Prayers That Get Answered-FULL SERMON | Joyce Meyer
Join Joyce Meyer in this powerful full sermon on “Prayers That Get Answered.” Discover how to pray with confidence and simplicity, letting go of doubt and fear while embracing the truth of God’s promises. Learn practical insights on aligning your prayers with God’s will, overcoming barriers to effective prayer, and experiencing the transformative power of faith in your life. Discover the resources in this video Prayers That Get Answered-Digital Audio Teaching:… The Power of Simple Prayer Book: Quiet Times With God Study (Free) (Available 12/1/24)… – – – – – – – Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: / joycemeyerministries INSTAGRAM:
/ joycemeyer X (Formerly Twitter): – – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:33 Prayers That Get Answered Pt 1 00:09:49 You can talk to God about anything 00:18:43 Things we try to change 00:29:16 When you are angry with someone 00:41:52 I am a new person 00:44:13 Prayers That Get Answered Pt 2 00:55:16 Believing all the way through to the manifestation 01:03:50 I will have to touch your circumstances 01:14:06 It’s our heart that matters 01:17:06 Help with children
what if I want it but God doesn’t want
me to have it maybe I better keep trying
to get it myself in case he won’t do
it you know we’ll pray but we always
want a backup plan don’t we just in case
God doesn’t come through we got kind of
a backup plan a plan
B how many of you when you pray
you sometimes or even a lot of the time
have this vague feeling that there’s
something lacking that you didn’t do
that you should have done you know you
know the devil does not want us to pray
confidence he wants us to pray with fear
and doubt and wondering and I used to
have the exact same thing as many years
as I’ve been praying and will’ll
continue to
pray I used to have that feeling on a
regular basis too well like you know I
should have said more maybe I didn’t
pray about the right thing or maybe I
just didn’t say it the right way and so
a lot of times when I keep having a
repetitive problem that I know according
to the word is not right you see no
matter how we feel if what we feel is
not an agreement with the word then what
we feel is wrong and the word is Right
amen so for example if I ask God to
forgive me for something I’ve done wrong
and I still feel guilty then I know that
guilt is a Lie the word of God is not a
because if I’ve asked and received then
God is faithful so no matter how I
feel the word of God is what’s right and
as long as we continue to live by our
feelings and not even confront the lies
of the devil but just go around feeling
that way then the enem is always going
to have an upper hand so I just decided
Well if I’m going to pray then I’m not
going to spend time after I pray feeling
like my prayers were useless
so I want to get to the bottom of this
and find out what’s going on
and one of the things that I felt like
that God showed me was that I
it and that I thought that it depended
on length of time or eloquence in what
said but he taught me that prayer
effective lifechanging Dynamic prayer
can be
simple just so
simple I have one great-grandchild and
he’s uh I guess Jeremiah is about three
um his mommy one night had a real bad
stomach ache and she was laying in bed
kind of doubled up in pain and he went
over and laid his hand on her said he
was going to pray for her
and he said
amen but listen she said she almost
immediately the pain
stopped and she started feeling
better actually I came to a point in my
life at one time where God actually
challenged me he said I want you to ask
me for what you want and need with as
few a words as
possible yeah it’s harder than you
think you know it it’s hard when you’ve
done something wrong to
say father I’m so sorry forgive me for
that thank
you no we want to go on oh God oh God oh
please forgive me God please please
please forgive me oh God so bad please
forgive me God I promise I’ll never do
it again yes you
will don’t even waste your time making
promises you can’t keep you’re better
off to say I’ll definitely do it again
if you don’t help
me so why don’t we
learn that the power of prayer is not in
how many words or how eloquent or how
long but I believe it’s two
things I think it’s
Faith do I believe that God hears
me do I believe he cares about me and
wants to be involved in my life well I
can’t read the Bible and not believe
that and I think that prayer must
be sincere you’re going to see in
scripture today the Bible says that the
fervent effectual prayer of a righteous
man avails much makes tremendous power
available I love that in the Amplified
when we pray tremendous
Woo is made
available tremendous power is made
available you know where we usually lose
our faith that’s while we’re
waiting we can pray in such faith and
boy we can get really excited and have
faith when we see a
manifestation but we receive the
promises of God the Bible says through
faith and
patience and a lot of times we have to
to wait and one of the things that I’ve
learned to do during that waiting time
is anytime that doubt comes against me I
open my mouth and say out loud I believe
that God is working in my life right
now I believe that God is working in my
life right now and I’m going to give you
some good scriptures to back these
things up but I believe it’s just the
simple faith God hears
me he wants to help
me and also then just being sincere
about what you’re praying and I think
that takes
Focus how many of you find it extremely
difficult to even focus for 10
minutes in
prayer so this morning I looked at my
clock it was 8:00 and I course you know
I’d been praying in and out here and
there you know we and that’s good God
hears all that you know but I wanted to
have 10 minutes of focused uninterrupted
prayer for this session this
morning and I had to really set my mind
to do that and not let anything else get
my attention I think to me that’s what
fervent effectual prayer is fervent
doesn’t have to be
yelling it doesn’t have to be crying you
know I read books about people who weep
and cry and prayer and I think that’s
marvelous but I don’t cry very easy
and so I’m sure hoping God answers my
prayers if I don’t cry
amen I think it’s
fervent effectual prayer sincere focused
prayer when we pray we are talking to
god so let’s act like we’re talking to
God and not act the way we do when we’re
talking to somebody else that we are
giving them about 10% of our attention
and something else
90% of our
attention and so I want to share with
you this morning
and first I called it reasons why
prayers are not answered but we can also
call it ways to get your prayer
answered either way we’re going to talk
prayer well the first thing is is you’re
not ever going to get an answer if you
ask so the first Royal law of prayer is
you have not because you ask not now I
just wonder how many people in here this
morning or possibly people watching by
television you have tremendous needs in
your life but you’re not
asking maybe you’re
wishing well I
wish and I tell this story pretty often
because it amazed me but it fits right
into this teaching this morning and this
is just a great example met a woman in a
department store
and she recognized me and from TV and so
we started chatting yes she was a
Christian she’d been in this certain
church for I don’t know 15 years
something like that and
um so I was just asking her questions
about the department store and you I
said do you guys work on commission or
do you work on salary and she said well
we actually work on salary but we do
have a quota that we have to meet and if
we don’t meet that quota then we’ll get
a warning and then if we still don’t
meet that quota then we can actually
lose our jobs and so to me that’s just a
real easy fix because of what I’ve
learned about the word of God so I said
well why don’t you just pray that God
will give you favor so the people
shopping here will come to
you for their
purchases and she looked at me kind of
like some of you were looking at me
huh well all I’ve been doing is just
standing around being a afraid I’m going
to lose my
job and she looked at me and she said
well would it be
okay to pray for something like
that I said
honey you can talk to God about anything
and everything that concerns
you if I needed to meet my quota at work
and all it was going to take would be
for some of the customers to float over
toward me then why would I not ask God
to send them in my
direction well what if that wasn’t his
will well then don’t worry about it you
won’t get
it this is not going to be hard
today we are going to learn that we need
to pray according to God’s
will and you know you can throw out if
it Be Your Will as much as you want to I
don’t suggest doing that if it’s like
something you know for sure is in the
world word of God I don’t think you need
to pray God if it’s your will save my
son I think that’s pretty obvious but
you know I just I gave all that stuff
up I don’t worry about that stuff
anymore I’ve got a relationship with God
I trust him I believe he trusts me I
don’t want anything he doesn’t want me
to have and I’m going to pray like a
wild crazy woman for everything that I
can think
of Amen
because if there’s anything that anybody
can get I’m going to get some of
it did you hear
me well who do you think you are
nobody and that’s the beauty of it
absolutely an undeserving less than
nothing nobody but when God does things
for those noodies that’s when we see his
glory and that’s exactly what the devil
want you to think well who do you think
you are to pray like
that in James chapter
4 verse one it says what causes
Strife why do fights and feuds and
quarrels how do they originate among you
and many many years ago when God first
began to give me Revelation out of James
4:1 and2 I can tell you my life was full
of strife feuds fights and quarrels
now that’s not the case now but when I
saw that what leads to Strife Discord
and feuds and how do quarrels and
conflicts and fights originate among you
it had my
interest how many of you need a lot more
peace in your life than what you
experience have way too many fights and
way too many quarrels and so much Strife
where you work and even Strife in the
church and strife in the
home Strife is bickering arguing heated
disagreement but it’s also an angry
undercurrent and I hate that part worse
anything it’s like that angry
undercurrent that can even be in the
church among the people in the
choir come
on well
I I think I should be the worship leader
I can sing
better she can’t even sing her way out
of a paper and I’ve got a great
Voice come on come on
now so he says what what’s the cause of
all this stuff God’s called us to peace
Jesus said my peace I leave with
you we your shoes a
peace he said do they not arise from
your sensual desires so that’s fleshly
carnal desires it’s let’s make it plain
it’s stuff that we
want it’s a position it’s a
promotion it’s Finance it’s wanting what
somebody else has James
4:2 you are jealous and you covet what
other people have and your desires go
unfulfilled so he’s saying you don’t get
what you want you’re not going to get it
that way so you become a murderer
because to hate is to murder as far as
your hearts are
concerned now let’s talk about the gray
area here for a minute you say well I
don’t hate
anybody but do you love
well no I wouldn’t exactly say that but
I don’t really hate
them well you know I don’t see any other
options in the Bible it’s
like you burn with envy and anger and
you’re not able to get the gratification
the contentment and the happiness that
you seek
so before we read the answer just look
he’s saying look what causes all this
upset in people’s lives why can’t people
settle down and be content and be happy
it’s because of all the stuff you want
that you don’t
have I mean it if you’re unhappy today
isn’t it about something you want that
you don’t have
if this is too deep for you we can go
slow how many years was I unhappy
because my Ministry wasn’t bigger than
what it
was lots of
years you know what we’re on a
journey and life is not all just about
the destination it’s more about the
journey than anything else and you need
to learn to enjoy the journey
and that means that while I’m headed to
what I think I want God may actually do
so much in my life that I’ll Realize by
the time I get there that’s not even
what I
want oh some of you sweet beautiful
Single Ladies you just got yourself
convinced you just cannot be happy if
you’re not
married and some of you people have been
married 30 years you’re convinced you
cannot be happy if you have to stay
married but I’m just saying that no
matter what we have unless we learn to
be content with what God’s giving us at
time I said unless we learn to be
content with what God’s giving us at the
time I love what the Apostle Paul said
he said I’ve learned how to be
content and the Amplified Bible says
satisfied to the point where I’m not
disturbed no matter what state I’m in
now he didn’t say satisfied to the point
where I never want to see
change see you can want to see change
you can want things to be different in
your life you can want to get married
someday but you don’t have to be unhappy
every day until you
are amen
you have not because you ask
not that’s the answer to the whole
mess why is there so much strife and
quarreling and bickering arguing all the
stuff you want you don’t get it you see
somebody that’s got it you get jealous
and envious you still don’t end up with
what you want what’s the problem you
have not because you ask not
well I don’t know about you but when I
read that many years ago I tell you what
I was into so many works of the
flesh you know what works of the flesh
are it’s
us trying to do what only God can
do can I tell you if you’re trying to
change the person you’re married
to it ain’t going to
work won’t work
you could humbly go to
God stressing
humbly you could humbly go to God and
saying now God I know I got a lot of my
problems and if I’m seeing this wrong
just ignore
me but I’m asking you to change
that our h or Herbert or Charlie or if
you’re a guy here today Mary Lou Mary
Jane Janet whatever this is for all of
us we try to change our
kids and if you got four all four of
them are totally
different we want them to be like us and
we don’t even like who we are
yet boy wouldn’t that be a nightmare if
everybody in the whole house was like
so I’m telling you I just about killed
myself in works of the
Flesh and when I saw that
scripture oh the joy of God hit my
soul you have not because you ask not
now there’s a little bit of fear in
that because then there’s this thought
well what if I want it but God don’t
want me to have
it what if if I want it but God doesn’t
want me to have it maybe I better keep
trying to get it myself in case he won’t
it you know we’ll pray but we always
want a backup plan don’t we just in case
God doesn’t come through we got kind of
a backup plan a plan
B oh you can never enjoy your life until
you get out of work to the
Flesh and learn that you have not
because you ask not
and don’t be afraid to ask God he loves
you he wants to help you you know little
kids ask for a lot of things that aren’t
good for them and the parent just
doesn’t give it to
them if God doesn’t give you something
you want it’s out of love he’s not
holding out on
you he just knows something that you
don’t know
yet come on now God is able Ephesians
3:20 says God is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above and beyond all that we
could ever
dare to Hope ask or
think according to his
power that works in US Jesus said ask
you know sometimes if I need my prayer
life or my faith and prayer
bolstered I know where most of the
scriptures are that say ask and I will
get them out and just read them and I’ve
got them all this morning but I don’t
have time to put all these up but the
word ask means to request to call for to
desire and I love this part to make a
demand on what’s already
yours God’s already provided everything
that we
need when I go to the bank and it’s my
money in the bank I ask politely but I’m
really just making a demand on what’s
mine but you have not because you ask
we can’t assume and presume with
God I get his help when I humble myself
and ask for his help I can’t just assume
well if God wants to help me he’ll help
me the humble get the help I ask God to
help me God help
me and I don’t know about you but I need
a lot of help getting through one
day don’t never be afraid to ask God for
anything that you want or need John 141
12-14 John
157 and 8 John
15:16 John 1623 and 24 John 1626 and 27
they all say
ask for whatever you
need and I’ll do it what wild promises
now obviously you can’t just pull one
scripture out with having them all and
there are other scriptures that say we
need to pray according to the will of
God so we want the whole counsel of the
word of God but I sure don’t want you to
be afraid that you’re not going to pray
in the will of God so afraid that you
don’t pray so I suggest that while
you’re learning to know more and more
and more about God that you just be bold
and aggressive in your prayers just
saying to God if it’s not your will for
me don’t give it to me I don’t want
anything that you don’t want me to have
if we could get to that point where we
could say God I don’t want anything you
don’t want me to have
you know in John chapter 15 Jesus said
if you abide in me and my word abides in
you you can ask what you will and I’ll
it and I used to just shake my head at
that how could God
say you ask me for whatever you want and
I’ll do it because I already knew that
some of the stuff I was asking for
probably wasn’t
right but see there’s a little secret in
there he says if you abide in me and
that means live dwell and
remain God has not called us to a Sunday
hello he doesn’t want to live in the
Sunday morning box in your
heart he wants to get into Monday
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday how you dress what you eat who
you hang out with what you watch on
television so that’s kind of what it
means to abide in him if you abide in me
and then he says if my word abides in
you so if I’m meditating on the word and
I know the word and the word is my life
well sure if I’ve got that kind of
relationship with him and his words and
me all the time I’m not going to ask for
anything that’s not God’s
will so while you’re on your
way while you’re growing don’t be afraid
to ask God but if you don’t get it don’t
upset and don’t be jealous of somebody
else who has what you want wanted
because guess what we all have an
individual personalized plan with God
for our
lives so ask ask ask and then in the
Amplified Bible and I love this when it
says ask in my name you know we are to
pray in Jesus name to the father through
the Holy
Spirit when you say in jesus’ name it’s
not like a little magic ch arm that we
tack onto the end of all of our prayers
but when I say in jesus’ name what I’m
actually saying father I’m presenting to
you everything that Jesus
is that’s the Amplified
translation When you pray in my name
that is presenting all to the father
that Jesus is so thank God we don’t go
and present what we are we would never
anything we pray in his
name in his name
so the first thing is is we need to
learn that we can pray anytime
anywhere learn to pray our way through
day prayer is a privilege not an
obligation and we miss a great deal in
life just because of a failure to get
God involved in
it open up the door and get God involved
in everything just by asking him
acknowledge God in all your ways and he
direct your path keep prayer simple
we’re more likely to pray often if we
believe it can be short and
simple Matthew 6:7 says and when you
pray don’t Heap up phrases multiplying
words repeating the same ones over and
over as the Gentiles do for they think
they will be heard for their much
speaking it’s hard for the flesh to
believe that a short simple little
prayer Jesus Mommy
ouchie can be
answered be sincere when you pray the
earnest earnest heartfelt continued
prayer of a righteous man makes
tremendous power
available in its
working realize that you’re speaking to
God when you pray and stay focused Satan
will try to distract you when you try to
pray and I don’t know about you but all
the little ding and beeps and stuff it’s
hard to ignore
them you got at least
go okay here’s another thing that’s very
important if you want your prayers to be
answered don’t hold a grudge against
anybody now some of you probably don’t
want to talk about this this morning but
we’re going to
anyway who are you mad at
today you know what staying mad at
somebody is not going to change them one
iota but if you stay angry it will
you it’ll make you bitter give you a
headache make your stomach
hurt what does the Bible say in
Ephesians 4 don’t let the sun go down on
your anger don’t give the devil any such
foothold in your life if you get him a
foothold then he’s likely to get a
why do you think the devil works so hard
to get us against each
other how many opportunities do you
think you have every week to be offended
it’s a great thing for a person to
ignore an offense and say I’m going to
believe the
best I’m not going to let the devil get
again of course you know then there’s
always well you don’t know what’s
happened to me in my life well no you’re
you’re right I don’t but I do know what
happened to me and I know what’s
happened to a lot of other people and I
do know what the Bible says and
everything that God tells us is for us
it’s not for anybody else it’s for
us holding a grudge against someone will
definitely affect prayer and not in a
good way Matthew 6:14 says for if you
forgive people their
trespasses they’re Reckless and willful
sins so these are not even things is
that they did accidentally he’s saying
even if somebody hurt you on purpose
they willfully hurt
you you leave the situation Let It Go
give up the
resentment and can I just say that when
you’re angry with somebody the quicker
you let it go the easier it is to do
always do it before it has time to get
down inside you and take
root and then your heavenly father will
also forgive you you see the one
important thing about prayer when we go
to God we’ve got to have confidence that
there’s nothing between us and God to
the best of our
knowledge something that I suggest doing
is at night when you lay down just ask
yourself before you go to sleep am I mad
anybody God am I mad at
anybody if you fall asleep too fast when
you wake up the next morning ask
yourself now God am I mad at anybody
get to the point where you refuse to go
to go to sleep or to go out of your
house mad at
anybody one more scripture here for this
reason I’m telling you whatever you ask
for in prayer believe trust and be
confident that it is granted to you and
you will get it now that you know man
that’s about a four-part series right
there so what’s he saying you ask for it
you believe in the spirit that you got
it and then you will get
it you see that first comes Faith then
sight first you believe then you see in
our society we say well I’m not going to
believe it if I don’t see it but in
God’s economy we have to learn how to
live the exact opposite if it’s in the
word if it’s the will of God if I ask
God for it I believe that he’s sending
it and that I will get it and I’m going
to stay firm in my faith until I see
manifestation this is what faith
is Faith is a title deed the proof of
the things that we do not see that we
hope to
obtain and we have it first by
faith David and I signed a contract last
week with an architect who’s going to
design something for us and we made a
down payment
now I fully without any doubt expect
that woman to come up with the
plans but I haven’t seen
them I haven’t even seen her
work I’ve heard about her
reputation the holy spirit is our down
payment the Bible
says come
on the Holy Spirit just that
yeah you know you’re sitting out here
today maybe you’ve never heard anything
like this but boy it feels good inside
you’re like man could I dare believe
this that I could have that kind of
power in my life that I could go to God
Almighty and ask him for anything and
everything and he cares enough about me
that he wants to get involved in my life
can I dare believe that the down payment
of the holy spirit is that little thing
floating around inside of you that in
your heart is saying yes yes even though
your head might be saying no
no I say the first time I went into a
service like this where people were
clapping and shouting and cheering and
jumping up and down I mean everything in
my legalistic indoctrinated religious
said I mean I even looked and one guy
was walking around had no shoes on and I
he is
Barefoot now I’m still not real fond of
that in church but you know God did tell
Moses to take his shoes off so I don’t
know oh give me a
break we think that somebody can’t be
from God if they’ve got a tattoo we
think somebody can’t be from God if they
don’t have the right hairstyle we think
somebody can’t be from
God and a lot of times we’re so busy
trying to clean the fish and we haven’t
even caught it
yet me and a friend of mine who was a
who’s a real true
evangelist we went into this shop one
day to sh and the lady said what are you
doing here and we said well we’re here
for you know a Christian Bible seminar
and she said I’m spiritual too well you
know I’m you know when somebody says
that you’re kind of
like well what does that mean I’m
too and
uh so we didn’t you know we didn’t get
into that too much but then she she
proceeds to talk
about God for a little bit
and her version of God and then all of a
sudden she blurts out this
real pretty serious cuss word I mean you
know it was like one of the big ones
even that we’ve divided up into big and
little you know of course I was a
little but the Evangelist just leaned
in and
uh so then this girl this spiritual girl
she said oh I’m sorry I cussed but she
said you know what I think God cusses
once in a while
W okay see you’re like I
was you’re not ready to fish
yet and so I lean right across that
counter and I said God does not
cuss I’m defending God’s honor God does
cuss and my evangelist friend slips
around on this side and leans in and she
says but he sure loves people that do
and I realized later I was trying to
clean that fish and we hadn’t even
caught it
yet it’s so good for us to learn to stop
getting our nose out of joint if
everybody’s not like
us if they don’t look like us and smell
like us and talk like us and dress like
us and worship like us
and there are so many
grudges in the body of Christ at
Large come on you know this denomination
don’t like that denomination that
denomination don’t like this
denomination you know there’s probably
even some Churches in town I don’t know
maybe it doesn’t happen everywhere but
somewhere where maybe you know the
church was told don’t you go to that
Joyce Meer
meeting cuz you know she is whatever I
am and that’s such a shame when we do
that whatever you ask for in prayer
believe that it’s granted to you and you
will get it when I walked into that
first meeting that was kind of similar
to this my religious brain was going no
way but my heart was like yes yes
yes that confirmation you have in your
heart that God is working and that you
will see some can I tell you something
whatever kind of problem you’ve got now
I don’t care what it is and you hold on
to this it’s going to work out okay in
end come on in the end it’s all going to
come around and be
right in the
end you know there’s so much stuff going
on in the world today and people ask me
frequently as a minister what what do
you think about what’s going on in the
and you know sometimes you don’t know
what to think and I’m certainly not
going to live in fear I believe God’s
going to take care of us and but I was
reading Psalm 37 a month or so ago and
it says so plainly do not fret yourself
over the
evildoers for they will soon be cut down
like the grass the meek in the end will
inherit the earth in the
End Amen
and the good news is is we already know
how it ends because we’ve got the
book man we’ve been from Genesis to
today so don’t let all those
grudges stay in your heart angry about
this angry about that angry about
something else
don’t hide sin in your heart and expect
your prayers to be
powerful Psalm 6618 if I regard iniquity
in my heart the Lord will not hear
me 1 John 1:9 but if we freely admit
that we’ve sinned and confess our sins
which basically means just to
acknowledge them to agree with
God how many of you know some of the
stuff you come up with you’ve already
got that little inkling this ain’t a
good idea
some of you even got married knowing
this ain’t a good
idea Lord help
us he is faithful and just and will
forgive our sins dismiss our lawlessness
and continuously cleanse us from all
unrighteousness and I love first John 2
you have to look at this my little
children I write all of these things to
you that you may not
sin this the whole purpose of the
book don’t live in sin don’t hide your
sin bring it out in the open because the
only things that the devil can hold over
you are the things that are hidden in
darkness I don’t know man if you used to
be a prostitute and you’re hiding that
because of fear what everybody would
think find somebody you can trust and
it if you can’t tell anybody else write
me and tell
me but the only things that the enemy
can hold over us are
things that we
hide but if you continue in my word you
will know the truth and the truth will
make you
free I stood in the pulp but last Sunday
at our church in St Louis we’ve got a
church in the inner city beautiful
church and um I only get to preach there
a handful of times a year but I stood in
the pulpit and told
them how I used to be a thief and a
liar and see they responded about the
way you
are like well
what am I suppos how do I process that
information because that person who did
that is
dead and I’m a new creature in
Christ come on you want to talk about
some of the stuff you did
but see it does not bother me one iota
to stand up here and not only tell you
that but now the whole world knows it or
everybody who’s listening that’s not the
whole world but whoever’s out there
that’s listening now they know but you
notice I said I used to
be I once
was you know the person who was sexually
abused by her father for 15 years died
in Christ
that’s why I can’t be a victim of
anything you cannot be a victim when
you’ve got the
victory I can talk when I talk about
that girl that’s like somebody I used to
know way way long time
ago and see that’s part of the problem
we have is people don’t know how to let
go of the old
and take hold of the
new I love this but if anyone should sin
we have an advocate one who will
intercede for us with the father and
that’s Jesus Christ the all righteous
who conforms to the father’s will and
every purpose thought and action it
almost sounds to me like he’s saying you
know what it’s so easy to take care of
sin that it really doesn’t have to be a
problem get up every day and do your
best not to sin that’s our
goal you didn’t come here this morning
because you’re intent on
sinning and so therefore I can boldly
say to you when you do you don’t have to
worry about it you do need to
acknowledge it but here’s the good news
too hey if you die and you forget to
confess some stuff that’s not going to
keep you out of
Heaven God knows your heart but when the
Holy Spirit does convict you of
something then that’s the time to say
God you’re right don’t ever argue with
God it is
pointless he always
wins come on God loves
you and you have the great privilege of
talking personally to the God of all
creation that’s what prayer is it’s
talking to God Amen father I pray for
all people here that they would just
thoroughly soak this up and not have any
fear concerning their prayer life and
just keep it simple and focused and
and help us God to keep the strife and
the anger out of our lives and all the
other things you’re teaching us and I
pray that everybody would have a
safe wonderful Joy filled afternoon in
Jesus name
amen well prayer is not an obligation
it’s a prayer
privilege my goodness what what kind of
an amazing thing is it for the God who
created everything who has all power
who’s everywhere all the time and knows
everything to say you can come to me
boldly and ask me for
whatever you want or
need and I will
listen and meet your need
hey the really good news is is you don’t
even have to be perfect to do
that because when we pray in Jesus name
boy there’s such power in that
name when we pray in jesus’ name we’re
presenting to God all that Jesus is not
what we are I don’t go pray in my own
name and I hope you don’t
either we pray in his
name prayer I think many
times um
can become a burden to
people and the enemy can easily get us
convinced that we’re never doing it
right you ever kind of sense or feel
that even though you’re committed to
prayer you’ll pray but when you’re done
you wonder if you did it right or you
wonder if you prayed about the things
that you should have prayed about her
did you pray long enough or did you say
the right
and suffering with some of that myself
I’ve learned over the years that prayer
can just be super
simple and satisfying by God they don’t
have to be long they don’t have to be
eloquent they just need to be
honest and they need to be sincere you
can pray anywhere
anytime as I already said yesterday
morning the first reason why prayers
don’t get answered is people don’t
ask you have not because you ask not I
wonder how many things right now you’re
may be struggling with or worried about
that you haven’t yet even bothered to
ask God to help you with or how many
things we think that God just wouldn’t
be interested in or wouldn’t have time
for we don’t just take the big stuff to
God we take
everything to
God and you know to be honest when God
touched my life back in the
70s and I say I entered into a more
serious relationship with
God one of the things that was so
refreshing to me was to learn that God
was interested in every area of my
life and this is just a real simple
but God touched me on a Friday and
filled me with his spirit I was in my
car and all I can say is I felt like
somebody just filled me full of liquid
love I mean I even loved weeds I thought
weeds were
pretty I was like drunk on the love of
for why I’d like to say that lasted
forever but it was kind of the honeymoon
stage and then it was time
to grow up
and uh I bowled on Friday nights in a
league and I went bowling that night and
I wasn’t doing very well and I wasn’t
really accustomed to hearing the voice
of God and sometimes even if we think we
are we’re afraid to believe
it and
um I distinctly heard the spirit speak
in my heart why don’t you ask me to help
B and boy my religious brain immediately
just rejected that can’t ask God to help
Bowl but I went ahead and did it anyway
and had a pretty good night and you know
it’s kind of been a long journey but
that was that that’s part of what makes
our walk with God so exciting is that he
wants to be involved in every area of
life this is what it means to have
intimate personal relationship with God
through Christ now we couldn’t come to
him in that Fashion on our own but
through Christ we can come to him and
believe that the door is always open let
me tell you something when you call God
you never get a busy signal isn’t that
amen he never
sleeps he’s always home so the first
thing you need to do is ask God and I
would imagine that some of you even if
you didn’t hear anything but that today
that would be worth it because I think
you’re probably struggling with a lot of
things you wouldn’t have to struggle
with if you would simply just ask
God to help
you the second thing that can really
hinder prayer is holding a grudge
somebody we can’t talk about that
anymore but there it
is don’t go to bed mad don’t get up
mad the third thing we talk Al about was
hidden sin now to be honest sin is not a
problem if we don’t try to hide
it it actually really is not a problem
if we don’t try to hide it and really
when we talk to God about our sins when
we ackowledge his conviction or when we
confess our sins to God we’re not doing
it for his sake because he already knows
everything that we’ve done so we’re not
like oh and by the way God I was bad
uh yeah I know that but see confession
to me is like it’s a way to go down and
get it and bring it up and get rid of
it it’s amazing what happens when you
just deal with stuff like I said
yesterday it’s only the things that are
hidden in
darkness that have power over
us now the first thing I want to talk
today is doubt and how doubt
affects us in getting answer to prayer
James 1:
15-8 James chap 1 verse
5-8 if any of you is deficient in wisdom
which I think is probably most of
us let him ask of the giving
God who gives to everyone that includes
liberally that means way more than
enough and
ungrudgingly he doesn’t resent helping
us he likes to do it without reproach
and fault finding but I could sit and
just look at this scripture for a long
time so when I come to God even though
maybe some of the Messes in my life are
of my own
making they came through my own lack of
wisdom I got myself in trouble I didn’t
listen to God to start with I didn’t
peace I can still even in the midst of
that I can go to
God and ask him to help me and he won’t
even reproach me which means shame or
blame and he doesn’t find fault with me
he just helps me now that doesn’t mean
he doesn’t teach me and train me and
me but one of the examples that I’ve
used many times
is if you have a child
that has not done all their chores this
but they’re outside playing and the
neighborhood bully gets after
them and you hear them screaming for
help you’re not going to go check their
list of chores to see if they got all
their check
marks otherwise just too bad for them I
mean you if the door is not open you may
go through it to get outside to help
kid are you hearing me
amen and that doesn’t mean that you
won’t correct them later about their
chores that doesn’t mean that you might
not even you know tell them they can’t
go outside for a day or something but
you will not refuse to help your
children because they are not perfect
and don’t do everything exactly the way
you want them to so stop letting the
devil steal from
you by thinking that you dare not ask
God to help you because you have not
done everything that you should do
just own
amen only it must be in faith that he
asked with no wavering no hesitating no
doubting for the one who waivers
hesitates and doubts is like the
billowing surge out its
sea that is blown hither and tither and
tossed by the wind for truly let not
such a person imagine that he receive
anything he asked for from the Lord for
being as he is a man of two much
mind hesitating dubious irresolute he is
unstable and unreliable and uncertain
about everything he thinks feels and
now doubt leaves us midway between
believing and not
believing and this says we’re not to
become people of two
minds and so the Bible talks about the
mind of the spirit and the mind of the
Flesh and I think we have to learn how
to live by the mind of the spirit and
that’s really like what you sense down
in here so there are times when I can
believe something with my heart but the
enemy is going to use my
mind to try to steal my faith now are
you with me so I am not going to stand
here and tell you that I have some Nifty
message that I can give you a little
three-point sermon on how you can never
have doubt
again because to be honest with you
doubt comes to all of
us and I’ve thought about this quite a
bit CU I just really don’t like to give
people answers that I don’t think will
work and so I’ve thought about this
because there’s times
when when I have doubt sometimes when
I’m up here preaching and maybe you know
I’m not getting the right reaction I
think I should I’ll hear the enemy say
this is not the right message and while
I’m preaching to you I have to tell him
to shut
up and I have to go back to my own heart
of yes this is right I prayed about this
I sought God about this and I’m not
going to stand up here and be
double-minded it is important that we
believe all the way through to the
manifestation and I can pretty much
promise you that doubt is going to come
against your mind but that’s when you
need to go back to the mind of the
spirit and very often often go back to
scripture what does the word say you see
it doesn’t matter how I
feel it doesn’t matter what I think it
doesn’t matter what people say it
doesn’t really matter even what my
circumstances are the only thing that
really matters is what does the word
say this is what it
means to walk by the word so
what I want to strongly
is when you’re standing in faith for
something or you’ve asked God for
something and it’s just not happening I
mean let’s just say you’re believing God
for one of your children’s
salvation and the more you pray the
worse they
act well you know that’s not really
uncommon because what happens when you
pray and this may be something you’ve
never thought of when we pray for
somebody else God begins to deal with
him and I don’t know about you but I
don’t always act real pretty when God’s
dealing with
me and so it is very possible that when
you start praying for somebody they can
act worse than they
did and then what the devil wants you to
think is well that sure isn’t
working but what you need to say and I’m
saying and say because we need to use
our mouth for right
stuff in a time like that what you need
to say you can just take your doubts and
head back to hell where you came from
because because it is God’s will that
all should be saved I have prayed and I
believe that God is working in my behalf
right now
and not only will that help the answer
come through but here’s a really good
benefit you stay happy and excited in
meantime everybody’s exciting excited
when they’re expecting a
breakthrough at any moment that’s what
it means to live with
hope a positive expectation that
something good is about to happen any
moment instead of waking up and saying I
dread today I dread today we need to
wake up and think I can’t hardly wait to
see what God does
amen Mark 1123 and 24 says truly I tell
you whoever SS to this
mountain be lifted up and thrown into
the sea and does not doubt it all in his
heart doesn’t even really say that doubt
won’t come to your mind but does not
doubt at all in his heart but believes
that what he says will take place it
will be done for
him for this reason I’m telling you
whatever you ask for and prayer believe
trust and be confident that it is
granted to you and you will get
it now we talked about this last night I
need to believe I’ve got it before I see
it did you hear me we need to believe
we’ve got it before we see it and boy is
that hard for people who are not
accustomed to living like
this but how can you believe what you
don’t see
well because we have two lives we’ve got
a spiritual life and we’ve got a natural
life and the spiritual part of us cannot
be seen it operates in an unseen realm
where there are unseen yet wonderful
amazing things
happening and when God suddenly does
something in your life that doesn’t mean
that that was when he started working on
it God is already working in your behalf
you know it’s like little kids play
their pretend
games have their little invisible
friends well you know what we’ve got an
invisible friend
too I love it don’t you and I talk to my
friend okay now this is such a cool
2 Corinthians
4:13 yet we have the same Spirit of
Faith as he had who wrote I have
believed and therefore have I spoken we
too believe and therefore we speak so
what I’m saying is when doubt comes open
up your
mouth and confess what you’re believing
not the LIE the devil is telling you
just because a crook Knocks on your door
that doesn’t mean you have to let him
amen and then here’s another facet to
doubt if we know very much about God at
all to be honest we rarely ever doubt
that God can do
something but we doubt that he will do
it for
us it’s easier sometimes to tell
somebody else what God’s going to do for
them and believe it for them than it is
to believe it for ourselves and that’s
because we look at all of our
mistakes and I’m not saying that we live
sloppy lives and don’t care about how we
live and that you know God just brushes
over everything I’m not saying that at
all God is merciful but I’m talking
about somebody whose heart is right
toward God and and you know I make
mistakes matter of fact I doubt that
there’s a day that goes by that I don’t
make mistakes
but I’ll tell you the truth and I’m
sorry if this upsets you but I am not
focused on what’s wrong with
me you know why because I wasted too
many years of my life focused on what
was wrong with me and just taking an
inventory of every little thing that was
wrong with me and I gave that
up because whatever I am I am in Christ
and whatever I’m not I’m still in Christ
and if I do anything good it’s because
he enabled me and if I do anything bad
then he’s the only one that can forgive
me and I want God’s conviction I want to
know when I’m doing wrong things I I
mean I thank God when he shows me now
Joy you had a bad attitude in that
oh thank you
God I do I thank him because I lived in
darkness and ignorance for too many
years going around mistreating people
and not even knowing I was doing it but
see the only way you can thank God for
showing you what’s wrong with you is if
you’re not condemned by it I said the
only way you can thank God for showing
you what’s wrong with you is if you’re
not condemned by
it and the Bible says he that knew no
sin became sin that we might be made the
righteousness of God in Christ where sin
abounds Grace does much more abound in
him we are just Justified made right
with him Sanctified redeemed set
free our imperfection has nothing to do
with God’s ability and
willingness to answer our
prayers now you know if somebody
is got hidden sin in their life and
they’re living wrong and they’re not
paying attention to anything that God’s
saying then it’s certainly within God’s
realm of
choice to withhold an answer until he
can get your
attention and get you to come to a place
repentance is no different than the way
we handle our
children I’ll give you my word first but
if you don’t do what I told you to
eventually I will have to touch your
amen I mean that’s about as plain as I
know how to make it so wonderful
scripture in Hebrews 4:15 and 16 got to
read this can’t can’t not read
this for we do not have a high
priest who is
unable to understand and sympathize and
have a shared feeling with our
weaknesses and infirmities and
liabilities to the assaults of
temptation but we have one who has been
tempted in every respect just like we
have yet without
sinning Jesus knows what it’s like to be
in a human
body and to have doubt come and
Temptation come and impatience come he
he understands all
that he made it through all of it
sinning and he did it for us and now we
get the reward that he deserved
so then let us fearlessly and
confidently and
boldly draw near to the throne of
grace the Throne of God’s unmar favor to
us sinners that we may receive Mercy for
our failures and find Grace to help in
good time for every need appropriate
help and well-timed help coming just
when we need
it so don’t ever draw back from asking
God to help you
you know to me when I and and this is
the way I start a lot of mornings father
I come to you today in Jesus
name admitting to you that I don’t
deserve anything good I don’t deserve
your help I don’t deserve anything but I
come in his name presenting to you all
that he
is not what I
am my faith is in
Jesus and because of that I can come
boldly to your throne
and get my needs
met now the next thing I want to talk to
you about is uh your prayers won’t get
answered if you’re praying out of God’s
will H I heard that
now I talked
to my Administrative Assistant Penny
this morning who’s actually Pastor
Mike’s wife and
they travel with us and I
said what does it take to get a person
from the point where they want God to
give them what they
want to make that transition to get to
the point where you really want what God
wants for you more than you want what
you want for
you we all start out in a relationship
with God give me give me givee give me
me we think we found a secret power in
our life
now a way to get everything that we want
and boy you baby Christians get so much
stuff you know if you want to get a
quick breakthrough get somebody that
hasn’t been saved very long and ask them
to pray for
you and I think God just shows out doing
things for them because he’s
developing and establishing
relationship but there does
come a transition time in our walk with
God and it’s probably different for
people it may take 10 years it may take
four years it might take 15
years but sooner or later you’re going
to begin to sense from
God now instead of telling me what you
want every morning how about just asking
me what I want
let me ask you something how many of you
know that you are not going to be happy
if you have anything other than God’s
will yeah I when I was 18 I got married
out of God’s
will boy were those five
nightmarish miserable idiotic wasted
crazy nuto years
and I knew that it wasn’t right when I
did it way down deep inside listen we
can know way down deep inside that
something is not right and still want it
so bad that we override what we know
inside and do it
anyway so when we pray to the best of
our ability we need to pray according to
the word of God we need to pray the will
of God and I don’t need to pray uh God
save my son if it’s your will I already
know that’s his
will I don’t even really need to pray
God meet my need if it’s your will the
Bible already tells me it’s his will to
meet my need but I don’t need to tell
him how to do it and when to do
it do you ever make suggestions to God
well God you
could yeah I’ve done that before you
could you know
and so anytime that I and I listen I
pray for just about anything I mean
there’s nothing that I’m not bold enough
to ask God
for and I feel quite safe in doing it
because I’m well assured if it’s not
right for me he won’t give it to
me so you don’t ever have to be afraid
that you’re asking God for too much if
you are he won’t give it to
you but I do pray on a regular basis
when I pray God I’m going to ask you for
this I want it but if it’s not right
don’t give it to me because I don’t want
what you don’t want me to
pride well how can you tell if you’re
having a problem with pride
well how easy is it for you to be
wrong how easy is it to say you know
what I was
wrong how easy do you receive direction
correction from somebody else without
defensive how uh judgmental are
we how much do we get in other people’s
business and have opinions about what
they’re doing
how much do we want to be seen and
noticed how much do we want to be
applauded how much do we want to be
appreciated let me tell you something
the fruit of pride is so
abundant man I just got
one one area in scripture to read you in
we’re going to have to leave this one
alone you know Pride you won’t even
really ask God for help if you don’t
humility because Independence is the
fruit of
Pride like a little kid I do it I do it
myself I do it myself I do it
myself Luke 189 he also told this
Parable Jesus being the heath he also
told this Parable to some who trusted in
themselves and were confident that they
were righteous that they were upright
and in right standing with
God and they scorned and made nothing of
all the rest of men two men went up into
the temple enclosure to pray one a
Pharisee and the other a tax
collector the Pharisee took his stand
ostentatiously I don’t really know what
that means but I think it’s kind of
like and I love this next thing and he
began to pray thus before and with
himself he wasn’t even really talking to
God he was praying to impress
himself have you ever been asked to pray
publicly or to lead in prayer and you
have you ever realized that you’re more
concerned about how you’re sounding to
the people than what you’re saying to
God boy I
have so he began to pray thus before and
with himself God I thank you that I’m
not like the rest of
men I mean can you imagine anybody but
see here’s the thing we might not say it
extortioners robbers
swindlers I don’t have
tattoos I comb my hair neat and tidy I
would never dress like that in the house
God oh my
gosh I mean I there was a period of time
in my life where I really didn’t know
that God could anoint somebody wearing
denim I mean I
didn’t I mean you would have no more
caught me up here in a pair of
jeans I thought God only anointed
polyester till went somewhere and the
anointing was so thick you could have
sliced it with a knife
and everybody on the platform looked
like they hadn’t been out of bed too
long and I thought well I guess God
doesn’t care all that much it’s our
heart that
matters and I still think that we should
do our best for
God and I was talking to my son who’s
you know he gets all that better than me
he’s 35 years younger than I am
and I said well you know you should you
should do your best you should dress
your best for God he said this is my
best I’m dressed
up and you know it’s so silly to get
into all that what do we think Moses
looked like when he went up on the
mountain to get the Ten Commandments
so I don’t know John the Baptist
certainly apparently was weird I mean he
wore camel’s hair and ate wild locust
and honey out of trees went around
screaming at people
repent I doubt that we could received
from him
either I mean this is the only I have to
look at things like this otherwise I I
can’t get it it’s like you know I don’t
want to just look at this and and and
not get anything out of
it oh I’m so glad I’m not like everybody
else I fast twice a
week I tithe even on my birthday
money oh yeah I could remember that
going back and forth with God over
whether or not I had to tithe on my
money the whole thing was I didn’t have
to do
anything but the tax collector The
Sinner merely standing at a distance
would not even lift up his eyes to
heaven but he kept striking his breast
saying oh God be favorable be gracious
be merciful to me and especially Wicked
sinner that I
am I tell you this man went down to his
home Justified forgiven and made upright
and in right standing with God rather
than the other man for everyone who
exalts himself will be humbled and he
who humbles himself will be
exalted Joyce today as we have a a
candid conversation I know that there
are parents watching right now whose
hearts are breaking because their
children yeah are going a path that they
don’t want them to go right um there’s
nothing worse than the Heartbreak of a
child that’s that’s when we hurt so much
so as a parent did you ever face a time
like that where your your children were
going away oh no my four kids were
perfect that’s a pretty good deal there
I actually had issues with three out of
my four children and uh I had one that
was a perfectionist and so she tried
really really really hard to do
everything just right however she did
have a temper because she would get mad
herself when she didn’t do things right
yeah and uh but you never knew she was
mad at
herself you know it was just anger it
was just anger and
um of course she’s mature now and
teaching the word herself and has gotten
beyond all that but uh I know that most
parents are familiar with the scripture
that you train up a child in the way
they should go and when they’re
old and we don’t know how old they have
to be right that’s always the question
but when they’re old they will not
depart from it and so that’s a great
scripture to hold on to when your
kids are in trouble and of course I’m
going to say something that everybody’s
going to think well duh but pray for
kids there’s so much power in prayer
yeah and I just I told you earlier in
the last two
years I’ve just realized that more than
ever before that there’s so many things
that we worry about and fret over and
try to make happen ourselves try to talk
people into doing
and just pray yeah pray and trust God
because he can do in a moment
what we can’t do in a lifetime sure and
uh be
positive especially like if you’re
praying for your children then don’t go
sit down with a friend and talk about
how bad everything is yeah no I mean you
can tell them the truth but you can do
it in a positive way that you know I’ve
prayed and I believe God is working and
you know right now I could use prayer in
this area or this area but don’t don’t
negate your own
prayers by saying the opposite
of what you’ve prayed now let me ask you
about that cuz I completely agree with
you absolutely that’s good it’d be bad
if we disagreed here online I mean not
online could be an interesting show but
that’s not what we’re going to do today
um but when you’re in a position where
you’re seeing evidence of the opposite
and you’re you’re seeing your children I
have someone that I love right now who’s
going through just a such a difficult
time and uh just a a grip that this
child cannot seem to break away from and
sometimes it’s years and you’re not
seeing that happen so you you continue
to stand on that
word how do you not let go how you know
how how do you keep trusting when you’re
not how you let go well that’s a good
point you don’t let go of the promise
but you do let go of what you have to so
what do you hold on to and what do you
let go of well there’s a scripture I
think it’s in first Thessalonians that
says as long long as we’re believing God
working and that’s become very important
to me because when when we get a
breakthrough that’s not when God started
working yeah and especially when you’re
praying for other
people you have their will to contend
with and God is not going to force
anybody to do anything he will deal with
them he’ll send people their way to
speak to them he’ll show them different
things you know they’ll feel the weight
of the consequences of what they’re
doing but he won’t make anybody do
anything and so one of the things that’s
kind of interesting is sometimes when
you start praying for somebody they’ll
act worse instead of better yeah and if
you’re not careful you can just throw
your faith away right then and think
well that didn’t do any good but that’s
almost like a sign that God is working
because you know when God’s dealing with
you when he’s convicting you of
something in your life sometimes that’ll
make you act yeah people fight back
worse worse than better yeah and so I’ve
just learned to say especially when I
feel like well this isn’t doing any good
or this is not working I will say out
loud if I’m in a place where I
can God is working in this situation and
I will see the results of it in due time
that’s good I love what you said that
God isn’t just working when you see the
answer he’s been working all along how
do you know as a parent how to respond
to a child in need do you rescue do you
let them suffer some consequences well I
that it depends on the child it depends
on the situation as far as how long you
wait yeah to just back off and let them
suffer the consequences but obviously
any parent is going to start out out by
trying to talk to their child you know
well we want to fix the problem for
rarely does that work but sometimes it
might you know uh but let’s just assume
that it doesn’t work and so then you
know the thing is if you keep trying to
talk them into it keep trying to talk
them into it keep trying to talk them
into it they just get to the point where
they tune you out and then that makes
you even matter or sometimes it can even
make them worse so we have to be
sensitive about when do I back off and
when do I keep at it so you when it’s
obvious you see that what you’re doing
is not working then you you pray you
know you pray that God will make the
changes I pray very often that God will
send the perfect
laborer when I’m praying for somebody
who’s not saved or somebody who’s lost
their way I will pray not necessarily
for God to use me because I may not be
the person he can use right but for God
to send the perfect laborer into their
path that can speak a word in due season
you know sometimes the same thing can be
said to somebody a hundred times and
they don’t get it and then all of a
sudden if it’s the right time right it’s
like that doesn’t it aggravate you when
somebody comes home with this great
Revelation about something that you’ve
told them 300 times and they never got
it like that’s what I’ve been saying all
long yeah it’s so hard to just be happy
and not try to say I tried to tell you
that you know blah blah blah blah blah
yeah and so so uh but I do believe there
comes a time when we’re not helping by
trying to help and you always continue
to pray but sometimes you have to back
off and just not rescue the child from
whatever it is they’re getting
themselves into and I shared with you
that my older oldest son who’s now in
charge of our missions Outreach here so
he too has grown past his issues he when
he was a teenager he was speeding One
Night in his car and he got pulled over
by the police except when they tried to
pull him over he didn’t pull over he
foolishly tried to run from him and so
he speeding you know trying to get away
from them and and he ended up in jail
and so he called us
and Dave had to go down and get him out
of jail now Dave never threatened our
kids without following through and so my
kids knew if Dave said something he
meant business with me it was a little
bit me you know cuz I would sometimes
say something in Anger like you’re not
going out of this house for 6 months and
then the next day I’d think wait a
minute that’s going to be more
punishment for me than them yeah and uh
so maybe I’d keep them in three days and
then say well you know BL let him out
but if Dave said
something it was going to happen it was
going to happen and so he told our son
said I’ve come here tonight to get you
out of jail but I want to tell you if
you ever do this again you will spend
the night night there and maybe a few
days because I’m not going to do it yeah
and that was the last time he got right
in jail and it I know it’s hard if you
have a child that’s addicted to drugs I
know it’s hard if you have a child that
you know whatever hanging out with the
wrong kind of people making wrong
decisions it’s hard to just back off and
let God teach them something
but that that’s the thing thing about
free choice is every choice you make
comes with a
consequence and if God’s not going to
Deliver us from our
then we should not be so quick to try to
deliver everybody else from theirs and
you want to be merciful you want to try
to help people I’m not at all saying not
to help your kids or I’m not even saying
don’t don’t rescue them but there’s a
time yes you know
when you just you’re not that you’re
enabling them if you continue to do that
yeah and
so you know children change they grow up
they change and if you have a teenager
right now if somebody has a teenager
that just seems like they’re I mean I
remember two of my kids in particular I
thought how are you ever going to leave
home and make it on your own one of my
one of my daughters was just so
disorganized and so undisciplined now
it’s hilarious
because she takes care of me she keeps
my life organized she takes care of my
bills and so that totally turned around
so she she is so I mean Dave and I just
marvel because she is so organized now
and you ask her to do something and man
yeah it’s done she used to procrastinate
she’s not like that anymore it it’s just
so there’s hope for everybody it’s
amazing what God can do and she told me
that the change came for her when she
got married moved out of the house and
it was all on her then yeah look let me
ask you this
because I had I had a friend who went
through a particularly difficult time
with a child and she my friend had a lot
of Shame and guilt
M how does a parent of course they’re
hurting because of what that child is
going through but how does a parent not
take on the ENT higher weight of
decisions that their child makes I think
the only way you can do it is through
trust in God and trusting his principles
enough to know that if God tells you
don’t rescue them again that you need to
be obedient to that because God’s
showing you something you need to do to
eventually help see
them right set free and um um
both of my
sons gave me issues in different ways
and now the two of
them manage the day-to-day business here
of the ministry one of them CEO over all
the me
and buildings and you know everything
that goes on and then the other one is
head of our missions and so you I just
really want to encourage people today to
not not just look at what
is but look at what can be
and expect it be be full of Hope and I
mean even I really believe in the power
of of uh declaring things that are in
the word of God out loud David
said I declared the decree well a decree
is something written down and to declare
it means you open your mouth and you say
something and
so confessing the word of God out loud
over your life and over your children
your future
extremely powerful because words have
creative power they can be full of good
power or bad power but they do have
power and so you do want to be careful
how you I said this before but you want
to be careful how you talk about your
children if you’re praying for them to
change you don’t want to talk about them
them like they’re never going to change
and always going to stay the way that
they are and here again before we close
you got to understand
that they won’t depart from it when
old that could be you know when a 16y
old is 21 and it could be when he’s 51
you you have to just sometimes you have
to keep believing something for a long
long long long time I believe for my
father’s salvation for over 30 years and
I didn’t pray about it every single day
but when it would come to my heart I
would I would pray for him and I mean it
looked like he was never going to give
his heart to the Lord he was so
hard-hearted and so just downright mean
and but he did he eventually gave his
heart to the Lord and asked us to
baptize him and and uh he really changed
you know he was he only lived three
years after he accepted Christ so he
still wasted his life but I know that
he’s in heaven now and so please don’t
give up hope on your kids and don’t
don’t tell them they’re hopeless and
you’re never going to amount to anything
and you’re never going to change you
know just tell them I believe in you and
I believe that you are going to change
and you’re going to have a good life and
plant good thoughts in them too keeping
in mind that they probably already feel
bad enough yeah about the way their
lives turned out even though they don’t
act like it that doesn’t mean that they
don’t and then lastly I’d like to say
make sure that you don’t tell your kids
to do something
that you’re not doing in your own life
yeah make sure that you’re not just
giving them words but you’re giving them
a living example to pattern yourself
after yeah and I know this is hard but
don’t ruin your life over somebody
else’s bad choice it’s not going to help
you it’s not going to help them and it’s
certainly not going to bring joy to
Jesus after all he’s done for us yeah
great advice thank you thank
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Peace the Mind actually is the battle
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on God