Too many people get hurt by unfair judgments, criticisms, and straight-up gossip. How can we help minimize the damage? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares biblical insights on human behavior. – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE:

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#JudgementAndCriticism


having difficulty admitting when you are


do you know three of the most important

words that we can learn for

relationships is I was wrong

I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s

power transform my own life and he will

do it for you the key to everything is

found in God’s word I’m Joyce Meyer and

I believe that God can heal you

everywhere you hurt


what causes so much judgment and


I bet some of you would know the answer

starts with a capital p

Pride you got it pride

the only reason why we judge other

people is because we think

that we’re better

we look at what they’re doing and we

think we would never do that


we think we know more than they do

pride is the foundation for all

unrighteous judgment how many of you

realize that if we critically judge

somebody it’s almost always because we

can do something they can’t do


but they can’t do it if God did not give

them the ability to do it now I’m not

talking about your kids not cleaning

their room up and that kind of stuff but

but even in that you know there’s going

to be some kids that are going to be

more tidy than others

I mean I had a daughter that was a

first-class slob I mean she just

not had I still have her and uh

oh my gosh the girl was so messy it was

pathetic I mean she couldn’t keep up

with anything and you know what’s funny

she now works for me

and helps keep my life organized

yet she’s given herself a title you know

what it is the momager

he manages mom

and I would have never in my wildest

imagination ever thought that that girl

could have ever managed anything let

alone me

so I’m just telling you right now if you

leave God Alone

and let him be God

and just pray

you’ll be amazed if you’re willing to

love people where they’re at

what God can do to get them to where you

would actually like them to be

but they never will be if you keep

trying to make it happen because you

know the more you try to make somebody

do something the more they’re not going

to want to do it

has anybody noticed that

so especially that way with men because

of male ego

oh I just couldn’t help myself I had to

say it

seven symptoms of pride

a critical person is proud

a fault-finding person

is proud

a harsh person

somebody who’s just hard on people who’s

legalistic and

has too many rules and regulations about

the way they want everything done

we shouldn’t be harsh

Paul wrote to Timothy and he said

if you need to correct somebody do it

with courtesy and do it with gentleness

so even when we talk about confronting

people or talking to them about sin or

dealing with them about something don’t

ever try to do it unless number one you

pray first

you make sure it’s what God wants you to

do you make sure you have the right


because I can tell you timing is


you don’t want to talk to your man about

something when he has gotten stuck in a

traffic jam

and has been on the highway for two


and he comes in the door mad and hungry

and that’s when you decide to tell him

off it’s not going to work

but I’ve had instances where I’ve

finally learned I don’t just go talk to

Dave about anything I want to at any

time I pray first

sometimes you pray about it first God

takes care of it and you don’t have to

do anything

imagine that God answers prayer and uh

but then if I if I wait till I feel the

time is right

it’s amazing how people will listen if

you do it the right way but you can’t go

in with a haughty attitude

so you can’t be harsh

feeling that you need to constantly

teach other people or give them advice

is a symptom of pride

on the other hand if we are offended by

the advice that people try to give us

then that’s Pride on our part

and out of balance need to correct


is a symptom of Pride and having

difficulty admitting when

you are wrong

do you know

three of the most important words that

we can learn for relationships is I was


you guys need to practice that I could

tell that didn’t go over too good

you all look like I threw a rock at you


can you say that I was wrong

okay let’s talk for a minute about


matter of fact let’s talk about social

media and rumors

first of all first Timothy 5 19 says

don’t listen to an accusation

unless it’s presented

and confirmed by two or three Witnesses

that was good we had a good amen amen

and then it needs to be reliable


you know it took me a while to get here

but the first thing I say now when

somebody calls me with a stupid story

about somebody that I

love and admire

I don’t believe that

I don’t believe that and I’m not going

to believe that unless I have proof

and I had somebody do that just oh maybe

nine months ago

called me and told me that somebody that

I know very well did such and such and

thus and so and I just said I’m sorry

but I don’t believe that

I said you got your story wrong

your information is wrong and I said if

I find out they did do it then I will

confront them but

I’m not going to believe it until I

check it out for myself

and so I got right on the phone and I

called this person

and I said this is what I’ve heard

I don’t believe it

but I want to know from you

it was straightened out within a few

minutes I call the first person back

and I said you were wrong

and don’t tell that to anybody else

now how much better is that than

somebody tells you a rumor and you’re

like oh I can’t believe it

and then the first person you see is you

are not going to believe

come on as Christian people we should

not be behaving like that this is some

of the stuff that we’ve got to get out

of the church because it’s not God’s

will for us to behave that way


how much better would it be the next

time somebody brings you a rumor about

your pastor or I don’t know me maybe

you’ll hear hey there was a rumor on

social media not several months ago that

I was dead

yeah it was out there big Joyce Meyer

has died

I mean we were getting did you see that

and I had to get on social I had to get

on do a Facebook live thing and say I’m

not bad

I’m right here


I mean let’s let’s I mean dumb stuff

let’s just say that that somebody

says well I saw the pastor’s wife with

another man last night

well don’t know it could have been her


why you know there’s something wrong

deeply wrong inside somebody when they

have to say something like that

especially with that kind of a tone and

when you start hearing that kind of

stuff from Christians that’s a good

indication for somebody that you don’t

want to spend a lot of time with and you

need to get away from

and I think that’s a situation that it’s

perfectly right to confront if you know

somebody in the church that is a gossip

that spreads rumors that starts Strife

if I were you I would tell them that

kind of behavior is wrong and I can tell

you it’s not the kind of person I want

to hang out with all you’re doing is

causing trouble because if you’re party

to that then you become just as guilty

as they are too many people are hurt by

rumors too many people are hurt by

gossip and so much of what people say I

mean there may be some thread of

something in it but it gets so blown out

of proportion that it doesn’t make any

sense to anybody and it’s very dangerous

don’t listen to rumors

and there’s so much junk on social media

today I mean it is


it can be used for such good purposes

but we better understand that the

devil’s going to try to use it too

don’t get on social media and say

something bad about somebody else you

don’t even need to give your opinion

about somebody else on social media

don’t do that

how about this how about before if

before we judge anybody else we examine

ourselves a little bit


I got to read your favorite scriptures

on not judging Matthew 7 1-3

do not judge and criticize and condemn

others so that you may not be judged and

criticized and condemned yourselves

just as you judge and criticize and

condemn others you will be judged and

criticized and condemned and in

accordance with the measure you use when

you deal out to others it will be dealt

out to you again

in other words what you give out you’re

going to get back


why do you stare from without at the

very small particle that’s in your

brother’s eye but do not become aware of

and consider the beam of Timber that is

in your own eye


it’s hypocritical isn’t it when we judge

other people for minor things and we’ve

got huge faults you know a lot of times

that’s just an excuse to not deal with

our own issues my dad was very critical

and judgmental and that man was such an

unbelievable mess oh my gosh he had so

many deep problems in his life but he

all he ever did was say fault with

everybody else and sometimes if we stay

busy looking at what’s wrong with

everybody else we don’t have to look at



I want to say a few more things about

this thing about

opinions and just

we have to be very careful that we don’t

try to put our convictions off on

somebody else if those convictions are

not necessarily biblical

give you an example

had a wonderful aunt

she’s gone home to be with the Lord so

she’s probably going to hear me talking

about her now but everybody’s happy in

heaven so she can’t get mad at me

um and

she grew up in a pretty strict church


I mean she was

full-blown religious person okay so

there was a lot of things that she

didn’t believe in

and um

one of them was going to the movies she

didn’t but she didn’t believe in going

to the movies but yet she would watch

movies at home on TV

it shows you sometimes the foolishness

of what just dead dried religion can do

to you

but then

I remember her saying things to me when

I was going to the movies to try to make

me feel guilty

go in that movie house you don’t need to

go to that movie house but she’d sit at

home and watch movies on TV she didn’t

think that that I should wear colored


so I mean this was years ago but

people were putting eye shadow all over

their whole eyes and I had blue

eyeshadow and she’s wiped that blue junk

off your face you just look like a hussy

and get that stuff off your face

just get that off your face

well I can tell you what you’re not

going to go to hell for wearing blue



this is the kind of stuff I’m talking

about come on and we all we all get into

this to a little degree honestly can you

be honest and say if we feel strongly

convicted about something ourselves

it’s very easy to try to push that off

on everybody else

and we shouldn’t do that not unless we

know by scripture

that it’s sin and even then you can’t

push it’s got to be done in love and in

the right way


this may be the most fun candid

conversation we’ve ever done because

we’re going to encourage people that

it’s okay to let their hair down to

relax and to have fun and talk about how

to do it and some of the things that

hold us back sometimes it wouldn’t go

very far

it’s down now

yeah I think sometimes we

think of our responsibilities we think

of the weight of the world we all have

hard things in our life people are

hurting so to encourage everyone that it

is okay even in the midst of some hard

things to laugh now and then to have the

joy of the Lord

and just have fun do something fun now

and then well that’s why we call our TV

program Enjoying Everyday Life sure is

because I had such a hard time

with this what you’re talking about and

it got started in my childhood from

being abused and my father just was not

a fun guy he wasn’t in the fun he was


mean and rules and regulations and I can

actually remember getting in trouble for

laughing because I was making noise that

he didn’t want to hear and so I kind of

my natural personality is

a choleric and their workers anyway so I

already started out as a worker and then

I felt

accepted by him

more if I was working than if I was

having any kind of fun and so man I mean

I had a

I had a rough go with this I mean a

really rough girl I just I felt guilty

anytime I was enjoying myself because I

just felt like I should be

should be working and I remember some of

the things that God said to me to help

me get out of that one day a girl called

and said that I want to go

somewhere with her and I said no I’ve

got to clean my house and


which I did every day by the way back

then and uh when I hung up the Lord

spoke to me he said the dirt will still

be here tomorrow you need to go and now

obviously you can’t think like that

every day right you know but I need he

knows what you needed I needed to

realize that

you know it would be okay to wait until

another day to do that

because I needed to go and relax and

interestingly enough this past weekend

I mean I I had two days of what I would


a true Sabbath rest

I sat in a recliner

almost all day

both days

I good for you I’m so proud of you did

and I I didn’t do

any work I didn’t feel like I had to

study I

looked up different

music artist that I like on YouTube and

listen to music and I watched some

movies and I just

didn’t do anything that’s a big step I

mean that’s unusual so just rested made

that happen I don’t know I don’t know if

I was too tired to move or what but I

just I enjoyed it so much and I realized

that I still

have that feeling like I need to do you

know I need to be productive yeah every

day I need my my natural personality a

type A personality is motivated by

accomplishment and so

it’s very hard for us to go through a

whole day and feel like we didn’t

accomplish anything but actually when

you when you rest really rest you are

accomplishing something you’re building

up the strength that you need for the

other things that you need

to accomplish yeah and yeah I I can

relate to that having much of that

personality myself I’m also I’m kind of

a mix with the cleric and the sanguine

so so I want to keep things moving and

get a lot done and have fun doing it all

the time so basically I want to tell

people how to have fun and make sure

they do it right well you have a great

you have a great personality our son

Daniel same thing strong colic but he’s

got to have fun I I just I remember just

feeling guilty you know if I wanted

people yes if I wasn’t working all the

time and so on the personality test the

ones that I took years ago they had

points like

so many points for this and so many

points for that and I was like

38 I think the total score was 40. and I

was 38 choleric one point sanguine and

one point phlegmatic so that meant that

38 percent of me was going to be wanting

to work all the time one percent could

have fun and one percent could rest and

not worry yeah and so I think now

actually I would be more equally

divided there’s a book by Tim lahaye

called Spirit control temperament that

no matter what your natural temperament

is when you’re controlled by the spirit

you know like for example when I preach

I’m actually really funny you are and I

know it’s the holy spirit because

I wasn’t that way in my everyday life

when I started and I’m I’ve gotten a lot

funnier my kids think I’m hilarious but

Dave and I have been married 56 years

and we actually probably have more fun

now than we ever had last night we were

fighting over the cover part of the

night and he’d say you’ve got all the

cover I’d say you’ve got all the cover

and then he’d pull it and I’d pull it

back from him and finding those little

moments yeah they were huge yeah instead

of making a problem out of everything

and like you said

and people need to get this

when you have a problem it is okay to go

ahead and enjoy your life because being

miserable if you’ve cast your care on

God if you’ve prayed about it there’s

nothing you can do there’s nothing he’s

shown you to do then you need to give it

to him


the joy of the Lord is your strength and

I heard somebody preach a sermon one

time and said it’s not your stuff that

God wants it’s your that the devil wants

it’s your joy

so he comes through our circumstances

yeah but his goal is to steal our joy

because our joy is our strength yeah you

know I’ve I learned that so strongly

traveling the world and seeing how

people in so many situations are hurting

so much and it can really weigh of

course on them terribly and and on you

as you go in and it’s easy to to feel


um I I don’t have much to offer in a

situation like this and and to feel like

you have to be down because it’s it’s a

sad situation and people are hurting or

to come home and feel guilty because you

have everything right and what cut has

shown me in such a beautiful way is the

best thing I can take into those

situations is the joy of the Lord so

going in with with like here’s an

example like a group of kids who are

working in a brick Factory right

literally working in a brick Factory and

letting them be kids playing with them

laughing with them just running around

and playing is the best thing you can do

you don’t want to go in and and of

course we’re supposed to Bear one one

another’s burdens but you don’t just go

in and be sorrowful sorrowful right that

the joy of the Lord is a powerful thing

and he wants us to to have fun yeah you

don’t need to bring

a sad face to somebody who is already

sad and it changes those kids we’re not

suggesting that everybody just be a

goofball all day long and just do

nothing but just laugh and giggle and

not take things seriously but the Bible

has a lot to say about Joy like John 16

24 says ask and receive that your joy

may be full

so what’s he saying when you have a

problem ask God for what you need

receive it by faith

so you can go ahead and have joy and I

think it’s John 17 13 Jesus

was talking to them about some different

things and he said I’ve told you these

things that my joy and Delight might be

fulfilled in you

so his Joy how I mean

how much joy did Jesus have

that that it might be fulfilled in us he

wants us to have the same kind of joy

that he had and so even when he was

going through a difficult time like in

Hebrews it says for the for the joy of

the he endured the cross

for the joy of the prize that was on the

other side so when you are having a


instead of thinking about the problem

all the time think about the victory

that you’re going to have I always

really love to think about

how Romans 8 28 promises us that all

things work together for good

to those who love God and are called

according to his purpose so if you love

God and you want his will in your life

then whatever happens to you

God promises us that he will work it out

for good but there is that if there if

you love God with all your heart and you

want his will

no I don’t think you can

complain about your problem and feel

sorry for yourself all the time and be

angry with everybody else who doesn’t

have a problem I think we need to

maintain the right attitude the attitude

that Jesus had but you know even though

he knew that he was going to go to the

cross and suffer the way he he did he

was never irritable with his disciples

and they did things that would make you

irritable they could be very annoying

when I read those stories you know

you’re thinking wow

um you you learn so much by the way

Jesus treated people so in all of this

it’s refusing that guilt that might be

coming against you giving yourself the

permission and the time

to rest like you did last weekend to

have fun to laugh with your friends

and not feel like somehow you’re you’re

missing something God wants you to do

instead you’re celebrating who he is you

can even make your work fun you know

when I come up here to the studio to

record TV

I mean we’re we’re about three hours

into this today and we’ve laughed a lot

already and so anytime that you have the

opportunity to laugh a merry heart does

good like a medicine and so there’s an

inappropriate time to do it but anytime

it is appropriate you should do it

because it’s actually very healthy and

very good for you to do and the devil

wants to steal your joy he does not want

anybody to be happy and as Christians we

have a lot to be happy about because we

are going to spend eternity with God and

see him face to face


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actually is the battlefield that’s where

we win or lose the war with Satan he

said all he gets to say

today is mine you start asking God to

heal you and he will restore is the God

of all comfort and I am so grateful that

I know how to call on God
