kindness and help and mercy


goodness and you can see exactly what

the devil wants he wants to hurt you so

you will spend your life hurting

everybody else that you come around so

then they will get angry and hurt

everybody else that they’re around and

that’s exactly what we have going on in

the world

today come on we are living in a violent

society and we have to be determined as

the church that we are going to be a

bright shining

light and not be that


way I’ll give you a double Rec Rec

compense for your farmer trouble and

verse 8 says for I the Lord love

Justice I the Lord love Justice look at

look at the end of verse 7even it says I


um let’s just read the whole thing

instead of your farmer sham you’ll have

a two-fold recompense instead of

Dishonor and reproach your people shall

rejoice in their portion therefore in

their land not when they die and go to

heaven in their land they shall possess

double what they forfeited

and everlasting Joy shall be theirs but

we’ve got to rewind for a minute and go

back to giving up the

ashes see we can’t just take the promise

part are you willing to give up your


today and every day of your life the

third root of anger can be unmet

needs you know we all have legitimate

needs and we have a right to expect them

to be

met some of the needs that we have is




appreciation the freedom to be

yourself Lord have mercy that’s

something d gives me and I love

it I mean I am a little bit feisty but

he likes

it I mean he’ll say sometimes if I get a

little bit you know maybe out on the

edge he’ll say oh there’s that old fire

I married

before and you know why I think God

gives him the grace to do that because

God knows what I went through just like

he knows what you went through and God

knows that you’re doing your best and

that you’re growing and you may not have

arrived but you’re on your way and I

believe that God will cover you and give

you Grace with

people as long as you’re pressing into


him unmet

needs you have a right to enjoy things

and you have a right to make choices and

not to be

controlled now here’s the problem though

a lot of people don’t get their needs

met in their relationships whether you

got into a relationship you shouldn’t

have been in to start

with just

saying desperate people do desperate

things I was desperate when I was 18 I

married the first guy that showed me any

attention at all because I was afraid

nobody would ever want me and I knew

when I did it it was going to be a

nightmare and sure enough it was another

fiveyear nightmare on top of the 18-year

nightmare I’d already

had desperate people do desperate

things and if you’ve already done

something desperate then we’re going to

pray for God to help you but if you are

on the verge of doing something

desperate we’re going to pray for you to

hear what the spirit of the Lord is

saying to you today don’t do it

fear is the root cause of a lot of

anger number four

fear let’s go to 1st Samuel 17 let me


you just one man’s story and you’ll get

it 1st Samuel

17:28 all the men of the army of Israel


running frightened because of Goliath

nobody would face him nobody would

confront him

David the little Shepherd boy who nobody

really seemed to respect that much sure

had a mighty relationship with

God and so he thought maybe he could do

something about

Goliath it’s amazing when you hang out

with God you get quite bold and

courageous but he had older brothers

that were some of the ones that weren’t

doing anything anything about Goliath

and so in verse 28 it says now elab his

elder brother heard what he said to the

men and eliab’s anger was kindled

against David and he said to him why did

you come down here with whom have you

left those few sheep in the

wilderness right away he’s trying to

belittle him and make him feel like he’s

unimportant I know your presumption and

the evilness of your heart for you have

only come down here that you might see

the battle and verse 29 and David said

what have I done now so you know what

that tells me David was used to this

kind of be

treatment come on maybe maybe you grew

up in a family where you were not the



sibling or the favored

child you didn’t get the best grades

or there were things that other siblings

got attention far that you couldn’t do

and you didn’t get that well you can

spend your life now hating

them because they didn’t treat you right

or you can turn your attention to God

and know that true promotion comes from

him and if you give up the ashes he can

give you double blessing for your farmer

trouble Oho I like this merciful

day 1st Samuel 18:6

as they were coming home when David

returned from killing the Philistines

well now he’s working with

Saul he’s in Saul’s

Army and they were returning from a

battle and the women came out of the

Israelite Town singing and dancing to

meet King Saul with timberl songs of joy

and instruments of music and the women

responded as they laughed and Frolic

saying Saul has slain his thousands but

David his 10

thousands now let me tell you you would

have had to been one really secure King

for that not to bother

you and actually God wants us to have

that kind of

security he doesn’t want us to have to

feel like that we’ve got to dislike

somebody else because they seem to be

liked a little bit more than we are on


on look at me you don’t have to live in

competition with anybody

have your own life have your own

relationship with God let God do what he

wants to do with you without comparing

yourself with anybody

else verse eight and Saul was very

what what’s our word today angry and

Saul was very angry for the saying

displeased him he didn’t like the

song and he saidwell you’ve given to

David 10,000 and to me only a thousand

what more now can he have but the

kingdom and Saul jealously eyed David

from that day forward and the next day

an evil spirit from God came mightily on

Saul and he raved madly in the

house verse 11 and Saul cast the javelin

for he thought I will pin David to the

wall and David evaded him twice here’s

the thing if you keep a good heart I

don’t care who tries to come after you

they will not be able to hurt you God

will deliver you every

time and I’m not saying it won’t hurt

I’m not saying it won’t be challenging

but God is our deliverer however let’s

rewind you got to give up the

ashes and the ashes represent the

bitterness I mean you know David could

have been like well he could have been

mad at God

what what you stick me in this house

with this crazy King and he’s going to

throw Spears at me all day but you know

what I noticed with David Saul threw

Spears at him for years but David never

threw Spears


back come

on come on there’s more there than

you’re getting

amen the important thing is not rather

your soul is throwing Spears at you but

rather not you’re throwing Spears

back and you know you know the story

Story I mean Saul tried to kill David

for years and years and years and God

just kept protecting him kept protecting

him kept protecting him I mean David

would not touch the Lord’s anointed he

wouldn’t talk about him badly he

wouldn’t come against him he had

opportunity to kill him he wouldn’t do

it he put himself in God’s hands and God

exalted him to the throne and he became

one of the greatest

Kings do you want to be angry


great all right the last the the fifth

root of

anger is feeling like you’re being

controlled boy does that make people

mad I mean my dad controlled

everything and you know of course you

can imagine what that was like for me

cuz I had a strong personality anyway

and people that are strong in

personality really can’t stand to be

controlled and I mean he controlled

everything what you watched on TV what

you didn’t what time you went to bed

what time you got up I mean everything

he controlled it well if you have

somebody controlling you it is wrong it

is wicked it is

evil but if you won’t confront

them it’s just as

wrong right to to be honest with

you there are people that will treat you

good even if you

don’t insist that they

do but the biggest majority of people

and sadly even Christian people they’ll

probably give you whatever you’ll put up

with if you say yes all the time and you

never say no then all of a sudden you


no if they’re used to hearing yes all

the time it’s probably going to make him

mad see God finally told me I had to go

confront my dad man I didn’t want to do

that I mean I’ve been gone from the

house for years and the subject had

never been talked about everybody hid

from it everybody ignored

it man I didn’t want to do it cuz I

still had fear of

him and when the time came God said it’s

time I went and I shook so hard through

the whole

thing that it was

pathetic but I just told him I said we

have to talk about

this you were wrong in what you did to

me it was

wrong and he tried to make a bunch of

silly excuses I said no you were wrong

you controlled me with fear and it was


and there wasn’t a whole lot more to it

than that but there was a breakthrough

for me and a freedom for me in finally

confronting the situation now I’m not

trying to tell you what you need to do

but let me just tell you don’t let

people manipulate you and control you

and use you and abuse you you know why

you are

valuable you have got worth and value

God loves you he’s created you for a

good purpose he wants you to have a good

life and the devil will always try to

provide somebody that’s going to try to

take that away from you and you have a

god-given right through the power of the

Holy Spirit and the leadership of the

Holy Spirit at the right time you need

to stand up for yourself and confront

and say


no and that is not not trusting

God that’s being l L by the holy spirit

amen so don’t spend your life

angry don’t go around with a bunch of

hidden repressed anger taking things out

on everybody that you come around it’s

time to let go of your


amen have you been looking for a

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the Mind actually is the battlefield

that’s where we win or lose the war with

Satan he said all he gets to

say is the last of the days mine you

start asking God to heal you and he will

restore he the God of all comfort and I

am so grateful that I know how to call

on God
