Bearing Fruit During Hard Times-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer
Looking for encouragement during difficult times? In this full sermon, Joyce Meyer teaches how to bear spiritual fruit, even when life is challenging. Discover how to stay rooted in God’s word, maintain peace under pressure, and grow in faith no matter your circumstances. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: / joycemeyerministries INSTAGRAM:
/ joycemeyer X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife
I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s
power transform my own life and he will
do it for you the key to everything is
found in God’s
word I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that
God can heal you everywhere you
hurt this morning I want to talk to you
about bearing fruit in hard
times you know it’s not hard to be nice
when everything’s going pretty good for
you when you’re feeling good you don’t
have any big problems you just got a
nice raise that work you get to go
shopping tomorrow or you’re going on
vacation next week it’s it’s not hard to
be nice to people during those times but
it gets a lot more difficult when
everything in your
life seems like it’s going wrong and it
has been going in that direction for
quite a while
amen and I firmly believe that one of
the things that the Holy Spirit wants to
work with us
on and it takes
time I doubt that there’s anybody in the
room including myself that’s perfected
this if my husband was here he probably
has I have never seen a human being as
steady and
stable as that man is he does not care
what people think of him he’s not going
to worry about what they think of him
he’s he’s just stable I don’t care
what’s going on he’s just the same where
I was always
like you know I mean if things were good
I was yeah praise the Lord
goad yoyo Christianity up when our
circumstances are up and down when
they’re down and I’m telling you what it
exhausting is it not it just is
absolutely exhausting because then we’re
almost like a puppet and Satan’s got the
strings and so all he has to do to throw
us in the toilet that day is to just
come up with some something we don’t
like and boy we’re just right down there
it and I you you have to get to the
point where you don’t want to live like
that anymore and you’re not going to
live like that anymore and you and you
have to get to the
point and you have to get to the point
where you you stop waiting for your
circumstances to change and you decide
God you change
me that’s what has to change not your
circumstances Jesus said in the world
you will have
tribulation cheer
up I have overcome the
world Amen
John 16:27 he said my peace I leave with
you stop allowing yourselves to be upset
and Disturbed John 16:33 he said in the
world you will have tribulation cheer up
I’ve overcome the world so I say the way
that you went against the devil is the
onew knockout punch stay calm and be
happy yeah but we don’t feel like
it I have a book for
that it’s called living beyond your
feelings in other words you can have
feelings but you can’t let them have you
if we keep letting our feelings rule our
Behavior then the devil has just got us
on the run all the
time Jeremiah
17 beginning in verse
5 thus says the Lord
cursed is the man who trusts in and
relies on
mankind making weak faulty human flesh
strength and whose mind and heart turn
away from the Lord for he will be like a
shrub in the desert and shall not see
Prosperity when it comes but he will
live in the Rocky places of the
Wilderness in an uninhabited salt land
so looks to me like those who put the
trust in people the
world even today you know it’s like well
they need to do something about
that who is
they they need to fix everything and we
don’t even know who they
are we are
they amen we’re the
they that needs to fix things we look
too much to the government depend too
much on them to provide for us and you
know we we we need to get our eyes
people are going to disappoint
you can anybody say Amen to that am
people will disappoint you you’re going
to disappoint yourself if you rely on
yourself but God said if you follow me
you will never be disappointed that
doesn’t mean
that that doesn’t mean that you’ll get
everything you want all the time but you
will get what’s best and what’s right so
that’s the future of the man who puts
all of his trust in the world system and
blessed with spiritual security is the
man who believes and trusts in and
relies on the
Lord and whose hope and confident
expectation is the
Lord for he will be nourished like a
tree planted by the water that spreads
out its roots by the river and it will
not fear when he
comes but its leaves will be green and
moist and it will not be anxious and
concerned in a year of drought nor will
it stop bearing
fruit now I love that
scripture I I learned that scripture
started a pastor that I had way back in
the beginning of my walk with God use
that scripture a lot and we have to
understand that a
tree it’s bran branches can only be as
wide as its roots are
deep so we have to be deeply
planted in the things we believe about
God we have to the Bible says be
rooted in Christ Jesus be rooted deep in
his love for you when you have Deep
Roots the storms of life don’t blow you
over a little twist big of a tree out in
the yard may get destroyed in a storm
but we’ve got some giant trees in our
backyard that have been there for
probably hundreds of years
and they don’t move no matter what kind
of storm comes they don’t move because
they have deep deep deep roots but what
a lot of people want is they want a lot
of fruit in their life they want a lot
of stuff they want a lot of opportunity
they want to be well known they want to
make a lot of money they want to have a
bunch of stuff they want that kind of
fruit but they’re not actually bearing
the right kind of fruit they’re going
after things that really have no ability
to ever keep them permanently happy and
so I love this scripture that a tree
that is
planted in God deeply planted in God and
let me just say that I think we need to
go deeper deeper I’ve started doing a
series of books and their Bible
commentaries on
we’re starting with the Epistles and
I’ll see then where I go from there
because I don’t think I don’t want to
tell people anymore read your Bible I’m
saying study your Bible we need to more
be more deeply rooted in the word of God
we need to know it to the point where no
storm in our life can take it away from
amen don’t ever when things are going
bad for you say God don’t you love me
you open your mouth and you you you tell
the devil God loves me and I will come
out of this I’ll come out of this on the
other end and this is going to end
well we all have storms in life you’re
not going to live and have a perfect
life and never have problems but we want
to grow to the point where even during
the worst times in our life we are so
deeply planted in God that we can still
bear good
amen does anybody need to hear this
today Psalm 1
1-3 blessed fortunate prosperous and
favored by God is the man who does not
walk in the counsel of the
wicked following their advice and
example Nar stands in the path of
sinners Nar sits down to rest in the
seat of scoffers I’m just going to make
this quick it is important who you spend
your time
with that’s exactly what that’s
saying the man who sits down in the
midst of Sinners and takes their
advice is going to end up in trouble
because you do become what like what
you’re around if you’re around it long
enough amen you listen to my teachings
day after day after day and you’ll start
to sound like me you’ll start to say
things like I
say but if you spend all your time with
a a
complainer and a
gossiper then it’s not going to be very
long and you’re going to be doing the
same thing that they do some of you
could immediately fix some of your
problems if you would just get a new
batch of
amen get around some godly
people his Delight should be in the law
of the Lord and on his law his precepts
and teachings he habitually meditates
day and
night and this man will be like a tree
firmly planted and fed by streams of
water which yields its fruit this fruit
thing is
everywhere in its season its Leaf does
wither and whatever he
does he shall prosper and it shall come
to maturity so if I’m seeing this
properly when you bear good fruit the
result is God prospers everything you
lay your hand to but we want to avoid
the fruit and just get the prosper
erity you’re not going to go you’re not
going to hold unforgiveness in your
heart and see the things that you want
to see happen in your life if we want to
have what God says we can have we have
to do what God tells us to do it’s a
very simple formula I will repeat it
again if we want to have what God says
we can have we must be willing to do
what God says we are to do
one time I was murmuring because I felt
like there
were things that God had told me that I
couldn’t do that I saw other people
doing one of them for example was like
the kinds of movies that I feel like I
can go to and there’s a lot of things
I’d like to see that I just don’t feel
like I can go see because of some of the
stuff that’s in them and yet I know many
people even people in Ministry who have
no problem at all seeing those kinds of
movies but you’re not responsible for
what everybody else does you’re only
responsible for what you
do and so I was complaining one day to
God well I don’t know why you’re so
strict with me you know they you know
they can do it and you know why can’t I
do it and you know what he you know what
God said to me look you’ve asked for a
lot do you want it or
not I’m the one praying that God will
let me reach the whole world with the
gospel and so the more you want to do
for God the narrower your path is going
be is anybody hearing
me you got to you got to get off the
broad path it’s easy to walk on the
broad path you’ll have lots of company
on that path but Jesus walked a narrow
path and anybody who wants to end up
with the kind of life that God says that
you can have I mean life beyond anything
that we can imagine and to me part of
that life is to have every kind of
problem imaginable and it not bother you
all how many of you think that’s a good
life to
have how many of you would love to just
not care what people think about you you
it just doesn’t bother you at all
because you know your heart and you know
what God thinks of you so you’re not
going to ruin one more day of your life
by being upset about what somebody else
thinks of you that doesn’t even know you
all these are the real things that God
wants to give us it’s not just more
money or a bigger career or you know
more fame or to be more well known those
things come and go and let me tell you
something no matter how popular you are
the day will come when somebody will
come along that will be more popular
you and so you you got to you got to
have yourself to live
with and you need to know who you are
and know who you are in
amen the devil’s got me mad this morning
he shall be like a tree planted by the
water then in a whole year of
drought will continue to bear fruit it’s
not enough just to Bear a little fruit
when things are going good maybe we
could be honest and ask
ourselves a few questions this
morning how difficult is it for you to
keep an even temper when you’re under
personal pressure
just just throwing some stuff out
whatever how hard is it for you to keep
being good to other people when doesn’t
seem like anything good is happening for
you what level of Peace do you maintain
during personal trials
are you able to remain
joyful when you’re going through
something really
difficult you know something somebody
told me one time Joyce you never really
know anybody until you see them in all
kinds of
situations and you know what that is so
true you never really know very much
about a person until you see how they
react when things are not good for the
them I’m so grateful that God put me
with my husband because I grew up in
such a
pathetic situation and to me turmoil was
normal I lived in the middle of turmoil
I didn’t know that anything else even
existed and nobody could have told me
about peace and me gotten it I had to
have somebody show it to me and I had to
see it for a long long period of time
and year after year I would see Dave
just continue to love me no matter how I
I acted and and that didn’t mean he
didn’t confront me but he would love me
he he stayed calm no matter what was
going on in our life and I finally
thought I want that and see that’s what
God wants us to do out in the world he
wants us to be like that so other people
can actually see that you have something
worth having and they’re going to say I
want that then you’re not going to be
trying to cram something down their
throat all the time they’re going to be
wanting to know from you how can you be
that way what is different about you let
me tell you something the world is
hungry they don’t know what they’re
hungry for they keep trying to fill up
that hunger with things but they are
hungry because when you don’t have God
in your life you’re never going to be
satisfied because you are created for
him you weren’t created for anything
else and without him it’s impossible to
be permanently
happy you never see the real person
until you see them under
pressure man
pressure that shows what’s on the inside
doesn’t it now in Colossians 31 12-15
the Apostle gives a very detailed list
of acceptable Christian
Behavior everybody say Behavior Behavior
see of course the first thing that’s
important is what we
believe but faith without works is dead
James said Faith always comes
first but good works should follow now
if you just have good works and no faith
in God then that’s useless because we’re
not saved by our works but if we’re
saved by
faith and you become a new person in
Christ and he’s living in you it should
be a very natural desire then to want to
do good
things but we have to grow in that we
have to learn new habits we have to
learn new ways to respond literally the
moment that you are born again you enter
the school of God and you’ll be going
going to school until the day he comes
back to get
you ever learning and relearning and
going over and over some of the same
things so we don’t let them slip away
that’s why I’m proud of you for taking
the time to come out and sit in
something like this today instead of
just being out doing some of the other
things that you could be
doing now I’m going to make it very
clear that we cannot behave the way we
should without God this is not just
something that you can jump up and
decide to do I’m going to leave here and
I’m going to be
nice well probably not you
know I you I could be nice all day when
nobody was home it was when the people
came home that I got in
trouble I mean if there were just no
people I could be so
Godly but they are
everywhere everywhere we’re going to
talk more about that this
afternoon so here’s this
list Colossians 3:12 so as God’s Own
chosen people who are holy set apart
Sanctified for uh-oh his
a and who are well beloved by God
let them put on a heart of compassion
kindness humility gentleness patience
which has the power to endure whatever
comes or whatever unpleasantness comes
with good temper don’t you wish that
there God I don’t want to have to endure
it and have a good attitude I want you
to get rid of
it now I don’t know if he noticed or not
the words put on let him put on a heart
of compassion kindness humility that
word put on is found several places in
the Bible and for me it became a very um
important phrase for me because I
learned by that that that means that I
have to do these things on
purpose not one of you went and stood in
your closet this morning and had your
clothes just jump off the rack and onto
body you had to choose them and put them
on and some of you put on one thing it
didn’t look right you took it off you
put on something else I did that this
morning my goodness I had silver on the
back of my pants and I had gold on the
front of my shirt well as every woman
knows that won’t work I had to match
so then I had all my suitcases locked up
and closed up well then because I had on
gold earrings and now I’m so then I had
to open up the suitcase and I had to get
the stuff back it’s amazing what we do
to go out in front of people and say
look how put together I
am well if we would spend the same
amount of time getting ready spiritually
how about if you get up in the morning
and you put on an attitude that doesn’t
look good on
you what if God says that nah that don’t
look good on
uh-uh that’s not for you then you change
it just like you would change your
clothes is everybody with me
today you put on Christ you put put on
love you put on peace you put on
righteousness these are things that you
do on purpose with God’s help verse 13
bearing graciously with one another and
willingly forgiving each other if one
has a cause for complaint against
another just as the Lord has forgiven
you so should you
forgive aren’t these fun to
read I put a br brackets around this and
I wrote out there
wow h i better read that one again
Lord beyond all these things put
on and wrap yourselves in unselfish love
which is the perfect Bond of unity for
everything is bound together in
agreement when each one seeks the best
others Let the Peace of Christ the inner
calm of one who walks daily with God be
the controlling factor in your heart
deciding and settling questions that
arise to this peace indeed you were
called as members of one body oh and by
the way be thankful to God
always now these are not just given to
us for good
times this is the way th this is should
be our goal I’ve not arrived I don’t
imagine you have
either but it’s my
goal what I
want is not more
money my name to be more well known what
I want is to be able to get out in the
world and act like
amen to bear fruit good fruit there’s a
little something that has to
happen and it’s called pruning you
now some crazy wild branches just need a
little they just need a little
clip if you don’t know what pruning is
it means
that when a tree starts to get it’s
going this way and then all of a sudden
some Branch wants to go that
way it can ruin the looks of the whole
thing so you prune those off
it pruning takes away dead
stuff are stuff that’s going in the
direction and the Bible says
that he’s the vine we’re the
branches that every branch in him that
does not bear fruit he prunes takes away
cuts off every branch that does bear
fruit he
prunes so that it Bears richer and more
excellent fruit so it seems to me like
the pruning thing is a fact of life we
can’t get away from it you’re pruned if
you don’t bear fruit and if you do bear
fruit God says oh good I’ve got somebody
I can work with we’re going to have them
bear more
fruit so sometimes as God’s dealing with
us it just takes a little a little
adjustment but for some of
us there’s a bigger job that has to be
my husband had a tree in our front yard
pruned back one time I mean I knew I you
know I knew it needed to be done but
when I came home from
work I was so mad when I saw that
tree because it just was down to almost
nothing come on do you feel like you’ve
been cut down to almost nothing
and he said just be patient my husband
has a lot of that I don’t have as much
of it as he
does just be patient and you’ll
see next year well I didn’t want a
pretty tree next year I wanted a pretty
tree right
now now how many of you know that’s our
problem we don’t want anything next year
or in five
years we want it right now
well God doesn’t work that
way sometimes he prunes us
back like for example they
say like say a peach
tree a good
farmer or
a peach orchard
grower if they’re really
good the first year the tree Bears a
little tiny fruit they go and pluck it
off the next year it’s a little bit
bigger they pluck that off too and if
they’ll be
patient and not let it actually bear
fruit the first few years
then it will come
around and bear fruit like no other
tree come on now some of you you’re
where I’m at you’re you’re with
me you know when God called me to teach
I thought for sure I’d roll out of bed
the next morning and go to the
world I felt like God said you’re going
to go all over the world and teach my
word well I didn’t
know I didn’t know that meant like years
now see a lot of us God has called us to
do something but we don’t want to settle
down and let him prepare
us come on I’m talking to somebody when
God puts something in your heart you see
the end of it you see it
wow but it’s going to start out like a
little tiny fuzzy peach popping out on a
tree and God’s going to come along and
pull that baby off and say not
yet well sure enough next year we had a
tree in the front yard and God loves us
much that he will kick things out from
under us that have become props to
us when I had my little Women’s Bible
group at the church that I was at and I
had my little Thursday morning meeting
and I had my little leadership team and
there were 12 ladies and I just thought
they all just loved me they you know
they just love me they’re Farm me
they’ll back me up and you know a time
when one of them decided that she wanted
job she felt like God told her that she
should be doing the teaching instead of
me and she started talking to a bunch of
others before you know it they were all
finding fault with me and ended up
gossiping about me and telling some lies
and turned against me and it was one of
the hardest things that I have ever ever
ever gone through in my life but can I
tell you something if I wouldn’t have
gone through that I wouldn’t be here
today you know why because I trusted
them too much I had too much of my
confidence in
them and God loves you enough now please
don’t misunderstand I’m getting ready to
say but God loves you enough that he
will let something happen in your life
that will hurt you for a period of time
because it’s intended to make you a
better person in the long
run it took me three years to get over
that it hurt me so
bad but I’ll tell you
what I got used to being by
myself and going to God for what I
needed putting my I trust in him and I
learned some wisdom
about getting too entrenched with
people come on we need people people are
wonderful we need our friends but
there’s a trust that belongs only to God
and when you start giving it to somebody
else it’s going to come back and bite
you Jesus came to declare the favorable
year of the Lord the day of the V
Vengeance and the retribution of our God
don’t you love that God is your
Vindicator come on God is your
Vindicator and when anybody has treated
you wrong if you will treat them
right oh
Lord oh help me
Jesus come
on do you know how hard it is to be nice
to somebody that you know has been
talking about you behind your
woo that’s when I need those big pruning
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the Mind actually is the battlefield
that’s where we win or lose the war with
Satan he said all he gets to
say rest of the day is mind you start
asking God to heal you and he will
restore it’s the God of all comfort and
I am so grateful that I know how to call
on God