Candid Conversations: The Role of Scripture in Today’s Challenges | Joyce Meyer
In this candid conversation with Joyce Meyer, we explore what the world needs most today. Joyce emphasizes the need for truth, as she discusses the deception prevalent in society and the importance of standing firm in God’s word. Watch as Joyce Meyer unpacks the vital role of Jesus and the Bible in navigating today’s challenges. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: / joycemeyerministries INSTAGRAM:
/ joycemeyer X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife
all right Joyce let’s talk about the
world today and what it needs do we have
to we’re going to have a candid
on your your feelings of what the world
really needs most and there are so many
possibilities but what’s heavy on your
heart for the world today
well I could make this a
short day and just say the world needs
Jesus so true goodbye and I hope you
enjoyed the
show um let’s break it down into two
categories the well now we we can make
it one first of all the world needs
truth and uh there is so much deception
deception is the perfect deception but
the Bible says very plainly that in the
days look it up Matthew 24 that in the
last days deception will be great and
the devil is The Great Deceiver he’s he
lies he puts things in your head that
are not
he he lies to so many people
that everybody can believe something
that’s not true and if you don’t know
truth which is
only the word word of God Jesus said I
am the way the truth and the life no man
comes to the father but by me so Jesus
who is the word made
flesh is the truth and if like even
Ginger when I watch television very
often I I just say God thank you that I
know the the word because there are so
many things even that come on television
that are
just against the word of God and people
in the world just think there’s not a
thing wrong with them you know I mean
things that people used to be ashamed of
they aren’t even ashamed of anymore
they’re just like well yeah everybody
does it well you know just because
everybody does it right doesn’t make it
right and if if
people had any idea how many things they
believe that aren’t true they would be
amazed you know
Christians should know better
but even some Christians fall into that
deception and they begin to go along
with you know things that
really are not in the word and I think
sometimes because it’s
just it’s hard to stand up to people and
your friends and maybe take a chance on
losing your friends to to to stand with
God but God expects us to do that we
need to stand with God if we lost every
friend that we had
but in addition to that if a Christian
let’s just
say they do know the truth they stand up
for the truth I think what Christians
need more than anything is to die to
self and begin to
really live for Christ the Bible says in
Romans 8:29 that we are
predestined to be conformed to the image
of Jesus Christ and that means that the
Christian goal from the time they’re
born again is
to let the Holy Spirit work in their
life to change them to become more and
more like Jesus and Jesus said If any
man will come after me let him deny
himself and take up his cross and follow
me and the cross that we take up is
not disasters and Devastation and you
know every kind of bad thing that you
can imagine you know some people say oh
it’s just my cross to bear well the
cross that he wants us to Bear is to
live an unselfish life and you’re not
ever going to have a bigger challenge
than that because we all have a flesh
and we just want what we want when we
want it and we usually don’t act too
pretty when we don’t get it and God
wants us to trust him that if we don’t
get what we want that we know that he
still has our best interest in mind yeah
but I I think
overall if we’re going to talk about
this subject the main thing that people
need is to first of all we need to be
careful I mean the Bible says to live
carefully and to to be sober minded to
don’t just go along with everything that
comes along wrong you know but is this
right I mean is it really right
according to the word of God now people
who don’t believe in God don’t care you
know they don’t they don’t care about
the word of God because they don’t
believe in God you know the Bible says
in the Old Testament and it’s
prophecy about the days we’re living in
that the time will come when good will
be evil and evil will be good and that’s
really exactly what’s happening in today
I just as an
example I was watching a TV
program and you know sometimes you’re
watching them and they’re good and then
all of a sudden they get weird and so
you have to know when
to turn the thing off or get away from
it but in this
program all of a
something these people are being
questioned about something and
and they said well
we we have an open
marriage you know we we both have other
sexual partners and we’re okay with that
and uh so it was a police detective that
was questioning them and and
she kind of came across
like a little judgmental like well you
know like it wasn’t right yeah like like
it’s not right and this is what they
said and you have to pay atten to get
this according to today’s
standards and that’s the problem a
difficult phrase right there according
to today’s standards you judging us for
what we’re
doing is more wrong because because
you’re judging our right to do what we
please and what makes us happy and so
what’s happening in the world today is
people are doing just that they’re doing
whatever they please and whatever makes
them happy
and they actually think that that’s all
right you know
people people have they’ve got this
notion that well it’s my
right to have whatever I want well you
know it’s also your right to go to hell
I mean people say that oh I don’t
believe a loving God would send anybody
to Hell well God doesn’t send anybody to
hell he doesn’t but we can choose to go
you know a lot of people say I don’t
believe in Hell well the Bible believes
in it and here again you know I got to
go back to what the Bible says you’re
going to you’re going to live for
God receive Christ and live for God and
go to heaven when you die or you’re
going to ignore God all your life and
then you’re going to stand before him on
Judgment Day and he’s going
to yeah send you to the other place and
what what you said is that the the world
right now is facing a culture where it
is worse supposedly to judge and judging
isn’t the right word because we’re not
talking about making decisions about
people we’re talking about making
decisions about God’s word and sin well
making it so you love the people but
yeah but the action right is a different
thing so we should never judge people
but we are called upon by the word of
God to judge sin yes so where it’s wrong
to call something wrong I mean that that
is such a dangerous place for us to be
right but I I love that you distill it
down to what the world really needs is
truth yeah because there are so many
hurting broken confused people oh my
gosh and with the truth of God’s word
that you know that comes with the fact
that he loves them and has salvation and
a plan for them and it comes with
exactly it it comes with peace it
serving God is
comes with so many good things that our
world needs so desperately it’s just if
people just knew people PE the only
thing people think about when it comes
to being a Christian if they don’t want
to be one is well I can’t do everything
I want to do but the things that you
think you want to do are the things the
very things that are making you unhappy
and people think well if you’re a
Christian you can’t have any fun that’s
not true we have fun we just have good
clean fun we you know there there’s a
difference in Holiness and legalism and
I was just thinking this morning I need
to do a teaching about Holiness versus
legalism because legalism means you can
it it’s always what you can’t do what
you can’t do what you can’t do but
living a holy life there’s still a lot
of things you can do you just choose to
do them the right way you know and uh
just there’s so much confusion in the
world today people are so confused and
if you just and Jesus is the Hope in all
of it and the only hope the only hope
that people have and so I just would
really encourage people to not just
believe everything
that the world says or the government
says or you know I mean the government
can even make something
legal well it’s legal well it may be
legal but it might still be wrong you
know just because the world says it’s
legal to do something doesn’t mean the
Bible says it’s okay to do it it
definitely gives you a
burning need to pray to pray for
everything happening to pray for our
kids pray for our grandkids to pray
against that deception right and to pray
for the truth of Christ to Wi out yeah
every day people that are praying need
to pray that people will see what
real truth is what real truth is and you
today people would
you hear a lot well truth is
relative well relative to what relative
to me because I want to do
it you know truth is truth I mean there
can’t be one truth for you and one truth
for you and another Truth for you and
another Truth for me that’s not truth
you know that’s just I’m doing whatever
I want to do and calling it truth I mean
there can only really be one truth and
Jesus said I’m it I am the way not a way
among a bunch of ways are a truth among
a bunch of truth I am the way the truth